How good it is to learn to roller skate. Beginner school: first steps on roller skates

Hello, dear friends, you are on the site site. Enjoy reading! Roller skating technique covers safety rules and basic skating techniques. Let's take a look at each component separately.

Before you roller skate, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of simple rules:

Stretch your muscles to avoid injury.
Hand, knee and elbow protection should always be worn, and children should also wear a helmet.
The roller boot should be tightly wrapped around the leg, the fasteners are tightly fastened, but the boot should not be allowed to squeeze the leg to the point of pain.
Beginners are strongly advised to avoid slides, stairs, or riding on poor or wet pavement or marble.
Do not overestimate your strength, master the elements gradually and in an open space without curbs, fences and other obstacles.

Roller skating technique consists of several stages

Firstly, Roller skating is impossible without the ability to keep balance. To do this, you need to master the correct (main) stance: straighten your back, bend your legs slightly at the knees, and hands at the elbows, put the rollers parallel at shoulder width. Be sure to bend forward a little, then if you lose balance, the roller will fall on protected hands.

To get used to roller skates and feel confident, it is recommended to walk in them in different sides across the room or across the grass. You must always remember about the main rack. Then you can lean forward, squat down and straighten up. To maintain balance effectively next exercise: relying on right leg, raise the left and direct it forward, backward, to the side, then change legs.

Now you can move on to skiing. First you need to take the main stance. Then lift the right leg and take a small step forward and to the right at the same time and straighten the left leg. Then repeat the same with the other leg.

Next step- Learn to slow down. On almost all models, the brake is included, usually it is bolted to the right boot. The weight of the body is shifted to the left leg, the other leg is smoothly brought forward and gently lowered onto the heel. It is easy to fall during braking, so you should not forget about correct stance in addition, the body should not fall back.

We just have to learn how to turn.
We take the main stance, if it becomes necessary to turn to the right, then the same name, that is, the right leg, is put forward. If you need to turn to the left side, then the left one rises, respectively. After that, you should slightly turn the body and hips in the direction of rotation. No need to strain, the movements should be natural and relaxed.

Don't be afraid to seek help from experienced skaters. Usually these are very friendly people, ready to give useful advice and valuable advice.

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Roller skating is commonly referred to as "rollerblading" as the Rollerblade Corporation was one of the first companies to introduce rollerblading in the 1970s. Roller skating is fun and exciting and is like ice skating on concrete. This is a great way to have fun and exercise. If you want to learn about the basic elements of sportswear and technique, you can start learning this wonderful outdoor sport.


Part 1

Purchase sportswear

    Find a comfortable pair of skates. In almost all sports stores you will be able to match your shoe size to the correct pair of skates. Roller skates should be very comfortable, vertically fastened at your ankles without being uncomfortable. It is important to avoid skates that come loose easily. This can easily lead to injured ankles.

    • Roller skates are different types: universal, speed, street and sports, as well as special training skates. General purpose skates are suitable for beginners. Try on several different pairs, checking which ones are most comfortable.
    • Get on your skates. Your heels should be firmly attached and not slip in the boot, but your toes should move freely. Make sure that the inner lining is dense and has special soft padding.
  1. Buy the right helmet. Never roller skate without a helmet. It is necessary to protect your head during falls. Wear reflective tape so that drivers will notice your presence on the road in poor visibility. Buy a helmet with safety instructions attached to it.

    Buy extra security items. You can see people skating without any protective clothing, but when you first start roller skating, it is very important to wear at least basic protective clothing. They are not very expensive and will help you avoid serious and costly injuries. You should purchase:

    • Wrist guards. Ordinary shields cover outer sides your hands. Some wrist guards also have pads to protect your palms.
    • Elbow pads. They are worn around the area around your elbows and protect the fragile areas of your elbows from falls.
    • Pads for knees. Make sure they fit snugly around your knees and are well secured to prevent slipping while riding.
  2. Wear suitable protective clothing while riding. Wear comfortable, long-sleeved clothing to avoid scarring. Since roller skating is an active sport, wear breathable and stretchable clothes that are not too heavy and keep you toned.

