Anna Khilkevich lost weight after giving birth. Anna Khilkevich revealed the secret of emergency weight loss after childbirth

Contrary to popular belief, the morning of the star does not start at noon: Anya opens her eyes at 8:00 when the alarm goes off. “I like to feel the time and wake up at the very beginning of the day,” she admits. “I’ve noticed more than once that it’s worth relaxing and lying in bed until 11-12 o’clock - and for the rest of the day you feel sleepy, overwhelmed and tired.” However, upon waking up, Anya does not jump up and run to get ready or cook breakfast, as many girls do: “Before getting out of bed, I always do a simple exercise with my feet - as if I were pedaling a bicycle. This allows you to eliminate the stagnation of the lymph and disperse the venous blood that flows through the body from the bottom up. If you jump up sharply to the sound of an alarm clock, the blood will begin to drain rapidly from the brain - this will not lead to anything good.

After the right awakening and traditional morning rituals, the actress continues to destroy the stereotypes that the public has long had about the stars. Instead of a cup of strong coffee, Anya drinks a glass of water at room temperature. By the way, Khilkevich closely monitors the amount of moisture consumed: she calculates her daily allowance using the formula "30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight." And he drinks all the liquid strictly before 18:00: otherwise there may be swelling in the morning.

Weight and height of Anna Khilkevich

“All girls hide their age and weight” - this very popular phrase does not apply to Anya. In October, she turned 28 years old, and meanwhile the arrow of the scales stubbornly shows 44 kg- and this despite the fact that Anna Khilkevich's height is 160 cm. But ideal weight not so easy to maintain.

At one time, Khilkevich tried many diets, while making many mistakes. But I did find the right fit. “At the age of 15 or 16, I went to the pharmacy and did a terrible thing: I bought drops that beat off my appetite,” the actress recalls. - When my mother found out about this, I got the first number. Then I spent a week on buckwheat and almost killed my body. It turns out that unleavened porridge helps to remove calcium and other beneficial minerals from the body. So it’s better not to go to extremes, not to shout: “Oh God! The weight has moved into me! ”, And learn to eat often and in small portions. If we talk about diets, then, in my opinion, protein ones do an excellent job with extra pounds, in particular the “Kremlin” diet, but it must be combined with sports loads.”

If Anna chose the nutrition system for herself on her own, by trial and error, then her mother helped her with the choice of sports load. Tatyana Khilkevich - master of sports international class pistol shooting. After completing her career, the mother of the future star taught aerobics at school and took Anechka with her to all training sessions, who regularly performed rhythmic dance exercises. “Running and yoga are definitely not mine, despite the fact that the teachings of hatha yoga have always been interesting for me. Too boring, - Khilkevich admits. - I do not experience those states that the masters talk about, sitting for hours in the lotus position. Here's the aerobics power training- this please! With joy!" Now three times a week Anya visits group lessons in a fitness club, and on the rest of the day she trains at home: “Twenty minutes can always be set aside to shake the press, push up from the floor and do squats.”

Magic power

You can lose weight not only thanks to a diet, but also just from happiness. In the evenings, Anya cooks for herself and her beloved man. Its menu is varied: Spanish gazpacho, light sorrel soup, Italian pastas - you can't count them all.

But questions about personal life, the actress answers love carefully, choosing her words, not wanting to show her cards. However, a radiant look expresses feelings better than a thousand words. “Love should permeate a person of everything - from and to. Then motivate yourself to go in for sports, on proper nutrition, it will be much easier to get up early: everything will work out by itself. A person in love is always inspired by life, creativity, communication and the opportunity to become a little better, a little more perfect, a little slimmer and, accordingly, happier. It is love that makes me move forward, make discoveries and reach new and new heights.

Surrounded by happiness

Anya got used to feeding on love from childhood - she grew up surrounded by care: “My dad always said that in our family the most beautiful women. And I believed him, even despite the freckles, snub nose and small stature. And Anya was never deprived of attention from her peers: they carried a briefcase to the house, gave flowers, sang songs, composed poems - in a word, they looked after her beautifully. “I am pleased with myself,” says the actress, straightening her blond curl and accepting a compliment from a cafe visitor who recognized her as a star. - I can't name any. certain quality character that others like about me. Charm? Maybe. However, this is a non-permanent feature. It depends on the internal state, on the mood, on the weather outside the window ... "

Beauty as a lifestyle

In the diary, painted up and down, among the mandatory items, Anya always has a trip to the beautician twice a week. Wraps, scrubs, body masks are not a luxury, but a pleasant necessity for health, beauty and well-being. “Beauty is first of all grooming,” says the star. A favorite among salon treatments is LPG massage, which not only models the contours of the body, but also improves skin elasticity, eliminates puffiness and visibly destroys hated cellulite. In general, Anya can talk about massage procedures for a long time: she knows a lot about them. “I used to go to Thai massage, but lately I prefer sports. It perfectly relieves fatigue and increases efficiency.

