Carp fishing in July on the reservoir. What to catch carp in summer summer baits and baits for carp

Carp fishing is a long and sedentary activity that requires perseverance. Sometimes anglers have to wait all day for a bite, and a cautious and vigilant carp does not want to take the bait. If specimens are caught on the hook, then they are of such a size that even for a cat it does not make sense to take them. In such cases, experienced fishermen change tactics a bit and try other types of bait.

Fishing for big carp

Traditional tackle for fishing big fish is a bottom rod. Every self-respecting carp angler should know how to catch carp on a donk. This method is the simplest and most common today. To catch large specimens, it is necessary to have a strong and reliable tackle capable of pulling a fish of ten or even fifteen kilograms. In this case, it is advisable to use the reel specifically for catching carp, otherwise you can quickly disable the tackle that is not intended for playing large individuals. The fishing line should be braided, and the hook should be of such size that small fish cannot capture it. Bait casting must be carried out at intervals of fifteen to twenty minutes. This is one of the basic rules of fishing for big carp.

The bottom tackle is equipped with a feeder, into which bait is collected. Being in the water, it blurs and thereby lures the fish. When an empty feeder lies at the bottom, the inhabitants of the reservoirs are unlikely to be tempted by it, so recasting gear must be done regularly. As a bait for beginner fishermen, it is best to use a special mixture of various components. Such bait options can be easily found in any fishing store. Experienced lovers of carp fishing prepare bait themselves, knowing what the carp bites on the most. However, not every professional will share his secrets and tell you how to catch carp. Therefore, feel free to go to the store for the finished product, and over time, when experience comes to you, you will be able to independently prepare certain types of baits.

Features of catching wild carp

Wild carp, also called carp, is found not only in hard-to-reach clean water bodies. Occasionally, it can be found in private ponds, which have recently been increasingly rented for breeding various fish. In such farms, the carp is well fed and grows to an impressive size. To understand how to catch a wild carp, you need to remember the well-known truth: these representatives of the river kingdom are very fond of eating. Sometimes, during one daylight hours, carp anglers spend about ten kilograms of bait. This is done so that large fish come to the place of fishing and stand there as long as possible. Every fan of carp fishing has own methodology capture of its wild relative. All of them are based on the fact that wild carp is a cautious and vigilant fish that will not take anything in its mouth without looking back. At first, he will carefully study the proposed bait, and only then, if he does not suspect something is wrong, will he carefully taste it.

In order not to miss such barely noticeable bites, experts advise using feeder rods with a test of no more than 80 grams. The tip of such a device has good information content, which makes it possible to feel even a trial bite of a fish. The reel for such fishing must be used inertialess, and the fishing line - 0.2 mm with a flurocarbon leash. The size of the hook depends on the size of the intended prey. It is better to fill the feeder with bait, which contains corn and a little bloodworm. This will increase the likelihood of a fish approaching your cast quickly. Usually after a while the biting begins. But far from being a carp or even a carp sits on the hook, but every little thing - a bream, a silver bream or a perch. A large carp waits for a long time and only then makes itself felt. Sometimes you have to wait a few hours, and sometimes a whole day. But as soon as a large wild carp finds your bait, the bite is guaranteed, and the little thing will no longer bother you.

Carp fishing in a small pond

Basically, fishermen who want to return home with a decent catch prefer to use the services of fish farms, which have recently been numerous in many regions of the country. Almost all stories about how to catch carp in a pond, if the pond is paid, come down to one thing. Having arrived at the place and paid a certain amount of money, all that remains is to cast the bait with bait and wait for the first bites. There is no need to complain about the size of the booty. The reason for such a quick bite is that the owners of paid ponds are constantly stocking their lands with fish. It is for such effortless fishing that people are willing to pay a certain amount. Moreover, in many farms they charge not only for entering the territory and the opportunity to fish, but also for the catch (per kilogram), and for permission to take it with you.

