Vadim Streltsov weightlifting. "The Silver of the Games doesn't seem to mean anything"

The World Cup continues in Houston. Last night, Moscow time, the winner in weight class up to 94 kg was the Belarusian Vadim Streltsov, and in the weight up to 85 kg - the Russian Artem Okulov ..

Houston (USA), 2015 World Weightlifting Championship, November 26, men, weight category up to 85 kg

1. Artem OKULOV (Russia) - 391 kg (176 kg in snatch + 215 kg in clean and jerk). 2. Kyanush Rostami (Iran) - 387 (173 + 214). 3. Apti AUKHADOV (Russia) - 380 (168 + 212).

Houston (USA), 2015 World Weightlifting Championship, November 26, men, weight category up to 85 kg, commentary by Artem OKULOV

I am very glad that what has been going on for a long time has happened, - the All Sport agency quotes Okulov. - I will not hide it, I was ready to fight for the first place and flew to America with the main goal - to win. Two third-place finishes in previous World Championships gave me the medals I needed to move to the top. .

- Was there any action plan during the competition?

Of course, we acted as a single well-coordinated team, together with my coach Rim Akhmetovich Sirazetdinov and the coaching staff of the Russian national team, headed by Alexander Ivanovich Venkov. Naturally, much was planned in advance. But even during the competition, amendments were made that affected final result. The main task was - regardless of the amount of weight of the barbell, to complete all six effective approaches.

That is, you deliberately drove the main favorite of the competition, Iranian Kianoush Rostami, to a weight exceeding the world record.

Not on purpose. According to my result, in order to win, there was nothing left for the Iranian to go for a world record.

In the third, final approach in the clean and jerk, you stood with the bar for such a long and beautiful time, and then confidently pushed it. Did it happen unconsciously or homemade?

You could say preparation. This pause gave me the opportunity to take a break, gain energy and strength and successfully complete the set.

Houston (USA), 2015 World Weightlifting Championship, November 26, men, weight category up to 94 kg

1. Vadim Streltsov (Belarus) - 405 kg (175 kg in snatch + 230 kg in clean and jerk). 2. Almaz Uteshov (Kazakhstan) - 402 (172 + 230). 3. Zhassulan Kydyrbaev (Kazakhstan) - 399 (178 + 221) ... 7. Alexei KOSOV (Russia) - 381 (181 + 200).

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Vadim Streltsov took part in Summer Games only at the age of 30, although at the junior age he was on the same level as Olympic champion Andrey Aryamnov.

the site tells why the Belarusian weightlifter replenished the collection of awards so late.

Photo: Reuters via TUT.BY

How Streltsov was found for weightlifting

For an answer to this question, we decided to turn to Alexander Goncharov, who headed the national weightlifting team from 2001 to 2013.

Goncharov remembers how in 1999 Vadim Streltsov was admitted to Mogilev public school Olympic reserve. Few people know, but the 13-year-old boy barely coped with the qualifying stage upon admission.

“We were faced with a dilemma,” says Alexander Vasilyevich, who then and still works in alliance with colleagues Anatoly Lobachev and Valentin Korotkin. - The fact is that Vadim was found to have poor mobility in the shoulder girdle, despite the fact that the legs and back were well developed. This is not so much a mistake as a feature of the anatomical structure of the body. We decided to take it anyway, although, of course, we did not know where it would lead. We can say that they gave him an advance.

Surprisingly, success came to Vadim quickly enough. In 2002 and 2003, he became vice-champion at the European Youth Championship. In 2005, he became second at the World and European Championships, and a year later he rose to the highest step of the podium at these competitions. In 2006, Streltsov was first sent to the adult world championship, where he became the fifth, although he claimed a medal.

“Judges often get hurt by athletes, but that was the case when criticism against them was justified,” Goncharov said. - Vadim was supposed to win the silver of the World Championship at the age of 20, but the judges did not count a successful attempt in the bench press.

