Luka Djordjevic biography. Luka Djordjevic

Montenegrin rookie "Zenith" blew up the information space, firing at all the opponent's goal posts in the first match for the main team. We bring to your attention the first radio interview of Luka Djordjevic in Russia, from which you will find out with which clubs Zenit can play on equal terms, how an ordinary footballer differs from Usain Bolt, and to whom the youngest player in the starting lineup of St. Petersburg will dedicate his first goal for Zenit.

Luka, you found out that you will play against Anji in the starting lineup ten minutes before leaving the hotel. Are you surprised? Or did you guess that the chances of appearing in the base were great?

- Many of our players are now injured. I was hoping that I would play in this match, but there are a lot of great players in Zenit and, of course, I could not be sure of anything. But the coach gave me a chance, and I did my best to use it.

Do you understand that, having played great in Makhachkala, you raised the bar of expectations for yourself so high that now you cannot afford to play worse than in the match against Anji?

- Thank you for the kind words. But in that match, the whole team played great. We're just not very lucky. I had moments, but the hosts were more fortunate. That's why we played a draw.

Did Joao Carlos hit you on the leg, or did you dive so clumsily?

Complex issue! There was indeed contact, but small, nothing special. The referee made the right decision.

- It hurts to hear this - I lived for two days in full confidence that there was an absolute penalty! Your calm attitude to the fact that the penalty was not appointed, but you were shown a card - is it a school or a character trait?

When I fell, I immediately saw that the referee was going to show me a card. I guess I was wrong and it would be better for the team if I tried to run further after the ball.

- In general, what impression did the refereeing of Vladimir Kazmenko make on you? In St. Petersburg, through our swampy prism, it seemed that it was too much allowed to hit Zenit players in the legs.

- The Russian refereeing system is new to me. In Montenegro, they judge a little differently. After all, there are a lot more stars playing in Russia, a lot more aggression and fighting on the field. As for this particular referee, I think he did not make serious mistakes, but I can’t say that he showed himself especially well either.

(student question): Is it true that you don't have a car and you travel around the city by subway? How do you like our metro? Are you already recognized in the city?

– I don’t have a car, and if I need to get somewhere, I take the subway. I was recognized several times, asked to be photographed. I think this is completely normal. There is only one team in St. Petersburg, it means a lot to the city, and its popularity is absolutely justified.

Petersburg is considered to have one of the most beautiful subways in the world. Did you like it?

- In St. Petersburg, for the first time in my life, I went down to the subway. Therefore, in order to compare, I need to visit at least one more subway!

Did you take pictures with you in Budva?

- Not yet. But I will come to Montenegro at the beginning of September for the matches of the national teams, and, probably, then this can be expected.

Will you play for the U-19 team or for the main team?

- I don’t know yet, but it’s obvious that for one of these two teams.

(student question): Do you have any preferences in the Champions League?

- It would be nice not to get to Barcelona or Real Madrid. With all other teams we can play on equal terms.

(audience question): What position do you feel most comfortable playing? What are your personal preferences?

- I can play in attack both in the center and on the left and on the right. This is good for me, because if I could only play on the right, then it is quite obvious that I would sit on the bench when Danny returned to action. What can I close?

higher positions, gives me more chances to get into the squad.

How about playing under a striker?

- Never tried it. Maybe I can play this position, I just don't know.

What is your working leg?

That sounded a little presumptuous!

- Well, right leg maybe designed a little better. But I do a lot of work on the left leg as well and, in general, they are almost equivalent.

- It could be better.

- Of course, in order to match the level at which Zenit performs, I need to improve my physical condition. I'm working on it, spend a lot of time in gym, do others special exercises. I think I have no problems with the ball on the field, but I need to become stronger and more resilient. I am sure that our coaching staff will help me improve.

What weight are you pushing from your chest?

- 60 kilograms.

Luca, don't be fooled!

- Come to the base, see for yourself.

It's just that during the match against Anji it was scary for you every time you got close to Christopher Samba. First, what were you experiencing at that moment? And, secondly, will you really gain mass? Do you drink protein shakes?

- Every time I approached Samba, I no longer saw the setting sun over the stadium, because it was hidden behind his head. Indeed, Samba is big and strong, and generally a good player, but we had our own methods against such defenders. We kept the ball down, tried to do without riding casts. As for muscle mass, then I don’t drink anything yet, but if the doctors say that I need it, then I will.

