Tabata is one of the most effective fat burning systems. Apps to help

The Tabata system is the most effective method incinerate fat and increase your functionality.

No matter where you are, what equipment you have at your disposal, the Tabata training options that I will offer you are diverse and include barbells, kettlebells or your own weight as working tools. You have to choose the weapon.

But first, let's figure it out - what is the Tabata system?

If you don't know what is interval training tabata system, then know that this is a high-intensity interval training protocol, originally created by Japanese researcher Dr. Izumi Tabata.

Each Tabata interval consists of 20 seconds of high-intensity (performed with all your might) exercise followed by a 10-second rest. 8 intervals are repeated in a row. Thus, the total duration of the cycle is only 4 minutes.

Four minutes and you are free

The Tabata system is easy to understand, but not easy to work with. Many people don't make it to the full four minutes, and those who do often end up puking up in the first few workouts.

That is why it is necessary to gradually increase the load on Tabata training. Below I will give you an 8 and 12 week progression model designed to help you push yourself to the limit while avoiding excess fatigue and overtraining.

As they say, with or without load progression, but if you want to use the Tabata system successfully, you need to tune in to hard work!

Fat burning versus general developmental training

In the case of the Tabata system, there is almost no difference between fat burning and general developmental training to speed up the metabolism - both workouts must be very intense in nature and require complete dedication.

The only thing that distinguishes them is the food that accompanies them. You can improve your stamina without any special diet, and in order to burn fat, the same workouts must be accompanied by an appropriate diet.

Unconventional Tabata Workout

The traditional Tabata system protocol consists of just one exercise, like the squat, which is repeated throughout the interval. But there are other options:

Using two different exercises, each of which is repeated 4 times.

Using four different exercises, each of which is repeated 2 times.

8 different exercises, 1 time each.

And here are the reasons why these 3 options are better than the traditional protocol of the Tabata system:

  • When you use only one exercise, like the squat, for the entire Tabata workout, your legs gradually get clogged with each set. The fatigue that appeared in them reduces the overall intensity of the load.
  • The use of more than one exercise eliminates this moment and allows you to maintain high level intensity for each set.
  • The use of several exercises to a greater extent spurs the metabolism, because. is involved more muscle. Simply put, it works more groups muscles, which means more energy is spent, which leads to faster fat burning.
  • Doing the same exercise 8 sets in 4 minutes is boring. Tabata training is already brutal, why make it monotonous as well?

4 Tabata training options.

Option number 1 (barbell, 4 exercises):

Perform the first exercise for the maximum number of repetitions in 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds. Do the second exercise with maximum speed in 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat the process for the remaining two exercises.

When you're done with all four exercises, you're only half way there, after only 2 minutes have passed. Return to the first exercise and repeat the entire complex again without lowering the bar. List of exercises:

  • Reverse lunges
  • Standing Press or Thruster
  • Romanian deadlift
  • Chest lift

Option number 2 (barbell, 8 exercises):

The complex is performed in the same way as the previous one, only you do 8 exercises once instead of repeating a cycle of 4 exercises twice. List of exercises:

  • Reverse lunges
  • Shoulder barbell curls
  • Standing Press or Thruster
  • Rise on the chest (Hang Clean)
  • on the chest
  • Bent over pull
  • Romanian deadlift
  • Push ups

Note: When you're doing a barbell routine like the ones above, it's normal to use non-ideal Olympic technique in those movements, and here's why:

  • In this case, we are not engaged in weightlifting - we have other tasks.
  • We are not trying to develop strength, we need to improve functionality and burn fat.
  • Good Olympic technique is needed to help you lift heavy equipment as quickly and efficiently as possible. In our complexes, very small weights are used, and therefore strict technique is not required.
  • As long as you keep your back in a safe position and keep a good rhythm, you're good to go.

Option number 3 (kettlebells, 4 exercises):

You can swing kettlebells, squat with kettlebells, or push them overhead. Choose your favorite moves and simply rotate them within the Tabata interval. Here is one possible example:

  • Right hand push
  • Left hand push
  • (in the video below)
  • Mahi kettlebells in front of you with two hands
  • Technique for swinging the kettlebell in front of you with two hands:

You can also do a similar Tabata workout without constantly switching from one arm to the other. For example, like this:

  • Mahi kettlebell in front of you with your right hand
  • Squats with a kettlebell on the chest (hold the projectile with your right hand)
  • Right hand push
  • Mahi kettlebell in front of you with your left hand
  • Squats with a kettlebell on the chest (hold the projectile with your left hand)
  • Left hand push
  • Mahi kettlebells in front of you with two hands
  • Mahi kettlebells in front of you with two hands

Option number 4 (training with own body weight, 4 exercises):

Are you forced to train at home, outdoors or while traveling? Even if you can work out in a gym, sometimes it's fun to give up the iron and work only with your body. Here is an example of such a workout according to the Tabata system (from the middle of the video, which is posted below, the performance of all the exercises of the lesson is shown):

  • High Pace Squats
  • Burpee
  • mountain climber
  • Alternate knee lifts in place at a high pace

As you understand, this combination is repeated 2 times.

