Ball throwing games. Outdoor games with throwing a ball at a moving target

Lesson outline

By physical education in 4th grade

on the topic: "Outdoor games with throwing the ball in

moving target.

Teacher: V.N. Trofimova

MBOU "Lycey" r.p.Stepnoe

Outline of a physical education lesson in grade 4.

Lesson topic: Outdoor games with throwing a ball at a moving target.

The purpose of the lesson: Achieve planned results.

    Subject result:

    Personal result:

    exercise positive traits personality and manage their emotions;

    the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of various situations.

    Metasubject result:

    develop the ability to identify and form what is learned and what needs to be learned;

    determine the quality and level of knowledge;

    to form the ability to control learning activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

The tasks of forming the UUD:

    the ability to formulate the topic and problem of the lesson;

    the ability to acquire new knowledge, find errors in the performance of educational tasks, select ways to correct them;

    draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher.

Communicative UUD:

    the ability to actively participate in team activities;

    the ability to convey information in an accessible emotional vivid form in the process of communication;

    the ability to organize one's own activities;

    express your thoughts orally.

Personal UUD:

    to develop interest in new material and ways to solve a new educational problem;

    the ability to interact in achieving common goals in the process joint activities;

    the ability to logically correctly express, argue their thoughts.

Regulatory UUD:

    the ability to determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

    the ability to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;

    the ability to sum up the results of their activities in the lesson;

    the ability to evaluate their learning activities.

Lesson type: with an educational focus.

Teaching methods: system-activity, problematic, partially search.

Inventory and equipment:

    stopwatch - 1 pc.

    tennis balls - 6 pcs.

    basketballs - 6 pcs.

    soft balls - 2 pcs.

Lesson stages

Teacher activity


Student activities



Organization of preparation of students for the lesson

Execution of the teacher's commands

Verbal: construction, explanation

Personal: awareness of the meaning of the upcoming activity

Holding the yell in motion

Walking on toes, hands on the belt

Walking on heels, hands behind the head.

Running in slow pace

Running with high hips

Running by whipping the shin.

Side step left and right side.

Walking arms to the sides in the hands, in the elbows, straight arms back and forth.

Jerks with hands behind the back, in front of the chest.

Hands in the castle circular, wave-like rotation.

switchgear in place

Tilt the body forward, backward, right to left.

Hands on knees rotation inward in the opposite direction.

Rotation of the toe and heel.

Cross jumps alternately

Actualization of students' knowledge

Throwing a tennis sword into a rolling basketball

Formulation of the problem:

Do the player need motor qualities and skills in outdoor games.

The purpose of the lesson: mastering the technique of throwing a ball at a moving target, through outdoor games.

Warm-up efficiency

Completing a task

Participation in the discussion of the problem and the purpose of the lesson

Verbal: explanation

Verbal frontal association.

Verbal: conversation, frontal form, organized activity of students


Ability to understand the teacher's explanation

Regulatory: the ability to prepare the body for effective work in the main part of the lesson

Regulatory: accept a learning task corresponding to the stage of learning.

Subject: analyze, compare, draw conclusions.


Ability to participate in a dialogue on a given topic

Awareness of the implementation of various actions to identify and master ways to solve educational problems

Mobile game. "Hunting for a wolf" The class is divided into two teams, each team has a leading "Wolf" The rest are "Hunters". A minute later, "Wolf" change. After three times points are calculated.

Students "Hunters" try to hit the ball in the "Wolf" in one minute. The driving "Wolf" dodges the ball

Playful, competitive.

Personal: cognitive interest in new material. Ability to cooperate in achieving common goals.

Subject: the ability to throw a ball at a target in outdoor games.

Outdoor game: "Bouncer against the wall." The two leaders have soft balls. The rest of the players line up along the wall. The leader's task is to knock out all the players. The game time is one minute, after which other leaders are chosen.

Players move along the wall, give the ball after hitting the driver. As soon as the ball touches the player, he sits down on the bench. Leaders without entering the zone knock out players.

Game, competitive.

Regulatory: accept a learning task corresponding to the stage of learning

Problem solving: activates and directs the work of students, corrects answers and summarizes them.

Formation of a general conclusion to solve the problem.

Verbal: conversation.

Communicative: the ability to discuss the content and results of joint activities.

Summing up the lesson.

Evaluation by the students themselves for the lesson.

verbal, frontal

Communicative: the ability to express one's own point of view

Homework. Invent and conduct an outdoor game in the lesson with throwing the ball at the target

Self-control in homework.

verbal, frontal


verbal, frontal

Lesson outline

in physical education in grade 4



The players - "foxes", form a circle, in the center of which the leader with the ball in his hands is the "hunter". On a signal, the foxes scatter, and the hunter tries to knock out one of the players with the ball. A salted fox becomes a hunter. The hunters, already together passing the ball between themselves, knock out the foxes. If the foxes can intercept the ball, then they pass it to each other, switching roles. The game lasts a certain time, the team that has more opposing players in captivity wins.


