Badge of the 57th Guards Division. I am a Guards Rifle Division

Here are some facts from the history of the 82nd Rifle Division. Perhaps someone will be able to point out the inaccuracies of this publication or add new reliable information by sending me a message at vt10ot [email protected] such assistance would be greatly appreciated.

In 1932, on the basis of the personnel of the 169th Infantry Regiment of the 57th Ural Infantry Division, which departed on March 2, 1932 at the station. Tin of the Chita region, in the Perm region, the 82nd territorial rifle division was formed.

The division included:

  • 244th territorial rifle regiment;
  • 245th territorial rifle regiment;
  • 246th territorial rifle regiment;
  • 82nd Territorial Artillery Regiment.

The division became part of the 13th Rifle Corps of the Volga Military District.

In May 1935, the division became part of the newly created Ural Military District.

From May 30 to June 16, 1939, the 82nd Infantry Division was formed in the city of Perm and the camp of Bershet, Perm Region. (UrVO), and 91 gaps in the city of Slobodsky and the camp Vishkil, Kirov Region. (URVO). The division was intended specifically to be sent to the battle area at Khalkhin Gol. The formation was conducted by the command of the 82nd sd (military unit 5278): division commander Colonel Rubtsov F.D., division commissar battalion commissar Tsyganov T.F.

The main personnel for the formation were:

  • frames 244 joint ventures (military unit 6567 v/connection 5278);
  • for 91 gap - personnel of 82 gap 82 sd (military unit 5302 military unit 5278);
  • for 38 paws - personnel of the 1st division 82 ap 82 sd (military unit 5295);
  • for the 321th detachment - personnel of a separate tank company of the 82nd rifle division (military unit 6577).

Basically, the division was staffed with assigned staff from the resources of the Perm regional military registration and enlistment office (telegraphic order of the NPO of the USSR dated 05/28/39 - according to the deputy commander of the 82nd MRD for the political part of the regimental commissar Tsyganov T. F.).

In the period from May 30 to June 16, 1939, in the city of Perm, as part of the 82nd rifle division, in accordance with the directive of the chief of staff of the Ural Military District dated June 7, 1939 No. 41/00336, the 210th rifle regiment was formed.

The formation was completed on June 16, 1939, and in accordance with the directive of the NSH UrVO dated 07.06.39 No. 41/00336, the units of the division were given the following names.

Real name Conventional name
72 Infantry Regiment military unit 601
210 rifle regiment military unit 602
289 rifle regiment military unit 603
38th artillery regiment military unit 604
headquarters battery of the chief of artillery military unit 605
146 separate anti-tank division military unit 606
94 separate reconnaissance battalion military unit 607
130 separate communications battalion military unit 608
123 separate sapper battalion military unit 609
321 separate tank battalion military unit 610
91 howitzer artillery regiment military unit 611
7 motor transport battalion of delivery military unit 631
53 medical battalion military unit 632
31 separate anti-aircraft machine gun company military unit 633
46 air link military unit 634
22 separate degassing company military unit 635
23 separate repair and restoration company military unit 636
41 field car bakery military unit 637
49 field mobile hospital military unit 638
65 veterinary infirmary military unit 639
179 special department of the NKVD military unit 640
128 rifle platoon of the special department of the NKVD military unit 641
Mobile military military unit 643
299th field post station
355th porem

The commander of the newly formed division, I. M. Antyufeev, colorfully described how the formation of the 82nd division of the “second stage” actually took place in his, unfortunately, unpublished memoirs.

At the beginning of the summer of 1939, being the deputy commander of the 98th Rifle Division and being in the Alkino camps near Ufa, on June 7-8, I was unexpectedly summoned by telegram to the headquarters of the Ural Military District (Sverdlovsk). The telegram said that a long business trip was ahead ... Leaving his eleven-year-old son (his wife died in November 1938) in the care of the canteen of the military department, collecting everything necessary for a "long" business trip, he went to the district headquarters by the very first train. Upon arrival there, I was immediately received by Comrade Yershakov, commander of the district troops, and a member of the Military Council (Leonov, it seems), who immediately announced to me that I was being appointed commander of the 82nd Rifle Division, the so-called secondary division, which is now being formed in camps near Perm .. .
I tried to hint about the heavy marital status, de's wife had recently died, and his eleven-year-old son was now left alone in the camps. But I was immediately assured that they say do not worry about your son, we will arrange it. In addition, your business trip will last no more than 2-3 months. And you are going to Comrade Solovyov. This is your former commander of the 98th division. In general, "persuaded".
So, on June 10 or 11, 1939, I arrived at a camp near Perm. Division in the midst of formation. The camp and its environs are filled with crowds of people, horses, carts. There was unbelievable noise and din. It turns out that twice as many people were called in as were actually assigned to this division (for “insurance”). All plans for the registry and the mobplan went down the drain. Subdivisions and units were staffed with chokhs from any districts, just to recruit the required [number] of people and horses according to the states. As a result, the units were staffed with personnel, for the most part who did not even pass territorial training camps, and, therefore, were completely untrained. All this was a depressing situation, but since the division was going to study in the camps, there was hope that order would be restored in the camps upon arrival at their destination, and the personnel would learn a little ... This was repeated almost daily by the commanders of the district Comrade. Ershakov, also reminding me to take more people.

It was strictly forbidden to call the units that make up the division by their real names.

Since it was strictly forbidden to use the actual names of military units, their conditional numbers were firmly entrenched behind the original names of the regiments. Therefore, instead of the 72nd, 210th and 289th rifle regiments, the 601st, 602nd and 603rd rifle regiments appear in the fighting in the region of the Khalkhin-Gol River. The same was with the numbering of other parts of the division.