Why Streltsov lagged behind Aryamnov

At the Games in Beijing, Belarus in the category up to 85 kg was supposed to be represented by Andrei Rybakov, who sniffed gunpowder in Athens 2004, and Vadim Streltsov. The latter in 2007 took bronze at the World and European Championships. He had a good chance to compete at the Olympics at 22 and rattle the favorites, but he missed it.

“In training, Vadim showed great form,” recalls Goncharov. - I remember how, just before leaving for Beijing, he took 215 kg twice on his chest, but he failed to push this weight just because of the late inclusion shoulder girdle to work. I then told him: "Vadim, let's finish this." He agreed at first, and then went for another run. It seems to be good, as he showed character. However, he was injured.

Vadim went to the 2008 Olympics only because he was declared. It was impossible to change anything. They tried to bring it back into operation, resorted to different methods. Vadim was treated by the now famous doctor Valery Belan and Yuri Sonkin, the doctor of our team, but all in vain. At the warm-up before the jerk, they realized that Vadim was not able to take part in the Games.

Goncharov was crushed. The bronze medal of Anastasia Novikova, silver of Andrey Rybakov and gold of Andrey Aryamnov became a consolation for him.

By the way, the results of Streltsov and Aryamnov, who competed in different weight categories, were comparable at junior age - both became champions. Aryamnov also won the adult “world” for the Beijing Olympics.

It is no exaggeration to say that Andrey Aryamnov's career peaked in 2008. Vadim Streltsov had to wait another eight years to enter the Olympic platform for the first time.

Photo: Reuters via TUT.BY

“When he couldn’t speak in Beijing, he didn’t express any emotions because of his character: this one won’t talk in vain,” says Aryamnov.

Aryamnov and Streltsov met at competitions in Bobruisk in the early 2000s. Their first meeting took place in the dining room.

- I didn’t have enough for food, and I asked Vadim and Vanya Shurupov for a loan. They have replyed: "Yes, no problem, Andrew." Even then I realized that Vadimka was very good man, conscientious, responsive. He managed to figure out whether this situation was a joke (and I love jokes) or a real need. Then we became friends.

Why Streltsov and Goncharov are in a quarrel

The next Olympic cycle, Vadim Streltsov failed, as he failed to qualify for the Games in London. Alexander Goncharov explained this failure of the ward with star disease. Like, the presidential scholarship that the weightlifter received in 2007 had a bad effect on the guy. When he was finally deprived of material support, he began to demonize Goncharov.

The parties quarreled. After thirteen years that they spent together, enough mutual reproaches and claims have accumulated. The best solution to the situation seemed to be parting.

In 2013, Alexander Goncharov gave way to his colleague Valentin Korotkin as the helmsman of the national team, and he returned to work with youth at the Mogilev Regional School of Higher Sportsmanship. Streltsov was put on his shoulder by coach Viktor Shershukov, who helped prepare for the World Championships in Houston.

In 2015, Vadim Streltsov won the gold of the world championship. A year later, he went to the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro as a contender for a medal and won a silver medal.

“Vadim is a man of incredible athletic endurance,” Andrey Aryamnov does not skimp on compliments to his comrade. - Just iron, like the barbells that he lifts! I always believed in him, and in order to confirm his skills at the Olympics, he always lacked something.

Goncharov watched Streltsov's performance in Rio 2016 on TV.

- I think that Vadim succeeded because he had a lot of spiritual and physical strength. He really wanted Olympic medal put a lot of health for her sake. Of course, he deserves the warmest words.

I am sincerely happy with the victory of Vadim, who represented the Mogilev weightlifting school with better side and proud of him. In Athens-2004 and Beijing-2008 for our school Andrey Rybakov won silver, in London-2012 Dina Sazanovets won bronze. And now the glorious traditions were continued by Vadim Streltsov. It remains to add a little more - and we will have the first gold.

