When smelt is caught in winter. Choosing a place to fish

“My good friend Viktor Mikhailovich Kalinin introduced me to the secrets of this fishing.

The first acquaintance with smelt took place at the end of February on the ice of the Upper Tuloma reservoir, near Murmansk, during our first joint trip to ice fishing. Read about how they fish in the winter in Sweden -.

Tackle for catching "" cucumber" fish is simple and reliable, consists of winter fishing rod with 25-30 m of fishing line wound on a spool with a diameter of 0.2-0.18 mm. The leash is equipped with two mormyshki with a light accumulator and a hook N ° 6-7, a carabiner is tied at the upper end of the leash, a sinker is tied at the lower end, but a bauble with a hanging tee N ° 14-16 is better.

In addition, it is useful to hang a glitter 5-6 cm long and 2-2.5 cm wide between the mormyshkas. Very good glitters are obtained from a plate from a photogloss. The nod is springy with a bright red ball at the end. It is very important to balance the tackle correctly: the mass of the lower sinker (lure) should incline the nod by 90 ° in relation to the rod whip.

Lures for smelt fishing

In this case, the nod will straighten when biting if the smelt lifts the bait from the bottom, or lower if it pulls down. I stick the rod into the snow at an angle of 60-70 °. Nozzle - "proprietary" - pieces of the smelt itself, on which not only this fish is caught, but also burbot. Therefore, an indispensable attribute of the “smelter” is a plank and a sharp knife for preparing the nozzle.

Having gone out onto the ice, we drilled a number of holes, set up fishing rods and began to wait for 10 hours: it was at this time that the bite was supposed to begin. Victor Mikhailovich first planted a worm, and after a few minutes a small burbot was already fluttering on the ice. Its meat is not very suitable for catching smelt, but we had no choice, since the worm was over.

Around 10 o'clock my partner started to bite a few meters from my rods. My nods remained motionless. I walked with a scoop and cleared the holes, relaxed a little and did not have time to run up to the fishing rod, on which the nod sharply bent and returned to its original position.

Kneeling beside the fishing rod, I almost breathlessly followed the nod. But then he began to slowly sway up and down, and after waiting for the moment when he went down as much as possible, I sharply hooked. In the next moment, he threw the rod aside and began to pick up the fishing line, feeling a pleasant heaviness at its end.

And now I have a smelt in my hands, my first smelt in my life! Crimson gills, a mouth studded with a hundred teeth, a body with a blue tint. You wonder how such a fish, the size of an average capelin, could take a mormyshka with a piece of fish? But most of all I was surprised by the specific cucumber smell emanating from this fish.

Reel for leashes

For the convenience of transportation, I made a reel to the size of a plastic box that came to hand. I take one wall of a plywood box with connecting spikes and saw off a blank of the required length from it. I process the blank (1) with sandpaper and stick the material from the outdated tourist rug (2) on both sides.

To fix the leashes in the direction of the rug, opposite to the spikes, I prick the carnation pins opposite the gaps between the spikes (3). Winding the leash should start from the upper end, putting a carabiner on the head of the pin, and then stick the hooks into the rug. Plywood spikes will not allow leashes to get mixed up with each other. ”

Fishing tackle refers to the main equipment of the fisherman and consists mainly of several hooks. The most famous fishing tackles are different types networks. This may be an "umbrella" network, which is directly stretched over metal spokes, which are the frame of an umbrella. network "unsteadiness", which is also called "rise". It can be stretched between metal rods or stretched over a square frame.

In addition to nets, tackle includes a variety of spinners, beards and much more. For each region and for each type of fish, there are special ways to knit tackle, how to make more efficient hooks, and much more. Knitting gear is not very difficult, the main thing is to know what kind of fish will be caught. The color of the tackle when fishing for smelt should be blue, yellow or white. Having picked up the required diameter, they begin to knit a hook to the leash, which will later tie the hook to the main fishing line.