There are no special subtleties and wisdom in the question of how to catch a large carp on a paid pond. An important aspect is only that in such reservoirs some individuals can reach impressive sizes, so you should take special care of the strength of the rod and reel. It is recommended to choose a braided line, as strong as possible, and a hook such that it can hook large fish well. You don't have to worry too much about food. There, the fish will peck at everything, so to some extent, part of the money that you give for comfortable fishing, can be justified by using less groundbait. When playing prey, even if not as large as you would like, always use a landing net. Firstly, this will give one hundred percent confidence that at the most inopportune moment the fish will not fall off the hook, and secondly, the use of such a device injures the fish less than dragging it along the coastal strip.

Active carp fishing

There is a rather unconventional method that is positioned as active fishing. How to catch a carp without sitting in one place is easy to describe. The essence of this method of fishing is to throw the bait not at one point, but to catch a rather large area, moving along the coast from time to time. Thus, it is not the carp that comes to your bait and starts attacking the bait, but you yourself are looking for it in the pond. Knowing the habits of this type of fish, one can understand that the coveted trophy does not stand still, it is constantly in motion, cruising along the bottom and filtering particles of silt through itself. Where the carp is operating, muddy silt rises to the surface of the water. This is where the bait should be thrown. And the type and appearance the bait does not matter, because the carp will not see it anyway. In such cases, he can only accidentally draw it in, so the bait should be light and small. The hook of the eighth number, on which five or six small dung worms are planted, is optimal for these purposes. Casting is best done in such a way that in no case frighten off the prey.

To understand how to catch a carp with a bait, let's turn to the help of professionals. Experienced anglers advise paying attention to air bubbles that rise to the surface of the water. The casting of the bait must be done a little further away from this place, and then, with smooth, unhurried movements, bring it to the place of the proposed parking of the carp. If the air bubbles, after some time, change their place of exit to the surface, then there is a possibility that the fish is in motion. In this case, the bait should be thrown at the point in the reservoir where the carp is supposed to be after a certain time. Some anglers, when catching carp feeding in a heap of silt, try to use heavy baits so that they do not lie on the bottom, causing fear in potential prey, but at least sink a little into the silt.

Features of biting trophy carp

When deciding how to catch a trophy carp, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of its bites. Even if the fish is of impressive size, it is not so easy to detect such a moment. This may be due to the fact that a large individual does not notice the hook, even when it is already in the mouth, and calmly continues to search for food. In principle, carp bites are very neat and timid, so even in slightly windy weather it is not easy to recognize them. It is best to fish early in the morning when the wind is not so strong and the food is appropriate. In view of the foregoing, it is recommended to cut each time, at the slightest suspicion of a bite. Unlike catching another type of fish, when it is better to wait until a certain amount of fishing line is unwound before hooking, here it is necessary to act sharply and immediately. If you hesitate even a little, the carp may have time to spit out the bait and proudly swim away.

The most catchy months of the year for carp

The period when it is best to go hunting for carp is the warm summer months. Experienced anglers know how to catch carp in July or August, despite the rather common saying "June, July - even spit in the water!" As you know, in these months, poplar fluff floats in the main territory of Russia along the reservoirs, which, oddly enough, serves as food for the fish. Thus, during this period, the fish is full and practically does not react to the persistent attempts of anglers to catch it, which was the reason for the appearance of the above-mentioned folk saying.

However, all of the above has nothing to do with carp. Perhaps he would have deigned, so to speak, to fill his belly with this very fluff, but only the latter does not have time to sink to the bottom, since it is eaten by other species of fish that live closer to the water surface. Therefore, no matter what they say, in the summer carp fishing is simplified due to the fact that well-fed small fish react to your bait to a lesser extent. For successful fishing in July, use bloodworms or worms as bait, and the amount of bait can be slightly reduced.

The original way of catching big carp on the lake

There is the most complex and at the same time the least effective method how to catch carp on the lake. However, it is also in demand. This option is resorted to by anglers who cannot sit still for even a few tens of minutes. The complexity of the method lies in the fact that you need to catch carp without the help of any baits, as well as without the use of rods and baits. The fisherman, wearing polarized glasses and seeing the silhouette of a fish in the water column or at the bottom, enters the reservoir with a landing net. It is necessary to approach the object carefully and slowly so as not to frighten off potential prey. Of the ammunition on the fisherman should be special boots-trousers. Basically, this method of fishing ends in failure, because the carp does not let anyone in and, sensing something was wrong, will swim away with lightning speed. Also, if you decide to go into the water, make sure that other fishermen nearby will not mind your trip.