When to Use Tabata Workouts

FOR FAT BURNING: You can do a Tabata workout up to three times a week. But at the same time, you can do several Tabata intervals in one workout. Personally, I do it three intervals at a time.

Remember that Tabata should be done AFTER strength training so that you have the energy to maintain your current strength and muscle mass.

FOR FUNCTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: You can use Tabata intervals directly during your workouts, before, during, or after strength training.

In most sports (American football, MMA, etc.) it is often necessary to squeeze out all possible forces from yourself, to be able to jerk throughout the entire performance, even if you are tired. Therefore, by combining work on strength and on the development of functionality, you can just prepare for such situations. This is especially important for MMA fighters and other martial arts.

Load progression in the Tabata system

If you can't do a whole 4-minute Tabata interval right away, you need to gradually increase your stamina.

To help you understand the table below, here is what these entries mean:

10/20*6 means 10 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest in 6 sets. So here's an example progression:

  • Week 1: 10/20*6
  • Week 2: 10/20*7
  • Week 3: 10/20*8
  • Week 4: 15/15*5
  • Week 5: 15/15*6
  • Week 6: 15/15*7
  • Week 7: 15/15*8
  • Week 8: 20/10*4
  • Week 9: 20/10*5
  • Week 10: 20/10*6
  • Week 11: 20/10*7
  • Week 12: 20/10*8

Well, if you are a more prepared athlete, then you will be able to reach the standard Tabata protocol in 8 weeks. In this case, the progression could be as follows:

  • Week 1: 10/20*6
  • Week 2: 25/15*4
  • Week 3: 10/20*8
  • Week 4: 15/15*6
  • Week 5: 20/10*4
  • Week 6: 15/15*8
  • Week 7: 20/10*6
  • Week 8: 20/10*8

Now that you have this arsenal of the Tabata System, you can use it to burn your fat and become more productive in your sport.


Gym trainer
2015-07-02 Views: 22 496 Grade: 5.0 Interval training is a workout designed to burn fat and sculpt your body. I would say these are the most effective workouts if target reset overweight. There are many different exercises and techniques for burning fat. And one of these is the unique Tabata system (Tabata protocol). The beauty of this system is that the workout only takes 4 minutes and is great for those who are not ready to exhaust themselves for hours on cardio machines. As mentioned above, ideally one round of training takes 4 minutes - 20 seconds of maximum intensity work and 10 seconds of rest. And such 8 approaches in a row. From one to three such circles, depending on your fitness and your goal. Rest between rounds is 1 minute.

How to make a workout?

A circle in a workout can consist of one or more exercises. We select exercises so that in 20 seconds you can perform 8-10 repetitions. At the same time, the exercise should not be difficult to coordinate, so as not to get injured during execution. Especially at the end of the workout, when it becomes difficult to control the quality of the exercise.
Example #1: Example #2:
1. -20 sec. 8-10 times 1. - 20 sec.
Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
2. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 2. Burpee - 20 sec.
Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
3. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 3. Jumping Jack - 20 sec.
Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
4. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 4. Lunges - 20 sec.
Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
5. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 5. Burpee - 20 sec.
Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
6. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 6. Jumping Jack - 20 sec.
Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
7. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 7. Lunges - 20 sec.
Rest - 10 sec. Rest - 10 sec.
8. Squats -20 sec. 8-10 times 8. Burpee - 20 sec.

Oddly enough, but the effect of these exercises occurs after training, and lasts about 3-4 days. The human metabolism is accelerated, as a result of which we lose weight.

