Did Lebedev serve in the landing troops. Boxer Lebedev Denis Aleksandrovich: biography, sports career

During his visit to Moscow, Russian boxer Denis Lebedev gave Mike Tyson a beret of the Airborne Forces. Some paratroopers did not approve of the act, accusing the athlete of not serving himself. "360" found out whether it is possible to give the main symbol of the Airborne Forces.

Russian boxers Ruslan Provodnikov and Denis Lebedev gave the former absolute champion World Mike Tyson takes the Airborne Forces. This happened during the visit of the legendary boxer to Moscow, at the business forum Synergy Global Forum. Handing over the beret, Lebedev noted that he did not serve in the Airborne Forces, but “a real paratrooper is sitting in his soul.”

“I want to say it again so that everyone knows: I am a graduate of the CSKA boxing school. I go out in such a beret, because a real paratrooper is sitting in my soul. With the permission of all the paratroopers, I would like to present this beret to Mike. And know, Mike, if you meet guys in such berets, try to make friends with them, ”the Russian boxer joked.

Not everyone in the Airborne Forces considered such a gift. American boxer appropriate. The head of the Union of Paratroopers of Siberia, Vitaly Shadrin, did not approve of this gesture. He posted on social media an appeal to Lebedev, in which he noted that the boxer does not have the authority to give the symbol of the Airborne Forces.

Denis Alexandrovich, please explain who authorized you to give the symbol of the Airborne Forces on behalf of the Airborne Forces to a person who has nothing to do with the Airborne Forces

Vitaly Shadrin.

Boxer Denis Lebedev said in response that the claims against him were unfounded and that his familiar paratroopers supported Tyson's gift. He said this in an interview with the 360 ​​TV channel. The athlete emphasized that he did everything out of good intentions, did not want to offend anyone. Perhaps the whole situation was simply misunderstood.

They may have misunderstood my intentions. I don't see anything wrong with my actions. I promote the Airborne Forces, the great Mike Tyson himself now has the right to swim on August 2 in the fountain with paratroopers

Denis Lebedev.

According to the athlete, he decided to give the beret to Tyson because he is an outstanding person and a boxer who has gone through many difficulties. He is similar to the paratroopers, who also go through serious trials that temper their character.

“This man has achieved so many things, went through difficulties. He did everything himself, he did not ask anyone for anything. Then, and with blood, he achieved what he has. It's like the Airborne Forces: they created history for themselves, with their actions," he stressed.

The chairman of the executive committee of the Union of Russian Paratroopers, Valery Nikolaevich Yuryev, supported Lebedev's decision to give Mike Tyson a beret of the Airborne Forces. He noted that this glorifies the paratroopers.

Lebedev did not serve in the Airborne Forces, but this is a man who is allowed to wear a blue beret by the command of the Airborne Forces. Thus, he glorifies the airborne troops and our country. We are proud that Denis is a member of our organization

Valery Yuriev.

In his opinion, Tyson is a worthy person, a legendary athlete who has the character of a real paratrooper. “We have such a tradition to give a beret and a vest as souvenirs. This is a gift to a person who deserves respect. In fact, Tyson is a man with a landing character, we treat him with respect,” Yuryev said.

On social networks, many supported the position of the Union of Siberian Paratroopers and condemned such a gift to the American boxer. Some are sure that Tyson, despite his sporting achievements, is not worthy of wearing a paratrooper beret.

“Denis, who did not serve in the Airborne Forces, presented a US citizen convicted three times, including for rape, to a US citizen (as Denis put it, a beret). This is the end, Brothers. A citizen of the country that imposed sanctions on us,” wrote one user.

Someone felt very offended that the symbol of the Airborne Forces was controlled by an eminent athlete, who, however, did not serve in the landing.

“It's a shame that someone, even if he is a famous athlete, allows himself to dispose of the paratrooper symbol at his own discretion, and even allows incomprehensible boys to mock the paratrooper beret,” commented another.

“There is nothing criminal in buying a beret and giving it to even a Zimbabwean criminal for his birthday among friends. That is why it is freely available. The circumstances of delivery make it a symbol. And here the only complaint is that he spoke for others. That's the problem," said another.

The current WBA world champion in the first heavyweight Denis Lebedev was born on August 14, 1979 in Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region. As a child, he first went in for gymnastics, but then, at the initiative of his father, he began to attend the boxing section. His coach was Evgeny Sergeev. As a teenager, Denis showed great promise. In 1997 he managed to win gold medal at the European Junior Championships in weight class up to 75 kg. The following year, Lebedev represented Russia at the Goodwill Games in New York, where he won a bronze medal in the weight category up to 81 kg.

