Deep breathing for relaxation. Proper breathing and relaxation techniques

We live in a modern rapidly changing world, and not in the middle of the taiga, and this means that we cannot avoid stressful situations. But we can learn to relax and give the body a rest from the hormones released during stress. In this way, we will bring the body and mind into proper balance, and also make great benefit for your health: relax your muscles, slow down your breathing and heart rate, lower your blood pressure and just put things in order nervous system.
There are quite a few deep relaxation practices, but some of the most effective are deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, visualization, yoga, tai chi and self-massage.

For any relaxation practice, you need 10-20 minutes a day, but if you are under constant stress, you have depression, bipolar affective disorder or phobias, then give yourself about an hour for a more complete recovery of the nervous system.

  1. Highlight in your daily routine a specific column called "Relaxation / Meditation / Visualization" and do the practice you like every day. It is better if it is in the morning and the flow of your thoughts is naturally slowed down after sleep.
  2. Do not practice deep relaxation if you are tired and want to sleep, because relaxation is a process that involves a state of full attention and mental presence "here and now".
  3. Choose a technique that you really like and fit, listen to your body and sensations to make the right choice.
  4. Decide also what you want more - to be alone with yourself or to communicate with people of similar interests. If the first, then practice the relaxation technique yourself, and if the second, then go to the appropriate group.

Deep breathing- breathing that starts in the stomach, rolls into the chest and ends in the head (it is clear that we do not breathe "in the head", meaning subjective sensations). This practice is quite simple, effective and can be done anywhere. Also, breathing practices serve as the basis for other psycho-physical techniques, such as yoga, tai chi, wushu. Deep breathing can be combined with aromatherapy and meditative music.

  1. We sit straight, put one hand on the stomach, and the other on the chest and start inhaling through the nose, so that at first only the hand on the stomach moves. After “saturating the abdomen”, we move to the sternum, this time only the hand on the chest should move. Next, fill the upper part of the lungs with air and slowly exhale through the mouth.
  2. When exhaling, we squeeze the abdominal muscles, pushing out the remaining air from there. In this case, the hand on the stomach should feel that "the stomach goes deep."
  3. Continue like this, inhaling through your nose, exhaling through your mouth for 5-10 minutes or until you feel the urge to stop the exercise.

If you find it difficult to breathe while sitting, try to lie down, put a book on your stomach and watch it rise and fall. Practice deep breathing not only promotes relaxation, but also serves as a prevention of tuberculosis and other lung diseases. With such breathing, all parts of the lungs are saturated with oxygen, and not just top part like shallow breathing.

progressive muscle relaxation
- a technique of alternating tension and relaxation of all muscles (over which we have control). By regularly practicing progressive relaxation, we learn to observe our body and areas of tension, as well as get rid of this tension. Constant muscle tension resulting from prolonged stress negatively affects the nervous system. It turns out that a vicious circle closes: we are worried - our muscles are unconsciously tense, and with tense muscles it is difficult for us to relax and calm down.

Most progressive relaxation instructors recommend starting from the feet and working the entire body from top to bottom in this order: right foot, left foot, right calf, left calf, right upper leg, left upper leg, thighs, buttocks, waist, chest, back, right arm, left arm, neck, face.

  1. Wear loose clothing, take off your shoes and sit comfortably. Give yourself a few minutes to pre-relax.
  2. Concentrate on your right leg and observe how you feel.
  3. Tighten the muscles of the right foot as much as possible and hold the tension for 10 seconds.
  4. Relax your right foot and observe the sensations.
  5. Concentrate on the feeling of pleasure from the relaxation of this muscle group.
  6. Repeat the exercise in the above sequence. Try to tense and relax only one muscle group at a time, make sure that your face does not tense up when you work with your legs.

Meditating on the Here and Now suggests that we give up thinking about the past, future and present and observe what is happening in this moment. At the same time, do not judge or label what you see and feel, just let the sensations "be". The practice of meditation is to constantly return to the present moment, even if the thought stream interrupts your awareness.

The object of observation can be our feelings, sensations in the body, breathing, posture or daily activities. This is a very powerful practice for regenerating the nervous system and brain cells (as evidenced by recent research). Meditation repairs damaged neurotransmitters, allows us to think more positively and live more consciously.