    Always wear protection. Just because you've gotten better at skating doesn't make you invincible. You can still accidentally run into a branch or a pebble. You will still fall. The protective shape is important to prevent possible fractures and other problems from falls on rough surfaces. Don't try to be stubborn and ride without them or you risk serious injury.

Part 2

Preparing to start

    Find a place with a smooth and dry concrete surface for roller skating. Empty parking lots, walking trails, or other flat or even concrete-covered areas are great for early training sessions. Make sure rollerblading is allowed there so you don't get in anyone's way.

    • Look for unused parking lots. Check out the Households on the weekend if you want a large open area perfect for training.
    • Look for places in your parks. Tracks and playgrounds may be suitable for roller skating. Just make sure that it is not forbidden to ride there, and you will not disturb the peace of other park visitors.
    • Many places have special roller skating parks, however, you should not go to such places if you are skating for the first time. They're great when you're experienced, but can be a little dangerous and a little too agile if you're a beginner.
  1. Practice balancing on your skates. For this exercise, stand in a ready position against a wall or other support and keep your feet 15-25 cm apart, bend your knees and push off in an arrow shape.

    • Slide forward using your weight and keep your hands in front of you for balance. Look straight ahead. To begin with, try balancing in this position in order to get a feel for how to hold while riding.
    • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly to keep your balance.
    • At first, you can try to get used to the feeling of skating by walking on the grass in them. Then return to a hard surface and take a ready position.
  2. Take small steps to get used to it. When you first get on your skates, you will feel like you are just walking around in uncomfortable shoes. The best way to get used to it is to learn to keep the center of gravity. Take small steps before rolling on roller skates, otherwise your legs may slide out from under you.

    • During your workouts, try to gradually accelerate to strengthen your sense of balance as you move. Slow down your speed.
    • As you try to keep your balance, you will notice that your legs move far apart. Keep your balance and ride on, trying to keep your feet close together.
  3. When it's convenient, feel free to push off. As you step forward with one foot, push off with the other and slide forward on your supporting foot. Place your pushing leg forward after the step and shift your weight onto it. Then push off with the other leg. Alternate legs. And now you are riding.

    • Learn to balance on each foot while riding. Shift your body weight from one foot to the other as you push off and slide. Take it slow to begin with until you get used to it.
    • After a while, try riding on one leg. The more comfortable you feel on each foot separately, the better you will skate. Slide in turn on your left foot, and then on your right, and then for convenience, slide on both feet without pushing off the ground.
  4. Learn how to use the brake pad. While some beginners prefer to stop when they hit something, there are plenty of various ways stop, which do not involve colliding with a wall. Roller skating will be much easier for you if you learn how to brake properly.

Part 3

Security Preservation
  1. Learn to fall properly. When you fall, bend your knees, spread your arms, and fall forward to hold yourself up. protective shields wrists and sliding stop. If you do everything right, you will fall on your knee and elbow pads and other pads and be able to get up and try again.

    • Every roller skater falls at some point. Usually, this does not happen at the very beginning of training, but at the moment when you have already become good enough and bold enough to ride. It is important to wear your protective pads at all times in order to be as safe as possible.
  2. Once you learn how to balance, slide and stop, you can start to master more advanced elements, such as doing circles and then preparing for descents, fast skiing, slipping and even racing.
  • Carry water with you in case of dehydration, and to clean your cuts well before heading home.
  • When buying used skates, first check if they are in good condition.
  • Check if the rollers need to be adjusted. There are many options, such as changing the middle wheels, etc.
  • After you have learned to take steps, the best way skating for a beginner is to adopt a V-shape with the heels together. Do not take high or wide steps and keep your knees bent.
  • When you first start, ask someone to support you if you fall.
  • Be sure to drink water during warm weather. Take care of sunglasses, a cap and suitable outerwear.
  • Practice on a dry concrete surface. Rain can make concrete very slippery.
  • Check the manufacturer's warranty period and make sure it covers a decent amount of time.

If sports are not among your hobbies, but you have a desire to keep a good one, then rollerblading is a great way out. This is roller skating. You will not need to do this at a certain time or in a certain place, no gyms. This is both active recreation and sports at the same time. This is a sport that is suitable for everyone.

