Catching heavy nymphs. Fishing for a nymph in still water

Nymphs with heavy metal heads have long been used by fly fishers. Fly fishing experts offer advice on handling these heavy insect imitations.

A nymph loaded with a bead has twice saved me from bad luck during my trips abroad. Without these baits, fishing would have ended in failure due to poor conditions. In Mongolia, due to the high water temperature, the taimen stayed in the deep sections of the river.

With the help of a large laden nymph, I managed, despite the strong current, to reach the bottom. And in Norway, I was able to “persuade” an inert brown trout with this nymph to bite. Perhaps the sound the bead made when in contact with the rocky bottom and its shape awakened the salmon from their lethargic sleep.

Pascal Durantel, French professional fly fisher

250 kg of fish for 1 fishing trip

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Heavy nymphs are used if it is supposed to fish at the bottom of deep gutters, washouts or whirlpools. At the same time, it is necessary to notice the often lightning-fast bite of the fish. The best control over the nymph is carried out in the case when it is carried out, if possible, under the very tip of the rod.

Casting is reduced to a short fly feed upstream, and the haul is only a few meters. Not a single extra centimeter of line in the water, the fly fisher should feel how the nymph bounces above the bottom. If he does not feel this, the nymph needs to be knitted even harder. At the slightest twitch, at any stop of the cord, it is necessary to respond with a hook.

Daniel Luther, Chief Editor Swiss magazine Petri Heil

Nymphs with a heavy head pose a certain danger to the angler himself. Some fly anglers have already received a nasty blow to their own back of the head when casting. Throwing over the head with excessive effort does not lead to good.

With a powerful cast, not only the head of the angler is endangered, but also the rod. A direct hit of a heavy nymph in the blank can lead to the formation of a crack on it. If the rod is then heavily loaded when playing, it can easily break in this place. Therefore, it is advisable to practice with heavy nymphs not sweeping casts over the head, but ring ones.

Embrace the head or body

A tungsten bead is three times heavier than a regular brass bead for a golden-headed nymph. The heavy bead is located at the nymph directly at the ring of the hook. This means that the nymph dives with a great inclination towards the head. Of course, the nymph can be loaded with lead or tungsten wire on the shank of the hook, then the mass will be more evenly distributed and the nymph will sink more naturally.

Thus, under certain circumstances, it will be more like a natural prototype, which sometimes, for example, with calm water, can be important. Therefore, along with nymphs with a heavy head, one should also have nymphs whose weight is distributed throughout the body.

Guido Vinck, editor-in-chief of the Belgian fishing magazine Beet

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Term Nymphing came to spinning from a different type of fishing. In fly fishing, it means the use of a certain category of artificial lures connected from various materials. The use of this category of baits - nymphs (nymphs)* gave impetus to the development of fishing on them, thereby highlighting in fly fishing nymphing against the backdrop of everything else. As a result, if you want to dig a little deeper, you can encounter various variations of it. But in this case, we will talk about what interesting and useful things we (spinning players) can borrow for ourselves from "Czech nymph" (Czech Nymph), "short" (Short Nymph), "rolling" (Roll Nymph) and so on. In this case, it is not so significant whether there are cardinal differences among them or not, but it is important to understand that the term was borrowed in spinning fishing not at all to describe or justify, if you like, the use of such baits as nymphs in spinning! And here's the thing...

At one time, the appearance among spinning rods UL-categories made it possible to use quite miniature lures in fishing. The development of this direction in the first place followed the path of minimization. Our anglers have learned that there are very small spinners and wobblers, the use of which provides an excellent opportunity to successfully engage in fishing not only predatory fish, but also any other. Mormyshkas also appeared in the arsenal of the flyer, but it would be a mistake to assume that the desire to tie a fly on the hook of a jig served as an impetus for borrowing the name from fly fishing. No matter how much a jig with an artificial fly on a hook looks like a nymph, it is still associated in the minds of our anglers with a jig that needs to be given some kind of game (or shaking) to make the fish bite. In the options mentioned nymphinga from fly fishing Czech, Short, Roll and so on. although some revival of the bait is allowed, the main thing is done by a fairly fast current, on which they are mainly practiced. Spinning (Spinning) from the very beginning came to us as “spinning fishing” (c), and this fishing remained like that long years until the improvement of gear and the minimization of baits led to the similarity of the latter with insects. But this already spurred the desire of anglers to try to present the bait to the fish in a way / presentation that is not at all trivial for spinning, to describe which the name is borrowed from fly fishing - this nymphing.