The players are divided into 2-4 teams, which line up in a column one by one behind the start line. At a distance of 4-6 m from the start line, a mace is placed opposite each column. The ball lies at the feet of the first players on the line. On a signal, the first players, rolling the ball on the floor, try to hit the mace with them, run after the ball and pass it to the next one. The team that manages to knock over the mace more times wins.


The players are divided into pairs in teams and form lines in pairs at a distance of 4-5 m. In the hands of the guides there is a basketball. At the beginning of each team there is a leader with a hoop. On a signal, the driver begins to move with the hoop raised up. At this time, the guides perform the transfer to the partner in the hoop. It is important that the ball does not touch the floor when passing the ball, and for each hit in the hoop, the team receives a point.


The players are divided into two teams. One team stands in a square in the form of a snake, holding hands on each other's belt. The other team stands behind the square. On a signal, this team tries to knock out the last player in the snake with the ball. The player standing in front tries to prevent this by constantly moving and raising his hands. If the team located outside the circle managed to knock out the last one in the snake, then the knocked out one goes out of the square. The game continues until there are two players left. Then the teams switch roles. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Each of the players in the hands of tennis ball, which are located on the throwing line. At a distance of 10 steps, the driver throws a volleyball up. The task of the players is to hit the flying ball. A point is given for each hit. The winner is the player who scored more points in 8-10 attempts.


The players form two teams. If all the players do not fit in one line, then one team becomes after the other. All players receive a tennis ball. Teams are located in front of the throwing line. At a distance of 6-7 m from it, 10 towns of two colors stand in a row at a step distance from one another, and each team has towns of a certain color. On a signal, the players of one team simultaneously throw balls into the towns. The downed town of his team moves one step further from the throwing line. The downed town of the other team is placed one step closer to the throwing line. Then another command does the same. Each team throws balls 3-5 times. The team that manages to move their towns further from the throwing line wins. This takes into account how many steps the towns are moved away.


The players are divided into two teams and line up on the sidelines opposite each other. A volleyball is placed in the center. Each team has 6 basketballs. On a signal, the players throw the balls at the volleyball, trying to roll it back to the opposite team. The team that manages to roll the ball over the other wins. It is not allowed to stop the ball with your feet or hands, as well as run into the center behind basketballs.


The players stand in a circle at arm's length. In front of their socks, a circle is drawn on the floor, in the center of which maces or a low stand are placed. A leader is chosen, who stands in the middle of the circle to protect the fortifications. Those standing in a circle have a volleyball. On a signal, the players begin to knock down 3 maces with the ball. The defender covers the tripod by hitting the ball with his hands and feet, but he is not allowed to hold the maces with his hands. The player who manages to knock down the fortifications changes places with the defender. The game is running for a set time. Players are not allowed to go over the line. If the defender himself knocked down the fortification, then the player who had the ball at that moment takes his place.


The players are divided into two teams - "hunters" and "ducks". The hunters become different sides, breaking in half at a distance of 7-10 m. Ducks are randomly located in the center. One of the hunters has a ball. On a signal, the hunters, throwing the ball in different directions, without going beyond the line, try to knock them down ducks, and they, in turn, dodge the ball. The player hit by the ball is out of the game. When all the ducks are knocked out, the teams switch roles. The winning team is the one that stays in the center the longest.


The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step with 6-8 balls. A town was built in the middle of the circle, i.e. several pins are placed at such a distance that a ball can freely pass between them. The town is guarded by three guards. The players, standing in one place, send the ball to the town with their foot. The one who hits the pin with the ball takes the place of the watchman. But the players must not miss the ball, beaten off by the watchman for the circle. All guards and attackers work only with their feet.


The players are divided into two teams and freely placed on their field (Fig. 10). The coach tosses the ball in the center between the captains, who are trying to hit the ball to their partners. Having received the ball, the player tries to hit the opponent without going beyond the middle line. The opponent takes cover from the ball and, in turn, tries to hit the opposing player with the ball. The player, pinned by the ball, goes behind the line of captivity to the opposite team until his players help him out by throwing the ball to him. They play for 10-15 minutes, after which the prisoners in each team are counted.


The players stand in a circle. One player has a volleyball. In the center of the circle is the driver. The players, throwing the ball, try to hit the driver with it (it is not allowed to hit the head). The driver dodges the ball. The one who hit the driver with the ball without going beyond the line changes places with him. Play 5-7 minutes. after which the most dexterous drivers are noted.


The players form a circle, in the middle of which is the driver with the ball. With the words: "Ball to the top!" - Throws the ball up. The players at this time try to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: "Shtandr!". Everyone should stop, and the driver, without moving, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The stained becomes the driver. If the driver misses, then he remains the driver again.

"Dodge the ball"

The players are divided into three teams. The platform is also divided into three parts. Each team is placed on its site in random order. One of the players between the other two has the ball. On a signal, the team occupying the middle section tries to hit the players in the outer fields with the ball. And those, in turn, strive to make as many hits as possible on the players located in the middle section. At the end of the time, the teams change places. The team with the most points wins.