  1. body scan. Mentally walk through all areas of your body, just paying attention to the sensations, without judging them as "good" or "bad".
  2. Walking meditation. Concentrate on each step you take and what muscles tense up while doing it, watch your breath and feel the wind blowing over your face.
  3. Meditation while eating. Try to observe the process of eating, from how you pick up food in a spoon or fork, how you put it in your mouth, how you chew each piece and swallow it. Take your time and enjoy the taste and look of the food. Turn off the TV and computer and put aside the newspaper or book and eat at the table.

Visualization is a type of traditional meditation in which one imagines sights, sensations, and smells that promote relaxation. To do this, you need to close your eyes and imagine the place where you felt calm and happy. For example, on the seashore. This type of meditation works the more effectively the more details you can imagine.

  • see on your inner screen, sea, beach, palm trees, sand, sky and sun/moon.
  • Hear the cry of seagulls and the sound of the surf.
  • Smell sea ​​water.
  • Feel refreshing coolness of wind and water.
  • Feel the taste clean air.

Yogaancient practice deep relaxation, muscle stretching and breathing techniques. If you have never practiced yoga, then start with the simplest exercises. Your best bet is to sign up for a yoga class or buy a video DVD because the practice of stretching comes with some risk if done incorrectly. It is important to choose a load that suits your physical training and state of health.

tai chi involves slow rhythmic movements and dynamic breathing exercises. This is a more gentle type of psychophysical practice and can be performed at any age with any level of training. For a more perfect mastery of tai chi, it is advisable to purchase a video or go to a special group.

Self-massage. It is not necessary to visit a massage therapist to relax your muscles. There are many simple techniques which you can learn on your own.

  • Scalp Massage: Place your thumbs behind your ears and in a circular motion massage the scalp for 15-20 seconds.
  • Eyeball Massage: Place your ring fingers over your closed eyes and massage the entire area if you find pain points, then work them a little longer.
  • Massage of the nose area: starting from the bridge of the nose, massage the nose down a little and finish at the wings of the nose.

No matter what technique you choose for yourself, the main thing is that it brings awareness and greater control over the body and mind into your life, the rest, as they say, will follow.

For deep relaxation, listen to audio meditation, it will allow you to relax and rejuvenate. You can listen both on a computer and on an audio player or mobile phone. Regarding the latter, I recommend the huawei nova 4 model - this is one of the best phones that I have used. It is very comfortable, ergonomic, and both audio and video files are played on it in excellent quality. So, take a comfortable position of the body ...

Buskin Sergey Petrovich

Breathing is directly related to the work and condition of the nervous system. This is why breathing exercises to calm the nerves are so common and effective. Many of them form the basis of yoga breathing practices. But you do not need to have special knowledge to learn how to breathe correctly, getting rid of, and overexertion.

What is Breathing for Relaxation?

Any breathing exercises there will be a set rhythm. You need to know that the effect of exercises on the body also changes from the frequency and speed, the depth of breaths, the duration of periods of holding the breath. Starting to breathe rapidly, shallowly, inhaling small doses of oxygen, you will not achieve calmness. On the contrary, the nervous system will receive a stimulus for enhanced work.
Any method of breathing exercises designed to help calm down is based on deep, measured breathing . With the help of it, not only the absolute filling of the lungs with air occurs, but also the enrichment with oxygen of all tissues and cells of the body. This contributes to the normalization blood pressure, relieves muscle tension, stimulates the proper functioning of the brain, helps the nervous system to relax.

The correct rhythm when performing breathing exercises for calming is achieved by certain intervals of holding the breath both before exhalation and after it. It is important to give the body the opportunity to adapt between the exercises performed, which are different in their techniques and require a certain skill.

Breathing exercises are divided into four options:
  • filling the upper part of the lungs with oxygen, inhalations are carried out due to the movement of the clavicles;
  • chest breathing, when the "opening" and "compression" of the ribs occurs;
  • breaths with the help of the abdomen - "abdominal breathing"; thanks to such inhalations and exhalations, the diaphragm moves, massage internal organs, increases blood oxygen saturation;
  • wave-like breathing when all three of these areas are involved.
Based on these variants of inhalations and exhalations, additional breathing techniques are built to calm the nerves and strengthen the nervous system.