After leaving school, Denis served in the sports company of CSKA, continuing to box. Shortly after the end of his military service, Lebedev made the decision to move from amateur boxing to professional boxing. Denis' debut in a new incarnation took place in February 2001. Then he, speaking as part of the light heavyweight division, won on points in six rounds over the journeyman Teimuraz Kekelidze. And already in his third pro-fight, he won the title of Russian light heavyweight champion. As a hot prospect, Lebedev continued to win until September 2004. Then he defeated compatriot Artyom Vychkin in the fight for the same Russian light heavyweight title, after which he was forced to take a long pause in his boxing career.

Denis returned to the ring only four years later. In this he was assisted by his long-time comrade Alexander Povetkin. On the way to his first fight for the world title, Lebedev defeated several famous rivals. In July 2009, in a flamboyant style, he won ahead of schedule against former world champion from Great Britain Enzo Maccarinelli and won the WBO intercontinental champion belt in the first heavyweight. After that, Denis held two of his successful defenses, and then fought with the eminent compatriot boxer, world amateur boxing champion Alexander Alekseev. The fight between two famous Russian boxers ended with a convincing victory for Lebedev by knockout in the 2nd round.

Next in line was current champion world according to the WBO German Bosnian Marco Hook. Denis fought with him in Germany in December 2010. According to many, Lebedev at least did not lose in that battle, but rather even won. However, after 12 rounds allotted by the regulations, the side judges gave the victory to Hook, who played at home, by a separate decision. Lebedev did not give up and again embarked on a victorious path. A considerable resonance accompanied the fight of Denis in May 2012 with the legendary American world champion in several weights, Roy Jones Jr. Speaking in Moscow, Lebedev knocked out the famous opponent literally on last seconds fight.

Then in November 2011, Denis defeated another legend of the ring, American James Toney, on points in an absolutely one-sided battle, at the same time winning the WBA interim world champion belt. After that, Lebedev scored two early victories in championship fights against the Barbadian Sean Cox and the Colombian Santander Silgado, and in May 2013 went to battle with the so-called world champion on vacation Panamanian Guillermo Jones. During a dramatic fight, due to a huge hematoma formed near his eye, Denis was forced to capitulate in the 11th round. However, Jones was soon convicted of doping and the WBA championship belt was returned to Lebedev.

The rematch scheduled for April 2014 between these fighters was not destined to take place due to the fact that literally on the eve of the fight, the Panamanian boxer was again convicted of using illegal drugs. As a result, Jones received a long disqualification, and Lebedev defended his world title in September 2014, cracking down on the Polish challenger Pavel Kolodzhey in less than two rounds. Now Denis's coach is the famous overseas mentor Freddie Roach, and Lebedev intends to prepare for his next fights in America.

In April 2015, in Moscow, Lebedev held the first defense of his championship belt, defeating Yori Kalenga, a Frenchman of Congolese origin, who held the title of interim WBA world champion in the same weight, by unanimous decision. On November 4 of the same year in Kazan, Lebedev once again successfully returned to the ring, knocking out the unbeaten Nigerian Latif Kayode. Denis Lebedev plans to have a unification fight with the champion in one of the neighboring versions.

“In boxing, you have to be patient. If you step over the threshold of pain today, then tomorrow it will be easier for you, ”says Denis Lebedev.

This interview with the Russian boxer was recorded even before that, sending the latter to a knockout already in the fourth round. On the eve of the fight, Denis told AiF about gentlemanly behavior, explained why he wears a blue beret, and figured out how much money is needed for happiness.

"AIF":- Denis, you were originally supposed to fight for the world title with Guillermo Jones, but the Panamanian refused. Why?

D.L.- The official version is an injury. But, in my opinion, Jones has a problem with weight - he has gained a lot lately. He seemed to be hoping for the help of the great promoter Don King in this matter. The “godfather” of American boxing has always managed to beat out concessions to his wards. For example, when Jones met with Brudov in 2010, the Panamanian did not even show up for the control weigh-in, while all the grams were counted for our boxer. But, apparently, the era of the all-powerful Don is ending. He is still 81 years old. Now his son is taking over the empire, but King Jr will not be able to dictate the terms of all professional boxing. And if we return to the person of Jones, then he is a serious fighter. I think our fight will still take place.


