How not to fall off a strict diet. How not to fail during a diet: useful tips


Having made an affirmative decision to undergo a diet course, we are all confident in our willpower and in the fact that it is we who are destined to reach the victorious end and answer the question of how not to break down. According to global statistics, only a fifth of those who lose weight make it to the finish line. The rest break down either at the beginning or closer to the end, when the result is already significant. What is the reason why so many people are unable to stick to a firm decision to lose weight, and how to stick to the diet without breaking down?

It turns out that everything is simple here: our dreams and the imagined finished result appear in our heads instantly, and dieting does not seem like a difficult task. In reality, everything turns out to be the opposite: losing weight does not happen as quickly as it was seen in dreams, even if the arrows on the scales indicate weight loss, this is not visually visible, which significantly brings us even faster to the point of failure.

For what reason do people go on a diet?

Few people know, but diet has long become not only a female method for losing weight. Men are increasingly beginning to monitor their parameters, actively visiting GYM's, counting calories and carefully studying food package labels. Therefore, the question is relevant for everyone, how to stay on a diet.

Let's figure out what is considered a breakdown? In the desire to improve when losing weight, the sense of proportion may disappear. The stomach continues to express its “no” to hunger and actively rumbles, demanding food, salivation intensifies even without a visible tasty object. Seeing the refrigerator, the imagination draws tempting pictures: juicy cutlets with lard, fried potatoes, cakes with cherries. These thoughts should be stopped immediately and any intellectual or physical activities: work, cleaning, walk, run.

Having curbed the first wave of hunger, you come to the realization that you are able to refrain from eating goodies. For those who did not cope with the task, there is only one thing left to do - make another promise to yourself “this was the last time” and go on a diet again. But this vicious circle can only be broken by carefully preparing.

First stage: preparatory

But still, how to start losing weight and not lose weight? The answer may seem funny, but still: it is necessary to get rid of the concept of diet. The preparation stage consists of concluding agreements with your body. You should definitely listen to him, because we are all different and fat burning also happens in different ways. For example, you are very drawn to fruits, but they are only on the menu for dinner, swap breakfast with dinner and go for it - treat yourself to a fresh peach or apple. You really want meat for lunch, so indulge yourself and prepare a tasty morsel in foil. You need to learn to distinguish hunger from appetite. According to scientists, most of us simply do not know what the signs of hunger are, because the abundance of food on our table does not provide us with the opportunity to experience those impressions inherent in the prehistoric period, when the concept of food was just emerging.

The emergence of a desire to snack should be tested by imagining a stale piece of bread. A person must realize whether he has an appetite or not. If the answer is no, these are just manifestations of excessive appetite.

Setting up correctly

Diet is a severe shock to the body. Imagine that you are depriving a small child of food, how will he behave in this situation, of course, he will be constantly capricious. Also the body, deprived of its usual way of nutrition. Initially, set yourself a goal with a mandatory focus on food. For example, monthly vitaminization of the body: fill your refrigerator with fruits and vegetables, go to a bookstore and choose a book with suitable recipes. Food preparations should be made the day before. You shouldn’t deprive yourself of all your favorite treats on the first day; at first you can allow yourself small manifestations of weakness. Then you will consciously approach the answer to the question, how to go on a diet and not fail. If you can't live without sweets, so be it! Take a couple of bars of chocolate and eat them with oatmeal and a sandwich of bran bread. Be sure to praise yourself for a satisfying and very healthy snack. Replace instant coffee with interesting varieties of tea.

Drawing analogies between your favorite foods effectively helps prevent you from breaking your diet. For example, sugar is an ideal substitute for honey; salads with mayonnaise can be seasoned with olive oil and lemon. You cannot be on a diet for 10 days and expect significant results - this is a whole nutrition system, the implementation of which should occur gradually and with the obligatory help of imagination.

Signs of an approaching breakdown

The most competent approach to creating a diet cannot be immune from a possible crisis. Bored chicken fillet and oatmeal for breakfast make you dream more and more about eating a fatty hamburger, french fries and drinking sweet soda. Even such thoughts make your stomach ache, not to mention the realities that await you after such five minutes of pleasure. Catch yourself on this thought and make a breakdown for yourself according to plan. These points need to be considered before starting the diet, then the question how not to fail on a diet will no longer be relevant .