Catching carp for corn and types of catching baits

most best bait when catching this type of fish is corn. The canned product has a delicious and pleasant smell, and the color of the grains attracts and attracts fish. For the angler this species bait is interesting in that its acquisition is not difficult. Leaving the coast, along the way you can always drop into the store and buy a jar, which cannot be said about bloodworms or maggots. It is not always possible to find the latest types of bait in a short time, since only specialized fishing shops are engaged in its sale.

Now let's look at how to catch carp on corn. It should be noted that not every purchased product is suitable as bait. The fact is that each grain must have a solid structure so that when attached to a hook and during a long stay in water, it does not fall apart. That is why many fishermen stock up on dry grain for bird feed and boil it in preparation for fishing. Of course, the corn must have a pleasant smell and look natural, otherwise the fish may not even come close to it. The bait should be set in such a way that the bare tip of the hook sticks out. So you exclude the fall of the bait during casting, and besides, if you miss the moment of bite, spontaneous hooking may occur. Canned corn can also be used as an additive to existing bait. It is also advisable to throw a certain amount of grains into the water at the place of the proposed fishing. This will be an additional incentive for the fish, as a result of which it will approach the bait.

To understand how to catch big carp, you need to know its anatomy and some habits. Bait corn should be taken in such a size that a specimen of solid weight can swallow it, otherwise only a trifle will land on your hook. After some time, having gained experience, you will understand how to catch a carp with a bait using corn. You do not need any special gear for this, only a strong rod with a float. Put a few grains of corn on the hook, throw it into a place baited in advance and wait for bites, periodically checking for bait.

The answer to the question of how to catch carp with a different bait is even simpler. The method and mechanism of fishing is almost identical to that described above. The only difference is that the carp's addiction to other baits is much less. However, there are periods when carp can actively peck at bread or maggot, but they are short-lived.

Fishing for carp

How to catch a big carp with a bait? There is no single answer to this question. For catching large fish, a regular fishing rod is not entirely suitable. Firstly, the strength characteristics of rods of this kind are not able to ensure the safe playing of trophy specimens and can simply break. And secondly, with the help of ordinary fishing rods it is impossible to produce a high-quality cast to the required distance. Therefore, if you still want to understand how to catch a carp with a bait, while not having experience, then try catching a medium-sized fish first. Such specimens are quite suitable for cooking in the oven or in a pan.

The use of flavors when fishing for carp

Many professional anglers are so accustomed to using all kinds of flavors with alluring smells in the process of catching that they no longer know how to catch carp without them. Most of these substances are released in the form of liquids.

Beginning fishermen greatly underestimate this type of bait and completely ignore them, placing more emphasis on the amount of bait. This is not entirely correct. During any fishing, it is necessary to make the most of all available gear, lures and baits, and in the event of an active bite, catch only on working gear. Flavoring liquids are different: based on natural extracts, with the addition of a certain amount of synthesized artificial substances, or combined. Which one to choose is up to you. As a rule, knowledge of all the nuances comes with experience, but it is not possible to reveal all the secrets within the framework of one article.

By following simple rules and resorting to some tricks, you will definitely get a trophy, even if not immediately. And then you yourself will tell beginners how to catch carp in various weather and other fishing conditions.

Before going on carp fishing, every fisherman has a question, what to fish for carp. After all, there are a lot of baits and baits with which you can seduce the omnivorous "pond pig", as home carp is sometimes called. The main thing is to understand which of them will work in specific conditions.

All baits are divided into animals - they are called baits, and vegetable - nozzles. Our article will tell about the features of using most of the baits for carp.


There are not so many baits for carp, mainly when catching it they use:

  • worms, earthen and dung;
  • maggot;
  • bloodworm;
  • caddis larvae.


For lake and pond fishing, the working bait for carp will be a dung worm. The point, it seems to us, is that many carp reservoirs were formed by dams on rivers for the needs of collective farms. Farms have an abundance of dung worm, which is washed into the pond water by spring flood waters or during heavy summer showers. Therefore, fish in stagnant or slow-flowing water bodies are accustomed to eating dung worms, which, apparently, is genetically fixed.