How to learn to ride

First you need to purchase rollers + protection kit. Then you can proceed directly to training:

  1. Find a platform for learning. Need a good asphalt surface, preferably away from the roads.
  2. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to wear protective equipment over clothing.
  3. Main stance: legs - shoulder-width apart, with one slightly forward, slightly bent knees.
  4. Further experiment: swaying to the right and left, tearing off the legs from the ground. Learning to get up when you fall: lean with 2 hands in front of you, put one skate on all wheels. Then pull up the 2nd leg and put all the wheels perpendicular to the first, try to get up.
  5. Movement: put the heels together, socks apart, slightly tilt the body forward, starting the movement. To stop, you need to turn the toes of the skates so that they converge, straighten the body.
  6. To move, you need to take steps in sequence.

How to learn from scratch

The technique of directly skiing is very simple. The following exercises should be performed:

Take turns taking your legs off the asphalt, rolling each of them as far as possible. Take a step so that the roller skates themselves roll you, your task is to catch the balance. Keep your legs bent, body tilted forward. Push off sequentially with each skate with all wheels.

To quickly get used to roller skates, the movement must be performed in the “legs shoulder-width apart” stance. Sequentially move each leg parallel to the second, without taking the rollers off the asphalt. Move back and forth, gradually accelerating until you feel confident.

2 similar techniques: "Labyrinth" and "Snake". In the first option, you need to place objects on the 1st line every 2-3 meters, in the second - every 1-1.5 meters, and try to go around them.

Feet should be kept shoulder-width apart, and then try to bring them closer. Gradually increase the speed, while you should work with the body, you can not ride with straight legs!

Complicate movements by jogging and jumping between legs, tearing them off the asphalt, bouncing from both legs. Push off with all wheels, try to land in such a way that one foot is half a roller ahead of the other.


Before roller skating, you should master the braking technique:

  • Regular brake (most often the brake is on the right skate). You need to put your right leg forward, keeping the body straight. Avoid reversal.
  • Turning: turn around when approaching the stop area. To do this, continue to ride with the supporting leg, put the second at a right angle to it, connect the heels.


If you have already mastered how to brake, ride and turn, you can start learning roller skating tricks for beginners:

  • Roller skating backwards. In this case, you can gradually, as you gain experience, increase the speed. Proper body positioning is important: the knees should be bent, the shoulders should be as deployed as possible to ensure sufficient visibility.
  • Riding synchronously with both feet, "writing out" two lines. In this case, in the first cone, legs should be crossed, in the second - spread, and then reduced again.

  • Riding on one leg. First you need to learn how to accelerate with this trick. Then try to push off with the heel of the foot when moving forward, and with the toe when moving backward.

Most people looked figure skating, hockey, skating, but few people thought that skates are one of winter views sports, to which you can draw a "summer parallel", namely, roller skates. A huge number of sports require additional equipment for practicing. After all, even for running in winter you need a gym, and for surfing - the whole sea. Therefore, skill skills will help you to conduct active recreation both in winter and summer, without resorting to additional problems.
is a great sport for you and your family, as well as companies, friends, relatives. Practicing this sport will help strengthen the muscles, and just spend time with the breeze.
If you want to learn how to skate correctly and build the right skills, then you need to follow some tips.

Choosing a place to ride

In order for your roller skating skills not to stand still, but to grow with each subsequent step, you need to initially lay the correct model of the roller stand, choose the right place, rollers, and also have interest. The wrong start can discourage further desire to engage in this sport forever. It is necessary to adhere to each rule to a greater or lesser extent, but it is necessary. And the rules are very easy.
  1. For successful training in roller skating, you need to choose the right outfit and the most important place for skating. The fact is that roller skates, unlike skates with a blade, are in contact with asphalt, not ice. And everyone knows that ice is much smoother than asphalt. From the point of view of physics, this can be explained by the usual coefficient of friction, the larger it is, the more difficult it is to slide, walk, roll. It is noticeable to the naked eye that the asphalt is much rougher than ice, so it will be much more difficult to roll. From here follow the rules for choosing asphalt.
    The place for driving should be chosen as smooth as possible. Special attention devote to laying asphalt, if it is coarsened with cracks and bruises, then it is better for a beginner not to train in order to avoid consequences.
    The fact is that in the commercials, every even imperceptible crack in the asphalt is felt. If the surface is too rough, then the vibration will go to the feet to a large extent. This will make it difficult to focus on the process as well as skill development.
    Conclusion: if you choose a place to drive - asphalt, then it should be as smooth as possible.
  2. If the weather is bad outside and you decide to ride under the roof in some sports complex, then there are no barriers for you. Mostly indoors, the surface is smooth and good enough to ride. The only point that will benefit you is the presence of handrails at the sides, seating for rest and comfortable places for changing shoes.