Before moving on to talking about fishing itself, let's draw a small line. Nymphing in spinning, this is primarily the supply of bait to fish by the method of fly fishing. In our case, not only some nymph, for example, a goldhead, can serve as this bait. (gold head)**, but also a silicone imitation of an insect, a worm on a mormyshka hook, the lightest jig head or articulated mounting. The main thing is that fishing takes place using a fairly strong current. In such conditions, the fish stands, waiting for food carried by, and does not spend much time thinking. If any kind of animation is required from the angler, it is only in order not to lose control over the bait. The flow does the rest, and the movement is more like an almost dead drift. By the way, if you follow the World Championships in coastal spinning for trout fishing, watch videos and read the reports of athletes, you might notice that their rubber fishing is essentially the same nymphing! According to the rules of these competitions, it is forbidden to use any similarity with fly fishing in fishing, up to the fact that the edge of the hook on spinners is prohibited. But one of the basic options for supplying rubber is the method when the bait is allowed to soar in the water column, not on top, but not too deep in order to avoid hooks, and the control (or control) of the bait is carried out by light jerks and the position of the rod. For the amateur angler XUL-by spinning in the hands, the fly-fishing nymphs themselves are also available directly. The only limitation in this case is only the ability to throw the bait at the required fishing distance. But here an important remark should be made - you should not chase after increasing the casting distance! It’s not in vain that fly fishing has one of the fishing methods called short (Short) nymph, which at the same time is considered very prolific. And although most often it is used in catching the same grayling, but any other fish that keeps to the current, with some care, is able to let the angler close enough. In practice, casting a nymph of 4-5 meters was enough for me to successfully catch the more familiar roach, dace, and quicksand. The list of fish could be much longer, but nymphing in spinning cannot be an end in itself. In other words, if you are fascinated by catching a nymph precisely with its presentation as in fly fishing, then it may be worth thinking about fly fishing directly. And it's completely different when nymphing seen as part of something larger (in this case XUL-catching) and is only part of the arsenal of the evader to seduce intractable fish to bite or the opportunity to escape from the inevitable flight ***. Therefore, summarizing what has been said about the need to adopt nymphinga It should be noted that this choice is purely personal. For some, it will be a necessity (for example, for athletes), for some it will be useful only in rare cases, for others it will be something new and interesting, and for some it may seem like just a whim with a perversion of the principles of “catching by spinning” ...

But let's get back to the fishing itself, as the most delicious part of the story for most anglers. It is best to give a general idea of ​​the essence nymphinga will be able to video clips from the Internet. It is unlikely that there will be something with a spinning nymphing V leading role but understand the basics and basic technique it is possible and according to the peeped fly fishing. One of the options for setting the search can be the same "Czech Nymphing", For example. Most often in the video you will see casts upstream at a slight angle to it, and much less often across. This is because the drift of the bait then occurs, which thus depicts the food carried naturally downstream. It is very important not to lose control over the position of the bait! A beginner may have difficulty with this, which will increase the number of hooks and the likelihood of simply not seeing, not feeling the bite. The height of the swim of the bait will be influenced not only by its weight, but also by the diameter of the fishing line (or a leash from the fluor), the position of the spinning (higher or lower to the water). The coil only gets out the excessive slack, which, I must say, is always present in this fishing. Very good help not to lose control is small smooth tosses or swaying of the bait at the moment of drifting. If you crept up to the place of fishing very carefully, and the transparency of the water allows you to exercise sighted control, then this can generally be considered a gift. The fishing itself will not only be easier, but also many times more reckless. The reaction of the fish to the bait we observed gives an excellent opportunity to correct the actions during subsequent casts and lead the nymph closer to the fish or its shelter. IN nymphinge in general, it is useful to carry out repeated wiring (swimming) in the same place, literally combing every centimeter of a potential fish stop. After all, her reaction to a nymph can differ markedly from what we are used to feeling in spinning. For example, the chub most often takes the bait freely drifting in the water column very delicately, like a real taster without the usual “give back the spinning” to us. Things are quite different when catching grayling or streams, their bites are easily felt. And again, a clear control of the bait should be taken care of when catching roach, for example. A large proportion of her bites will look like twitches. So let's repeat what has been said. We cast up, then the bait drifts downstream in the water column (higher or lower depends on the mood of the fish). We just select the slack with the reel and try to clearly imagine where our bait is, while for each suspicious change in its behavior we react with a control hook, which, by the way, will be useful every time at the end of the wiring, when the current starts blowing the bait closer to the surface. The rise of the bait to the surface most likely reminds the fish of the same natural behavior of an aquatic organism at a certain stage of its development, as well as an ordinary swim at the moment of drifting. In fact, there is nothing complicated in all the described fishing. If you wish to master it initial stage you just have to stock up on patience and faith in the bait until the first successes appear. In other matters, similar in fishing is necessary for the development of any innovation.

