Mikhail Biryukov: “I can’t even remember the time when I was a bachelor. Mikhail Biryukov: the career path of the Russian hockey player Mikhail Biryukov where the goalkeeper was born hockey biography

The pupil of the once very famous "cup" team "Banner of Labor" (Orekhovo-Zuyevo) came to Zenit from the Blagoveshchensk "Amur". Yuri Andreyevich Morozov immediately believed in Mikhail Biryukov. How this mentor knew how to believe in a football player, as they say, in spite of everything, the current generation of fans knows from the example of Alexander Kerzhakov, who for a long time could not hit the opponents' goal, but regularly got a chance from the coach. So the 21-year-old goalkeeper, quickly nicknamed Micah by his teammates, did not succeed right away.

Realized 120 percent

In 1980, everything with goalkeepers was simple and clear: the post number 1, without any competition, was occupied by 33-year-old Alexander Tkachenko. The veteran who came from Zorya did not let us down, played great, led the defense, helped out. And Zenit for the first time in its history claimed medals, each point was worth its weight in gold! In the 14th round in Donetsk, Morozov, as usual, without explaining anything to anyone, entrusted Mikhail Biryukov with a place at the gate - a debut in the major leagues. Zenit, visiting a formidable opponent, led 2-1 until the 73rd minute, when Shakhtar equalized. The conceded ball affected the rookie goalkeeper in the same way as it often happens with unfired goalkeepers. Over the next 7 minutes, the home team succeeded three more times (!) Mikhei was in the reserve, however, he received another chance that season from Morozov.

Next came the bronze medals. Fanfare. All Peter rejoiced. The following year, Zenit made its debut in the UEFA Cup, and Tkachenko returned to Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk). Looking for a new goalkeeper? Yuri Andreevich very confidently and weightily said that this was useless: Biryukov was ready to become the main goalkeeper. The coach-triumphant on a wave of euphoria was believed, although not all. But the transition time is over. The 1981 season began in February with cup meetings. Then - in the format of a group tournament. In winter, of course, in the CCM. In the first round, Zenit played with Zorya, Biryukov against Tkachenko! Perhaps for Misha it became an additional psychological burden. Removing the ball from his hands with his foot into the field, the powerful goalkeeper accurately charged Anatoly Davydov, who was coming out of the penalty area, below the back. The usually imperturbable veteran got up, went to the bench and looked expressively at Andreevich. I note that today, in an informal setting, Anatoly Viktorovich assures friends that he does not remember this episode. Even then, in 1981, only at the end of the season, Davydov will repeat in all interviews that the team owes a lot to goalkeeper Biryukov. But in February, Morozov will use the right to an “exclusion” for participants in European competitions and will invite goalkeeper Vladimir Nikolaev to Zenit after the end of the transition period, with whom he will start the championship.

The recruit played very well, but in the 7th round in the match against "Neftchi" Mikhey appeared and defended to zero! Perhaps Morozov did not dare to put Nikolaev against former club? But in the 11th round, Biryukov held a meeting in Leningrad with Chernomorets. And more and more were visible (even to skeptics), the amazing data of the young goalkeeper, his good reaction, jumping ability ...

Biryukov will become the main goalkeeper of Zenit after the return game for the UEFA Cup in Dresden. Pitertsev defeated - 4:1, could have been more, but the matured goalkeeper rescued.

“Misha realized his potential by 120%,” Vladimir Kazachenok said about him already in the 21st century. “Not a single player of the golden squad has revealed himself the way he did,” added the legendary striker.

Grandmother from Volosov or Unknown heroine of the 84th

Here, in fact, in 1984, this manifested itself most clearly. By this time, Micah is the leader of the team. Often left to work after training. Nobody remembered about his understudies for years - an excellently trained goalkeeper avoided injuries.

Here, however, in 1984 ... Biryukov had a backache, the matter in football is everyday. But you have to play. In those years, let me remind you, they did not even hear about MRI and computed tomography. Plain x-ray showed nothing. In "Zenith" there was a masseur-magician Sergey Tokarev. I conjured over the goalkeeper - it did not help. Tokarev shared with your author the idea of ​​taking Mikhei to Volosovo, where a certain grandmother-healer (or maybe a bone-setter) worked wonders. I shamed him, they say, a specialist with a higher education is ashamed to say such things. Before matches, Biryukov was injected with analgesics. And then all of a sudden it was gone. It happens. And only at the end of the golden season I found out that Lysy (Tokarev) nevertheless took Mikhey to his grandmother. How it was removed by hand.

And nothing could stop Biryukov from making his debut in his stellar season in the USSR national team. I will note in brackets that in those years in St. Petersburg they treated Rinat Dasaev with a special feeling. Not just like a Spartacist. Everyone knew that "Zenith gates are more reliable than a hundred locks ...". Here “the great Misha Biryukov” was supposed to play in the national team, and not some kind of Dasaev, every kindergartner understood this on the banks of the Neva! On August 19, 1984, the USSR national team hosted Mexico at the stadium. CM. Kirov, who simply demanded to release the finally invited Mikhey. He made his debut only in the 84th minute.

More than 30 years have passed, but I am still sure that the then attitude towards Zenit of our football leadership affected. Biryukov is the true owner of the penalty area, who played in the manner of Lev Yashin. Dasaev was afraid to go out of the box, and this greatly impoverished his game. At the same time, the textured, athletic Mikhei shone with reaction and skillfully reflected even a penalty.

And yet, in 1984, he was appreciated: the prize of the Ogonyok magazine for the “Best Goalkeeper in the Country” was worth a lot.

Heirs of the Great

Mikhail Yurievich, of course, is a Zenit soldier. The only one involved as a goalkeeper and coach in all five team championships. But Petersburgers should not forget about one important milestone in the career of this amazing man. Five years for Lokomotiv St. Petersburg, more than 170 matches for this team! And she’s been gone for a long time, they might object to me, and what’s wrong with that! But Biryukov played football until the age of 42 (!) years. And at a very decent level! It was on him that fans went to the stadium in the second half of the 90s. CM. Kirov, and again just a hundred castles and the great Biryukov were loaded, although the name "Locomotive" did not fit in size. And, perhaps, most importantly: in this team, Yurich greatly helped the formation of two St. Petersburg goalkeepers - Dmitry Borodin and Alexander Makarov. Both, by the way, received invitations to the Russian national team.

This is how the Coach was born.

The wife of the goalkeeper of the Podolsk "Vityaz" Mikhail Biryukov Elvira told me that her husband was a man of few words. However, when I invited Misha to talk about his personal life and his soulmate, he agreed with pleasure.