On June 17, 1939, the division began to relocate to the camp of Spassk as part of the 2nd Separate Army.

On the way, the division received an order of the Armed Forces of ZabVO No. 13285 / op dated 07/04/39 on its transfer to the 57th Special Corps and concentration in the area of ​​​​st. Borzya Molotovskaya (Chindant-2).

The 1st battalion of the 72nd joint venture was placed at the disposal of the commander of the 5th rifle and machine-gun brigade, in return a battalion was formed from the parts of the division, and on July 1 the 46th air unit was relocated to the station. Sokhondo Molotovskaya railway station where it came under the command of the commander of the 114th division.

According to the order of the Armed Forces of ZabVO dated 04.07.39 No. 13285 / op 603 (aka 289), the joint venture with 1 division 82 ap on the same day on vehicles made a forced march along the route Borzya, Solovyovsk, Bain-Tumen, Tamtsak-Bulakkv ​​to the combat area on the river Khalkhin Gol. The rest of Division 4 set out in march formation along route 603 sp. Division commander - Colonel I. M. Antyufeev, division military commissar - battalion commissar T. F. Tsyganov, division chief of staff - Major Pryadilov M. N.

From the unpublished memoirs of I. M. Antyufeev:

According to our calculation, we needed 39 echelons, which means that the last echelon from the camps will leave 9-10 days after the first. In general, this is how it happened. The division was stretched across the entire Trans-Siberian Railway. The first echelon was approaching Chita, but the last one had not yet submerged at the departure station. By this time, judging by the newspapers, the "conflict" with the Japanese on the river. H. G. flared up in real war. Perhaps, in connection with these events, some high authorities, or rather, as we later learned, deputy. NPO Marshal of Sov. Soyuz K [evidence] nothing better came to mind, how to throw a completely unprepared 82nd rifle division into this hell, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The commandant of the Chita station was instructed to direct all echelons of the 82nd Rifle Division, following the route to Blagoveshchensk, from the Chita station to the Olovyannaya and Borzya stations. And unload there. And then 800 km had to follow the marching order at the disposal of commander Zhukov, that is, to the Kh. Overcome the 800-km waterless steppe, [which] is crossed by only two rivers, and along the way, after about 40-50 km, small, neglected wells come across that can water a small caravan of camels. Plus, the heat is up to 25-30 degrees. It seemed that one did not have to be a marshal to understand that the 82nd Rifle Division was not the right formation for such an operation. After all, there were units in the ZabVO that were both better prepared and more acclimatized for these places. However, to all my arguments about the state of the division, the command of the ZabVO, in whose subordination we were temporarily, did not pay any attention to this. He only [would] satisfy Zhukov's requests, and there the grass would not grow. In addition, the division is “foreign”, the district is not responsible for the preparation ... But, be that as it may, an order is an order. Suitable echelons began to unload at Olovyannaya and Borzya stations and between them. Having barely disembarked from the wagons, hastily pitched tents and washed in the rivulet, they immediately set to work, the main goal of which was to master small arms and at least put together units. But we weren't meant to do that either. For, as soon as the first of the rifle regiments landed, [...] suddenly a representative from the headquarters of the ZabVO arrived with an order: immediately, immediately, one rifle battalion (without horses) should be transferred to the disposal of a representative of the 5th armored brigade to its staffing.
What can you do? The battalion was handed over and immediately put on vehicles and sent to replenish the armored brigade. The next day, a similar order followed to transfer another rifle battalion to the disposal of the 7th armored brigade. Thus, one rifle regiment was left with one battalion and special forces.
[...] again a representative of the district headquarters arrived, this time together with a representative from the Special Corps (from Zhukov), ordered this entire regiment (without horses) to be placed at the disposal of a representative of the headquarters of the corps [...]. The regiment was immediately put into vehicles and sent directly to Kh. lots of horses and carts. In all this haste, nervousness, with which the division was pulled apart in parts, the impression was involuntarily created that, as if not only our troops were failing somewhere in the distant desert dunes across the river. H. G., but, as if all the gains of the October Revolution are crumbling! And for the sake of saving this, all means are good ...

On July 6, 1939, 82nd Rifle Division without 603 Rifle Division crossed the border of the MPR near the village. Solovyovsk and, fulfilling the task assigned to her, made a march along the route 603 sp.

The division showed low combat readiness. So, on the night of July 11-12, 1939, two battalions of the 603rd Infantry Regiment of the 82nd Infantry Division left their positions twice without an order. There were attempts to treacherously shoot down the commanding officers. On July 12, 1939, by order of commander G.K. Zhukov, all commanders of regiments, battalions, companies and even platoons of the 82nd rifle division, recently called up from the reserve, were transferred, respectively, to the positions of deputies. Commanders from the 36th motorized rifle division, which had shown itself to be excellent, were placed at the head of the units and subunits. Only by decisive measures of the command, the political department, the prosecutor's office and the tribunal, parts of the division were put in proper order.

On July 15, the 82nd Rifle Division concentrated 12 km northeast of the city of Tamtsak-Bulak and was placed at the disposal of the commander of the 57th Special Corps, deployed on July 19 into the 1st Army Group under the command of Commander G.K. Zhukov.

By personal order of the Deputy NCO, Marshal G. I. Kulik, all parts of the division began to carry out the task of putting together units in combat ( Special attention was given to close combat tactics, fire training and grenade throwing). In the period from July 6 to 19, 1939, the 82nd Rifle Division was intensively preparing for the upcoming battles. Weapon checks were carried out

At 10.00 on July 19, 1939, 604 (38) paws and 611 (91) gaps moved into the combat area and took up firing positions: 604 paws - 5 km north of Khamar-Daba, 611 gap - 6 km west of Dungur-Obo .

