Valery Kharlamov hockey player short biography. Kharlamov Valery

Every person who loves and is fond of hockey knows the name Kharlamov. Which is not surprising, because its carrier was a very famous hockey player. But today we will talk not about him, but about the biography of Alexander Kharlamov Valerievich, who is the son of Valery Kharlamov. In the article we will talk about his birth and later life, and also learn facts from personal life.

Where he was born

The boy was born in the capital of Russia, Moscow. He was born on the twenty-third of September 1975 in the family of the world-famous hockey player Valery Kharlamov. From early childhood, the father paid much attention to his son and was his only role model.

Alexander Kharlamov's father gave him the knowledge base that later helped the guy become a real successful businessman and hockey player. It is worth noting that Valery did not particularly insist that the boy go skiing, Alexander himself wanted this.

Relationship between mother and father

Mom loved her son very much and paid him a lot of attention, literally surrounding him with care. As noted earlier, Valery Kharlamov was the most famous hockey player from the national team of the Soviet Union. Every day, thousands of letters came to his mail from all over the country and even from abroad from girls who confessed their love to him.

But he has already chosen one for himself - an 18-year-old girl named Irina Smirnova. At the time of the birth of Kharlamov Alexander Valerievich, the couple was not officially engaged. However, in 1976, the situation was corrected, and they signed, thereby legitimizing their relationship by marriage.

At first they lived at home with Irina's mother, and literally a year later the couple had a daughter with an interesting name Begonita. And then the state decided to take care of a famous family and gave out an apartment on Prospekt Mira in Moscow.

early years

Most of the childhood of little Alexander Valeryevich Kharlamov and his sister with the unusual name Begonita passed without a father. Not because Valery was a bad dad, but because he was constantly on the road and often attended training.

But when the father came to the children, he gave almost all his free time to have fun with them. Alexander recalls how dad took them with his sister to VDNKh.

With the permission of his mother, Valery took the children with him on trips. He met with famous personalities and spoke to ordinary people. And all this was watched by his children, who took an example from the eminent father.

When dad was at home, popular people dropped by the family. For example, Iosif Kobzon or Lev Leshchenko, and sometimes Mr. Vinokur. For these reasons, Alexander Kharlamov knew them from childhood.

A terrible tragedy that shocked the population of the USSR

The carefree childhood of little Sasha ends with the death of his parents. They died on August 27, 1981, when the boy was only about six years old. This moment remained in the memory of Alexander for a long time.

His parents were returning from the dacha and driving along the Leningradskoye highway, mother Irina was driving. Valery Kharlamov and his relative Sergei Ivanov were also in the car.

It was raining heavily outside, and the road was washed away with water, Irina lost control and the car crashed into a ZIL truck passing by. The whole company died on the spot, ambulance couldn't help.

Life after death

Two children were taken by Irina's mother, Nina Vasilievna Smirnova. At that time, Begonita was only 4 years old, and Valery was about six years old. Valery Kharlamov's mother, Carmen Orive-Abad, also helped with the upbringing. But, unfortunately, Carmen could not bear the loss of her son and died five years later, leaving two children in the care of Nina Vasilievna.

Sports career

The boy took an example from his father and began to play hockey. For him, all the doors were open, because his dad was the famous Valery Kharlamov. As a child, he played in the youth team of CSKA, where he really showed himself at the age of seventeen.

He received the legendary number - 17, which was worn by his father. Hockey player Alexander Kharlamov left the club after the rest of the players, who were the "fist" of the team.

Invitation to the United States of America

Alexandra in 1999 leaves for better fate to the land of opportunity, where he lives for six years. He plays in the Washington Capitals team, and very successfully. But after the end of the contract, he decides to return to his homeland.

Personal life of Alexander Kharlamov

Here, the guy began his "career" quite early, at the age of twenty-two. For a long time he courted his future wife Victoria, whom he constantly saw at events organized by his acquaintances.

The wedding of two lovers took place in 1997, at that time Vika was about 22 years old. After some time, they had a replenishment - a son was born, who was named after his grandfather Valery.

