Why I want to be a basketball player. Project work "Basketball in my life

Project "Basketball in my life"

Subject: Physical training

Project Manager: Mitrina Ludmila Georgievna


What is basketball?

Basketball field

Basketball Founder

Rules of the game

Modern basketball

Why do I like basketball


What is basketball?

Basketball - a sports team game with a ball in which the ball is thrown with hands into basket (ring) opponent.

Basketball is played by two teams. Usually a team consists of 12 people, 5 of which are field players, and the rest are considered substitutes.

The history of basketball

In 1891, in the United States of America, a young Canadian-born teacher, Dr. James Naismith, trying to "spice up" gymnastics lessons, attached two fruit baskets to the railing of a balcony and offered to throw football balls. The resulting game only remotely resembled modern basketball. There was no question of any management, the players threw the ball to each other and then tried to throw it into the basket. The team that scored the most goals won.

Basketball field

The playing field for basketball has a rectangular shape and a hard surface. The surface of the site must not have any bends, cracks or any other deformations. The size of the basketball court shall be 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. The height of the ceiling must be at least 7 meters, and on professional sites, ceilings are raised to a height of 12 meters and above. The lighting on the field must be designed so as not to interfere with the movement of the players and must evenly cover the entire court. Until the end of the 60s, tournaments could be organized outdoors. However, now basketball games held only in closed areas.

Basketball Founder

Dr. James Naismith

First basketball games

Initially, the rules of the game of basketball were formulatedJames Naismithand consisted of only 13 items. Basketball has changed over time, and so have the rules. The first international rules of the game were adopted in 1932 at the first FIBA ​​Congress, after which they were repeatedly adjusted and changed, the last significant changes were made in 1998 and 2004. Since 2004, the rules of the game have remained unchanged.

Rules of the game

Athletes in possession of the ball must move around the field, hitting the floor with it. Otherwise, "carrying the ball" will be counted, and this is a violation of the rules in basketball. Accidentally touching the ball with a body part other than the hand is not considered a foul, unlike purposeful play with the foot or fist. A basketball game consists of 4 periods or halves, but the time of each half (play time) varies depending on the basketball association. There are short breaks between periods. The ball thrown into the basket can bring a different number of points to its team. If the ball is scored during the free throw, the team earns 1 point. If the ball is thrown from an average or close distance (closer than the 3-point line), then the team is given 2 points. A team earns three points if the ball is scored from behind the three-point line. If in regular time both teams scored the same number of points, then a 5-minute overtime is assigned, if it ended in a draw, then the next one is assigned and so on until the winner is determined. The player is only allowed to take two steps with the ball, after which he must either shoot or pass.

Modern basketball

The process of playing basketball is saturated with a large number of special techniques that require technical and tactical skills, and the emerging spirit of rivalry provides a storm of interest to the participants in the match. During the game, a person needs to use various groups muscles for the implementation of complex maneuvering movements, running and high jumps, which ensures the comprehensive development of the athlete. The dynamic process of the game forces the players to use their powers wisely, constantly changing their level of activity.

Basketball in the Chernoyarsky district of the Astrakhan region

Why do I like basketball

Basketball, like any team sport that requires constant feedback from each player, first of all, allows you to develop endurance, good coordination of movements, flexibility, mobility and jumping ability. In addition, basketball improves the relationship between all the players, because during the game we interact directly, so our team is very cohesive.

Thanks to basketball, I made a lot of new friends. I have become much more resilient.

Basketball makes us BETTER!!!

Basketball for me is MY team, my friends, my coach, our game and our victories!


Practice your favorite sport!

Sports are very important for our entire body. It maintains tone, strengthens muscles. If you constantly play sports, you can overcome constant fatigue and irritability.

2017-09-06 17:42:00

Today, as part of the Why I Choose... project, I will talk about the legendary basketball player of BC Azovmash, seven-time champion of Ukraine, four-time winner of the Ukrainian Cup, winner of the Regional Challenge Cup, finalist of the FIBA ​​Europe Cup, MVP of the Super League finals, coach and sports director of MBK Mariupol » - Alexandra Skutelnik.

His story "Why do I choose... BASKETBALL?"

Being a multiple champion of Ukraine and European Cup winner, I can say that I chose basketball because I knew that I would achieve certain results in it and would definitely connect with my favorite game all my life. But in fact, I could not even imagine where this path would lead me when I took my first, still uncertain steps.

Not a single child in the world thinks for a second about what kind of sport he can really achieve success in. From TV screens, we watch stars play, find idols for ourselves and want to be like them - regardless of whether it's real or not.

I was no exception. When I was still at school, the USSR national basketball team won Olympic Games, and the names of Alexander Volkov, Arvydas Sabonis and other leaders of that team thundered throughout the country - everyone knew them. At the same time, the star of Michael Jordan was rising in the United States. He was a real genius and forced to admire himself at first sight.

