Why am I not losing weight? Why can't you lose weight with the right diet? What are we doing wrong Why am I not losing weight.

“I eat right and go to training. But I'm not losing weight! ”, - it doesn’t happen? Of course it does. In the process of losing weight, mistakes are sometimes possible that inhibit the transformation from a chrysalis to a butterfly. Analyze your behavior: maybe it is precisely for the reasons listed below that your weight cannot get off the ground?

Reason #1: No Calorie Deficit

Regular workouts help burn calories. However, the most common mistake of losing weight lies in the fact that by increasing physical activity, we imperceptibly start and eat more. Sometimes this happens unconsciously. But it also happens that we know and justify our mistakes in nutrition, consoling ourselves with the phrase: “Tomorrow I will work everything out in the gym.”

What to do?

The process of losing weight is inhibited, since the desired calorie deficit is not created. When you spend energy, you consume it in the same volume. You must definitely watch your diet: indulgences are acceptable, but if they do not become a system.

The second reason: a sedentary lifestyle

If you sit in the office at the computer all day (or at home in front of the TV), then even though you go to the gym regularly, your lifestyle is considered sedentary. That is why the body spends little energy and fat reserves remain in place.

What to do?

For weight loss, 2-3 workouts per week is not enough if you sit 6-8 hours a day. Make other efforts to boost your metabolism. For example, walk outside every day, refuse the elevator and escalator. In the office, try not to sit still all day - get up more often, go to colleagues in another department instead of talking with them using a messenger or phone. Limit the time in front of the TV or try to do simple exercises, while watching it - twist the hoop, do the "bike", etc.

Third reason: muscle growth

It seems that you are eating right, and the load has increased. But the arrow of the scales froze at one digit ... The thing is that changes occur in your muscle mass, and they are not visible on the scales. Simply put, body fat in your body are gradually burned, and muscle mass grows. And since it weighs more, the numbers on the scales can also increase.

What to do?

Look not only at the fluctuations of the arrow of the scales, but also visually note changes in the figure. The same weight with the same height in people may look different: a girl weighing 60 and 168 cm tall may have an athletic toned body or solid fat folds. Watch the volumes of the figure: if they decrease, you are on the right track.

Reason Four: Mindless Calorie Restriction

If you decide to simply reduce your daily calorie intake, for example, to 1300 kcal, this may not work. As a result of an incorrect calculation of daily calories and an ill-conceived diet, you will be haunted by a feeling of constant hunger. As a result, the feeling of dissatisfaction, stress increases, all thoughts revolve only about food, mood swings, breakdowns are possible. In a word, you are not you when you are hungry.

What to do?

First, correctly calculate your need for calories. Indeed, as a result of too much calorie deficit, the metabolism slows down. Accordingly, weight loss slows down. Secondly, carefully plan your diet, namely: increase the amount of protein and reduce the amount of carbohydrates. Protein foods (fish, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products) give a feeling of fullness for a long time and help reduce the amount of calories consumed. And one more thing: do not forget about vegetables, fruits and foods containing fiber - they are also low in calories, but will help eliminate hunger for a long time.

You can read about how to determine the BJU and calorie content of the diet here.

Fifth reason: meals are not properly organized

Until now, many of us live by the principle: eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy. Eating the entire daily calorie intake in the morning, we try to limit food intake in the evening or do not eat after six at all in order to lose weight well. This often backfires...

What to do?

Eat often, but little by little. It is better to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. So the body learns to be satisfied with less food and you do not overeat. In addition, frequent fractional meals help to avoid spikes in blood sugar, which just provoke the deposition of fat.

The sixth reason: you sleep little or are nervous a lot

Do you worry about work or stress haunts you in personal life… You skip meals or, conversely, eat too much… You suffer from insomnia or lack of sleep… All this can affect the metabolic processes in the body. For someone, stress acts as a catalyst for weight loss, while for someone, due to constant "nerves", the process, on the contrary, slows down.

What to do?

Organize your day. Try to go to bed at the same time, use meditation or breathing exercises to reduce the impact of stress. You can not cope on your own, do not tolerate it - contact a specialist.

To learn how to avoid overeating when stressed, you can read here.

