Summary of classes in kindergarten planting onions. "creating conditions in research activities"

Abstract of the lesson in preparatory group"Planting an onion"
Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of the properties of onions; learn how to plant bulbs in soil and water.

1. Clarify children's knowledge of what plants can be grown from. 2. Clarify children's knowledge about the characteristic features of onions 3. Exercise children in the correct methods of planting bulbs.
1. Develop mental processes. 2. To develop and maintain activity, initiative and independence in cognitive activity.
1. Cultivate a desire to care for onions grown by one's own hands.
: bulbs, earth, water.
: boxes for planting onions, sticks 20-25 cm, watering cans, magnifying glass.
preliminary work
: examining the bulb, the teacher's story about medicinal properties Luke.
The course of the lesson-experimentation:
The teacher makes a riddle: A woman is sitting on the beds, all in patches, Whoever looks, he will cry (children's answers). Educator: We have a plate on the table, covered with a napkin. Do you want to see what's there? - Yes.
Teacher: Then let's open it. But before we start working, we need to remember the safety rules: 1. Do not take onions and earth in your mouth. 2. Do not put dirty fingers in your mouth and do not rub your eyes with them. Educator: Pick up an onion. Can you tell me what color the bow is? (Children's answers) - What shape is it? (Children's answers) - Touch it with your finger and say: is the onion hard or soft? (Children's answers) - Now I will cut the onion, smell the onion. What does he smell like? (Children's answers) - Why are you crying? (Children's answers) - Yes, the onion stings the eyes and makes everyone cry. Who wants to treat themselves to onions? What does onion taste like? Children: Onion is bitter, but it is very useful, it has a lot of vitamins. - What do you think will happen to the onion if it is planted in water or earth? (Children's answers) The teacher shows a sprouted onion. - Do you want to try yourself in the role of gardeners and grow green onions? After all, it also has a lot of vitamins. Children: Yes! Educator: Let's try to plant onions in water. But first, we need to determine where the bow has the top. Take a magnifying glass in your hand and carefully look at the bulb. Try to determine where the green onions will grow from? Children: Onions have a top, green onions grow from here. (Show) Educator: But the bottom of the bulb is the bottom. (Display) Let's say together:
. (Children repeat) Look at the bottom with a magnifying glass. What do you see?
- Small roots. Educator: Onions should be planted upside down. Let's plant one bulb in a jar of water. The teacher asks one child to give water, and the other to give a watering can. - Look, I'm pouring water into a jar from a watering can. Now we need to plant the onion. Remind me how to plant onions. (Children's answers) Show me where the bottom of the bow is? (Children show) The teacher invites one of the children to plant a bow. (The child plants a bow) And now let's rest a bit and do a physical minute:
In the garden in the morning, look at the garden (tilts back and forth).

A green bow in the wind is doing exercises (pulling up).

Turnips and radishes stood in a row for exercise (walking in place).

There, the leaves look up (raise your hands up, clap).

Here - crouch low (crouch).
Educator: Do you want green onions to grow in our group? (Answers of children). Let's plant it? - What is needed to plant a plant? (Children's answers.) Yes, we need land, water and what to plant in. Let's bring it all. (Children bring cups, shovels, a teacher a basin of water). - And in order not to get dirty yourself and not to dirty the tables, what needs to be done? (children's answers). - That's right, cover the table with oilcloth. (The teacher sets the tables with oilcloth.) Teacher: What do you think should be done at the very beginning? (Answers of children). Educator: Yes, pour the earth into the box. How much earth to fill? (The teacher demonstrates, the children pour the earth into cups.) - How to plant the bulb correctly, what part should be planted in the ground? Donets, where the roots are.
Educator: Guys, make a hole in the ground. Now plant the onion so that it top part came out of the ground. Think about what else needs to be done (children's answers). Correctly need to water the onion. Now think about what conditions are necessary for the growth of bulbs? (children's answers). Indeed - light, heat and water. Now put the onion on the window so that it germinates faster. Educator: Guys, I suggest you sketch the planted bulbs. And when the onion sprouts, we will sketch it already with sprouted feathers. Summary of the lesson: What did we consider? (Onion) What shape is the bulb? (Round, oval) What is it: hard or soft? (Hard) What do onions taste like? (Bitter) How to plant onions? (bottom down) What conditions are necessary for the growth of greenery? (Water) Children watch the growth of onions and record the results in an album.

Creation with children in a group

vegetable garden.

Our head gardener.

We eat our crops.