We met quite by chance in Yaroslavl. Thanks to my childhood friend, we ended up in the same company, - recalls the guardian of the Vityaz gate. - I immediately drew attention to Elya. Outwardly, I really liked the girl. We started talking and I invited her to the cinema the next day. When he came on a date dressed up, with flowers, he was very surprised to see Elvira with her child. I was absolutely not ready for such a turn of events, I thought that this was her little son.

I went to meet Misha with my five-year-old nephew Arthur, the son of my own brother, - says Elvira. - I promised the baby to show the zoo for a long time. As a good aunt and godmother, she had to keep her promise. And it's only for the best that everything turned out that way. I didn't have time before personal life, and I didn’t know at all how to behave on a first date, what to talk about with a stranger. I was shy. So, the presence of a nephew helped a lot. Avoided tete-a-tete conversations.

The three of us had a great day. And Misha showed himself as a real man. He took care of our boy, bought everything for him, told him something. I added a plus. And the child was happy. Now my husband and Arturchik are great friends. At the first opportunity, he comes to visit. He was everywhere - in Novokuznetsk, and in Nizhny Novgorod, and at the sea they rested together. In general, the beloved nephew is a full-fledged member of our family.

“For the sake of my husband, I left my career”

Mish, you got married this summer. When you made an offer, how sure were you that Elvira would not refuse?

Before I took her down the aisle, I courted her for three years. I had no doubt that I would hear the answer "yes". After all, we had lived together for a year and a half. I remember that my parents often told me that I was already an adult, but there is still no family, and they really want to babysit their grandchildren. I then answered them that when I bring a girl into the house - for life. And all questions immediately disappeared. And the marriage proposal was made by Ele in SMS. We were in different cities, corresponded, joked, and I wrote "Become my wife." Received in response: "Yes, of course, I agree." This concludes our dialogue.

I came home, handed the ring ... They did not arrange a grandiose wedding. They celebrated in Yaroslavl, where there were only mothers, fathers, closest relatives and friends. Of the hockey players, Lesha Potapov, Lesha Pepyalyaev and Kirill Lebedev with their spouses were present. Everything went great. Elya did a lot in terms of organization. She is very smart. Whatever city we come to, I can only think about hockey. The rest is on her. If something is needed, he will raise everyone to the ears and achieve his goal.

Elvira: - For the sake of Misha, I had to sacrifice the most important thing in my life. What you have earned with your work, you deserve. But I did it. And consciously. I was engaged in professional ballroom dancing and was constantly on the road, participated in various competitions. We didn't see each other as often as we would like.

My husband did not demand that I immediately end my career. He just talked about what he would have to choose in the future and hinted that he wanted to come home, where the other half would be waiting. The decision was still mine. Plus, another injury - a torn meniscus - played a role. Has made operation. I could recover and continue to perform, but put an end to it. Husband was happy. (Smiling.)

My spouse may seem strict, serious and even callous, but in fact he is very soft, gentle, kind and caring. Before meeting him, I was an absolute careerist, obsessed only with work. Serious relationship was not interested.

- Mish, I'm sure you appreciated Eli's act?

Certainly. I still admire her determination to this day. It is difficult to take and turn your whole life upside down - stand at the stove, devote yourself completely to life, family. It’s hard for me to imagine how she was able to quit overnight what she had been going to all her life since childhood. But one of us had to give in.

- Elvira, have you ever regretted your step?

No. It was just really hard at first. I didn't know where to put myself. I was ready to climb onto the roof of the house and scream. The energy was in full swing, and I was like in a cage. It took a long time to adapt to the new life. But then I became a different person - much better, with different values. Vanity and selfishness are a thing of the past. Now the main thing is the family, our future children.

I'm 100% sure I did the right thing. I remember how I completely abstracted from my past, stopped communicating with all my acquaintances. Just crossed them out. Didn't answer calls. I wanted to hide, to disappear. I do not know why. Maybe because there was nothing to say to people. I didn’t want to justify myself to anyone and share.

“My spouse is demanding and straightforward”

- Elya, tell us, what is the goalkeeper of Vityaz Mikhail Biryukov in real life?

He is laconic. That's what I liked about him. I love restrained men who keep their thoughts and experiences in themselves. Not like some - they splash everything out. My spouse may seem strict, serious and even callous, but in fact he is very soft, gentle, kind and caring. Before meeting him, I was an absolute careerist, obsessed only with work. Serious relationship was not interested. I did not plan to fall in love at first sight and did not dream of a wedding since childhood. But the goalkeeper Biryukov was an exception - very courageous and, let's say, I felt him energetically.

Misha's birthday is October 13th, yours is October 20th, both of you are Libra. It must also play a role?

Agree. We are very similar to him. It's just that I'm seven years younger than my husband and I go, let's say, after him. But in some situations I understand that I would have acted exactly the same. That is, I see myself from the outside. And my husband says that at my age he behaved the same way. In general, Libra is a very good sign. Fair, albeit rather complex. For example, I have several personalities. I can be first like this, then another. In some ways I behave like a fighter, in some ways like a child, I become soft and vulnerable. A lot of different sides. This is probably good.

I gave the puppy to my wife on March 8th. Before Olympic Games Elya taught gymnasts choreography. While at the training camp, she once wrote to me that she had a lot of training and was insanely tired. I decided to please her.

My husband and I are both leaders. For some time they fought over who would pull the blanket over whom. Misha is demanding and straightforward. He said that's how it should be. And what I like about him is that he shows all his emotions and love without words, and I understand him. This is exactly the person I dreamed of. “Susi-pussy”, “bunnies”, “suns” are not mine. I love serious men, because I myself am the same. When a spouse tells someone about me some things, it’s even surprising, because I don’t even know what he really thinks. We are like two riddles. (Smiling.)

Misha, knowing you for more than a year, I think that you are an absolutely non-confrontational person and, let's say, comfortable with you ...

This is true. (Smiling.) But I am very quick-tempered, although I depart quickly. What can get you out of a rut? Work-related when something doesn't work out. It’s better not to spill it all at home, but sometimes there are difficult moments. And sometimes I can wind up because of some little thing. Elya knows when it is better to remain silent, and when it may be worth giving advice and shaking.

Elvira: - Sometimes I tell him something, and he is mischievous. Sometimes like children. There are no global disputes. I'm not a provocateur at all. I smooth out a lot. If I feel that there is irritation in Misha, I try to be softer, calmer and more loyal. That is, I do not climb on the rampage. We very quickly put up and give in to each other, and then we laugh. I can be offended for a maximum of five minutes.