On July 20, 1939, the 82nd Rifle Division also arrived in the combat area. From 12.00 on July 20, the division headquarters settled in the city of Hamar-Daba. 82nd Rifle Division became part of the right combat sector, which had the task of defending the eastern bank of the river. Khalkhin Gol. The commander of the 82nd Rifle Division was appointed head of the right combat section.

By this time, the 82nd RD included the following equipment:

From July 21 to August 19, 1939, the division defended the eastern bank of the river. Khalkhin-Gol, having a leading edge along sandy mounds 4-5 km east of the river.

On August 3, 1939, by decision of the SC 1 AG, ​​the commander of the 82nd Infantry Division, Colonel I. M. Antyufeev, was removed from his post. Brigade commander Pos F. F. A took command of the 82nd Rifle Division August 6 Military Council 1 army group dismissed Major Pryadilov M.N., Chief of Staff of the 82nd Rifle Division. Major Sobenko N.M. became the new Chief of Staff.

According to the plan of the commander of the 1st AG commander G.K. Zhukov, three groups of troops were created.

The southern one, under the command of Colonel M. I. Potapov, consisted of 57 rifle divisions, 8 motorized armored brigade, 6 tank brigade (without one battalion), tank and machine gun battalions of 11 tank brigade, division of the 185th artillery regiment, anti-tank division and a separate company flamethrower tanks. The group was supposed to advance in the direction of Nomon-Khan-Burd-Obo with the immediate task of destroying the enemy grouping located south of the Khailastyn-Gol River, and later, in cooperation with the troops of the Central and Northern groups, encircle and destroy Japanese troops north of Khailastyn-Gol. In the event of an offensive by enemy reserves from Manchuria, the troops of the Southern Group were to repulse their attacks. The right flank of the group was provided by the 8th cavalry division of the MNRA. It was supposed to push back parts of the Khingan cavalry division of the enemy, occupy and firmly hold the heights of Eris-Ulyn-Obo. The artillery of the Southern Group, consisting of 72 guns, was supposed to suppress and destroy the enemy’s manpower and firing points at the Peschanaya height and in the Bolshie Peski area, and accompany tanks and infantry with fire. The division of the 185th regiment, in addition, was entrusted with shelling the rear of the enemy.

The northern group, commanded by Colonel I.P. Alekseenko, consisting of the 601st rifle regiment of the 82nd rifle division, the 7th motorized armored brigade, two tank battalions of the 11th tank brigade, the 87th anti-tank division and the 6th cavalry division of the MNRA was supposed to attack in the direction of nameless lakes, which a few kilometers northeast of Nomon-Khan-Burd-Obo, with the immediate task of seizing the sand dunes four kilometers west of this height. In the future, in cooperation with the Z6 motorized rifle division of the Central Group and the troops of the Southern Group, encircle and destroy enemy troops north of the Khailastyn-Gol River.

The artillery of the group, consisting of 24 guns (not counting the regimental and battalion ones), occupied firing positions north of the Bain-Tsagan mountain and was supposed to suppress enemy manpower, machine guns and guns at the Finger height.

The troops of the Central Group (tasks were set directly by commander G.K. Zhukov) consisted of 602 and 603 rifle regiments of the 82nd rifle division, 24 and 149 regiments of the 36th motorized rifle division and 5 rifle and machine gun brigade. Advancing in the center, the group had to attack the main enemy forces with attacks from the front and prevent the transfer of reinforcements to the flanks. The immediate task is to master the Peschanaya and Remizovskaya heights. In the future, in cooperation with the troops of the Southern and Northern groups, to take part in the encirclement and destruction of Japanese troops on the southern and northern banks of the Khailastyn-Gol River.

The central group had the most artillery: 112 barrels. This artillery was supposed to destroy manpower and firepower on the heights of Peschanaya and Remizovskaya, support the attack of tanks and infantry, suppress Japanese artillery, impede the approach of reserves, and actively take part in repelling enemy counterattacks.

By August 20, 82nd Rifle Division (603 and 602 Rifle Rifle Division) was located southwest of Peschanaya Hill in the area between Nuren-Obo and Dungur-Obo, adjoining 57 Rifle Division on its right flank, and resting on the Khailastyn-Gol River on its left.

By this time, the 82nd Rifle Division had the following combat strength:

First, our bomber aviation, with several hundred aircraft, made a powerful raid on the front line of the Japanese defenses, their nearest reserves and artillery positions. Then began a powerful artillery preparation.

15 minutes before the attack, aviation made a second raid, then artillery again opened heavy fire on the enemy front line.

At 9 o'clock in the morning the attack began along the entire front.

Immediately there was success in the Southern group. On the very right flank of the attackers, having easily thrown back parts of the Bargut Khingan cavalry division, the 8th cavalry division of the MNRA under the command of Colonel Nyantaysuren quickly advanced forward. Having mastered the border of the heights of Eris-Ulyn-Obo and Khulat-Ulyn-Obo, the division reached the state border and remained in these positions until the end of hostilities, providing the flank, and then the rear of the Southern Group.

