New acropolis cultural center. new acropolis

And operating in more than 50 countries around the world. In the countries where its branches are located, the "New Acropolis" conducts cultural, educational and environmental activities.

The principles of the "New Acropolis" proclaim:

  1. To unite people on the basis of the ideal of universal brotherhood, regardless of their religion, race and social class.
  2. Awaken in people a holistic vision of the world through the comparative study of the sciences, various kinds art, philosophical and religious systems.
  3. To help each person to live in harmony with Nature, developing their inner potentials and learning the laws of life.

The "New Acropolis" synthesizes and re-applies in life those principles of unification that the Pythagoreans, Neoplatonists, Theosophists and representatives of other philosophical movements spoke about, each of which in its era contributed to the real progress of civilization.

I. The Brotherhood of Man A unity beyond differences. Mutual respect for diverse worldviews and traditions, understanding that we are all citizens of the world.

II. Harmonious interaction of cultures The practice of tolerance, supported by universal education and high level culture makes it possible to connect all kinds of creativity and thought. The creation of such connections allows us to see that even outwardly contradictory things can be combined on the principles of mutual complementation. Thanks to this, a variety of people, ideas and feelings can form a harmonious, diverse and open whole. (Our society can become more open and harmonious.)

III. Development of human spiritual abilities Each person is an integral part of nature. He is not aware of his own potentials, although he has almost limitless possibilities for development and improvement.

In Russia, a branch of the "New Acropolis" was founded in Elena Sikirich

New Acropolis Projects

2012 New Acropolis.

One of the main activities of the NA is the Philosophical School of the "New Acropolis". The curriculum at the philosophical school is based on a comparative study of various cultures of the world and includes the study of the philosophical systems of such cultures as Greece, India, Tibet, Egypt, Russia, Mesopotamia, China, etc. Special attention is given to Classical (ancient) philosophy (Plato, Socrates, Plotinus) and the works of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. cm.

There are also other projects and programs: the program "Environmental Assistance to the Tsaritsyno Garden and Park Complex", the project "School Museum - with Your Own Hands", the program "Keep the Mountains Clean", the project "Dialogue of Religions": Eternal Values ​​as a Path to Harmony and mutual understanding, etc.

Also, the Government of Moscow, the Committee for Public and Interregional Relations, "New Acropolis" was recognized as the winner of the competition of socially significant programs of public and non-profit organizations 2002 and 2003 for the project "School Museum - with your own hands".

The Man Without Borders magazine (New Akropol Publishing House) became a Diploma Winner of the Golden Lotus-2006 National Competition (the founder of the award was the Union of Publishers and Distributors of Printed Products (SIRPP)).

In February 2008, Man Without Borders magazine received a distinction Golden Press Fund - 2008 .

Negative Feedback

At the anti-cult conference "Totalitarian sects - a threat of the 21st century" held in Nizhny Novgorod in 2001, the New Acropolis organization was included in the list of the most dangerous sects, from the point of view of the conference participants.

However, the use of the term "sect" in relation to the New Acropolis is in conflict with the expert assessment of the organization, given in December 2006 by a doctor of philosophy, executive secretary of the editorial board of the journal "Religious Studies", editor-compiler of the Encyclopedic Dictionary "Religious Studies", a member of the European Association for the Study Religion E. S. Elbakyan.


  • Privalov K. B. Sects: a dossier of fear. Moscow: Politizdat, 1987.
  • Rasskazov A. Expert opinion of the Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Non-Traditional Religions. No. 43/2 of 5/08/1999 (No. 43/2/1 of 6/03/2000)



Official sites

Additional materials

  • A selection of articles about the "New Acropolis" in the press
    • New Acropolis in Moscow. The newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva" based on the materials of the press conference of Kh. A. Livraga (1991).
  • Mention of the "New Acropolis" in the news (search engine "Yandex. News")
  • Internet project of the magazine "Man Without Borders" (publishing house "New Akropol")
  • "New Acropolis" at the Russian Educational Forum
  • About the action "Let's keep the mountains clean" on the website of the Information Center of the Government of Moscow
  • Round table "Eternal values ​​as a path to harmony and mutual understanding" on the website of the UNESCO Office in Moscow
  • Encyclopedia "Peoples and Religions of the World", Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1998.

