Calculation of physical points for women of the sixth group. Physical standards of military personnel of special forces of the armies of the world

approved at the legislative level. The physical training of the military is considered as the main element of their combat readiness, therefore, a whole program of assessment in this direction has been developed for every citizen who has joined the ranks of the Russian army.

When the level of physical fitness of a soldier is checked

The duties of each soldier include systematic physical exercises. Contractors and conscripts must engage in physical training for at least 5 hours a week, and cadets and students of military universities - 4 training hours a week.

The results of classes are subject to control and accounting. The commander or head of physical training and sports controls the level of physical training of a serviceman, and they are also responsible for accounting for physical training. The instruments of accounting and control are practical checks of military personnel, during which they pass the standards for physical training.

Condition assessment physical fitness military personnel takes place in the manner prescribed in the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Manual on physical training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" No. 200 dated April 21, 2009. In accordance with this order, military personnel, depending on their position, are tested for the level of physical fitness in the following cases:

  • Conscripts - during the first 2 weeks after arrival in the unit for service.
  • Contractors - before signing and renewing the contract, as well as quarterly throughout the entire period of service.
  • Cadets and students of military universities - when passing entrance exams, and in the process of training during intermediate and final certification, as well as during inspections.

Another reason for checking the level of physical fitness of a serviceman is his appointment to a higher position.

Differences in standards for certain categories of military personnel

All servicemen to assess their physical fitness are conditionally divided into 3 categories:

  • Category No. 1 - employees of special forces units, reconnaissance, airborne, airborne assault arms and marines.
  • Category No. 2 - personnel of military units, cadets and students of military universities.
  • Category 3 consists of supply, technical, medical and other service personnel.

Such a division is quite understandable, because the level of physical training of fighters on the front line should be much higher than that of those who are engaged in providing troops.

But, besides the fact that military personnel are divided into categories, the standards for contract soldiers are set depending on age and gender. As a result, the Table for assessing physical fitness, approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200, includes the following categories of military personnel:

  • Candidates for a military university:
    • male;
    • female and civilian youth.
    • Conscripts:
      • employees less than 6 months;
      • employees for more than 6 months.
    • Cadets:
      • 1st course;
      • 2nd course;
      • 3rd year and older.
    • Contractors aged:
      • up to 25 years;
      • 25-29 years old;
      • 30-34 years old;
      • 35-39 years old;
      • 40-44 years old;
      • 45-49 years old;
      • 50-54 years old;
      • 55 years and older.
    • Military women aged:
      • up to 25 years;
      • 25-29 years old;
      • 30-34 years old;
      • 35-39 years old;
      • 40-44 years old;
      • 45 years and older.

Don't know your rights?

What exercises are included in the test program

Assessment of the level of physical training occurs in several directions at once. The exercises are divided into groups to assess the strength, agility, endurance, speed of a soldier. Applied military skills are also subject to assessment.

To assess agility, a soldier can jump in length and over a goat. Crossbar exercises and squats indicate strength, running on short distances helps to determine the speed of a soldier, and over long distances his endurance. To assess military applied skills, a soldier makes forced marches of various duration and shows the level of hand-to-hand combat skills.

A detailed list of exercises that can be used to assess the level of physical training of a serviceman is enshrined in Appendix No. 17 to the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200. But in the course of passing the standards, not all exercises from the list are performed in a row.

Specific exercises are assigned taking into account the orientation of the military-professional activity of the examinee. From each group of exercises, only one is selected, according to which they pass the standards. At the same time, passing standards for mastering military-applied skills may exclude the need to pass standards for dexterity.

For recruits who have just arrived in the unit, the program for checking the level of physical fitness includes: pull-ups, 100-meter run and 1-km run. And those entering a military university pass pull-ups, a 100-meter run, a 3-kilometer run, and a 100-meter swim.

How results are evaluated

each exercise a soldier can receive an assessment:

  • Great;
  • Fine;
  • satisfactorily;
  • unsatisfactory.

The evaluation process itself takes place taking into account the points scored for each exercise. But retaking in order to increase the grade is not allowed. Each soldier can make only one approach. This rule does not apply only to those persons who were sick or injured at the time of the check.

For each serviceman, a card is issued for recording the results of physical training checks, which displays marks for the exercises performed. These data are duplicated in the consolidated statements of the results of the audit of the unit.

Consequences of failure to meet physical fitness standards

Passing all the standards is the duty of every soldier. To those who showed especially high results, incentive measures may be applied - for example, a contractor may be given cash reward.

But what awaits those individuals who have not passed the standards? Of course, conscripts will not be expelled from the army for this, they will continue to serve, systematically training, and thereby increasing their level of physical training.