Photo: Reuters via TUT.BY

Goncharov believes that the four unsuccessful attempts that Streltsov made at the Rio Olympics do not give the athlete peace of mind, and a sense of dissatisfaction is unlikely to allow him to end his career now.

“He will go to Tokyo 2020 only for gold,” says Alexander Vasilyevich. “I have no doubt that he is capable of surpassing his current achievement. This is a very strong person.

He adds that he would like to make peace with the former ward and is ready to take the first step for this. On August 18, Alexander Goncharov will go to the Minsk-2 airport to shake hands with one of the heroes of the 2016 Olympics.

- I want to act like a human being and congratulate Vadim from the bottom of my heart. It will be right.

How Streltsov and Rybakov's housing became rented

According to Goncharov, before the Games in Beijing, Vadim Streltsov received a one-room apartment in the center of Mogilev from the state. However, the weightlifter cannot call it his property.

“Like Andrey Rybakov, Vadim “overslept” the moment when housing could be privatized,” Alexander Vasilyevich explains. - Now the apartments of the guys have the status of rental.

This situation greatly angers Andrei Aryamnov, who calls on officials to reward Streltsov as he deserves.

- Let it be a piece of land or a new ten-room apartment. If there are no such people in Mogilev, then let them immediately give an entrance (laughs). Enough already to engage in nonsense - this barbell. Still, Vadim is already thirty years old. It's time to work on increasing the birth rate in the country.

Together with his wife Irina, Vadim is raising a one and a half year old daughter Christina. It was to his daughter that he dedicated the award he won in Rio 2016.

Vadim Streltsov, competing in the weight category up to 94 kilograms, brought our weightlifting team the first medal at the World Championships in Houston. And gold. The President congratulated the champion on his victory: “Well done! Dedication, the will to win, self-confidence allowed you to win gold in competition with the strongest weightlifters on the planet.

Photo BelTA

Before the team left for the competition, Streltsov, of course, had hopes. They said that under favorable circumstances, he can count on a pedestal. But Vadim exceeded the wildest expectations. Having raised the grandmaster's sum of 405 kilograms (175 in the snatch and 230 in the clean and jerk), he became the world champion. Congratulations!

Pancakes worth their weight in gold

Svetlana Streltsova, Vadim's grandmother, who still lives in his native village of Gavrilenka, Kostyukovichi District, of course, is incredibly happy:

At first I watched competitions on TV, then I sat on the phone ... At night from Thursday to Friday, I practically did not sleep at all. But what a reason: the grandson became the world champion! It was not easy for him to get this medal, you know. When he studied in Mogilev, his parents divorced. Vadim was criticized at the time by all and sundry. Old Man Nikolai, my son, advised me to finish. “You are already beaten by this sport. Maybe I would throw weightlifting", - said. But Vadim is not one of those who recede before difficulties. He said: "No, I will be in sports, I will succeed." And achieved. This gold is the best present for Vadim's recent second wedding anniversary and his daughter's soon-to-be-first birthday.

- Was Vadim athletic since childhood?

He ran so hard that he couldn't catch up. He always worked for pleasure: dig up potatoes, mow where necessary ... He always helped me. We are, as they say, people from the plow. So you understand.

In the current breakthrough of Vadim Streltsov to the highest step of the pedestal, someone will probably rush to see the story of Ilya Muromets, who lay on the stove for a long time, and, having risen, heaped up heroism. But the comparison is both right and wrong at the same time. It only seems that Vadim appeared out of nowhere. At one time, he collected a whole bunch of medals from youth and junior starts, in 2007 he tried on the bronze of the adult world and European championships. But, having received a zero rating at the Beijing Olympics, he went into the shadows for a long time. As life has shown to get out of it. At last year's World Championship with a total of 392 kilograms, Streltsov became the fourth, and now he is the first.