critical eye

  • "New Acropolis": information for reflection ... - Anonymous resource. Now the resource is located at, previously it was located at
  • All about the New Acropolis. anonymous resource.
  • The Greek resource about the "New Acropolis" contains photos from internal meetings. anonymous resource.
  • and copies of documents from the archives of the New Acropolis, which were posted by one of the members of the Living Forces.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what the "New Acropolis" is in other dictionaries:

    New Acropolis- New Acropolis, a neo-pagan sect belonging to the New Age movement. Founded in 1952 in Buenos Aires by Jorge Ángel Livraga and his wife. The creed of the sect is based on the writings of the founder of the sect "Golden Ax", "Labyrinths of Lapis Lazuli" and ... ...

    Syncretic neo-pagan sect. Refers to the New Age movement. Founded in 1952 in Buenos Aires by Jorge Anhelm Livraga and his wife. The creed of the sect is based on the works of Livraga The Golden Ax and Labyrinths of Lapis Lazuli, included in ... ... Religious terms

    New Age- New Age, New Age (sometimes in Russian they use the English equivalent of this name New Age), the general name for a group of various occult currents. Other names New Era, Age of Aquarius. The New Age Movement originated in ... ... Encyclopedia "Peoples and Religions of the World"

    - ... Wikipedia

In universities across the country, posters and posters of the New Acropolis began to appear more and more often, inviting teachers and students to lectures that were supposedly devoted to philosophy. This sect positions itself as an ordinary school of philosophy and cultural organization, the main goal of which is the revival of philosophy. One of the main ways to achieve this goal is through comparative study.

The purely secular and public nature of this organization is positioned especially persistently, which makes it one of the most dangerous sects. This sect even has a license as a non-state educational institution. It is through educational activities that the sect manages to carefully hide its religious orientation. It is this status of the organization that gives it the opportunity to freely penetrate into educational institutions.
The meetings organized by the "New Acropolis" invite people known in science, with scientific degrees and humanities. But, unfortunately, even these people often do not know exactly where they ended up. This is what makes the New Acropolis one of the most dangerous sects.

The true face of the New Acropolis

In fact, the "New Acropolis" is an ordinary religious sect, and has nothing to do with the philosophical school and comparative religion. In fact, instead of studying philosophy, they simply impose an occult teaching based on the delusions of H.P. Blavatsky.

Teachings of the New Acropolis

The teachings of the sect are syncretic and occult in nature. The main idea of ​​the sect is the idea of ​​a fictitious divine power, which, together with secret knowledge, passes from one civilization to another, and who allegedly owns this power has power and might.
In addition to the main, so-called official doctrine, the "New Acropolis" has a secret doctrine, which is not religious, but purely political in nature, the main idea of ​​which is the conquest of world domination.
The new Acropolis is a complex and extraordinary organization with a two-faced character, which it uses when attracting adherents to the ranks of its sect. The New Acropolis is misleading people into believing it's just educational organization and under the guise of this, he conducts hard psychological work on the personal decomposition of a person, turning people into his followers.

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In many Moscow universities, such as Moscow State University, MIIT, and in educational institutions in other cities, there are colorful posters of the "New Acropolis", inviting teachers and students to attend their meetings and classes. On these posters, the "New Acropolis" positions itself as a classical philosophical school and cultural organization whose goal is the revival of philosophy as effective force renewal of man and society. One of the ways of realizing this plan is a comparative study of religions and the identification in them of what can serve this purpose.

The purely secular nature of the activity, which has nothing to do with religion, is especially persistently emphasized. The registration of the New Acropolis issued by the Department of Education of the Moscow Government as a non-state educational institution and a license for educational activities for educational programs must be protected from suspicion of religious activity. At the same time, the secular status of the organization gives it the opportunity to penetrate into educational institutions almost without hindrance.

