Aquatic world championship of medals. Russia was left without medals on the tenth day of the world championship in water sports

Yesterday, a meeting of the Central Election Commission was held, which considered the issue of not allowing Alexei Navalny to run for president Russian Federation. By a unanimous decision of the CEC members (the resigned representative of the Yabloko party did not take part in the voting), it was established that Alexei Navalny would not be able to take part in the 2018 elections.

Even before the decision was made, Navalny was given the floor. Aleksey stood up to the podium, already fully confident that he would not be allowed in, and burst out in pleas to the members of the Central Executive Committee to let him in. Allegedly, the people are behind him, and the ECHR has canceled something there.

But this "scrape" (as Navalny himself later dubbed his speech) has nothing to do with reality. Navalny urged Ella Pamfilova to do the right thing, and she made the only right decision - to refuse registration in accordance with the law.

Accustomed to communicating with schoolchildren, the oppositionist hoped that fairy tales about the ECtHR would have an effect on respected members of the CEC. However, he was told: “Aleksey, why are you saying all this, you yourself perfectly understand that you cannot run for office.”

And Alex understands this very well. However, he continues to make himself a "victim of the regime" in the eyes of the thinning ranks of his supporters, operating on the decision of the ECtHR. Who is right in this situation?

Let's figure it out.

The ECHR overturned the court's decision.

A rather popular statement by Alexei Navalny that the European Court of Human Rights overturned the decision Russian courts on the Kirovles and Yves Rocher cases. See the case materials by hyperlinks.

Even if this was true, there is one big nuance. First, the decisions of the ECtHR are advisory and not binding. Secondly, the ECtHR does not have the right to cancel the decisions of Russian courts. Therefore, Navalny's thesis that the ECHR overturned the verdict is a priori incorrect.

The ECHR called for Navalny to be allowed before the elections.

Navalny also quite often says that the ECHR called for him to be allowed before the elections. From his words, it may seem that there is a clear quotation with an appeal in the decision of the ECtHR. However, there is nothing even approximately similar in it.

The case was fabricated.

Alexey Navalny constantly says that the ECHR confirmed the fact that the Kirovles case against him was fabricated. However, this is pure fiction. The judges refused to recognize the case as politicized. The European Court only proved that some human rights were violated during the trial and called for a review of the case, but did not declare Navalny's innocence, and even more so did not cancel the decision of the Russian courts.

The Constitution says that I can run for office.

A fairly common misconception of Alexei Navalny is the fact that, according to Article 81 of the Constitution, it is necessary not to be in prison in order to take part in presidential elections.

However, there is one big caveat here. Elections in our country are regulated not only by the Constitution, but also by the Federal Law “On Elections of the President of the Russian Federation”. Since the Constitution is the main (and not the only) law of the Russian Federation, therefore, there is a requirement that the Federal Law should not contradict the Constitution, but it can supplement it. Moreover, the Constitutional Court has repeatedly confirmed that Article 3 of the Federal Law. "The electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation during the elections of the President of the Russian Federation" clause does not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


Throughout its so-called. election campaign, Alexei Navalny relied on conjectures and misinterpretations of laws in the hope that he would be allowed to participate in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. But the CEC put an end to it, saying that they could not help Alexei Anatolyevich in any way, because he demanded the impossible from the Central Election Commission - to go against the law, as he himself once did. Law is law. And it should be followed. If Navalny had adhered to this simple truth before, perhaps now there would be no such problems.

As expected by many experts, the oppositionist Navalny was not allowed to participate in the presidential elections. Experts say that the current leadership of the country has chosen the option of a quiet campaign with predictable candidates. This is reported by the journalists of the "News of Russia" section of the online publication for business people "Market Leader" with reference to "RosBusinessConsulting".

Yesterday, the Russian Central Election Commission decided to refuse registration for the presidential elections of the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), Alexei Navalny. Ella Pamfilova, chairman of the commission, said that there were no complaints about the package of documents submitted by the initiative group. The reason for the refusal was the outstanding conviction of the failed candidate himself - in 2013, the oppositionist was sentenced to 5 years probation in the case of embezzlement of property of the Kirov State Enterprise "Kirovles".

In 2016, following the relevant requirement of the European Court of Human Rights, the Supreme Court of Russia initiated a review of the case. In February of this year, the oppositionist was re-sentenced to a similar term. This means that Navalny will be able to run for president only in 2028.

Commenting decision, Pamfilova asked the politician if he believes that the CEC has the competence to remove his criminal record. The head of the Central Election Commission also said that it would be in the interests of the commission to allow Navalny to run in the elections so that he would “gain a percentage corresponding to his popularity.”