Sometimes it is very difficult to knit tackle on small smelt, since it is almost impossible to hold a small hook in your fingers. For this, special small machines have been created that will tie the right knots very quickly and efficiently. Sometimes it becomes difficult how to do bottom tackle on smelt without the possibility of entanglement for the main line. To do this, you should either launch the bottom tackle with the flow and with the support of the main line, which will be used for smelt fishing, or fasten the leashes with hooks to special carabiners of the swivel variety. Thanks to this, the caught smelt will not tangle the nets. Bottom equipment is harvested up to 40 meters long and with leads up to 0.35 mm thick.

There are many ways to create interesting smelt tackle. And making them is no more difficult than, for example, how to make tackle for carp. You can make an ordinary bottom feeder, which differs from most tackles in a very thin top for determining the bite and the number of rings, which can reach 20. Also, a very effective bottom equipment for catching smelt is a “cork”, which is a lead-weighted cork equipped with several leashes, on which hooks are attached. The mixed feed is hammered into a cork and thrown both manually and by spinning. When biting on such a tackle, the fish retracts the hook along with the bait and, thereby, hooks itself.

Another of the most popular ways to make smelt tackle is to create spring-based tackle. This tackle is reminiscent of how to make tackle for crucian carp. This requires small hooks, a spring, a knitted line with a sinker, a main line up to 0.3 mm thick. For the leash of this tackle, a knitted hook for catching smelt is also suitable. Being almost universal, such a hook can be used for several varieties of fish. The peculiarity of such gear is that it is extremely sensitive and practically does not get tangled when casting.

Often the question arises - why be able to knit them? I went to any fishing store and bought ready-made ones. I also chose the cheaper one. In fact, all garlands are different, and they fit not only for a specific region, but even each reservoir needs its own, special garlands, which are best caught in this particular reservoir.

The main knot for the garland.

Most often they sell ready-made garlands Japanese made. In Japan, the real winter is only in Hokkaido, and even then a short time. Ice fishing is only possible on a small number of lakes. Basically, the Japanese fish from piers in open water. To do this, they use long fishing rods and use garlands even with a float. Therefore, the length of the leashes is from two to six centimeters. If such a garland is caught in a hole, then the hooks will cling to the ice.

Basically, Japanese garlands, which are sold in the shops of our city, are intended for sea ​​fishing in open water from the ship. They catch different types of mackerel, sardines and herring. They are good, but not quite suitable for our ice fishing. The most skilled anglers knit tackle on their own, taking into account the characteristics of the reservoir, and the fish they catch. Invent and test different variants garlands, with different fishing lines and hooks, and at the end of the season they sum up which garland worked better, which bait the fish preferred. And such gear goes into production. Most often, the combination works - a Japanese hook, but a different fishing line and short leashes. The best line to use is fluorocarbon. The diameters are different - for small-mouthed smelt 0.1 mm on leashes and 0.12 on the main one. The distance between the hooks is 25-30 cm.

For a short-haired fish, four hooks are enough, with a garland length of just over a meter. The length of the leash is 1.5 - 2 cm, depending on the weight and type of hook. On a balanced garland, the hook does not hang, does not stick out rigidly to the side, but plays, slightly bending the leash, and at the slightest movement sways smoothly, attracting the fish. As a bait, they use "tukach", or, as it is also called, "maggot". This is a fly larva, which are abundant in our rivers during the course of pink salmon.

Regular garland for mackerel.

The bait, which is used to lure fish to the hole, is most often krill (Chibi), or special powders that the Japanese make based on squid liver with different flavorings. The peculiarity of these baits is that they create a strong smell that attracts fish in the water, but they are not food. The fish is suitable for the smell, and apart from the baited hook, there is nothing to eat.

Feeding for smelt.

So, where does the manufacture of a garland begin?