Famous people with high scientific titles and degrees, laureates of various competitions, representatives of the natural sciences and the humanities are invited to meetings organized by the New Acropolis, designed to give weight to these meetings and confirm the solidity of the organization itself: here, they say, who is called! But it is unlikely that the invitees themselves are fully aware of the true goals of the "New Acropolis". The creation of an attractive image in society is facilitated by social, environmental and other actions and programs of the New Acropolis, in particular the monthly magazine Man Without Borders, which is subscribed by many people who have no idea about the New Acropolis.

Meanwhile, the "New Acropolis" is in fact a religious organization, not a philosophical school, and there is no scientific comparative religion in it, and instead of comparing different religions, it is proposed to take on faith the occult teaching based on the errors of E.P. Blavatsky.

It is always difficult to talk about the "New Acropolis" - not because it is outstanding, but because it is two-faced, has two faces addressed to different audiences: one - to outsiders: people from the street, profane, the other - to their own, so-called initiates, members of the inner circle of the sect. Moreover, the messages of the "New Acropolis" to both often differ in their content. In this regard, the "New Acropolis" is nothing new and repeats the example of pagan esotericism, well known since pre-Christian times. The use of esotericism gives him the opportunity to mislead people, hiding his true goals.

Jorge Angel Livraga Rizzi - founder of the "New Acropolis"

The founder of the "New Acropolis" Jorge Angel Livraga Rizzi, an Argentine of Italian origin, was born in 1930. His paternal grandfather was a sorcerer, his father was an atheist, anarchist and anti-clerical, and Jorge Ángel himself considered the religion of Christ his enemy towards the end of his life. Livraga was educated at the city comprehensive school, but when he was 15 years old, his father died, then he had problems at school, and therefore he began to take private lessons from an elderly German who introduced him to Theosophy. Influenced by conversations with him, Livraga became a member of the Theosophical Society and founded a new division in it called the Argentine Theosophical Youth. At the same time, he participated in the activities of the Rosicrucian order, where he received several initiations, and the spiritualist organization Escuela Cientifica Basilio, until he became disillusioned with its dubious phenomena.

Critics of the "New Acropolis" note the striking coincidence of the life path of Livraga with the fate of famous occultists such as E.P. Blavatsky and the founder of Scientology Lafayette Ron Hubbard. All of them at different times and in different sequences went through a passion for magic, spiritualism and Freemasonry. Characteristic for them was the use of acronyms instead of personal names (EPB, LRH), the presence of two versions of biographies: one - mythological, created by occultists on the basis of unverifiable information, and the other - real, reconstructed by critics, revealing their unseemly deeds and actions (Livraga, for example, used drugs). Moreover, these coincidences are strikingly similar. Livraga, for example, claimed that, as a child, he hypnotized his grandmother's chickens, and Blavatsky assured that in childhood she hypnotized pigeons. In this situation, one of two things is possible: either we are “dealing with the similarity of characters, or with an attempt by Livraga to fit his biography to the “matrix” of the biography of his “teacher””.

After graduating from the faculties of history and art history of the University of Buenos Aires, Livraga dreamed of becoming a doctor of "esoteric medicine". To accomplish this, he, on the advice of the President of the Theosophical Society C. Jinarajadas, rebuilt the basement of his house into an occult crypt, imitating in it a semblance of a pantheon of Egyptian deities, where he carried out his experiments in a white robe specially sewn for this purpose. And although new Acropolitans are told that he isolated himself in this crypt for several years, in his autobiography, Livraga writes that he left it more than once and even passed exams at the university.

Subsequently, however, the new president of the Nantilok Theosophical Society, Shri Ram, revealed to Livraga that he had been deceived by the promise to make him a physician" oriental medicine”, in fact, he, Livraga, without knowing it, became “the last student of the esoteric section of the Theosophical Society”, founded by Blavatsky in the 19th century, and he was tasked with becoming her successor and giving another impetus to the evolution of mankind on the way to achieving the state of superhumans .

This story of Livraga became the basis of the myth about the purpose of the "New Acropolis".