On the eve of the day of the meeting, the opposition politician's team held a meeting of the initiative group on the beach in Serebryany Bor. During the meeting, Navalny's nomination as a candidate for the presidential elections was supported by 742 of those present. Navalny called on his supporters to boycott the elections if he was not allowed to participate in the electoral process, he repeated this request in his video message after the announcement of the CEC decision. The politician also promised to arrange an all-Russian protest against the decision taken by the commission.

Navalny's criminal record does not play any role - experts.

Sociologists from the Levada Center published the results of a survey in early December, during which they found out who voters plan to vote for in the presidential election if they are held next Sunday. Judging by the data of the study, Navalny, Sobchak and Mironov are ready to vote for 1 percent of voters, which is more than the level of support for Grigory Yavlinsky, who received less than 1 percent. Experts, meanwhile, are investigating the reasons for the CEC's decision.

Oleksandr Ivakhnik, employee of the Center for Political Technologies believes that in the situation with Navalny's non-admission to the elections, it is not the external reason that is important, which is the oppositionist's criminal record, but the internal motivation of the Kremlin. The expert is convinced that the authorities could "replay the decision" and allow the oppositionist to the electoral process, if they were really interested in "real intrigue."

Instead, the Kremlin chose a different scenario for holding elections - a non-conflict campaign. The country's leadership seeks to conduct the most on-duty company, without shocking. One of the reasons for the refusal to register Navalny, Ivakhnik calls the fact that, in the status of a candidate, an oppositionist would receive admission to federal television channels, and the Kremlin could not allow “criticism of the leader on federal television”. In addition, the alleged speeches of the oppositionist on federal channels could attract people who did not previously know about the politician's activities to the number of Navalny's supporters.

The expert calls the obvious fact that Navalny could hardly have won the election. Nevertheless, with the active work of the oppositionist, who is an effective organizer, Navalny could be supported by about 15 percent of voters. Ivakhnik recalled that in 2013 Navalny participated in the Moscow mayoral elections, where he took second place with the support of 27.2 percent of the vote.

According to the political scientist, to create intrigue in the election campaign, the Kremlin will use other candidates - Ksenia Sobchak and the Communist Party nominee director of the state farm named after Lenin Pavel Grudinin. Despite the fact that the TV presenter defiantly disagrees with the Kremlin on many issues, Sobchak promised that she would not criticize Putin. Grudinin is unknown to the general public, so he does not pose a serious threat to the main candidate.

Political scientist Alexander Kynev Navalny's non-admission is called a blow to the reputation of the elections, since the oppositionist is the only candidate who has been campaigning all year. According to the expert, Navalny managed to gather initiative groups for his nomination throughout Russia, and the non-admission will only contribute to the further "symbolization" of the founder of the FBK.

Nevertheless, without Navalny's participation in the elections, when traditional rivals (Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Gennady Zyuganov and Sergei Mironov) would remain the president's competitors, according to the political scientist's forecasts, it would be difficult for the authorities to count on a turnout of more than 60 percent. Therefore, in recent days, the country's leadership has tried to revive the campaign by the appearance of Pavel Grudinin in it.

Political consultant Dmitry Fetisov believes that the Kremlin has well studied all the possible risks associated with the alleged boycott of the elections initiated by Navalny, and did not see any threat in this prospect. Political scientist Abbas Gallyamov recalls that Ksenia Sobchak took part of the electorate from Navalny. Experts do not expect large-scale protests after Navalny was not allowed to vote.

The Russian team retained second place in the team standings at the World Championships in water sports sport that takes place in Budapest. On the tenth day of the competition, it was not possible to replenish the medal box, Russia still has eight gold, three silver and three bronze awards.

China is in the lead with nine gold medals, the French team is in third place, which has five awards of the highest standard. So far, 33 out of 75 sets have been played.

The Water Polo Technical Committee of the International Aquatics Federation (FINA) approved the victory of the Russian women's team in the 1/8 finals. Our team defeated the Dutch team with a score of 11:10, but the opponents tried to protest the result of the meeting.

“In the third period, with a score of 8:8, our attack was underway, six seconds were left before it ended - and at that moment the whistle blew,” said Andrey Belofastov, coach of the Russian national team. - We could see from the bench that the Australian referee Daniel Flahive showed the removal of the opponent. Naturally, in this situation, we decided to take a timeout. But the Greek referee, Georgios Stavridis, said there was no suspension.

We began to look at the side referee, who is responsible for the siren, and she was on the floor at all ... After a long meeting, the referees finally decided to leave us six seconds of attack without removing the opponent. This is weird. It was necessary to either remove the Dutchwoman or assign a penalty kick in our direction for an incorrectly taken timeout. The judges did neither.

Yes, this pause allowed our players to rest a bit, who were tired by the third period, but this episode cannot be considered the key mistake of the match, it did not affect the outcome.