It was wrong not to talk about these zigzags of fate and something else with the former head coach of the national weightlifting team Alexander Goncharov. After all, it was he, paired with Anatoly Lobachev, who at one time considered a weightlifter in a simple village boy and led him through life until 2013:

In 1999, we went to the selection in Kostyukovichi. Vadim during the tests (squat, jump from a place, pull-ups) proved to be one of the best, and we did not think for a long time whether to take him to the Mogilev Olympic Reserve School. Vadim entered the UOR and became a student of the team of trainers Lobachev - Goncharov - Korotkin. I was responsible for the preparation of this athlete. I experienced a lot with him.

Houston. State of Texas. Pedestal.

Photo by REUTERS

- After a series of successful performances, many expected a breakthrough from him in Beijing, but it turned out to be zilch. Why?

Before Beijing, Vadim was injured. Having made every effort, we more or less put him on his feet, but during the Games, health problems took their toll. Streltsov tried to perform, but withdrew from the competition. It turned out that he went to China as if as a tourist.

- After that, there was a decline ...

Injuries prevented Vadim from really training. He had pain in his shoulders and hip. In addition, it was not quite the right attitude to the matter. As a result, for many years Vadim was lost and sports principle did not even qualify for the 2012 Olympics. But now he has proved to all the skeptics that he was written off early. Suffered this world gold. And, of course, I'm very happy for him.

- In Beijing, he performed in the weight category up to 85 kilograms. Then he got heavier.

After we returned from the 2008 Games, I told him: "That's it, Vadim, you are moving to 94." He balked. And in the end, everything worked out for the best. 94 kilograms is his weight category. In it, Vadim does not have to force his body by shedding a large number of kilograms. And this, in my opinion, is one of the reasons why he fired now.

- Before the team left for the World Championship in Houston, did you believe that Vadim Streltsov would be the first?

After he lifted 407 kilograms at the recent championship of Belarus, many predicted a medal for him, but, frankly, it was doubtful that it would be gold. Kazakhstanis were considered the main favorites. However, Vadim was able to achieve a breakthrough. His last great achievement dates back to 2007, when he became bronze medalist world championship. And now, after eight years, during which many have already forgotten about such an athlete, he became a champion. Strong plot!


For the family of the Olympic silver medalist in Rio de Janeiro, weightlifter Vadim Streltsov, now is the happiest time. Wife Irina and one and a half year old daughter Kristinka try to spend with dad and husband every free minute and incredibly proud of them. The winner is manly stingy with emotions, but cannot hide the warmth in his eyes: "Family is very important to me." Vadim spoke about his career, bureaucratic indifference and how he managed to get seriously ill after the Olympics.

Belarusian weightlifter Vadim Streltsov won a silver medal at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Streltsov became the second in the weight category up to 94 kilograms. In the snatch, the Belarusian showed the result of 175 kilograms, having failed the second and third attempts. In the push current champion world immediately took 220, after which, for the sake of the gold medal, he took a risk and declared a weight of 230. Alas, repeat his best result Streltsov could not. And in the sum of two movements, his result was 395 kg.

It is cozy and hospitable in the one-room service apartment of the Streltsovs in the center of Mogilev. You can see from the threshold: an athlete lives here. There are diplomas and medals on the walls, goblets occupy free space on the shelves.

“That's not all. How many of them we hid away from the child - everything just fit in the box! - says Vadim's wife Irina and invites to the kitchen. Christina is now at lunchtime. Sitting on a highchair, the baby eats mashed potatoes with appetite and with a laugh throws multi-colored plastic straws for cocktails and sweets in rustling wrappers at dad.

Over a cup of coffee, Vadim tells how he fell ill after the Olympics - he turned on the air conditioner in the car when he went to Minsk:

“I have never been so seriously ill in my life. For several days the temperature was 38.7. I don’t know if the stress at the Olympics affected the immune system, but the doctor of the national team said that the air conditioner still didn’t need to be turned on. Treated mainly folk remedies- tea and milk with honey. Still taking ibuprofen.