For contractors, the prospect is not so joyful. To begin with, they will be assigned a second check after 5 months. The serviceman should use this period to improve his physical abilities. Repeated failure leads to the appointment of an attestation commission, where the question of the possibility of further being a contract soldier in the ranks of the army will be considered.

But it is impossible to enter a military university without a suitable level of physical fitness. There is the passing of standards for physical education regarded as an entrance exam. The same applies to the desire to get into the army under a contract - to fulfill it, you need to have a certain level of physical fitness.

An assessment of the level of physical training of a soldier takes place when passing the standards. The requirements themselves differ depending on the place of service, age and gender of the serviceman. Types of exercises, standards and the procedure for their delivery are fixed at the legislative level. And in order to successfully pass the test, each military man must systematically train, increasing his level of physical fitness.

Each recruit or contract soldier joining the ranks of the Russian army, regardless of age, gender, and conditions of service, must have certain physical skills. Its main goal is to improve the quality of the ability of personnel to perform any combat missions assigned to them. But the standards for physical training for military personnel should differ depending on the gender of the person serving.

Class frequency

Preparatory and practical activities for physical training are held regularly throughout the entire period of service and training of cadets of specialized educational institutions.

At the same time, contracted employees, as well as persons undergoing military service, must work out at least five hours a week, students at universities and cadets - at least four hours.

The sports readiness of persons serving is subject to periodic inspection by the units, or by the heads of physical training with the obligatory consideration of the results. Handing over practical tests is an important stage of any service. During the inspection, the level of combat readiness of everyone in military service is assessed.

The procedure for checking contractors and contractors is enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 200. Based on this NLA, employees of the armed forces are tested in 2019 in the following order:

In addition to the listed reasons, checking the level sports training mandatory for persons appointed to higher officer positions.

Differences in passing standards

The level of combat readiness is different for people of different sex and age groups, depending on the conditions of service and the type of troops of the formation. In this regard, the division of standards is as follows:

  • applicants of specialized military educational institutions: boys and girls from among civilians.
  • conscription recruits: less than six months of service and more than six months of service.
  • students of the first, second, third and more senior courses, respectively.
  • contractors: by age categories;
  • women: by age categories.

Depending on belonging to one or another of the above groups, a minimum score is set for passing each test.

Checking the sports training of each individual category is carried out in several areas, allowing to assess the level of various areas of combat readiness.

Regulations for conscripts

The verification of the physical training of conscripts is carried out in the same main areas as the assessment of the preparedness of contract soldiers. Army regulations include the following exercises:

Type of exercise
Forcepower lifting with a coup on the horizontal bar and pulling up.
speed dataovercoming short distances, shuttle running.
Endurance levelovercoming long distance, or a ski race (five kilometers),
Agilityvault over a projectile with bent legs and spaced apart, techniques and tactics of hand-to-hand combat.
Army Skillstechniques of hand-to-hand combat, a forced march with full gear, a distance of five kilometers, a power complex associated with overcoming an obstacle course.

PHYSICAL standards for boys

Physio standards for girls

Standards for contractors

FIZO standards for military men

Assessment of the sports readiness of a person undergoing contract service, depending on the age group, includes the following types of compulsory exercises:

Sports training category Type of exercise
Forcehorizontal bar: pull-ups, lifting with a coup, raising legs in the hang, bench press in the prone position, bars: flexion and extension movements of the arms in support, snatch and push of the kettlebell.
speed dataovercoming short distances, swimming and shuttle running.
Enduranceovercoming long distances (from four hundred meters to five kilometers), gong skiing (five kilometers) and swimming five hundred meters, a set of exercises for strength
Agilityjump over a projectile, and for certain age categories - hand-to-hand combat techniques without the use of weapons and with them.
Army Skills strength exercises, associated with movement along the obstacle course, forced march with full gear, projectile throwing and long jumps.

The specifics of contract service requires the military to spend a lot of mental and strength effort. Therefore, the delivery of qualification certification is held at a higher level.

Persons who have passed the highest level of physical fitness, namely those who have scored 75 points or more, have the right to count on a bonus supplement to their basic salary.

Regulations for women

When drawing up programs for checking the physical form of this category of military personnel, the characteristics of the female body were taken into account. Therefore, they differ from the standard army indicators, and the standards intended for male contractors.

FIZO standards for military women

A set of testing exercises for women includes:

Age limits

Evaluation of results

During the test, each exercise performed is evaluated separately. The Ministry of Defense introduced a 100-point system. In total, in the examination standings, as a rule, 4-5 exercises. Overall result passing the attestation commission is assessed as in the university with an assessment from "unsatisfactory" to "excellent", based on the performance for each exercise.

