Homemade winter vents for pike. winter zherlitsa

Zherlitsa is one of the oldest fishing gear for fishing for predatory fish. Invented hundreds of years ago, a simple design still surpasses many modern gear in terms of efficiency. During this time, it has not changed much, except that it has been slightly modernized, and as for its popularity among predator hunters, there is hardly any other such tackle that can compete with it.

So what is her secret, maybe in the design? Let's try to figure it out, and at the same time we'll look at how to make a vent with your own hands.

What is a sling, and what is it for?

This simple tackle is designed for catching predatory fish exclusively for live bait. It may have several design options, but the essence boils down to one thing: the predator is presented with a bait mounted on a hook connected by a fishing line to a fixed base, which, as a rule, is above the water. Usually anglers use several vents. Their number can be any, if only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir and the capabilities of the fisherman allow.

Despite the fact that today you can buy any tackle in the store, anglers prefer to make vents with their own hands. This business is absolutely not expensive and takes very little time. A good fisherman can have a dozen and a half girders in his arsenal. If you know where to look for a predator, this amount is enough to get a pretty good catch. Making vents with your own hands for some anglers is gradually developing into a kind of hobby. Making these tackles on their own, the craftsmen constantly modernize them, bringing them to perfection.

Types of girders

All vents can be divided into two main types:

  • winter;
  • summer.

The first, in turn, are divided into supraglacial and subglacial. winter designs more common and popular than summer ones, which have recently been replaced by more modern means fishing.

Winter girders are of three types:

  • with a flat base;
  • on a vertical stand;
  • "taganok".

Flat base girders

The most common are girders with a flat base. They have a simple design and, unlike vertical and "tagankas", are easy to install. In addition, such do-it-yourself girders are made within 15-20 minutes from improvised materials.

Such tackle consists of a wooden or plastic platform on which a reel with fishing line and equipment is located, as well as a signal flag that “shoots out” when biting.


  • simple design;
  • easy replacement of structural elements;
  • quick and easy installation on any surface;
  • the possibility of overlapping the hole to prevent sunlight and freezing.


  • in the presence of strong winds, without additional load, they can shift;
  • freezing of the base into ice in severe frost is possible;
  • good factory models are quite expensive.

Vertical girders

Vertical vents work on the same principle, however, their entire mechanism is not located on a flat base, but on a stand, which is installed in the snow compacted near the hole. This, in fact, is their only drawback: installation is impossible without snow.

A do-it-yourself vertical vent can also be made from improvised means in a minimum period of time.


  • when securely installed, they are quite stable;
  • purchased models are significantly cheaper than flat ones.



"Taganok" is a design in the form of an aluminum tripod with a coil and a flag located on it. This do-it-yourself vent is rarely made, as it requires certain metalworking skills and the availability of the necessary tools.


  • compactness and the ability to fold the structure;
  • convenience in transportation.


  • a do-it-yourself zherlitsa can only be made if you have metalworking skills and the appropriate tool;
  • poor stability in strong wind conditions.

Do-it-yourself flat ice vent for pike

Let us consider in detail the process of manufacturing a zherlitsa with flat base. Let's start with resources and tools. We will need:

A flat do-it-yourself pike vent can be made not only on the basis of a plank. A plastic or foam plate can also play its role. It is important that the platform can securely hold all the elements installed on it.

We drill a hole with a diameter of 10 mm in the center of the plank. We change the drill to 4 mm in the drill and make holes in the coil mounting plates. Using self-tapping screws, we fasten the reel with the fishing line pre-wound on it at the edge of the plank, positioning it so that the fishing line, unwinding from below, has a direction towards the drilled hole.

When making girders with your own hands (winter), you should pay enough attention to the flag. If it is not factory, then we take a prepared steel plate or wire and bend its edge (1.5-2 cm) at an angle of 90 degrees. We apply this edge to the middle of the board on the opposite side of the coil and press it with the help of clamps and self-tapping screws so that the flag stands vertically and can be removed from the clamps with force. At its end, any convenient way fasten the red patch.