A bit of history

The Tabata protocol appeared in 1996 in Japan and its author is the Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata. Through research with the National Institute of Fitness and Sports, collecting and reviewing all research materials, Izumi Tabata compiled a training system that was first published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Training. An experiment was conducted on two groups of athletes, one of which was engaged in a standard program (70% intensity) for 6 weeks 5 times a week for 1 hour. The second group trained on a high-intensity interval program: 4 times a week for 6 weeks, 4 minutes in two sessions - 20 seconds of high intensity (170%) and 10 seconds of rest. Tabata Interval Training Athletes Show Loss subcutaneous fat nine times more! High interval training is not for everyone. There are contraindications:
  • and heart disease
Benefits of Tabata training:
  • Can be done at home
  • It does not require time, as we spend only 4 minutes for one circle
  • Heart training
  • Endurance develops
  • Subcutaneous fat is burned
Requirements for Tabata training:
  • Before training, be sure to warm up.
  • Break between circles 1 minute.
  • The number of exercises depending on the goal.
  • All exercises should be multi-joint, but simple.
  • Breath control, do not hold, breathe intensively.
  • Train no earlier than two hours after eating.
The training was successful if at the end your heart rate is 70-80% of the maximum allowable value. You can calculate by the formula: 220 - your age. Example: (220-30 years) * (0.7-0.8) = 133-152 beats per minute. Train effectively, save your time.

Throughout my fitness career, I have heard many different excuses. The two most common are lack of time and lack of access to the gym. To overcome such excuses, there are Tabata interval workouts, which do not require any equipment and take a minimum of time: 4 minutes is enough for such a workout.

What is Tabata?

Tabata is a style of interval training developed in 1996 by Dr. Izumi Tabata. It consists in a cycle of 20 seconds at maximum intensity, then 10 seconds of rest. And so 8 rounds. Dr. Tabata noticed that people who trained in this style 5 days a week for 6 weeks had a 14% increase in aerobic performance and a 28% increase in anaerobic performance. These results were amazing and since then Tabata (and other high-intensity interval training) has firmly established itself among beginners and professionals alike.

Why Tabata?

As mentioned at the beginning, many are discouraged from exercising because they cannot find time to exercise. Tabata puts an end to all these excuses. Researchers at Oberon University found that 20 minutes of moderate cardio (like brisk walking) burns as many calories as 4 minutes of Tabata training.

Since the benefits and results are best achieved with the maximum output during the execution, Tabata workouts allow you to control the intensity through time, not repetitions. Although the benefits may not be noticeable initially, you will definitely see them if you include Tabata in your regular workout.

What is “maximum return” and how to determine it

In order to fully achieve the full benefits of Tabata interval training, you need to work with a heart rate of 75% or higher of your maximum. This indicator can be determined using a heart rate monitor. To calculate the 75% threshold, you can use the formula:

220 - Your age = Maximum heart rate Maximum heart rate * 0.75 = 75% of maximum heart rate

If you do not have a heart rate monitor, you can determine the 75% threshold using the “talk test”. This means that you must work at such an intensity that it becomes impossible to carry on a conversation. If you are able to talk, then you are working with insufficient intensity.


When working with such a high intensity, they often forget about the technique of performing exercises and perform them with errors. Therefore, choose exercises whose technique you mean very well. When it comes to performing exercises, form is everything. Therefore, before embarking on a new type of training, make sure you know exactly what and how to do.

15 minute Tabata for the whole body

This workout consists of 3 full Tabats, 4 minutes each. Between Tabats 1 minute rest. In total, it turns out 15 minutes for the entire workout. If you need more time to rest and restore your breath, increase the breaks between Tabats.

Sport not only helps to get rid of extra pounds, but also makes the body beautiful and fit. Get acquainted with the Tabata system and make your figure perfect in just 4 minutes a day!

The effectiveness of short but intense sports activities was discovered in 1996 by Dr. Izumi Tabata. In honor of this Japanese scientist, the training method "Protocol Tabata" was named. It not only helps to lose weight, but also forms muscles, making the body more sculpted.

What is Tabata training

It's kind of intense sports training four minutes long. Each minute consists of 2 load cycles of 20 seconds and two rest cycles of 10 seconds, which alternate each other. During an intensive cycle, the body is subjected to the maximum possible load, and the rest time is used to restore breathing.


  1. Interval training: the technique of alternating the time of loads and rest is used. In the classic version, 20 seconds of active activity and 10 seconds of inactivity are taken, but you can reduce the exercise time and increase the rest time.
  2. Strength training: Tabata Protocol exercises can be weighted with a ball or dumbbells.
  3. Cardio training: Like any cardio program, tabata will help strengthen the heart muscle, improve endurance. But unlike, a Tabata class will only take a few minutes of your time.
  4. Glute Workout: Performing regular Tabata glute exercises is considered very effective. Do squats until a right angle is formed between your back and hips, alternating lunges with your foot forward, swinging your legs from a position on all fours. Regular classes make your buttocks elastic and beautiful.
  5. Home workouts: Tabata training at home is very simple. Give sports from 4 to 20 minutes a day at no additional financial cost and at a convenient time for you.