But the troops of the Central Group had to fight hard. On the morning of August 20, the 82nd Rifle Division, in cooperation with the 57th Rifle Division, began the destruction of the enemy on the Nuren-Obo front, r. Khalkhin-Gol, inflicting the main blow with his right flank. Having strong nodes of Japanese resistance in front of them in the area of ​​the Peschanaya hill and the Zelenaya height, the 82nd Rifle Division fought a stubborn firefight all day, but by the end of the day it advanced only with its flanks by 500-1500 meters. Using a developed system of trenches and numerous firing points, the enemy offered stubborn resistance, often turning into counterattacks. Several times, Soviet infantrymen went on the attack, but the Japanese forced them to lay low with strong rifle and machine-gun fire. The immediate task of capturing the Peschanaya hill and the Green height was not achieved by the division.

On August 21, the advance of units of the 82nd and 36th divisions was insignificant. The enemy continued to offer stubborn resistance on the approaches to the Peschanaya hill and the Remizov height. On this day, the commander of the 82nd rifle division, brigade commander Pos F.F., was killed in the battle near the Zelenaya hill. Major Alekseev V.M.

Until August 24, the 82nd Rifle Division could not succeed. The Japanese, having pulled into the area of ​​​​the Peschanaya hill and the Zelenaya heights, all the remnants of their forces and firepower located on the southern bank of the river. Khailastyn-Gol, offered stubborn fire resistance.

The 7th Motorized Armored Brigade and the 601st Infantry Regiment, having captured the advanced positions of the enemy, reached the heavily fortified Finger height. However, it was not possible to master it on the move. The Japanese fought off all the attacks of the Soviet troops. The command assumed that no more than two Japanese companies were defending at the Finger height and expected to take it on the move, but unexpectedly ran into desperate resistance. Only during the fighting it became clear that the Japanese created a powerful stronghold here, which lasted four days. In the battle for this height, the commander of the 601st Infantry Regiment, Major I. A. Sudak, heroically died.

In the northern sector, the 9th motorized armored brigade in short fight knocked the Japanese out of position. Moving quickly forward, the brigade's forward motorized rifle battalion reached the northeastern slopes of the Nomon-Khan-Burd-Obo height. At this time, the 7th motorized armored brigade and the 601st rifle regiment continued stubborn battles for the Finger height. The Japanese continued to resist fiercely. Only in some areas, after hand-to-hand combat, did the Soviet troops manage to capture the first line of trenches.

On August 22, units of the Southern Group defeated Japanese reserves in the area of ​​Small Sands and proceeded to liquidate individual centers of resistance. Every trench, every firing point had to be stormed: the guns fired point-blank, the flamethrower tanks burned out the dugouts and trenches, and then the infantry advanced forward.

During August 23, units of the Southern Group, in cooperation with the regiments of the 82nd Infantry Division and with the active support of artillery, fought successfully to destroy enemy strongholds surrounded south of the Khailastyn-Gol River. To destroy enemy firing points, anti-tank, regimental and cannon batteries of divisional artillery were involved. Direct fire from open positions paved the way for infantry and tanks.

The 601st Rifle Regiment of the Northern Group waged a stubborn struggle for the Finger height. It was reinforced with a battalion of the 82nd Light Artillery Regiment. The 212th airborne brigade was transferred here from the reserve. By the evening of August 23, Finger height finally fell. This stronghold was a well-fortified area with a diameter of up to one and a half kilometers with all-round defense, reinforced anti-tank artillery, barbed wire and dugouts with concrete floors. The Japanese had to be beaten out with bayonets and grenades, no one surrendered. At the end of the fighting, more than six hundred enemy corpses were removed from the trenches and dugouts.

Only at night did they manage to break the resistance of the enemy. By the end of August 23, the 9th motorized armored brigade, reinforced by two companies of border guards in vehicles and a rifle and machine-gun battalion of the 11th tank brigade, reached the Khaylastyn-Gol river south of Nomon-Khan-Burd-Obo. On the morning of the next day, the 9th motorized armored brigade connected with the 8th motorized armored brigade of the Southern Group. The complete encirclement of the enemy was completed.

On the morning of August 24, the commander of the 1st AG commander G.K. Zhukov ordered to proceed with the liquidation of the encircled enemy grouping. At the same time, part of the forces of the Soviet-Mongolian troops was supposed to cover the main grouping from Japanese attacks from the outside. With the main forces, gradually compress the encirclement ring and liquidate the enemy with concentric strikes, first on the southern coast of Khailastyn-Gol, and then on the northern.

At 13:00, after a three-hour artillery preparation, units of the 57th and 82nd rifle divisions again went on the offensive against enemy strongholds located on the Peschanaya and Zelenaya heights.

By August 27, units of the 57th and 82nd rifle divisions, squeezing the encirclement, completely blocked the Japanese defending in the area of ​​Peschanaya Hill and Zelenaya Hill. At the same time, on the northern bank of the river. Khailastyn-Gol, our units from three sides conducted a concentric attack on the height of Remizov, while 601 joint ventures 82 rifle divisions advanced from the north.

By order of the commander of the 1st AG on August 27, the troops were tasked with finally destroying the encircled enemy. At the same time, the Southern Group was tasked to launch an attack at 10.00 in the morning and, together with two regiments (602 and 603 joint ventures) of the 82nd Infantry Division, destroy the Japanese grouping in the area of ​​Peschanaya Hill and Zelenaya Hill.

Even before the start of the general attack of our troops, the enemy launched a desperate offensive in order to break out of the encirclement, but all counterattacks were repulsed with huge losses for him. Having destroyed almost the entire Japanese garrison defending in the area of ​​​​the Peschanaya hill and the Zelenaya height during the reflection of attempts to break through, units of the 57th and 82nd rifle divisions, by the end of August 27, completely captured all the fortifications on the southern bank of the river. Khaylastyn-Gol.