The described technique, although basic, is not the only way in spinning to make a fish peck at a nymph (or a silicone imitation). Several times it was possible to persuade the most cautious fish, only by sneaking up to her from above, and for a long time holding the nymph on the fishing line released down near the shelter of that fussy fish. If you take a creative approach into service, then it will definitely not be superfluous in any fishing with absolutely any bait. Keep in mind that and short distance fishing will make you observe more, analyze, and only then proceed to action. It is this property nymphinga most likely, it will both attract some anglers and repel others from it.
Feel free to try new things, don't be afraid to experiment!
Beautiful and bright impressions to all of you!
And at nymphinga in the format XUL-fishing just has every chance to please this angler.

* Among fly fishers, nymphs are commonly called both insect larvae and flies that imitate them. In addition, nymphs are often referred to as imitations of a number of other organisms that live at the bottom of reservoirs.
**gold head- golden head (from English). Goldheads are called flies with a gold-colored metal ball. There are flies with a ball of a different color, but it is goldheads gained wide popularity due to their catchiness.
*** Some cases from my fishing trips, in which I played a certain role nymphing, as well as some thoughts related to this, have already been described in the blog. Entries on this topic are united in it by a label - (this is a hyperlink and clicking on it will take you to a page for reading all the articles united by this label).

Fly fishing requires special skill and endurance from the angler. When fishing with light bait, there are many factors that can affect the effectiveness of such fishing. If a nymph is used as a bait, then many fishermen, having used this tackle and not having received a positive result, no longer use it for fly fishing. This is a very big misconception. With the right organization of nymph fishing, you can get a high catch, but the skill of managing such bait and tackle is preceded by a long period of training.

What is a nymph

A nymph is the larval stage of an insect. Many species of fish feed on such larvae-pupae, so the use of a nymph as a bait can be very effective in fly fishing. If you use fly-fishing, the nymph's wiring is carried out evenly at the surface of the water, and even big fish make bites during such fishing.

Artificial larvae are made in various shapes, sizes and colors. They imitate the type of insect that fish hunt in their natural habitat.

Tackle selection

First of all, you should choose the right main part. In order to successfully catch trout or grayling, you will need nymphs that mimic caddisfly or dragonfly larvae. A well-made imitation larva has legs and a color that matches this type of larva. Some nymphs can reach over 40mm in length, but the average size for catching this fish is 12mm. Many artificial nymphs have a holographic surface that changes color depending on the light. In the design of artificial bait, beads can be used, the brilliance of which is able to attract fish at a considerable distance.

For catching perch and pike perch, you can use nymphs painted in very bright colors. This fish does not have great legibility and pounces on any shiny and bright object. A fisherman who uses the fly fishing method must have a strategic reserve various baits. About the food preferences of fish in this moment time can not always be judged even by ripped stomachs, therefore, if the bite is not strong enough, it is necessary to experiment with the shape and size of the bait.

In order to fish for a nymph was easy and pleasant, you need to pick up correct rod for fly fishing. Fly rod material can be:

  • fiberglass;
  • carbon fiber;
  • glued bamboo.

Fiberglass can only be used in the process of mastering this type of fishing. The low strength and increased vibration of the blank do not contribute to the acquisition of such a blank by experienced fishermen. The high weight of such a rod is also not its advantage when the rod is constantly held by the angler in his hands. CFRP is a modern, lightweight, but expensive material. The blank, made of carbon fiber, is lightweight and high load to the gap, so if fishing for a nymph becomes a constant hobby, then it is simply necessary to purchase a rod made from this material.