"AIF":- Spitting in the face, slapping, outright rudeness towards the opponent - modern fights, as a rule, are preceded by very peculiar shows. gentlemanly behavior in professional boxing no more space?

D.L.- Unfortunately, there is such a phenomenon in boxing. Yes, in part, these "performances" stir up interest in the fight. Someone uses similar methods to intimidate the enemy, to shake his psyche. Personally, these tricks do not work for me. My principle is “respect yourself and your opponent”. Although these are theoretical considerations, but in practice ... I don’t know how I would react if, like Klitschko, an opponent slapped me in the face. I wonder how Vitaly restrained himself and did not respond properly to the Briton Chisora.

"AIF":- You also restrained yourself when the German Hook promised to knock "this ugly Russian" out of the ring.

D.L.- I'm used to talking with opponents in the ring, not outside. What is there who said about ugliness - I do not care.

"AIF":- You enter the ring in a paratrooper's T-shirt and a blue beret, but as I understand it, you did not serve in the Airborne Forces ...

D.L.- I didn’t serve, but I, like Sasha Povetkin, many paratrooper friends. Great guys. One of the few for whom such concepts as honor, courage, nobility are not an empty phrase. They actually suggested this idea to me. In fact, the landing uniform disciplines me and helps me realize that I am a warrior who is obliged to win. Wearing it is an honor, because it is also a debt of memory to those who fought for our country.

"AIF":Have you ever skydived yourself?

D.L.- I only jumped from a training tower, but, of course, this cannot be compared with a real jump. I really want to, but the management of the boxing club is against it, they think it's risky. And my wife absolutely does not support my idea. But I'm not going to give up my dream, I'm sure that I will make this jump.

"AIF":- I know that you are actively rooting for the "Vityaz" from Chekhov, who became famous for fighting on the ice. Do fists also have a place in hockey?

D.L.- Fight fight in hockey strife. And then, if you don't want to, don't fight, fall, run away. And as for the "Vityaz", then hockey club and our boxing club from Podolsk "Russian Knights" basically form one whole. Moreover, the leaders of HC Vityaz have done a lot for me personally. Without their help, my career might have been very different.

Lessons and life

"AIF":- Mike Tyson at one time managed to earn $ 30 million per fight ...

D.L.- Now even close there are no such figures. In fact, he himself is very surprised by this state of affairs. I recently became a champion, but my financial situation has not changed much.

"AIF":- What is the prize money enough for?

D.L.- Life is enough. But I big family: three daughters and a nephew whom I am raising. A tragedy happened to my brother: a healthy and strong man suddenly a blood clot came off - it was gone ... I took my brother's son to me. And my wife and I want more children, which means we need a big house. Here I will earn on it, and then everything will be fine with us.

"AIF":- Dad-boxer does homework with children?

D.L.- Often.

Interesting experience, you know. I read history books and came to the conclusion that today's children are presented with the history of our state in a completely different way than we were at the time. Many facts are so distorted that one can only be amazed at the attitude towards the past. How long can Russian history be rewritten? And you also want there to be a connection between times ... Or take literature. During the week, the child is asked to write three essays. Imagine what kind of hostility children begin to experience from such a load! And so it is with most things.

And since we are talking about education, then, you know, when I sit with my girls and watch TV, I often feel ashamed and creepy. Me - an adult man, a boxer. Such a stream of dirt, violence that you want to close your eyes.

"AIF":- I can't help but ask you about the sensational case of Rasul Mirzaev. A sambo wrestler's skirmish near a nightclub with a student is over for the latter lethal outcome. Can a person, for whom wrestling is a profession, sort things out with fists with an unequal person?

D.L.“Lately, I hear this a lot. Either a sambo wrestler will hit someone, or a boxer ... Although, probably, this happened before, just now they began to talk about it. Sometimes the initiators of the showdown were the victims themselves. I am familiar with this category of people: by hook or by crook they are trying to win some kind of authority. That's why I ask: do not provoke the athletes. Again, no one says how many athletes die from knives and baseball bats, when they are attacked by a crowd, they tear a person. I know many such cases. But no one removes responsibility from a professional. You have to think about the consequences of a fight with an unprepared person. I can only give advice to athletes: guys, don’t wander around all sorts of cereal establishments - you don’t belong there. Better once again go to the hall - there will be more sense.

Denis Lebedev is a Russian professional boxer competing in the first heavy weight category (up to 91 kilograms). From it sports achievements the following titles can be distinguished: WBA world champion (from 2012 to the present) and IBF champion (2016).