On August 28, a struggle began for the last knot of resistance in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe height of Remizov. By 23.00 the height was taken. The last seat of Japanese resistance was broken. For the next two days, our units cleared the area of ​​operations from the last remnants of the defeated Japanese troops.

On August 28, a struggle began for the last knot of resistance in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe height of Remizov. By 23.00 the height was taken. The last seat of Japanese resistance was broken. The next two days, the Soviet-Mongolian troops cleared the area between the river. Khalkhin Gol and the state border from the remnants of the defeated enemy. By 6 o'clock on August 31, not a single Japanese invader remained on the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic.

On the night of August 31, 1939, having defeated the Japanese at the height of Remizov, the 82nd Infantry Division fighting basically finished.

After that, in accordance with order 1 AG No. 0098 of 09/01/39, 82 sd transferred to the reserve of the commander of 1 army group and concentrated in the area of ​​mark 670, Peschanaya height, r. Khalkhin Gol. During September 2 and 3, the division was equipping its defensive sectors.

On September 3, 1939, 603 joint ventures, on the personal order of the commander of the 1st AG, concentrated in the Khulatuliin-Obo height area. The remaining parts of the division in the former areas of location were engaged in combat training.

On September 6, 1939, the division conducted a reconnaissance and study of the rear defensive line.

On the morning of September 8, 1939, the enemy, with a force of up to two infantry battalions, launched a major offensive and by 0800 surrounded the 8th rifle company of the 603rd joint venture in the area of ​​​​the height of Eris-Ulyn-Obo.

603 joint ventures, together with a separate reconnaissance battalion of the 57th rifle division, a tank battalion and an artillery division, defeated the enemy. As a result of the battle, the Japanese lost only 450 people killed. Our troops captured 8 heavy machine guns, 14 light machine guns, 2 anti-tank guns, 1 car and 4 prisoners (one of them turned out to be a former White Guard).

September 16, 1939, according to order 1 AG No. 28 / p dated 09/16/39, military operations in the area of ​​​​the river. Khalkhin Gol were discontinued. Parts began to bring weapons and ammunition in order, while continuing to strengthen the rear defensive line, and 603 joint ventures - the defense of the state border.

Materiel, transport, equipment:

During the battles, trophies were taken:

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 17, 1939, for the valor and courage shown by the personnel in the performance of combat missions of the Government, the 601st Rifle Regiment and the 82nd Howitzer Artillery Regiment were awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

For active and courageous actions in the battles in the area of ​​the Peschanaya and Zelenaya hills, the 210th Infantry Regiment received gratitude from the commander of the 1st Army Group. 1910 soldiers of the division were awarded orders and medals, and two - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union:

  • junior commander Ponomarev Pavel Elizarovich, commander of the communications department of the 603rd Infantry Regiment;
  • Major Zaiyuliev Nikolai Nikolaevich, commander of the 603rd Infantry Regiment.

After the end of hostilities, in accordance with order No. 037 of 09.10.39 according to order No. 037 of 09.10.39, the division in full strength under the command of the division commander, Major Alekseev V.M. and the military commissar of the battalion commissar Tsyganov T.F. quartering in Bain-Tumen.

In accordance with the order of the Armed Forces 1 AG No. 4 / 0070 dated 07.11.39, from November 23, 1939, the division was reorganized according to the projects of the states of the rifle division. During the reformation period, the following was done.

- on the basis of 91 gaps, an artillery regiment was formed, which included 38 paws;

- an anti-aircraft artillery division was formed, which included 31 separate anti-aircraft machine-gun companies;

- The 22nd degassing company and the 128th rifle platoon were disbanded.

From October to December 1939, the assigned commanding officers and rank and file were fired on long-term leave, and personnel arrived instead (order of the Armed Forces 1 AG No. 0143 dated 09.10.39).

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definition - 57th Guards Rifle Division

57th Guards Rifle Division

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Honorary titles:




Type of army:

December 31, 1942


153rd Rifle Division

Battle path

1943: Millerovo-Voroshilovgrad operation
1943: Ieyum-Barvenkovskaya offensive operation
1943: Donbass offensive operation
1943: Nizhnedneprovsk offensive operation
Dnepropetrovsk offensive operation
1944: Dnieper-Carpathian offensive operation
Nikopol-Krivoy Rog offensive operation
Bereznigovato-Snigirevskaya offensive operation
Odessa offensive operation
1944: Belarusian offensive operation
Lublin-Brest offensive operation
1944: Vistula-Oder offensive operation
Warsaw-Poznan offensive operation
1945: Berlin offensive operation
Seelow-Berlin operation

57th Guards Rifle Division- military unit of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War


Division converted from 153rd Rifle Division 31.12.1942 of the year

As part of the active army with 31.12.1942 By 07.06.1944 and with 15.06.1944 By 09.05.1945 .

to the end 07.01.1943 of the year was advanced to the enemy group surrounded in the Chertkovo-Melovoye region (border of the Lugansk region and the Rostov region) and entered into battle to eliminate it. The division succeeded in the evening 09.01.1943 take possession of the outskirts of the Cretaceous, to 16.01.1943 is fighting to destroy the group, however, part of the enemy troops escaped from the encirclement, but nevertheless, during the withdrawal, they suffered losses from the actions of Soviet aviation and artillery. During January 1943 year comes through the Belovodsky district, Stanichno-Lugansk district, Novoaydarsky district, Starobelsky district. Since 01/30/1943, it has been part of a separate mobile group of General M.M. Popova, struck from the Starobelsk area in the general direction to Krasnoarmeyskoye, Volnovakha, Mariupol. Takes part in the liberation of the Red Liman 17.02.1943 liberates Slavyansk, then went to the city of Kramatorsk, with 19.02.1943 , taking positions with the troops of the 3rd tank corps along the front: the village of Ivanovka, SKMZ, the village of Novy Svet, NKMZ on the southern and southwestern outskirts of Kramatorsk, conducts fierce defensive battles under the city, then 28.02.1943 left the city, departed through Sofievka, Shabelkovka, 5th economy to Slavyansk, leads 01-03.03.1943 rearguard battles at him, then secretly retreats through Raygorodok, took up positions behind the Seversky Donets.