Glued bamboo is the most expensive material for the production of fly fishing rods. Such products are handmade and have unique characteristics.

The length of the rod usually ranges from 2.4 to 2.7 meters. It is convenient to fish with such a rod both from the shore and while in a boat. Many fishermen practice wading nymph fishing. The weight of a high-quality fly fishing rod should not exceed 150 g, only with such a weight of the blank it is possible to comfortably fishing for a long time.

The action of a rod for fly fishing on a nymph in the absence of wind and a small weight of the bait should be slow.

In this way, the elasticity of the entire length of the rod can be effectively used when casting, which contributes to a longer and more accurate delivery of a very light bait. When using a heavy bait, a fast rod action is more suitable. In this case, it is possible to cast the bait for a considerable distance, even with a headwind.

A fly reel should not be heavy, otherwise the superiority of a good quality light rod will be minimized. The mass of the reel for a fly fishing rod usually does not exceed 150 g. The reels are small in size due to the lack of the need to wind a large amount of fishing line. To equip the fishing rod, only high-quality products are used, perfectly balanced, with gear ratio at least 1/5.

For fishing on a nymph, a cord with a diameter of 0.12 mm is used. With skillful handling, this thickness is enough even for catching large trout. If a fast action rod is used, the diameter can be increased to 0.15 mm.

How to catch a nymph

For effective fishing on a nymph, you should choose the right reservoir, where such larvae are the main diet of fish. Such fishing is most effective in shallow waters with an average current. It is not effective to carry out the wiring of the bait against the current. The maximum result can be achieved if the nymph is thrown against the current. When the larva floats freely downstream, it can be slightly twitched to provoke the fish to bite. If the wiring tactics are chosen correctly, then the fish are very well caught with this method of bait animation.

Less effective way is the wiring of the nymph across the stream. During posting, it is also necessary to apply small jerks, while the posting speed should be low.

On a reservoir where there is no current at all, the bait can be cast in any direction. Good results can be obtained by throwing the nymph to the opposite bank of the reservoir, which is covered with hanging tree branches. In such places, the fish is quite often and feeds on insects that have fallen into the water.

Good results can be obtained if the nymph is thrown to the opposite bank of the reservoir, which is covered with hanging tree branches.

For successful fly fishing, nymphs must be attractive in appearance and resemble as much as possible the natural larvae that feed on underwater inhabitants. If at the same time high-quality light tackle is used, then a very large catch can be expected.

Nymph fishing is becoming more and more popular every year. The point is not to lower the smallest imitation with a tungsten head to the bottom much faster, but to discover new opportunities for successful fishing in new depths.

Initial position

80% of all insects are found by our salmon under water and mainly in the bottom zone of water bodies. The fish very rarely leave it, chasing the emerging nymph to the middle layers of the water. Rafting and returning to the original place of parking requires a large expenditure of energy, which can be compensated only in the case of mass hatching of insects at the bottom of the reservoir.

Since the current speed is maximum on the surface of the water, our trout look for calmer places for themselves at the bottom behind the breakwaters or along the coast, where they find enough food. Very attractive for fish are the parking places at the entrance and exit from the pools or at a depth under the main current. The larger the pebbles and stones at the bottom of the reservoir, the more they slow down the current, causing the water to swirl, even upstream.

So, the norm of behavior of our salmon is to be in places where they do not have to spend a lot of energy for food.

With a parachute-style ring cast or Switch Cast, the line is cast obliquely, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees. upstream.

This beautiful brook trout was seduced by a deep-drawn amphipod imitation at the opposite bank behind an underwater rocky ridge.

fish species

Each type of fish, depending on their nature, has preferred parking places. So the brook trout loves ravines under the banks, slightly muddy water or a pile of large stones in streams.

The brook trout prefers shaded places among large stones as its parking lot at the bottom of the reservoir.

On the contrary, grayling is more likely to be found on the illuminated sandy areas of the bottom or in gullies.

On the contrary, rainbow trout are looking for communication with their own kind in shallow open places. Moreover, if a sufficient number of insects are fused, she can choose even a very fast current as her parking lot and loves funnels formed by the current, where food without much difficulty falls directly into her mouth.

As for the grayling, it prefers a uniform flow without turbulence and pebbles of the same size at the bottom of the reservoir. The structure of the body of the grayling allows it to stay on the fast current as well.