Select any day of the week, for example Saturday. All week, strictly adhere to the scheduled menu, and on Saturday, go to your favorite restaurant and order yourself your favorite dish (spaghetti, double cheeseburger, ice cream, cake), but only one. The anticipation of the day of permissiveness will give you strength not to break down during the week. Every week, portion harmful products will become less and less, the same will happen with the desire to eat them.

How to stay on your diet: motivation

How to start a diet and not fail never? Such a pressing question plagues many who want to lose weight. Every time, after another breakdown, when, having achieved small indicators on the scales, you greedily eat grilled chicken, you simply give up. You don't want to look at yourself in the mirror, go shopping and of course go on dates for the device personal life. Do you understand that ideal figure not for you. But how can you return to a positive attitude after a breakdown? Unfortunately, departures from distances are very frequent. Almost every beginner who uses one diet or another tries to get visible results as quickly as possible, which is what brings themselves to the point of failure. Sharp cuts in daily calories, ruthless elimination of favorite foods and grueling workouts in gyms - this is a direct path to the depletion of all vital reserves of the body, of course, including fat. But after a breakdown, a person can gain significantly more than he lost.

You can’t start a crash diet, go out on correct menu necessary gradually. Proper motivation is the key to success! What prompted you to start a diet? Maybe you want to win a man, or return your former passion to already routine family relationships, or achieve a new position? Answering the question, how not to fail while on a diet, psychologists give good advice: you need to make a dream album where you can place all your desires: a vacation in Hawaii, where a girl with a gorgeous figure sunbathes on the beach, a luxury convertible with a couple in love, in general, everything that is associated with the word “happiness.”

Goal is the main motivation that moves mountains. Draw a ladder of merit for yourself and come up with a reward for each subsequent step. But you shouldn’t depict too many steps, because by rewarding for every half kilo you lose, the system won’t work. A breakdown can be punished, for example, by a morning run of several kilometers or training with a strict trainer in the gym. A stopper like this should appear in your head, then you will realize that you will have to pay a difficult price for overeating, but this will not lead to the loss of your main goal. Such motivation helps to understand oneself and how not to fail on a diet.

Remember, motivation is a bright and colorful picture that has the power to translate into reality. Only for such a goal will you not regret the effort spent. The process of punishment can be very useful, for example, unwillingness to give up the cake will entail an extraordinary general cleaning of the house. The hamburger should be processed by washing the bathtub and tiles.

Right Awareness

Diet is one way to help achieve a goal, but this process should not turn into a period of self-destruction. How not to go off the diet? Just loving her is the realization that you care about your body, the health of the body and your attractiveness. Adjust your parameters using pleasant ways - anti-cellulite massage . If you're thinking about chocolate, go and buy yourself a new blouse or skirt. A gradual distribution of the diet also works well.

The food menu should be compiled solely from your own preferences. For those with a sweet tooth, there is a chocolate diet. Of course, this method cannot be called healthy, but overweight melt before our eyes. The menu is designed for only a week, and those who are losing weight will always be in a good mood, and their favorite product does not fall under the taboo. For meat eaters, the Kremlin diet is suitable, where points are given for the diet eaten. The difference between this type of food is satiety. But there are quite few carbohydrates here, so problems with mood may arise.

Some tricks

There is no diet suitable for every category of people, so the diet must be adapted to personal parameters: health status and needs. But don’t forget the difference between needs and whims. Undoubtedly, your body will not get worse if you do not eat chocolate or cookies. But a lack of vegetables in the diet can have a detrimental effect not only on the body, but also on the digestibility of food in general. Some diets are overly protein-rich, so for variety you need to use plant proteins found in mushrooms and legumes.

Trying to understand how not to fail when losing weight, Are motivating factors starting to weaken? Go to an appointment with a psychologist and nutritionist. Relax and give yourself permission to step away from your diet a little, but don't overdo it. Drink as much liquid as possible: tea, water, broth. Think about the variety of your menu, add new dishes. Just a couple of days and you are back on track!

I am naturally inclined to be overweight and from time to time I come to the decision to go on a diet. Having tried a lot different options, I can say that following a diet is always difficult, especially when there are many delicious temptations around at an unexpected birthday or a sudden holiday event at one of your colleagues at work. When going somewhere on vacation, you constantly have to deal with food that is completely inappropriate for your diet and healthy eating: popcorn at the cinema, sweets and lollipops in various shops, special offers for desserts and compliments from the chef in cafes and restaurants.