Statistics of Russian boxer Denis Lebedev

The sports biography of Denis is represented by great victories and high titles. He has only two defeats to his credit. A total There are 33 fights held (22 wins by knockout). Among his rivals there are quite serious and eminent candidates, such as Briton Enzo Maccarinelli (fight for the WBO intercontinental champion title), American James Toney (fight for the interim WBO champion title), Pole Pavel Kolodzey (Lebedev's 4th defense according to the WBA ), American and many others.

Childhood, family and exposure to sports

Started in the city of Stary Oskol ( Belgorod region, Russia). Born August 14, 1979. Here he first went to school, began to play sports. Teachers and coaches praised him for his diligence, dedication and responsible approach to any business.

The sports biography of Denis Lebedev dates back to early childhood. He grew up in sports family. His older brother and father were boxers. Despite this, in the first grade Denis was sent to the section gymnastics. The boy was demonstrating good results, infusing into coaching staff hope for a great sporting future in this discipline. However, years later, the gymnastics section was closed. Lebedev (junior) had to say goodbye to this sport.

Without thinking twice, the father takes Denis to the boxing section, which the boy wanted to quit more than once. And all due to the fact that the brother showed much top scores. But, despite all the difficulties and hardships, the guy continued to fight with his fears. He stayed in boxing to prove his worth to himself. For several years, D. Lebedev gained experience, honed the technique of boxing art. Soon, Denis began competitions on a city and regional scale, where he almost always won prizes.

While still an amateur boxer, our hero managed to get acquainted with Fedor Emelianenko himself, who periodically shared advice and sports instructions.

Denis Lebedev: biography, military service

Before the army, Denis already had a successful career at the international level. In 1997, he won the European Junior Championships, held in the English city of Birmingham. A year later, he won first place in the 4 Goodwill Games tournament in New York.

Shortly after these events, the athlete was taken into the army. Many fans and fans of the boxer often wonder where Denis Lebedev served? The biography of the athlete indicates that the boxer served in CSKA (Central sport Club Army). Such interest is due to the fact that he often enters the ring in army clothes (a sailor shirt and a blue beret). By the way, Lebedev did not put aside boxing training in the service. There he was the main athlete of the division, for which he was always held in high esteem and respect.

The sports biography of Denis of the army can be called amateur. He was often invited to demonstration performances and competitions held between platoons. Soldier Lebedev was the undisputed leader in every duel. No one has been able to defeat him.

The biography of Denis Lebedev in the service is full of small victories and universal recognition among the army sports community. After demobilization, Denis signed a contract with sports organization"CSKA". His personal trainer became A.A. Lavrov. He held his first professional fight under the auspices of CSKA in 2001, his opponent was the Georgian boxer Teimuraz Kekalidze. Who turned out to be stronger? Russian boxer Denis Lebedev won by unanimous decision of the judges.

Professional career

From 2001 to 2004, he competed in the light heavyweight division. During this period, the boxer had 13 victories and not a single defeat (there was no draw either). In the same period of time, Lebedev managed to become a two-time champion of Russia. In October 2004, the athlete publicly announced that he was leaving the world of boxing. However, the reason for this decision is not indicated.

Nevertheless sports biography Denis Lebedev does not end there. The boxer returns to the ring in 2008. He begins to perform in the 1st heavy weight category. The first opponent of the Russian after a four-year break was an athlete from Georgia, Archil Mezvrishvili, who had 8 wins and 2 losses. For Denis Lebedev, boxers with such statistics are not a threat at all. Therefore, during the fight, he confidently won by knockout. A year later took place legendary fight against Cuban Eliseo Castillo, who was knocked out in the 5th round.

Denis Lebedev: biography and personal life

Despite constant training, departures and fees, Denis retains the title of an exemplary father and a family man. He met his beloved wife Anna in his school years, when he dreamed of big victories and millions of fees did not have to.

In difficult moments of life, when there was no money to support the family, his wife remained close and kept her love. Denis is grateful to her for support and support to this day. Anna has never been involved in sports. She has been into music all her life. Despite this, Denis Lebedev's wife is well versed in boxing and can sometimes help her husband with good advice. Together they raise three daughters who are also involved in sports. In general, the Lebedev family gives the impression of a friendly and close-knit team. The girls are proud of their father.

Where is boxer Denis Lebedev now?

At the moment, he continues to train and enter the ring. For 2017, his statistics are amazing: 30 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses. Lebedev now lives with his family in the city. He trains under the guidance of an experienced ex-boxer Kostya Dzyu. further fate and professional career the player is up to him. The boxer has many more fights ahead, as well as potential titles and awards. Fortunately, in this regard, he was lucky with the promoter, Vladimir Khryunov.