Rules for performing exercises to calm the nerves

When choosing simple breathing exercises for yourself to calm down, it is worth remembering the basic rules that are involved in any technique. Failure to follow these rules will result in the absence of the desired result.

  • Any breathing exercises should be performed either standing or lying down so that the back is absolutely straight.
  • It is better to breathe with closed eyes, resorting to the technique of meditation, imagining pleasant images, landscapes.
  • It is important to fully concentrate on the process of inhalation and exhalation, which at first will need to be consciously controlled. Gradually, conscious control will cease to be necessary, however, the concentration should still be on the respiratory process.
  • It is necessary not only to clear the mind of negative thoughts, but also to completely relax all the muscles. Relaxation should flow smoothly from the tips of the toes up. Particular attention should be paid to the shoulders, neck and face. In these places, the muscles experience significant tension.
  • You need to do exercises to calm the nerves 5-10 times. You shouldn't overstress. Before moving on to the next technique, it is worth waiting for some time to allow the body to adapt.
  • In the process of inhaling, you need to imagine how the whole body, along with oxygen, is filled with new clean energy and calmness. On exhalation, it is necessary to “push out” the tension accumulated inside.
  • In some cases, it will be useful to repeat to yourself during the breathing exercises the settings: “I am calm”, “I am calming down”, “I am relaxing”, “I am calm” and so on. The particle “not” and the generally negative context should be avoided in the wording, as well as the future tense, for example, “I am not anxious”, “I will calm down soon”.

Simple breathing exercises

The first set of techniques is based on breathing through the nose. Begin the exercises with a full exhalation.

Complex breathing

  • Belly breathing. With a deep breath, the stomach “inflates”, and falls down with a leisurely exhalation. Inhalation is carried out for 3-4 seconds, then you need to hold your breath for 2 seconds, exhale - 4-5 seconds. The interval between breaths is 2-3 seconds.
  • Breathing in the chest. On inhalation, the ribs “open”, on exhalation, they “compress”. The execution time is the same as in the first stage.
  • Breathing with collarbones. When you inhale, the collarbones rise, when you exhale, they fall. The intervals and execution times are the same.
  • Wavy breathing. Inhalation goes from bottom to top: stomach, chest, collarbones. Exhale - from top to bottom: collarbones, chest, stomach. The final stage should be carried out especially measuredly.

Breathing to activate the cerebral hemispheres

The technique is carried out by alternately clamping the nostrils. Only the right hand is involved. Thumb applied to the right nostril, the little finger to the left. Calm breaths and full exhalations are made alternately by one side of the nose and the other. When the right nostril is closed, the left hemisphere is stimulated; when the left nostril is closed, the right hemisphere is stimulated.

Sleepy breathing

It allows not only to relax, but also to overcome insomnia.

The technique for performing the exercise to calm the nerves is very simple: unhurried, light inhalations and exhalations are performed for 5 minutes, with concentration on the breathing process, listening to internal sensations. For greater effectiveness of this exercise, place your palms in the area solar plexus. Breathing is required both in the stomach and in the chest.

For stress relief

You need to take a short, relatively deep breath. Then hold your breath for 4 seconds and perform a full, deep and long exhalation. This is followed by a break of 5 seconds before the next filling of the lungs with oxygen.

Relaxing and mind-clearing breath

In this breathing exercise technique, the hands are again involved. It is necessary to attach one palm to the forehead, and the second to the back of the head. This position will help increase blood flow in these lobes of the head, helping to clear the mind and the mind of anxiety, tension, opening up new ways to deal with stress. Without taking away the palms, measured inhalations and exhalations are made with a short breath delay between them.

The second complex is based on inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. It also needs to be started with a full exhalation.

First exercise

After taking a full breath, you need to make an enhanced, deep exhalation through tightly compressed lips. In this case, the exhalation is done, as it were, in portions, the air is “pushed out” from the inside.

Exercise two

Here you will need to cause an "artificial" yawn.

Opening your mouth as wide as possible, so that you feel tension in the lower jaw, you should take a smooth breath, feeling how the lungs fill with air. Hold your breath for 2 seconds, and then exhale slowly and measuredly.

Third exercise

Taking a full breath, without holding your breath, the air is released through the open mouth. In this case, the lips are folded in a circle. Exhalation is done in portions, in jerks. The initial stage of exhalation is the longest, the air gradually leaving the lungs should become less and less. After completion, you should wait 5-10 seconds and repeat the breathing exercise again.