Why do you still want to eat while on a diet?

There are different diets: strict and gentle.

  • During the number of calories consumed with food is reduced to a minimum sufficient to maintain the body. But this option is fraught with various consequences: from sudden weight gain after leaving the diet to problems with digestive system, heart and other organs.
  • Gentle diets They suggest reducing calorie intake to a maximum of 25% of the usual diet, but replacing it with healthy, balanced foods. With such a diet, the body receives the necessary energy, while simultaneously consuming excess fat, thereby promoting weight loss.

But why do you still constantly want to eat during a diet, despite the sufficient amount of calories? The fact is that when you eat certain foods, your taste buds become more receptive to one food and less receptive to another. This is why some foods taste better while others do not.

With such restrictions, it often ends in a breakdown and a return to the original weight, and in some cases even in excess of the original weight.

9 methods not to fail while dieting: which are effective and which are not so effective?

Method 1. Motivation

Most often, it was one or another motive that prompted me to go on a diet and stick to it to the end: the desire to fit into a dress, an upcoming corporate party or other holiday where I wanted to amaze everyone with an elegant figure, and even a meeting with an old friend who has lost an incredible amount of kilograms since the last meeting, whose figure aroused incredible envy and a sporty feeling of “catching up” with a friend’s parameters.

For others, motivation comes from a different direction. For example, when a husband, who wants his wife to lose a few kilograms, promises to compensate for the suffering from the diet with a gift: jewelry, a smaller fur coat, or a pleasant trip to the sea, where he will inevitably demonstrate the results of the diet in a swimsuit.

Method 2. Psychological support

After a few days on the diet, I noticed a “split” of my personality: one of them demanded that you honestly stick to the diet until the end, and the other whispered to pamper you with a cake today, “just today - no one will see or know.” At such moments it is very difficult to control yourself. Indeed, no one will see or know. This is real self-deception, because the diet is followed primarily for yourself. And in an attempt to outwit yourself, you may not achieve the desired result.

In my moments of weakness, my friend supported me, who sent me funny pictures and cartoons about diet breakers. When I was about to break down after almost 2 weeks of “fasting,” her words and support were most welcome and forced me not only to stick with the diet to the end, but also not to break down on the very first day after its end.

Method 3. Distraction from thoughts about food

When thoughts about the food that cannot be eaten during a diet cannot be left alone, switching to some activity helps a lot. This could be reading a magazine, book, watching a movie, doing some hobby, even going shopping or calling friends. Just a few minutes of enthusiastic activity will help pacify the wild desire to empty the nearest grocery store.

For me the best way forget about food there was always cleaning. When I started cleaning the kitchen, I didn’t allow myself to take a break until I finished what I started, and after finishing the cleaning, the unbearable desire to eat something tasty and unhealthy usually disappeared.

Method 4. Correction of diet products

When choosing a diet, you need to focus not only on its effectiveness, but also on the composition of permitted dishes. If the diet contains foods that cause disgust, then the likelihood of a breakdown with this option is very high.

Instead of forcing yourself to eat completely intolerable foods, you can try replacing them with similar ones or abandoning such a diet altogether in favor of another.

I absolutely can't stand fried fish. , which is almost the main part of the daily diet Japanese diet, popular for its effectiveness. Therefore, an alternative option was found: I did not fry the fish, but steamed it or baked it in the oven, adding lemon juice. The dish remained light and nutritious as before, only the cooking method changed.

Method 5. Drinking water

Sometimes the feeling of hunger is a mistake. It happens that we are actually thirsty, but we mistake this uncomfortable state for hunger and start eating. In order to check whether this is actually the case, before eating it is recommended to take a few sips of clean still water.

  • Firstly, it will help determine what the body wants: to eat or drink.
  • Secondly, water will calm the receptors in the mouth and allow you to eat food calmly, rather than rushing at it and absorbing it in an instant.

Method 6. Snacks

Everyone knows perfectly well the popular wisdom “don’t eat after 6 pm” for quick weight loss. For many, this becomes a real evening challenge, and I was no exception. If there is a certain hour after which it is not recommended to eat, this does not mean that you should eat up 5 minutes before the end of the time, even if your appetite has not yet arrived. It is much healthier to eat or drink something light later: a glass of low-fat kefir or an apple. Almost all diets allow the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables with virtually no restrictions.