Relation to the film "Legend No. 17"

The motion picture was released to the audience in 2013 and immediately became "popular". Alexander Kharlamov also appears in the film, however, appearing only in a cameo role. He also acted as a consultant and helped with plotting.

A multiple world champion, a member of two halls of fame of the NHL and the IIHF Kharlamov Valery Borisovich was born into a family of simple workers of a tool factory. The mother of the future great athlete was from Spain, she came to the USSR in the late 30s. Her name was Carmen Orive-Abad, but everyone affectionately called her Begonia.

She was such a bright and temperamental woman that master Kharlamov Boris Sergeevich, who worked with her at the same factory, immediately drew attention to her. After they met, the couple became inseparable, they appeared together at all events.

Some time later, on January 14, 1948, their son Valery is born. His parents were not married at that time, since his mother did not have a passport of a citizen of the USSR. She received it three months after the birth of her son. After that, the parents registered their relationship. Some time after the marriage was registered, another child appeared in their family - daughter Tatyana.

Hockey has become Valery's favorite sport since childhood, as his father often played for the team of his native Kommunar plant and also loved this sport. The family went to Spain several times to visit relatives, and there the younger Kharlamov played football with pleasure.

At home he began to train under the leadership of Vyacheslav Tazov in youth hockey school, but did it secretly, since physical culture was banned because of its pain. Valery was diagnosed with a suspicion of rheumatism. However, the father continued to engage in sports with his son, which did not go unnoticed. Thanks to his father's methods, on his 14th birthday, Valera was already a completely healthy boy.

His sport: hockey

Initially, Kharlamov Valery Borisovich began to play for the national team sports school CSKA. As part of the Zvezda team from such a Ural town as Chebarkul, he began his adult career. Then Alexander Gusev became his partner. Later, he would also become one of the famous hockey players. After several victories, Kharlamov is offered to perform in the big arena and is taken to the CSKA team. Here Kharlamov finds such friends as Petrov Vladimir and Mikhailov Boris.

According to coach Anatoly Tarasov, Valery had all the sports data and a lot of advantages. The coach considered Kharlamov’s significant drawback to be small for a hockey player - 173 cm. However, Valery, thanks to his sports intuition and correct manner games won the sympathy of his coach and was allowed on the ice as a member of the USSR national team.

Great trio of hockey players

Collaboration in the famous trio Petrov - Kharlamov - Mikhailov played a huge role in the biography of each athlete. They won their first victory during the USSR-Canada match in 1968. It was after this that the famous trio began to be afraid of all athletes, since wherever they appeared, victory in hockey game they were provided.

They clearly distributed the roles, and each had his own style of play, which allowed him to skillfully lead the puck to the opponent's goal. Also, Valery himself showed high performance. He tried very hard, and thanks to his efforts, the USSR national team at the World Championships in Sweden gained a leading position, and the hockey player himself won the title of the best striker of the USSR on personal points.

Coach Tarasov in 1971 decided to transfer Valery Kharlamov to another link - Vikulova and Firsova. Thanks to this castling, the team received gold at the Sapporo Olympics and the championship in the super series of all time between Canada and the USSR.

In 1976, at the Olympics, Kharlamov broke the match with the Czechs by scoring a decisive goal into the opponent's goal.

End of career

Valery Kharlamov this year gets into a serious car accident on the Leningrad highway while driving his car. Serious injuries were received, after which he recovered for a very long time. Not without the surgeons of the military hospital. The doctors helped the idol to his feet, and he went out on the ice again.

Kharlamov's partners in the first match of the game with the Wings of the Soviets did everything possible to score a goal for them. However, until the end of the game, he could not finish the game there, he became very ill.

At this time, the CSKA team is replacing coach Tarasov with Viktor Tikhonov. New coach, having developed a new tactic, returned the victory to the national team at the 1978 and 1979 World Championships. However, he gradually disbands the legendary trio.

On the eve of 1981, Kharlamov announced that after the game with Dynamo, where the famous hockey player scored his last 293 goal, he would become a coach. But that never happened.

Personal and family life

Before marriage, very little is known about Kharlamov's personal life. Basically all my free time he was into sports. At a celebration in one of the Moscow restaurants, in 1975, he met Irina Smirnova, his future wife. Despite the eight-year age difference, the young immediately fell in love with each other and decided to live together.