Another thing is with fish that live in a medium or large river. Earthworms get here mainly when, during the spring flood, the washed river banks collapse and whole cubic meters of soil, and with it the worms, fall into the water.

You need to bait hooks with worms depending on the fishing season. In winter and before spawning, one or two per hook, in summer, when a large piece and a carp mouth rejoices, a bunch.


Maggot, popular among carp fish, is often the answer to the question: what kind of bait to catch carp. Moreover, you can catch maggots throughout the year.

Maggots are baited on a hook for several larvae: in winter - 2-3 pieces, in the rest of the year they fill the entire hook with larvae. In addition to a simple method of baiting, maggot boilies are used and mounted on a hair rig.

The process of maggots:

  1. The future “hair” is inserted into a sharp thin needle: a thread or a thin fishing line.
  2. Maggots are carefully put on the hair through a needle in the amount of 10-20 pieces, depending on their size and the desired size of the boilie.
  3. The needle is removed, and the hair is tied up so that a kind of necklace of maggots is obtained.
  4. One end of the thread is cut off, and the second is tied to the shank of the hook. A maggot boilie on a hair rig is ready.


Irreplaceable bait for carp and other fish in winter period. Motyl is the most familiar food of cyprinids, so they do not refuse such a treat. At other times of the year, when using a bloodworm, there are problems with the acquisition of mosquito larvae and their storage. Yes, and the fish wants to grab a larger piece than a small bloodworm.

Bloodworms are planted when catching carp with a brush of 5-10 larvae. Often, when ice fishing, they use it in a maggot sandwich.

caddis larva

The caddisfly is interesting for fish not only in the larval stage, but also in other phases of its development. The inconvenience with its use as a regular bait is due to its prey. Many anglers would rather buy a worm or maggot in the store than poking around in the mud, looking for a caddisfly, which is very difficult to buy.


There is a huge variety of baits for carp. In addition to natural grains of cereals, many are artificially made, most of them are easy to do with your own hands. Most nozzles are used in the open water season, more often in summer. But some of them: corn, semolina, dough are also used in ice fishing.


Let's start with natural grains, which are familiar to fish due to the "negligence" of agricultural production. It is no secret that it was not the carp that originally crawled to the field for a grain of corn, but a person spilled it into the water during transportation from the field to the current. Now for fishing, corn grains are used in different ways: as a whole or in processed form.

The most popular among cereals as a nozzle for carp are:

  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • peas;
  • pearl barley;
  • oatmeal.

Grains, before becoming bait for carp, are subjected to heat treatment. They are either boiled or steamed. This is done to increase the softness and ease of hooking.

Grain grains are put on the hook directly by piercing or mounted on the hair.


  • simple raw dough;
  • pancakes;
  • bread;
  • semolina;
  • mastyrka;
  • hominy;
  • pasta;
  • boilies.

About that, it will be written below, about other types of test we will write a little more.

  1. A simple raw dough is kneaded from various kinds flour: wheat, rye, pea. The composition of raw often includes eggs, vegetable oil, flavorings.
  2. Pancakes sometimes help out not only on carp fishing, but also on carp fishing.
  3. Bread is used both wheat and rye. Often it is mixed with eggs, cheese, flavored with honey or unrefined sunflower oil.
  4. Manka. It is prepared in two ways: washed or diluted with water. In any case, a mass is obtained, which is wound on a hook with a stick, or squeezed out of a disposable syringe.
  5. Mastyrka. If you knead enough semolina into freshly brewed hot pea porridge until the consistency of an elastic dough, you will get an excellent nozzle. Its advantage is that due to its natural smells of peas and semolina, carp mastyrka does not even need to be flavored.
  6. Hominy. For cooking with your own hands, two types of flour are used: wheat and corn. They are mixed in equal proportions, closed with water until the consistency of thick sour cream, placed in a plastic bag and boiled in boiling water for 30-40 minutes. At the exit - hominy.
  7. Pasta for fishing is boiled until half cooked, while flavorings are added. Stars are especially popular. But this is not the preference of the fish, but the choice of anglers because they have a hole through which they are easy to put on the hook. At present, the production of stars with various flavors on an industrial scale has been established.