At what level is your study of the Russian language now?

- So far at the lowest. Naturally, I need to teach him, and I will do it; Moreover, Russian is similar to my native language. I already know some basic words. I hope that in the future I will be able to speak freely.

Do you have any favorite places in St. Petersburg?

“I have seen bridges being drawn up – it’s an amazing sight. And the restaurants are good. St. Petersburg is a beautiful city, and I really like it here.

– In summer, the most popular resort in Montenegro is my hometown of Budva. A lot of tourists come to us. There is a lot of entertainment and great sunny weather. Boka Kotorska Bay is also very beautiful, but it is worth going to the sea only in summer. And in winter it is better to visit the north of Montenegro, there are also many beautiful places.

(student question): Will it hurt strength exercises your plastic?

- Theoretically, a negative effect cannot be ruled out, for example, you can lose a little in speed. But I am confident in the professionalism of our coaching staff - they know what and how to do.

How long do you run a hundred meters?

– I don’t know, I’m just a football player, not Usain Bolt!

Well, fast or medium?

- I do not know what to answer. Perhaps this topic is more convenient for you to discuss than for me.

This is the answer of an adult footballer! Luca, how long is your contract with Zenit?

- Three years.

You were on trial at PSV. It is known that sports director Mogrena regretted that at that time you had not reached the age when you could conclude a professional contract. What are your impressions?

- Yes, I was at PSV for a while. The club was satisfied with my work, I showed myself well in training. Probably, if I had been over 18 then, I would have moved there. But now, looking back, I understand that I made the right decision by moving to Zenit upon reaching the age of majority.

It's no longer a secret to anyone that you came to St. Petersburg last summer. All agreements with Zenit were reached back in 2011, right?

Indeed, I was in St. Petersburg last year and even saw the match against Porto. Negotiations about the contract were underway, but I would not like to talk about this topic. For me, the most important thing is how I feel on the field and how I play.

What is your overall impression of Russian football?

- Complex issue. Obviously, there are a lot of good teams in Russia. Even Terek can easily beat Dynamo. Whatever the opponent, no one can be absolutely sure that he will win the next match. Zenit now has an excellent squad, we play great, which is confirmed by our results. But you can not be sure in advance that we will become champions. You just need to work as hard as possible.

(student question): Do you continue to communicate with Marko Bakic? Why didn't he wait for offers from the top championships?

– I have known Bakic for about ten years. He is a talented player and very good man. Now he plays in Budva, for Mogren. I haven't spoken to him about it, but I hope that he will find a club where he can prove himself and where he will be as great as I was at Zenit.

Where did this fantastically talented generation of Montenegrin footballers come from? You, Bakic, Mirko Vucinic, Stevan Jovetic...

– There are a lot of talents in Montenegro and in general in the former Yugoslavia. Perhaps, due to the fact that more good fields appeared in Montenegro, the coaches constantly improve their skills, go to seminars in Europe.

That is, for you, the play-offs with England are just the beginning big way?

- Certainly!

Luka, tell me: two bars in one match - have you ever had this happen before?

No never.

What did you feel in each of these moments?

- When I hit the post for the first time, I just couldn't believe it wasn't a goal. Well, when it happened for the second time… I don't know. If I had a little less endurance, I probably would have simply died right on the field.

It's no secret that you live in St. Petersburg with your parents, and you also came to the radio with your father. Dad must have been more upset after two barbells than you. Have you discussed this with him?

Yes, he told me how he felt at those moments! My parents are always with me, they help me in everything. Thanks to them, it is easy and comfortable for me in St. Petersburg. I can never adequately express the gratitude I feel for my parents.

Is your older brother, who stayed in Montenegro, also a footballer?

- Yes. He played for Partizan Belgrade for one season, after which he received the same injury as Danny. Now he is recovering, and I hope he will return to the field again.

Cheers to your brother. The listener is interested: it seemed that in the second half with Anji you were a little "addicted". Was it a general state of mind, or did you start to feel tired?

- We started the second half with the score 1:0 in our favor, and for some reason immediately gave the ball to the opponent, gave them the opportunity to play. They had several

moments, but all - with standard provisions. Of course, in many respects the problem is that we have injured six players. But in any case, we played well and should have won.

How do you like Arseny Logashov? It is believed that in the future he will replace Alexander Anyukov in the national team.