Misha: - Elya is a kind, sympathetic and caring little man. I feel safe and comfortable with her. When I am away from my wife, I miss her very much.

"My wife is my personal trainer"

- Elya, before meeting your soulmate, how did you feel about hockey? Did you know him?

I take it quite calmly. For me this species sport is my husband and our friends. When we hang the skates on a nail, I will probably forget about hockey altogether. Now the main thing is for Misha to catch and hit. I worry about him very much.

- Does your spouse usually share his feelings with you or keep it to himself?

Rather, the second. This is a trait of goalkeepers. After all, they are generally different from field players. The gatekeeper Biryukov can tell something, but not immediately, but later. When we go for a walk in the forest, we talk about everything.

Misha: - My wife supports me in all matches where I play, expresses her point of view. After the fights, he can say: “You were cool today, we are proud of you” or “Don’t be upset, tomorrow will be a new day”… eyes - I will perform well or not. He just already knows me and feels great.

And still she is mine personal trainer. She and I have been rocking the press almost all summer. Elya is a professional, knows how to work with muscles and do stretching. I sometimes get lazy, my wife pushes me. (Smiling.)

- Did Elvira teach you to dance?

Useless. It's definitely not mine. The host of the wedding suggested that we learn some ballroom elements, but, alas. And my other half dances very cool. I like to watch. It's mesmerizing. Overall, she is very beautiful. Her mother has Tatar roots, her father is Latvian.

“Once Misha cooked an omelette according to the instructions”

- Mish, as for everyday life, do you help Elya around the house?

Yes. I can take out the trash, make the bed. (Smiling.) But, let's say, in terms of cooking, I'm a complete "teapot". Everything is in the hands of the wife. I love all her dishes. The most necessary thing on the menu is porridge. Eat every morning.

Elvira: - It was a lot of fun when one day Misha called me and asked how to make an omelet. And he began to act strictly according to my instructions: he turned on the stove, put a frying pan, broke an egg, took a fork, stirred, sprinkled salt. Since then, I try not to leave him at home alone. She must feed her husband, take care of him. In general, if something needs help, the spouse will never refuse. In terms of accuracy, he even surpasses me in many ways. Too clean.

- And who is the head of your family?

Misha: - I am. Still, this is a man's theme. (Smiling.) And I am extremely happy that positive, kindness and harmony reign in the house. I wish it were always like this. After all, we have another member of the family - a dog of the Labrador breed. As kind as my wife. I gave the puppy to my wife on March 8th. At one time, she worked as an assistant to Irina Viner. Before the Olympic Games, Elya taught choreography to gymnasts. While at the training camp, she once wrote to me that she had a lot of training and was insanely tired. I decided to please her. On Women's Day, he sent a photo of the future pet.

For the sake of Misha, I had to sacrifice the most important thing in my life. What you have earned with your work, you deserve. But I did it. And consciously. I was a professional ballroom dancer and was constantly on the road.

Elvira: - Buffy will soon be two years old. We love him. He even sometimes sleeps with us, and when we fly somewhere, we take him with us. Friends laugh, they say that they don’t even bother with children like we do with a dog. The four-legged is actually like a child. To date, this is the best gift in my life, especially from a loved one.

Sometimes the stamp in the passport changes people's attitudes. I think this cannot be said for sure about the Biryukov couple. Didn't make a mistake?

Elvira: - True. Absolutely nothing has changed. As we lived before, so we live. The only thing is I can't get used to the new surname.

Misha: And I - to the ring on my finger. (Smiling.) Love, on the other hand, only grows stronger. We are like brother and sister. As if merged into one whole, and there are no barriers and constraints. I can't even remember the time when I was a bachelor. Sometimes it seems that Elvira has been with me all my life.

Photo by Dinara Kafiskina and from the personal archive of Mikhail and Elvira Biryukov

Russian hockey player Mikhail Biryukov is a goalkeeper of the highest level. From a young age, the pupil of the Yaroslavl “Locomotive” showed an excellent game at the gate, which he continues to confirm even now, speaking for the Nizhny Novgorod “Torpedo”.

First steps to world fame

Having passed hockey school Lokomotiv in Yaroslavl, in 2004 Mikhail Biryukov went to the NMHL for a season and a half, where he defended the colors of HC Dmitrov, until in 2005 he received an offer from the VHL team Captain. As part of the Stupino club, the goalkeeper did not play long. Already a season later, a talented guy was lured to him by Molot-Prikamye. At the core Perm club Mikhail immediately became the main goalkeeper and helped the team get into the playoffs, after which, in early 2007, he became a player in the MVD club.

In his first club in the Elite Division of the Russian Championship, Mikhail Biryukov played less than two seasons. The first year for the “MVD” turned out to be fruitful for the goalkeeper: his game contributed to reaching the playoffs, but due to the club’s financial difficulties during the 2008/2009 season, Mikhail moved to Dynamo Minsk. It was not difficult for Biryukov to play in Minsk. The young but experienced goalkeeper quickly fit into the game, becoming the club's first goalkeeper. At the same time, the Russian began to be regularly called up to the Russian national team, which only strengthened his unshakable position in the dispute for a place at the gate.

Arrival in "Ugra"

A confident game on target both in the games of the national team and Minsk Dynamo attracted attention to Mikhail from the Khanty-Mansiysk Yugra, with whom he signed a contract in the summer of 2010. For the next 4 seasons, Biryukov became the main star of the team, sometimes demonstrating an incredible level of play. However, the efforts of the goalkeeper were not enough for the success of "Ugra". The team has never been able to take a place higher than tenth in the national championship, and also lost in the first round of the playoffs. As a result, at the end of the 2013/2014 season, Mikhail moved to the capital CSKA, where he could not gain a foothold in the base, playing only 3 times, and returned to Khanty-Mansiysk.

Career in "Torpedo"

After playing another six months for Yugra, in the winter of 2015, Mikhail Biryukov was able to find himself new club"Torpedo". As part of Nizhny Novgorod, the goalkeeper became one of the main gatekeepers, playing in about half of the championship meetings. At the beginning of the 2016/2017 season, the Russian was offered a contract by HC Metallurg-Novokuznetsk, where Mikhail went for six months, after which he returned to Nizhny Novgorod in December 2016. After returning to Torpedo, the goalkeeper began to take to the field more often and this moment is the first number in the gate of his team.