Boilies and pellets

If the dough nozzles listed above mainly have to be done with your own hands, then the following nozzles are produced industrially. Modern carp fishing - carp fishing - confidently answers the question of what to catch carp? Of course, boilies and pellets.

Boilies are pieces of dough kneaded in a special way with flavoring, boiled in the form of balls. They come in various sizes and degrees of buoyancy. Boilies are attached to the hook using a hair mount or special silicone rings.

Pellets are compressed granules of various ingredients, mostly cylindrical in shape. They are attached to the hook most often with silicone.


A special nozzle, on which the carp pecks, for catching specialized gear - the top - is sunflower cake, or top. It is obtained by pressing waste from the production of sunflower oil. The top of the head is not attached to the hook, on the contrary, the hooks are inserted into a piece of cake, during the resorption of which the carp is detected.

1. Before you start fishing, try to find the fish - this is one of the most necessary conditions for successful fishing.

2. In summer and autumn, use boilies prepared on the basis of fish food, and in winter and spring, mix with bird food in equal proportions.

3. Add enough salt when preparing baits, especially hemp, corn, beans, maple peas, and chickpeas. Carp love the taste of salty food. Salt should be given approximately one tablespoon per 5 liters of dry mix. It turns out an excellent and inexpensive bait.

4. Try adding some hot pepper. Carps often like spicy dishes. Approximate calculation: 2 tablespoons per 5 liters of dry mix.

5. If standard boilies don't work, offer the fish maggots. Here is one of the ways to do this. As a free offer, carp can be filled with maggots in a small PVA bag. Or pour half a bag of bait. At the bottom of the pond, the bait will create an attractive cloud of turbidity. To prevent the larvae from crawling into the silt, use frozen maggots.

6. In winter, try to recast the tackle more often and, moreover, not in the same place: this will increase the chances of getting closer to the fish. IN cold water carps move little in search of food. It's not summer when you can cast the bait and wait for the carp to find it.

7. When making a mixture, add granules different sizes. This technique will confuse the carp a little, it will become less careful, especially when you string bait of different sizes on the hook.

8. Enrich the bait with vitamin C. I often add orange juice instead of water to mix groundbait. You can soak ready-made boilies in orange juice, this will sweeten the bait, and it will smell good.

9. In order not to overfeed the fish, add bread crumbs, flavorings and fewer boilies to it.

10. If possible, do not use round baits. Too often carp are caught with round lures, so some distinction needs to be made. To do this, squeeze the bate right on the hook with small pliers.

17. If you are only fishing in a certain limited space, always cast your lure in the same spot. To this end, after you cast, tie a small piece of brightly colored line or ribbon to your main line as a guide.

18. After fishing, do not throw away unused bait in the water, take it home and freeze it. Hemp, corn, peas, beans and even maggots can be frozen until the next fishing trip.

19. To prevent the carp you catch from bouncing on the bank when you release the hook, cover the eyes of the fish with a damp dark cloth.

20. Do not throw a lot of bait at the beginning of fishing, act according to the "often and little by little" method. Remember, food thrown into the water is no longer available.

21. Do not overfill the feeder with groundbait, otherwise it will crumble during the cast. An overflowing feeder can even change the direction of the rig's flight.

22. Do not use a lot of bright baits on the waters frequently visited by anglers, this will repel shy carp. Activate bright colors only when the neutrals are off.

23. If you are fishing in cold weather, soak the baits in liquid and not too strong flavors. In cold water, such a bait will smell longer.

24. To find fish in a pond, fish with rods with different footage and a fixed length of line to cast at different distances. If it bites close to the shore, then you are casting too far with other fishing rods.

25. Small seeds in bait are able to keep carp in one place longer. Small seeds sink into the silt, and the carp needs more time to collect them all from there. However, searches are needed here, since not every seed can catch a large carp.

26. For more bites, reduce the size of your rig. Small details of the equipment are not so evident to the fish, in addition, small hooks are sharper because they are made of thin wire. Agree, you can catch more fish with a sharp hook.

27. For the manufacture of nozzles, it is better to add rock salt instead of table salt. Such salt, carp seems to like it more.