For me, the option with kefir and apple did not work: kefir made my stomach swell at night, and the apple made me want to eat even more. Through experience, I chose an orange for myself as an evening snack. And during the day, if I really wanted to eat, I chewed dried apricots (2-3 pieces per snack).

Method 7. Aromatherapy

Smells are close amazing properties, including some smells, make you feel full without eating food.

At first, aromatherapy seemed to me an absolutely useless way to combat hunger: I tried many different essential oils, lit aroma candles and incense, but I didn’t feel any effect. But once I walked into a coffee shop, I realized that I was simply using scents that didn’t suit me. And when I felt hungry again, I simply sniffed the coffee beans straight from the jar. Their aroma gave me a feeling of satiety and fullness, and the feeling of hunger immediately subsided.

Each person may have their own specific smell that will help fight hunger pangs during a diet.

Method 8. Gifts for yourself

If motivation is not enough to restrain yourself while following a diet, then you can set small goals for yourself on the way to the final result, and when you achieve them, be sure to please yourself with some small gift.

For example, for every three days of following the diet flawlessly, I always bought a small bouquet of flowers for myself. And the following days, looking at the flowers in the vase, I promised myself to endure one more small period of time. Thanks to the fact that I divided the entire course of the diet into fairly short periods, during which I created my own motivation and rewards, several weeks of the diet flew by absolutely unnoticed.

You can also please yourself with pleasant souvenirs, trips to spa treatments and other pleasant little things.

Method 9. Bet

This is one of the methods of motivation. I have never tried this method, but I know a family in which the couple bet a small amount that the wife would lose 5 kilograms in two weeks. As it turned out, the husband sincerely did not believe that there was a way to force his wife to reach the end of at least one diet. But it was precisely the desire to prove her willpower to her husband that ultimately helped the lady lose weight.

Which method should you choose when fighting hunger while dieting?

You can use at least all the options, or you can use only some as the most effective. I tried almost all the ways to deal with breakdowns during a diet and identified the most effective ones for myself.

Way Rating on a 5-point scale
Motivation 5
Psychological support 4
Distraction from thoughts about food 5
Correction of diet products 4
Drinking water 3
Snacks 3
Aromatherapy 4
Gifts for yourself 3
Bet 2

In the fight against the psychological mood while dieting, the main things for me were motivation (most often I go on diets in the spring on the eve of the swimming season) and activities that distract me from thoughts about food. Support from loved ones, replacing some diet foods with more favorite ones, and aromatherapy also helped.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

Formed over the years, eating habits take our body “hostage”. When we go on a diet, we hope that this time we will be able to stick with it to the end and... we break down again. Why does our body resist such a “noble” cause of getting rid of extra pounds?

15 ways to stay on your diet:

  1. Choose the optimal diet. When choosing a method of losing weight, proceed from the preferences of your own body. Some people like meat and seafood, others prefer vegetables and fruits.
  2. When visiting, give preference to “allowed” products. Locked at home, you are the mistress of your own refrigerator. There is no point in “commanding” guests by recommending healthy dishes. Fill your plate 80% with foods that are not forbidden to you, leaving 20% ​​for treasured treats.
  3. When going on a visit, take with you a dish with your usual dietary nutrition. Are you afraid of not being able to resist temptations? When visiting friends or your mother, prepare your own “diet delicacy” to enjoy during your visit.
  4. Allow yourself a little weakness by “working off” those extra calories in the gym. The more strictly you limit the body, the more it despises prohibitions and conventions. Occasionally treat yourself to something that you really want to eat, not forgetting about portion sizes and calorie content.
  5. Don't try to lose weight at an accelerated pace. A sharp refusal of high-calorie nutrition leads to metabolic disorders and mental disorders. The desire to lose extra pounds “here and now” is fraught with bulimia.
  6. Eliminate alcohol from your diet. Alcoholic drinks, in addition to their calorie content, pose the threat of reducing the ability to control one’s own eating behavior.
  7. Indulge yourself with delicious meals based on diet-allowed foods. Knowing that the chosen diet is based on foods that are unpalatable to you, you subconsciously set your body into “waiting for treats” mode.
  8. Support good mood– happy people want to eat less. Endorphins produced by the endocrine system are the strongest stimulants of the satiety center in the brain. Sports loads, stimulating the release of hormones, will help lift your mood and gain slim figure.
  9. Use appetite tricks. A glass of warm water with lemon, a cup of milk, and low-fat kefir will perfectly cope with hunger by deceiving the receptors.
  10. Prepare single servings. A fresh dish retains the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients, and the absence of a ready-made hearty dinner in the refrigerator will help you not to fall off your diet.