Some time later, they had a son, Alexander, and after registering the marriage in 1976, in the month of May, their daughter Begonita was born. Young people, after several years of living together, finally got a three-room apartment, which was located near the Alekseevskaya metro station.

The tragic death of a famous hockey player

In 1981, at the end of the summer, an event occurred that had a negative impact on the psychological well-being of the athlete. For the first time, CSKA flew to the Canada Cup without taking Kharlamov with them, although there was no official announcement of Valery's retirement. He planned to play abroad for the last time, however, the club's authorities made a different decision. Kharlamov's last conversation with coach Tikhonov was rather tense. At that time, he was at the cottage with his family.

August 27, 1981 early in the morning Valera, his wife Irina and her cousin decided to go home to Moscow on their own Volga. On the way, Irina decided to take the wheel. Irina had little driving experience, and when a small emergency arose on the road, she could not cope with the controls. The vehicle swerved into the oncoming lane and collided with a truck. All passengers of the car received multiple injuries during the accident, as a result of which they died.

All the media of the world broadcast about the tragedy. No one thought that a great hockey player could die like that. A civil memorial service was held at the CSKA Palace. All three are buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery. The CSKA team was unable to attend the funeral, but the hockey players promised to win the Canadian Cup in memory of their friend. That is exactly what they did, playing in the final with the hosts of the competition. The score was simply magical - 8:1.

Kharlamov children immediately came under the care of their grandmother - mother Irina, who at that time was still full of strength. Kharlamov's hockey colleagues helped in the education of Alexander and Begonita. Subsequently, the boy made an excellent career in hockey, becoming a coach, and then a businessman. And the girl had a great career in rhythmic gymnastics She even became a master of sports. The children of Valery Kharlamov successfully started families in which they are happy:

  • Together with his wife, Alexander brings up his son Valery,
  • and Begonita gave birth and is raising two daughters - Daria and Annushka.

About the legendary Soviet hockey player, several feature films and documentaries both Russian and Canadian production. Very memorable were:

  • "Legend No. 17",
  • "Additional time".

At the Kuntsevo cemetery, ten years after his funeral, a monument to Kharlamov was erected.

Hockey player Valery Kharlamov

"Legend No. 17"

Valery Kharlamov - legendary Soviet hockey player, member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, two-time Olympic champion, eight-time world champion, seven-time European champion


The life of Valery Kharlamov, to the great regret of millions of fans of the talent of the legendary hockey player, was not long. He left in the full dawn of his strength, left senselessly and forever. But, decades later, and today, many hockey fans remember and admire the incredible skill of the great Kharlamov.

Valery Kharlamov was born on January 14, 1948 in Moscow into a Soviet-Spanish family. His father, Boris Kharlamov, was Russian, and his mother was an emigrant from Spain, who in early childhood because of the war was taken to the USSR. As often happens, his father instilled a love for sports in little Valera. Boris Kharlamov played hockey for the team of the factory where he worked. It was the father who first brought his six-year-old son to the skating rink. As a child, Valera Kharlamov was very painful. Colds, sore throats, heart disease, all kinds of diagnoses were made by doctors. The future legend of world hockey was not only not recommended to play sports, but was strictly forbidden to attend classes physical culture. However, Boris Kharlamov was of a different opinion, who did everything possible to get his son to play hockey.

In 1962, Kharlamov Sr. brought his son to the hockey section. Despite the fact that the coaches recruited the boys of 1949, it was not a problem for the 14-year-old Valera to hide his age, since he was, to put it mildly, not tall. So Valery Kharlamov got into the first hockey team. After some time, the coaches found out about the deception with age, but Valery Kharlamov had already managed to declare himself as a promising and talented hockey player and he was not expelled from the team.

Road to CSKA

A few years later, playing hockey, Valery Kharlamov was not viewed in best team The Soviet Union of that time - CSKA. Then the coach of the army was an outstanding specialist Anatoly Tarasov. By the way, Tarasov, either did not immediately discern Kharlamov's talent, or considered that it was too early for a skinny and not tall young man to act in the same team with eminent and powerful masters, and did not take young player to the team.