Reason 7: You're being dishonest with yourself

Even counting the calorie content of breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, we can inadequately assess the total daily calorie intake. We can really forget about all the products that ended up in our stomach during the day. Do you remember chewing on a couple of cookies offered by a colleague? What did you try the dish several times while preparing it? Did you pinch off a piece of bread? Or is it "doesn't count"?

What to do?

Keep a food diary. Or - which is easier - take notes right on the phone, because most of us always have it with us. Write down everything that is eaten, immediately, without leaving for later. All this data will help to adequately estimate the total calorie intake.

Reason 8: You don't drink enough water

You drink juices (freshly squeezed), tea (green, without sugar), coffee with a fat-burning effect, believing that there is enough liquid. Meanwhile, only ordinary, pure water is a catalyst for metabolic processes, and the rest of the liquid can be equated rather with food.

What to do?

Drink water before breakfast, and 20 minutes before meals, but not immediately after meals. You need to drink at least two liters of clean, non-carbonated water per day. Only in this case, the process of burning calories will be faster.

Ninth Reason: The Plateau Effect

You successfully lost weight and suddenly the body seemed to become greedy: it doesn’t want to “give away” a single gram excess weight. At the same time, your nutrition is clearly organized, you attend training just as before - in a word, nothing happened that could slow down the process. Apparently, the thing is that the plateau effect has set in - the body is used to the current loads and the standard calorie content of the diet.

What to do?

Don't panic and be patient. Try to adjust the training system, increase the load. Or “shake up” your body with fasting days.

About what fasting days help activate weight loss, you can read here

Tenth reason: the presence of diseases

Finally, we cannot discount some of the nutritionally independent and physical activity reasons for weight loss. So, there are a number of diseases that affect the process of getting rid of excess weight. It can be hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function), diabetes mellitus or prediabetes, and some others.

What to do?

Visit a doctor, check the blood for sugar, thyroid hormones. If there is some kind of disease, then do not despair. If it is successfully corrected over time, you will successfully get rid of excess weight.

Why am I not losing weight? Have you tried everything and nothing works?

Today's article is especially for you.

The women's portal Woman.ru published an interesting interview with Dr. Kovalkov about why, after all, it is not possible to lose weight.

Why do some eat kefir and spend their days in the gym, but do not lose weight a single gram, while others gorge themselves on fast food and at any moment can get up from the couch and go to the podium? Can children of slender parents become fat? How to lose weight while on vacation eating pickles from the hotel buffet? Famous Russian nutritionist and a specialist in the relationship between hormones and excess weight Alexey Kovalkov answers these and other questions.

The story of two glasses

Professor Alexey Kovalkov

To visualize why and how hormonal disbalance leads to obesity, imagine two glasses (or even put them in front of you for more clarity). One glass symbolizes energy, the other - weight. Water that can be poured into glasses is food. In a healthy newborn child, all of whose life systems are in balance and harmony, the level of fullness of the glasses coincides perfectly: the child receives nutrition, which is distributed in equal shares for energy and growth.

However, as the child matures and hormonal factors or carbohydrate abuse (or both) come into play, the situation changes.

"Breakdown" of weight regulation mechanisms leads to the fact that nutrients from food do not provide energy, and weight increases, but not because the child is stretched; it grows wider. The glass-energy is half empty, but the glass-weight is constantly replenished. And it's not about the quantity of food and not even about its quality - the problem is in the state of health.

The schoolboy is scolded that he is lethargic, fat, a mattress, cannot run a hundred meters. The hormonal problems that caused failures in growth and development become more complicated, and acquired eating disorders are added to them, when in desperation a child or teenager who is actually sick tries to limit himself in food. But willpower has nothing to do with it, he is physically unable to not eat or eat less, his energy level is already below the baseboard, and carbohydrate addiction and insulin sensitivity are such that without food he begins to literally shake. Eats a piece of bread or a chocolate bar - lets go. And so without end.

Here you need the help of an endocrinologist, an experienced nutritionist, and not "education of character", a fitness trainer or a psychotherapist.

But, unfortunately, few people seriously think about it. And a person lives life with one glass half empty and the other full, dieting, suffering from eating disorders. Because his parents did not understand that hormones control the weight and desires of a person. Well, now we will try.

Proper nutrition is a complex science. In order not to anger the almighty hormones, you can neither starve nor force yourself to eat!