According to the weightlifter, even in such a simple situation as a cold, athletes can only take certain medications. Which ones are prescribed by the national team doctor, since even the simplest drugs can affect the doping test.

About doping

This topic is difficult for athletes, says Vadim. He does not hide his position on this issue.

- When we pass a doping control, they have the right to open a sample within 10 years. I heard that they even open the samples of those athletes who are no longer alive, they say that they are positive, they want to deprive them of the medal posthumously. In my opinion, this is wrong. Firstly, samples are opened without the presence of athletes, - Vadim maintains a meaningful pause. Second, it's not very fair. It should be like this: they took a sample before the competition, checked it, if everything is clean, they let me speak. If the athlete won, they were awarded a medal, and that's it. And in the current situation, many questions arise.

The weightlifter emphasizes: for an athlete, all medals are important, of any denomination, received at any competition, since all of them are not easy to get.

About the road to big sport and "writing off"

Vadim came to the Olympic award at the age of 30. The path was not easy, it began, as for him, from school competitions.

Streltsov grew up in the village of Gavrilinka, Kostyukovichi district. Until the 8th grade, he studied at a local school, participated in school competitions By athletics. At some point, the director of the Gavrilinsky school, Grigory Gorky, learned that weightlifting coaches would come to Kostyukovichi to select schoolchildren for the Olympic reserve school.

- Passed the standards - jumping from a place, pull-ups. There was also a 40 kg barbell lift on the chest and squats. Then I saw the bar for the first time, but we - me and another applicant, my friend - were explained the technique. Me Lobachev (Anatoly Leonidovich, the first and former coach Streltsov. — Approx. TUT.BY) then he said: "You squat with 85 kg - we pick it up right away." Goncharov was with him (Alexander Vasilievich, also the first and former coach of Streltsov. - Approx. TUT.BY), Vadim recalls. - On July 7, 1999, I arrived in Mogilev, underwent a medical examination. I was taught a little technique, and on September 1 I already came to study.

It was difficult to get used to the regime, to hard training, says Olympic medalist. I wanted to go home to my parents. Supported by fellow countrymen who also studied here - they showed where the physical dispensary is, where the post office is, where you can call home.

Vadim was at the Olympic reserve school until 2008. He says that he, a weightlifter who regularly won medals at competitions of various levels, was specially left on the 2nd course several times so as not to “lose an athlete with medals”. Then he said: enough, you need to enter the university. In 2008, Vadim entered the correspondence course at Moscow State University. Kuleshov at the Faculty of Physical Education.

- I thought about the Olympics when I won the world championship among juniors. The closest were Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. But then there was an injury, I could not speak, - Vadim speaks calmly, but it is noticeable that he is nervous, still worried that he missed the moment. - I began to prepare for the London, but pulled the groin. Then, in 2012, Goncharov gave up on me, wrote me off. I told him that I want to train, that I have the strength, I just have no luck with the Olympics yet somehow. But they gave up on me.

However, Vadim did not give up. He regularly came to the gym, drew up a training program himself, worked on himself. Then Viktor Shershukov took him under his wing - now he Main coach Belarus national weightlifting team . Streltsov does not hide: the following awards appeared largely due to the fact that Shershukov believed in him. In November 2015, Streltsov became the world champion in weightlifting at competitions in Houston. And at the Olympics in Rio, he brought silver to the treasury of the Belarusian national team.

But Vadim still remembers how he first climbed the platform at the school, how they were taught to prepare themselves psychologically for the performance. He says that self-mastery is no less important than technique mastery.

About family

The weightlifter met his wife Irina back in 2006.

“We met on my birthday, August 1, 10 years ago,” the young mother says and smiles. - Just got into one company. They met and ran away. And 6 years later we met again. In 2013, they got married so as not to lose each other anymore.

The wedding was played on November 23, 2013. It was specially planned so as to get into the sports schedule. “It’s just that from November to January, Vadim rests at home,” Irina explains. “So after the wedding, we spent a month together, and then we trained again.”