Julia Bykova
Summary of the lesson "Planting onions"

Develop curiosity in children. Arouse in children a cognitive interest in growing Luke. Teach kids to set goals. Learn to prepare the necessary tools. Workplace, clean up after yourself. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the bulb, about the conditions necessary for plant growth. Develop children's speech, update dictionary: root, bulb, plant, deepening, arrow, bottom. To cultivate a desire to achieve results, to participate in a common cause.

preliminary work

Examining the bulb, green arrows Luke. Preparing the tools needed for onion planting, preparing a box with earth. Reading a book about useful properties Luke looking at illustrations.

Materials, tools, equipment.

green arrows Luke. bulbs for landings(according to the number of children). A box with earth, shovels, a watering can. Bulb box. Illustrations (bulbs, arrows Luke, bulb in section)

D. R. Hession "All About Bulbous Plants": Kladez-books, 2007. Pp. 128

I. Dubrovin "Garden of the Black Earth Region of Russia" eBook.

I. Dubrovin "All About the Ordinary Bow" eBook.

Guys, look what I brought you today! (pay attention to the cardboard box on the table).

Let's guess what's in this box! Listen to the riddle, and the answer lies within.

Mystery: “Grandfather sits, dressed in a hundred fur coats, then undresses him, sheds tears” (onion)

(children's answers).

That's right, here lie the bulbs (open the box and show the bulbs). Let's look at them in the form of a rounded bulb. From above, the bulb is covered with golden dry scales, inside there are juicy scales. At the bottom of the bulb bottom.

Guys, do you know why they say onions from 7 ailments? (children's answers)

That's right, onions have healing properties, they help heal people. Onion improves appetite, digestion, fights microbes. Onions can be used when a runny nose, sore throat.

Onions are very helpful. It is useful to eat not only the bulb itself, but also green shoots. bow - arrows.

(if desired, everyone can try the green arrows Luke)

Children, what do you think it takes to get green onions?

Here are the green arrows Luke(show the children the green arrows Luke) . They are called arrows because they look like an arrow. To get an arrow, you need to sprout the bulbs. Let's think together what we need to sprout onions.

(children's answers).

Right! For plant growth needed: earth, water, light and heat.

So, since we want to sprout onions, let's bring everything we need for this. (children bring a box of earth, shovels, a watering can, onions).

In order not to stain the tables, you need to cover them with oilcloth.

Once we have everything we need, we can proceed to planting onions. Guys, what's the right way? plant a bulb, what part of it should be planted in the ground? (children's answers).

That's right, the bulb should be planted bottom down, where the roots are.

Let's make small indentations in the ground with shoulder blades and let's plant an onion in them like this so that the top sticks out of the ground.

(children make indentations in the ground and plant bulbs).

(children's answers)

That's right, now you need to water.

(children water from a watering can planted onion)

Children, our bow is very fond of light and must be placed on the windowsill.

Now the guys are entering the waiting period, the most important and responsible, because it depends on us how the onion will grow, because we must take care of it, water it, loosen the ground.

You guys are great today!

Related publications:

Synopsis of the GCD "Planting onions" Age of children: 3-4 years. Program content: Expand children's understanding of the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants "soil,.

Purpose: to form practical knowledge about planting onions in the ground. Tasks Educational: the formation of cognitive and research skills,.

Summary of the lesson in the middle group "Planting onions" Topic: "Planting an onion" Purpose. Clarify the children's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bulb (yellow, round, smooth, there is a top, there are roots). Form at.

Abstract of the lesson on cognitive research activities in the middle group "Planting onions" Topic: "Planting onions" Purpose: organization of joint cognitive and research activities of an adult with children. Tasks: - to introduce.

Synopsis of GCD on ecology "Planting onions" INTEGRATION OO: "Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization". TOPIC: "Planting onions" PRELIMINARY WORK: conversation, riddles about vegetables, drawing.



"Planting an onion"

Teacher Drach M.G.

Kulunda 2015

Topic: "Planting onions"

Target: organization of joint cognitive-research activities of an adult with children.


To acquaint with the structure of the bulb, with the conditions necessary for the growth of the plant; - teach children different ways of planting bulbs;

 consolidate knowledge of color, shape of an object and be able to identify by its features; - develop the ability to work in a team;

Instill a love of work

Equipment: bulbs, cups with earth, with water; watering can, paper napkins for hands, oilcloth, basket, didactic manual "Vegetables".

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: (Children stand in a circle, holding hands)

Oblique shadows on the snow.

A spring day has dawned.

I welcome you, friends

I'm glad to see you all

(Children greet and sit on the floor in a circle)

2. The main part.

Educator:- Children, I brought a magic bag for you today. Oh, where did he go? I must have lost it. Please help me find him. It is medium sized and red in color.

    The game "Find the bag »

(children look for the bag in the group room)

Thanks guys. The bag is not simple, a fairy tale is hidden in it

    Reading a poem by Mikhalkov S. "Vegetables"

(the teacher reads a fairy tale and puts images of vegetables on a magnetic board)

The hostess once came from the market, The hostess brought home from the market: potato cabbage, carrot, Peas, Parsley and beets. Oh!...

