Lessons por de bra. Port De Bras - the new fitness class

    1 port de bras


    choreography Exercise for arms, body, head, body tilts, head.

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    port de bras- ● Port de bras mouvement des deux bras, exécuté au cours d un pas sans déplacement ou d un pas simple; au pluriel, ensemble des mouvements de bras qui s exécutent au milieu … Encyclopédie Universelle

    port de bras- (por de bras, French, from porter to wear and bras hand), the correct movement of the hands in the main. positions (rounded arrondi or elongated allongé) with a turn or tilt of the head, as well as an inflection of the body (see Positions) ... Ballet. Encyclopedia

    port de bras- n. Ballet the positions or movement of the arms … English World dictionary

    port de bras- Fr. /pawrdd deuh brddann/, Ballet. 1. the technique of moving the arms properly. 2. the exercises for developing this technique. noun (plural ports de bras pronunciation same) chiefly Ballet an act or manner of moving and posing the arms. ↘an exercise designed to develop graceful movement and disposition of the arms. Origin Fr., lit. bearing of (the) arms … English new terms dictionary

    port de bras- noun Etymology: French, literally, carriage of the arm Date: 1912 the technique and practice of arm movement in ballet … New Collegiate Dictionary

    port de bras- [[t]ˌpɔr də ˈbrɑ] n. mad the technique and practice of proper arm movement in ballet Etymology: 1910–15; F: carriage of (the) arm … From formal English to slang

    port de bras- |pōrdə|brä noun Etymology: French, literally, carriage of the arm: the practice and technique of arm movement in ballet … Useful english dictionary

    bras- [bra] n. m. braz 1080; lat. pop. °bracium, class. bracchium gr. brakhion 1 ♦ Anat. Segment du membre supérieur compris entre lépaule et le coude (opposé à avant bras). dubras. ⇒brachial. Os du bras. ⇒ humerus. Mouvement du bras: ... ... Encyclopedie Universelle

    port- 1. (por; le t ne se prononce pas et ne se lie pas; au pluriel, l s ne se lie pas; cependant quelques uns la lient: des por z avantageux) s. m. 1° Lieu sur une côte où la mer s enfonce dans les terres et offre un abri aux bâtiments. Vous… Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d "Émile Littré

    port- 1. port [pɔr] n. m. 1050; lat. portus I ♦ 1 ♦ Abri naturel ou artificiel aménagé pour recevoir les navires, pour l embarquement et le débarquement de leur chargement. « La vue du port donne une vigueur nouvelle aux matelots lassés d une… … Encyclopédie Universelle


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Port De Bras (Por De Bra) literally means "movements of the body and hands." In classical choreography, the term is used to denote the development of the technique of dance steps. This program is designed for weight loss, development of strength, flexibility, stress relief. Usually, to achieve this effect, you need to attend as many as three fitness classes - strength, aerobic and a muscle stretching lesson. What is the secret of Port De Bras?

The Port De Bras program, unlike classical aerobics, is devoid of jumps, so it can be a good workout for people with joint and spinal injuries. Pregnant women can also practice this style. But, at the same time, Port De Bras is also suitable for those who have been practicing for a long time. Prepared should replace a couple in training strength lessons aimed at the development of all muscle groups. This will give the effect of "drying" the figure, working out the relief.

In one lesson, a woman weighing 65 kilograms can burn up to 450 kcal, and work out the muscles of her legs, buttocks, back and abs. As a result of training, your muscles will not increase in volume, but only become denser, which will make the body more prominent and toned. You'll be doing over 400 squats and pliés in an hour without realizing it, so this workout is great for those who want dancer legs. This lesson will also help those who tend to accumulate body fat in the abs and back area, because during the movement you will constantly use the body, strain the abdominal wall and stretch the oblique abdominal muscles.

According to the author of the program, Vladimir Snezhik, this workout is good for absolutely all people. Women who weigh quite a lot can get real pleasure from their own plastic during the lesson. Movement skills, knowledge of technology is absolutely not necessary. After all, each training begins with practicing simple steps, and the transition to complex ones is carried out only by those clients who have perfectly mastered the “base”. Port De Bras perfect workout for those newbies who think Gym boring and doesn't have time to go to the fitness club 5 times a week. This class needs to be attended only 3 times a week to achieve impressive results.

The first part of the lesson takes place standing on the floor. First, you will work out simple bundles of steps with your feet, gradually overlaying them with squats, plies, soft wave-like movements of the arms, twisting of the spine. All exercises are combined into dance sequences, which are repeated many times. Usually the instructor shows options for movements for both beginners and advanced ones. During this part of the lesson, the muscles of the legs, buttocks, back, arms and abs work. In addition, stretch skeletal muscles, ligaments relax, the body becomes more flexible and plastic. As a result, you get three dance sequences to beautiful ethnic music.

The second part of the lesson works more with the muscles of the press, back and uses stretching mechanisms. You will perform movements on the floor in a certain rhythm. This part of the lesson usually takes no more than 10 minutes and is technically performed as the fourth link. Twisting the press and lateral stretching form a beautiful “lying dance”, so even the most ardent opponents of stretching do not miss the “hitch”.