But giving up is not in the spirit of Kharlamov. In 1967, Valery brilliantly played in the final tournament of the USSR Championship among juniors, after which he received an invitation to CSKA. But, even now, the experienced Tarasov was in no hurry to take Valery to the team. Instead, he sent him to Chebarkul to the Zvezda team so that he would gain experience, get stronger, mature and turn into a "real hockey player." Valery was furious, he was very upset and experienced this as another defeat. However, there was nowhere to go. Secretly from Kharlamov, Tarasov almost every day received information about training process hockey player in Chebarkul and gave tasks to load him with loads, as they say, until he lost his pulse. In Chebarkul, Kharlamov became a real star. The driving forward, who managed to score 35 goals in 40 games, fell in love with the local public and became a real star of the team. Moreover, Kharlamov, almost single-handedly, brought Zvezda to the first league.

In March 1968, Valery Kharlamov received an invitation to CSKA. His debut for the main team of the army took place on March 10, 1968, and on April 23 he scored his first goal for CSKA. In 1969, Kharlamov became a full-fledged player in the main team. His attacking partners were Boris Mikhailov and Vladimir Petrov. This trinity was incomparable, the hockey players complemented each other, making the bundle perfect. Valery Kharlamov highly valued and respected the more experienced Mikhailov and Petrov. The hockey player himself said later that, largely thanks to his attacking partners, he achieved significant success on the ice.

The golden years of Kharlamov

In 1969, childhood dreams began to come true in the life of a talented hockey player. At his debut World Championship (which was also the European Championship), 21-year-old Kharlamov, as part of the USSR national team, won gold medal. According to the goal + pass system, he became the fifth player in the tournament, having recorded 6 goals and 7 assists. This medal was the first of eleven that Kharlamov won at the world championships. Only three of them (1972, 1976 - silver, 1977 - bronze) were not of the highest value.

In the USSR Championship of 1970-1971, Valery Kharlamov became the top scorer, chalking up 40 goals. In addition, the skillful and fast Kharlamov gave more than a dozen assists to his partners.

From Olympic Gold to the Legendary World Series

In 1972, Valery Kharlamov made his debut on Olympic Games. Games in Japanese Sapporo confirmed the status of the USSR national hockey team, and Kharlamov won his first Olympic medal. At the Olympic tournament, the hockey player for the first time went on the ice not in his usual bunch. Now Vikulov and Firsov have become his attacking partners. But even here Kharlamov did not blunder. In Sapporo, the hockey player became the scorer of the tournament, having managed to score a hat-trick twice. 9 goals scored and 7 assists - this is Kharlamov's contribution to the victory of the Soviet team at the 1972 Olympics.

At 24, it seemed that Kharlamov had everything possible sports achivments. But, as the legendary hockey player later recalled, this was not enough for him. He dreamed of going on the ice against the Canadian professionals. While professional athletes were not eligible to participate in the Olympic Games. In addition, it was they who considered themselves the best hockey players on the planet, and everyone else was referred to the list of "second-class players." Kharlamov dreamed of fighting the Canadians, proving to them that not only in the "wedge-leaf country" they know how to drive the puck. Fortunately, his dream came true.

In 1972, officials from the USSR and Canada agreed to hold a historic event - the USSR-Canada Match Series. Nothing like this has ever been done in any sport before. The organizers planned to hold 8 matches - four each in Canada and the Soviet Union. The Canadian team consisted of the best players NHL at the time. It was after this event that the name of Valery Kharlamov was inscribed in golden letters in the history of world hockey.

The first game of the Series was held in Montreal. In fact, it was not just sensational, it turned Canadians' idea of ​​the level of Soviet players upside down. Imposing Canadians even before the match were sure of a crushing victory over the Soviet "amateurs". Besides, on the 6th minute the score was 2:0 in their favor. Canadians did not yet know that after the final whistle they would hear another whistle - the whistle of the fans in their address. At the 17th minute, the Soviet players, through the efforts of Zimin and Petrov, equalized the score. And then ... further on the ice there was only one team. At the 22nd minute, Valery Kharlamov led the Soviet team forward - the score became 2:1. After 5 minutes, he doubled the advantage of the USSR national team. Finished off the Canadians Mikhailov, Zimin and Yakushev. The total score of the game is 7:3 in favor of the “amateurs”. At the end of the match, Canadian fans were no longer just indignant at the game of their hockey players, but fiercely supported the Soviet athletes.