The woman says that she sees her husband only on weekends. Before pregnancy, she still went to him for training camps in Staiki, where the young family spent every free minute together. And now Ira and her daughter are waiting for their champion at home.

- Now, after the competition, dad is at home - and we have the happiest time, - she smiles. - Any professional sportsman deprived of his family, because if you want a result, you need to work. I knew whom I was marrying, I knew that he would constantly study. I respect his work, so I take his absence calmly. Yes, you have to adapt, but it's not difficult if you love a person.

Little Christina still does not quite understand what success her father has achieved. But if he sees a man with a beard and a barbell on the TV screen, he points his finger and shouts: “Dad!”.

During the competitions of the Olympics in Rio, the baby was sleeping. Irina with her parents watched every second of the performance. We watched to the end, then called up Vadim, and eventually went to bed at dawn. And at seven in the morning, Christina had already raised everyone.

About housing and the indifference of officials

The family lives in a one-room apartment in the so-called "Chinese wall" in the center of Mogilev. Service, rental housing - Vadim received an apartment in 2009 by presidential decree for high achievements In sports.

The athlete says that, according to the stories of neighbors, an old woman lived here before him, who turned the "odnushka" into a dump. After her death, 5 cars of garbage were taken out of the apartment, and the weightlifter got bare walls with an unpleasant smell. For 7 years, Vadim himself made repairs and turned the apartment into a "candy".

The Streltsovs want to privatize housing, they have assessed it, but so far they cannot get a clear answer.

- We do not ask for free, we are ready to privatize the apartment and asked the authorities about it. I think the world champion can count on an exception, says Irina. Why is the exception - housing received after 2007 - cannot be privatized by law?

For Vadim, the topic of housing is also clearly irritating. Usually calm and silent, he emotionally tells:

“We submitted all the documents for the officials to hand them over to the president, because he will decide what to do with housing, and not the local authorities. So the Mogilev authorities have been sending documents since November last year. The Olympics have already passed.

They are in their repertoire - no one needs anything and no one is needed. No help. I won the World Championship - I was preparing for the Olympics, I asked for help: pharmacology is needed, at least vitamins. After all, I can’t spend the entire presidential scholarship only on preparing for the Olympics, because I have a family, a child. How much do diapers cost?

Vadim says that before the World Cup, he was paid 3 million rubles (non-denominated) from the sports and tourism department of the regional executive committee. When Streltsov became a champion, he asked for a scholarship to prepare for Rio. “So they took those 3 million, they said, they say, enough for you and the presidential scholarship,” Vadim shakes his head.

After the Olympics, Streltsov, by invitation, went to the opening of a weightlifting hall in Vitebsk, where "the governor of the Vitebsk region humanly congratulated, gave an award." In Mogilev, Vadim was not congratulated.

- I just received flowers at the airport, as I flew from Rio. Even a diploma - a piece of paper in a frame - did not wait from the local authorities. The authorities of the Vitebsk region congratulated me, as my coach is from Novopolotsk: he agreed at the time that I would represent both regions at the competitions. And for Mogilev, the silver of the Olympic Games, apparently, does not mean anything. September 1 at least at the school Olympic reserve called to the line, congratulated. Thank you, although they have not forgotten that I am from here, - says the silver medalist.

The Streltsovs even think about moving to Vitebsk, where, in their opinion, athletes are not indifferent.

In the meantime, Vadim is set to win a medal at the Olympics in Tokyo. Will train.

Specialization Date of Birth Height Weight

Vadim Nikolaevich Streltsov(belor. Vadzim Straltsov; genus. April 30, Mogilev) - Belarusian weightlifter, performing in the weight category up to 94 kg, world champion in 2015, master of sports of international class.