The players run around the playground. Three hunters stand in different places, each with a small ball. At the signal of the head "Stop", all the players stop, and the hunters from the spot aim the ball at one of them. "Killed" replace hunters. The players have the right to dodge the ball, but must not leave their place, but they can catch the ball. If the player leaves the place after the "Stop" command, he replaces the hunter.


The players stand in a circle with one volleyball. There are two drivers in the center - they throw the ball at one, and the other defends it, beating it off. On a signal, the players begin to throw the ball at the driver, trying to knock him down. If the players hit the ball in the driver, then the hit player goes to the middle, and the player who was in defense takes the place of the tagged one. In conclusion, a player is noted who defended his partner well.


The players are divided into two teams - drivers and field players. The drivers form a large circle, and the field players are in the center of this circle. On a signal, the drivers try to hit the ball with the field players. Players of the field, dodging the ball, can catch it. If a player is tainted, he is temporarily out of the game. If he caught the ball, then he is not considered to be touched and has the right to help out one of those who came out. The game lasts for a certain time (3-5 minutes), after which the remaining players of the field are counted and the players change places. The team that manages to tarnish more players on the field wins.


The players choose the driver, and the rest of the players stand in a circle and are calculated in numerical order. driving with volleyball is in a circle. On a signal, the driver hits the ball on the floor and calls one of the numbers. This number runs to the middle of the circle and tries to catch the ball, while the rest run around the court. As soon as he catches the ball, he shouts:

"Stop!" The players must stop and stand still, and the driver tries to hit any player with the ball. If he did not hit the player, then he runs after the ball, and the players again scatter around the court. If the driver hits, then the players change roles.


The players are divided into two teams of 4,8,16 players each. The players of one of the teams occupy the corners of the quadrangle or hexagon clearly marked with lines (Fig. 11). Their task is to hit as many opponents as possible with the ball, which are located in a polygon, the length and width of which have different sizes depending on the preparedness of those involved. On signal, the outside players,

passing the ball to each other, they try to hit the ball with the opponents who are in Fig. 11

inside the polygon and can only shoot around corners. If the throw turned out to be accurate, then the team that threw the ball gets a point. If the inside player managed to dodge the ball, the outside players run away from their places inside the circle, and the inside players try to pick up the ball as quickly as possible. The one who lifted it shouts:

"Stop!" and throws the ball from the place where he picked it up at one of the outside players, who, on the command "Stop!", are obliged to stop and have no right to evade the ball. If the thrower pins the opponent, his team gets a point. The game continues until the agreed number of points, after which the teams change roles. The winner is the team that manages to score the required amount of points in a shorter period of time.

In the lessons in grades III-IV great place continue to occupy mobile games. The games offered for studying the technique of throwing the ball contain all the main types of throwing - for distance and accuracy at a fixed horizontal and vertical target. The use of small and large (light) balls strengthens the joints and muscles of the hands, develops the eye, and improves coordination of movements. Consolidation of the technique of movements in games should be carried out only after its detailed learning. Technically correct execution throws should be the main condition of the game.

The most common throwing games for grade 3 students are “Who is the most accurate”, “School of the ball”, “Hit the target”, “Get time with long-range throws”, “Fifteen with the ball”, “Moving target”, “Hunters and ducks” , "Force to retreat", "Long throws", "Defend the fortress", "From the shield in the field"; for students of the IV grade - “Dimble and well-aimed”, “Lapta”, “Round fire”, etc.

A special place in classes with students of grades III - IV in the study of throwing is occupied by various relay races. Relay race participants fight with rivals independently (in turn) or in groups with mutual support and mutual assistance of comrades, but without coming into direct contact with members of other teams. The personal responsibility of each relay participant in the struggle for the victory of the team is a valuable educational factor.

The need to act with full dedication of forces helps to solve development problems not only physical qualities, but also the accuracy of movements, the ability to control one's efforts when throwing various projectiles in compliance with rational technique. All this makes relay races related to sports competitions.

The ability to widely vary the content of relay races and the conditions for conducting them, taking into account the age, preparedness of students and the conditions of the hall (site), allows them to be widely used in lessons, sectional classes and in extended day groups, on holidays and rest days. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that children are very sensitive to the manifestation of any inaccuracies when summing up the results of relay races. Therefore, relay races require a particularly clear organization from the teacher of physical culture.

The relay should be repeated at least 2-3 times to finally determine the winner. An analysis of the results should be done after each repetition of the relay, indicating the reasons for success and failure. This increases the educational and educational significance of relay races.

Number of players in a team - 6-12 people

Outdoor games in the study of throwing

There are a lot of options for relay races for students in grades III-IV. Their content is determined by the teacher, in accordance with educational material lesson. Here are examples of possible relay races for students in grades III-IV.

"Snipers" (III class).