At the same time, any standard is passed the first time, and in case of receiving a low grade, there is no possibility of retaking it for a higher score.

And if an unsatisfactory grade does not in any way affect the further passage of the conscript's service, then for a contract soldier the failure of the exam, that is, a score of less than 35 points, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense, is reflected in the cash bonus. They are given six months to train and retake sports standards. In the event of another failure, such a situation can have sad consequences, up to the termination of the service contract.

As for applicants who have not yet signed a contract, the inability to pass the standards for physical training for military personnel deprives them of the opportunity to serve under the contract. The same applies to applicants entering military institutions.

Based on the results of annual checks of the degree of combat capability, regardless of gender, age and rank, military personnel are recertified. On the basis of which, it is possible to rotate individual personnel to other places for service.

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Recently, the contract forces of the Russian army have been increasingly replenished with new personnel. The reasons for this are quite simple, the fact is that since the beginning of the 2010s, the government has significantly improved material support and introduced a number of criteria for the fulfillment of which military personnel are entitled to a bonus in one size or another. One of these bonuses is for excellent physical fitness to incentivize the military to keep fit. Today we’ll talk about what the military is paid extra for and we’ll analyze in more detail what constitutes an additional payment for any level of FIZO.

What is the salary of the military at the moment

There are several criteria at once that form the wages of military personnel who serve on a contract basis. As we said above, the government has previously taken care of this issue in order to attract more military personnel to the ranks. Let's talk in more detail about what people who are the bastion of the security of our country receive money for:

  1. Bid.
  2. Excellent Service Awards.
  3. Salary for obtaining various military ranks.
  4. Bonus for years of service and qualifications.
  5. Additional payment for military service in special conditions.
  6. The allowance accrued to the military, who have a higher legal education.
  7. Material aid.
  8. Supplement for work with state secrets.
  9. Other.

The category of other payments also includes an additional payment for excellent physical fitness. In addition to all these allowances, the state also attended to a significant simplification of the conditions for military personnel to receive their own apartments. The military receives special subsidies for the purchase of housing, the amount of which can depend on several factors. You can calculate their size using calculators posted on the websites of the Ministry of Defense, Nachfin and many others.

It is from this that the basis for providing the army of the Russian Federation is formed. Next, we’ll talk in more detail about what constitutes an allowance for excellent physical fitness at various levels.

How is the FIZO surcharge calculated?

Every soldier must take care of himself and maintain himself in great shape. However, not relying on the consciousness of some personnel, the Ministry of Defense issued a decree in 2010, according to which military personnel are entitled to a monthly allowance for success in the FIZO. The same order also established the amount of these same surcharges, the interest rate for which remains valid in 2018 and will continue in 2019. Let's talk in more detail, how much is due to military personnel who were able to achieve some success in this matter (all percentages are calculated at the official rate):

  • for those contractors who correspond to the third level of training, a bonus of 50% of the official salary is due;
  • persons whose physical fitness is assessed at the second level will receive a surcharge, which is equal to 60%;
  • for the 1st level of qualification in FIZO, a soldier can expect to receive a monthly amount equal to 80% of the salary;
  • if the military, according to the results of the tests, is assigned the highest level of qualification, the allowance will be 100%.

However, additional payments for physical training are assigned not only on the basis of qualification levels. There is an additional allowance for privates, sergeants and officers who achieve success in sports. In particular, for military personnel who receive sports ranks, the following monthly incentives are provided (as a percentage of the official salary):

  • first sports category for military-applied sports receive an additional payment, which is 150%;
  • candidates for the master of sports for certain sports disciplines receive a salary increase equal to 200%;
  • 300% of the official salary is due to the military who managed to achieve the title of Master of Sports (MS), Honored MS or MS of international class.

As for the timing of payments to military personnel, those who were able to complete a particular level of qualification and confirm it at least once receive a monthly mandatory additional payment in a certain amount for one year. Regardless of whether a private, sergeant or officer receives a bonus, the basis for her appointment is the order of the direct commander or superior. Those military personnel who have passed two checks during the past year, of which one is considered intermediate, and the other an inspector, are eligible to receive such encouragement.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed and adopted special evaluation criteria, which consist of a certain amount points. All of them are assigned for the performance of certain exercises, provided that the soldier fulfills the minimum threshold for each of them. A special table of the smallest criteria was adopted, upon fulfillment of which a certain score is set, which can range from three to five. According to their results, at the end, the general level of qualification is set. Requirements may vary depending on:

  • gender;
  • age;
  • military categories.