Now it remains only to attach a load and a leash to the fishing line. That's the whole process of making a flat vent with your own hands. Winter structures of a vertical type are made according to the same principle, only they have a different arrangement and fastening of structural elements.

Ice pit for pike

Under-ice vents are used by anglers for hunting predatory fish in two cases: when the tackle is set at night or during the day for a long time in conditions of severe frost. Their essence lies in the fact that the entire structure is lowered into the water in order to avoid freezing gear into the ice.

Do-it-yourself ice vent for pike is made even easier. A base is taken in the form of a wooden slat or stick with a length of at least two diameters of the hole. In the middle we tie a thick fishing line, to the end of which we attach a piece of plastic or rubber pipe (you can use a hose), which has negative buoyancy. From below, a thin cut 2-4 cm long is made in it. The main fishing line is wound on the hose. The tackle with the bait sinks to the bottom, the fishing line is pulled up and brought into the cut, where it is fixed. The zherlitsa is lowered into the hole a few centimeters under the water, where it will be held by the load.

When biting, the pike will pull the fishing line behind it, it will slide off the cut and begin to unwind to its full length. You can determine the bite by the emerging tube. A do-it-yourself ice vent can also be made in the form of a horn. Similar designs were used by our ancestors for fishing for pike and burbot. The principle of its operation is similar to that described above, only a small horn is used instead of a tube. A fishing line is wound around it, after which it descends under the water with its horns down. The fishing line is also fixed in a cut made in one of the horns. As you can see, making a winter zherlitsa with your own hands is quite simple. What about summer?

Do-it-yourself summer zherlitsy

Summer vents are also used for catching predatory fish, however, unlike winter ones, they are installed not on ice, but above the surface of the water. Today it is rare to see such a design in action, but still some anglers continue to use them quite successfully.

Let's look at how to make a do-it-yourself zherlitsa for summer fishing on a predator, on the example of a classic flyer. For this we need:

  • a small wooden horn 10-15 cm long;
  • fishing line 0.3-0.4 mm thick;
  • cargo-olive (5-15 g);
  • leash (steel or tungsten);
  • triple hook (No. 6-8);
  • drill with a drill 8 mm;
  • piece of strong rope.

We cut out the horn from hazel or willow. It must be thoroughly cleaned and sanded so that the fishing line does not catch when unwinding. We drill a hole in the handle and thread a piece of rope into it. In one of the horns, you need to make a thin cut to fix the fishing line, as is the case with the winter ice vent. Now we wind the fishing line on the horns, having previously fixed its end. We fasten the load and the leash with a hook. That, in principle, is all that remains to install our vent.

Features of installing a summer vent

There are two ways to put the flyer: by tying it to a tree branch hanging over the water, or by installing a long pole on a steep bank. In the first case, we will need to either bend the branch, or climb onto it and tie our vent so that it hangs above the water. In the case of a pole, the "flyer" is tied to its edge, after which it is driven into the shore and leans at the right angle to the surface of the water. This option is more acceptable, as it gives you the opportunity to fully control the tackle.

So we figured out the designs of the girders. Agree that in the process self-manufacturing there is no difficulty. In fact, making vents with your own hands is a mostly entertaining and creative process, because any design can be changed and adjusted to certain conditions, which, in principle, most anglers do.

Today, fishing has turned from a way of obtaining food into entertainment, so hunting for predatory fish is of particular interest. Inveterate anglers use zherlitsy - gear for catching pike. These devices were used in antiquity, and today they have been modified and improved, which ensures a guaranteed catch.

The participation of the angler in the use of vents is limited solely to the installation of gear and the removal of the catch.

The advantage of girders lies in the possibility of using gear in any and even hard-to-reach places where other devices cannot be used.

Features of catching pike on summer vents and their types

Depending on the season, zherlitsy are divided into winter and summer. In other words, gear for closed or open water, which determines their design. According to the installation method, floating (circles), on a stationary pole (postavuhi), slingshots for fishing from the shore are distinguished.

Summer on winter zherlitsy

Winter gear for catching a predator is easy to convert into a summer version with the help of sheet insulation and a tight rope. In open waters, with the help of a set signal flag, biting is detected quickly. The effectiveness of winter girders, which are competently converted, subject to compliance with the calculations specifications gear is not inferior to summer counterparts.