The videos below demonstrate two additional and effective exercises, which will help get rid of negative emotions and nervous tension:

The guided imagery technique is especially good for imaginative people. Go into the bedroom, change into pajamas, lie down comfortably in bed, turn off the light and fall asleep ... For many people, the end of the day is a moment of bliss that they dreamed of almost from the very morning. However, the process of falling asleep is not always as easy and pleasant as we would like. Nervous overexcitation, anxious thoughts, thinking about plans for tomorrow - sometimes this makes us pretty toss and turn in bed before falling asleep. Some, aware of their difficulties with falling asleep, simply go to the pharmacy and buy affordable sleeping pills. And in vain...

As physician Michael Strathen said, “No one has yet died from sleep deprivation, and people die by the thousands from overdoses of sleeping pills. This is true. And even if there is no talk of an overdose, then self-selected and needlessly taken pills do more harm than good. In addition, they give a temporary effect, so when using them, one cannot count on a qualitative and lasting improvement in sleep. In general, we as sleepologists strive to avoid unnecessary prescription of medications.

Behavioral techniques, a constant bedtime ritual, relaxing routines - there are many safe remedies and methods that can be a good substitute for pills. The psychotherapist of our department also recommends the use of special exercises for relaxation, helping to accelerate falling asleep and improve sleep. Her success, by the way, inspired me to write this post. :)

Below are the most simple exercises for relaxation; they can be used on their own.

The technique of gradual muscle relaxation (“tension-relaxation”)

It is intended mainly for those who are often exposed to stress, endure heavy loads and therefore experience constant background physical stress. Sometimes this tension becomes so habitual that it is not even felt by a person, but it prevents him from falling asleep. Muscle relaxation exercise helps to eliminate it. It consists in sequentially straining and relaxing various groups muscles in the direction from the legs to the head. Exercise allows a person to feel the difference between a tense and relaxed state and allows you to achieve relaxation.

Each muscle group must be strongly strained for 5 seconds, and then relaxed for 30 seconds. The sequence is as follows:

- right foot - muscles of the right leg and foot - right leg fully;

- left foot - muscles of the left leg and foot - left leg completely;

- right hand - right forearm and hand - right hand completely;

- left hand - left forearm and hand - left arm completely;

– muscles abdominals;

– muscles chest;

- back muscles

- muscles of the neck.

Exercise Tension-Relaxation takes no more than 5 minutes and gives a good effect.

Relaxation breathing technique

When we are anxious or tense, we breathe quickly and shallowly, and in calm state we have slow and deeper inhalations and exhalations. As soon as we come to a certain emotional state, the breath immediately reacts accordingly. Interestingly, this mechanism also works in the opposite direction. If you “impose” calm breathing on yourself, this will cause an emotional reaction in the form of a feeling of peace and relaxation.

The relaxation breathing technique described was originally created for people suffering from panic attacks. They are encouraged to practice this breathing in situations that threaten the appearance of a panic attack. When performed correctly, patients manage to calm down and prevent an attack.

After evaluating the effectiveness of this relaxation exercise, psychotherapists advise using it for those people who, due to anxious thoughts or negative experiences, have trouble falling asleep.

During the relaxation breathing technique, you need to:

  1. Mentally examine yourself and identify tense areas in your body. Usually it is the face, neck, back. Try to achieve their complete relaxation, “throwing out” tension from yourself with each exhalation.
  2. On each breath, say some vowel sounds: "U", "A" or "O". The main thing is to explain to relatives in advance that this is not a behavioral deviation that requires medical attention, but just a way to relax :).
  3. Monitor the process all the time, make sure that the relaxing breathing technique is performed conscientiously and correctly, and neutralize the emerging foci of tension in the body.

An indicator of the correctness of the exercise is the emerging feeling of warmth and heaviness in the legs and arms, a feeling of calm and slight drowsiness.

At first glance, the technique seems very simple. But when you start using it, you will see that it takes some practice and skill to quickly switch to relaxation mode and not return to the usual, “stressful” breathing. For me, it didn't work out the first time.