In the 1950s, Livraga found himself in conflict with the Theosophical Society, and in 1957 he and his Theosophical wife formed their own organization, the New Acropolis. The charter of the "New Acropolis" actually repeated the charter of the Theosophical Society, and two theosophical ideas became dominant in its doctrine: the doctrine of the connection with the cosmic hierarchy through teachers-mahatmas and the doctrine of preparing humanity for the birth of the sixth race on the way to the emergence of superhumans. An innovation introduced by Livraga himself was the paramilitary method, first used by him to propagate theosophy.

In response, the Theosophical Society decided to expel him from its ranks on the grounds that Livraga considered Blavatsky the only exponent of the ideas of Theosophy and ignored her other successors, and the "New Acropolis" created by him came out with a clearly expressed own program activities . Moreover, its structure was a multi-level pyramid, headed by him and his wife, who believed that they had "spiritual power" and they continued the work of Blavatsky. In addition, they were suspected of links with far-right extremism and Nazism. None of the above was characteristic of the structure and ideology of the Theosophical Society.

After Livraga's death in 1991, Delia Steinberg Guzman took the place of the "supreme leader". In Russia, the "New Acropolis" began to operate in 1988, and the head of the Russian branch is E. Sikirich.

The doctrine of the spiritual hierarchy

The cornerstone of the New Acropolis ideology is the doctrine of hierarchy borrowed from Blavatsky. At the end of the 19th century, Blavatsky told the world that she was supposedly a messenger of some Great White Brotherhood, who told her secret knowledge about the fate of the world and sent her to the USA to preach it. The mythical brotherhood of Blavatsky consists of the teachers of mankind, in another way they are also called mahatmas, adepts, initiates, who, thanks to esoteric work, acquired supernatural abilities in a whole series of incarnations. This brotherhood is hidden from people for some reason. It is headed by the "master of the world", who arrived with several assistants to Earth from Venus and lives in Shambhala in the Gobi desert. The Mahatmas maintain a link between humanity and the "divine hierarchy" led by Satan that rules our cosmos.

Blavatsky claimed to be in correspondence with these teachers by cosmic telegraph, but even at an early stage in the development of Theosophy, Blavatsky was convicted of fraud: she herself wrote letters on behalf of the Mahatmas to their addressees. In 1884, the London Society for Psychical Research published a report by its collaborator Richard Hodgson, from which it followed that the correspondence with the alleged teachers of mankind was personally conducted by Blavatsky herself, and she was called "one of the most skillful, ingenious and interesting swindlers" . It follows that there is no hierarchy, no secret teaching, and their existence is a fiction of Blavatsky. Moreover, Blavatsky revealed herself when she invited the famous nineteenth-century novelist Vsevolod Solovyov, brother of an equally famous philosopher, to write letters on behalf of the mahatmas to Russian adherents of theosophy.

In the 1880s, she published the two-volume Secret Doctrine, whose teachings are allegedly based on secret knowledge preserved in the Book of Dzyan, allegedly written in the non-historical Senzar language. Theosophists rejoiced: at last Blavatsky was not convicted of fraud; it means that the teaching about the White Brotherhood and teachers-mahatmas is genuine. However, shortly after the publication of The Secret Doctrine, critics showed that this book, like Blavatsky's first work, Isis Unveiled (1877), was an elementary plagiarism.

Despite these revelations, Blavatsky continued her activities. She contrasted occult knowledge with the faith of the Church, faith in a personal God and His Revelation. Instead of faith, which she called blind, she offered esoteric knowledge about the world, which she considered "scientific".

To the so-called "scientific knowledge" Blavatsky attributed, for example, the doctrine of the "inscrutable" primary cause, from which everything that has being flows. The same doctrine is preached today by the New Acropolis. But the claims of this knowledge to be scientific were refuted by Vladimir Solovyov, since no one observed the original origin of being and could not place experience above the final results of the world process. The "New Acropolis" and the Theosophists, preaching this doctrine, actually demand to accept it on faith. The same can be said about the other provisions of their doctrine: the doctrine of the origin of man (anthropogenesis), the doctrine of man (anthropology), the doctrine of karma - all this, as empirically unverifiable, can only be taken on faith.