The depth of the bait should not be less than 1 meter and not more than 2 meters, since it is in these layers of the reservoir that the temperature is optimal for the live bait.

Mugs (floating mugs)

The essence of this method of fishing lies in the natural movements of the bait, which should interest and provoke a predator to attack. The correct calculation of the technical characteristics of the vent will ensure a guaranteed catch, and the slightest errors and errors in the manufacture of gear will reduce efforts to zero.

On slingshots from the shore

The most ancient way to catch pike is to use a slingshot. This type of summer vent is used in reservoirs with a large amount of algae, snags and other obstructions that make it impossible to use spinning. The tackle is a horn with a fishing line wound around the forks in the form of a figure-eight. Even the material found on the shore is suitable for a slingshot - dry branches, etc.

Equipment summer zherlitsy for pike

To equip gear you will need:

  • leash - the optimal length when catching individuals up to 5-7 kg is at least 35 cm, for larger fish you will need more than 70 cm. This increases the number of bites. You should not make it longer than 1.5 - 2 m, since the likelihood that the fish will go into the thickets increases. It is also not advisable to take a soft or thin leash without a plastic coating, as the pike is able to gnaw through the fishing line or cut it off.
  • fishing line or kapron thread - the length is selected specifically for the selected reservoir and most often up to 20 m, and the diameter does not exceed 0.5 mm.
  • sliding load - for floating vents, the optimal weight of the load should not exceed 5-10 g. It is calculated for each gear, depending on its diameter, size and weight of the bait bait individually.
  • swivel - is a mandatory component of the girders, is used to prevent tangling of the fishing line and stops the sliding load. This element contains a roller mechanism that provides free sliding of the fishing line when catching fish up to 20 kg.
  • hook - doubles or tees are used. Their choice depends on the type of bait and how it is attached. Under the gill cover, a live bait is placed on a double, and under the back - on a tee.

How to put zherlitsy on a pike in the summer

For successful summer pike fishing on the zherlitsa, you must:

  1. Correctly choose the thickness of the fishing line, taking into account the estimated weight of the individual, fishing conditions, the passivity of the pike;
  2. The place should be shaded, near springs and springs, at the border of clear water and thickets of water lilies;
  3. Considering that the feeding time of the pike falls on the period from dawn to 9 am and after the heat has decreased by evening, the vents are set at night or very early in the morning;
  4. Shore fastening gear must be securely fixed;
  5. The strength of the current and its presence in principle, as well as the weight of the live bait, determine the size of the sliding load and the type of swivel;
  6. To make fishing not more difficult, it is not recommended to install more than two leashes.

How to catch pike on zherlitsy in the summer

The presence of a current requires a more careful calculation of the weight of the sliding load and the method of fastening the girders. This is somewhat different ways to install gear. Correctly put

On the river

Pike fishing on the river involves the use of fishing line with a diameter of up to 0.6 mm and a length of not more than 8 m. Given the presence of many snags near the bays of the reservoir, it will not be possible to bring a short fishing line into "fish" places. The weight of the sliding weight is chosen to be slightly higher than 10 g in order to keep the line flowing and balance the movements of the bait, bringing it closer to the natural behavior of the pike feed. In addition, the cargo lying motionless on the bottom of the river keeps the baited leash in the desired position.

Video: Summer pike fishing on vents on the river

Fishing for summer girders. How pike is caught using these devices further on the video:

On the pond, on the lake

For lake-pond fishing, the installation of 5-10 vents is optimal, which are placed near the confluence of tributaries, islets of algae, rocky ridges and snags, various pits, in thickets of reeds, sedge, pondweed. Pike feed most often on the border of multidirectional flows or slow and fast currents. The length of the fishing line for lake fishing is from 12 m, which allows the predator to swallow the bait without interference.

Pike bait is interesting when it is alive. To do this, carefully put it on the hook without injuring the fish, but at the same time firmly fix it.

If the vent has worked, then you should not immediately approach it. You need to wait until the caught predator unwinds the entire line, and then hook it.