Yes, he is definitely a good player. Perhaps I agree with what they say about him in Russia.

Your former club building now new stadium on the roof of the hotel for 15 thousand spectators. Isn't it too presumptuous, considering that 16 thousand people live in Budva?

I don't know anything about this project. Of course, such large stadiums are hardly needed in Montenegro, five thousand would be quite enough.

Luca, do you follow fashion? Do you know what's trending?

- Well, maybe I can roughly imagine, but my mother is more careful about what to wear to me.

What kind of music do you like?

- Yugoslavian hip-hop. Perhaps this is closest to the style of Eminem.

(audience question): Ex-forward of Zenit Predrag Randjelovic played in Montenegro for many years. Do you know this footballer?

- Yes, we played together for two years at Mogren. He told me a lot about Zenit, what to expect here. He helped me a lot.

I wonder what he told you? It's no secret that St. Petersburg fans remember Randzhelovich not from the best side.

- I did not know that. He said that training here is much more aggressive than in Montenegro. At Zenit, everyone gives 100%. He said that it would be difficult for me, since I am a young player who came from a small club, a small city, a small country in such big club. In any case, now I'm comfortable here.

(audience question): Do you communicate with the Montenegrin basketball player of BC "Spartak" Vladimir Dragicevic?

- He is from Budva, just like me. We met there several times, but we haven't seen each other in Russia yet.

How do you feel about winter sports? Do you want to go to hockey?

- I have never been to hockey, but I see that it is very popular sport in Russia. I go to a few games for sure.

How important is the match against Rubin for you? Do you understand that it is also one of the most unpleasant rivals?

- They beat us in the Super Bowl match. It really won't be easy for them. But we are Zenit and we have to win every game. "Rubin" - good team, they are physically strong, they have well-established team interactions. It will be difficult, but I am sure that we can win.

How did our difficult team receive you? Who do you communicate with?

- All our players on the field are just great. I can learn a lot from them, and I am very glad that I have this opportunity. Of course, most of all I communicate with Aleksandar Lukovic, he helps me a lot. In addition, I communicate with Criscito, Bruno Alves, Lumb, Gubochan and Lomberts.

Previously, Lukovic drove you to the base. Now, probably, he will miss a lot due to injury. Who will take you to training?

Probably the taxi driver.

(audience question): Montenegrin footballers Dejan Savićević in AC Milan and Predrag Mijatović in Real Madrid colors have won the Champions League in their time. Have you seen their game on DVD?

- Yes, sure. They are great players who have played for big clubs. I know Deyan Savichevich personally. It's good that he is remembered.

To whom will you dedicate your first goal for Zenit?

Luka Djordjevic, the career of the now famous young footballer began at Mogren, for this sporty football club he performed from 2001 to 2012.

This club is known for having won the Montenegrin championship in the 2010/2011 season, and the footballer then played two matches.

The following season, the footballer played 24 games and scored 10 goals. In the same year he played qualifying match Champions League, where the Bulgarian Litex became the rival of his team.

Luka Djordjevic - move to Zenit

The transition to the football club "Zenith" in the city of St. Petersburg took place in 2012. During this period, Luciano Spalletti, the coach of the St. Petersburg FC, spoke well of the athlete.

According to Spalletti, Luca has certain qualities, but he is still too young, so you need to watch his game. He is a flank attacking player, great at opening into free zones, running well. The Italian expert believes that young football player a great future awaits.

On July 11, 2012, Djordjevic made his debut for Zenit. The match against "Rus" was friendly, in this meeting the Petersburgers scored as many as 6 unanswered goals. Luka Djordjevic scored the last goal from Alexander Bukharov's pass. On July 16, he received his final number 77.

On August 11 of the same year, the football player will make his debut in a match with the capital's Spartak. Luka came on as a substitute for Kanunnikov, then St. Petersburg were already leading with a score of 4:0, and the total score of the match was 5:0. Next match with Anji Makhachkala, which was held in Makhachkala, Djordjevic started in the starting lineup. According to the fans, he became best player in this match.

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Luka Djordjevic - national team career

Member of the national team of Montenegro in the category up to 2112. Participated in the selection for the European Championship in this category. On August 28 of the same year, the football player was called up to the basis of the Montenegrin national team. And on September 11, he made his debut for the national team. Then the rival of his team was the national team of San Marino, and in this match he managed to score a goal.