Nymph fishing techniques

The end of the cord is folded, and the nymph lies down near the bite indicator.


Most often, with this technique, a not too heavy nymph is cast upstream on a monofilament undergrowth, especially when fishing in small and not deep waters. Since in this case the casting distance and the rafting distance are small, there is no need to use a bite indicator. Watching the end of the cord, you can timely determine the bite of the fish or the hook on the bottom. This technique is good to use when fishing in reservoirs with a large number of boulders at the bottom. Tuck casts allow you to quickly adjust to the depth of the reservoir or to the turbulence of the water flow, as well as to check the expected places of fish stopovers.

When using small and light nymphs, the length of the undergrowth may well be equal to three times the expected water depth.

Rafting at depth for short distances

If the water in the stream is a little cloudy and there is a turbulent flow, then the technique of fishing for the "Czech nymph" will be very effective. Here you can fish with a long rod, such as a tenkara, jumping very heavy nymphs along the bottom on a short cord. However, this is no longer the classic fly fishing.

If the reservoir is wide and the water in it is clear, then the French nymph fishing technique is applicable. Here you will need a super flexible rod and a conical, up to 9 meters long monofilament undergrowth. Real professionals use the system of nymphs - heavy at the end and light on the side leash - (Rig) almost any fish in the pond. You can hardly believe it, dear reader, but I tried this technique: you feel any bite. However, since it can lure the most wary fish out of its hiding place, I think it's a very dubious way to catch a fish, no matter what.

Active pressure of reservoirs using this method leads to the fact that the fish stops rising to the surface of the water and, having heard even a slight slap, hides and stops eating altogether for several hours.

Some water managers ban this technique at home, introducing the “Dry Fly Only” rule, or limit the length of the undergrowth to 3 meters.

As soon as the end of the line is in front of the angler, use a horizontal Swip to lay the manding loop downstream. The faster the current, the narrower the loop should be.

American "Hopper-Dropper" method

In America, where it is allowed to use several flies on one undergrowth, a piece of monofilament line with a slightly weighted nymph at the end is fixed on the bend of the hook of a floating imitation of a grasshopper or stonefly. The length of the line depends on the depth of the water, and the floating "bouncer" serves as a bite indicator, although it is attacked by fish in the first place. It happens that both flies are attacked by two fish at once. Here, in Austria, on most reservoirs, the technique with the use of two flies is prohibited.

After that, you must immediately throw the cord in the opposite direction, i.e. upstream.

Nymph on a sinking cord

In the old days, before the advent of heavy tungsten heads, in order to lower the nymph to a depth, they used primarily a sinking cord or a cord with a sinking head. They acted according to the principle: "if the fish does not come to me (that is, does not emerge), then you need to go down to the water level where the fish is standing." However, such a three-dimensional "campaign" to the fish was available only to a few anglers who had the appropriate "feel" for the speed of the current, the depth of the reservoir and the distance to the parking of the fish. It should not be forgotten that after casting a sinking line (large body of water) or a line with a sinking end (small rivers) upstream or downstream, it was only possible to either choose the floating line or let it go.

Depending on the alloy, it is necessary to continue to throw the line in order to keep the loop in the shape of the letter "U" or "V" as long as possible.

The nymph on a short undergrowth moved somewhere near the bottom or in the middle layers of the water. In order not to “oversleep” the bite, it was necessary to make constant contact with the bait, lifting it and taking it away from the fishing zone. Most often, the bite occurred at the end of the drift, at the moment the nymph stopped and rose to the surface of the water.

Charlie Brooks was the master of the highest class of fishing with a sinking line with a simple imitation of a stonefly nymph. His fishing area was the Madison River in Montana, and I learned a lot from him there. On this 50-mile rapid with lots of boulders, the fish had only one choice: “Either immediately take the bait or starve to death!”

At the end of the rafting, the loop straightens out, and the nymph breaks away from the day as a result of the pressure of the current on her.

My method of catching the nymph "Bottom Downstream"

In the event of a bite, the indicator stops or hides under water, moving against the current. Undercutting should be done by moving the rod horizontally upstream. In this case, the nymph rushes downstream and securely "anchors" in the corner of the fish's mouth. Cord loop to slow down the cutting energy.