Port De Bras is held today in the clubs of the CityFitness network, world class and many others. Wear loose-fitting clothing that will allow you to do squats and plies, as well as flexible, non-slip shoes. Body Ballet sneakers or regular shoes are ideal, the main thing is that you can bend your foot and almost do not feel the shoes on your feet. Some practice barefoot, in yoga rooms with a special soft surface.

Well, if you want to lose a few pounds, enhance the effect of the program with a non-strict balanced diet. Choose a fractional low-calorie diet, avoid animal fats and sweets, and you will lose weight naturally and effortlessly. It will be easy for you to withstand the restrictions, because training is a great stress reliever, and you are unlikely to need an extra chocolate bar. Dance, relax and without much effort you will gain sculpted muscles and burn fat.

What is Port de Bras
Port de bras translated from French as "arm movement". However, such a narrow name does not reflect the essence of this fitness direction. In fact, Por De Bras is the art of smoothly moving the whole body. It combines elements of yoga, ballet choreography, Pilates, stretching and even strength training. The class according to Port De Bras is a learning of ligaments of aesthetic movements, smoothly flowing into each other.

A distinctive feature of the musical accompaniment of this kind of fitness is that slow, calm compositions are used. At first glance, it may seem that such training will be ineffective and will bring more aesthetic pleasure than the dynamics of the physical indicators of the trainee. But actually it is not. Learning and honing the skill of performing even simple ligaments will imperceptibly take away a lot of your strength and energy, which will ultimately give a good fat-burning effect and give the main muscle groups the desired tone.

The author of the por de bras is the Russian choreographer Vladimir Snezhik. The network has his personal video tutorials. If you do not have the opportunity to attend such a workout directly in a sports club, then it is recommended to find exactly the master classes of Vladimir Snezhik himself and practice por de bras at home using them.

In turn, the site will gladly show you a few bundles of this wonderful fitness class so that you can get at least a primary idea of ​​​​it. For a trial lesson we need sportswear and ideally shoes with elastic soles.

We stand straight. Hands freely along the body. With the left foot we take a smooth step forward and lower ourselves into a lunge on the left knee. We make sure that the thigh of the left leg and the lower leg of the right leg are parallel to the floor, and also that a right angle is formed between the lower leg and thigh of each leg. At the same time, we fold our hands in front of the chest, palm to palm. Then, smoothly, without sudden movements, we rise from the lunge. Right leg we bend at the knee and bring it forward, at the same time we raise both straight arms up. After 16 smooth repetitions, merging into one continuous movement, we repeat the bunch from the other leg.

The beginning of the next bundle coincides with the end of the previous one. This is basically typical for por de bras. Here all movements are smooth, one bunch flows into another. So the whole training resembles a single harmonious dance.

So, we stand on the left leg, the right leg is bent at the knee, her thigh is parallel to the floor, the arms are bent at the elbows and folded in front of the chest, palm to palm. From this starting position, we tilt the body forward, and straighten the right leg at the knee and take it back. The body from the fingers to the foot of the right foot must be drawn in one straight line.

After 16 repetitions for 16 counts, we stand with a raised leg. Then we perform another 16 of its lifts with a small amplitude of movement. Then we repeat the whole bunch from the beginning with the other leg.

The next bunch of por de bar is performed on the floor. Therefore, prepare a gymnastic mat for this. Get on your knees and take emphasis on your palms. Lift your right leg off the floor, straighten it at the knee and take it back, placing it parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position, barely touching the floor with your right knee. Repeat 16 times. Then, for 16 counts, fix the position with a raised leg and perform 16 more lifts with a small amplitude of movement. Then we repeat the whole bunch from the beginning with the other leg. We do not round the back, we make sure that the stomach and buttocks remain taut. Avoid sudden movements, dissolve in the music when you move.

We return to the starting position. We repeat 16 times.

We complicate the connection. After raising the arms and legs, we do not return to the starting position, but take the raised arm to the side, and bring the raised leg forward. Repeating the movements in reverse order, we return to the starting position. After 16 repetitions, we perform the entire bunch first from the other leg.

As you can see, in the given ligaments of por de bra, the main load fell on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. But that doesn't mean they're the only ones busy. All elements require you to constantly strive to maintain a stable position. You often balance on one leg. And this means that the stabilizing muscles of the whole body are actively involved.

It is also safe to say that pore de bra is suitable for people of all sizes and levels. physical training. Even if you are a newcomer to a group that has been practicing for a long time, you will succeed the first time. This is very motivating!

And still por de bra combines high-quality sports training with relaxation, no matter how paradoxical it may seem at first glance. And this becomes possible thanks to a light relaxing musical accompaniment, which makes it possible during classes to move away from everyday worries, tune in to self-knowledge and learning to master your body perfectly.