After both checks, when the person fulfills all the requirements, the level of the allowance is determined. If the results shown by the military differ, the payment is set according to the lowest result shown. Then the senior officers issue an order for the appointment of surcharges. It is based on:

  • physical form sheets, which are filled out based on the results of the inspections;
  • documents that confirm that the military has any sporting achievements, assigned ranks and titles.

As for students and cadets who study in higher educational institutions of a military orientation, they pass all the necessary tests during the sessions. The principle is similar: in order to receive allowances, it is necessary to pass the standards in both periods. At the same time, cadets are also divided into three categories, in particular:

  1. First course.
  2. Second course.
  3. Third year and up.

The principle of calculating the allowance is no different for either the military or the cadets. After the issuance of the order based on the results of the release of the relevant documents, the incentive is paid monthly, throughout the year. Funds for such payments are allocated from the budget column, which is aimed at the monetary supply of military personnel. The payment is made together with the accrual of monthly wages on a par with all other allowances.

The state takes care of its own security, so the military have fairly good conditions for life and work. At the same time, for those who do not sit up in the office chair, but regularly work on themselves and keep fit, additional incentives are provided, which are calculated based on the official salary. Therefore, keep yourself in excellent physical form, receive sports achivments and ranks, earn much more than you received before!

Male. A version for military women is in development. We kindly request that if you find an error or inconsistency, write about it in the comments at the end of the article.

In 2009, the Minister of Defense issued Order No. 200 "On the Approval of the Manual on Physical Training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." Based on this document, and guidelines for checking physical training in the Armed Forces for the current year, a real online FIZO calculator for military personnel is working. In it, you can quickly calculate points based on the standards in 2019.

Categories of military personnel and estimates

Despite the modern equipment of the army, where, it would seem, the use of physical effort is not required, the military still must comply with the standards for physical training, and no one questions this requirement. Technique, no matter how perfect it may be, can fail, and then the outcome of the battle depends only on the strength, endurance, and dexterity of the soldier. For this reason, the above documents enshrine those forms and methods of training military personnel in Russia that have been used for decades in the Soviet Union.

Evaluation criteria depend on the category to which the employee belongs. They are different for:

  • urgent service;
  • contract services;
  • those studying at universities in military departments;
  • ensigns or midshipmen and officers;
  • employees of special units.

Separately, standards are also provided for the female gender, both for technical and staff areas, and for combat units, as well as for applicants from relevant educational institutions.

Strength, Agility and Endurance

Evaluation of training is carried out in several directions in the same way. Exercises are divided into strength, development of dexterity, speed and endurance of an employee. Applied military skills are also assessed.

For example, for agility, there are long jumps and over a goat. Squats and the crossbar show training for strength. Races allow you to determine the speed of an employee for short distances, endurance - for long distances. With the help of forced marches of one or another duration, the level of military-applied skills is determined.

Regulation No. 17 to the above Order of the Minister of Defense defines a detailed list of all exercises, however, when passing standards, it is not required to perform everything in a row. They are appointed based on the performance of the employee. One exercise is selected from each group, and it must be completed in order to pass the standard.

For example, recruits who arrived in the HF must pull themselves up, run distances of 100 m and 1 km. Those who enter the university must pull themselves up, run distances of 100 m and 3 km, and also swim 100 m.

Evaluation of results

For each of the exercises, an employee can receive a rating of "excellent", "good", "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory". The evaluation process as a whole is carried out by scoring points for all exercises separately, but it will not work to retake to increase the mark. Each employee is allowed only one approach, however, this procedure does not apply to persons who are ill or injured during the inspection.

Individual cards are issued for employees, taking into account the results of physical. preparation. The same data is reflected in the statement of the results of the audit.

Consequences of failure

Employees are required to pass all standards. All those who received an excellent mark are expected to receive various incentives, including monetary rewards. If the standards are not passed, then the consequences depend on the category.

The conscripts will continue their service, increasing the level of physical fitness, while the contract soldiers will be assigned a 5-month check. If the standards are not passed again, then the question is raised about the prospect of finding an army man in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces. It will not be possible to enter the military department at all without the proper level of training. The standards here are evaluated like an exam. The same conditions apply to those wishing to join the army on a contract basis.

Chapter 7

General provisions

215. The commander (chief) systematically checks, analyzes and evaluates the level of physical fitness of servicemen subordinate to him, the state of physical fitness in subordinate military command and control bodies, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces.