I came up with this fishing method many years ago and tried it on the pre-alpine rivers. This was the time when the first graphite rods appeared on the market, which allowed casting long distances. Preconditions for this method there was a uniform flow without turbulence and large boulders at the bottom. Fine-grained bottom substrate and depth differences, that is, ideal places for grayling.

I realized when practicing the method that the dark color of the sinking line and the line with a sinking end, apparently, did not appeal to picky graylings, as this affected the results of fishing. For this reason, I developed my own undergrowth for small ponds. Inside the weave of monofilament line was a thread of lead. The undergrowth was blurry and less visible. Twisted green copper wire together with fluorocarbon threads also performed well when fishing in shallow waters and light nymphs.

On larger waters, I also use a floating line in combination with undergrowth, which can be up to 5 meters depending on the depth, as well as a bite indicator. The indicator is fixed in such a way that at the end of the reel it abuts against the upper ring of the rod, is released and freely slides down to the fish, without making it difficult to play and capture.

Cast fishing upstream

When catching "suspicious" places in small reservoirs, casts should be made mainly upstream.

I still use this method today on various reservoirs. In doing so, I change the length of the undergrowth depending on the depth, the speed of the current, or the weight of the nymph. Basic rule: the depth of the reservoir plus 50 percent. At the transition from the cord to the undergrowth, it is necessary to fix the indicator. Without it, on a bright sunny day, you may not see a bite, especially if you are standing waist-deep in water and making long casts.

When using long undergrowth at the end of the rafting, the nymph sometimes has to apply force to reliably detect the fish.

So, the fishing technique:

1. You make a "parachute" cast obliquely upstream. First, you should catch the zone closest to you, then gradually go to long distances, since even a floating line can frighten away the fish.

The long monophyllic undergrowth does not unfold completely, and in this form lies on the water. The shorter the undergrowth, the more vertical (to the sky) the cast should be. It is optimal if the nymph falls almost on the indicator at the moment when the line falls on the water.

2. A fast current captures the cord, a “belly” forms on it. There is no pressure on the nymph, and she freely descends. At the same time, you need to pull the cord through the middle finger of the hand holding the rod and collect it into rings.

3. As soon as the bite indicator is in front of you, this means that the nymph is close to the bottom surface. This can be seen from the indicator, the melting speed of which has noticeably decreased. Now the nymph starts to work. Next, make a horizontal Swip with the end of the rod downstream to form a loop in the form of the letter "V" with an open top upstream. This must be done in doses so that the indicator does not move as a result of this casting. If, with too much force, the cord is pulled downstream, the nymph will rise up, which we should avoid. The stronger the current, the narrower the loop should be. In slow flow, the loop can be larger because the flow pressure is less.

4. After that, we make several horizontal Swips (mandings) against the current to keep the letter "V". To do this, we use the stock of the previously selected cord. Now the cord floats downstream, and the nymph moves near the surface of the day at a slight angle. It can be used from time to time a short time lift abruptly from the bottom, delaying the release of the cord during mending, after which it will drop again.

5. When biting, the indicator goes under the water obliquely against the current. You are making a mistake if you are hooking as usual by lifting the rod up. In this case, the cord with the loop is only released from the water, but the fish is not detected. On the contrary, you need to lower the end of the rod to the water and hold it in this position against the current. The undercut can be made more effective by simultaneously pulling the cord with your left hand. In this case, the size of the loop lying on the water is reduced, and the indicator jerks away downstream.

The nymph also passes this way and is reliably marked in the corner of the mouth. The current presses on the loop of the line and reduces the energy of the hook, so the breakage of the undergrowth and the loss of fish are extremely rare. This method allows you to successfully fish places near the bottom surface at a distance of more than 25 meters from the angler.

At the end of the alloy, the cord straightens out, and the nymph emerges. This is the moment when bites occur very often. In conclusion, the line is selected up to his head, and another cast is made upstream.

6. I simulate caddisflies and mosquitoes, periodically raising and lowering them. On the contrary, I raise the nymphs of the mayflies slowly, but continuously and lead them to a greater distance, and then lower them again.

The reward for a deeply drawn nymph according to the Roman Moser technique is often a beautiful and strong fish, like this "leopard rainbow trout" caught in Ager.

I hope I have been able to clearly and clearly explain my complex equipment fishing on a nymph and I wish you success in its application.

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