This fictitious doctrine of hierarchy was accepted by Livraga and based on it he created his "New Acropolis", which, according to the assurances of his ideologists, retains succession with the White Brotherhood. At present, the Acropolitans have included Blavatsky, Livraga and the current "supreme leader" Delia Steinberg Guzman as teachers in the chain of disciplic succession. It is noteworthy that Blavatsky herself did not call herself a teacher.

In the same vein, the leader of the Acropolitans in Russia, Elena Sikirich, teaches her followers: “The first thing we need to understand is that the Acropolis is not just a school. That the “Acropolis” was founded as another impulse… that has been going on since the great White Lodge was founded and how high beings, lords and prometheans descended into the world of people.<…>And now, although we do not say this to the members, so as not to look like we are vain, etc., but in the 20th century the only channel to the teachers is the “Acropolis”. Just like in the 19th century there was the Theosophical Society. This is our family". The only channel, and the only ones at all, who were given the right to pass the tests in order to deserve the esoteric school, is the “Acropolis”. And if any of the 4-5 billion people living on Earth wants to get into the mysteries, he must get into the “Acropolis” and specifically into the “Living Forces”, because they are “this is the link in the chain that was missing Theosophical Society."

Referring to the message given to theosophists in the 19th century by one of the representatives of the White Brotherhood - the teacher Kut Hoomi, E. Sikirich sees the calling of the "New Acropolis" in giving the world an impulse through which "beliefs and even states will disintegrate before their striving movement, crushed by this irresistible force. Her words are consonant with the statements of Livraga himself, who stated that “we are surrounded not by temples and altars, but by mountains of garbage and dirt”; these and other "obsolete structures must ... give way to others, young and strong, without complexes and narrow-mindedness, already smelling of rot" .

In other words, the task of the "New Acropolis" is reduced to the struggle with the Church, and the Acropolitans are called upon by the words of Kut Khumi to "sweep, as far as possible, more rubbish, garbage left to us by our pious forefathers. New ideas must be planted in clean places."

From its followers, the "New Acropolis" requires blind faith in the existence of a fictitious hierarchy and in its ideology as the ultimate truth, even if its teaching does not agree with historical facts. At one of the classes in 1996, E. Sikiric stated that Livraga "never lied, and never lied, even telling the fact about the arrival of Giordano Bruno in Zagreb, although this never happened." If such a school of discipleship, according to the Acropolises, "is light," then what is darkness?, but the followers of the "New Acropolis" must accept this as the truth.

The same assessment that Nikolai Berdyaev gave to Theosophy applies to the New Acropolis. He wrote that although “Theosophy rebels against… faith… it itself holds the principle of authority and requires blind faith from a person. The authority of teachers and faith in teachers is, after all, the basis of the theosophical path. The student must believe what he does not know, and usually he knows very little, only the teacher knows much ... Theosophy rebels against the Church's faith as a child's consciousness, but it itself requires faith of a lower quality. It requires faith in the human occult teacher, equal to faith in Christ the God-man. An uncritical, submissive attitude towards the teacher is recommended as a method, as a discipline and a path to initiation. The Theosophical teaching itself is proposed to be accepted at first authoritatively, on faith, without criticism and verification by one's own experience, and they promise that in time all this will be learned autonomously and experimentally.

So, the main idea on which both the Theosophical Society and the "New Acropolis" are based is the connection with the teachers, whom Blavatsky herself recognized as fiction, and Blavatsky, according to Helena Sikirich, is a "link in the chain" connecting the Acropolitans with the Mahatmas; consequently, the doctrine of the "New Acropolis" about teachers is also a fiction.

Since the "New Acropolis" acts as the "vanguard of a new civilization", it is actively engaged in the dissemination of its teachings, especially among university students.