Guided Imaging Technique

The guided imagery technique is especially good for imaginative people. You need to focus on an imaginary image or picture, the content of which you like and calms you. For some, this is a leisurely dance, for some it is a kind of burning candle or an image of the area (forest, coast). Keep your attention on what you imagine, do not get distracted, concentrate on the details. If you are mentally sitting on the bank of a river, watch the waves; if you look up into the sky, watch the movement of the clouds. This will help you sleep.

I tried the technique of guided images, I had the idea that this is a kind of lullaby for consciousness. A monotonous pleasant melody captivates, makes you listen, abstracts from reality and imperceptibly plunges you into a dream. The same thing happens here, only it is not the sounds heard from the outside that lull you to sleep, but your own imagination. It is quite difficult to explain this, but that the exercise works is a fact.

In addition to the techniques described above, there are other very numerous relaxation exercises that can be used with no less success. You may well use them instead of looking for the strongest pills in pharmacies or brewing yourself a double portion of the sedative collection every night.

If you're looking to fall asleep quickly and sleep well, don't forget about sleep and bedroom hygiene as well. It is unlikely that you will be able to relax and visualize yourself if your back hurts from an uncomfortable mattress, the TV is playing loudly behind the wall, and you drank coffee for sleep. In the brochure "" you will find recommendations ations that will help create Better conditions for a quality holiday.

And the last thing: there are situations when a person has not just difficulty falling asleep, but chronic insomnia. In this case, there is only one recommendation. In this case, muscle relaxation exercises, guided imagery techniques and everything else are unlikely to give an absolute effect. You need to contact a somnologist who can understand the causes of the violation and prescribe an effective treatment.

Did you know that you most likely do not know how to breathe properly? This is a problem for many modern people who are always in a hurry somewhere and do not breathe full chest. I bring to your attention the best breathing exercises that will help you relax and give peace of mind in any situation.

In the encyclopedias of the Soviet era, you can read that there are two types of breathing. Female - chest (when inhaling, the chest rises more), male - abdominal (the stomach rises). But scientists have recently figured out what exactly abdominal breathing is optimal for both sexes, as it does not exert a large load on the lungs.

The exercise is very simple. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Inhale deeply through your nose to fill your diaphragm with air. At the same time, the chest practically does not rise. Exhale. Repeat 6-10 times in one minute. Such breathing stabilizes the heartbeat and blood pressure.

You may have caught yourself breathing unevenly. Then next exercise- perfect for you.

Inhale through your nose for a count of four. Exhale as you count to four. Repeat until you feel calm. "Advanced" yoga masters are able to inhale and exhale in eight seconds. It calms the nervous system, reduces stress, helps to concentrate. Of course, ideally, you need to breathe like this constantly, but if you still don’t know how, repeat this exercise before going to bed.

This simple yoga exercise not only calms and relaxes, but also stimulates the brain. Sit comfortably. Press the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand, inhale deeply through the left nostril. After inhaling the maximum amount of air, press the left nostril with the ring finger and exhale through the right nostril. Repeat the same, but inhaling through the left and exhaling through the right nostril.

Breathe slowly and evenly. Tighten and relax each muscle group in your body in turn, as far as possible. Start with the toes and feet, then the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and so on. It is enough to give each muscle group only 2-3 seconds, but it is important to remain calm, not to twitch. Don't forget about the muscles of the face. This exercise can be performed anywhere and in any position convenient for you, but the most productive is lying on your back.

This exercise will relieve tension from the muscles and help you relax after a hard day.

Soothing relaxation

This is not just a breathing exercise, but also a small simple meditation. Sit in comfortable posture or lie on your back. Close your eyes and take a few calm deep breaths in and out. Imagine yourself in a beautiful, quiet and peaceful place - anywhere where you feel relaxed. Hold this image, feel positive emotions and feelings associated with it. Feeling complete peace - slowly leave this peaceful place and open your eyes.

Breath is everything
Proper breathing works wonders. If you want to relax and learn to breathe more evenly and measuredly, try these simple exercises.

If you have panic attacks, then you easily get into a state of excitement. You can read about what panic attacks are in the article “What is panic and panic disorder?”

In order to effectively reduce arousal, you need to master the breathing technique for complete relaxation. Not everyone is able to concentrate enough to apply relaxation breathing during a panic attack. Therefore, this technique is best applied while there is no panic yet. But when the excitement and anxiety that preceded it already appeared. Using this breathing technique, you can prevent a panic or autonomic attack.