28. In search of fish, you should not always navigate with the wind. In small water bodies, its direction has almost no effect on the location of the fish. The same applies to large bodies of water. Carp don't always go into the direction of the wind because they know that there are a lot of fishermen there, and this is life threatening!

29. Before casting the tackle, throw a few baits into the water. If a carp feeds in this place, then by throwing a few boilies, you will scare it away, and it will not swim far. Then drop your rig. It is better to scare him off with small pieces of bait than with heavy equipment.

30. If the majority of anglers on the pond use the tactics of fishing in one place, building tents on the shore, then you, on the contrary, use a different method: move from place to place. Throw also a small amount of bait in the coastal zone. Throw baited tackle there from time to time.

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The middle of summer is the best time for hunting trophy fish, so carp fishing in July is of great interest to lovers of domestic carp fishing. This is partly due to the summer holidays of most anglers who prefer hunting for this large fish, as well as the prevailing conditions on the reservoir.

In July, it becomes possible to catch carp with any usual gear, both float and bottom. In addition, special specific types of fishing rods are used in the summer heat. Everything related to carp fishing in the second month of summer will be discussed in this review.

Features of carp fishing in July

July fishing for carp is characterized by several factors.

  1. The fish fell ill after the June spawning and began to eat intensively.
  2. The rising temperature of the water has forced the carp to move to the coolest deep water places.
  3. Various living organisms flourish in the underwater kingdom, which are the desired food for carp, therefore, in order to please him, you will have to try very hard to prepare delicious bait and bait.
  4. The increased water temperature has a relaxing effect on the fish, carp move less, trying not to waste energy in vain, preferring to eat in one place.

For effective fishing, you need to find the coolest part of the summer thermocline.

In July, the carp tries to regain strength, gain fat, but at the same time prefers slow movement and being in deep holes and whirlpools, going aground only at night and twilight hours.

Carp feed and bite best in stable weather, without extreme temperature fluctuations or atmospheric pressure. On such days, he can be caught around the clock.

Fishing for carp is good even in the heat, but it is best to go fishing in the evening and catch it until about 8–9 in the morning. At this time, the fish rises from the depths and can search for food closer to the shores.

Attention! Adherents of carp fishing usually come to fish for several days and fish almost around the clock. main role two factors play in this: fishing on paid stocked reservoirs and organizing competent bait at the fishing point.

Drizzling summer rain also activates the carp, saturating the pond with oxygen. But a heavy downpour causes clouding of the water, due to this, visibility under water decreases, and, as a result, the intensity of the bite.

A small ripple on the surface of the water helps the angler, masking him from the view of underwater inhabitants.

Where to look for it?

During the year on the pond, unlike the river, the situation practically does not change, so the carp points are also constant. These are, first of all, various anomalies in the underwater kingdom:

  • snag;
  • pits and tubercles on the bottom;
  • individual boulders and other large objects;
  • areas near the border of vegetation and clean water;
  • places under overhanging trees;
  • deep-sea locations near flowing streams or spouting springs under water.

Irregularities of the bottom relief can be determined in several ways:
1. Use a wireless fish finder. Its sensor is attached to the main line, and the information is displayed on the smartphone screen.

2. Use the jig tapping method borrowed from spinning players.

3. Apply marker float and weight system. By drawing the underwater environment on a sheet of paper, you can draw real horizontal depths of the underwater world.

The depth of the point is determined by the length of the piece of the etched fishing line

4.Most simplest way edge definitions - dragging the load along the bottom. When the load hits an obstacle, fix the line in the spool clip.

At night, carp often come out to higher aquatic plants growing off the coast:

  • reeds,
  • cattail,
  • cane,
  • and others.

In such places, catching carp with surface baits, such as a crust of bread, can be successful.

Tackle selection

Due to the fact that carp in the summer can occupy a variety of distances from the coast of parking lots, it is caught on many types of gear. We divide them into three broad categories:

  • float,
  • bottom,
  • original.


carp fishing in july float rod conducted mainly on short distances where such tackle is best used:

  • under overhanging trees;
  • at the coastline;
  • at the coastal snag;
  • at the border of aquatic plants;
  • near a cluster of water lilies or duckweed above a sufficiently deep coastal hole.