Sports career

Performance results

Year Competition Place
dash Push Sum
Busan up to 85 kg 168 kg 195 kg 363 kg 02 !
Junior World Championship Guangzhou up to 85 kg 170 kg 205 kg 375 kg 01 !
World Championship Santo Domingo up to 85 kg 170 kg 195 kg 365 kg 5
World Championship chiangmai up to 85 kg 170 kg 200 kg 370 kg 03 !
Olympic Games Beijing up to 85 kg - - - DNF
World Championship Antalya up to 94 kg 175 kg 205 kg 380 kg 10
World Championship Paris up to 85 kg 163 kg 196 kg 359 kg 13
World Championship Wroclaw up to 94 kg 167 kg 215 kg 382 kg 6
World Championship Almaty up to 94 kg 176 kg 216 kg 392 kg 4
World Championship Houston up to 94 kg 175 kg 230 kg 405 kg 01 !
Olympic Games Rio de Janeiro up to 94 kg 175 kg 220 kg 395 kg 02 !

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An excerpt characterizing Streltsov, Vadim Nikolaevich

She crossed herself, kissed the icon and handed it to Andrey.
– Please, Andre, for me…
Beams of kind and timid light shone from her large eyes. Those eyes illuminated everything painful, thin face and made it great. The brother wanted to take the scapular, but she stopped him. Andrei understood, crossed himself and kissed the icon. His face was at the same time gentle (he was touched) and mocking.
- Merci, mon ami. [Thank you my friend.]
She kissed him on the forehead and sat back down on the sofa. They were silent.
- So I told you, Andre, be kind and generous, as you have always been. Don't judge Lise harshly, she began. - She is so sweet, so kind, and her position is very difficult now.
- It seems that I didn’t tell you anything, Masha, so that I reproach my wife for anything or be dissatisfied with her. Why are you telling me all this?
Princess Mary blushed in spots and became silent, as if she felt guilty.
“I didn’t say anything to you, but you were already told. And it makes me sad.
Red spots appeared even more strongly on the forehead, neck and cheeks of Princess Marya. She wanted to say something and could not utter it. The brother guessed right: the little princess cried after dinner, said that she foresaw an unfortunate birth, was afraid of them, and complained about her fate, her father-in-law and her husband. After crying, she fell asleep. Prince Andrei felt sorry for his sister.
- Know one thing, Masha, I cannot reproach, have not reproached and will never reproach my wife, and I myself cannot reproach myself with anything in relation to her; and it will always be so, in whatever circumstances I may be. But if you want to know the truth... you want to know if I'm happy? No. Is she happy? No. Why is this? Don't know…
Saying this, he stood up, went over to his sister, and, bending down, kissed her on the forehead. His beautiful eyes shone with an intelligent and kind, unaccustomed brilliance, but he looked not at his sister, but into the darkness of the open door, through her head.
- Let's go to her, we must say goodbye. Or go alone, wake her up, and I'll come right now. Parsley! he shouted to the valet, “come here, clean it up.” It's in the seat, it's on the right side.
Princess Marya got up and went to the door. She stopped.
Andre, si vous avez. la foi, vous vous seriez adresse a Dieu, pour qu "il vous donne l" amour, que vous ne sentez pas et votre priere aurait ete exaucee. [If you had faith, you would turn to God with a prayer, so that He would give you love that you do not feel, and your prayer would be heard.]
- Yes, is it! - said Prince Andrew. - Go, Masha, I'll come right away.
On the way to his sister's room, in the gallery that connected one house with another, Prince Andrei met a sweetly smiling m lle Bourienne, who for the third time that day came across him with an enthusiastic and naive smile in solitary passages.
- Ah! je vous croyais chez vous, [Ah, I thought you were in your room,] she said, blushing for some reason and lowering her eyes.
Prince Andrei looked sternly at her. Anger suddenly appeared on the face of Prince Andrei. He said nothing to her, but looked at her forehead and hair, without looking into her eyes, so contemptuously that the Frenchwoman blushed and left without saying anything.