216. Physical fitness testing is carried out in order to determine the level of physical fitness of military personnel. Verification is carried out:

during the first two weeks of service of military conscripts who arrived at the military unit for its replenishment;

before signing by citizens of the contract on military service and when it is extended;

during the period of entrance (examinations) tests of candidates for admission to military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense;

quarterly (including control and final) - military personnel undergoing military service by contract;

in the process of training cadets and trainees during current control, intermediate and final certification, during inspections;

upon appointment to a higher position.

Checking the state of physical training in military command and control bodies, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces, as well as the quality of physical training management is carried out during inspections, final and control checks, while the timing of the checks is determined at least 3 months before the start of the check. The duration of the check is: for a battalion and its equal - up to 3 days; for a regiment and its equal - up to 6 days; for a brigade - up to 10 days; for connection and its equal - up to 14 days; for military authorities - up to 6 days.

217. Testing of physical fitness from a military unit and above is carried out with the obligatory participation of specialists in physical training.

218. In the course of an audit of the directorates of military units and organizations of the Armed Forces, commanders (chiefs) and their deputies are necessarily involved in the audit.

219. At the end of the training period, school year physical fitness is checked before the start of the final check (control classes) according to a separate plan, during the period necessary for 100% coverage of military personnel.

220. In military educational institutions, at the end of each odd-numbered semester of training, tests are held with an assessment in physical fitness, and exams are held at the end of even-numbered semesters. At examinations and tests, starting from the 2nd semester of study, students and cadets are additionally checked for theoretical and organizational and methodological readiness.

221. When checking a military educational institution, the following is assessed:

the level of physical fitness of military personnel (variable and permanent composition);

the level of theoretical and organizational and methodological readiness of the commanders of educational units, cadets and students;

the state of physical training and sports-mass work in the inspected units and the military educational institution.

222. In training military units, at the end of training, a final exam is held, which tests the level of physical fitness of military personnel. Cadets studying under the program of squad commanders and their peers are additionally tested for the level of theoretical and organizational-methodical preparedness.

223. Based on the results of checking the physical fitness of a military unit, the following are evaluated and determined:

the level of physical fitness of military personnel;

the level of physical training of units;

theoretical knowledge and organizational and methodological skills of unit commanders;

quality of physical training management;

positive experience and shortcomings in the management of physical training and their causes;

necessary measures to improve physical training in the military unit and subdivisions.

Checking and evaluating the physical fitness of military personnel

224. During the academic year, a serviceman must be tested and evaluated on the physical exercises of the training program.

225. To test physical fitness, military personnel are divided into categories depending on the characteristics of military professional activity (hereinafter referred to as categories):

category N 2: personnel of the main units and combat support units (except those indicated in category N 1) of military units of the branches (arms of service) of the Armed Forces, directorates of formations, military units; students and cadets of universities;

category N 3: servicemen of subdivisions of material, technical and medical support, repair and maintenance, formations (brigades) of surface ships and submarines, military bands, variable composition of training military units (contractual servicemen - cadets). Servicemen doing military service in military command and control bodies (from the command of the association and above), in organizations of the Armed Forces.

Military personnel of units not included in categories N 1 and 2 belong to category N 3.

226. The assessment of the level of physical fitness of military personnel is determined by the sum of points received by them for performing exercise taking into account the fulfillment of the minimum threshold level in each exercise, according to the table for assessing the physical fitness of military personnel (Appendix N 16 to this Manual).

The list of physical exercises for checking and assessing the level of development of physical qualities and motor skills of military personnel (Appendix N 17 to this Manual) (hereinafter referred to as the List of physical exercises) is proposed by physical training specialists and approved by the commanders (chiefs) conducting the check. Contracted servicemen are given the right to choose exercises from those offered.

Physical exercises for general or speed endurance are assigned for verification in all cases, and the rest - taking into account the passage of the program and the stages of military professional activity according to the List of physical exercises. The level of development of each physical quality and motor skill is checked for no more than one exercise (except for military personnel of the military command and control bodies from the management of the joint strategic command and above), while when checking for exercises N 48 , , , endurance exercises are not assigned and submitted for verification 3-4 exercises. Agility exercises can be replaced by military-applied skills exercises.

For military personnel of military command and control bodies from the management of the joint strategic command and above, it is allowed to perform two exercises for the selected physical quality, subject to the mandatory performance of exercise N 46 for endurance.

227. Conscripted servicemen are checked according to the exercises of the physical training program, which characterize the main physical qualities and applied military skills, which are defined in the types (arms of service) of the Armed Forces.

229. Performing physical exercises in order to improve the score obtained is not allowed.

230. During the test, physical exercises are performed in the following sequence: agility exercises, speed exercises, strength exercises, hand-to-hand combat techniques, endurance exercises, overcoming obstacles, swimming and exercises as part of a unit.