Teams are built in lines at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the throw line, each participant has 2 small balls in his hands. Targets are located at a distance of 5-8 m from the throwing line. On a signal, the players alternately go to the throwing line and perform two throws at the target. The team that shows best result, i.e. hitting the target more times. As targets, you can use maces, skittles, stuffed balls mounted on a gymnastic beam or other elevation; a target shield in the form of a circle with a diameter of 60-80-100 cm, which is fixed on the wall; target shield with several circles and numbers (3-2-1).

"Exact calculation" (IV class).

Teams are built behind the throwing line, each participant has a ball. Hoops lie in front of the teams at a distance of 6-8 m from the throwing line. On a signal, the team members take turns throwing their ball, trying to get it into the hoop. The team that hits the target more times wins.

Options: 1) throws are performed in a certain zone: the 1st zone is located at a distance of 12 m from the throw line, the 2nd - 16 m, the 3rd - 20 m; each zone has digital designations - 1-2-3; the winning team is determined by the sum of points scored by all its members; 2) throws are performed at a target shield with several circles with different numerical designations (3-2-1), the distance to the target is 8-10 m, the height is 2.5-3 m; The places of the teams are determined by the sum of the points scored.

In the lessons in grades III-IV, outdoor games continue to occupy a large place. The games offered for studying the technique of throwing the ball contain all the main types of throwing - for distance and accuracy at a fixed horizontal and vertical target. The use of small and large (light) balls strengthens the joints and muscles of the hands, develops the eye, and improves coordination of movements. Strengthening the technique of movements in games should be carried out only after its detailed learning. Technically correct execution of throws should be the main condition of the game.

The most common throwing games for grade 3 students are “Who is the most accurate”, “Ball school”, “Hit the target”, “Gain time with long-range throws”, “Fifteen with a ball”, “Moving target”, “Hunters and ducks”, “Force to retreat”, “Long-range throws”, “Protection of the fortress”, “From the shield in the field”; for students of the IV grade - "Dimble and well-aimed", "Lapta", "Circle shelling", etc.

A special place in classes with students of grades III-IV in the study of throwing is occupied by various relay races. Relay race participants fight with rivals on their own (in turn) or in groups with mutual support and mutual assistance of comrades, but without coming into direct contact with members of other teams. The personal responsibility of each relay participant in the struggle for the victory of the team is a valuable educational factor.

The need to act with full dedication of strength helps to solve the problems of developing not only physical qualities, but also the accuracy of movements, the ability to control one's efforts when throwing various projectiles in compliance with rational technology. All this makes relay races related to sports competitions.

The ability to widely vary the content of relay races and the conditions for conducting them, taking into account the age, preparedness of students and the conditions of the hall (site), allows them to be widely used in lessons, sectional classes and in extended day groups, on holidays and rest days. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that children are very sensitive to the manifestation of any inaccuracies when summing up the results of relay races. Therefore, holding relay races requires the teacher of physical culture to organize them especially clearly.

The relay should be repeated at least 2-3 times for the final identification of the winner. An analysis of the results should be done after each repetition of the relay, indicating the reasons for success and failure. This increases the educational and upbringing significance of relay races.

Number of players in a team - 6-12 people

Outdoor games in the study of throwing

There are a lot of options for relay races for students of III-IV classes. Their content is determined by the teacher, in accordance with the teaching material of the lesson. Here are examples of possible relay races for students in grades III-IV.

"Snipers" (III class).

Teams are built in lines at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the throw line, each participant has 2 small balls in his hands. Targets are located at a distance of 5-8 m from the throwing line. On a signal, the players alternately go to the throwing line and perform two throws at the target. The team that shows the best result, that is, the one that hits the target more times, wins. As targets, you can use maces, skittles, stuffed balls mounted on a gymnastic beam or other elevation; a target shield in the form of a circle with a diameter of 60-80-100 cm, which is fixed on the wall; target shield with several circles and digital designations (3-2-1).

"Exact calculation" (IV class).

Teams are built behind the throwing line, each participant has a ball. Hoops lie in front of the teams at a distance of 6-8 m from the throwing line. On a signal, the team members take turns throwing their ball, trying to get it into the hoop. The team that hits the target more times wins.

Options: 1) throws are performed in a certain zone: the 1st zone is located at a distance of 12 m from the throw line, the 2nd - 16 m, the 3rd - 20 m; each zone has digital designations - 1-2-3; the winning team is determined by the sum of points scored by all its members; 2) throws are performed at a target shield with several circles with different numerical designations (3-2-1), the distance to the target is 8-10 m, the height is 2.5-3 m; The places of the teams are determined by the sum of the points scored.

Outdoor ball games

as a means of teaching throwing

children of the third year of life

For the comprehensive development of preschoolers, it is very important to master a variety of movements in a timely manner, primarily their main types: running, walking, jumping, throwing, climbing.

Children usually seek to satisfy the huge need for movement in games. To play for them is, first of all, to move, to act. During outdoor games, children improve their movements, develop such qualities as initiative and independence, confidence and perseverance. Actions with the ball occupy a large place in the work of physical culture, are used by all children in independent games and exercises. Throwing and catching, throwing strengthen muscles shoulder girdle, torso, small muscles of the hands, contribute to the development of the eye, accuracy. They also require good coordination of movements. Ball games develop dexterity, rhythm and accuracy of movements.