Weight loss hormones: growth, masculinity, drive!

The balance of three main hormones is responsible for maintaining a healthy weight in our body: growth hormone, testosterone and adrenaline. How do they work?

1. Somatotropic hormone

This is the same hormone of growth and redistribution of resources, the defects in the production of which can manifest themselves early in children. You don't have to be a doctor to tell the difference between "baby fat" and unhealthy overweight. But for help, you should still contact a specialist so as not to turn the case into a neglected one and switch the somatrotropic hormone from the fat accumulation mode to the energy / growth combination.

By the way, for growth and physical development children, in combination with growth hormone, vitamin D is also responsible, for which the status of a hormone has also been established in the medical environment literally since last year. These two substances provide amazing effect“has swept over the head over the summer,” which parents and teachers do not get tired of being amazed at. The condition for the production of a sufficient amount of vitamin D is the usual exposure to the sun, and you should not give your child his preparations without a reasoned doctor's prescription. In adults, vitamin D is also involved in fat burning - in the background, but quite effectively.

2. Testosterone

Known as the “hormone of masculinity,” however, do not assume that women do not need it at all. In the beautiful half, testosterone is produced from cholesterol until menopause and plays a crucial role as a "regulator" that gives orders for the transformation of adipose tissue into muscle and bone. Testosterone is the real fat-burning hormone.

It is important that in the female body, testosterone is maintained by sufficient production of estrogen. For those very lush hips that their owners do not like so much, but men usually like it very much, it is worth thanking the latter. Sufficient estrogen production protects women from cardiovascular disease; cases of heart attacks and strokes before the onset of menopause are very rare. And that's why men have weaker hearts - not because they have a harder life, but because estrogen is absent.

If there is too much estrogen, it suppresses testosterone and it is unable to regulate weight. At the same time, if there is too much testosterone, this is also a problem. Oddly enough, "testosterone" women are getting fat - moreover, according to the "apple" type, which is characterized by a pronounced "lifebuoy" at the waist and thin limbs. It’s easier for them to lose weight than for hip “estrogen women”, but the difficulty is not that a woman’s waist is larger than her hips or her figure resembles a pear, and she cannot wear a fitted dress, but that such a pronounced “fruitiness” in appearance - an occasion to visit the endocrinologist.

3. Adrenaline

The last of the main fat-burning hormones and the most effective. Adrenaline is a drive hormone, and it is produced episodically. In the body, adrenaline appears during a period of stress, and stress does not necessarily mean trouble - it can be a shake-up filled with excitement and delight. Therefore, one often hears that someone recovered because of a measured life - and this did not affect family happiness with borscht, but a lack of adrenaline.

Common side effect adrenaline - it not only starts the process of splitting fats (lipolysis), but also makes you forget about hunger. Falling in love, enthusiastic work on a project, hectic preparation for an exam, when strength comes from nowhere at all without any food at all - this particular hormone should be thanked for all this. As well as for situations when on vacation, despite all inclusive and a buffet, you lose weight - a combination of rich "adrenaline" experiences and vitamin D can work wonders.

Chemically, the adrenaline reaction is triggered by ephedrine and its derivatives. "Thai pills" and fast-acting fat burners, weight loss products, from which a person runs on the ceiling, are based on the provocation of adrenaline receptors. Therefore, games with the most effective of fat-burning hormones are bad: constant stimulation of its production depletes the adrenal cortex, affects the brain, and quickly exhausts the resources of the cardiovascular system.

Three dominant hormones help us burn fat, and if factors of the opposite direction did not interfere with their action, we would simply lose weight constantly and without any effort, without hesitation. But a powerful force works to increase weight and sensitively guards fat reserves. This is the hormone insulin.

If you have ever bought large furniture for the home, then you know that it is delivered unassembled - the parts are brought into the room, assembled, and now the table or wardrobe is ready. If it needs to be moved from the room to another place, then it will not completely crawl through the door, it must be disassembled again, but whether it will work out, and how quickly is the question. And such processes of assembly and disassembly occur in our cells every second. Only small formations, fatty acids, can penetrate the cell membrane. Inside, they are assembled into triglycerides, obeying the command from insulin, and in order to leave the cell, they need to undergo a reverse transformation - again, at the signal of this hormone.