In the Canadian round of the Series, Soviet hockey players won 2 matches, lost 1, and one more ended in a draw. Canadians were shocked by this result. Also in more shock they were from technical and physical fitness Soviet players, in particular Valery Kharlamov, who repeatedly left well-known defenders and the NHL goalkeeper with a nose.

Super Series -1974

Continuing to collect gold medals at the world and European championships, Soviet hockey players received a new challenge. This time, the hockey players had a series of matches with the players of the World Hockey Association (a professional hockey American-Canadian league that existed from 1972 to 1979). In this Super Series, Kharlamov scored only two goals, but it was they who were recognized as the masterpiece goals of the tournament. As a result, a confident victory in the Series was won by Soviet athletes.

Controversial 1976.

1976 was the most controversial in the life of Valery Kharlamov. At the Olympic Games in Innsbruck, the hockey player won the gold medal for the second time in his career. Valery Kharlamov won the next gold awards at the World and European Championships. The athlete also achieved success in his personal life. On May 14, Kharlamov married 19-year-old Irina Smirnova. 12 days after the wedding, the newlyweds were in a car accident. The hockey player received many injuries, doctors said that he would never be able to go on the ice again. Numerous fractures, bruises, operations. Only two months after the accident, Valery Kharlamov was able to get on his own feet.

The rehabilitation went well. Kharlamov could not imagine his life without hockey and returned to the ice in the fall. The first time after returning, the hockey player trained with the children's team, and in December he already played in the Union team.


In 1977, at the World Championships, the Soviet Union team, after second place in last year's tournament, won bronze medals. This result was considered a failure and in the summer the team was headed by Viktor Tikhonov. Loads have become even greater, and discipline is tougher. Soon this began to bear fruit. In 1978 and 1979, Soviet athletes regained the title of world and European champions.

But the years take their toll. Large loads, exhausting workouts wear out the body of athletes very quickly. In addition, the accident in 1976 could not but affect the health of a talented hockey player. In 1980, Soviet athletes could not win another gold, moreover, in one of the matches they lost to their principal rival, the United States. As a result, the USSR team became the second, andSoviet leaders did not consider such a result successful. After Olympic tournament the trio Mikhailov-Petrov-Kharlamov ceased to exist. Valery Kharlamov understood that very soon he would have to part with hockey.

In 1980, Viktor Tikhonov did not include Kharlamov in the application for the Canada Cup. This information was a real blow to the hockey player. He was incredibly worried, could not find a place for himself, was in despair. Kharlamov planned to end his career, but wanted to do it differently. He planned to play one more season, become a coach and continue to live hockey, but fate decreed otherwise.

Tragedy on the Leningrad highway

August 27, 1981 was a black day in the history of the entire world of hockey. Valery Kharlamov and his wife got into a car accident for the second time. This time, both Valery and Irina, who was driving, did not survive. They left a little son Alexander and a daughter Begonita. Valery was 33 years old. Not a single teammate could say goodbye to the “legend”, since they were all in Canada. Upon learning of what had happened, the hockey players promised to win in memory of Kharlamov. In the final match, the Soviet hockey players defeated the Canadians with a score of 8:1.

In 1998, Valery Kharlamov was included in the IIHF Hall of Fame. In 2005, the hockey player was included in the NHL Hall of Fame in Toronto. In memory of Kharlamov, the number "17", under which he played, is assigned to a hockey player in the Russian national team and CSKA.

In 2013, the feature film "Legend No. 17" was released, which tells about the childhood, youth and hockey career of Valery Kharlamov.

Fate takes the best for itself, producing not natural, but its own selection. She lights a star, gives time to admire it, and then takes it away forever. And that is why this flash remains in our memory forever. Such a star was the legendary hockey player Valery Kharlamov.