Target : formation of the skill of throwing at a horizontal target in children of the third year of life.

Tasks :

1 pick up games and exercises for the development of throwing technique;

2 practical implementation exercises and games for the development of throwing technique in children of the third year of life.

These games and exercises can be included in various forms of work and regime moments, for example, on a walk in the winter, you can use the game "Snowballs", in morning exercises « funny ball", in a set of exercises for classes in physical education: “Ball over the head”, “Salute”, “Throw the ball”, in the afternoon holding outdoor games, such as “Catch and throw - don’t let fall”, “Throw and catch up”, “If we all stand in a circle, I'll throw the ball to you, friend." For joint activities with the educator on the development of speech, the game "Who talks like" is also suitable with the use of the ball.

"Naughty ball".

Purpose of the game: exercise the child in throwing the ball away with both hands from the chest (from below, from above, from behind the head); perform actions with the ball on the speech signal of an adult; develop the ability to navigate in space.

For this game you will need:

1. Cord, strip of plaster or colored circles;
2. Medium size ball.

Game options:

Option number 1:

We hug the ball gently
Put the ball to the chest.
Let's push him away casually.
Throw the ball away with both hands from the chest.
And now, let's catch up together:
They run after the ball.
We need to pity him!
Pick up the ball and
pressing him to his chest with one hand,
the other is stroking the ball
and return back.

Option #2:

We drop the ball down
Lower your hands with the ball down.
And now we're dropping it.
Throw the ball into the distance with both hands from below.
We catch up quickly, together.
They run after the ball.
After all, we need to catch him!
They pick it up and "sorry".

Option number 3:

We raise the ball up

And we throw it forward.
Throw the ball into the distance with both hands from above.
The ball is nimble, mischievous
They run after the ball.
Now we will catch up with you!

"Caught up!"
They return back.

Option number 4:

The ball is nimble, mischievous
We will lift up with you.
Raise your hands with the ball up above your head.
Let's hide behind the head
Slightly lower the ball behind the head with bent arms.
Let's throw together, cleverly!
Throw the ball into the distance with both hands over the head.
And now, let's catch up together.
They run after the ball.
After all, we need to catch him!
Having caught up, they raise, cheerfully shouting:
They return back.


Purpose of the game: to teach the child to throw the ball with both hands forward and upward in ways from below, from the chest, from above, from behind the head.

For this game you will need:

1. With the help of “improvised means” (for example, chairs with a back) at a height of about 1 m from the floor (when teaching a throw from above and from behind the head) or at the level of the child’s chest (when teaching a throw from below and from the chest), pull the rope or gum.
2. Balls of medium diameter: 12-15 cm.

Content: on one side of the room at a distance of 0.6-1.5 m (when learning to throw from above and from behind the head) and at a distance of 1-1.5 m (when learning to throw from below and from the chest) from a stretched rope on colored circles ( at the cord, strips of plaster) are children. Each person has a ball in their hands (balls of average diameter 12-15 cm). In accordance with the poetic text pronounced by the teacher, they perform the exercise together.

Throw from above:

At the rope (fence) we stand,
Children with balls in their hands stand in circles,
We raise the ball.
Raise your hands with the ball up.
For the ball to bounce
Throw the ball with both hands
We are dropping it!
through a stretched rope.
We catch up quickly, together.
They run after the ball.
After all, we need to catch him!
Having caught up, they raise, cheerfully shouting:
They return back.

During a throw from behind the head, the teacher also says “We raise the ball”, during a throw from below - “We lower the ball”, during a throw from the chest - “We press the ball”.

Show the children that you should stand on the circles with your legs slightly apart. Throw and run after the ball only at the voice signal of the teacher. Also explain to the kids that in order to catch up with the ball, you need to run under the rope and, in order not to hurt it, you need to bend over, and not lift it up with your hand.

Game difficulty:throwing the ball can also be carried out through 2-3 chairs with a back, standing close to each other (the word "at the rope" is replaced by the word "at the fence"). In this case, catching up with the ball, the baby will already have to crawl under the chairs.

"Flying Ball"

Purpose of the game: develop in children visual-motor coordination, general and fine motor skills, social skills.

For this game you will need:if you are indoors, you can take a soft ball with a diameter of 15–20 cm, and a bouncing ball outdoors.

My ball flies, flies to you,
Look, don't miss!
Hold it, catch it
And throw me again.

A more difficult option is to play with a balloon alone or in a group. The child throws the ball or the children throw it to each other with their hands, preventing it from falling. The distance between children should be sufficient so that they do not touch each other and do not collide when moving.

Gymnastics complex after daytime sleep with balls with elements of breathing exercises.

"Colorful balls"

Held in a group room.

During quiet time, spread the balls on the floor.