Where to buy, what is the cost

You can buy summer vents for pike in any specialized store for anglers or through Internet resources. The cost of gear depends on the type, configuration, material of manufacture and other parameters. The price of the most inexpensive and simple options is from 50-100 rubles. for a unit. Sets and sets of girders with special bags cost up to 2 thousand rubles.

How to make summer vents for pike with your own hands

To make a vent for predatory fish, you need to choose the type of tackle depending on the type of reservoir where fishing is planned. The most common in summer are mugs, homemade slingshots, as well as converted winter vents. Let us consider in more detail how to properly make this or that summer vent for a pike with your own hands.

From winter vents

To extend the pleasure of catching pike in the summer, using a winter zherlitsa, you can with a little refinement. More details in the video below:


For the manufacture of this tackle, you will need polystyrene foam, a reel with fishing line and a stand for it, a plastic stick-pin, red paint. A circle with a diameter of up to 20 cm is cut out of foam up to 2.5 cm thick. A stand for the reel and a signal flag are installed in the center so as not to interfere with the movement of the fishing line. A hole is made on the circumference for laying a fishing line with a hook attached at the end.

With the help of a rope of 2-3 meters in length and a load, the circle will not be carried by the current or the wind.

Only the upper side of the tackle should be painted red. In this way, the bite will be noticeable, since the circle will turn over, and the whiteness of the bottom is more noticeable from afar.


Do-it-yourself summer flyer made of plywood

This device is made from branches of a shrub, willow, hazel or young willow with no high angle discrepancies. If there is no such material, you can take a branch with a slightly larger fork angle and pull it off with twine during the drying process.

It is not allowed to speed up drying with a stove or other devices, as this will make the wood brittle. It is also undesirable to drive nails into it or use tools for rough woodworking - cracks or other damage will make the tackle unusable.

The duration of drying after removing the bark should be at least a week in a dry place. To better fix the fishing line on each horn, stepping back a little from the crevice, screws are screwed in or recesses are made. A nylon thread or fishing line with a diameter of half a millimeter and a length of up to 5-10 meters is wound in a figure eight on horns. At the end, a sliding sinker, a tee and a leash are put on.

Video: Do-it-yourself summer ragulka for pike

How to make a summer pike slingshot in the video below:

Compliance with all the rules of fishing on the zherlitsa in the summer, as well as accurate calculations, will allow you to get an excellent catch with the least effort. In addition, this good way do useful things at the same time as passive fishing.

Pike can be caught on any tackle: vertical, float, and spinning. But it is best to catch this fish on a vent. Not everyone knows that catching pike in the winter on a zherlitsa is the most productive. The advantage is that almost every angler can make it on their own. However, before that, you should find out what a vent is and how it works.

Advantages and disadvantages of tackle

First of all, it is worth considering the pros and cons of the most popular girders, such as Ermakov Growth and Piers Master. There are people who create vents for pike in winter with their own hands.

The "Ermakov Growth" chute consists of a flat aluminum platform, a reel attached to the base with an aluminum stand, and a metal flag with a patch of red fabric. All parts of the girders are interconnected with the help of plates and rivets. Weight unequipped zherlitsy is only 110 grams. The advantages of this gear are:

  1. Frost-resistant plastic is used as a material for the base.
  2. This device will never rust as all parts are made of aluminum.
  3. Due to the large size and bright color the flag will make it easier for the angler to notice the bite.

Despite the presence of advantages, the "Ermakov growth" girders also have disadvantages. Namely:

No less popular are the girders produced by Piers Master. They are equipped with a flat platform to which a reel with a reel seat and a flag are attached. All tackle is completely made of plastic. Its weight is 104 grams. The advantages of this sling are:

  1. The flag is well stitched and glued.
  2. Due to the fact that all tackle is made of frost-resistant plastic, it can be easily taken with bare hands. In this case, the fingers will not freeze to the vent.
  3. There is a screw to adjust the reel free play.

There are only two downsides to this tool. They are:

  1. Well-glued, at first glance, flags begin to peel off over time.
  2. Available in orange and green only.

Ice fishing in winter has both advantages and disadvantages. Some anglers prefer to fish by hand, but most prefer this particular gear. Its main advantage is that the angler does not need to strain his eyesight and look at the tip of the rod for several hours.