The score has not changed, there was still more time to play. If this happened on last seconds match is one thing, and to protest in such a situation, it seems to me stupid. You have to know how to win well. In my opinion, this is the agony of the Dutch coach, who has recently lost all the key tournaments. Perhaps Arno Havenga needs to change his occupation, ”Ves sport” quotes the words.

However, the technical committee, having considered the requirement of the Dutch side, came to the conclusion that the victory of the Russian team was fair, and officially announced the Russians as quarter-finalists of the World Cup. This was announced by the President of the Russian Water Polo Federation Andrey Vlasenko.

“I just got a call from the FINA water polo technical committee and said, ‘Congratulations, the Dutch protest has been rejected. Justice has triumphed,” Vlasenko said.

The best Russian swimmer failed to reach the finals of the World Championships at a non-core distance of 200 m complex. triple Olympic medalist and the four-time world champion became only 14th (2 minutes 12.88 seconds) and did not get into the decisive stage. Best time showed the Hungarian Katinka Hosha (2:07.14).

The Russian men's swimming team lacked quite a bit to get on the podium in the 4x100 m freestyle relay competition.

And they were fourth with a score of 3:12.58. Athletes from the United States became champions, the silver went to the Brazilians, and the Hungarian team won bronze medals.

“We wanted to keep up, stay in the leading group, which, in principle, turned out,” said Lobintsev. —

Quite a bit was not enough for the medal - the Hungarians crawled out of nowhere, before that they were not visible. The task was to overtake the Italians, since we have approximately equal forces and it worked."

The chance to compete for medals will be received by the Russian, who reached the final in swimming in the 100 m breaststroke. Moreover, Prigoda set a Russian record - 59.24 seconds. This, however, was only the eighth time. The Briton won the selection, overtaking Kirill by almost two seconds - 57.75.

The Russian woman failed to bring the points of the Russian team to the medal box. Popova was eighth in the 400m freestyle swimming (4:07.59).

American Kathy Ledecky (3:58.34) predictably won, becoming a ten-time world champion. Her compatriot Leah Smith showed the second time, the bronze medal was won by China's Li Bingji. However, the Russian woman did not hide her joy at the fact that she managed to get into the final at all.

“I am very happy that I made it to the World Cup final,” Popova said. — In the morning I swam across best result, but failed to break the Russian record.

And in the evening ... Probably tired. It's unusual to swim like this long distance twice a day. But there is something to strive for. Getting to the final, you understand that everything is real, that you can fight for medals, ”said the Russian woman.

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Synchronized swimmers Svetlana Kolesnichenko and Alexandra Patskevich brought Russia the sixth gold medal at the FINA World Championships in Budapest

World champions in synchronized swimming Alexandra Patskevich (left) and Svetlana Kolesnichenko (Photo: @Giorgio Perottino/Deepbluemedia/Global Look Press)

The final of the competition in the synchronized duet free program at the World Aquatics Championships in Budapest ended with the victory of Svetlana Kolesnichenko and Alexandra Patskevich, who received 97.0000 points from the judges. Second place was taken by Chinese women Jiang Tingting and Jiang Wenwen (95.3000), bronze was won by Anna Voloshina and Yelyzaveta Yakhno from Ukraine (93.2667).

For the Russian team, this victory was the sixth at the World Aquatics Championships in Budapest. Earlier, Kolesnichenko won in the technical and free programs of soloists and in technical program duets with Patskevich. Also, the Russian team won gold in the technical program of the team competition, and Evgeny Kuznetsov and Ilya Zakharov won in synchronized diving from a three-meter springboard.

In terms of the number of gold medals at the World Aquatics Championships, the Russian team came out on top, ahead of the Chinese, who won all their victories in diving (6 against 5). In third place is France, which has won four awards of the highest standard (three in open water swimming and one in diving).

Kolesnichenko became the 13-time world champion. Previously, at competitions in Shanghai in 2011, in Barcelona in 2013 and in Kazan in 2015, she won three gold medals each. At the current World Championship, the Russian woman made her solo debut, winning both the technical program and the free program. Also in Budapest, Kolesnichenko won gold in the technical duet program along with Patskevich.

Thursday's medal program kicked off at the World Championships mixed relay on open water. The French Ocean Maris Jeannie Cassignol, Logan Fontaine, Aurelie Muller and Marc-Antoine Olivier were the fastest to overcome the distance of 5 km. At the finish line, they were 12.2 seconds ahead of the Americans Brendan Casey, Ashley Twichell, Haley Anderson and Jordan Wilimowski. Third place was taken by the Italian team (Rachele Bruni, Giulia Gabbrielleschi, Federico Vanelli and Mario Sanzullo). Russians Sergey Bolshakov, Daria Kulik, Kirill Abrosimov and Maria Novikova showed the tenth result.