The star is sure: on the way to perfection, all means are good - both modern (Anya admits that she makes injections of hyaluronic acid), and folk ones, for example, strengthening baths for nails.

"If there are five free minutes, then I dilute a spoonful of table salt in warm water and dip my fingers into the solution. Try to do this once or twice a week for a month - the nails will become like granite.

The bathroom of the actress is filled with all kinds of jars of cosmetics, but Anya experiments carefully and rarely trusts the advice of her friends. Once a friend advised her to use self-tanning. Anya applied it to her body, and the skin turned orange - and in the evening it was necessary to go to an important event ... So the risk, of course, is a noble cause, but not always justified. Touching upon the issues of beauty, Khilkevich does not forget about the soul and the inner world: “Beautiful deeds are what truly make a person beautiful. And, of course, creativity - it transforms anyone.

Anna Khilkevich is a Russian actress, known to the public for her work in the series "Univer. New hostel" and "Barvikha". Thanks to her prominent roles, the girl gained great popularity on television. Despite the constant employment and chronic lack of free time, Anna always looks great. About how she does it will be discussed In this article.

Main settings

The height and weight of Anna Khilkevich are of interest to many fans of her talent. The actress on the screen always looks slim and fit. But her height is only 160 centimeters. Being a short girl, Anya always watches her weight and tries not to exceed 45 kilograms. Viewers also often ask how old Anna Khilkevich is. The role of the actress is a young and stylish beauty who has barely graduated from school. It's hard to believe, but in fact the girl is already twenty-eight years old. Thanks to careful care of her face and body, she looks much younger.

Weight problems

Anna Khilkevich does not hide the fact that once she had to lose extra pounds. This happened in adolescence, when, with a height of 160 centimeters, the girl weighed 50 kilograms. She thinks it's a lot. Of course, hormonal changes in the body and malnutrition also played a role. The girl admits that in her youth she loved shawarma and consumed chocolate bars in unlimited quantities.

Later, at the age of eighteen, Anna Khilkevich, whose height remained the same, lost a lot of weight. She weighed 43 kilograms, and she was literally blown away by the wind on the street. To dial muscle mass, the girl even drank. She managed to gain two kilograms, and since then she has been trying not to get fat. This is not always possible for a girl. One day she stepped on the scales and saw that she weighed 51 kilograms. Then she stopped eating, drank only water and quickly regained her lost form. But in the mirror she still continued to see the fat woman. Now the actress knows that she is prone to anorexia, and tries not to bring herself to exhaustion.

Fight against cellulite

As you know, they are not even very immune from this scourge. Anna Khilkevich also faced this problem. She managed to defeat the "orange peel" with the help of a hardware power massage that destroys fat cells and tightens the skin. This procedure is called LPG therapy. As a result, the actress managed not only to get rid of the "orange peel", but also to lose two extra pounds and poisoned her life. Since then, Anna Khilkevich's height and weight have been normal. However, the girl still has quite a few secrets of how to keep herself in great shape. And she gladly shares them with her viewers.

Massage, sauna and solarium

"The beautician is my best friend, the massage therapist is my comrade," says Anna Khilkevich. She manages to maintain optimal weight with the help of various procedures. She loves massage. The girl compensates for her small height with high heels, and her legs are very tired. Regular foot massage helps to cope with this problem. The actress also loves to visit the bathhouse with her friends. They have a good time there and take care of the body. True, the girl tries not to get carried away with scrubs and peels - she protects her tan, which she constantly maintains in the solarium. She understands that this is not very useful, so she moisturizes her skin with creams and drinks special vitamins. Maybe that's why, when they find out the answer to the question of how old Anna Khilkevich is, everyone is very surprised. After all, it is impossible to give her more than twenty years.

water consumption

Many nutritionists recommend starting the day with a glass of water on an empty stomach. Anna Khilkevich, whose parameters you already know, completely agrees with this statement. She believes that water is very important for health and beauty. The girl even downloaded a special application on her phone, which helps to monitor the balance of fluid in the human body. Anna enters information about how much and what she drinks throughout the day into the program, and then the system calculates whether this amount is enough for the body or more is required. Juices and tea do not count, the actress drinks two liters of water a day. The girl excluded coffee from the diet, as it removes the necessary moisture and dries out the body. If you need to cheer up, Anna Khilkevich drinks Eleutherococcus.

