Who invented the gymnastic wheel. What is the Rhine wheel - from children's fun to the World Cup

Usually, each muscle group requires a separate simulator. But it would be much easier to get yourself in proper shape with the help of one - universal - simulator. And it turns out that it has long been invented! This is the so-called gymnastic wheel.

This simulator has a very simple design and a small shape. The gymnastic wheel, or roller, consists directly of the wheel itself and two handles. Such a small size allows, if necessary, to take the wheel with you on a trip or even to work. After all, for training you only need a wheel and Smooth surface measuring 2.5 meters long and 1 wide.

It seems that with such a simple tool it is hardly possible to achieve good results, but it is not. In fact, the effectiveness of the gymnastic wheel is simply amazing.

With regular use, it can be used to train the muscles of the forearm well, shoulder girdle, press, back, buttocks, biceps and triceps, shins, thighs and wrists. In a word, put yourself in order using only one simulator. By by and large, everyone can use the wheel. The exceptions are people with disabilities and pregnant women.

It may seem that against the background of massive simulators, the gymnastic roller is too small, simple and not effective. But practice shows that not all multifunctional simulators are able to give the same results as a wheel.

But in fairness, it is worth noting that success can be achieved with strict adherence to all the rules of training. Here are the main ones:

  • Watch your breath. Any athlete will confirm that a lot depends on breathing. In the case of the wheel, there is no exception. It is necessary while inhaling to tilt the body forward, and when returning to the starting position, exhale;
  • Position your body correctly. According to the rules, the body should be parallel to the floor. In this case, the emphasis is on socks, and you need to hold the wheel with your hands. But since this is not easy enough and can lead to muscle strain, it is recommended to kneel at first and do exercises from this position;
  • Use Rug;
  • Do a workout. It is necessary to warm up the muscles before any physical activity and the use of a roller is no exception to the rule;
  • Do not overdo it. Many exercises for beginners are quite difficult, so it is recommended that you first limit yourself to what you can do, and then gradually increase the load. At the same time, it is important to clearly perform all the exercises in the right way in detail.

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for girls

If you want to get your body in proper shape, try the following exercises:

  • Spread the mat and kneel so that there is no more than 15 centimeters between them. Place a gymnastic wheel between your knees and grab the handles with both hands. Now slowly, while inhaling, move it forward and stretch the body, moving after the wheel. Stretching your body as much as possible, exhale and return to the starting position. If at first training is difficult, you can not stretch the body completely. Ideally, you should do 3 sets of 10-15 times;
  • starting position too. Only now, while inhaling and moving the roller forward, it is necessary to tilt the body so that the chest reaches the hips. After that, you should return to the starting position. First you need to repeat the exercise at least 10 times, and then repeat it in 3 sets;
  • Starting position: lie on your stomach on top of the mat. In this case, the wheel should be in the hands extended forward. The exercise consists in keeping your feet on the floor and at the same time moving the wheel towards you, trying to bend your back. Having made the maximum deflection, you need to fix the position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Do the exercise at least 10 times;
  • Sit on the mat with your legs extended forward and your back straight. Put the roller on the right side. While inhaling, roll it to the right side. The goal is for the chest to touch the floor. When it is reached, you need to smoothly roll the wheel towards you. Do the same exercise on the left side. The number of repetitions should not be less than 10 times;
  • This exercise is also performed while sitting, but with bent knees. The gymnastic wheel must be placed under the feet so that they rest on the handles. After that, you should slowly move your feet forward along with the wheel and straighten your legs. You need to bend over until the chest touches the straightened knees. After that, you can return to the original position. At first, it will not be easy to master this exercise, but hard training will allow you to do it in the right amount - 10 times;
  • Get into a standing position. In this case, the legs should be straight and located at shoulder level. The wheel must be in hand. It must be lowered to the floor and, without bending the legs, move forward, resting on the hands. When you reach the maximum possible distance for yourself, you need to stop for 5 seconds and only then slowly return to the starting position. First you need to do 10 exercises.

You need to understand that there will be no instant results, which means that you should tune in for several months of work in order to see tangible results.

If you want to speed up this process a little, then you need to follow the rules healthy eating, visit the pool and do massage (even self-massage will do).

Don't neglect your well-being. In order not to harm yourself, you need to abandon exercises with a gymnastic wheel for those who have serious problems with the spine or suffer from cardiovascular diseases. In the latter case, you can consult a doctor (perhaps he will allow you to do some exercises).

By approaching the matter wisely, you can really strengthen your health and improve appearance own body!

Zyatko Nadezhda specially for the site Women's Questions

The ideal relief of the abdomen is the dream of many men and women. In pursuit of a pumped-up press, a person can exhaust himself for hours in the gym, but meanwhile there is a simple but very effective simulator that will allow you to achieve excellent results in the shortest possible time, bypassing tiring power loads. We are talking about such an invention as a wheel for the press or, as it is also called, a sports roller for the press. What is this gymnastic device and how to use it correctly?