It is also worth noting that pike catchers are only suitable for ice fishing. For fishing in the summer or autumn, they are not used.

Choice of place and time of fishing

To provide yourself with a big catch, you need to take care of choosing the right place and time of fishing.

The best time for catching pike on zherlitsy is the beginning and end of winter. During the dead of winter, one should not hope for a big catch, since predators do not show high activity during this period. In the first 2-3 weeks of freeze-up, when the ice thickness reaches about 15 cm, anglers often managed to catch trophy specimens.

It is also important to have information about the places where the caught predator lives. Most often they are snags, cobblestones, underwater trees or other bottom defects. The difficulty of choosing a place lies in the fact that without an echo sounder in winter period it will be quite difficult to understand where the fish is. To get at least a rough idea of ​​the habitats of predatory fish, you can interview local fishermen.

Rigging girders

Of great importance the right rig girders. With the wrong choice of fishing line, leash, sinker, the pike can simply feel unnatural resistance and spit out the live bait.

The fishing line, as a rule, is taken up to 25 meters long. Thick fishing lines are not used when catching a predator, as they make the equipment rough and awkward. Too thin fishing line can break when biting a large specimen, so it is customary to use a fishing line of medium diameter, not exceeding 0.2 mm. Braid is also not worth using, as it will absorb water, and therefore freeze.

After the fishing line is selected, you should find a suitable leash. Its length ranges from 20 to 70 centimeters. It is usually made of metal or fluorocarbon. Disputes about the best material do not subside to this day. The advantages of metal leashes are their reliability and strength, but they are quite noticeable in the water, which is why they often scare away cautious pike. Fluorocarbon leaders, on the other hand, have a small thickness, but have an average strength.

And also sometimes ordinary fishing line is used as a material for a leash. In order to increase its strength, anglers fold it in half.

Do not forget about the preparation and choice of live bait. After all, the bite and activity of the predator depends on it. It is best to install on the hook such a fry that lives in the place of fishing. For this reason, it is better to catch it in the same reservoir in which fishing for vents is supposed.

The crucian carp is considered the most successful choice, since it lives in almost all reservoirs, and also has high endurance, due to which it can stay alive on the hook for a long time. In addition to crucian, you can put as live bait:

  • Roach.
  • Small guster.
  • Rudd.
  • Bleak.
  • Perch.

And also for fishing to be successful, the live bait must meet certain requirements. They are:

The size of the catch depends on the equipment of the rod, the choice of location, the model of the zherlitsa, etc. For this reason, you should be especially careful when choosing a fishing line, leash and live bait.

DIY manufacturing

Make a "pike" for winter fishing you can do it with your own hands. This process is quite simple and at the same time will save the owner a considerable amount of money.

Before making a zherlitsa for winter fishing, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary materials and tools. They are:

Mounting the vent on the pike is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to install the clip with self-tapping screws on the base. It should be located at a distance equal to the diameter of the coil from the center.
  2. The coil is attached to a plastic tube with electrical tape. After that, the tube is inserted into the clip.
  3. Next, check the box on the handset. You can do this with the help of the same electrical tape.

If the implementation of the above points is difficult, then you can search the Internet for schemes, it will be presented there as appearance zherlitsy, and step-by-step instruction for its assembly.

Making a winter zherlitsa with your own hands is quite simple, the main thing is to be patient and do everything slowly. The main advantage of such a pike is that it is very simple to equip and easy to disassemble. To prepare the pike for fishing, just insert the tube into the clip and adjust the flag.

Attention, only TODAY!

Depending on the season and, accordingly, the fishing conditions, there are summer vents intended for use in open water, and winter vents used from ice. Their equipment differs little and consists of one and a half dozen meters of fishing line, sinker, leash with a hook. Fundamental difference can be traced only in the design of the base.

After freezing, the vent is perhaps the only tackle that gives at least some guarantee for catching pike. As a result - a huge variety of winter gear of this kind. There are a lot of ice fishing supplies on the market, but real anglers prefer to make their own.