In the blog of the weekly SportWeek on the site of an interview with Denis Lebedev, who will enter the Moscow ring on May 21 against Roy Jones. Our boxer spoke about the lessons of Kostya Tszyu, friendship with Fedor Emelianenko, military service, work as a security guard, the Blue Berets and, of course, the upcoming fight, in which Lebedev already knows the recipe for victory.

- Tell us first, did you manage to prepare well for the fight?

- Yes, everything is fine. I am happy with the way we work. Of course, some slight fatigue is present today, but this is quite in the order of things.

Kostya Tszyu, under whose leadership you are preparing for the fight with Jones, in a recent interview with our publication, told that he makes you do many things that you didn’t really like before. What was it about?

- First of all, of course, I meant exercises for the press. Such a good load. Well, then, we are working on some tactical actions. In general, the difference between how I prepared before and what is happening now is pretty decent. Today we do only those things that are really necessary. Kostya says directly: “Do this, don’t do this. And forget about it at once!”. Here he acts more as a mentor than a coach. Valery Belov is still my coach. But he does not participate in preparation for the fight against Roy Jones. For this they invited Kostya Tszyu who guides the whole process.

“Tszyu says directly: “Do this, don’t do this. And forget about it at once!”

A long time ago you called Roy Jones your idol. Could you then believe that you would ever meet him in the ring?

- I didn't think about that. As for Roy, he is an idol - not an idol, but we will not dissemble the way he worked in the ring, I always really liked it.

It's no secret that this fight was born partly out of a joke. After the December fight with Marco Hook for the championship belt, your manager Vladimir Khryunov asked who would you like to fight now? In response, you casually threw: "Yes, even with Roy Jones." When Khryunov told you that you would really fight him, did you take it for a hoax?

- No. Although, frankly, this news was a pleasant surprise.

- Do you already know the exact recipe for defeating Jones?

- I know something. But let's wait until the fight, and you will see for yourself in the ring. We have some “forges”, but we will not voice them ahead of time. I will only note that this fight is no less important for me than the previous one - title fight with Marco Hook.

In that very battle, no one can argue with this, you were undeservedly robbed of the victory. Did the referee's decision leave a strong residue in your soul?

- Yes, in general, no. I forgot about it a long time ago. I forgot and moved on. If there is anything to regret, it is only that he did not press Hook in last rounds. I thought he would go after me, because he needs to defend the title, and saved a little. Experience was not enough.

“I tried a lot of things. And he worked as a security guard, and traveled to Ukraine to earn money "

At the April joint press conference with Roy Jones, you said: "Roy is a legend, but I am a real one." Was it impromptu or prepared in advance?

- Not really. I didn't prepare. This phrase came to my mind, let's say, already in the course of the play.

- Roy does not skimp on compliments about you as an excellent boxer. Nice?

- Well, I'm still not a pretty girl to listen to compliments. Although such words, of course, are by no means unpleasant to me. It's flattering, but at the same time I try not to pay too much attention to such things.

Your career can hardly be called ordinary. Few people, having started in the professional arena with 13 victories in 13 fights, decide to voluntarily leave the ring. In your case, they say, the reason for making such a decision was the desire to feed your family. Wasn't a successful professional boxer in the early 2000s able to provide a normal existence for his relatives?

- Unfortunately it is so.

- You spent four years outside the ring. What were they doing at this time?

- I tried a lot of things. And he worked as a security guard, and traveled to Ukraine to earn money.

As someone who cares so much about family values, it must be extremely difficult for you to spend almost all the time in a training camp without seeing your relatives. How do you stimulate yourself to not give in to despondency?

“Because it will all be over soon. Ahead of me are waiting for summer, holidays, communication with my wife and daughters. Well, then, after all, every weekend I go home to Chekhov, to my family. I walk with the children, we all go to the river together, fry the barbecue. I also recently adopted a dog. Asian Shepherd - Alabai. He is still very small - only two months old. But for all of us, he has already become a member of the family. Everyone is happy and happy.

- How long have you been together with your wife Anna?

- I was eighteen. We met her quite by chance at some event, got to know each other. I had to look for her for a long time after that first meeting. But I finally found...

“Mom usually sits in the next room during live broadcasts - she prays”

I know your mom never approved of boxing. I considered this sport cruel and did not go to the competitions in which you took part. How does the wife feel about such things?