Kharlamov Valery Borisovich

14.01.1948 – 27.08.1981


  • "Star" Chebarkul (1966-1967).
  • CSKA (1967-1981; 438 matches, 293 goals).

As part of the USSR national team, he played 292 matches and scored 193 goals.

Team Achievements:

  • Olympic champion 1972, 1976.
  • Silver medalist at the 1980 Olympics.
  • World champion 1969-1971, 1973-1975, 1978, 1979.
  • European Champion 1969, 1970, 1973-1975, 1978, 1979.
  • Silver medalist of the world championships in 1972, 1976.
  • Bronze medalist at the 1977 World Championship.
  • Champion of the USSR 1968, 1970-1973, 1975, 1977-1981.
  • Silver medalist of the USSR championships in 1969, 1974, 1976.
  • Winner of the USSR Cup 1968, 1969, 1973, 1977, 1979.

Personal achievements:

  • Included in the symbolic IIHF team of the century.
  • The best striker of the 1976 World Cup.
  • He was included in the symbolic team of the world championships in 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976 according to polls of journalists.
  • The best hockey player of the USSR in 1972, 1973.
  • The best scorer of the USSR championship in 1971.

Through hardship to the stars

The son of a Soviet test fitter and a Spaniard who fled from the Franco regime in the late 30s, first went on the ice with his father at the age of seven. Dreams of professional hockey immediately took possession of the boy, but poor health interfered with plans. In 1961, a sore throat gave complications, and Kharlamov was diagnosed with a heart defect and banned any vigorous activity.

Contrary to the diagnoses, the father decided to take Valery to the hockey section. He enrolled his son in a team of guys a year younger. Boris Kulagin, the second coach of CSKA, could not even think about deception, because Kharlamov was small and looked smaller than his years, and when the truth was nevertheless revealed, Valera had already firmly established himself in the eyes of a mentor and turned into one of the leaders of the CSKA Youth Sports School.

The head coach of the army team Anatoly Tarasov treated the young talent with prejudice. He was sure that tall and big athletes should play hockey, and oversized Kharlamov had nothing to do there. In 1966, he sent Valery to the Chebarkul "Star" - the team of the Sverdlovsk military district. In one season, Kharlamov became a real leader, scoring 34 goals. Kulagin persistently tried to convince Tarasov that CSKA needed such a hockey player, and, finally, in 1967 Kharlamov was invited to the base of the army club.

What the young hockey player did not have to experience in order to become his own in the army ranks: Tarasov deliberately held back his youthful enthusiasm, saved up the energy and sports anger of the future legend No.


Valery Kharlamov - CSKA forward

The golden season of 1967-1968 was the birth of the trio - Kharlamov, who was included in the second national team of the USSR (instead of Czechoslovakia for the prize of the Izvestia newspaper), and a year later, 21-year-old Kharlamov became the world hockey champion.

Awards and gold medals followed one after another. Kharlamov argued that, even without dimensions, hockey players can succeed in this sport. He was unusually agile, had excellent stick and puck control, and had a quick mind.

Millions of fans enjoyed his breakthroughs, swift as lightning, and his technique - the same delight as the 17th number of the army and the national team, on a regular basis, could only be caused, perhaps, by the Dynamo nugget, whose best friend was just the same Kharlamov.

By 1972, Valery Kharlamov became one of the best not only in the country, but also in Europe, and in a series of USSR-Canada matches, he also conquered the North American continent. Then no one doubted that the Canadians would certainly win, but the Soviet team refuted all expectations. Kharlamov was recognized as the best, he was offered a million dollars in the NHL, they called the whole three along with Petrov and Mikhailov, but the hockey players unanimously refused - such was the Soviet upbringing.

Along with sports, Valery had a successful personal life. He got married, his son was born, but in the spring of 1976, together with his wife, Kharlamov got into a serious accident. A broken shin, ankles, ribs, concussion and multiple bruises tied him to a hospital bed for months. Doctors did not give any hope for the continuation of a sports career.