First choose a hook. Not only the size and shape of the hook is important, but also the color. The most popular and catchy colors in order of preference are blue, red, white, yellow. Red and blue work better in sea or brackish water. This is the Busse lagoon, Changeable, Tunaicha. Then, depending on the weight and size of the hook, they pick up a fishing line on a leash. Having chosen the appropriate diameter of the fluorocarbon fishing line, a hook is knitted to the leash, and then the leash itself is tied to the main fishing line. Smallmouth smelt hooks are very small, difficult to hold in your fingers, and for this there are special machines that help you make the right knot on this microscopic hook.

The distance between the hooks is chosen depending on the thickness of the ice at that time of the year and the bait that is going to be used. Usually, this is double the thickness of the ice, but not more than 50 cm. For each reservoir, you need to know or specify the optimal distances between the hooks. In some reservoirs, the bottom is covered with a carpet of algae, and so that the hooks do not cling to the grass, the distance from the sinker to the first hook is made longer (for example, Lake Changeable).

Consultations on the development of knots and practical issues are held in the Fishland store, on Thursdays, from 18:00 to 19:00, free of charge.

Despite the fact that smelt weighs only ten grams, winter fishing for this fish makes the heart beat with incredible frequency, and the adrenaline rush is such that there is simply no limit to joy. This is due to the fact that bites follow one after another and catching 5 kg of fish in one trip is not the limit. One can only imagine how frequent her bites are in winter period. In order for this fish to always be present in the catch, you need to know the nuances of the fishing technique for this tasty, although not big fish.

Where to catch smelt in winter

This small fish prefers to gather in large numerous flocks, the mass of which can reach a ton. Moreover, there may be several such flocks. It is even difficult to imagine what density of fish is in a certain part of the water area of ​​the reservoir.

To determine the parking place of a school of smelt, it is enough to look at the surface of a reservoir covered with ice. Where there is the largest concentration of fishermen, there is a school of fish. At the same time, the density of anglers is also amazing: there can be thousands of them per square kilometer. Despite this, each of them will be able to catch several kilograms of fish. This suggests that there are several numerous flocks of smelt in the immediate vicinity of the anglers.

Smelt prefers to be in places where small rivers flow into large ones. This is due to the fact that it will go to small rivers for spawning. Therefore, the mouths of the rivers are her favorite parking place. Being in this place, she prepares to go to spawn.

Sometimes smelt is taken from a depth of about 20 meters; on rivers with shallower depths, it bites at a depth of 4 to 8 meters. This fish prefers places with a flat bottom, unlike other types of fish that go to pits for the winter, with significant depths.

It is caught in the interval from the bottom and up to 1 meter away from the bottom. The bait is played by lifting it to a height of 1 meter and lowering it to the bottom. It is on this horizon that bites occur. Although there are cases when smelt accumulates at other depths. In this case, much depends on the weather conditions.

When smelt is caught in winter

Paradoxically, you can catch smelt around the clock, both day and night. Most anglers prefer to catch this fish during the day, although there are some that stay overnight. They stock up on everything they need in advance and continue to catch it. The most basic device is a gasoline generator that generates electricity. At the same time, it should be noted that with the onset of darkness, the smelt becomes more active.

Throughout the fishing, especially during the day, the bite of this fish is more stable, although it can both become more active and weaken. This is due to the fact that the school of smelt is in constant motion. The activity of the fish also depends on the density of the school. Sometimes there are cases when the biting stops due to the departure of a large flock for a short distance. After a while, the fish may return and begin to peck as actively.

At night, the smelt is activated, plus it is attracted to a beam of light directed into the water. This factor further increases the activity of bites, which is what anglers use.

If you look at the river at night, it can be confused with the central avenue of the city, illuminated by numerous light sources.

Tackle, bait and bait

Given the fact that smelt is a small fish and will not be able to cut off the tackle, even if you use a line of minimum thickness, then anglers use this feature. If you take a thick fishing line, it will negatively affect the fishing process. A thick fishing line can alert the smelt. The most optimal line diameter is from 0.15 mm to 0.2 mm. There are also minimum requirements for a winter rod. The main thing is that it should be comfortable and have a sensitive nod to respond to very subtle bites from a small fish. Barely noticeable bites require concentration and a certain skill.