National successes

Mikhail Biryukov gained world fame playing for the Russian national team. The goalkeeper made his debut in the national team in 2008, appearing in one match in the hockey Eurotour. Having proved himself, the coaching staff of the national team invited the goalkeeper to the upcoming World Cup, where Mikhail went on the ice three times. The debut at the world championship came in the preliminary stage match against the Czech Republic, where Biryukov's game helped the Russians snatch victory in overtime, then taking part in the victory over Denmark. Then the hockey player appeared again at the gate in the game against Belarus, having survived in the shootout. Mikhail was not involved in the playoff games, but all this time he was on the bench, ready to help the team. As a result, having won the final over Canada, Biryukov became the world champion as part of the Russian team.

In 2010-2011, the Russian was regularly invited to Eurotour matches, and in 2014, without getting into Olympic squad national team, Mikhail took part in the World Cup, where he again played the role of the second goalkeeper of the team. Having played in only one meeting, the goalkeeper became a two-time winner of the world championship, after which he was no longer called up to the national team.

Biryukov, Mikhail Yurievich. Goalkeeper.

Pupil of the Orekhovo-Zuyevo team "Banner of Labor".

Played for the team "Banner of Labor" Orekhovo-Zuyevo (1975 - 1978), "Spartak-double" Moscow (1978), "Amur" Blagoveshchensk (1979 - 1980), "Zenith" Leningrad (1980 - 1991), "MyPa-47" » Anjalankoski, Finland (1992 - 1993), Tevalte Tallinn, Estonia (1993 - 1994), Lantana Tallinn, Estonia (1994 - 1995), Lokomotiv St. Petersburg (1995 - 1999).

Champion of the USSR 1984

The best goalkeeper of the USSR (Ogonyok magazine prize) 1984

He played 2 matches for the USSR national team.

Worked in teams: Rotor Volgograd (goalkeeping coach, 2000), Zenit St. Petersburg (senior coach, acting head coach, 2000 - 2002), Petrotrest St. Petersburg (senior coach, 2003), Metallurg Donetsk, Ukraine (goalkeeping coach, 2004). Goalkeeping coach at the Zenit St. Petersburg club (2006 - ...).

Honored Coach of Russia (2008).


Events in the "Zenith" sample in 2002 developed with kaleidoscopic speed. Only a month and a half, the idol of the St. Petersburg fans of the 1980s, Mikhail Biryukov, acted as the head coach of his native club. Today, some time later, Mikhail Yuryevich, now the coach of FC Petrotrest, is once again trying to analyze the reasons for the failures of the team under his leadership.


Mikhail Yuryevich, work with Yuri Andreevich Morozov is still considered a master class for you?

I started playing under the guidance of Yuri Andreevich. Then, already as a coach, he was his assistant. For me, this is a great school. I will say more, not a single coaching course will give such a level of practical knowledge that you will learn while working side by side with Morozov.

Back in 2000, Morozov called you his successor as head coach of Zenit. Did such an advance payment by Yuri Andreevich impose additional responsibility on you?

I believe that this is an absolutely normal phenomenon when a teacher prepares a successor for himself and he continues his work.

Why, in your opinion, not all of your comrades chose the coaching path from the champion squad of Zenit in 1984? Although Vyacheslav Melnikov, Anatoly Davydov and you headed the St. Petersburg club in different years.

Not always even the greatest footballers, having finished playing, become coaches. We can say that at a certain stage there is a natural selection. Someone has a calling, talent, someone finds himself in another profession. I initially liked the coaching craft.

Have you ever wondered why there is an opinion among experts that a goalkeeper cannot be cool coach? Basically, your role colleagues work with goalkeepers.

Let's talk sensibly. The goalkeeper on the football field is a person! From the gate, you have the whole picture of the game at your fingertips, you control the situation, that is, you try to predict the actions of field players. It's just that we have a stereotype - since the goalkeeper, it means that he doesn't understand anything. This is fundamentally wrong. By the way, I started my work in Rotor Volgograd as a goalkeeping coach. And I liked this thing. But when Yuri Andreevich invited me to be his assistant, the process of working with the whole team completely absorbed me.

Has Yuri Andreevich Morozov changed in more than twenty years? After all, you started playing under his leadership in 1980, then met again at Zenit in 1991 and, finally, today you are helping the master.

Don't think. It's just that my perception of many things has changed. Morozov never changed his principles, kept the line, and this brought results.


Exactly a year ago, due to the lack of normal conditions for training in St. Petersburg, Zenit worked for a week on the basis of Dynamo Kyiv in Koncha Zaspa. It's no secret that Yuri Morozov and the late Valery Lobanovsky are like-minded coaches. What are your impressions from that trip?

To be honest, in the open former USSR there were simply no analogues of our joint collection. Indeed, in the “Zenith” and in the Kiev “Dynamo” adhere to the same directions in the training work, put forward similar requirements for the players. I am sure that if we had trained with Spartak, nothing would have come of this idea. It was nice to see with what excitement the guys performed all the exercises, trying not to concede to the people of Kiev in anything.

How true are the various statements that Dynamo Kiev is a club of European level?

This is the absolute truth! We looked at the conditions in which Dynamo players train. There are several training fields in Koncha-Zaspa, an arena with artificial turf the latest generation, ultra-modern recovery center. Coaches do not need to adjust team preparation plans depending on weather conditions. In a good way, the people of Kiev can only be envied. By the way, the leadership of "Dynamo" did not take a single cent from us for the collection.


In the history of “Zenith” more than once after the rise was followed by a decline, if not failure. After the bronze in 2001, were there any warning signs that the team would fail?

Let's be honest, I myself became the champion of the country and today, after many years, I understand that, on a subconscious level, players begin to reduce their requirements. Football cannot be deceived - the game puts everything in its place. To prevent such things from happening, the team needs an infusion of "fresh blood". But with this we have serious problems. I will not argue that the Yugoslav legionnaires invited at the beginning of 2002 are bad football players, but they did not "get used" to the team. And if the team, figuratively speaking, is not "collected into a fist", then expect trouble.

When, due to the illness of Yuri Andreevich Morozov, you were forced to take the helm of the team, the leadership of Zenit assigned you the role of "acting". Have you ever tried to talk to Vitaly Mutko about this?

Yes, such a conversation took place, and Yuri Andreevich asked that they give me the opportunity to work without any prefixes, but the management decided to wait with the approval of me as the chief.

The peak of the popularity of Alexander Kerzhakov turned out just for the period when you led the team. Why did the Zenit goalscorer lose so sharply in the second half of the championship?