Happy fitness experiments since por de bras!
Model in the photo: Alena Kaplunova
Filming room: Sport Club"Avocado", Kharkov

Port De Bras dance of life

We continue to get acquainted with the newest health-improving dance styles. Not Zumba at all, but very modern.

Having become interested in tai chi quan, this is a very harmonious system of self-healing, I thought that it would be nice to stretch the twine. The universe immediately responded, in a somewhat unexpected way, but it seems to be exactly what I wanted. This week I was lucky, next to the house opened new center, I was invited to training.
I tell you, it was something! One hour por de bra workout!

Port de bras are movements that can make your body more plastic, elastic, light, which will wake you up from sleep and make you fly through life!
Dance is the flight of the soul and body, this is what your heart wants to say. And if dance is mixed with the most progressive fitness trends, seasoned with yoga and tai chi and served with strength training sauce, you get one of the most fashionable PortDeBras® fitness trends! It turns out a delicious cocktail foaming with energy and youth!

Choreographic The term Port de bras is translated as "movement of arms and legs", pronounced as "port de bras". Port des bras (from porte - wear and bra - hands) the correct passage of hands through the main positions, rounded (arrondi) or elongated (allonge) with the participation of turns or tilts of the head, as well as bending the body.

Classical choreography, how to do it right

Vladimir Snezhik is a Russian choreographer and professional trainer in fitness combined ballet choreography, with yoga, Thais and Pilates, turning it into an incendiary fitness.

The basic movements in Port de bras are bending over, stretching to the sides, squatting, rolling on the legs and smooth movements of the arms and legs. The dance turns out to be energetic and plastic. Remember about breathing - after all, this is the main component of every dance.

Compared to the Art Nouveau classes, I got wet very quickly, like everyone else, although it was not hot.
Well, if the fitness center has a shower, this is important.

Port De Bras is performed to a relaxing Chill Out. This music not only creates a magical atmosphere, but also special conditions for the flow of thoughts, allowing you to disconnect from the daily routine. Those. there is a kind of meditation in the dance. The result is the strengthening of muscles, the formation of a beautiful posture, there is work on the development of coordination and flexibility, the ability to control one's breathing, the ability to feel the body in space and relax during movement is improved. At the same time, the main, according to the author of the program, goal is achieved: a person enjoys movement. At the same time, every centimeter of the body is worked out. After a couple of months, you will see that your body is capable of much!
Walking and dancing beautifully, reducing centimeters at the waist and keeping your back straight, finally sitting on the splits and at the same time being able to control your breathing - this is all that PortDeBras training will give you. It will also help you truly relax, relieve excess stress and lift your spirits to an unprecedented height.

To date, there are four levels of PortDeBras:
. PortDeBras Introduction, Basic;
. PortDeBras Intermediate;
. PortDeBras Progression:
. Port De Bras Parterre.

On initial stage you can strengthen the main muscle groups, form good posture and develop coordination, learn to control your breathing; then, as your level increases, you will master more complex elements, improve the ability to feel your body in space and relax while moving.
Over time, logical movements form an expressive dance, the body opens up and begins to move differently, the stomach becomes flatter, the posture is proud, and the gait is light. Every centimeter of breathing is now subject to rhythm, sound, note, every part of the body obeys the music that sounds inside you and around you. You enjoy every movement and at the same time work out every centimeter of the body - now you finally know what it is capable of!

First, I give a video from the master, we learn the complex slowly, like a dance, first we learn the connection, then we need to fix it to the music, repeating 4 times. Pay attention to the breath, it specifically focuses on it.

Then I give several different instructors, look and if you like someone, slowly learn any combination
They are about 3 minutes each, it will take you a little more to learn. We teach, then we fix it to the music 4 times. The training itself takes about 55 minutes. First, dance to light music and stretch your muscles slightly. You can then make multiple connections. Take your time!
Port de Bras - Kamka - Balance Zvolen


I draw your attention to the fact that there are 4 levels of speed, at the beginning I presented what you yourself can learn, although in order to put the back on it is advisable to go to a group, at least for a trial lesson. Below the speed is higher, pay attention, the guys already have a base and the instructor gives a ready-made very smooth complex.

I wish you to learn to listen to your body, master the choreography, become flexible, graceful and calm like this girl. Previously, all princesses must have studied choreography. Today we have such an opportunity.

Classes Port De Bras belong to the varieties of fitness, their distinctive feature is the inclusion of dance elements in the complexes of exercises. Basic target audience are women who want to put their body in order. Thanks to the training format, the visitors not only achieve the goals typical for fitness (getting rid of body fat, toning the body, muscle tone), but also acquire a pleasant ease of movement, grace and plasticity of the body. All Port De Bras classes in Moscow are accompanied by different musical rhythms, most often it is energetic music that motivates you to new sports achievements. Sections of Port De Bras classes in Moscow are held both in fitness centers and in dance schools. Format sports direction universal, dance fitness often used in choreographic schools as an effective warm-up before the main workout. After classes, visitors always feel better, there is a pleasant tone for the rest of the day.