Look guys

A wonderful miracle happened.

How many beautiful balls

Appeared in our bedroom!

Guys, let's play with balls.

The children get out of bed and go to the group room.

Each child gets a ball. The children stand up.

Exercise "colored balls".

I.p .: standing, legs slightly apart, ball in lowered hands (grasping the ball from all sides).

1-2Hands with the ball up

3-4 I.p.

Repeat 5 times. The pace is moderate.

Exercise "Show the ball to a friend"

I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, hands with the ball in front of the chest.

1-2 Rotate the torso to one side.

2-3 I.p.

Also on the other side.

Repeat 2 times on each side. The pace is slow.

Note: “keep a stable position. Don't drop the ball."

Exercise "Let's play with a ball"

I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs apart, ball in lowered hands.

1-2 Tilt to the right leg. Get the ball to your toes.

3-4 I.p.

Also on the left leg.

Repeat 2 times for each leg. The pace is moderate.

Direction "It's good to straighten up."

Exercise "The ball is resting"

I.p .: lying on your back, the ball in your hands in front of your chest.

1-2 Raise both legs.

3-4 I.p.

Repeat 4 times. The pace is moderate.

Directions: Lower your legs slowly. Don't hit your heels on the floor."

Breathing exercise "Blow on the ball"

I.p .: standing, the ball is in arms bent in front of the chest, legs together.

Blow on the ball. At the expense of 1 - inhale. At the expense of 2.3 - exhale.

Repeat 4 times.

Loose walking with a ball in hand at a slow pace (20 sec.)


What color balls?

Who is ready to answer me?

Children stop and name the colors of the balls.


You guys don't yawn

Have fun playing with balls.

Cheerful music is playing. Children throw balls and try to catch them.

Then they are put into a basket.

Exercise complexeswith a ball (diameter 25-30 cm)

on physical education of children of the third year of life.


  1. "Ball ahead." I.p .: legs slightly apart, the ball is lowered. Ball forward, drop, say down. Repeat 5 times.
  2. "Show me the ball." I.p .: legs apart, the ball is lowered. Lean forward, ball forward, say "here", drop the ball. Repeat 4 times.
  3. "Higher ball." I.p .: sitting on the heels, the ball is lowered. Rise to your knees, ball up, look, lower. Repeat 4 times.
  4. "The ball is resting." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, the ball on the floor. 3-4 springs and 6-8 bounces, walking around the ball. Offer to wave your hands. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 3 times.


  1. "Further forward." I.p .: legs slightly apart, the ball in front of the chest. Hands forward, return to sp. Also, from I.P. ball behind the head. Repeat 5 times.
  2. "We ride." I.p .: sitting (standing), legs apart, crayfish behind the back, the ball on the floor. Tilt forward, roll the ball forward towards you, return to sp. Later, offer to say "we ride." Repeat 4 times.
  3. "Let's stroke." I.p. legs slightly apart, the ball is on the floor. Sit down, stroke, say "smooth", straighten up. Repeat 4 times.
  4. "Funny Balls" I.p. legs slightly apart, the ball is lowered, 6 - 8 jumps and walking in place, raising the ball. Repeat 3 times.


  1. "ball up". I.p .: legs slightly apart, the ball is lowered. Ball up, look at it, return to SP, say "down". Maintain a stable position. Repeat 5 times.
  2. "Roll to yourself." I.p .: sitting (standing), the ball in front of the chest. Tilt forward, put the ball as far as possible and roll towards you, return to sp. Having finished the exercise, straighten up, lift the ball up and lower it. Repeat 4 times.
  3. "Hide the ball." I.p .: lying on your back, arms to the sides, the ball on the stomach is closer to the legs. Cover the ball with your hands and bent legs, do not raise your head, say "hid". Repeat 4 times.
  4. "Around the ball". I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back, the ball on the floor. Rise on your toes, go around the ball in one direction and the other side. Finish with normal walking and running after each other. Repeat 3 times.

Outdoor ball games.

"Carry Don't Drop"

Purpose of the game: to teach the child to perform actions with objects on a signal: take, carry them, throw them; walk, keeping a rectilinear direction of movement; develop the ability to navigate in the space of a room (or other room).

For this game you will need:

1. Balls of different colors and different sizes;
2. Basket, barrel or box that would easily fit the balls.

We go with you, we go
Children with a ball in their hands
pass through the room
We carry different balls:
Green, yellow, red, blue…

stop near the basket.
We threw everything in the basket!
Throw the balls into the basket.

The teacher offers to look in the basket and asks the children the question: “What balls are in the basket?” Children name the color of the balls. An adult praises them, for example: “Correctly yellow and red balls in the basket. Now, let's run to the house! Everyone runs away to their own house, where, together with an adult, they perform imitative movements. The teacher asks:

Show me how we went
Walking in place
How did they carry the ball with you?
Walking in place, hands imitate carrying the ball.
Show me how you dropped the ball.
Bend over, hands down (as if putting a ball).
Show me how to run
Run in place.