There is a whole range of reasons here. Firstly, the world championship is a huge event for a very young football player, because Kerzhakov was not yet 20 years old. Perhaps the peak of Alexander's form has passed. Secondly, of course, he somewhat reduced the requirements for himself. And, I repeat, a football player may not always be aware of this. Everything happens on a subconscious level.

In the match against Sokol Saratov, after which you had to leave your post, many were surprised by the choice of the goalkeeper - you put 18-year-old Sergei Ivanov on the game. By the way, was it the right decision to release Dmitry Borodin to the Moscow “Torpedo” after the 2001 season? Indeed, in fact, Vyacheslav Malafeev was left without any competition.

I can say that Dima Borodin is a good goalkeeper. I know him well from playing for the St. Petersburg Lokomotiv, he learned something from me. However, in “Zenith” there was such a situation that the first number was Vyacheslav Malafeev, and the goalkeeper of the Borodin class should play, and not sit on the bench. We decided to let Dima go to Torpedo, leaving young goalkeepers Sergey Losev and Sergey Ivanov in the team. Perhaps we made a miscalculation. Vyacheslav made unfortunate mistakes last season. As for the game in Saratov, both then and now I am sure that I did the right thing by giving young Ivanov a chance. At least the guy got his baptism of fire. By the way, in the second half of the match with “Falcon” our goalkeeper played just fine!

Tell me frankly, did you anticipate your resignation?

In general, to be honest, the decision of the club management was a complete surprise for me. However, this is football, where everything determines the result. Of course, at first it was hard, but life goes on as usual ...


Now let's turn to today's affairs. How did you react to the proposal of the Petrotrest club, which at that time was not included in the second division?

In the off-season, I continued to work at Zenit, working with young goalkeepers. And somewhere in the middle of February, Yuri Andreevich called me with an offer to join the coaching staff of the Petrotrest team. Naturally, I gladly agreed. We talked to the leaders of the club, explained to them that football club"expensive toy", discussed important issues and realized that people want to make a serious team. "Petrotrest" will not be caliph for an hour.

What are the challenges facing your coaching staff this season?

The task so far is the same: to create a combat-ready team, but this does not mean that we have time to build up. We will try to achieve the maximum result in each game.

Do you consider being in the second division, and even more so as an assistant coach, a step back in your professional career?

In no case! I don't see anything shameful in this. You know what they say: "It's better to take a step back so that you can take a step forward twice." In any work you need to see the future.


The goalkeeper of the "golden" team and the coach of the goalkeepers of his native club Mikhail Biryukov - about the benefits of independent
life, the secrets of goalkeeping and the specifics of Finnish football

During the championship season, St. Petersburg fans had a lot of chants, but for some reason it stuck in their memory: “The great Misha Biryukov is more reliable than a hundred locks at the gates of Zenit.” A little out of rhyme, rather familiar, but this uncomplicated line very accurately reflects the attitude of the fans towards the most indispensable player in the 84 season. At the gates of Zenit, Biryukov played it without substitutions and in many matches was really more reliable than a hundred locks. It is no coincidence that at the end of the year in which Zenit won gold medals, the gate guard was recognized as the best goalkeeper of the USSR and received a very prestigious prize from the Ogonyok magazine at that time.

At the very beginning of our conversation, the current goalkeeping coach of Zenit simply stunned me with the statement that he was unlikely to remember the details of the championship season matches. Biryukov explained that from the very beginning of his career he made it a rule to forget the match played immediately after the final whistle, so as not to worry again and again for the mistakes made and not imagine himself, if not God, then Lev Yashin or Rinat Dasaev. He also teaches the same to his wards in Zenit-2009.

In Moscow, they didn’t appreciate it, I had to go to the Far East

You are one of three football players of the championship squad who started their football career away from St. Petersburg. Was there a good school in Orekhovo-Zuevo near Moscow in the middle of the last century?

I have not had to study football in any other. There were good football traditions in my hometown. Back in the pre-revolutionary years, a team was created in Orekhovo-Zuevo that played on an equal footing with Muscovites, and in the 60s, the local club Znamya Truda had a reputation as a cup fighter. The class "B" team, which corresponds to the current second division, reached the final of the USSR Cup. But the attitude to the cup tournament then was completely different than now.

At the time of my childhood, sports were taken seriously. They didn’t recruit in the Youth Sports School, but selected them. I was immediately identified at the gate.

Is it possible that representatives of the capital's clubs did not notice a promising boy from the not-so-distant suburbs?

I had an option with Dynamo, but, as they say, it did not work out. Players were invited to Moscow from all over the country, and the immediate surroundings were the last thing they paid attention to.

Did you fail to gain a foothold in the double of Spartak because of the position of Konstantin Beskov?

Just at that time, Alexander Prokhorov was about to end his career, and Beskov was looking for a replacement. We got into the team almost at the same time as Rinat Dasaev, and the choice was made in favor of the goalkeeper, who then became the main one in Spartak and the national team for many years.

You decided to try your luck in Blagoveshchensk "Cupid". What winds brought you to the Far East?

I went with my friend Sergei Berezin, with whom I played for the youth team of the RSFSR. Then Berezin for CSKA for a long time playing time, received a severe injury on artificial turf during the game with Zalgiris and survived, as he said, only thanks to Yuri Morozov's "pre-season". Berezin comes from the city of Svobodny, where the Russian cosmodrome is now created, so he persuaded him to go with him for company to the Amur. For me, the years spent at Amur became a very good school. Adult men played there, and the transitional stage from junior football to the team of masters passed for me under their reliable supervision. When working with young goalkeepers, I always say: “There is an opportunity to try yourself in a team in a lower division - go for it!” You can't stay in duplicate.

Parents on the other side of the country let go easily?

I have been living on my own since the age of 17. He made his own decisions, he earned his living.

Learned a lot from Tkachenko

Did you also make the decision to go to Zenit on your own and easily?

Yuri Morozov invited me to Zenit before the start of the 1980 season. I was pulled back to Spartak, but Yuri Andreyevich had good connections with Beskov. They once worked together, which few people remember today. Morozov led the scientific team. He persuaded me to let me go to Leningrad. He even sent the head of the team, Vladimir Pavlovich Kornev, to quickly complete the necessary paperwork. The main goalkeeper of "Zenith" Alexander Tkachenko was injured, and it was necessary to urgently plug the gap in the squad. It just didn't work out quickly. Tkachenko has already recovered, got in shape, but everyone did not declare me.