IN July 1944 of the year takes part in the Izyum-Barvenkovskaya offensive operation, won back a small bridgehead on the Seversky Donets

At the end August 1943 year, the division took up defense on the bridgehead of the Seversky Donets, northwest of the city of Izyum. During the Donbass operation, it was located between the main directions of attacks of the 1st Guards and 6th armies, through Lozovaya it reached the Dnieper.

From 20.00 27.09.1943 until 20.00 29.09.1943 units of the division in the area of ​​​​concentration (settlements Nenasytets, Voronov, Zeleny) were preparing to cross the Dnieper from the mouth of the Ploskaya Osokorovka River, on the night of 30.09.1943 crossed the river 05.10.1943 directly in battles with counterattacking enemy groupings, it changes the 35th Guards Rifle Division in the bridgehead. WITH 23.10.1943 comes from the bridgehead, 26.10.1943 participates in the liberation of the district center Salt, then forces the rivers Dry Sura and Wet Sura, advances further. 04.11.1943 was replaced by units of the 35th Guards Rifle Division and advanced in the second echelon.

IN December 1943 - February 1944 years of fighting in the Nikopol district of the Dnepropetrovsk region. WITH 05.12.1943 By 15.01.1944 conducts fierce battles near the mound "Tomb of Nechaev", gets into an environment, leaves it. Then, it advances in the offensive during the Nikopol-Krivoy Rog offensive operation, forces Buzuluk in the Apostolovo area, 31.01.1944 is fighting near the village of Loshkarevka, 02.02.1944 - for the village of Shevchenkove, 07.02.1944 beyond the village of Velikaya Kostromka, advancing through Sholokhovo and Aleksandrovka, turning west, by the end of the operation it reached the Ingulets River.

WITH 06.03.1944 during the Berezegovato-Snigirevskaya operation, it breaks through the defenses on the Ingulets River south of Krivoy Rog, advances in the direction of Novy Bug and Novaya Odessa. 17-18.03.1944 fights in the Bashtansky and Novoodessky districts of the Nikolaev region, participates in the liberation of the city of Novy Bug. 26.03.1944 crossed the Southern Bug River near the city of Novaya Odessa, advanced in the direction of Berezovka, then on Razdelnaya, turning to the southeast, launched an attack on Odessa, in the liberation of which 10.04.1944 Took part. After the operation, she was redirected to the Dniester, engaging in private battles along the way, to 14-15.04.1944 went to the Dniester south of Tiraspol, then transported north of Tiraspol.

In the corps, the leading role in forcing the Vistula was played by the 57th Guards Rifle Division, led by General Afanasy Dmitrievich Shemenkov, who managed to secretly and in time concentrate his regiments for a powerful blow, which essentially ensured the success of the entire corps.

WITH 12.01.1945 breaks through enemy defenses from the Magnushevsky bridgehead during the Vistula-Oder operation, to 17.01.1945 went to the Rawa-Mazowiecka area, then, bypassing Poznan to the beginning February 1945 year approached the Oder south of the city of Kustrin. 28.01.1945 The division crossed the German border in the Tsilomischel-Betsche sector. The soldiers of the division left a shield on the border with the inscription: "On January 28, 1945, at 2 pm, the guardsmen of the 57th rifle division were the first from the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front to cross the border of Germany."

03.02.1945 In 2003, the division, with two rifle regiments, having crossed the Oder on the ice, captured and held a bridgehead on the Oder up to 3 kilometers wide along the front and up to 1-2 kilometers deep at the line (claim.) Neu-Ratstock, 1 kilometer east of Reitwein, which is an integral part of the so-called Kustrinsky bridgehead The rest of the division continued to cross to this bridgehead. WITH 04 to 02/07/1945 For a year, she has been conducting fierce offensive battles to expand the bridgehead, captured the settlement of Herzershof, and repelled fierce enemy counterattacks. On 07.02.1945 the division captured Manshnov and holding Herzershof, with its left flank, under the onslaught of the enemy, withdrew to a line 1 kilometer north of mark 14.2, Neu-Ratstock. By the forces of the regiment of the 35th Guards Rifle Division, the situation was restored, by the end of the day the division reached the line railway on the site (claim.) Reitwein station, 1.5 km north of Podelzig station. However, the division eventually 15.02.1945 year, the division lost its conquered positions, so that in March 1945 of the year, she was again forced to recapture them in order to expand the Kustrinsky bridgehead and capture Kustrin.

During the Berlin offensive 16.04.1945 is advancing, with the support of the 7th Tank Brigade in the direction of the main attack of the front from the Kustrinsky bridgehead, storming the Seelow Heights, parts of the division were among the first to break into the heights and 17.04.1945 to the city of Seelow, fought in the city center. Then the division crossed the Spree, through the Tempelhof airfield to the outcome 26.04.1945 broke into Berlin, went to the city center to the Tiergarten.