All physical exercises assigned for testing are performed, as a rule, within one day. Exercises to assess general endurance and military applied skills can be performed on different days.

In some cases, the order of performing physical exercises can be changed.

231. Checking the physical fitness of military personnel is carried out, as a rule, in sportswear clothing, with the exception of physical exercise, for which only military uniform clothes.

To award points to military personnel performing exercises in difficult conditions, amendments to the results for performing the exercise are taken into account (Appendix N 18 to this Manual).

232. A serviceman who has not completed the assigned physical exercise is assessed as "unsatisfactory".

If it is impossible for servicemen to perform physical exercise due to illness or injury, the inspector determines an exercise of the same quality, while assessing the individual practical preparedness of the serviceman.

If a soldier refuses to take a physical fitness test without a good reason, then he is rated "unsatisfactory".

Military personnel involved in the performance of service in daily duty, combat duty and other duty units (forces) of the military unit are not involved in the check. He determines a separate day for passing the physical fitness test.

233. Testing of military personnel in swimming is carried out at a water temperature not lower than plus 18 ° C; cross-country skiing and march on skis - at an air temperature not lower than minus 20 ° C, with a wind of 5-10 m / s - not lower than minus 15 ° C, with a wind of 10-15 m / s - not lower than minus 10 ° C; for other physical exercises - not lower than minus 15°С, not higher than plus 35°С.

234. Scoring for performing physical exercises is carried out in accordance with the Scoring Tables in accordance with Appendix No. 14 to this Manual.

235. In the absence of standards that have a numerical expression, the performance of exercises is evaluated:

"excellent" - if the exercise was performed according to the description, without errors, easily and confidently, minor errors were made during landing;

"good" - if the exercise was performed according to the description, confidently, but minor errors were made (insufficient range of motion, not big bend legs and arms, performing a power element with a slight swing or a swing element with a slight boost, touching the projectile without losing pace);

"satisfactory" - if the exercise was performed according to the description, but uncertainly and with significant errors (significant bending and spreading of the legs, large bending of the arms and body, performing a power element with a jerk, and a swing element with a significant boost, a stop was made or extra swings were added, no extension in dismount);

"unsatisfactory" - if the exercise is not completed or distorted (skipping an element, falling from a projectile, in vaults - pushing with one foot or busting with hands).

236. The scoring equivalent of a serviceman's assessment for exercises that do not have a numerical expression is determined by:

"excellent" - 75 points;

"good" - 60 points;

"satisfactory" - 40 points;

"unsatisfactory" - 0 points.

The estimated equivalent of points for one exercise is determined in accordance with Appendix N 19 to this Manual.

238. When checking in volume initial complex hand-to-hand combat (RB-N), general (RB-1) and special (RB-2, RB-3) complexes, a serviceman sequentially performs five techniques assigned for verification. Instead of one of the techniques in the assessment of the complexes RB-1 and RB-2, by decision of the inspector, complexes of techniques for 8 counts with and without weapons may be included.

239. The performance of individual techniques, as well as complexes of techniques for 8 counts with weapons and without weapons, is evaluated:

"excellent" - if the reception is performed according to the description, quickly and confidently;

"good" - if the reception is performed according to the description, but not quickly and confidently enough;

"satisfactory" - if the technique was performed according to the description, but slowly and with a violation of the unity of movement or a loss of balance was allowed, but the ultimate goal was achieved;

"unsatisfactory" - if the reception is not performed or performed not in accordance with the description.

Additionally, when evaluating sets of techniques for 8 counts with and without weapons, the execution time is taken into account:

"excellent" - no more than 7 s (8 s - with a gun);

"good" - no more than 8 s (9 s - with a gun);

"satisfactory" - no more than 9 s (10 s - with a gun);

"unsatisfactory" - more than 9 s (10 s - with a gun).

240. Overall score for hand-to-hand combat is made up of marks for the performance of individual techniques included in various groups of the RB-N, RB-1, RB-2 complexes (combat techniques with weapons; combat techniques with a hand and foot; techniques for freeing the enemy from captures; techniques for disarming the enemy; pain techniques and strangulation , throws, special moves) and exhibited:

"excellent" - if more than half of the ratings are excellent, and the rest are not lower than good;

"good" - if more than half of the ratings are good, and the rest are not lower than satisfactory;

"satisfactory" - if half or more of the grades are satisfactory, if there are no unsatisfactory ones, or if one grade is unsatisfactory, if there is at least one grade not lower than good;

"unsatisfactory" - if more than one unsatisfactory mark is received.