When you were the main goalkeeper of Zenit, you preferred to keep backups at a distance. And how did you feel in this capacity?

I learned a lot from Tkachenko: how to manage the defense on the field, how to build relationships in the team, how to move away from offensive defeats. We have a good relationship despite the age difference.

Did you quickly adapt in Leningrad?

At first it was hard. Especially when living in a hotel room. In Blagoveshchensk, I had my own apartment, a well-established, by Soviet standards, life.

At Zenit in those days there were no special goalkeeping coaches. Who prepared you for the games?

In Morozov's classes, as a rule, Special attention Goalkeepers were given to Vadim Grigoryevich Khrapovitsky. He explained something, showed something in practice.

Zheludkov trained me to save a penalty

You made your debut at Zenit in the "bronze" season-80, and in the champion's 84th you played all 34 matches. Is it really possible even after 25 years to forget such bright fights as with Spartak in Moscow?

The match really turned out amazing in its plot. A cool goal was scored by Volodya Klementyev, but almost immediately Sergey Shavlo equalized the score. Well, in the 37th minute I - well, to be honest - knocked down Sergei Rodionov in the penalty area. The penalty was on point. Yuri Gavrilov came out to the “point”, and then Dasaev rushed from his penalty area to ours. He literally begged Gavrilov not to hit the penalty. I felt, apparently, that the full-time penalty taker of Spartak would not score.

But the full-time penalty taker of Zenit-84, Yuri Zheludkov, said that after the end of training he often stayed with you to work out shots from the 11-meter mark. So, this is how he prepared you for duels with Spartacists and other competitors?

Zheludkov had an absolutely fantastic shot. Some of the penalty takers, like the same Gavrilov, tried to outwit the goalkeeper, someone beat on force, and Zheludkov combined both. If in training I managed to take one of ten blows from Yuri, it was a very good indicator. You can really say: I had a good coach. I've never been interested in my penalty-shooting stats, but I've had a reputation as a penalty taker storm for a long time.

I heard from your teammates that they wanted to see you as the captain of Zenit in 1984, but Pavel Sadyrin strongly objected to this ...

I don't think that such a statement is true. I was the vice-captain of the team, often replacing the captain. I had to make visits to Sadyrin's office as a kind of truce to ask for something on behalf of the guys. Sometimes Pavel Fedorovich agreed, sometimes he did everything his own way. In the championship season, the atmosphere in the team was simply amazing.

In 1984, you didn't play many clean sheets, but two of them stand out. The same ones, "on the road decisive", against the "Torpedo" and "Dnepr" ...

At the end of the season, fatigue has already accumulated. We didn't score that much and it was very important to keep the goal intact. Although we had luck in these matches, especially in Dnepropetrovsk, when Vyacheslav Melnikov scored an absolutely fantastic goal.

Was the mood for these matches special?

In Dnepropetrovsk, the hosts made us angry. We arrived from the training camp in Sochi. From summer to winter. Wet snow at the airport, but we have not yet been met. Issued for training basketballs. Like, anyway, you won’t go to the field in such weather. Sadyrin felt this situation very subtly. He was generally a good psychologist. He set us up to “thank” the people of Dnepropetrovsk, and we succeeded.

When did you realize that Zenit would not miss the chance to become a champion?

Before two final home games with Shakhtar and Metalist. Before that, they just tried not to think about anything like that.

For « ajax» turned out to be old

You went with Zenit all the way up and down - from bronze to gold and from the championship season to relegation from the first league of the USSR championship. Did you have any desire or opportunity to start a legionary career before?

It is now that every 14-year-old football player already has an agent who is engaged in the employment of a client, and Volodya Dolgopolov and I hired an Estonian manager for our own money, who arranged contracts for us in Finland. I was lucky that I got into the MyPa-47 club, which at that time was also going uphill. The conditions for a footballer accustomed to Soviet realities seemed royal: they provided an apartment, a car, and even paid $ 1,200 a month. In addition, there are bonuses for victories! After the Zenit devastation in the early 90s, such a life seemed like a paradise.

Did Finnish football give pleasure to one of the best goalkeepers in the USSR?

By the way, future European football stars Jari Litmanen and Sami Hyypää played for my club at that time. Hyyupä, who later shone in Liverpool, was still quite a boy at that time, he served in the army and came straight from the barracks to training and went to away matches. Litmanen already stood out then. It was clear that he would not stay in Finland. Soon he was invited to Ajax.

They say that you were also matched to the famous Dutch club ...

After a sparring match with MyPa, the then Main coach Louis van Gaal of Amsterdam came up to me. I don't know if he was serious about moving. It was only when I found out that I was over 30 that I lost interest.

Was it difficult to rebuild after 30 in a new country?

Finnish football is very specific. There, for a long time, only matches were shown on television. English Premier League, and all the guys played in the British style: they went into the fight, not paying attention to the goalkeeper. They could easily play with a foot in the face, as recently Spartak Welliton against Gabulov. I had to besiege the guys, instill due respect for the Russian legionnaire.

How was the defense managed?

At first, until I learned the basic football terminology in Finnish, I wrote the words on gloves. I look and I cry. Sometimes it was fun. I shout in Finnish: "Fight!" - and they start doing it in the center circle. The goalkeeper needs to lead the defense.

Was it easy to do this in the Zenith championship squad?

I had a complete understanding with the defenders. I knew that Alexei Stepanov would always cover the zone if I didn't have time. The full-backs were very mobile and tenacious.

Was your current boss Anatoly Davydov also a controlled defender?

He also read the game well. Yes, and my instructions were always perceived unquestioningly.

Goalkeeper technique must be passed through yourself

Playing for Zenit, you were almost always the first and only goalkeeper…

Why not? I always felt the breath in the back from the same Sergei Prikhodko. The presence of a strong understudy does not allow you to relax.

Nevertheless, almost never in the team there were two equal goalkeepers of the level of the national teams competing for a place at the base ...

I understand what you're getting at. My task as a goalkeeper coach is to make sure that each of them is ready to take the field at any moment and bring maximum benefit to the team. The class of a goalkeeper should be judged by his stability. An ordinary goalkeeper can play 10 matches without a recession in a season, a good one - about 20, an excellent one - somewhere around 30.

Working with Dick Advocaat, could you give advice on who should be put in goal?

He himself sometimes asked about this, but the decisive word in such matters always remains with the head coach. After all, the lawyer worked with the team on the field, he saw everything and could appreciate it. With Davydov now we have exactly the same principles of interaction.

Is there any special training method for goalkeepers?