Neither running, nor yoga, nor fitness, nor athletic triathlon will help to change the processes of fat storage or deal with existing accumulations, if there is no hormones will.

Insulin is anti-catabolic. It does not allow cells to decay, takes care of their restoration and growth. And it can become a good helper if you have an understandable honest relationship with this hormone: it captures not only glucose and fats, but also amino acids from the blood, so athletes eat a carbohydrate product after training so that the release of insulin blocks the destruction of muscle fibers.

A person's relationship with insulin is largely determined by their genetics, specifically the number of receptors on the cell surface that respond to insulin. Someone has extremely few of them, and this person eats like crazy without any consequences, but someone, on the contrary, has a lot, and this is the case when a person literally gets fat from the air and it is very difficult for him to lose weight.

Therefore, it is important to understand that waist fat has grown not because you ate fat, but because of carbohydrates, which increased insulin levels and that gave the body the command to stock up.

Practical dietetics solves one major problem - in many ways it does not allow insulin to rise. Due to this, popular diets work: Katya Mirimanova’s diet, fractional nutrition, protein diets. But in cases where cells are hypersensitive to insulin, or the situation is even worse, for example, a person has insulinoma, and his insulin is constantly elevated, you can sort out diets for a very long time and suffer, you will not be able to lose weight.

According to statistics, only 5% of people who try to lose 20 kg or more on their own achieve some obvious success, and only 1% of them manage to keep the result. longer than a year, the rest break down - and then, with a high degree of probability, the lion's share of this tiny percentage of winners breaks down. Heroin addicts cope with their addiction more successfully than those who depend on fast carbohydrates and profit from this eating disorder.

Hot topic: what to eat to lose weight

What about those who want to finally do something about carbohydrate addiction and help their hormones find balance again? To begin with, to realize that it is not blood sugar itself that is terrible, but the insulin that is secreted to it. And here knowledge about the glycemic index (GI) and insulinemic index (AI) of products will help. The first makes it clear how intensely the blood is filled with sugar in response to the use of certain dishes, and the second shows how much insulin comes to this sugar.

These two indicators coincide in the absolute majority of cases, there are only two examples when the AI ​​of a product exceeds its GI - we are talking about yogurt and oranges.

In my work, I do not use index tables, they are interesting only from the point of view of demonstrating the basic principle healthy eating. Moreover, any person who has taken the trouble to more or less understand the basics of dietology will unmistakably name the most dangerous foods for the figure and weight - potatoes, white rice, refined sugar, bread and all their combinations and derivatives.

Somewhere at the intersection of ideas about GI and AI - the degree of saturation that different products can give. It is due to many factors, including individual ones: someone eats cottage cheese perfectly and for a long time, and someone, perhaps, a lettuce leaf does not make you feel hungry all day long. But from a scientific point of view, two main foods provide long-term satiety by controlling insulin spikes and slow absorption: soft-boiled eggs and lamb (boiled or baked without oil and sauces). "Lamb Diet" is the secret to the slimness of many stars.

A Short Course on a Happy Hormonal Life: Four Frequently Asked Questions to Dr. Kovalkov

Is it true that if you try not to let insulin rise all the time, the cells will develop hypersensitivity to it and then you will get better, and nothing can be done about it?

Not true. It is physiological for a person to eat protein, fat and vegetables, in which carbohydrates are absorbed slowly and do not provoke insulin surges. Humanity is 2 million years old, of which only 200 of them we are short-lived with sugar, and this acquaintance did not bring us anything good - sugar acts on cells like an acid and destroys them, which provokes a variety of diseases, from atherosclerosis to diabetes.

Therefore, a return to the roots and the rejection of fast carbohydrates, convenience foods, as well as a large amount of fruit will only bring benefits, and if parents follow this, they will insure their child of carbohydrate addiction and related problems. There will be no breakdown in metabolic engineering due to the control of insulin release.

Is it true that the main thing is not to eat after six, and then you will definitely lose weight?