Do-it-yourself classic winter zherlitsa


  • signaling device;
  • coil bracket;
  • the coil itself;
  • rack zherlitsy;
  • tooling;


  1. Rack made by yourself from a tube or metal corners.
  2. coil bracket it is recommended to make a spoke of a bicycle wheel. All corners of the structure must be only straight.
  3. The coil is made of foam(the wooden version absorbs moisture and swells). In order to be able to quickly detect its rotation and respond in a timely manner to a bite, one half is painted in a bright color.
  4. The signaling device is made from a piece of steel wire. One end is attached to the rack, the other, free, is supplied with a bright flag. Being folded into a kind of loop, the guard will stop the coil.
  5. Snap is attached to the coil described above.

When the pike takes the bait, the alarm will release and the flag will fly up. It is necessary to respond to a bite immediately. Otherwise, the fish can drag the tackle under the ice, and then it will remain with the trophy, and not you.

Modernized classic version of the girders


  • base with a slot for fishing line;
  • signaling device;
  • coil bracket;
  • coil;
  • tooling;


  1. round base made of solid types of foam, less often - plywood. Its diameter should correspond to the diameter of the hole (or ice drill, which is actually the same).
  2. The coil is made as in the case of the classic vent. It is customary to fasten it to the bracket using threaded connections.
  3. The signaling device is done in the same way., but is screwed to the base with a self-tapping screw.
  4. A cut is made at the base for rigging.
  5. Equipment described above attached to the coil.

When fishing, the signaling device winds up behind the reel and stops it. When biting, the coil starts to rotate, and the flag of the signaling device “shoots”. The upgraded version protects against the risk that the tackle will be dragged under the ice. In addition, the hole in this case does not freeze for much longer.

Spatula reel

Popular zherlitsa, consisting of:

  • round base made of polystyrene with a slot for accessories;
  • racks;
  • at the end of the rack, a signaling device with a reel is fixed on a hinge;

The signaling device has an external resemblance to a spatula equipped with a wooden handle. In the prepared state, it is attached with an elastic band. The "handle" is painted orange. When the pike takes, the signaling device is installed vertically, and the fishing line that is not fixed by anything begins to unwind.


As a rule, regardless of the type of construction, girders are equipped with a minimum of elements:

  • 12 or 15 meter line;
  • leash;
  • crochet: it can be both a tee and a double, and even a single one - it all depends on the conditions of fishing and the taste of the angler;
  • lock pellet, located in front of the start of the leash;
  • sliding sinker;

Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Lescu it is worth choosing from among durable monofilaments, designed to catch the trophy for which you go to the pond. An important property is the absence of the memory effect. When using coils, this is of decisive importance. A diameter of 30-40mm is fine for most anglers. However, it makes sense to use a thicker line if you are sure of catching something more serious. In no case do not equip the girders with a braid - when fighting, the cord can cause serious damage.
  2. Choice of leash - a separate issue. The material for it can be:
    • braided fishing line;
    • fluorocarbon;
    • strings;
    • steel;
    • tungsten;
    • lead material;
    • titanium;
    • kevlar;
    • etc. Each angler chooses what he finds worthy of his attention, while remembering that metal leashes can scare away cautious pike, and fluorocarbon ones can not survive the encounter with her teeth.
  3. The main requirement for hook - so that it is sharp. The size depends only on the weight and dimensions of the live bait. In places where hooks are possible, it makes sense to give preference to single ones.
  4. Stopper shot allows you to adjust the position of the sinker, thereby controlling the freedom of the live bait.
  5. As a sinkerit is customary to use a sliding olive. Its mass in most cases fits in the range from 5 to 15 grams. It is determined primarily by the size of the bait and its mobility, as well as by the depth and current. It is intended to keep the live bait in the area of ​​​​the proposed bite and prevent his attempts to go to cluttered areas and confuse the tackle. Refrain from excessive loading. This will not only quickly exhaust the live bait, but also be able to scare off a pecking predator that has unexpectedly experienced excessive heaviness.