In this case, flywheel, Bologna and plug versions of the float fishing rod are used.

With a float, it is easier to control tackle when fishing in “strong” places, in particular, on the border of clear water

Although carp pay little attention to the thickness of the rigs, you still need to follow the rule of reasonable minimization so that the rig is more delicate, but can withstand the jerks of a large trophy when playing.


Used for long distance fishing bottom gear. Which is better - each angler decides personally. We list all kinds of gear of this type:

  • snack;
  • rubber;
  • donka from spinning with all kinds of equipment;
  • feeder;
  • carp, tackle for carp fishing.

The equipment of any of the donoks can be so different that a separate large article is required to describe them. You can read about some of the options on our website. Here we briefly list them:

  • carp rigs used in carp fishing;
  • feeder loops;
  • installation with anti-twist;
  • inline with and without tap;
  • crown;
  • flat feeder;
  • carp killer.

The “spring nipple” rig often uses colored foam balls that irritate carp.

Monofilament is used as the main line in carp donks, which is able to dampen the jerks of a strong opponent. The sensitivity of the braid, which transmits the minimum touch of the bait, is not needed here. As a last resort, you can use a combination of a working braided cord and a nylon shock leader.


Why we singled out some gear in a separate section, you will see for yourself. The fact is that these rods are used only for carp and in a very short period from the beginning to the end of July.

crust of bread

Ancient tackle is used on summer nights near the border of higher algae. A strong fishing line is attached to a strong rod that can withstand the weight and resistance of a huge fish. Experienced carp anglers recommend placing a monofilament at least 0.35 millimeters in diameter. A large hook is knitted at the end of the fishing line - that's all the tackle, it doesn't even have a sinker.

The hook is masked in the crust so that its bend looks up, so the carp will be better caught

Fishing is done in the evening and at night. Equipment from the shore is delivered directly through the reeds to the window of clean water. Carp swim up to such places at night and collect food from the surface. Having found an appetizing crust of bread with a crumb, they cannot refuse such a treat and begin to savor it. It is important to feel the moment when it is worth making a strike, and then, without ceremony, drag the fish through the thickets.

bulk float

In the event that the section of the reservoir described above, where night carps feed, is far away, you will need tackle for long-range casting. In this case, a water-filled float is mounted on the fishing line, a meter from which a hook with a crust of bread is attached.

A water-filled float is easy to make yourself, for example, from a capsule for shoe covers

In addition to the capsule from shoe covers, you can use as a float:

  • loaded foam;
  • deodorant ball;
  • floating bombard (sbirulino).


It turns out that pure pike tackle can also be used for carp fishing, you just need to understand the equipment a little. This tackle is used when it is impossible to catch an attractive point in another way or there are obstacles for playing fish.

The circle is used stationary, a heavy sinker is mounted at the end of the working line, holding the tackle at the point. A leash with bait is attached a little higher.

Tackle is brought in by boat, after installation, the point around is fed. An inverted circle, just as in the case of a pike, signals a bite, after which, without delay, you need to swim for fighting.

In addition to carp, large carp are often caught on the circle.


Modern fishing is not complete without bait. Even on paid reservoirs with a large number of fish and the “catch-and-release” fishing principle, catching carp without first feeding the fishing point is a matter of chance.

Without going into the secrets of store mixes, which are increasingly used by modern anglers, let's focus on homemade bait. Most often, carp is fed with various cereals prepared on the basis of:

  • millet,
  • barley,
  • peas,
  • corn,
  • wheat.

Advice! The famous “salapinka” for carp also works well!

An important factor is the aromatization of bait. In summer warm water, this component should be handled as carefully as possible. It is best to do without additional chemical additives, bypassing the presence of such components in the composition:

  • boiled peas;
  • liquids from canned corn;
  • ground sunflower seeds;
  • beet molasses.

An important component of bait for large fish is the presence of large fractions, such particles help to keep the fish at the point of catching.

Corn grains, boilies or pellets are added to the bait for carp

It often happens that carp do not bite on heavily pressed water bodies, despite high-quality bait. In this case, you need to look at the color of the mixture, it should not stand out against the background of the bottom as a bright spot.