  11. Drink plenty of fluids. Berry fruit drinks, warm teas, still water are a great way to maintain water balance and stay on a diet.
  12. Encourage your family to follow the rules proper nutrition. The fewer temptations there are in your refrigerator, the greater the chances of not falling off your weight loss program.
  13. Enjoy every bite of your food. You should not combine watching TV, reading books, or working at the computer: in such a situation, the brain is not able to control the amount of food consumed.

  14. Lose weight with your friend, husband (if you can persuade it). exchanging delicious recipes By sharing your weight loss successes, you can successfully limit your appetite, striving to be “slimmer, prettier, healthier.”
  15. Do not go to visit, shops or cafes hungry. Feeling the aroma of delicious pastries, fried pork or a hamburger, it is difficult to remain indifferent. Therefore, when choosing a cafe/restaurant, give preference to a kitchen with dietary food, and go to the store after eating.
  16. When trying to lose weight on a diet, remember that the main success in achieving results is the right motivation. Trying to lose weight “in the name of love,” to the envy of your friends or to the pleasure of your spouse, you limit your own body’s ability to become healthy and strong.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


One of the most global problems, one can safely say - on a global scale, for the fair sex is excess weight. An almost manic desire to “lose weight” haunts every second woman on earth, regardless of whether she is an appetizing plump woman or can already hide behind a mop.

Methods for losing weight in our time are probably already in the tens of thousands, but all of them are nothing if there is no motivation.

What kind of animal is this - motivation, and where to look for it?

Motivation for losing weight - where to start, and how to find your true goal for losing weight?

The term “motivation” is usually used to describe a complex of individual motives that together spur a person to take specific actions.

Success without motivation is impossible, because without it, any attempts to achieve success are just self-torture. It is motivation that gives a charge of vivacity and an impetus to achieve the next step with joy and ease, with the inevitable pleasure from the very methods of achieving the goal.

But the desire to lose weight is not motivation. This is just a desire from the series “I want to go to Bali” and “I want rabbit fricassee for dinner.” And it will remain like this (“I’ll definitely start on Monday!”) until you find your motives for returning your body to a beautiful and healthy state.

How to look for them, and where to start?

  • Identify key tasks . What exactly do you want - to become more beautiful, tighten your contours, achieve powerful relief, simply “lose fat”, etc. Find your incentive to lose weight.
  • Having defined the task, we divide it into stages . Why is it important? Because it is impossible to achieve an unattainable goal, much less simply and quickly. You need to move towards your goal gradually, solving one small problem after another. If you decide to become a champion athletics after 25 years of sedentary office work, you will not become one either tomorrow or in a month. But this desire is quite realistic if you approach its implementation wisely.
  • When dividing a task into stages, you need to focus on enjoying the process. Hard labor will not bear fruit; only work on oneself, which brings joy, truly brings desired result. For example, it is very difficult to force yourself to run in the morning, but if at the end of the route there is a cafe with beautiful views and a cup of aromatic tea, it will be much more pleasant to run to it.
  • If you have motivation, a decision has been made and goals have been set, start right away. Don't wait for Mondays, New Year's, 8 am, etc. Only now - or never.

Main conclusion: Ten small goals are easier to achieve than one unattainable one.

Video: How to find your motivation for losing weight?

7 pushes that will make you lose weight - starting points in the psychology of losing weight

As we have found out, the road to success always begins with motivation. If you haven’t yet found your “why” and “why” to start taking action, then it’s time to reflect on them.

But first of all, make sure that you really need to lose weight so that you don’t have to fight being thin later.

Finding your motivation isn't that hard. The cornerstone of all topics about weight loss is excess weight.