Why does the breathing technique for complete relaxation work?

This breathing technique is based on understanding the characteristics of human breathing in different states. Certain emotional states correspond to a certain type of breathing:

When a person is anxious, he breathes shallowly, often. The inhale is longer than the exhale. This feature is designed to mobilize a person for an immediate reaction.

When a person is completely relaxed, he breathes deeply. When you inhale, the diaphragm drops. It seems that a person breathes not with his chest, but with his stomach. Exhalation in a state of relaxation is much longer than inhalation. The face, forehead and lips of a calm person are relaxed. The mouth is slightly open. Exhalation is often noisy, and sometimes when exhaling a person makes certain sounds. They can be like a groan or a sigh.

Starting to breathe in one of these ways, you can put yourself in the right state. The body takes your breath as a guide to action. By learning the breathing technique for complete relaxation, you will be able to calm down voluntarily.

What do you need to learn to completely relax?

To effectively relieve stress, you need to learn a few skills:

1. Learn diaphragmatic breathing.

2. Learn to exhale longer than inhale.

3. Learn to relax the muscles of the face and body.

4. Form the skill of quick relaxation at will.

5. Apply this skill at the moment when excitement and anxiety increase.

Breathing for complete relaxation

Find a place where you won't be disturbed. It is good to learn the technique of breathing before going to bed. Or at a time when there is nowhere to hurry. Set aside at least 20 minutes for your workout. Learn the skills of total relaxation while lying down.

1. Learning diaphragmatic breathing.

Master the Technique diaphragmatic breathing. To do this, place one hand on your stomach. As you breathe into your belly, your palm will move up and down. When this type of breathing begins without special problems maintained on its own, without your control, you can proceed to the next step.

2. Learning to exhale longer than inhale.

Continue to breathe in such a way that the stomach rises and falls. Take a short deep breath. Exhale slowly. The exhalation should be uniform, long. Breathe in relatively short, but calm. The exhalation should be at least twice as long as the inhalation. The longer the exhalation is, the greater the state of relaxation can be achieved. Observe the feeling of relaxation. As the body begins to relax, you may feel a sensation of warmth and heaviness in your arms and legs. When it turns out to make the breath shorter than the exit without your control, proceed to the next step.

3. Relax the body.

Connect your breath to body relaxation. Keep inhaling shorter than exhaling. What can help relax the body? Below are four techniques for bodily relaxation. Try each one.

Take a mental look at your body, look into every corner of it. If you find tension in the body, try to get rid of it along with the exhalation. Imagine that with the exhalation, all your clamps and pain go away. It's like you're exhaling tension. And completely relax.

Relax the muscles of the face, forehead, lips. Open your mouth, as it happens when a person is sleeping. Exhaling, purse your mouth and lips as if you were saying “whoa” to the horse. At the same time, make sure that your cheeks do not puff out. Facial relaxation is the most effective method relieve tension.

It is easier to relieve tension if each time you exhale, you pronounce vowel sounds - long "a", "o" or "u". They can somehow resemble a groan or a sigh. Feel free to make sounds. This is a great way to relieve stress.

Perhaps your imagination will help you completely relax. Imagine that you are on vacation on the shores of a warm sea. You have plenty of time - there is no need to rush anywhere. You hear the rhythmic sound of the surf. A pleasant breeze blows gently. You feel the humid sea air. The sun's rays caress your body. Imagine this picture as if you were watching a 4-D movie.

4. We develop the skill of quick relaxation.

Set aside time to exercise. Practice breathing and relaxation skills over at least six sessions. First, learn lying down. Then sitting and standing.

Your task is to learn to fully relax automatically, for a short time. Observe what exactly helps you to relax most effectively. Perhaps this is the concentration of attention on a certain part of the body. Or the imagination that you are on vacation on the shores of the warm sea. Remember these feelings. Remember them when you need to quickly relax.

5. Apply the breathing technique for complete relaxation.

It is not enough to learn the skill of relaxation. It is necessary to apply it every time you feel anxious and aroused. If you have mastered the technique well, then this will help reduce the frequency or completely avoid the occurrence of panic attacks.

You can also master the breath of the winner, shown in the program.