Nevertheless, in the autumn he returned to duty. There was talk that now Kharlamov would not be the same as before, his bright star would no longer burn, but Valery again proved the opposite. Again, as on his return from Chebarkul, he had to start all over again. Exhausting workout, work on the verge of self-torture, and Kharlamov, as before, together with CSKA, continues to lead in the national championship, win European and world gold in the national team.


The break happened in 1980, at the Olympics in the USA. No one could have imagined that this tournament would result in the defeat of our team. The fact that the USSR national team lost in the finals to young American hockey players was then regarded only as a disaster. Cones flew, of course, on the most experienced players, one of whom was Valery Kharlamov. In fact, then the story of the legendary trio ended. Mikhailov was the first to leave, and Petrov and Kharlamov began to be used in different levels. The sunset of the great hockey player was brewing.

In 1981, Kharlamov announced that this was his last season. Young talented hockey players began to take over, and it was necessary to leave gracefully and with dignity. For the eleventh time he became the champion of the USSR and the owner of the European Champions Cup, was named the best striker in the last tournament. For completeness, it remains to win the first Canada Cup at the end of August.


And then unexpected news thundered: coach Viktor Tikhonov said that Kharlamov would not go to the tournament. Instead, he will go to the matches of the Coppa Italia, which, of course, did not compare with Canada. There were different guesses: allegedly they didn’t take him because of a violation of the regime, he was out of shape, but those who talked with Valery claimed that Kharlamov was perfectly prepared.

Of course, the team was in shock - the long-term leader was unhooked from the squad! Veterans of the national team went to Tikhonov with persuasion to take Kharlamov, but this did not help either - Viktor Vasilyevich did not change his decision.

Valery Kharlamov - the legend of world hockey

In August 1981, the team flew to Canada, while Kharlamov remained in Moscow. This seemed to seal his fate. On August 27, at the 74th kilometer of the Leningrad Highway, the Volga hockey player, driven by his wife, had an accident. So, the car became fatal for Kharlamov: he gave him life (Valery was born in a car on the way to the hospital), gave him a second birth (accident in 1976) and took him forever. The hockey players of the national team learned about the tragedy only in the evening, and the comrades dedicated the cup they won to Valery Kharlamov.

Legend #17

The memory of Valery Kharlamov is still alive today. Two feature films were made in honor of him - "Extra Time" and "Legend No. 17". The latter made a special sensation among all the spectators - both those who enjoyed the hockey player's game live, and those who heard about Kharlamov from the lips of their fathers and grandfathers.

Soviet hockey was rich in excellent players both before and after Kharlamov, but it was Valery who stood apart in the list of the brightest stars of everyone's favorite game. His game and hard fate still live in the hearts of millions of fans throughout Russia. The following facts also prove this: the 17th number of the legend Soviet hockey forever assigned to him in his native CSKA and one of the divisions of the Continental Hockey League is named after him.

Name: Valery Kharlamov

Date of Birth: 14.01.1948

Age: 71 years old

Date of death: 27.08.1981.

Place of Birth: Moscow city, Russia

Height: 1.73 m

Activity: hockey player

Family status: married

One of the most famous and successful hockey players in the USSR is Valery Kharlamov. Almost all Soviet athletes know about his productive game, since in the 70s he became famous for his significant achievements in hockey. It is also impossible to forget about his many goals that have always led the team to success. Unfortunately, the life of Valery Kharlamov ended pretty quickly. In this article, we will take a closer look at the biography and cause of death of the legend of Soviet sports.


The future athlete was born on January 14, 1948 in Moscow. Even though his parents were ordinary people: father is an engineer, and mother is a turner; the family was not quite normal. The thing is that his mother was a Basque by nationality and during the Spanish Civil War, she was able to escape to Russia. She met Valery's father at the factory and since then they have been inseparable. And only a few months after the birth of their son, the lovers registered a relationship. And after a while, the youngest daughter, Tatyana, appeared in the family.

Valery Kharlamov in childhood

At first, the whole family lived in a small room in a dormitory, and there were several other similar families next to them. For them, these were quite difficult times: adverse climatic conditions and the same type of food led to the fact that the children were constantly sick. This was especially reflected in the health of Valery.