Skate selection

Well, when a place is chosen, you can start choosing skates.
There are various types of rollers: folding and solid, plastic and leather, etc. But no matter what the rollers are, their main task is smooth rolling and fixation of the leg. To fulfill each requirement, it is worth resorting to several recommendations.
  1. To fix the legs, roller skates must have high-quality fasteners, rivets, and laces. But how do you choose which fasteners are best? The main point is that the leg should clearly merge with your roller, you should not have a feeling of inconvenience or the so-called feeling of “something is hanging out somewhere”. I want to tell the readers of MirSovetov that the best option is when there are 3 types of fasteners: lacing, clip and Velcro. The lacing will fix the ankle in accordance with the boot, the Velcro will firmly press the ankle to the roller, and the clip will fix upper part for convenience and right position legs. The laces should not be too smooth, as the smoothness will cause the knot to constantly loosen and you will have to lace up frequently.
  2. The choice of wheels on rollers is also a significant part of the purchase. It is better to take polyurethane wheels than plastic ones. This will ensure smooth rolling, good grip on the track, and wear resistance will increase.
  3. Pay attention to bearings. After all, your success depends on them. The better the bearings, the easier it will be for you to ride. The easiest way is to take a roller and sharply run the canopy with your palm over all the wheels. All of them should spin for approximately the same time of at least 10 seconds. If the wheels did not stop at the same time or rotated for quite a short time, this indicates a poor quality of the bearings.
  4. The seller should be asked about the rigidity of the wheels, which ranges from 72 to 90. Naturally, a larger number indicates greater rigidity. But do not focus on this, since even the rigidity of 72 is quite capable of withstanding a large load.
  5. Do not forget about the diameter of the wheel. Running wheel size - 86 mm. If you are going to become a champion only in your inner circle, then this diameter will suit you.
  6. And, of course, do not forget about protection. Knees, elbows, head should be protected, which can be bought at any sports store. After all, health is above all.