Advice! You can change the color of the bait composition by adding soil of the desired color.


Carp in the summer can peck both on baits of vegetable origin and on "meat" baits. But the preference is still shifting towards "lean" foods, such as:

  • green and boiled peas;
  • corn;
  • wheat grains;
  • pearl barley;
  • bread crumb or crust;
  • various dough;
  • hominy;
  • mastyrka;
  • slightly undercooked potatoes.

Do not forget about simple baits:

  • dung and earthworm;
  • bunch or boilie of maggots;
  • tassel of bloodworms, if you can find such a bait in the summer.

It is better to catch carp on paysites with carp fishing lures:

  • boilies,
  • pellets.

Combinations of baits, the so-called sandwiches, will also help to seduce cunning fish for a bite. They can use bait various types, because no one has yet figured out what the fish has in mind.


Carp fishing in July is full of many components. It is interesting and exciting, catchy and complex at the same time. If you follow the recommendations of experts, then the bite of a strong fish will not keep you waiting, and then you just have to show all your skills when playing a strong opponent.

The middle of summer is a very promising time for trophy hunting. Carp fishing in July is good because the water is already perfectly warmed up, the fish have long moved away from spawning and have eaten, but at the same time they are active at all levels of the water area - both near the ground and on the surface. So you just need to know where, when and what to throw, and we will talk about this now.

Let's start with the fact that you can safely catch carp in July for the whole month, at least every day, especially if there is no sweltering heat on the street for weeks. Especially noteworthy are the days on which weather forecasters promise a thunderstorm or rain. Because in this weather, the pressure drops, and your possible prey becomes more active.

July carp fishing spots

Since the middle of summer in any case is characterized by the warmest weather, you need to look for your trophy at a depth where it will go, hiding from the heat.

Therefore, the most promising places carp fishing in July is:

  • whirlpools and reaches (rifts);
  • exits from pits and edges;
  • silted areas of the bottom.

During night fishing you can quite successfully catch carp in July on the shallows. Only at the same time it is important to remember that, despite all its activity, the fish does not lose its caution, therefore, to attract with something familiar and not too original. How? There is a fairly rich selection of options - we move on to them.

Carp baits and baits in July

In summer, many things can be used as a bait, from porridge or even just boiled cereals to flavored potatoes. Dry mix or feed in general will classic choice. The main thing is that the option you chose should be of medium viscosity and washed out within 5-7 minutes.

The best baits for carp in July are:

  • canned corn
  • boilies
  • maggot
  • flavored bread
  • pearl barley

Please note that they are presented in the list not by catchability, but in random order. In some water area, depending on the habits developed by the fish, one nozzle may be effective, in another - another. You can find out the preferences of the inhabitants of the reservoir through experiments.

Tackle for carp fishing in July

We offer a brief but detailed review of the options for the most popular methods.

On the feeder - a classic option, especially convenient in summer due to the accuracy of the casts. You need to take a universal rod (up to 3.6 m long), a reel with a baitrunner and a 3000 spool, a feeder up to 60 g (or a sinker up to 30 g), a monofilament 0.25 mm thick and a leash, thinner in diameter by 0.05 mm . Catching carp in July on the feeder is carried out with abundant starting feeding (using large feeders) and with subsequent casting of smaller feeders.

On the float - match rods are especially relevant with this method, making it possible to fish at long distances. You need to take a blank up to 5 m long, a reel with a baitrunner, a friction clutch and a 2500 rpm spool, a shot weight, a 2-8 g float, a main line with a diameter of 0.25 mm and a leash with a thickness of 0.2 mm. float fishing carp in July is especially convenient when using inline rigging - with sliding mounting, breaks are practically excluded.

On an elastic band- this version of the donkey is great for night fishing with hanging different baits. You need a shock absorber 5 m long, a powerful inertial reel, a nylon cord with a serious load (up to 1 kg), a main line with a diameter of 0.3 mm and a leash with a thickness of 0.25 mm, well, good signaling device, preferably electronic. It is best to catch carp in July with a rubber band from a boat - the casts are almost silent, cliffs are unlikely.