241. When evaluating a "combat situation", a soldier must perform one of next steps: protective-response actions; disarming the enemy (without knowing the nature of his attacking actions and the type of weapon used); release from capture, special techniques; painful holds (throws) immediately after the inspector's command.

Previously, the serviceman stands with his back to the "enemy" at a distance of 2 m from him and after a signal of his readiness, at the command of the inspector: "FORWARD" turns to the attacker with a jump, takes the preparation for battle and performs a reception (action). Without a turn, releases from a capture from behind or disarming are performed when a weapon is threatened point-blank from behind and during escort.

To perform throws and painful holds, the inspector first calls the hold, then commands: "FORWARD", after which the serviceman turns, approaches the assistant and performs the hold.

The performance of a reception (action) in a "combat situation" is assessed:

"excellent" - if the serviceman managed to defend himself from an enemy attack, while:

carried out a counterattack

made a throw with a finishing blow,

performed a painful hold or marked a suffocating hold,

carried out an effective escort or "destroyed" the enemy.

"good" - if the reception (action) is performed without stops, technically correct, but not fast enough;

"satisfactory" - if the reception (action) is performed with a violation of unity and speed, loss of balance during throws, a fall is allowed, but the ultimate goal is achieved;

"unsatisfactory" - if the reception (action) was not performed, grossly distorted, or the serviceman did not defend himself and did not carry out counterattack actions.

The rating of a serviceman in hand-to-hand combat (RB-3) is made up of the marks received for performing the assigned techniques, the hand-to-hand combat complex for 8 accounts and actions in a "combat situation".

242. To evaluate a serviceman according to a special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-3), five techniques provided for by the training program are assigned from various groups, which are evaluated according to Art. 240, one of the hand-to-hand combat techniques for 8 counts with or without weapons (estimated according to Art. 239) and "combat situation" (estimated according to Art. 241).

The overall score for the implementation of the special complex RB-3 is given:

"excellent" - if two marks are excellent (including for the "combat situation") and one is not lower than good;

"good" - if two ratings are good (including for the "combat situation") and one is not lower than satisfactory;

"satisfactory" - if more than half of the ratings are satisfactory with no unsatisfactory ratings, or if one unsatisfactory rating is received with a good rating for the "combat situation".

The point equivalent of a soldier's assessment in hand-to-hand combat is determined in accordance with paragraph 236.

243. When checking military personnel for physical exercises performed as part of a unit, the number of points and an individual assessment of the physical fitness of a soldier is determined by the assessment received by the unit.

245. The assessment and qualification level of the physical fitness of a serviceman are made up of the number of points received by him for performing all the physical exercises assigned for testing, subject to the fulfillment of the minimum threshold level in each exercise, and are determined in accordance with the Table for assessing the physical fitness of military personnel in accordance with Appendix N 16 to this Instruction.

Inspection and evaluation of military personnel conducting physical training classes, students and cadets of military educational institutions, cadets of training military units training squad commanders and their equals

246. The theoretical preparedness of military personnel conducting physical training classes, students and cadets of military educational institutions, cadets of training military units who train squad commanders and their equals, is checked in accordance with the topics of theoretical and methodological classes.

Theoretical knowledge is tested by the method of oral or written survey. During the test, the soldier answers one question from the physical training program. The level of theoretical knowledge is assessed:

"excellent" - if the answer to the question posed is essentially correct and complete;

"good" - if the answer to the question posed is essentially correct, but not complete enough or stated with errors that are insignificant in meaning;

"satisfactory" - if the answer to the question posed is basically correct, but stated incompletely or with some significant errors;

"unsatisfactory" - if the answer does not reveal the essence of the question posed.

247. The organizational and methodological readiness of military personnel conducting classes, students and cadets of military educational institutions, cadets of training military units preparing squad commanders and their equals, is checked and evaluated by the quality of the implementation of a methodological task, including practical actions for organizing and conducting physical training. The specific content of tasks for checking the organizational and methodological readiness of military personnel is determined in accordance with physical training programs. According to the decision of the checking task, they are carried out in whole or in part.

248. The quality of the implementation of the methodological task is assessed:

"excellent" - if the task is completed correctly and confidently;

"good" - if the task is done correctly, but not confident enough;

"satisfactory" - if the task was performed correctly, but uncertainly, and with minor errors;

"unsatisfactory" - if the task is not completed or performed uncertainly and with gross errors.

When evaluating the fulfillment of a task for conducting physical training, the following are taken into account:


drill bearing;

command knowledge;

the ability to name, clearly show and explain the exercise, choose a rational methodology for conducting a lesson, a methodology for teaching exercises, techniques and actions, prevent and correct errors, carry out insurance and provide assistance, determine the condition of trainees and correctly dose their physical activity.