There are books, and manuals, and video cassettes, but all this information needs to be passed through yourself. Then you understand when you need to load the goalkeeper, when to give relief. I am still learning a lot with Kamil and Slava.

Do you really have some secrets of goalkeeper art that young goalkeepers own?

It's not about that. The current goalkeepers are people of a completely different formation. Communicating with them, I learn a lot and, accordingly, learn a lot.

There is an opinion that former goalkeepers rarely make good coaches ...

Absolutely disagree. For some reason, it is believed that goalkeepers see football differently from their “frame”. Being at the last frontier, you see more. You notice all the nuances. Of course, now that goalkeeping coaching positions have appeared on the staff list of clubs, former goalkeepers are most often invited to them. Although we deserve more.

Is a goalkeeping coach a dependent position?

Certainly. Any head coach comes with his staff, and most often it already has a specialist in working with goalkeepers. I have very fond memories of working in Donetsk, where I was invited. The local Metallurg, of course, is in the shadow of Shakhtar, but this club also had a very good base. The player training system worked. It was interesting to work there, but he came to Metallurg new coach Slavoljub Muslin, and had to pack his bags. It's good that soon a job was found in his native city, first as the head coach of the youth team of the North-West, and then in Zenit.

Left on time, on the fifth ten

Even becoming the best goalkeeper USSR, according to the Ogonyok magazine, you were not actually involved in the national team ...

Played only two games for the national team. In the summer of 1984, Eduard Malofeev, who then led the national team, released me for six minutes at the Kirov Stadium against the Mexicans, and even played a full match in the winter of 1985 at the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Tournament in India against the Yugoslavs. I perfectly understand both Malofeev and the head coaches of the national teams who replaced him, who relied on Dasaev. He did not let me down, and in such a situation, changing the goalkeeper would be just stupid. The team must be stable at the last frontier. The same Guus Hiddink clearly singled out Igor Akinfeev as the first number. His backups can get a chance in the event of an injury to the main goalkeeper, but no more.

Many goalkeepers with whom I had a chance to talk said that they tried to retire before the match, even shunned their comrades. How did it fit with the atmosphere at Zenit that everyone still remembers?

It was necessary to retire before the game. After the matches, I became a full-fledged participant in all collective events, conversations about which, after 25 years, are already reminiscent of legends.

You completed your career in St. Petersburg Lokomotiv, but between this team and MyPa there were performances for Estonian clubs. Did they really pay more in Tallinn than in Russian first division?

There was a certain stability there. There were sponsors who supported the team. In St. Petersburg, even in the mid-90s, they could not figure it out with Zenit.

Your goalkeeping career lasted until the age of 41. Not late with leaving for coaching?

Left just in time. I've played enough for the rest of my life, and now I don't even want to play in matches for the veterans. Although, when I watch the guys from the “golden” roster, I am simply surprised by their today's energy.

d 2 -2 25.01.1985 YUGOSLAVIA - USSR - 2:1 n FIRST OLYMPUS UNOFFICIAL And G And G And G 2 -2 – – – –

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Playing career

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State awards International medals

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Mikhail Olegovich Biryukov(October 13, Yaroslavl) - Russian hockey goalkeeper, world champion and years in the Russian team. He plays for the hockey club Metallurg. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2009), 2012 (since May 21).


He was chosen, with the help of fan voting, as the main goalkeeper of the Fedorov Team of the 2012 KHL All-Star Game.


Statistics of performances in the Championships of Russia

Season Team League regular season Playoffs
Games IP "0" PS Min Kn Str Games IP "0" PS Min Kn Str
2005/06 Captain VHL 8 4 0 23 241,33 5,71 0 - - - - - - -
2006/07 Molot-Prikamye VHL 37 33 5 57 1984,38 1,72 4 7 7 1 15 386,15 2,33 10
2007/08 MIA PHL 46 45 3 114 2717,55 2,52 2 3 3 0 12 188,15 3,82 2
2008/09 MIA KHL 13 11 0 30 626,29 2,87 0 - - - - - - -
2008/09 Dynamo Moscow KHL 10 8 1 22 534,24 2,47 0 2 0 0 0 24,52 0,00 0
2009/10 Dynamo Moscow KHL 32 27 0 75 1633,23 2,76 10 1 0 0 0 20 0,00 0
2010/11 Yugra KHL 39 37 4 78 2067,18 2,21 4 2 2 0 6 68,23 5,26 0
2011/12 Yugra KHL 39 34 6 84 2276,03 2,26 10 4 4 0 17 210,14 4,85 0
2012/13 Yugra KHL 23 21 2 65 1284,37 3,04 25 1 3 3 0 6 183,57 1,96 0
2013/14 Yugra KHL 32 32 1 97 1738.48 3.35 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2013/14 CSKA KHL 3 3 0 4 185 1.30 0 1 1 0 2 40 3 0
2014/15 Yugra KHL 17 17 0 46 895.45 3.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2014/15 Torpedo KHL 18 18 1 34 1041.07 1.96 2 2 2 0 6 68.24 5.26 0
Total in VHL 47 35 5 80 2226,11 2,16 4 7 7 1 15 386,15 2,33 10
Total in PHL 46 45 3 114 2717,55 2,52 2 3 3 0 12 188,15 3,83 2
Total in the KHL 253 231 18 540 12582.50 2.57 55 15 15 0 37 615.50 3.61 0
  • Games- the number of games played;
  • IP- the number of games in the main team;
  • "0" - the number of games "to zero";
  • PS- the number of missed washers;
  • Min- the number of minutes on the site;
  • Kn- coefficient of reliability;
  • Str- the number of penalty minutes.

Statistics of performances for the Russian national team

Season Team League
Games PS Str
2002 Juniors born in 1985 International Tournament 3 4 0
Russian team Channel One Cup - - -
Russian team Cheska Poyishtovna 1 2 0
Russian team World Championship 3 6 0
Russian team Karjala Cup 1 3 0
Russian team LG Hockey Games 3 9 0
Russian team Karjala Cup 1 1 0
Russian team Channel One Cup 1 4 0
Russian team World Championship 1 0 0
Total for Russian national teams 14 29 0

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An excerpt characterizing Biryukov, Mikhail Olegovich

Magdalene called... Wrapping her hands behind her head, she called her Gods again and again. She called the Fathers who had just lost their wonderful Son... She could not give up so easily... She wanted to return Radomir at any cost. Even if it is not destined to communicate with him. She wanted him to live... no matter what.