What is a press roller?

The gymnastic wheel is a simulator with the simplest device: it looks like a roller rotating during movement with a diameter of 16 to 20 cm, with handles on both sides. The roller itself can be double or single, have a return function and other additional features that facilitate the use of the simulator and increase the effectiveness of exercises with the wheel. The device is made of durable materials that can withstand enough big weight and do not damage the flooring.

The sports wheel has a row positive qualities due to which it is very popular with both men and women:

  • low (compared to other simulators) price;
  • compactness - you can pump the abdominal muscles with the help of a gymnastic wheel even at home;
  • high efficiency - the use of a roller allows you to reduce fat layer in the waist area in just a few weeks.

What muscles are involved in wheel exercises? Most of all, of course, the abdominal muscles are trained, and all at once - oblique, straight and transverse. However, exercises with a press wheel are also good because other parts of the body also work in them: during such training, the muscles of the arms, back and legs are perfectly strengthened, thanks to which you can not only get a beautiful slim stomach but also to tighten the buttocks and hips.

It must be borne in mind that exercises with a press wheel are classified as complex physical exertion, so it will be difficult to perform them without minimal preparation. For those who have not been involved in muscle strengthening at all before training in which gymnastic rollers are involved, it is recommended that you first exercise for at least a week with simple exercises for the press and general muscle strengthening.

In addition, for beginners, manufacturers of sports equipment produce special types of gymnastic wheels, on which you can find the mark “for beginners”. If you didn’t find such a sports wheel in the store, you can completely get by with the simplest roller model. At the same time, keep in mind that the smaller the size of the wheel, the more the muscles work, so first you need to purchase a simulator with a large roller diameter.

IN sports training Of course, the result is important, so many are interested in: how quickly can you pump up the press with the help of exercises on the wheel? Much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, but, judging by the reviews, with regular workouts the effect is achieved in about a month.

How to work with the press wheel?

To reach faster desired results, it is very important to know how to properly use the press wheel. The first and most important rule of training is regularity. It's great if you can do the exercises daily. But if this is not possible, you should try to exercise at least 3-5 times a week.

You can’t immediately start with heavy loads, otherwise you can overstrain the muscles, and then training will have to be postponed indefinitely. The optimal number of approaches for beginners in each exercise with the wheel is only 3. In one approach, you should not do more than 12 repetitions.

Clothing for classes should be light, comfortable and not constraining movement. To protect the legs from injury, a soft mat should be placed under the knees. Well if it's special sports coverage for such exercises, but if it is not there, then it is quite possible to get by with analogues - the main thing is that the mat does not slip and is not too rough.

Before you start exercising on the simulator, you must definitely do a light warm-up. This will prepare the muscles and circulatory system for the upcoming load. It is advisable to include 1-2 cardio exercises in the warm-up, for example, intensive walking in place or jumping rope.

When doing exercises on the wheel, it is very important to monitor your breathing - the effectiveness of training depends on this. Correctly perform tilts and tackles on the inhale, and return to the starting position on the exhale.

In addition, it is imperative to pay attention to the position of the back: in order to avoid injuries of the spinal column, it is necessary to keep the back straight or arch slightly. Lumbar bending is not allowed.

Before you begin to perform a set of exercises on the wheel, be sure to consider what contraindications exist for such physical activity. So, in case of diseases and injuries of the spine, as well as disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is not recommended to engage in a gymnastic roller, therefore, if there are deviations in health, it would be useful to consult a doctor about the possibility of such training.

How to perform exercises with a gymnastic roller for the press?

There are quite a few exercises on the wheel that allow you to pump up the press. Today we offer you to get acquainted with the complex, which can be performed even by those who are just starting to work out with the simulator. It includes the following exercises:

  1. Kneel down, set the gymnastic wheel in front of you and place your palms on the handles of the simulator. Leaning on the roller, make smooth movements forward, trying to tilt the body as much as possible, and then back. Gradually, this exercise with the wheel can be complicated - for example, cross the ankles raised up or do it while standing on your toes, and not on your knees.
  2. Kneeling and putting your hands on the simulator, roll it first away from you, then towards you, then to the left and back to yourself, then to the right and again return to the starting position.
  3. Take the starting position as in the first task and, transferring the weight to the press wheel, move it away from you, while upper part do not push the body forward, but press it to the hips.
  4. Lie on your stomach on the floor, move the simulator towards you, slowly rising and bending your back.
  5. Sitting on the floor and straightening your legs, put the wheel to your right. Keeping the position of the legs, move the simulator forward, trying to touch the surface with the chest. Return to starting position. Put the roller on the left and repeat the movements.
  6. Lying on the floor, place your feet on the handles of the wheel, stretch your arms along the body. Raise the buttocks so that they are in line with the body. Slowly roll the machine back and forth.