- During live broadcasts, he usually sits in the next room - he prays that everything will be fine with me. After the fight, of course, he looks at the results. But never on TV.

You started boxing with your brother Yegor, who later often helped you as a sparring partner. And now?

- Now it's gone. You correctly noticed that in childhood we walked side by side, studied boxing together. But now he supports me by helping my family when I'm not around.

Everyone knows about your long-standing friendship with Fedor Emelianenko. You traditionally help each other prepare for battles. So this time, the "Last Emperor" became your sparring partner for a few days. And, admit it, didn’t you set Emelianenko’s boxing technique?

- No, this is the merit solely of Alexander Vasilyevich Michkov, who has been working with Fedor for several years and travels with him to all fights. This is a great boxing trainer. I know that many in the boxing world were very offended when he decided to leave to train Emelianenko. As for me, I am always ready to help Fedya if necessary.

You and Roy Jones have in common the fact that both became boxers not of their own free will. Both were forced to take up the sport by their own fathers.

- Yes, at first, let's face it, I did not like boxing and did it only because my father forced me to. Only having fulfilled the standard of the master of sports, I finally believed in myself and began to work independently and purposefully.

- Can you name your father as your first coach?

– To some extent, yes. In general, my first mentor was Sergeev Evgeny Nikolaevich. But then, in childhood, situations arose more than once when the father did not agree with some of the methods of preparation that Sergeyev offered. Once it came to the point that we seriously quarreled with him and my father simply took me out of the hall. For a couple of months, we practiced on our own at home. It happened that my father gathered friends in the yard and we boxed right there. And even at all - in our three-room apartment. Well, then they reconciled with Sergeyev - time, as you know, heals. So we returned to the original room. Came to the gym and started working out. And then it suddenly turns out that I am head and shoulders above all those guys with whom I trained side by side until recently. So I added a lot during the months that I studied under the guidance of my father. Therefore, it would be completely fair to say that at an early stage I was trained by two people - Sergeyev and my father, who put a lot of effort into my development as a boxer.

“I am very proud that the paratroopers entrusted me with, one might say, the honor of the uniform, the honor of the beret”

- After graduating from school, you did not enter the university, but went to the army. Was it your personal decision?

- A joint. At that time, my father and the coach decided that I should join the army. And later I graduated from the Institute of Physical Education anyway, having studied the required part-time studies. As for the army, I ended up in an ordinary sports company. There was absolutely nothing from the traditional army service there - only sports and training. And I was frankly lucky that in CSKA I got to a very good coach- Vladimir Alexandrovich Lavrov, one of the best Russian specialists. Thanks to him, I have grown a lot. Not even on the head, but on two at once.

You still keep in touch with the armed forces, because you enter the ring in the form of the Airborne Forces. When and how did the idea to put on a vest and a blue beret come about?

- It was born already in Chekhov, after my return to the professional ring. Here I met the paratroopers, with whom I really became friends. Once I celebrated Airborne Forces Day with them, which is celebrated on August 2, and off we go. The further, the more I began to feel my unity with them, with their values. And I am very proud that the guys entrusted me with, one might say, the honor of the uniform, the honor of the beret.

And how was your friendship born with the ensemble of the Russian Airborne Forces "Blue Berets", with whom you performed the song "Striped Nature" at the anniversary concert on April 8?

- Once I heard this song, and I immediately liked it. Such a soulful one. For my first fight after returning, I went out to these chords. I am truly grateful to the guys from the ensemble for giving me the right to enter the ring for life under the “Striped Nature”.

Is this the kind of music you like?

- I listen, to be honest, completely different music. But in last years I prefer not to what is played on MTV, but to simple life songs. Those who perform "Blue Berets" or, for example, Nikolai Emelin.

“I didn’t listen to Jones, I don’t listen and I don’t intend to listen”

- The work of Roy Jones, as I understand it, is unfamiliar to you?

- Of course not. I didn't listen to him, I don't listen and I don't intend to listen. Believe me, I have nothing against his music. But to each, as they say, his own. I don't listen to that sort of thing.

Today, among your rivals are champion belt holders, world boxing legends. What is your most important career goal?

- Well, there is no secret here and cannot be. I really want to be world champion. Moreover, I have already approached this goal. In truth, there is a great desire to quickly put the squeeze on this issue. And what will happen next - we'll see.

- For two years in a row you have been recognized as the best boxer in Russia. How much does this recognition mean to you?

It is very nice. But such a title also imposes a huge responsibility. And you have to watch yourself properly so as not to let anyone down.