The teacher asks the children again: “Where are our balls?” Children will definitely point to the basket. “Let's go get the balls from the basket,” the adult suggests. And they again run to the basket, take out the balls, raise them above their heads and return to their "houses". After a pause, the game is repeated.

An adult needs to ensure that the kids perform actions on a speech signal (poetic text). Smaller items can also be used for carrying: cubes, small balls or balls, cones, etc.


Purpose of the game: develop fine motor skills of the hands, strengthen the muscles of the fingers, learn to throw a small ball into the distance.

For this game you will need:for this game, make a lot of soft foam balls (for example, from foam sponges for washing the body - such balls are not only light, but also bright).

Content: show the children soft balls and invite them to make "snowballs" from them: "Let's make snowballs now." Squeezing the ball between the palms, show how to sculpt a "snowball": "Look, the lump is soft, I can squeeze it with my palms: like this - like this!" Children repeat the movements. "Well, show me what kind of "snowball" you got. What good "snowballs" you have! Well done! Let's make another blind. - let the children make 3 more lumps. "Now throw snowballs at me, I'll catch them!" Children throw balls with one hand. The teacher pretends to catch "snowballs", but cannot catch or hold them: "How many "snowballs". I couldn't even catch them! Let's collect the "snowballs" and play again." The teacher and the children collect the balls and the game is repeated.

Advice: remind the children to press the ball with effort while making a "snowball" and that they turn their right and left palms on top in turn. Offer to simply crush the ball with your fingers.


Purpose of the game: to teach a child to throw the ball with both hands, to develop visual-motor coordination, general and fine motor skills of the hands.

For this game you will need:before the game (always with the children) pick up small pieces of white light paper (for example, a napkin) - in the game these will be “snowflakes”. Place a large fluffy pillow on the floor. Pour "snowflakes" on top of the pillow.


Purpose of the game: develop an eye, dexterity, coordination of movements when throwing at a horizontal target.

For this game you will need:any small balls (from tennis, rubber, soft different materials) or paper balls from crumpled paper. As a horizontal target, it is better to use a large-diameter basket (high basin or a large box pasted over with colored paper) so that the thrown balls can linger in them.

Children stand in a circle or anywhere near the cord. An adult puts a box of balls on the floor in front of them and together with the children so that the kids see the movements that the teacher accompanies with the words:

Take the ball with one hand
Bend down and take one ball at a time.
And lift to the shoulder.
Raise the hand with the ball up to the shoulder.
Let's look at the basket.
Look at the basket.
We throw the ball into the basket.
Throw the ball into the basket with one hand.

First, children throw balls with their right, and then with their left hands (2-3 each). Then the thrown balls are collected in the box and the game is repeated.

Game options:

cubes, small soft toys, which are also thrown into a basket, basin or box; multi-colored bags filled with any cereal (buckwheat, rice, etc.) weighing 70-100 grams. Such bags can be thrown into a large hoop or into a circle lined with cord.

"Pebbles in the river"

Purpose of the game: teach a child to throw away with different hands.

For this game you will need:on one side of the hall, colored circles (a cord, a strip of plaster) are placed on the floor - this is the "shore". At 2–3 meters from the shore, she spreads a sheet (a large diaper, bedspread or some kind of fabric), preferably of a bluish tint - this is a “river”. For throwing, it is better to use paper balls from crumpled paper (they bounce off the floor less than elastic balls) - these are "pebbles".

We will come to the coast
Approach the "shore".
Take the pebbles in your hands

Let's raise our right hand
Raise right hand up.
We throw pebbles into the river.
Throw the ball into the "river" with the right hand.
Raise the left hand
Raise your left hand up.
We also throw a stone.
They throw the ball into the "river" with their left hand.

Then the teacher offers to get "pebbles" from the "river". Let the children climb into the "river" and wallow in it: lying on their stomachs or on their backs, they jerk their arms and legs, imitating swimming, roll from side to side, etc. After collecting the "pebbles" and returning to the "shore", you can repeat the game. Remind the children to throw the pebbles in turn with their right and left hands, take their time (the words of the poem serve as a signal for execution). With the acquisition of the skill of throwing into the distance, the distance from the child to the river increases.

For a change, you can use bags filled with cereals (see "Balls in the basket").

"On the other side"

Purpose of the game: teach a child to throw away with one hand (right and left).

For this game you will need:The "river" is located at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the "shore" so that the child can throw a "pebble" over it. A "bridge" is thrown across the "river" - a board.

We will come to the coast
Approach the "shore".
Take the pebbles in your hands
Bend over and take a ball with each hand.
Raise the right hand
Raise your right hand up.
Let's cross the river.
Throw the ball through the "river" with the right hand.
Raise the left hand
Raise your left hand up.
Let's throw a stone too!
Throw the ball through the "river" with the left hand.

“What good fellows we are! – says the educator – All the pebbles were thrown to the other side. Let's now go along the bridge, collect the pebbles and bring them back.” Children walk along the board, collect "pebbles" and return the same way back.