This is not exactly a myth, but there is confusion about cause and effect. Many will agree that if you hang out at night in front of a computer or TV, then the result in the form of extra kilos will not be long in coming. Of course, television or Internet traffic does not have calories, and again it's about hormones. Somatotropic hormone (“growth hormone”), which you already know, is released between 0:00 and 1:00 in the deep sleep phase. Accordingly, in order for it to be synthesized, two conditions are needed: undisturbed sleep and the absence of an insulin surge a few hours before the “scheduled exit”. Fast carbohydrates in the evening block the production of somatotropic hormone and by eating ice cream or drinking beer under the evening series, you do not burn fat at night. And during the day, the body does not have the opportunity to burn them, all lipolytic processes are launched in the dark. The conclusions are clear!

Is it true that breakfast main reception food, and even if you don't want to, you have to force yourself to eat in the morning?

Continuation of the adventures of somatotropic hormone: if you spend a long time midnight, the time of its production from the physiological period “around midnight” is shifted to a later date. Or you get up too early. Therefore, waking up on an alarm clock, you do not want to eat and even feel disgust for food. This means that the hormone has entered the bloodstream and is still working on fat burning.

In this case, you can not force yourself to eat breakfast! In response to food intake, insulin will be released and block the action of growth hormone. Listen to your body, not general recommendations. If you don't want to eat, don't.

Is it true that it does not matter what you eat and how much, if you constantly play sports, especially fat-burning cardio exercises?

The fitness and beauty industry is actively claiming its rights for help in the fight against overweight, but in fact they have neither the capacity nor the competence to help with really serious problems. Regular exercise is great, but it doesn't work against the root of the problem. On the treadmill, you can use up the fat from the dinner you received three days ago, which floats in the blood in the form of tiny droplets and sits in the fibers of the tissues, but this will not affect the formed fat reserves in any way.

On the contrary, having spent the available energy, a person with a carbohydrate addiction will half-faint reach for a cake or a chocolate bar, and then eat another one - because he was in training and “deserved”. Do not overeat, so as not to unbalance the body, then you will not have to kill yourself in the gym.

We hope this material was useful to you.

Explains Stanislav Mikhalchev, personal trainer, certified specialist in sports nutrition(B. Weider College).

Power Errors

No. 1. Wrong diet. Eating in the afternoon and a heavy dinner contribute to the deposition extra fat. High-calorie meals are best consumed for breakfast and lunch, while dinner should be more modest, you need to eat no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you really suffer from hunger, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple. You should not go forever hungry - it is dangerous for health. In addition, if you break down, you can just overeat. It is better to eat more often, but in small portions.

No. 2. Insufficient sleep. During a night's rest, a person loses weight. But, in order to burn calories, you need to sleep at least 7 hours daily. By the way, you should keep in mind: if you sleep the right amount of time, but go in for sports, then overweight can be confused with a set muscle mass. If so, you need to keep exercising and eating right.

No. 3. Snacks. What happens if you eat a small piece at the computer, in front of the TV or while cooking? Even if the portions are small, they will still affect your body. And then the question will arise again: “Why am I not losing weight on a diet?” Snacks should be avoided or reduced as much as possible. An alternative to seeds / sweets / sausages should be dried fruits and nuts.

No. 4. Lack of water. If a person drinks enough water, his work improves gastrointestinal tract, metabolism decreases, calories are burned. Scientists have proven that water promotes the breakdown of fats. Therefore, drink at least 1.5 liters of purified or still water.

5. Misjudgment of calories, fats and carbohydrates in food. We believe: Diet products can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Actually it is not. Extra calories can be gained if you overdo it with diet foods. Therefore, it is necessary to control food intake and not eat too much, even if it is an apple or oatmeal.

Fitness Mistakes

No. 1. "Unsportsmanlike" nutrition. It is with him that 80% of all fitness failures are associated. If you practice every day for 2 hours, do not think that "everything will burn." Even professional athletes they eat not as it comes into their heads, but in accordance with a special diet. It means vegetables and fruits, a lot of protein and complex carbohydrates, a minimum of sweets.

Recommendations: do not lean on fatty, salty, smoked and sweet. Fitness classes entitle you to an increase in the diet of 200-500 calories per day of training. And you need to get these calories from complex carbohydrates (cereals, cereals, vegetables).

No. 2. Confusion in the head. According to various estimates, from 20 to 80% of those who lose weight suffer from a lack or lack of system of knowledge: not everyone can afford a personal trainer, and amateurs who do not have the necessary information write on Internet forums.