And it is around him that all our motivators revolve:

  1. You can't fit into your favorite dresses and jeans. A very strong motivator, which often spurs girls to begin the process of losing weight. Many people even specifically buy something a size or two smaller, and work hard to fit into it and buy a new one, another size smaller.
  2. A gift to yourself, your beloved, for your efforts. Just beautiful body- this is not enough (as some people think), and besides it, there must be some kind of reward for yourself for all the work and torment, which will loom ahead, like a piece of ham that a dog runs after. For example, “I’ll lose weight to 55 kg and give myself a trip to the islands.”
  3. Love. This motivator is one of the most powerful. It is love that makes us make unimaginable efforts on ourselves and reach heights that we would never have achieved on our own. The desire to conquer a person or keep his love can work wonders.
  4. A good example to follow. It’s good if you have such an example before your eyes - some kind of authority that you want to emulate. For example, a friend or mother who, even at 50 years old, remains slim and beautiful because she works on herself every day.
  5. Losing weight for company. Oddly enough, and no matter what they say about this method (there are many opinions), it works. True, everything depends on the group – the team you work with. It’s great when this group of good friends who go in for sports, devote a lot of time to working on themselves, choose leisure. As a rule, group weight loss “for company” helps to achieve good results. But only in those groups where everyone supports each other.
  6. Health recovery. Problems and consequences excess weight familiar to everyone who is looking for ways to lose weight: shortness of breath and arrhythmia, heart problems, intimate problems, cellulite, gastrointestinal diseases and much more. What can we say about cases where life can directly depend on losing weight. In this case, working on yourself becomes simply necessary: ​​sports should become your second self.
  7. Criticism of one's own and ridicule of others. At best, we hear - “Oh, who has become such a chubby little thing among us” and “Wow, how crazy you are, mother”, at worst - “Move over, cow, you can’t get through,” etc. Such “amenities” are no longer a signal that it’s time to lose weight, but a real alarm bell. Let's run to the scales!
  8. “No, I don’t like swimming, I’ll just sit in the shade and look, and at the same time I’ll guard your things.” Often, losing weight begins with the desire to walk beautifully along the beach so that everyone will gasp at your swimsuit and its strong, elastic contents. But, as life shows, losing weight “by summer” is a meaningless process with temporary results if a sports lifestyle does not then become a habit.
  9. Set a personal example for your child. If your child constantly sits at the computer and is already beginning to spread out his body in a comfortable chair, then you will not change his lifestyle except by your own example. In most cases, sports parents have sports children who always follow the example of moms and dads.

Of course, there are many more motivators for losing weight. But it is important to find your own, individual, which will motivate you to great deeds and allow you to “stay in the saddle”, despite possible obstacles.

Video: Super motivation for losing weight!

How to maintain your motivation to lose weight even at well-laid tables and delicious family dinners, and not fall off your diet?

Anyone who has had to lose weight knows how difficult the process can be, and how easy it is to break down midway through the start - or even at the very beginning.

Therefore, it is important not only to find motivation, but also to maintain it without turning off the chosen path to the nearest fast food.

  • We are happy with any result! Even if you lost 200 g, that’s already good. And even if you lost 0 kg, that’s also good, because you gained 0.
  • Let's not forget about reasonable goals. We set only small tasks in which it is realistic to achieve results.
  • We use only those methods that bring joy. For example, you don't need to eat carrots and spinach if you hate them. You can replace them with boiled beef with a vegetable side dish. Moderation and the golden mean are important in everything. Look for a compromise with yourself. If you hate running, then there is no need to exhaust yourself with jogging - find another way of physical activity. For example, dancing at home to music, yoga, dumbbells. In the end, you can rent a couple of exercise machines at home, and then nothing will bother you at all - neither prying eyes, nor the need to drag yourself around. gym after work.
  • Don't expect quick results. And don't think about it at all. Just follow your goal - slowly, with pleasure.
  • Be sure to celebrate your victories. Of course, we are not talking about feasts with a lot of dishes, but about a reward for oneself for one’s efforts. Determine these rewards in advance. For example, a trip somewhere, a visit to a salon, etc.
  • Remove all large plates. Cook in minimal portions and get used to eating from small plates.
  • Use the benefits of civilization to your advantage . For example, applications that will help you in your work on yourself - calorie counters, counters of kilometers traveled per day, etc.
  • Keep a diary about your successes - and the methods of struggle themselves. It is advisable to keep it on the appropriate website, where your works will be of interest to people who are at war with overweight at the same time as you.
  • Don't be too hard and demanding on yourself - this is fraught with breakdown and depression, and then a rapid gain of even more significant weight. But at the same time, don’t let yourself fall short of your diet, workouts, etc. It is better to exercise for 10 minutes a day, but without exceptions and weekends, than for 1-2 hours, and periodically lazily “forgetting” about training. It is better to eat boiled chicken/beef than to suffer from the lack of meat in your diet at all.
  • Don't get hysterical if you find that you've gained weight again. Analyze why you gained weight, draw conclusions and act according to them.
  • Remember that only a few will sincerely believe in you. Or maybe no one will believe in you at all. But this is not your problem. Because you have your own tasks and your own life path. And you must prove that you have willpower not to them, but exclusively to yourself.
  • Don't weigh yourself every day. It's just no use. It is enough to climb on the scale once a week or two. Then the result will be really noticeable.
  • Don’t think that the buckwheat diet alone will give you back elastic ass like in my youth. Whatever business you take on, it will require an integrated approach. In this case, the diet should always be combined with physical activity and activity and lifestyle changes in general.