The difference between roller skates and skates

Many beginners very often adhere to the opinion that "if you know how to skate, then rollerblading is not a problem." It is worth dispelling this myth. The principle of driving may be the same, but everything that concerns maneuvers, braking, turning - everything is different here and this needs to be learned for more than one day.
  1. As mentioned earlier, asphalt has a much higher coefficient of friction than ice. What does this mean? The fact is that driving on asphalt is much more difficult than on ice. If you push off with some force and drive on one roller on asphalt, then your path will be much shorter than if you did it on ice. Therefore, the first warning: you will need a lot of strength and energy, since each of your pushes is a rather large waste of energy. You will need perseverance.
  2. Another important and obvious feature of roller skates is that they consist of small wheels, while skates have a blade. Obviously, isn't it? But it is worth noting that the blade turns rather deftly around its axis on the ice, which ensures the maneuverability of the skates, and also, deftly crashing into the ice, gives 100% braking. In roller skates, the opposite is true: the friction is so great that you cannot easily do various actions, and sudden braking will cause you to fall. So the technique here is completely different. Even avid skaters will find it difficult the first time.
  3. Skates are selected exactly in size on a woolen sock. If the size is slightly larger or slightly smaller, then a safe ride will not be ensured for you, it may even lead to some injuries, such as a dislocation.
    Rollers can be selected not in size. If, for example, friends or acquaintances gave you a ride for a while, or your child got roller skates from an older brother or sister and they don’t fit exactly in size, it doesn’t matter. Freedom of the leg does not hurt. But you should pay attention to the ankle and foot, they must be firmly fixed in order to avoid injury.
  4. If you are an excellent hockey skater, do not rush to accelerate at full speed on roller skates. After all, the technique is significantly different, you may not have time to slow down, or even not be able to at all, so you need to be extremely careful here.
Before you get on the rollers, mentally tune in that the first time it may not work out - and this is quite normal. There is no victory without defeat. Do not be afraid to fall, otherwise the fear of falling will hamper your movements, the feeling of confidence will disappear and the results will not be so good.
In order to keep well on roller skates, you need to be able to keep balance. But it doesn't have to be perfect. In motion, you can manage to balance much faster and easier. It is enough that someone holds your hand, and you try to move around.
The most common mistake of all beginners is a straight back and straightened knees! Never ride with a straight back. The back must be tilted forward, the torso must be at an angle. The knees should be bent quite deeply. I offer readers MirSovetov little exercise. Stand near a chair, bend your knees quite deeply, tilt your back so that your hands freely touch your knees, try to make sure that there are about 5-10 cm left before you squat on a chair. It is this stance that will give you the correct center of gravity and save you from bad consequences, and will also allow you to start the movement correctly.
How to start moving? In movement, our center of gravity shifts either over one leg or over the other, so you need to start moving in a position where the center of gravity is over one leg. How to do it? We stand in the stance, which was described in the previous paragraph, only now with both hands we lean on one leg, the toe is slightly turned outward, and the second leg rises almost perpendicular to the previous position. The push must be made necessarily in a small bounce (but without taking off from the ground, of course), you should spring upward from a deep squat when you push off. Next, you will drive a little and transfer your weight to the second leg, just push off with the other leg. And now you're on the move!
We continue to move. But how do you slow down? The rollers have brakes. As a rule, they are installed in the heel area. To slow down, it is enough to put your foot on the heel and put pressure on the asphalt with an effort, you need to start slowing down smoothly, otherwise you may fall forward sharply. It must be remembered that during braking, our body tends to forward, and the legs remain behind, that is, there is a risk of falling. The brake is installed at your discretion either on the right foot or on the left. But no one forbids you to do it on two legs. As long as you are comfortable.
All these tips will help you take the right steps in your endeavors. Remember the main thing - nothing works at once. Training, training, training. Only then will you achieve excellent results.

In conclusion, the main advice: do not try to learn to ride like a pro from the first lessons, i.e. do various maneuvers, even the simplest ones (turning, braking). Your task is to develop the skill, take the first steps in your endeavors correctly, learn how to move correctly and keep the right balance when skating. Yes, yes, you are not mistaken, it is the right balance. Since all your results depend on the position of the center of gravity of your body.
Tune in mentally for hard training and then you will succeed. Don't forget, sport is a great way active rest, as well as a beneficial contribution to your body. In a healthy body healthy mind. Strive for the best, achieve excellent results. All in your hands.

To master roller skates, you will not need any additional skills or special training. How to learn to roller skate, someone who already has experience in this field can explain to you.

If such a person is not around, tips and video tutorials from the Internet will help you, as well as simple recommendations:

  1. To begin with, learn to stand, maintaining balance, try to feel the balance. A support or a person acting in its role may come in handy.
  2. The correct posture for riding involves legs slightly bent at the knees, providing the necessary forward tilt of the body for stability. Knees should not be brought together, as this will lead to a fall. The skates should stand straight, not falling over.
  3. Start moving, pushing alternately with both legs. Keep in mind that the front boot should be slightly turned out with the toe out.
  4. Learn techniques to slow down and stop. Use the brake attached to the back of one of the skates. In emergency cases, in order to avoid falls and injuries, you can jump onto the lawn, sit on the asphalt or stop, clinging to an obstacle with your hand. There are many technical methods of braking. One of them: spread your legs wide apart and begin to bring the toes of your shoes together. You can also slow down by putting the skates in one line and making sure that rear wheel one roller and the front of the second touched.
  5. You can turn by simply stepping your feet in the desired direction or by pushing your outside foot forward and leaning in the direction of the turn.
  6. Master the technique of correct falling, because in itself the protective equipment of the roller will not completely save you from injuries. Practice falling at home on the floor or outside on the grass. Falling forward, try to fall, as if sliding: on the knee pads, then on the elbow pads, then on the wrist guards. Falling back, try to dodge so that you fall to your knees or, in extreme cases, to your side. Do not extend your arms outstretched back as this may result in serious injury.
  7. Learn to get up after falls. First, put one roller on all wheels, then put your hands on the asphalt and put the second roller at a right angle to the first, then try to get up.
  8. Do not neglect protective devices that will not only protect you in case of a fall, but also help you not to be afraid of these falls.