Training without a clear plan, not knowing how to alternate exercises correctly, neglecting the technique of their implementation, you risk, for example, not losing weight, but building up the muscles of the front side of the thighs - typical mistake those who independently “drive fat” on a bicycle or exercise bike. Or to increase the waist - the trouble of "athletes" who are passionate about swinging the press and oblique abdominal muscles. By the way, these exercises do not contribute to weight loss at all.

Recommendations: if it is not possible to consult with personal trainer study physiology yourself. Find trustworthy sources of information, magazines and websites where experts write - full-time sports doctors and coaches.

No. 3. "Complex of an excellent student." According to the observations of experts, half of the people prevent to lose weight ... perfectionism. A person has never taken care of himself and suddenly realizes that he looks terrible - and he urgently begins to put himself in order. Such enthusiasts spend 3-4 hours a day in the gym, or in an hour they give themselves such a load that they can hardly crawl home. After a month of torment, they begin to dislike fitness or get injured. The result is one - a return to a sedentary lifestyle.

This slip, an inappropriate load, was found in about 50% of people - they walked either too fast or too slow. They “driven” themselves on aerobics and simulators, or, conversely, were lazy.

The load can be either too intense or too weak. And also - do not correspond to what a person expected to get from classes. And then he simply will not train regularly and in right time, which means that weight loss will not wait.

Recommendations: try different types fitness and choose what you like. To calculate the desired training intensity, arm yourself with a stopwatch or heart rate monitor and find the Karvonen method on the Internet: using the formula, it will help you evaluate how this or that load suits you.

No. 5. Graph. For 60% of those who complain about the lack of results, training occurs either too infrequently or lasts too little. American doctors watched 5,000 people lose weight for 7 years. On average, they lost 27 kg each and kept the weight for five and a half years. So, these people were engaged in fitness for an hour daily. And don't be intimidated by the words "workout" or "fitness" - in both studies, they meant normal walking.

You already eat almost nothing, train to the point of exhaustion, but the extra pounds are in no hurry to leave, and the arrow of the scales treacherously froze. “Why am I not losing weight?

Maybe my scales are broken? - about such thoughts at least once visited anyone who wants to lose weight. And men are no less common than women. What is the weight loss secret? And although the errors are not obvious, they can still be identified.

Mistake 1. Your biggest meal is in the afternoon
There are, of course, people whose weight does not depend on the time of eating, but no one has canceled the rule “give dinner to the enemy”. If, nevertheless, you do not want to refuse dinner or cannot, remember that of all meals, dinner should be the most “meager” and no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Mistake 2. You are biting
You often have to taste the food that is prepared for the family. You feel sorry for throwing away food, and you finish it after the child. In the kitchen, your hands are reaching out to pinch off a piece of bread lying on the table.

Stop! This is where the excess calories that prevent you from losing weight can be. To find out if this is your problem, measure your energy consumption by carefully recording and analyzing everything you eat.

Mistake 3. You often eat with a book, a fascinating magazine, or in front of the TV
Being carried away by the process of reading or watching TV programs, imperceptibly, you can eat too much.

Mistake 4. Hidden calories
Despite the fact that fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads are dietary products, you should not get carried away with them. Like any other product, they contain calories, which in this case can be "sorted out" imperceptibly.

Mistake 5. Hidden fats
In order to lose weight, we refuse butter and buy skim milk, but forget about foods that contain a lot of hidden fats, because the presence of fat in the product is not always obvious.

It's especially easy to get into this if you're having lunch in the canteen. For example, you never know how many tablespoons of oil were put into porridge or how much was poured into a salad.

Mistake 6. Hidden carbs
Carbohydrates can also be invisible. For example, a large number of them can be obtained, it would seem, from dietary products such as juices.

Mistake 7. Do not pay attention to muscle growth
With intense training, fat "burns out", but at the same time, muscles grow. And although your weight may remain the same or even increase, in this case you should not worry.

Mistake 8. You don't drink enough water.
Water is necessary to “burn” fat, synthesize protein, and flush out metabolic products. Therefore, you need to drink at least 2 liters per day.