Proper nutrition

The actress claims that there is a lot of competition in her profession now. Therefore, Anna Khilkevich's height and weight are always in the optimal range. She always needs to look not just good, but absolutely perfect. Therefore, the girl tries to eat properly. She is not able to eat at the same time, but she sticks to separate power supply. She never mixes proteins with carbohydrates and is wary of fried, starchy, salty, sweet and smoked foods. Anna does not use mayonnaise and soda at all. She gets on the scales every day and, if she sees that she has gained a pound, she immediately cuts the portions. The actress also managed to overcome her passion for chocolate, which she used to absorb by the kilo.


Anna Khilkevich sometimes goes on diets. At one time she ate only buckwheat. After a couple of days, she began to dream of food at night, and during the day the smell of pies and fried meat haunted her everywhere. According to the girl, her friend was able to survive on one buckwheat for two months. She managed to lose seven kilograms, but she spoiled her stomach and then was treated for a long time, because the croup does not contain all the elements necessary for the body.

Then the actress tried It when only one color of food can be eaten every day of the week. Adhering to such a power system is not difficult at all, because the menu turns out to be completely different.

Diet from Anna Khilkevich

The basic principle of this diet - It is designed for one week. Each day should have a specific color.

  • Monday. You can eat white foods. It can be milk, egg white, bananas, rice, cabbage, hard cheese, potatoes.
  • Tuesday. You need to eat red food: watermelon, cherry, red fish, red pepper.
  • Wednesday is green day. You can eat herbs, kiwi, cucumbers, salads and cabbage.
  • Thursday. Orange Food Day. Suitable tomatoes, sea buckthorn, oranges, carrots.
  • Friday. You need to eat purple foods. It can be plums, black currants, grapes, eggplants.
  • Saturday is "yellow" day. You can eat zucchini, apricots, peaches, sweet peppers, corn, and even beer (in moderation).
  • Sunday. Unloading "transparent" day. You need to drink only water without gas in any quantities.

Now you know the height, weight of Anna Khilkevich. As you can see, the girl has to make a lot of efforts to keep herself in shape. We wish the young, pretty and talented actress new interesting and noticeable roles, as well as happiness in her personal life. She certainly deserves it.

Star mothers never cease to amaze the public: they will not have time to give birth, as they already appear in public in perfect shape. What is the secret of these miraculous metamorphoses? Maybe they know the secret of beauty and harmony? Let's try to figure out how the stars lose weight after giving birth.

Ivanka Trump and yoga

For the beloved daughter of the newly-made US President Donald Trump, harmony is not so easy. However, having given birth to her third child at the end of March 2016, Ivanka now boasts fit figure. By the way, just two days after giving birth, Ms. Trump allowed herself to wear a short dress! Ivanka admits: the secret of her harmony is regular and, she has been practicing these types of activity for many years, and she is engaged even when she is pregnant.

Liv Tyler and cycling

Another example of how sports help to quickly get in shape after childbirth is the star Liv Tyler. In July 2016, the actress became a mother for the third time. As the star mother admits, during pregnancy she carefully monitored her diet and did not allow herself to overeat. After the birth of the baby, the actress began to correct the figure with the help of and.

Anne Hathaway is overweight

Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway stands out from a number of actively losing weight star mothers. She became a mother in March 2016 and slowly but surely returned to her usual slimness. What is the reason? The star mother decided not to torture herself with physical activity and diets, but chose to simply enjoy motherhood. All the clothes that became small for her, the actress mercilessly cut.

Anna Khilkevich and the vegetarian diet

In mid-December 2015, the star of Univer Anna Khilkevich became a mother for the first time. The actress has never suffered from excess weight rather, on the contrary, she looked very thin. However, during pregnancy, she finally had cute cheeks - while she was carrying a child, she gained 18 kilograms. But already a little less than a month after the birth of her daughter, Anna puffed with might and main on a treadmill in one of the capital's gyms, and also switched to vegetarian diet. A couple of months later, the blonde reached her usual weight of 46 kg. Now she is sure that pregnancy does not harm the figure, and is even thinking about a second baby.

Natalia Podolskaya and breastfeeding

The son of Natalia Podolskaya is two years old! By the way, great shape the singer regained herself a little less than three months after giving birth, since Natalya gained about more than 11 kg during her entire pregnancy. The singer admits: she forbade herself to eat fast food and cakes, for which she was treacherously drawn to almost all 9 months. After giving birth, she quickly threw off extra pounds thanks to breastfeeding.