You do not need to start doing exercises on the wheel abruptly in the hope of quickly pumping up the press. On the contrary, such “zeal” can cause severe muscle pain, sprains and other injuries, so the pace should be increased gradually, especially if the body has not been subjected to such loads before. Over time, you can introduce new, more complex types of exercises with a simulator, for example, in a standing position, and do longer, but at first it is better to limit yourself to moderate training. Even with minor loads with a roller, you will notice that the abdominal and back muscles work very intensively, and after 3-4 weeks of such exercises, the first result will be noticeable.

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Article published on 05/19/2014 03:15 AM Last edited on 05/19/2014 04:21 AM

Without which, in your opinion, it is impossible to imagine a car. Without an engine? Right. No transmission or suspension? Undoubtedly. Well, the most important thing without which it cannot be imagined is without wheels. Yes Yes Yes. Previously, they had no idea what a wheel was. The invention of a seemingly simple wheel used to be the greatest discovery that gave a big impetus to the development of mechanics and technology.

From finds dating back to the last quarter of the 5th millennium BC, it can be judged that first wheel invented on the territory of modern Romania. A little later, they appeared on the territories of the southern Russian steppes of Germany and Poland. According to information from other sources, it was in the North Caucasus and the Kuban that they found specimens that are older than the wheels from Mesopotamia. Thus, it can be judged that the very first wheel appeared in the West.

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The wheel was invented gradually, its predecessor can be considered a wooden skating rink found in Mesopotamia. It was placed under the load, in order to make it easier to move. The first wheels were a wooden disc mounted on an axle and fixed with a wedge. Which is confirmed by the images of carts dated 2700 BC. and found in Mesopotamia and the city of Uruk. Already in the 2nd millennium, the design of the wheel changed a lot. In Asia Minor, a wheel with a bent rim, spokes and a hub appears. To reinforce the wheels used on chariots, the Celts began to use a metal rim, which has already been replaced by rubber tires in modern cars.

invention of the wheel contributed to the development of handicrafts. It is actively used in a lathe, spinning wheel, potter's wheel, mill. As well as in the manufactory, mines and irrigation facilities.

The wheel is one of the most important mechanical inventions in human history. The wheel is a very ancient device, dating back to the Bronze Age (3500-1000 BC).

The first wagon wheels were made solid, they were cut from logs or sewn together from several boards and then cut in a circle. Such processing of wood required saws and other tools of an advanced society familiar with metal and metal products. There is archaeological evidence that Mesopotamia was the seat of civilization where metalworking first reached a level of development that made it possible to manufacture wheeled carts.

In the first prototypes of the modern wagon, wheels in the form of a solid disk were tightly attached to an axle that rotated in guides. The body of such a wagon appeared later. The oldest two-wheeled and four-wheeled carts, the creation of which dates back to 3500 BC, were found in Mesopotamia - where the city of Kish once stood. They were found along with the skeletons of harnessed oxen and donkeys.

The complexity of the arrangement of wheels and bodies of these carriages indicates a long period of improvement in their design. By the end of the Bronze Age, wagons with wheels freely rotating on the axle "rolled" to Scandinavia and the northern regions of China.

The four-wheeled cart was built somewhat later than the two-wheeled one, because the problem of turning a two-axle vehicle turned out to be difficult. At first, the rear of the wagon was brought in by hand, then they began to make free front wheels, and even later a swivel front axle appeared.

To get a tangible benefit from vehicles, it was necessary to build roads. At first, horse-drawn transportation was carried out between the field and the settlement. There were no roads that could be driven in winter in Northern Europe until the last centuries, so for many centuries wheeled carts were common only in the south of the continent.

The first use of a wheel not in a vehicle, but in a mechanism for a completely different purpose - a potter's wheel - also dates back to the Bronze Age. Judging by the archaeological finds, it was just a cart wheel adapted for making dishes. Pottery was molded in ancient Egypt already around 3000 BC. - first on slowly rotating circles, and after a few centuries - on fast ones, which increased the variety of their shapes and improved their quality.

Almost as long ago, they began to use a water wheel, pouring - in Mesopotamia, where the rivers flow slowly, and pouring - on fast mountain rivers. Judging by the description of Vitruvius (1st century BC), the ancient Romans also used it first.

It is not known when the lifting unit was invented, but it and the gate - two devices where the wheel is the main element - were familiar mechanisms long before the birth of Christ.

The spinning wheel, which was brought to Europe in the Middle Ages, is probably the same age as the Iron Age (c. 1000 BC). It is believed that they invented it in India or in another part of Asia. The windmill (with a wheel rotating on a vertical axis) was generally recognized in Persia as early as the 10th century. A device of the same type, but with a wheel sitting on a horizontal shaft, appeared in Europe in the 12th century.