The main mistakes that in the fight against excess weight lead... to excess weight

Goal and motivation are important for success. And it seems that everything is clear and laid out on the shelves, but for some reason, as a result of this “cruel struggle” with extra centimeters, these extra centimeters are becoming more and more numerous.

Where is the mistake?

  • Fighting extra pounds. Yes, yes, it is this struggle that prevents you from losing those extra centimeters. Stop fighting excess weight - start enjoying the process of losing weight. Look for those methods, methods and diets that will bring you joy. Any “hard labor” in this matter is an obstacle to beautiful body contours. Remember, fighting weight and striving for lightness are two different motivations and, accordingly, tasks, both in goals and in the means of achieving them.
  • Motivation. Losing weight “for the summer” or for a specific number on the scale is the wrong motivator. Your purpose should be clearer, deeper, and truly powerful.
  • Negative attitude. If you are pre-prepared for a war with excess weight, and are even sure of your defeat (“I can’t”, “I can’t handle it”, etc.), then you will never achieve your goal. Look around. Many people who have successfully lost weight have regained not only ease of movement, but also the elasticity of new contours, because they didn’t just want it, but were clearly moving towards the goal. If it worked for them, then why can’t it work for you? Whatever excuses you come up with now in response to this question, remember: if you are not confident in yourself, then you have chosen the wrong motivation.
  • No need to give up food and then get depressed , greedily look into the plates of cafe visitors and make brutal raids on the refrigerator at night according to the principle “not a single cutlet will survive.” Why work yourself into hysteria? First, give up mayonnaise, bread, fast food and fatty foods. When you get used to replacing mayonnaise with olive oil, and rolls with biscuits, you can move to the second level - replacing the usual desserts (buns, cakes, candies and chocolates) with healthy ones. When you have an unbearable craving for sweets, you don’t need to rush to the store for a cake - bake yourself some apples with nuts and honey in the oven. Do your teeth constantly itch and want to chew on something? Make crackers from black bread with garlic in a frying pan and nibble to your health. The next level is replacing dinner with a milk-curd delicacy with minimal fat content, and so on. Remember that everything takes a habit. You won’t be able to just give up everything at once - your body will require an alternative. Therefore, first look for an alternative, and only then begin to prohibit yourself from everything - slowly, step by step.
  • High bar. It is important to know that the norm for weight loss, reasonable and healthy, with a long-term effect, is a maximum of 1.5 kg per week. Don't try to lose more! This will only harm the body (such extreme weight loss is especially dangerous for heart patients, as well as for kidney disease, etc.), in addition, the weight will quickly return back according to the “yo-yo” principle.

And, of course, remember that you need a complete and proper sleep schedule. After all, lack of sleep only provokes stress and the production of ghrelin (almost a “gremlin”) - hunger hormone.

Keep calm - and lose weight with pleasure!

Sooner or later this happens to every woman. You see a stunning dress in a store window and are already anticipating how stunning you will look in it at the next party. But when you try to try it on, all your dreams fall apart - it turns out that for some reason your arms have become rounder, “ears” have grown on your hips, and your size is no longer yours!

Horrified, you decide from now on to eat only kefir. At least until the weight returns to normal. Day one – kefir. Day two - also kefir, albeit with a creak. Day three - a friend suddenly comes to visit with a cake, and all your good intentions are forgotten...

Common situation? According to statistics, only 20% of those who lose weight are able to complete the task. The rest are freaking out. How to control yourself and prevent the refrigerator from being stormed, how to create a proper nutrition schedule and not deviate from it?