19,187 soldiers of the division were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union, 33 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Full title

57th Guards Rifle Novobugskaya Order of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Division


  • 170th Guards Rifle Regiment Berlin
  • 172nd Guards Rifle Gnezinsky Red Banner Order of Suvorov 3rd class regiment
  • 174th Guards Rifle Regiment
  • 128th Guards Artillery Regiment
  • 64th Guards Separate Anti-Tank Fighter Battalion
  • 74th Guards Anti-Aircraft Battery (until 04/20/1943)
  • 59th Guards Separate Reconnaissance Company
  • 67th Guards Engineer Battalion
  • 89th Guards Separate Communications Battalion
  • 568th (66th) medical battalion
  • 60th Guards Separate Company of Chemical Protection
  • 626th (63rd) motor transport company
  • 643rd (61st) field bakery
  • 650th (56th) Divisional Veterinary Infirmary
  • 1968th field post station
  • 1157th field cash desk of the State Bank
  • separate penal company of the 1st Guards Army (while in the army)


dateFront (district)ArmyCorps (group)Notes
01/01/1943Southwestern Front1st Guards Army- -
02/01/1943Southwestern Front1st Guards Army- -
03/01/1943Southwestern Front1st Guards Army19th Rifle Corps-
04/01/1943Southwestern Front1st Guards Army- -
05/01/1943Southwestern Front1st Guards Army- -
06/01/1943Southwestern Front1st Guards Army-
07/01/1943Southwestern Front1st Guards Army6th Guards Rifle Corps-
08/01/1943Southwestern Front1st Guards Army6th Guards Rifle Corps-
09/01/1943Southwestern Front1st Guards Army6th Guards Rifle Corps-
10/01/1943Southwestern Front6th Army-
11/01/19433rd Ukrainian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
12/01/19433rd Ukrainian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
01/01/19443rd Ukrainian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
02/01/19443rd Ukrainian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
03/01/19443rd Ukrainian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
04/01/19443rd Ukrainian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
05/01/19443rd Ukrainian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
06/01/19443rd Ukrainian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
07/01/19441st Belorussian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
08/01/19441st Belorussian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
09/01/19441st Belorussian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
10/01/19441st Belorussian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
11/01/19441st Belorussian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
12/01/19441st Belorussian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
01/01/19451st Belorussian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
02/01/19451st Belorussian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
03/01/19451st Belorussian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
04/01/19451st Belorussian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-
05/01/19451st Belorussian Front8th Guards Army4th Guards Rifle Corps-


  • Karnov Andrei Pavlovich (12/31/1942 - 11/19/1943), Major General
  • Shemenkov Afanasy Dmitrievich (11/20/1943 - 08/14/1944), Major General
  • Zalizyuk Pyotr Iosifovich (08/15/1944 - 05/09/1945), colonel, major general from 04/20/1945

Awards and titles

Distinguished Warriors of the Division

RewardFULL NAME.Job titleRankAward dateNotes
Beketov, Vasily SemyonovichCommander of a rifle platoon of the 170th Guards Rifle Regimentguards
She fought as part of the 8th Guards Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front from October 1943.
Division commander - Major General Shemenkov A.D.
Combat line-up:
170 guards cn, 172 guards. cn, 174 guards. cn, 128 guards. ap, 412 anti-tank artillery battalion, 334 separate engineer battalion.
Parts of the division liberated the city of Novy Bug, the village of Pokaznoye, Novobugsky district; Malievka, Veseloye, Bereznegovatsky district; Yavkino, Novopavlovka. Good Krinitsa, Novoivanovka (03.14.), Novoaleksandrovka, Maryevka, Ingulka, Mikhailovka, Andreevka, Novosergeevka (03.15.), Lotskino, Bashtansky district; Silvestrovskoe, Novomatveevskoe, Novokrasovskoe (03/18/1944). Sands (19.03.), Kandybino (23.03.), Sebino, Chervony Piven (does not exist now) (24.03.). She fought on the Kovalevka bridgehead - the villages of Kovalevka, Tkachevka in the Nikolaev district.
The division was transformed from the 153rd Rifle Division on 12/31/1942

As part of the active army from 12/31/1942 to 06/07/1944 and from 06/15/1944 to 05/09/1945.

By the end of 01/07/1943, it was advanced to the enemy group surrounded in the Chertkovo-Melovoye region (border of the Lugansk region and the Rostov region) and entered into battle to eliminate it. The division managed to capture the outskirts of Melovoye by the evening of 01/09/1943, until 01/16/1943 it was fighting to destroy the group, however, part of the enemy troops escaped from the encirclement, but nevertheless suffered losses from the actions of Soviet aviation and artillery during the retreat. During January 1943, it advances through the Belovodsky district, the Stanichno-Lugansk district, the Novoaydarsky district, the Starobelsky district. Since 01/30/1943, it has been part of a separate mobile group of General M.M. Popova, struck from the Starobelsk area in the general direction to Krasnoarmeiskoye, Volnovakha, Mariupol. Takes part in the liberation of Krasny Liman 02/17/1943 liberates Slavyansk, then went to the city of Kramatorsk, from 02/19/1943, taking positions with the troops of the 3rd tank corps along the front: the village of Ivanovka, SKMZ, the village of Novy Svet, NKMZ in the south and south on the western outskirts of Kramatorsk, conducts fierce defensive battles near the city, then on February 28, 1943 left the city, retreated through Sofiyivka, Shabelkovka, 5th economy to Slavyansk, conducts 03/01-03/1943 rearguard battles, then secretly retreats through Raygorodok, took up positions beyond the Seversky Donets.