Elena Kuletskaya and hula hoop

In June 2016, model and TV presenter Lena Kuletskaya gave birth to her first child. Slender by nature, the girl did without diets - 16 kg gained during pregnancy left quickly and imperceptibly. But the beauty had to work hard on her waist - the volume increased from 63 to 70 cm. To tighten her stomach and become slimmer in general, Kuletskaya selflessly twisted a hula hoop with weights. Also, the TV presenter tried to regularly perform exercises, consisting of squats, bends and lunges.

Natalia Vodianova and nutrition by blood type

The supermodel can be safely called a mother-heroine - in 2016, the 34-year-old Vodianova had her fifth child! Natasha, as in previous times, quickly came into excellent shape. What is the secret of the magical metamorphosis of a model who, less than a month after giving birth, manages to go on the podium and take part in the shooting? Vodianova has good genetics, in addition, her figure is positively influenced by an active lifestyle and nutrition adapted to the blood type.

Examples of star moms - great motivation to get in shape after childbirth quickly and with pleasure. But remember that losing weight, especially for new mothers, is better under the supervision of a doctor so as not to harm yourself and your child.

The star of the beloved series "Univer" Anna Khilkevich attracts everyone with her beauty and grace. Thousands of female representatives want to be like her, because many envy her figure. Looking at the spectacular appearance of the girl, you might think that she has to constantly torment herself with diets, and for a long time women only thought about whether there really is a diet that was developed specifically for Anna. In order not to torment her fans, Anna Khilkevich said that she never tried to limit herself in the use of one or another group of products.

My slim figure the girl received "inheritance", because Ani had only thin women in her family. “All girls hide their age and weight” - this very popular phrase does not apply to Anya. In October, she turned 28 years old, and meanwhile the arrow of the scales stubbornly shows 44 kg- and this despite the fact that Anna Khilkevich's height is 160 cm.

But, despite the good heredity, the girl admits that she still weighed a little more before, which is why she also resorted to various unreasonable methods.

“At the age of 15 or 16, I went to the pharmacy and did a terrible thing: I bought drops that beat off my appetite,” the actress recalls. - When my mother found out about this, I got the first number. Then I spent a week on buckwheat and almost killed my body. It turns out that unleavened porridge helps to remove calcium and other beneficial minerals from the body. So it’s better not to go to extremes, not to shout: “Oh God! The weight has moved into me! ”, And learn to eat often and in small portions. If we talk about diets, then, in my opinion, protein ones do an excellent job with extra pounds, in particular the “Kremlin” diet, but it must be combined with sports loads.”

The main thing for a girl is to start her day right and follow her diet. Anya opens her eyes at 8:00 when the alarm goes off. “I like to feel the time and wake up at the very beginning of the day,” she admits. “I’ve noticed more than once that it’s worth relaxing and lying in bed until 11-12 o’clock – and for the rest of the day you feel sleepy, overwhelmed and tired.” However, when she wakes up, Anya does not jump up and run to get ready or cook breakfast, as many girls do: “Before getting out of bed, I always do a simple exercise with my feet - as if I were pedaling a bicycle. This allows you to eliminate the stagnation of the lymph and disperse the venous blood that flows through the body from the bottom up. If you suddenly jump up to the ringing of the alarm clock, the blood will begin to drain rapidly from the brain - this will not lead to anything good.

In order not to gain extra pounds you need limit yourself in nutrition, and you need to do this wisely. Restrictions, according to the girl, should concern "fast" food such as hamburgers, etc. In any situation, Anna recommends finding time to eat a portion of a balanced and healthy meal.

Anina's weight loss program is that your attitude to food and norms must be correct. If you want to look like Anna Khilkevich, then you just need to follow the basic rules. Only in this way you can get rid of problems associated not only with your figure, but also with health.

Khilkevich is happy to share with all his recommendations that allow you to preserve the beauty of the body, but does not mention a specific menu. The fact is that it should be compiled individually for each person who wishes. According to Anna, there is no universal menu or diet. The food that helps one person stay slim may not be suitable for someone else, while leading to a set of extra pounds. In addition, you need to eat only what you like, because otherwise such weight loss will not bring you joy.

Anna Khelkevich, who played the role of Masha Belova in the sensational TV series Univer, gained a few extra pounds during pregnancy, which she managed to quickly get rid of, thereby surprising her fans.

Anna Khilkevich: height, weight and figure parameters ^

Nature has awarded Anna Khilkevich with a feature that many can envy: she has only thin women in her family and, accordingly, the actress herself has never been overweight.

She could afford absolutely any food and not be afraid to get better, but everything changed during pregnancy, when Anna began to weigh much more than before.