Mormyshkas with a diameter of 4 to 6 mm are suitable as bait. If you take jigs of a larger diameter, then the number of bites will decrease sharply, although larger individuals will be caught. When using a 4 mm mormyshka, the number of bites may be maximum.

More experienced anglers use phosphor mormyshki, which increases the number of bites if the fish is inactive. At the same time, during the period of pre-spawning zhora, she is able to peck on a bare hook. During this period, she doesn’t particularly go over the baits and she doesn’t care what material they are made of.

To increase the effectiveness of the gear, you can tie another hook to the fishing line, on a leash 10 cm long. The distance from the mormyshka to the hook can be 20-30 cm. As practice shows, this approach allows you to catch a large area. At the same time, the hook additionally attracts smelt with its movements in the current. With a high activity of smelt, the tackle is able to catch 2 individuals at once.

You can put additional baits on mormyshkas, such as:

  • maggot;
  • bloodworm;
  • worm;
  • piece of fish.

As a rule, these are the most common baits used by fishermen when catching smelt. Sometimes, to activate the bite, they use pieces of the smelt itself, if there is nothing suitable at hand. Smelt, although a small fish, can be safely attributed to predatory fish species. This may be evidenced by the smelt's mouth, strewn with small but sharp teeth. Therefore, the use of baits of animal origin should be a priority.

fishing technique

First you need to find a school of smelt and only then start catching it. If this fish is actively pecking, then it makes no sense to install two or more rods, because even with one rod it will be quite difficult to cope. If bites follow one after another, then it is not at all difficult to forget about other fishing rods. With a weak bite, you can use more than one fishing rod. The number of installed fishing rods is determined experimentally. The main thing is to be able to check and install each rod, otherwise fishing will turn from pleasure into a nightmare.

Since smelt fishing is carried out on the river, it is very important that the gear cannot be confused with one another. Based on this condition, we can immediately say that the holes need to be drilled perpendicular to the flow. This approach will minimize the chance of gear overlap. It is very important that all anglers adhere to this technology, especially in conditions of such density.

Smelt is caught both on fixed baits and on baits that are given a certain game. It all depends on the activity of the fish. If the smelt actively takes baits, then it is able to take on permanently installed gear. If she refuses to peck just like that, then she has to be attracted by a certain game of mormyshka. The task of the angler is to make the hooking in time, since the bites of smelt are barely noticeable and barely sensitive.

The lure game starts from the very bottom point, although it is possible that this point may be much higher. This point can serve as the bottom of the reservoir. At the same time, the mormyshka rises to a height of about 1 meter. After that, a pause is made and the bait again sinks to the bottom. Bites occur at the moment of lifting the bait and are characterized by a barely noticeable push. It is very important to learn how to determine the moments of bites, otherwise smelt gatherings cannot be avoided.

Winter smelt fishing

The use of spinners speeds up the process of catching smelt and makes it more interesting. As bait, special spinners of small size, with a diameter of about 5 mm, are used. Alternatively, ordinary hooks with a slight load are used, as well as additional attributes, in the form of plumage. Such a lure is somewhat similar to flies for fly fishing. Such baubles have hooks that do not have a notch that does not allow the fish to leave the hook.

As a rule, this notch is ground down or appropriate hooks are bought. This is necessary in order not to waste time releasing the fish from the hook. She does it herself when she hits the ice. This increases the number of fish caught, and the movements are practiced to automatism.

Tackle-wavers are equipped with long (about 0.5 meters) rods, both homemade and purchased. Mahalki are used when catching smelt at shallow depths or in the upper layers of water. In any case, this is a fairly effective tackle, distinguished by its simplicity. The only thing that is required from the angler is patience and perseverance, as well as a sufficient amount of energy. Not every angler is able to withstand such a high rate of catching this small but tasty fish.

Video "Winter fishing for smelt on makhalka"

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