In July 1944, she took part in the Izyum-Barvenkovskaya offensive operation, won back a small bridgehead on the Seversky Donets

At the end of August 1943, the division took up defensive positions on the bridgehead of the Seversky Donets, northwest of the city of Izyum. During the Donbass operation, it was located between the main directions of attacks of the 1st Guards and 6th armies, through Lozovaya it reached the Dnieper.

From 09/27/1943 20.00 to 09.29.20. battles with counterattacking enemy groupings changes the 35th Guards Rifle Division in the bridgehead. From 10/23/1943 it advances from the bridgehead, 10/26/1943 participates in the liberation of the district center Solenoye, then it forces the Dry Sura and Wet Sura rivers, and advances further. 11/04/1943 was replaced by units of the 35th Guards Rifle Division and advanced in the second echelon.

In December 1943 - February 1944, he fought in the Nikopol district of the Dnepropetrovsk region. From 12/05/1943 to 01/15/1944, he fought fierce battles near the mound "Tomb of Nechaev", gets into an environment, leaves it. Then, it advances in the offensive during the Nikopol-Krivoy Rog offensive operation, forces Buzuluk in the Apostolovo area, 01/31/1944 fights near the settlement of Loshkarevka, 02/02/1944 - for the village of Shevchenkovo, 02/07/1944 for the village of Velikaya Kostromka, advances through Sholokhovo and Aleksandrovka , turning to the west, by the end of the operation went to the river Ingulets.

From 03/06/1944, during the Berezegovato-Snigirevskaya operation, it breaks through the defenses on the Ingulets River south of Krivoy Rog, advances in the direction of Novy Bug and Novaya Odessa. 03/17-18/1944 fights in the Bashtansky and Novoodessky districts of the Nikolaev region, participates in the liberation of the city of Novy Bug. On March 26, 1944, she crossed the Southern Bug River near the city of Novaya Odessa, advanced in the direction of Berezovka, then on Razdelnaya, turning to the southeast, launched an attack on Odessa, in the liberation of which she took part on April 10, 1944. After the operation, it was redirected to the Dniester, engaging in private battles along the way, by 14-15.04.1944 it reached the Dniester south of Tiraspol, then it was transported north of Tiraspol.

05/10/1944 crosses the Dniester in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Sherpeny, for several days leads fierce battles in the bridgehead near the village of Voikovo (32 kilometers northwest of the city of Tiraspol), suffers heavy losses.

By 06/06/1944 it was already withdrawn from the battles, together with the army on 06/08/1944 it was assigned to the reserve, plunged at the Migalovo and Vesely Kut stations, by 06/15/1944 it was transferred to the Kovel direction. Unloaded at Sarny station. 07/20/1944 crosses the Western Bug west of the city of Lyuboml (Volyn region), captures a bridgehead. Continuing the offensive on 07/28/1944 stormed and liberated Lublin, 08/01/1944 at 6-30 crossed the Vistula in the Golendra area, Magnusev, acting to the right of the 35th Guards Rifle Division, by 20-00 was fighting on the line of the eastern outskirts of Magnuszew, bypassing Magnushev with southeast, northern outskirts of Ostrow. Fights on the bridgehead during the beginning and first half of August 1944, moving forward. On 08/08/1944 it is located near the village of Khodkov (32 kilometers northwest of the city of Deblin.

From the memoirs of V.I. Chuikov

In the corps, the leading role in forcing the Vistula was played by the 57th Guards Rifle Division, led by General Afanasy Dmitrievich Shemenkov, who managed to secretly and in time concentrate his regiments for a powerful blow, which essentially ensured the success of the entire corps.

From 01/12/1945, it breaks through the enemy defenses from the Magnushevsky bridgehead during the Vistula-Oder operation, by 01/17/1945 it reached the Rawa-Mazowiecka area, then, bypassing Poznan, by the beginning of February 1945, approached the Oder south of the city of Kustrin. On January 28, 1945, the division crossed the German border in the Tsilomishel-Betsche section. The soldiers of the division left a shield on the border with the inscription: "On January 28, 1945, at 2 pm, the guardsmen of the 57th rifle division were the first from the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front to cross the border of Germany."

On 02/03/1945, the division, with two rifle regiments, having crossed the Oder on the ice, captured and held a bridgehead on the Oder up to 3 kilometers wide along the front and up to 1-2 kilometers deep at the line (claim.) Neu-Ratstock, 1 kilometer east of Reitwein, which is a composite part of the so-called Kustrinsky bridgehead. The rest of the division continued to cross to this bridgehead. From 04 to 02/07/1945, she conducts fierce offensive battles for the expansion of the bridgehead, captured the settlement of Herzershof, repelled fierce enemy counterattacks. On 02/07/1945, the division captured Manshnov and, holding Herzershof, with its left flank, under the onslaught of the enemy, withdrew to the line 1 kilometer north of mark 14.2, Neu-Ratstock. The situation was restored by the forces of the regiment of the 35th Guards Rifle Division, by the end of the day the division reached the railway line in the area (claim.) Reitwein station, 1.5 km north of Podelzig station. However, the division eventually lost the conquered positions by February 15, 1945, so that in March 1945 it was again forced to recapture them in order to expand the Kustrinsky bridgehead and capture Kustrin.

During the Berlin offensive from 04/16/1945, it advances, with the support of the 7th tank brigade in the direction of the main attack of the front from the Kustrinsky bridgehead, storming the Seelow heights, parts of the division were among the first to break into the heights and on 04/17/1945 in the city of Seelow, fought in downtown. Then the division crossed the Spree, through the Tempelhof airfield by the end of 04/26/1945 broke into Berlin, went to the city center to the Tiergarten.

19,187 soldiers of the division were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union, 33 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.