There were other things that impressed me very much - these are dynamics and uncompromisingness. Unlike football, where you can wait an hour and a half for one goal scored, but you never see it, basketball is a very spectacular and unpredictable sport in which everything can change in just one minute. No draws, no economy of strength - the fight is only for victory.

In this regard, basketball has a lot in common with hockey, but in Transnistria, where I come from, it did not enjoy special honor. And why would it suddenly, if there were no good ice rinks nearby, and our parents could not afford expensive equipment? With basketball, everything is much simpler and more accessible. He went out into the street, took the ball in his hands - and forward.

Playing in a neighboring yard, we thought that the most important thing was to send the ball into the basket. And only over time, having got into my first team with a real coach, I realized how much I was mistaken. Basketball has a huge number of requirements: you need to be perfectly prepared physically, think a few moves ahead and find a common language with people, whether you like them or not. That is, it develops in all respects and helps to become a person. Big, undeniable plus.

By the way, at the first opportunity, I brought my eldest son to the basketball section. How could it be otherwise?

Basketball also builds character. Now it's hard to believe, but once I risked not getting into Azovmash at all - after all, I was not a gifted athlete and did not score 40 points in every match. The choice in such a situation is small: either give up and say goodbye to your childhood dream forever, or step over yourself and, thanks to hard work in training, still find what you are better than others in.

Stronger, faster, more accurate or smarter - it doesn't matter. The first option didn't exist for me anyway.

And only then did the first serious victories come to me. Important minutes in big matches, crowded stands, titles and medals. By this time, I was no longer afraid of any difficulties. I learned to overcome any obstacles on the way to my goal. Not only in basketball, but also in Everyday life, with the realities of which even successful athlete sooner or later you have to face each other.

The game has given me almost everything I have. Now I return this debt to her - I pass on my experience to young guys and, becoming sports director MBK "Mariupol", I do my best to develop basketball in our city.

That's why I choose BASKETBALL!

My favorite sport is basketball. This is very popular view sports. I like other sports too, but basketball the most. I'm not bad at it. The first time I picked up a basketball in school, but then I was not very attracted to this sport because I did not succeed in many of the tricks of this game.
Basketball is a team game. Most often we play it in physical education. Basketball develops reaction, speed, coordination, and the ability to play in a team. To win, you need to hit the ball into the basket as much as possible. It seems that it is easy, but in fact it is not at all. It is not easy to play and sometimes our team loses. This game is played at any time of the year, because this game is played indoors. It is played in gym. The game has two teams with only five players. But like any sport, baseball can be dangerous and can cause a lot of injuries, so it should be treated with caution.

My favorite sport is basketball. This is a very popular sport. I like other sports too, but basketball the most. I'm not bad at it. The first time I picked up a basketball in school, but then I was not very attracted to this sport because I did not succeed in many of the tricks of this game. Basketball is a team game. Most often we play it in physical education. Basketball develops reaction, speed, coordination, and the ability to play in a team. To win, you need to hit the ball into the basket as much as possible. It seems that it is easy, but in fact it is not at all. It is not easy to play and sometimes our team loses. This game is played at any time of the year, because this game is played indoors. It is played in the gym. The game has two teams with only five players. But like any sport, baseball can be dangerous and can cause a lot of injuries, so it should be treated with caution.

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My favorite sport is basketball. This is a very popular sport. I like other sports but basketball more than anything. I didn "t play bad. The first time I took into the hands of a basketball ball in high school, but I did not strongly attracted by this sport because I have not received many tricks of this game. Basketball is a team game. Most often we play it in gym.Basketball develops reaction,speed,coordination, teamwork.To win, you need to hit the basket as much as possible.It seems that it is easy, but in reality it is not at all.Play it is not easy and sometimes our team loses.This game is played at any time of the year because this game is played indoors.It is played in the gym.There are two teams in the game with only five players.But like any sport, baseball can be dangerous, you can get a lot of injuries, so it must be treated with caution

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My favorite sport is basketball. This is a very popular sport. Like other sports, but basketball the most. I"m not a bad game it. First time I picked up the ball in the basketball school, but then I was not very attracted to this sport because I did not get a lot of tricks of the game.
Basketball is a team game. Most often, we play his fizkultupe. Basketball develops reaction speed, coordination, ability to play as a team. To win, you need as much as possible to get the ball in the basket. It seems that it's easy, but in reality it is not so .Igrat it is not easy and sometimes our team proigryvaet.V this game play at any time of year, because playing the game indoors. It is played in a sports hall .The game has just two teams with five players.But like any sport basetbol can be dangerous, you can get a lot of injuries, so it should be taken with caution

Depending on the traditions, the possibilities of the school, specialization in the sport, the majority of schoolchildren go in for basketball. Basketball contributes to the development and improvement of many motor qualities and, above all, speed-strength, speed, endurance, coordination of movements, and others. Educational tasks are also successfully solved at basketball lessons and trainings, since in the course of the game, in order to achieve a common victory, the members of our team must constantly interact with each other, overcome the opponent's resistance. This helps to foster friendship, collectivism, initiative, perseverance, determination, as well as a complex of psychophysiological qualities.