Even as a teenager, Anna tried various diets, ranging from light to the most strict, but she soon abandoned this idea when she matured and realized that her figure was already proportionately built and there was no excess weight. She could only support herself, which she was quite able to do until she became pregnant.

Many viewers were surprised when the star of "Univer" Anna Khilkevich gave birth to a child and lost a lot of weight, because she managed to regain her previous weight in just a few weeks. Since then, they have been tormented by many questions: what diet did she sit on, what did she eat, did she go in for sports and, most importantly, did she resort to surgery.

According to Anna Khilkevich, who has lost weight, she did not have to drink special pills or visit a clinic - everything is quite simple: she revised her diet and began to carry out procedures aimed at fast burning subcutaneous fat.

Anna Khilkevich: height 160 cm, weight 44 kg

Anna Khilkevich lost weight: parameters before and after

Anna Khilkevich's height and weight parameters are 160 cm and 44 kg, but the latter remained so until pregnancy. During the time she was carrying a child, she gained 7 kilograms, and already 5 days after giving birth, she began to think about how to lose them. The way out was simple - she simply introduced some food restrictions.

The main secrets of losing weight Anna Khilkevich are very simple:

  • The actress completely abandoned fatty, sweet, smoked, fried and other high-calorie foods: they not only negatively affect the figure, but are also very harmful to health;
  • Anna Khilkevich noticeably lost weight after giving birth, partly due to the observance of the daily routine: contrary to popular belief that celebrities sleep until dinner, she gets up every day at exactly 8 in the morning and does light gymnastics, and only then goes to breakfast. She also goes to bed on time - no later than midnight;
  • The most important rule is to have dinner no later than 6 pm. Considering how long and how much weight Anna lost after giving birth, it becomes clear that her diet is quite easy, but, nevertheless, effective.

Diet of Anna Khilkevich: menu ^

Weight loss rules from Anna Khilkevich

Knowing what diet Anna Khilkevich was on after giving birth, it is very important to follow her main rules:

  • It is necessary to reduce the size of portions, but eat more often - 5-6 times a day;
  • It is best to give preference to fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, lean meat and low-fat fish, as well as low-fat dairy products;
  • Breakfast must be dense, and dinner, on the contrary, should be light;
  • Additionally, you should do a sports or Thai massage: it relaxes and also helps fight cellulite and excess weight.

How Anna Khilkevich lost weight: diet menu

To clearly understand how Masha Belova from the TV series "Univer New Hostel" lost weight, just get acquainted with her sample menu per day:

  • Cooking in the morning oatmeal on water, add fruits or berries to it. We drink tea, eat a small piece of cheese;
  • For lunch - two fresh or baked apples;
  • We have lunch with a light vegetable soup, boiled rice and 100 g of boiled chicken;
  • We have an afternoon snack 250 g of low-fat kefir;
  • We have dinner with a vegetable salad with lemon juice dressing.

Anna Khilkevich's diet recipes

Oatmeal recipe:

  • Bring 0.5 liters of water to a boil, throw oatmeal into the pan. Cook until tender, stirring occasionally. We do not add sugar;
  • When the oatmeal is cooked, mix it with fresh or thawed berries.

Baked apple recipe:

  • We wash two apples under water, cut out the core from them so that a recess with a bottom remains in the middle;
  • Put 1 tsp into the resulting recess. honey and some nuts;
  • Bake in the microwave for 7 minutes at maximum temperature.

vegetable soup recipe:

  • Grind onions, carrots, cabbage and celery;
  • We put the vegetables in a saucepan, pour water;
  • Salt, cook until done.

Anna Khilkevich's weight loss: the opinion of nutritionists about her diet ^

Many people prefer to use the Anna diet, and for good reason: according to nutritionists, such nutrition allows you to lose weight quite quickly, but it not only does not harm the body, but also brings great benefits, because the main products are fruits and vegetables, known for their beneficial properties. .

What does Anna Khilkevich look like now: photo

Feedback from our readers

Olga, 34 years old:

“I really like this diet: I lose weight quickly on it, but I don’t have to starve. The most difficult thing was getting used to the changes in the diet, but now I am grateful, because I finally managed to lose 8 kg in just a month.

Margarita, 45 years old:

“For a very long time I could not lose weight, but the process got off the ground when I went on a diet that Khilkevich used. The result was not long in coming, and after a month the scales showed 7 kg less.

Irina, 30 years old:

“Personally, it was difficult for me to switch to a different diet and give up my favorite foods, but it was necessary in order to lose 10 kg. I achieved this effect in a few weeks, and now, thanks to healthy food, my weight remains normal. ”

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