On the religious character of the "New Acropolis"

In Russian universities, the "New Acropolis" positions itself as "a philosophical and cultural organization whose goal is the revival of philosophy as an effective force for the renewal of man and society", but in fact its true goals are not cultural, but just religious, more precisely - occult. Livraga himself speaks evasively about this. Now he says that the "New Acropolis" is "not a religious organization", but it "is trying to awaken a mystical feeling that everyone can manifest in the religious form that he prefers", then he declares that "the philosophical path of the classical type ... ("New Acropolis. - R.K.) can ... lead us to a meeting with God.

Livraga, like Blavatsky, did not believe in a personal God and in the creation of the world, but believed in the origin of the world from primary reality, from nothing, which he calls God, higher mind, and concluded that "everything is God." This something he endows with a higher will and a universal mind, by which "everything is planned" and by which everything is controlled.

The true philosopher, according to Livraga, the one who seeks the truth, is capable of its direct "feeling" and "direct perception". His methodology for comprehending the truth involves involvement in the "spiritual experience" of the ancient priests through the study of myths, moral rules and ceremonies transmitted by them to humanity. Particular emphasis is placed on the revival of myths, allegedly "possessing telluric power", on the awakening of a mystical feeling in man and the revival of faith in the holiness and power of "great people", that is, occultists.

The realization of this goal is possible only under the guidance of a teacher, and the relationship between the student and the teacher, as well as the status and role of the teacher in the "New Acropolis" are of a religious nature. Acropolitans are encouraged to pray to their teachers, to ask for blessings “at the feet of the teacher” for important matters, to see in them a manifestation of some “great invisible essence” that leads people along the path, protects and takes care of them. The very process of learning and transferring esoteric knowledge is perceived by the Acropolitans as a sacred act. They are convinced that knowledge will save a person, so their teacher (instructor) “becomes a real priest and magician”, and during the lecture “the sacrament of the famous law of sanctification is performed”, the transfer of power to listeners.

To be a philosopher for the "New Acropolis" means, as Livraga put it, "to be able to conquer death," which means that the teaching of the "New Acropolis" goes beyond philosophy. Moreover, philosophy does not pursue the goal of revealing what is truth and what is not; it allows several different judgments about the subject. Livraga, on the other hand, insists that there are absolute spiritual values, with which one cannot but agree, and then one must admit that the doctrine of the "New Acropolis" is religious. But, moreover, the Acropolitans declare that there is only one philosophical truth and it is contained in the "New Acropolis", the rest must be discarded. “We came to change the world, and not to be another of the schools that talk about esotericism,” Livraga taught his instructors-mentors.

The same is taught by his followers. The head of the Russian branch of the New Acropolis, E. Sikirich, says directly: “There are no ten thousand doctrines. There are not ten thousand different understandings of the doctrine. There are ten thousand different forms in which the same ideas are expressed. And so, in this context, the first and main task not only of the instructor, but also of the leader ... is not to deviate from the path, not to move away, not to distort ", and difficult questions should be resolved in the way that "how would HAL do it," and he saw in " New Acropolis" is not one of the schools, but the only true one.

In favor of the religious nature of the activities of the "New Acropolis" is the fact that the Acropolises have a temple with images and statues of Egyptian gods, in it every night the ceremonies of the Acropolises, dressed in special clothes, during which, in particular, a “ritual greeting of the statues of deities, fire and a flag” is performed, and at the end the “prayer of the student” is read and a “sacrifice” is performed.

The "New Acropolis" has holidays: the day of the dead, the day of the teachers, the day of the death of Livraga and others. On some of the holidays, as if in imitation of church services, texts from Blavatsky, Livraga and Guzman are read - it seems that their texts are endowed with a sacred status.

On the "Comparative Study of Religions"

Although the New Acropolis proclaims the search for truth through the comparative study of religions as one of its three tasks, in fact its doctrine only dogmatizes Hindu and occult ideas, requiring them to be accepted on faith, and it does not have any comparative (comparative) religion.

In anthropology, for example, Livraga follows the Hindu concept of man, which he takes as the only correct one only because it seems plausible to him, but he does not provide any evidence of his “plausibility” in comparison with other views on human nature. This means that the doctrine of the "New Acropolis" is a matter of faith, not of philosophy.