Types of winter vents

ice vents

Winter gear has 2 main varieties:

  1. Under-ice supplies checked periodically:
    • Save time and energy for the angler.
    • Best suited for putting them on at night. In order to avoid breaking the fishing line when breaking the ice that covered the hole, the section of the equipment located in the place of the expected freezing is made of a metal leash or wire.
  2. Jerlits that are placed directly on the surface of the ice equipped with a signaling flag. Used during daylight hours. This variation does not allow the hole to freeze.

Making summer vents

Classic summer loafer

To make a simple but effective summer vent you will need:

  • slingshot;
  • fishing line;
  • the sinker, as a rule, is sliding;
  • triple / double hook and leash for it;
  • devices for fastening gear on the shore;

The fishing line is tied to a slingshot and wound crosswise. It contains a sinker, a leash with a hook and, in some cases, a float. A live bait is put on the hook. After that, the tackle is attached on the shore to the branches of trees or bushes hanging over the pond, and a special pole. If desired, the pole can be placed in the water.

Jerlitsa from a bottle

Even if you are not well prepared for pike fishing, there is an opportunity to catch up on the pond. A half-liter bottle is best suited for making a zherlitsa.


  1. Several meters of nylon thread are attached to the bottle and wind it up.
  2. Thread fix with rubber bands.
  3. A sinker is placed on the thread and a leash with a hook.
  4. To improve visibility It is useful to paint the bottle in a bright color.

Such vents are set and checked using a boat.

good to remember

When creating a snap, it will not be superfluous to represent the sequence of a pike attack on a live bait.

It takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Predator grabs its prey across while moving forward several meters.
  2. Extinguishing the movement by inertia, the pike stops, turns the prey around and swallows it from the head.

The bite will be interrupted and completed in the first stage if the pike:

  1. Felt the resistance of the gear caused by an excessively large load or a small supply of fishing line.
  2. Pricked with a free hook tee, planted in the back of the bait, when thrown.

Thus, the length of the tackle and the correct selection of the lead olive, as well as the correct placement of the stopper shot, can be decisive. These details do not tolerate a frivolous attitude and require detailed study.

In connection with the caution of the object of fishing, the question arises of the method of setting the live bait. The simple and popular method “behind the back” among avid baiters is not recommended not only for the reason described earlier, but also because of the harm caused to the bait and causing it to fall asleep quickly.

It will be optimal, having removed the gill cover, bring the leash through the mouth and only after that fix the hook on it. In this case, its tip will be directed to the tail of the fish and will not prevent the pike from swallowing the live bait.

  1. Several leashes on one rig. If the quantity and, importantly, the variety of live bait allows, you can use tackle with 2 or more leads. With its help, it is possible to catch different horizons and increase the chance of catching pike.
  2. The worse the bite, the thinner the tackle. Fastidious fish prefer to offer live bait on more delicate leashes and single hooks.
  3. On a strong current - a heavy sinker.
  4. Mask winter supplies for the night. To do this, just cover the hole and fill it with snow.

Zherlitsa is a way of catching predatory fish on live bait, most often pike. The fisherman installs several (up to a dozen) special devices in series on the pond and leaves, watching the bite signaling device remotely.

The purpose of the girders

This tackle was designed for catching cautious predatory fish (,). No matter how careful the angler is, he cannot move absolutely silently, especially on ice. Sounds, the play of light and shadow in any case alert the fish. She can simply move away from even the most attractive bait. In the case of using a vent, the fish acts boldly, the chances of catching it increase dramatically.

The classic vent is a device for catching predatory fish, which consists of:

  • bases (racks);
  • latch (signaling device) with a flag;
  • coils with a bracket;

The principle of its work:

  1. The chute is placed on ice or other solid ground.
  2. The fisherman equips her with live bait, lowers it into the water, sets the bite signaling device to the working position.
  3. The fisherman leaves.
  4. Approaches the predator. Takes the bait, winding the line off the reel.
  5. At the moment when the coil starts to rotate, a device is triggered that releases the bite signaling device (bright "flag"), which is noticeable at a great distance.
  6. The angler approaches or runs up to the device, manually pulls the line and pulls the predator out of the hole.

Types of girders

Even in the last century, there were vents for ice fishing and vents that were used for fishing in the open water period, which few people remember today. Currently, the term "zherlitsa" is used exclusively in relation to the winter versions of this catchy gear.