It is impossible to completely eliminate falls during training, not everything will work out right away. Read the theory carefully, practice more and you will be successful.

Usually children learn to roller skate easier and faster than adults, it is important that the child is interested in this activity. You can send your child to a roller-skating school, where they will professionally explain to him how to skate correctly. You can also try to conduct training on your own, fulfilling several conditions:

  1. Responsibly approach the choice of roller skates.
  2. Be sure to use a full protective kit, including a helmet.
  3. Putting on the rollers, check the reliability of the fixation of the boots on the legs.
  4. Until the child feels the balance and can not keep the legs parallel to each other, he needs the support of the parents. After mastering the first steps, you can begin to study turns, squats and tilts.
  5. Teach your child the rules of braking and falling.

Roller shoes are interesting shoes designed for both walking and skating. In the heel part of the sneakers, wheels are built in, which retract into the sole when walking. If you lift the toe, the wheel extends and allows you to roll. To learn how to ride in sneakers, follow these instructions:

  1. standing on flat surface, put the toe of one foot to the heel of the other, so that the legs are on the same straight line. Shoes must not touch.
  2. Try to balance on your heels. You may need support at first.
  3. To start the movement, push off the surface with the toe of the foot located behind and lift it again.
  4. To stop, drop one toe or both. Be ready to run forward on momentum so as not to fall. You can slow down with your heel: touch the back edge of the sole to the asphalt. It's over easy way stay.
  5. Be sure to wear protective gear.

How to choose the first videos

A beginner in roller sports should pay attention not to specific specifications, but on a brand that will ensure the proper level of quality of components. It is better not to buy cheap skates from obscure manufacturers, the purchase can ruin your legs and mood, and also permanently discourage you or your child from skating.
Also, rollers for aggressive skating with small wheels and a low frame and racing five-wheelers are not suitable for a beginner. The most suitable for training are four-wheeled fitness models with a brake. They fit well on the foot and cost much less than specialized models.

With a more detailed approach, a beginner should choose:

  • soft boots, light, not rubbing, with good ventilation;
  • a composite frame, which, when riding, allows you not to feel the bumps in the road so much;
  • polyurethane wheels for smooth and soft movement;
  • standard brake, significantly facilitating the process of slowing down and stopping.

Pay attention to the fasteners and lacing - they should provide a secure fit for the boot, this will protect you from injury. Boots should sit strictly in size. If at least the slightest discomfort is felt when trying on, try on others.

The history of roller skates

The inventor of rollers, Joseph Merlin, introduced his brainchild in London in 1760. Being not completely sure of the technical completeness of his creation, Merlin did not patent it. Roller skates were patented for the first time in 1819 in Paris by Monsieur Petitbled. These were three-wheeled inlines designed to replace ice skates. Possessing poor maneuverability and braking problems, Petitbled's invention did not achieve the expected recognition and was used mostly in theaters. In 1863, quads, the invention of James Plimpton, gained popularity: the wheels on them were installed in pairs - front and rear. This design gave the quads stability and made them easier to use. Inlines at that time remained in the shadow of quads, but the inventors were constantly trying to refine their design.

In 1876, a brake was designed, the mechanism of which has remained practically unchanged to our time, and in the 20th century, rubber wheels began to be made, and then polyurethane, which made roller skates more durable and easy to control.

In 1980, hockey player Scott Olson and his brothers, inspired by an old inline roller model he saw, founded Rollerblade Inc. The inlines have been redesigned with polyurethane wheels, a metal frame and a quad toe brake. Later, the brake was made a heel brake, the boot and frame material were changed. 1983, the year of the release of the TRS Lightning model, can be called the beginning of the era of inlines, which became more comfortable, controllable and high-speed, quickly gaining mass popularity.