Concerning the question of reincarnation, he presents it according to the Hindu version, relying on their religious experience. Despite his proclaimed principle of the comparative study of religions, Livraga does not mention the Christian condemnation of this idea. Just as philosophy, assembled from various religious truths, cannot be non-religious, so the "New Acropolis" cannot fail to preach religious doctrine.

Thus, the "New Acropolis" preaches a purely Hindu view of reincarnation, without scientific evidence for it, in fact, offering to accept it on faith. Of the same order and reasoning about the "heavenly experience" of souls after death, because no science has empirically substantiated it.

So that the neophyte does not notice the contradictions and inconsistencies in the doctrine of the "New Acropolis", the sectarians are painstakingly working in two directions: the emphasis is on rhetoric to cover up the lack of logic, on the training of teachers as "actors of the initiatory theater" who should cause "states of tenderness, regret , “goosebumps”, reverie” in the listener, having previously experienced them themselves in preparation for the lecture. But if they want to induce a state of dreaminess in the listener, then it is obvious that the lecturer is not required to convincingly prove his judgments.

Secondly, work is underway to identify those to whom the teaching of the "New Acropolis" was more in the heart than in the mind, who spiritually clung to it. In order to identify such people, the people involved in the New Acropolis lectures are filtered. Thanks to her, a special psychological type of the Acropolis is brought up so that esoteric knowledge does not turn "many young people into sectarians and fanatics." In other words, it is necessary to teach the Acropolitan to whom and what to say, so as not to preach the dubious doctrine of the "New Acropolis" and not look like a sectarian.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again that the doctrine of the "New Acropolis" is occult and religious, and there is no question of any scientific comparative study of religions. Therefore, all the statements of the "New Acropolis" about the only philosophical and cultural nature of its activities do not correspond to its true goals, but are a cover for penetrating into secular educational institutions and attracting new members to its meetings.

Cit. By: Cranston S. E.P. Blavatsky: The Life and Works of the Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement. Riga; M., 1996. S. 7.

“Write more, louder about the Theosophical Society, get them interested… and “create” Russian letters Kut-Khumi… I will give you all the materials for them…”

Blavatsky E.P.. Secret Doctrine. M., 2002. T. 2. S. 640.

Livraga H.A., Gusman D.S. The hidden meaning of life. M., 2008. T. 2. S. 298.

Syncretic, adjoins the "New Age" movement.

I. Basic data

1. Founder: Jorge Angel Livraga.

Jorge Angel Livraga is a professor from Argentina. In 1957, he published a collection of his philosophical reflections called "The Leader's Manual", which received wide support among far-right politicians and their supporters.

2. Foundation time:

Late 1950s

3. Place of foundation:


4. Distribution region:

At present, the sect is spread all over the world. Largest number followers in Latin America and Europe.

5. Location of the leading center:

The central headquarters of the "New Acropolis" is located in France.
In Russia:"Big School" - Moscow, st. Tsyurupy, "Small school" - st. Malaya Filevskaya.

6. Organizational structure:

"New Acropolis" created an international secret structure. This secret hierarchy is headed by Livraga himself, who proclaimed himself "the world's commander in chief." Under him are the "custodians of the press", "commanders of the continents", "central commanders", "national secretaries". The "New Acropolis" also includes a specialized investigation service, consisting of deeply conspiratorial and known only to the top of the sect agents - men and women. Among them are people close to the governments of the largest Western states.

7. Basic literature:

"Leader's Manual" (consists of two parts - "Golden Ax" and "Labyrinths of Lapis Lazuli").

8. Periodicals:

Magazine "New Acropolis"

9. Other media:

No data

10. Educational institutions:

II. Doctrine

1. The origins of the teaching:

fascism, occultism, elements of Christianity

2. Summary teachings:

The teachings of the sect are syncretic and occult in nature. It is based on the idea of ​​some kind of divine power, which, together with secret knowledge, passes from one human civilization to another. The one who owns this power has power and might. The followers of the "New Acropolis" believe that the possession of the secret knowledge of antiquity will allow them to found a new world civilization, which in its power will surpass civilization ancient rome during its heyday.