Zherlitsy differ structurally:

  • A zherlitsa with a round base that covers the hole.
  • Zherlitsa with a base in the form of a single rack.
  • Zherlitsa, the base of which is made in the form of a tripod. The hole remains open.
  • A girder, the base of which is made in the form of a cylindrical axis (or another base that fits directly on the ice), which serves as the base. The design uses a wooden spool for the main line, which is immersed in water.

In total, there are an incredible number of options for girders, both winter and summer. One can argue about the advantages and disadvantages of each type, but manufacturers most often offer to purchase vents with a round base that can cover the hole. This device allows you to immediately solve many problems from the stability of the structure as a whole to the problem of protecting the hole from snow and frost.

Making a do-it-yourself zherlitsa

Zherlitsa - the simplest tackle, for the manufacture of which with my own hands a minimum of materials and tools is required.

Possible options

For example, the version with the base in the form of a cylinder, in which the spool with the main line is lowered into the water, is so simple that a primary school student can make it if he has such a desire.


  1. A piece of wood of a cylindrical shape (for example, a piece of a fence from a crib) up to 30 cm long.
  2. A piece of knitting wire with a cross section of up to 5 mm.
  3. Thread spool.
  4. Equipment for zherlitsy (basic, leash, hook).

From the wire you need to bend the frame on which the coil is installed. The frame is attached to the base by means of a wire or a piece of braided cord. The simplest zherlitsa is ready.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

More complex designs, for example, with a round base covering the hole, are more difficult to make, although not by much.

  • Classic sling.

Materials needed to make this type of chimney:

  1. A piece of plywood, chipboard, foam, durable plastic or foam plastic with a thickness of 8 mm (plywood) to 30 mm (foam plastic) with dimensions of 20x20 cm for making the base.
  2. A spring from an alarm clock or other clock for making a bite alarm. A spring insert in an officer's cap is also suitable.
  3. A piece of material for making a gatehouse.
  4. Inertial reel with small diameter spool for line storage.
  5. Equipment zherlitsy.

Step-by-step instruction

To make a chimney, you will need to do the following:

  • coil stand;
  • gatehouse mechanism, including flag.

Equipment of the girders

The following elements are included in the rig:

  • Main .
  • Sinker (deaf or movable).
  • Leash.
  • Hook.

main line

Usually, a monofilament line is used in a winter vent, with a cross section from 0.24 mm to 0.5 mm, up to 20 meters long.

Braid under such conditions, firstly, quickly frays against the edges of the walls of the hole, and secondly, wet braid is destroyed under the influence of severe frost.

In addition, it is recommended to make an insert of wire in the equipment of the vent so that the wire is at the border of water and air. Such an insert slightly weakens the reliability of the design, but protects softer materials (monofilament fishing line and braided line) from destruction when ice forms in the hole.


The shape of the sinker does not really matter, unlike its weight. The sinker is selected in such a way that it holds the bait at a certain, required depth. This element of equipment can be both running and deaf.


The leash can be made from monofilament fishing line. However, many anglers use metal products as a leash. It is difficult to give advice, because each angler chooses the material from which the leash should be made.


For bait bait, you can use either a single, double or triple hook. Its parameters are selected based on the size of the nozzle.

How to equip a zherlitsa?

To equip a chute, you need to follow these steps:

  1. After the hole is prepared, you need to put the bait on the hook and carefully lower this bait into the water.
  2. The fishing line is lowered to the desired depth, passed through a slot in the base of the vent.
  3. The spring with the flag is bent and tucked into the reel in such a way that at the moment the fishing line is pulled off the reel, the spring straightens out, releasing the flag of the signaling device.
  4. The base of the girders is sprinkled with snow to create a thermal insulation layer.

At the moment of bite, the coil will begin to move, releasing the spring. The spring will straighten up, raising the flag high. Usually self-secured on such gear. But it is worth hurrying to pull the tackle out of the water.

Fishing is always a mystery. Sometimes its answer turns out to be simple and obvious, like a vent - a simple and economical tackle for catching a predator in any water bodies.