First of all, don't try to be the perfect weight loss person. Errors and errors are those things that no diet can do without. Don’t believe your friends who proudly talk about their heroism - “Can you imagine, three weeks on just buckwheat, not an ounce of fat!” This doesn't happen.

Tell me which one main mistake can you admit it? Give up on your diet after the first “breakdown” - “Oh, now does it really matter...”. Imagine that you slipped on the sidewalk and fell. What, are you just going to stay there? Or will you still get up and continue on your way? It's the same with diet. Don’t scold yourself with the last words, but smile and start all over again!

And now - several practical advice that will help you cope with food temptations.

1. Never eat in front of the TV, reading a book or computer, and do not combine food with telephone conversations. If you do this, you won’t even understand what exactly and how much you ate. The brain, busy communicating on social networks, the latest gossip or an exciting detective story, will not perceive either the aroma or taste of the food being consumed, and in such conditions you can eat much more than you planned! And at the same time - no pleasure...

2. 15 minutes before the start of your meal, drink a glass of clean water - lukewarm or at room temperature. Let this become your permanent rule. The water will fill part of your stomach, creating the illusion of fullness, and you won't be able to eat much.

3. Don’t forget that excess water in the body also means kilograms and centimeters on the waist, hips and other places. To prevent swelling, try to reduce your salt intake. This is not difficult to do, easier than it might seem at first glance. Nutritionists say that the habit of salting food is just a habit, and you can give it up quite painlessly. To start, put less salt in your prepared dishes than usual. After some time, you can completely abandon salt. If your husband or children are absolutely not ready to eat unsalted food, let them add salt to the food directly on their plates.

4. Remove all those huge soup plates and enormous bowls from the kitchen! Pour the first into beautiful half-portioned bowls, and place the second into saucers or dessert plates. At least for yourself! You will be surprised, but the feeling of fullness will begin to come much faster. You will have smaller portions if you eat from smaller dishes.

5. Don’t shop for groceries on an empty stomach! Your hands, against your will, will sweep into the cart everything that can be quickly eaten - after minimal or no preparation. Before you know it, you’ll have to pay for cheese, butter, pate, sausages, buns, cheesecakes, chips... Why do you need this mountain of food if you have a pot of soup and vegetable stew waiting at home? When going to the store, stock up on a carefully compiled list that includes only the products your family really needs.

6. Stop baking all the time! Have you noticed yet how everyone in your family is gaining weight? All this is because of the endless charlottes, cupcakes and pies! Of course, it’s very tasty, and your family is grateful to you for it. But is the momentary pleasure of a piece of chocolate pie worth giving up your favorite dress that you can’t fit into?

7. Don’t eat after... No, not 18, in fact, it’s all individual and depends on when you go to bed. The best thing is to have dinner no later than 19.00 or 19.30, ideally no later than 3 hours before bedtime. At the same time, remember: after dinner - no cookies with tea, chocolates in bed or sandwiches before bed! Well, of course, it is very advisable to eat something low-calorie for dinner: lean meat or fish, light soup, porridge and the like, and not Olivier, sprats or smoked sausage.

8. If you really want to throw something into your stomach before going to bed, try to trick it: drink a glass of warm water or milk. A feeling of satiety will come, and you will fall asleep peacefully.

9. While “dieting”, try to wear only tight clothes: a fitted sundress, a tight dress, tight jeans... Firstly, such clothes discipline you - you simply physically cannot eat an extra piece. Secondly, you will constantly remember that awesome dress that you (oh, horror!) did not fit into.

Staying on your diet is easy!

There are many incentives to stay on a diet. Here are just a few of them:

The diet will end someday, and you will be able to... Well, of course, not start eating cakes and chops, but just take a little break and allow yourself a little yummy food.

- Diet is a great way to feel self-respect: after all, every day you win a serious victory over your own appetite!

The diet allows your stomach and intestines to rest, and you feel light, your brain becomes clearer and begins to think much better.

As a result of a diet (any diet!), weight loss occurs. Even if it’s just a kilogram or two, you’ll lose weight!

Diet is a great way to free up a lot of time for something interesting and useful. After all, now instead of dinner you can go to theaters or concerts, walk in the park or watch new films...

Diet is an opportunity to demonstrate your resilience to your household and cause remorse in them: “Are you eating your terrible fatty sausage again? Ew, what disgusting, my porridge is delicious: both tasty and healthy!”

Just a little more - and you can easily fit into that same dress, feeling pride and real happiness!