But then the night passed, and nothing changed. His essence spoke to her, but she stood dead, not hearing anything, only endlessly calling on the Fathers... She still did not give up.
Finally, when it was getting light outside, a bright golden glow suddenly appeared in the room - as if a thousand suns shone in it at the same time! And in this glow at the very entrance, a tall, taller than usual, human figure appeared... Magdalena immediately understood that it was the one whom she had called so fiercely and stubbornly all night...
“Get up, Joyful one!” the visitor said in a deep voice. This is no longer your world. You lived your life in it. I will show you your new way. Get up, Radomir!..
“Thank you, Father…” Magdalene, standing next to him, whispered softly. Thanks for listening to me!
The elder gazed long and attentively at the fragile woman standing in front of him. Then he suddenly smiled brightly and said very affectionately:
- It's hard for you, sad! .. It's scary ... Forgive me, daughter, I'll take your Radomir. It's not his destiny to be here anymore. His fate will be different now. You wished for it...
Magdalene only nodded to him, showing that she understood. She could not speak, her strength almost left her. It was necessary to somehow endure these last, most difficult moments for her ... And then she will still have enough time to grieve for what she has lost. The main thing was that HE lived. And everything else was not so important.
A surprised exclamation was heard - Radomir stood looking around, not understanding what was happening. He did not yet know that he already had a different fate, NOT EARTHLY ... And he did not understand why he was still living, although he remembered for sure that the executioners did their job superbly ...

“Farewell, my Joy…” whispered Magdalena softly. - Farewell, my dear. I will do your will. You just live... And I will always be with you.
The golden light flared brightly again, but now for some reason it was already outside. Following him, Radomir slowly went out the door...
Everything around was so familiar!.. But even feeling completely alive again, Radomir somehow knew that this was no longer his world... And only one thing in this old world still remained real for him - it was his wife. .. His beloved Magdalene....
- I will return to you... I will definitely return to you... - Radomir whispered very quietly to himself. Above his head, a huge "umbrella" hung wightman...
Bathed in the rays of golden radiance, Radomir slowly but surely moved after the sparkling Elder. Just before leaving, he suddenly turned around to see her for the last time... To take her amazing image with him. Magdalene felt a dizzying warmth. It seemed that in this last look Radomir sent her all the accumulated for their long years love!.. He sent it to her so that she would also remember it.
She closed her eyes, wanting to endure... Wanting to appear calm to him. And when I opened it, it was all over...
Radomir is gone...
The earth lost him, being unworthy of him.
He stepped into his new, still unfamiliar life, leaving Maria Duty and children ... Leaving her soul wounded and lonely, but still the same loving and the same stamina.
Sighing convulsively, Magdalene stood up. She didn't have time to grieve just yet. She knew that the Knights of the Temple would soon come for Radomir to betray his dead body to the Holy Fire, thus seeing off his pure Soul to Eternity.

The first, of course, was John, as always... His face was calm and joyful. But Magdalena read sincere concern in her deep gray eyes.
– Great gratitude to you, Maria... I know how hard it was for you to let him go. Forgive us all, dear...
“No… you don’t know, Father… And no one knows that…” Magdalena whispered softly, choking on her tears. – But thank you for your participation... Please, tell Mother Mary that HE is gone... That he is alive... I will come to her as soon as the pain subsides a little. Tell everyone that HE LIVES...
Magdalena couldn't take it anymore. She had no more human strength. Collapsing right to the ground, she burst into loud, childish sobs ...
I looked at Anna - she stood petrified. Tears streamed down his stern young face.
How could they let this happen?! Why didn't they all work together to convince him? This is so wrong, mother! .. - Anna exclaimed, looking indignantly at Sever and me.
She still childishly uncompromisingly demanded answers to everything. Although, to be honest, I also thought that they should have prevented the death of Radomir ... His friends ... Knights of the Temple ... Magdalene. But how could we judge from afar what was then right for everyone? .. I just, as a human being, really wanted to see HIM! Just as I wanted to see Magdalene alive...
Perhaps that is why I never liked to dive into the past. Since the past could not be changed (in any case, I could not do this), and no one could be warned about the imminent misfortune or danger. The past - it was just the PAST, when everything good or bad had already happened to someone long ago, and I could only observe someone's lived good or bad life.
And then I saw Magdalene again, now sitting alone on the night shore of the calm southern sea. Small light waves gently washed her bare feet, quietly whispering something about the past... Magdalena looked intently at the huge green stone that lay calmly in her palm, and thought about something very seriously. Behind me, a man approached quietly. Turning sharply, Magdalene immediately smiled:
“When will you stop frightening me, Radanushka?” And you're still sad! You promised me!.. Why be sad if HE is alive?..
“I don’t believe you, sister! Radan said sadly, smiling kindly.
It was him, still handsome and strong. Only in the faded blue eyes now lived not the former joy and happiness, but a black, ineradicable longing nestled in them ...
“I don’t believe you’ve come to terms with this, Maria! We had to save him despite his will! Later, I myself would have realized how much I was mistaken! .. I cannot forgive myself! Radan exclaimed in his hearts.
Apparently, the pain from the loss of his brother firmly settled in his kind, loving heart, poisoning the coming days with irreparable sadness.
“Stop it, Radanushka, don’t open the wound…” Magdalena whispered softly. “Here, take a better look at what your brother left me... What Radomir ordered us all to keep.
Holding out her hand, Maria revealed the Key of the Gods...
It again began to slowly, majestically open, striking the imagination of Radan, who, like a small child, was dumbfounded watching, unable to tear himself away from the unfolding beauty, unable to utter a word.
– Radomir ordered to protect it at the cost of our lives... Even at the cost of his children. This is the Key of our Gods, Radanushka. Treasure of the Mind... It has no equal on Earth. Yes, I think, and far beyond the Earth ... - Magdalena said sadly. – Let's all go to the Valley of Magicians. We will teach there... We will build a new world, Radanushka. A bright and kind world ... - and after a little silence, she added. - Do you think we can do it?
“I don't know, sister. Haven't tried. Radan shook his head. I have been given another order. Svetodar would be saved. And then we'll see ... Maybe your Good World will turn out ...
Sitting next to the Magdalene, and forgetting for a moment his sadness, Radan enthusiastically watched how the wonderful treasure sparkled and “built” with wondrous floors. Time stopped, as if pitying these two people, lost in their own sadness... And they, closely clinging to each other, sat alone on the shore, fascinated watching how the sea sparkled with emeralds more and more... And how wonderfully it burned on Magdalena's hand The Key of the Gods is an amazing "smart" crystal left by Radomir...