Remind the kids to throw pebbles in turn with their right and left hands, take their time (the words of the poem serve as a signal for execution). With the acquisition of the skill of throwing into the distance, the distance from the child to the "river" increases. For a change, you can use bags filled with cereals.

"Children's bowling"

Purpose of the game: develop elementary skills of hitting the ball on the target (vigorously push the ball in a given direction), develop visual-motor coordination, general motor skills.

For this game you will need:rope or tape; medium sized balls; 6-10 items that can be used as bowling pins, such as empty milk cartons, plastic bottles, inverted paper cups and so on.

Look what skittles
They stand exactly in a row!
We will send the ball to them skillfully
And they are already there!

This is a great game for practicing accuracy and skating skills. The kids, squatting down (leaning over, legs slightly wider than their shoulders), from the designated place roll the balls forward with both hands, trying to knock down the skittles.

Make sure that the kids vigorously push the balls away with both hands, and not toss it up and down. Before pushing the ball, teach children to look at the skittles. Mark the points on the floor where the skittles should be placed (with chalk, pieces of plaster, a circle of colored paper or cardboard), and let the kids take it in turns to set the skittles down on their own.


Purpose of the game: develop elementary skills of hitting the target with the ball (vigorously push the ball in a given direction).

For this game you will need:ball with a diameter of 15–20 cm, plastic cubes.

Make sure that the children vigorously push the ball away with both hands, and not toss it up and down. Before pushing the ball away, teach children to look at the pyramid. After hitting, invite the kids to make their own pyramid.

"Children's Basketball"

Purpose of the game: develop the baby's hand-eye coordination, general motor skills, social skills.

For this game you will need:light plasticine ball with a diameter of 30 cm;
a basket, barrel or box that would easily fit the ball.

If the baby can easily cope with this task, take him a step or two back. Otherwise, let him come closer.

Exercises and games

"My ball rolled"

Children stand in pairs opposite each other. The teacher gives each pair a ball and invites the kids to roll the balls to each other.

Children can roll balls from different provisions: standing, sitting, lying on the stomach.

"Drop and Catch"

The teacher invites the kids to stand in front of the line drawn on the floor, gives them balls and says: “Let's try to throw the balls as far as possible. And then we'll chase them down. Raise the balls like this." At the command of the teacher "Let's drop!" the kids throw the balls forward, then catch up with them and return to their place.

IN next time the teacher shows the children how to throw the ball with two hands from below.

"Throw the ball"

The teacher gives the child a ball and takes the same one for himself, offers to throw the ball together “far - far”.

"Get in the basket"

Draw a circle with chalk (or you can lay it out of the cord). Place a basket in the center. Children stand in a circle with balls in their hands. At the signal of the teacher, everyone throws the balls into the basket.

"Funny ball"

I.p .: legs slightly apart. We hold the ball with both hands above the head, then tilt down with outstretched arms, and back ip. Repeat 4-5 times.

"Ball to the Head"

I.p .: legs slightly apart, the ball is lowered. The ball is up, behind the head, raise the head, lower the ball, say "down". Maintain a stable position. Repeat 4-5 times.


Children stand in a circle and take small plastic balls prepared in advance in large quantities. There is a large basket in the center.

On command, they begin to throw balls into the basket, as if it were a salute.

"Catch and throw - don't let fall"

Children form a circle, the teacher stands in the center and picks up a big ball. He throws the ball to the children in turn and says: “Catch and throw - don’t let it fall!” The kids catch the ball and throw it back.

“If we all stand in a circle, I will throw the ball to you, friend”

The children stand at some distance from each other and throw the ball, saying at the same time: “I’m throwing the ball to you, Anya. Catch Anya! ”,“ I’m throwing the ball to you, Vanya. Vanya, catch!

"Red Blue"

At some distance from each other, two baskets of different colors are placed - blue and red. The child has a blue bag in one hand and a red bag in the other. The teacher asks to show the blue bag and throw it into the blue basket, the red one into the red one.

"Ball in the house"

Children's chairs are placed in a row at a distance of 20 cm from each other. In front of each chair is a child. The teacher says: “Let's roll the balls into the houses” - and shows how this is done. Then, on a signal, all the children squat down and push the balls with both hands.

At first, the distance is small 0.5 m (the border is marked with a cord). If all the children have balls rolled into the target, the teacher moves the cord a little further.

Children can roll balls from a sitting position, lying on their stomach.

"Knock down the pin"

The child is invited to throw the ball from a certain distance so as to knock down the skittle. First, they take a ball of large diameter, and a small and light pin, later they use balls of different diameters.

"Two Balls"

Two children sit opposite each other at a distance of 1 m, both in their hands big ball. Together they count: "One, two, three!" - and push the balls towards each other so that they collide. Gradually the distance increases.

"Sandbox and Squirrel"

Standing around the sandbox, throw cones into it with the right and left hands; increase the distance to the sandbox by 1-2 m and also throw with the right and left hand; throw with both hands from the chest and over the head.