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table -Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth: Potato? Cabbage? Carrot? Peas? Parsley or beets? Oh!...

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knifeAnd with this knife she began to chop: potato cabbage, carrot, Peas, Parsley and beets. Oh!...

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy potBoiled, boiled in boiling water: Potato, Cabbage, Carrot, Peas, Parsley and beets. Oh!... And the vegetable soup was not bad!

Guys, what did the hostess cook vegetable soup from?

How to call cabbage, carrot, potato in one word? (vegetables)

Guys, but it seems to me that the hostess forgot to put one very important vegetable in this soup. Which one do you think?

(If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher makes a riddle - The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Who undresses him, he sheds tears (Luke)). The teacher takes out a basket with onions and distributes to the children each onion.

    Bow Examining

Educator: - Tell me, what color is the onion?

Touch it with your finger and say: is the onion hard or soft?

And now I will cut the onion. What smell does she have? (sharp, unpleasant)

Who is brave and can taste onions? What does onion taste like? (bitter)

Yes, guys, onions are bitter, but they are very useful. It has a lot of vitamins. Onion cures a runny nose. It is used in soups, salads and other dishes. And if you plant a bulb, then green leaves will grow out of it. Green onion. Do you want to plant onions?

    Planting onions

(Children come to a table covered with oilcloth. There is a watering can with water, a bag of earth, shovels, a plastic container on the table)

Educator: - Guys, look carefully at the table and tell me what we need to plant our bow? (with the help of a teacher, children pour the earth)

Guys, the bow has a top and a bottom. Where do you think the bulb will grow green leaves from?

But the bottom of the bulb is called the bottom, roots will break out of it. Show me the bottom of your bulbs. Well done. We plant the onion in the ground with the bottom down.

What needs to be done now? (pour the onion.)

Children watering onions

Guys, you planted your bulbs in the ground. Do you think it is possible to grow onions without soil? ( The teacher says that onions can grow without soil. At home, onions can be planted in water and get green shoots).

Onions need light and heat to germinate quickly. Is there such a place in our group? Where is it? (on the windowsill)

3. Final part.

Educator: - Guys, our hostess is very pleased and offers to play. Want to play the Vegetables Whig?

    Game "Vegetables"

One evening in the garden (children walk in a circle,

Turnip, beetroot, radish, onion holding hands)

Decided to play hide and seek

But first, stand in a circle.

Calculated right away: (stop, count)

One two three four five.

Hide better, hide deeper (squat)

Well, you go looking!

(The driver is looking for children, guesses who he found.)

Valentina Korobkova

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group of different ages on the topic: "Planting onions"


Cognitive: to consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the bulb, about the conditions necessary for plant growth, to acquaint children with the process of planting onions.

Developing: develop the speech of children, activate the dictionary (root, bulb, plant, sprout, vitamins, long, round);

Educational: Instill a love of work.

Equipment: bulbs according to the number of children and for the teacher, boxes with earth, several watering cans.

Preliminary work: work in a corner of nature to care for plants, dominoes "Vegetables", a conversation about the benefits of vegetables, reading the fairy tale "Cipollino", guessing riddles about vegetables.

Course progress.

(Grandmother Varvara comes to the group with a bowl containing onions according to the number of children.)

Hello children. ( Hello Grandma Barbara!) Listen to the riddle, guess - I'll show you what lies in the basin? (Let's guess! Yes.) I see you guys are smart, quickly guess my riddle.

He wears a hundred clothes,

True, there are no fasteners on them.

If you take them off

Tears will shed.

Heals seven ailments

This bitter healer (Lk.)

That's right, an onion. ( Gets and shows.) Look how many onions! Is onion a vegetable or a fruit? ( Vegetable).

That's right, it's a vegetable. What color and shape is it? ( Yellow, red, round.) And today we will plant onions in the ground. Who knows what will grow from an onion? (Rostock.) That's right, and these sprouts are also called feathers, or arrows ( shows sprouted bulb). What color is the sprout? (Green.) The sprout is at the top of the bow. Also, onions have roots. They grow at the bottom of the bulb, there are a lot of them and they look like thin threads. What does onion taste like? (Gives willing children to eat onions, and then drink juice). (Bitter.)

True, bitter, but very useful, it has a lot of vitamins. If we eat onions, they will kill the microbes in our body and we will not get sick. I invite you to play.

Physical education "Vegetables play hide and seek"

(Children stand in a circle, one child is blindfolded)

One evening in the garden

turnip, beetroot, radish, onion

decided to play hide and seek,

but first they stood in a circle.

Settled right away

One, two, three, four, five.

Hide better, hide deeper

Well, you go looking. (Children squat, and the child is looking for them).