In 1961, the boy was diagnosed with a sore throat, which subsequently gave complications to the body. During the next examination, the doctors revealed that he had a serious illness - heart disease. After that, a large number of medical procedures were prescribed for him, and physical activity was also prohibited.

First steps to big sport

Experts strongly recommended avoiding any sports activities. In addition, Valera was forbidden to attend a pioneer camp during the summer holidays. But the parents did not agree with such strict prohibitions, so they tried to do everything possible to ensure that their son developed not only mentally, but also physically.

In 1962, Boris Sergeevich enrolled his son in the hockey section. It just opened at the same time new ice rink and coaches recruited boys in sports team. Despite the fact that Valery was not suitable for his age, his external characteristics were able to hide this fact.

Kharlamov in his youth

And he, along with other guys, was accepted by one of the coaches of the famous Moscow team. After some time, the deception was revealed, but thanks to the unique talent and hard work, the boy was left in the group. It can be said. That this was the time when Kharlamov first realized that he would like to do this all his life.

New Horizons

Valery stayed at the hockey school until the age of 19, and then the coach began to recommend him to the adult CSKA hockey team. But, according to the head coach of the national team A. Tarasov, Kharlamov did not have special playing skills. In addition, his height did not meet the established standards (only 173 cm). In the spring of 1967, the athlete, together with the group, became a member final tournament junior championship of the USSR. During the game, Kharlamov showed himself as a hardworking and team player who can quickly navigate in a difficult situation.

Famous athlete during the game

But they still doubted that Kharlamov would be a suitable candidate for the main team of CSKA. Thanks to perseverance and determination, in March 1968 Valery was still accepted into the team. A month later, the hockey player scores his first goal in the new line-up.

Best players

Almost at the same time, an outstanding trio of players Kharlamov-Mikhailov-Petrov was formed. They were able to reach top results in professional activities. Their main leverage on the opposing team was a power game. In addition, in 1969, athletes were invited to the 2nd USSR national team to play at the international Moscow tournament. The guys won and won the main prizes. For Valery, this was already the eleventh medal that was won during various competitions.

Starting in 1969, the star trio were regularly called up to the national team for friendly games. And after a while they became the main players of CSKA during the World Cup in Stockholm.

The legendary trio Petrov-Kharlamov-Mikhailov

In 1972, an important event took place in the biography of Valery Kharlamov - he takes part in the Olympic Games, but already with Firsov and Vikulov. Such changes did not affect his game in any way. He not only showed himself the best side, but also won the title top scorer. By the age of 24, the athlete was able to achieve tremendous achievements, but his main goal was ahead. Kharlamov always dreamed of playing a match with the best hockey players in the world - Canadians.

The long-awaited fight

Even though it was not possible to agree on such a game at the time, in 1972 the government officials were able to make an exception and decided to play several matches between the USSR and Canada teams. Of course, this moment went down in the history of sports as the most grandiose and memorable, because nothing like this had ever happened before.

The first game was held in Montreal. Only then Russian hockey players could see the high professionalism of the opponents. In addition, the Canadian team included famous players National Hockey League. Therefore, their team did not even doubt that the victory would be theirs.

Valery Kharlamov on crutches after the first accident

But during the game, the opponents realized that they were greatly mistaken. Starting from the 17th minute, the advantage of the game was with the USSR national team thanks to Petrov and Zimin. Soon Kharlamov entered the fight and doubled the score. It was these players who led our team to victory.

Crucial moment

In 1976, Valery Kharlamov won the title of champion at the Olympic Games for the second time, and also became the champion of Europe and the World. Apart from sports activities, he had changes in his personal life. He met his future wife and in the spring of the same year they registered a marriage. But, not having time to enjoy this wonderful time, the couple got into a car accident.

Famous hockey player with his wife Irina Smirnova

As a result of numerous injuries, the hockey player was taken to the hospital. He needed an urgent operation, after which the doctors forbade him to play sports. Only a few months later Kharlamov was able to move independently.

With wife and children

Despite all the prohibitions, Valery sought to quickly gain strength and continue his career. To begin with, he re-learned to stand on the ice, and then trained with the children's team. But thanks to his great willpower, the athlete returned to the national team in December 1976 and continued to develop his sports biography.