It's only been a month at Arsenal, but the Tula fans have already fallen in love with him. The 23-year-old striker was leased for a year by the gunsmiths. We spoke with Luca about the new club, the head coach, superstitions and much more.

- First of all, tell us how you settled in Tula? Got favorite places? Did you see the sights?

Yes, I'm already set up. So far, a place where I like to drink cappuccino has just appeared - this is in the city center. From the sights I saw the Tula Kremlin, a very beautiful and peaceful place. In fact, I did not expect that Tula is such a beautiful and rich city in historical places.

- You literally from the first matches go on the field. How did you manage to find a common language with your teammates and the coach so quickly?

At Zenit, I had a conversation with Roberto Mancini (coach of the St. Petersburg team. - Approx. Aut.). He expressed his opinion that it would be better for me to go on loan somewhere for a year in order to get playing practice. I agreed with him. After that, an offer was received from Miodrag Bozovic. He said he would like to have me on his team. I did not think for a long time, because now it is important for me to play, and not sit on the bench.

- Tell us about coach Bozovic. How does it work under his leadership?

I went through pre-season training with Zenit, so I felt physically very comfortable. It took time to find a proper understanding with partners. I think the match in Grozny showed that we are on the right track.

I want to say that Bozovic is a very famous and interesting person in Montenegro. I knew about him before Arsenal. When I got the opportunity to work with him, I immediately agreed. For me, this is a happy opportunity. He really great coach and knows how to achieve a positive result and a good atmosphere in the team.

- Let's remember the missed penalty kick against Tosno. What happened at that moment? Did your teammates support you after the match?

Then I was fouled and I got to the ball first. I wanted to score as soon as possible, restore the status quo, I wanted the team to achieve a positive result. But there was a miss. When you shoot a penalty, there are only two options - you score or not. I know from my experience as a striker that before winning goals happen, as in Grozny, the striker always needs to overcome such misses. I did not hear a single reproach from my partners.

- Now let's talk about the match with Akhmat. It is always difficult for teams to play in Grozny. But Arsenal managed to win. For what?

I would like to dwell a little on the first half. We managed to play well in defense. Terek had almost no chance, we didn't let the opponent create anything.

But in the second half, they picked up the pace a bit, started to exert more pressure, we made some mistakes in defense.

We achieved this victory through dedication and character.

Without character and willpower, there is simply nothing to do in Chechnya.
I was very happy when I scored! (Luca scored his first goal for Arsenal. - Approx. Aut.). I was really looking forward to this goal. It was not enough to feel self-confidence, in their abilities.

— During your career you managed to play in Italy, Holland, Spain. In which championship is it more comfortable to play?

I have the most vivid impressions of Russian Premier League, because I came here already with the experience of other European championships. I think that the next championship for me should be even more successful.

We now have two important games— with Kazakhstan and Romania. We have excellent chances of getting into the final part of the championship, and it is very important to show a decent game in these matches and score points. If we do this, then I can say with confidence that it will become the best result in the history of the Montenegrin team. I would like to note the atmosphere that reigns between the fans and the team - complete unity and mutual understanding.

— Luca, do you have a football dream?

I even have three dreams: to participate in big tournament I hope it will be the World Cup in Russia, win the Champions League and one day play for my favorite team - Partizan Belgrade.

“Football players are superstitious people. There was information that Amkar, preparing for the match with Arsenal,. Do you believe in omens?

I do not believe in omens, but in hard and intense work, dedication. Amkar probably resorted to this method, because they have a difficult situation - they are at the end standings. The players may have thought that they used all the methods and only this one remained ...

- Already on Saturday home match with feathers...

There were several unsuccessful games before the match with Akhmat, but the fans remained close to us. In the match against Amkar, we are waiting for everyone in the stands, because everyone's support is important to us and it is important to take three points!

From the Myslo dossier

Role: attack.

Favorite series:"Breaking Bad".

Favorite movie:"Godfather".

Favorite dish: Mom's kitchen, whatever she cooks.

Messi or Ronaldo? Both Messi and Ronaldo.

Hobby: collects player jerseys and his own.

Pets:“My girlfriend has a dog. I feel like this is my dog ​​too.”

In Tula, Luka lives with his father:“After the games of the national team, a girl, friends and relatives will come to me.”