Basketball is characterized by a high emotional coloring and a great spectacular effect. This greatly facilitates the solution of one of the most important tasks of our physical education. First instill interest, and then form the need for classes physical education and sports.

From a distance, the two-story building cannot be confused with anything - this is the Physical and Sports Complex (FSK) of Yugorsk. From early morning until late at night, there is a buzz around this building, either subsiding during training, or exploding before classes.

There are a lot of children and teenagers in the gyms in sportswear. Kids run, balls fly, jump ropes whistle, a whistle sounds. Everyone is moving, standing, sitting - everyone is arguing about something, yelling, laughing, and it's so provocatively. In the ensuing silence of the FSK, only from the gym one can hear strong to thunder, then fading emotional sounds.

Pupils of the Physical and Sports Complex of the city of Yugorsk are the champions of the region and the city, winners of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Ugra in all possible sports - basketball, acrobatics, gymnastics, judo, etc. And the most favorite sport in FSK is basketball. And our coach Sergey Alekseevich Bekurin instills love for this sport.

When training begins in the gym, the dull noise of basketballs is heard - once again our team is ready for training. And in the coach's office on the stands there are certificates, pennants, cups. And all these are our awards.


My basketball team

My whole life is connected with sports. Since childhood, I was fond of dancing, went to the swimming and volleyball section, went in for sports tourism, athletics, but when I got to basketball classes, I realized what I wanted to get involved in. At first I started to play in the school basketball section, speaking at competitions for the school, I was noticed by the coach of the city basketball team and invited to the team. I have been playing basketball for 4 years now. I have the 1st adult category in this species sports. The team I play for is called NAME, which is the city's basketball team SPECIFY CITY.

There are 10 girls in our team who purposefully move towards victory. The motto of our team: "Defeat yourself, defeat everyone!".

We have reached great heights due to solidarity, diligence and single combat to victories. First we became the champions of our city, then the district, and then the winners of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

All our successes have been achieved thanks to the trainer - full name. Its main task is to instill in us an interest in forming a stable habit of self-study. Our coach is a professional and loves his job, he will always find methods and ways in our sports training and for our sporting growth.

Thanks to my sports training, I achieved success not only in basketball, but in other sports, speaking for the school and for the city in various competitions. I have won many awards and medals.

Level B. Other.

About Basketball

Nowadays sport is very important in our life. Many people are going in for sport. And all of them choose some sports to their liking.As for me, I am going in for basketball. It is a very interesting game, and I would like to tell you about it.

So my favorite sport is basketball. I enjoy other sports, but it is basketball without which I cannot simply live. I play, and, of course, I catch a game when I can. Basketball develops best athletic and psychological skills, reaction, speed, coordination, and ability to play in a team. Basketball is not only my favorite sport. It is my favorite game and hobby. I have been going in for basketball for 7 years. I really love this game. Our town has a local basketball team. I play for it. We won six championships. In this season we are also playing for the victory, and now we are the first. We won the Moscow Region Championship last season, and we are going to retry our result. Many people like to watch basketball matches. I also like to watch basketball games on TV and in the Internet. My favorite basketball team is the Los Angeles Lakers. There are some best players of the NBA in this team such as Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard. But there are many other good teams in Europe such as the CSKA, Barcelona, ​​and others. So, you see, basketball is an international game.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that basketball is a very interesting game. There are many people playing basketball around the world. Go in for sport, keep fit!

Sport is very important in our life nowadays. Many people go in for sports. And they all choose some sports for themselves. As for me, I play basketball. This is very interesting game and I would like to tell you about it.

My favorite sport is basketball. I like other sports too, but without basketball I just can't live. I play and of course I get infected with the game when I can. Basketball develops the best sports and psychological skills: reaction, speed, coordination and the ability to play in a team. Basketball is not only my favorite sport. This is my favorite game and hobby. I have been playing basketball for 7 years. I really love this game. Our city has its own basketball team. I play for her. We have won six championships. This season we also play to win, and now we are the first. We won the championship of the Moscow region last season and we are going to repeat our result. Many people enjoy watching basketball games. I also like to watch basketball on TV and on the Internet. My favorite basketball team is the Los Angeles Lakers. This team has best players NBA like Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard. But there are many others good teams in Europe, such as CSKA, Barcelona, ​​and others. So you see, basketball is an international game.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that basketball is a very interesting game. There are many people playing basketball all over the world. Go in for sports, keep fit!