The most important element of the doctrine of the sect is the political doctrine, which is sufficiently fully disclosed in the "Leader's Manual". In the first part of the book "The Golden Ax" it is said: "He who feels the strength in himself to be a leader should not love others (...) The leader, having decided something once, must achieve his plan, despite the costs, in the shortest terms (...) It is necessary to erase from consciousness everything that creates complexes in it. Whining and whimpering must be burned out with a red-hot iron: strength must come from the depths of the soul. (...) Only then is he a true bearer of the "Golden Ax".


In addition to the "official" doctrine, the "New Acropolis" has a secret teaching, which is not religious, but purely political in nature. The secret literature of the sect, stolen and published by French anti-fascists, says: “Down with democracy: let us put on its pedestal an aristocratic and totalitarian government that preserves the memory of a saint, historical ... All power will be concentrated in the hands of the Supreme Council and the President of the Senate, formed from the best minds humanity. This will be called the Central Command. The new political order will also correspond to a new radical moral order: in the new state there will be no illiterates, beggars, fanatics, criminal organizations ... Anyone who is unwilling or unable to adapt to the new state structures will imprisoned in special institutions for the inferior: those who resist will be mercilessly destroyed ... "

III. Activity

1. Main stages of history

Shortly after the creation of the "New Acropolis" in 1971, its branches appeared in Argentina and France. From April 1973 they were already operating in Lyon, and then in Paris. Over time, the headquarters of the "New Acropolis" was finally transferred to France.

2. Modern activities

The "New Acropolis" is a paramilitary mystical organization with a pronounced far-right ideology that promotes the cult of the superman. According to the founder of the sect, the main task of the "New Acropolis" is "to create a superman out of a man."

The so-called "security corps" was formed by the "New Acropolis". According to its leader Fernand Schwartz, with the creation of the "security corps" a new stage in the history of the "New Acropolis" opens - a stage of active operations. "Of course, we are still far from being like the guards of Ancient Rome or Napoleon's army, - writes Jean-Marc Masset, confidant of Fernand Schwarz, in his newsletter, We are aware of this. But we also know that we are the embryo of an organization that will grow into a huge army, a huge power ... We must establish such a discipline that would enable us to create an ideal organization. Of course, this will require from each of us full dedication and a high awareness of our duty. But we must achieve this, because we are forging the future of mankind from fiery metal... Approaching the hour of greatness, we must work. Long live the Acropolis! Long live mentors! Ave!"

The "security hull" symbol is a fat lightning bolt in the shape of a "Y". As Livraga explained: "The Latin "Y" personifies a vigilant and ready to throw snake. Its color is black, only on the sides there are golden stripes. This snake symbolizes high achievements"security corps": Security. Diligence, Silence, Secrecy. We must understand that our symbols are alive and carry the inspiration of divine ideas that underlie the cyclical movement of human history.

In order to attract new followers to his organization, Fernand Schwarz conducts lectures for students on the history of ancient civilization, the cultures of the Incas and the Maya, since in such lectures one can find direct, immediate contact with the audience. With those with whom it is possible to establish initial contact, acquaintance continues on an individual basis. People are offered to listen to a course of lectures on ancient philosophy and cultural traditions of the past. The course, organized at the New Acropolis headquarters in Paris, is accompanied by a demonstration of colorful films and transparencies. To the uninitiated, the sect presents itself as " philosophical school". Political doctrine is revealed to newcomers after joining the organization.

In Russia"New Acropolis" has existed since the late 80s. The sect spreads its influence among entrepreneurs and students. In many Russian cities, its representatives arrange public lectures on the topic: "Ancient civilizations and cultures."

IV. Branches

No data

V. Bibliography

  1. New religious organizations in Russia of an occult and destructive nature. Directory. Belgorod, 1997;
  2. Privalov K. B."Sects: Dossier of Fear", Politizdat, Moscow, 1987.