Well done boys! And now I will show you how to plant onions correctly: you need to make a depression in the ground and plant an onion there, then take a watering can and water it. In order for the onion to grow, the bulb is planted in the ground with the root, the sprout up. And now you yourself will plant. Find where the roots will grow from the bulb. Now plant it in the ground. (Children get to work).

And what else is needed for the onion to grow. (Heat and water).

You will water it every day, and grow green onions for your lunch. (Children are watering the onion.)

Well done guys, everyone did a good job planting onions. What else is needed for onions to grow better? (Light). That's right, let's put it closer to the sun, in a corner of nature.

Now we will watch every day how our onions grow. How will we care for onions? (watering, loosening). Guys, let's plant these large bulbs in jars of water. We will observe the roots - threads. ( Children perform.)

Well done guys, well done today. Now listen to the poem: (prepared child reads)

We poured water into the jar,

Pot-bellied onions were planted.

He's on the bank like he's on a throne

In a new jagged crown.

There is only one problem -

Very wet beard. (Yu. Simbirskaya)

Related publications:

Topic: Communication skills in cognitive - research activities "Planting onions" in middle group. Tasks: 1. To fix communicative.

Synopsis of the GCD "Planting onions" Age of children: 3-4 years. Program content: Expand children's understanding of the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants "soil,.

Summary of the lesson in the middle group "Planting onions" Topic: "Planting an onion" Purpose. Clarify the children's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bulb (yellow, round, smooth, there is a top, there are roots). Form at.

Abstract of the lesson on cognitive research activities in the middle group "Planting onions" Topic: "Planting onions" Purpose: organization of joint cognitive and research activities of an adult with children. Tasks: - to introduce.

Summary of the lesson "Planting onions" Objectives To develop curiosity in children. To arouse in children a cognitive interest in growing onions. Teach kids to set goals. Learn.

Lesson topic: Planting onions

Program content. Introduce children to the properties of onions: round, hard, bitter, makes you cry. Report that you can grow green onions from it, very healthy and vitamin. Teach children to plant bulbs in soil and water.

Greenery needs water to grow.

Lesson material: bulbs according to the number of children and for the teacher, a box of earth, scoops, a mayonnaise jar, a watering can.

Lesson progress

caregiver. Children, today I received a package from our Grandfather. Do you want to see what's there?

Then let's open it. What is this? Take an onion each.

Can you tell me what color the bow is?

What shape is it? Show how round it is.

Touch it with your finger and say: is the onion hard or soft?

Now I will cut the onion, smell the onion. What does he smell like? (Bow.)

Why are you crying? Yes, onions sting your eyes and make everyone cry.

Who wants to treat themselves to onions? What does onion taste like? (Let the children eat the onions.)

Onion is bitter, but it is very useful, it has a lot of vitamins.

This is an onion, if you plant it, then green leaves, green onions will grow out of it. Green onions are also rich in vitamins. The onion has a top (shows it), green onions grow from here. But the bottom of the bulb is the bottom (shows). Let's say all together - bottom.

Show me where the bottom of your bow is? Show me where the green onions will grow from?

Onions should be planted upside down. Let's plant one bulb in a jar of water. Sveta, give me a jar, please. Seryozha, and you give a watering can with water.

Look, here I am pouring water into a jar from a watering can. Now we need to plant the onion. How will I plant onions? Show me where his bottom is? Seryozha, put the onion in a jar.

But onions can also be planted in the ground.

Let's play the game "Grow, grow onion" with you.

Everyone get up, you'll be the bow. I plant the onion in the ground, bottom down. Everyone sat down.

Now I take a watering can and pour water on it. Here the onion begins to grow, it has green leaves. All the children rise quietly. The bow keeps growing and growing. Green onions are getting bigger and bigger. Here is our green onion.

(Knock on the door. Grandfather comes.)

Grandfather. Hello children! Did you receive my gift?

caregiver. Thank you, Grandpa, for the bow. We want to plant it so we can grow green onions out of it for our dinner.

Grandfather. Come on, I'll help you. I can grow onions.

caregiver. Children, go to the box with the earth, take onion. Find the bottom of the bow. It is necessary to plant an onion in the ground with a bottom like this. (The teacher shows the reception of planting onions. Children take turns planting each of their onions.)

Grandfather. Well, well done. That's right, plant bottom down.

caregiver. Grandpa, what should we do now?

Grandfather. And now, in order for the onion to grow, it must be poured with water from a watering can.

caregiver. Olya, field onions. Water carefully, do not pour a lot of water.

Grandfather. Everyone did a good job planting onions, just great. Well, I have to go.

Goodbye, kids.

caregiver. Guys, I have a Lukovka toy. Let's put it next to our bow and see which one grows the fastest.