Mistake 9. You don't get enough sleep
Studies have shown that healthy people who slept 4 to 7 hours a night for 6 days had higher blood sugar and insulin levels than normal. In addition, deep sleep promotes the production of growth hormone in the body, burns calories and leads to weight loss.

Mistake 10. You eat less than you need.
The same amount of food, eaten at one time or divided into several meals, will affect our figure in different ways. Do not forget that fractional nutrition contributes to better absorption of food and less fat deposition.

Eating too infrequently is fraught with a constant feeling of hunger and a more plentiful meal when it is possible to get hold of food. You need to eat often, but in small portions.

Mistake 11. You eat too fast.
By increasing the speed of eating, you yourself will not notice how you eat more. The slower we eat, the less food we eat - after all, the feeling of fullness does not come immediately. Eat slowly, chewing slowly and savoring each bite.

Mistake 12. You eat the same food.
Monotonous nutrition leads to the fact that the body may begin to lack a variety of substances, such as proteins, vitamins, trace elements. As a result of this, the appetite will be stronger, there will always be a desire to snack. Remember that you can lose weight with a balanced diet.

Mistake 13: Don't Adjust for Metabolic Rate
We all have different metabolic rates. In addition, it also fluctuates depending on age, time of day, body condition and other factors. The higher the metabolic rate, the faster the weight loss.

What will help speed up the metabolism:
- bath, sauna, hot tub
- cold and hot shower
- sports, fitness, any movement
- sun and fresh air
- massage
- vivid emotions, feelings
- sex
- stressful conditions
- foods such as: tea, coffee, hot peppers, grapefruit, lemon, seaweed, as well as folic acid found in green leafy vegetables, legumes, yeast, liver, etc.

Psychologists note: most people incorrectly estimate the amount of food eaten per day. In fact, it turns out to be about 20% more than they think. And those who want to lose weight "little girls" in this case are no exception.

Moreover, many of those who, according to them, eat like birds, actually put no less food into the stomach than those who admit to having a good appetite. At the same time, the “little one” does not lie. It's just that he tends to fix in memory not everything eaten. Such people may forget that they intercepted something in between, or chewed something while working, right at the computer, or tried the dish many times while it was being prepared.

That is why, first of all, it is worth evaluating the real volume of food eaten. To do this, you need to start a food diary in which you will write down everything that you ate, be sure to note the volume of dishes. You need to do this immediately, without putting it off until the end of the day, otherwise there is a great risk that you will again not be able to remember something. Buy a small pocket notebook for this or take notes on your phone.

It only takes a week to make observations to understand whether you really eat little.

2nd step. Review the products you eat

If the amount of food is really small, you need to estimate its calorie content. In the practice of nutritionists, there have been cases when all the daily food of their patients could fit in two palms. But what kind of products were they: sandwiches with sausage on white bread, sweets with tea, cheese with a fat content of 50% ... It is no wonder that with such a diet, weight not only did not go away, but sometimes added.

Of course, such blunders are not typical for those who purposefully want to lose weight. But less obvious misses are observed quite often.

For example, many people forget about the high calorie content of nuts or dried fruits and eat them in large quantities. Or they generously season vegetable salads with vegetable oil (in a tablespoon - about 150 kcal). Or they replace sugar with honey, without reducing the volume of its consumption (the calorie content of the latter is less, but in itself it is quite high).

3rd step. Analyze-zi-ruite: are you eating too little?

Oddly enough, this can also be the reason why the weight is not reduced. The body perceives a perceived lack of food as a threat to its existence. It slows down the metabolism, less energy is spent, which means that fat from fat depots leaves extremely slowly. In youth, such a “stagnation” effect is usually observed not at the beginning of weight loss, but when a person has already lost a few kilograms. After forty years, there may be no sense in a low-calorie diet at all: at this time, the metabolism itself is slower than in youth.

In addition, if we are severely malnourished, the body loses a lot muscle tissue, namely in the muscles "burns" fat. At the same time, muscles are restored slowly, so sometimes a person who has received a minimal result, limiting himself to food, adds a few kilograms when returning to his usual calorie content.

Many nutritionists like to say: in order for their client to start losing weight, he needs to ... feed. The body turns on the resource saving mode if a person consumes less than 1200 kcal per day for several days. Such drastic restrictions are permissible only once a week. The rest of the time you need to consume at least 1500 kcal.