249. In the process of training, at the end of the training period and the academic year, during inspections (comprehensive checks), examinations in military educational institutions, when checking the theoretical and organizational and methodological preparedness of military personnel, examination tickets are drawn up.

250. Verification of the theoretical and organizational and methodological readiness of military personnel is carried out, as a rule, before the military personnel fulfill practical standards for physical training.

251. The overall assessment of the physical training of class leaders, students and cadets of military educational institutions, cadets of training military units, training commanders of departments and their equals, is made up of assessments of their practical, theoretical and organizational and methodological readiness and is determined by:

"excellent" - if two marks are excellent (including for practical preparedness) and one is not lower than good;

"good" - if two marks are good (including for practical preparedness) and one is not lower than satisfactory;

"satisfactory" - if more than half of the marks are satisfactory with no unsatisfactory marks, or if one unsatisfactory mark is received with an excellent mark for practical preparedness;

"unsatisfactory" - if the conditions for the assessment "satisfactory" are not met.

Checking and evaluating the quality of physical training management

255. During inspections of military units and military educational institutions, the quality of the physical training department is assessed with the definition of the criterion:

a) "meets the specified requirements":

the necessary orders are developed in a timely and qualitative manner, the state of physical training is analyzed, and its results are regularly summed up;

planning of physical training ensures the solution of general and special tasks of physical improvement of military personnel; the amount of time devoted to physical training and mass sports work, complies with the requirements of the governing documents;

systematically conducted theoretical, instructor-methodical and demonstrative classes with officials;

daily control over the organization of physical training in the units;

accounting data correspond to the actual state of physical training and mass sports work;

timely, according to the established forms, reporting data are submitted;

the state of the educational and material base allows for physical training classes;

the planned activities for physical training and mass sports work are carried out in a timely and organized manner;

shortcomings identified during previous inspections are eliminated in a timely manner and in full.

b) "does not meet the established requirements":

if two or more of the listed elements are not fulfilled or the accounting data does not correspond to the actual state of physical training and sports and mass work.

The results of the physical training management quality check are reflected in the check report and reported to higher commanders (chiefs).

When evaluating the quality of physical training management "does not meet the established requirements" overall score the body of military administration, military unit and organization of the Armed Forces for physical training is reduced by one point.

Requirements for the physical fitness of citizens entering military service under a contract

260. The physical fitness of citizens entering military service under a contract is assessed based on the results and conditions for performing three exercises, which are performed, as a rule, in sportswear for one day in accordance with Appendix No. 20 to this Manual.

Citizens entering military service under a contract have the right to choose to perform one of the exercises for each physical quality.

In case of non-fulfillment of the minimum standard in one of the exercises, the requirements for those entering the military service under the contract are considered not fulfilled.

The results of checking the level of physical fitness of citizens entering the military service under the contract are entered into the card for recording the results of practical checks on physical fitness and level sports preparedness and are kept until the expiration date.

Requirements for the physical fitness of military personnel under the contract

261. The physical fitness of contract servicemen is determined in accordance with the category and age group, while the number of exercises must correspond to:

for contract servicemen: category 1 - 5th exercises for 1-4 age groups (for dexterity, speed, strength, endurance and military applied skills), 4 exercises for the 5th age group (for speed or agility, strength, endurance and military-applied skills), 3 exercises for age groups 6-8 (for speed or agility, strength, endurance);

for servicemen under the contract of the 2nd category - 4 exercises for the 1st-4th age groups (for speed or agility, strength, endurance and military applied skills), 3 exercises for the 5th-8th age groups (for speed or agility, strength , endurance);

for servicemen under the contract of the 3rd category - 3 exercises for all age groups (for speed or agility, strength, endurance);

for female military personnel - 3 exercises (for strength, speed or agility, endurance);

for contract servicemen, military command and control bodies - 3 exercises for all age groups (for physical qualities).

262. Data on the physical fitness of military personnel are reflected in service characteristics, attestation sheets and cards for recording the results of practical checks on physical fitness and the level of sports fitness (according to the results of annual checks), are taken into account when appointing to a position, assigning a class level and determining the amount of rewarding with money.

263. The requirements for the physical fitness of contract servicemen for the corresponding type, type of troops of the Armed Forces consist of exercises in the training program.

264. The requirements for physical fitness are considered to be met if the serviceman scored the amount of points according to the table of standards corresponding to the "satisfactory" rating for his age group and category, subject to the fulfillment of the minimum threshold level in each exercise.