At the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Kolesnichenko won gold in the team competition. Together with her, Vlada Chigireva, Natalya Ishchenko, Alexandra Patskevich, Svetlana Romashina, Alla Shishkina, Maria Shurochkina, Gelena Topilina and Elena Prokofieva performed at the Games. Silver was won by the Chinese, bronze by the Japanese.

2008 Olympics Select Biathlon tournament. KM-2009. Biathlon men. KM-2009. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2009 Athletics. World Cup 2009 Choose a Biathlon tournament. KM-2010. Biathlon men. KM-2010. Women Olympics 2010 Choose a Biathlon tournament. KM-2011. Biathlon men. KM-2011. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2011 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2010 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2011 Athletics. World Cup 2011 Choose a Biathlon tournament. KM-2012. Biathlon men. KM-2012. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2012 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2011 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2012 Olympics 2012 Select Biathlon Tournament. KM-2013. Biathlon men. KM-2013. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2013 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2012 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2013 Luge. KM-2013 Snowboard. KM-2013. Men snowboard. KM-2013. Bobsleigh women. KM-2013. Bobsleigh men. KM-2013. Women Figure skating. Grand Prix Alpine skiing. KM-2013. Men Ski race. KM-2013. Men Cross-country skiing. KM-2013. Women Freestyle. KM-2013. Freestyle men. KM-2013. Women Skating. KM-2013. Men Speed ​​skating. KM-2013. Women Short Track. KM-2013. Men's short track. KM-2013. Women ski jumping. KM-2013. Men ski jumping. KM-2013. Women Nordic combined. KM-2013 Skeleton. KM-2013 Select tournament Athletics. World Cup 2013 Universiade-2013 Ski types sports. World Cup 2013 Alpine skiing. World Cup 2013 Freestyle. World Cup 2013 Snowboard. World Cup 2013 Speed ​​skating. World Cup 2013 Short track. World Cup 2013 Figure skating. World Cup 2013 Bobsleigh. World Cup 2013 Skeleton. World Cup 2013 Luge. 2013 World Cup Select tournament 2014 Olympics Indoor Athletics. World Cup 2014 Fencing. World Cup 2014 Athletics. EURO 2014 Water sports. Euro-2014 Youth Olympic Games-2014 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2014 Select Biathlon Tournament. KM-2014. Biathlon men. KM-2014. Women Biathlon. Christmas Race 2013 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2014 Select Biathlon Tournament. KM-2015. Biathlon men. KM-2015. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2015 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2015 Choose a Figure Skating Tournament. European Championship 2015 Speed ​​skating. World Cup 2015 Skiing. World Cup 2015 Athletics. European Championship 2015 Short track. World Cup 2015 European Games 2015 Water sports. World Cup 2015 Athletics. World Cup 2015 Figure skating. Rostelecom Cup 2015 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2015 Select the 2015/16 World Cup Tournament. Men World Cup 2015/16. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2016 Biathlon. EURO 2016 Choose a Figure Skating Tournament. European Championship 2016 Figure skating. World Cup 2016 Speed ​​skating. World Cup 2016 Skiing. YJWCH 2016 Olympiad 2016 Select a tournament Race of Champions 2016 World Cup 2016/17. Men World Cup 2016/17. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2017 Biathlon. Christmas race 2016 Biathlon. EURO 2017 Choose a Figure Skating Tournament. European Championship 2017 Bandy. World Cup 2017 Skiing. World Cup 2017 Short track. World Cup 2017 Figure skating. World Cup 2017 Speed ​​skating. World Cup 2017 Water sports. World Cup 2017 Select tournament World Cup 2017/18. Men Figure skating. Grand Prix 2017/18 World Cup 2017/18. Women cross-country skiing. KM-2017. Men Cross-country skiing. KM-2017. Women Biathlon. Christmas race 2017 Biathlon. EURO 2018 Select tournament Olympics 2018 Bandy. World Cup 2018 Figure skating. European Championship 2018 Figure skating. World Cup 2018 Speed ​​skating. European Championship 2018 Short track. EURO 2018 Select Biathlon Tournament. World Cup 2018/19 Figure skating. Grand Prix 2018/19 Cross-country skiing. KM-2018. Biathlon men. World Cup 2019 Biathlon. European Championship 2019 Cross-country skiing. KM-2018. Women Biathlon. Christmas Race 2018 Choose a Figure Skating Tournament. European Championship 2019 Figure skating. World Cup 2019 Bandy. World Cup 2019 Speed ​​skating. World Cup 2019 Skiing. World Cup 2019 Universiade 2019 Athletics. World Cup 2019 Water sports. World Cup 2019 Figure skating. World Team Cup European Games 2019 UFC 2019 Select Biathlon Tournament. World Cup 2019/20 Figure skating. Grand Prix 2019/20 Cross-country skiing. World Cup 2019/20 Biathlon. IBU Cup-2019-2020 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2019