Important! Without proper nutrition sports loads will not be effective!

As with any sport, check with your doctor first.

Tabata classes have their own contraindications:

  • absence physical training and minimum endurance;
  • heart diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Fat Burning Workout

Dr. Tabata has proven the effectiveness of his system as a weight loss workout. It turns out that intensive training burns faster body fat than long, but with a small load. Due to the intense load on the muscles, the body's need for oxygen increases, which contributes to the burning of body fat.

The fat burning effect is also confirmed by the reviews of Russian experts.

How does a 4 minute workout work?

For classes on the Tabata method, choose simple exercises which are easy to repeat many times by adjusting the intensity. For training in the style of tabata fit:

  • squats;
  • press swing;
  • push ups;
  • bike;
  • jumping rope;
  • pull-ups;
  • running in place.

The main thing is to perform exercises at the peak of your capabilities. To enhance the effect on different groups muscles, you can complicate the exercises: for example, do squats with bouncing.

Description of the 4 minute workout

  1. Warm-up: before an intense load, it is imperative to prepare the muscles with stretching exercises.
  2. Intensive phase (20 sec.): Perform the exercise of your choice as quickly and intensively as possible.
  3. Rest phase (10 sec): walk around a bit, catch your breath.
  4. Repeat the intensive phase and the rest phase for 4 minutes. You will get 8 sets of load and rest.
  5. At the end of the cycle, do stretching exercises.

For the convenience of tracking time, you can download a special application to your phone that will count seconds for you for intense exercise and rest.

When you start exercising, create a training program for yourself. Write down the number of repetitions of the selected exercise that you can complete in 20 seconds of intense load, and gradually increase this number. As an indicator, take the number of repetitions that you were able to complete in the last, eighth phase of a 4-minute training. The growth of this indicator determines the progress of your studies. This is called a tabata account.

Start with one four-minute cycle. Gradually increase the number of consecutive cycles.


Option number 1. Let's take basic jumping rope and turn it into a Tabata workout that you can even do at home. Let's put a timer in front of our eyes, pick up a rope. First you need to warm up a little, do exercises to stretch the muscles. Then we'll move on to intensive training. Within 20 seconds, jump rope as quickly as possible. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat. As a result, in four minutes you will get 8 sets of intense load. Alternate exercise with periods of rest. At the end of the exercises, do a light warm-up again.

Option number 2. Use different kinds exercises in one workout. Start with a warm up. Take the first load interval with squats. Then 10 seconds rest. The second approach is push-ups from the floor. Take a rest. Take the third interval by swinging the press, lying on your back. Rest. Fourth approach - lie on your stomach, stretching your arms forward. Raise your arms and legs off the floor at the same time. Take a breath. The fifth type of exercise - push-ups lying on your side on right hand. Take a rest. For the sixth exercise, do push-ups on your left hand, also lying on your side. Dedicate the seventh exercise to intensive running in place, raising your knees as high as possible. Take a rest. Next, lying on your back with your knees bent, lift your pelvis up and down. complete the cycle light exercise stretching. The last version of the training is difficult, it is not suitable for beginners.

Attention! Intense exercise is contraindicated for people with heart disease.

Workouts for women

Tabata classes are popular with both women and men. For men, the intensity of the load is important here, and for women, the fat burning effect. In addition, this technique is so simple that you can practice at home. The following benefits of this program contribute to homework:

  • requires a small amount of time;
  • does not require special sports equipment;
  • does not require special equipment;
  • The exercises are simple and clear.

Therefore, tabata is popular with women, especially housewives. However, do not forget that the tabata protocol is enough intensive classes, and will be difficult for people far from sports and obese.

From the world of professional sports came information about an effective fat-burning complex called the Tabata Protocol.

The principle of exercise is simple - the maximum physical attack for 4 minutes, alternating with rest breaks.

What is the tabata method

Everyone wants to get in shape, and with the advent of the tabata method, it became possible weight loss at home. The Tabata workout is short but intense. This is a complex for women and men who want to lose weight or physically change for the better. Tabata interval exercises will do to the body in 4 minutes what is achieved in an hour of intensive training in the gym:

  • According to the method, it is necessary to make a lot of movements for a short time.
  • You have to put in one hundred percent.
  • Alternate stages of intense exercise with moments of complete relaxation according to the yoga system, abstracting from the world.
  • The effect is achieved through tabata interval exercises: completed in 20 seconds a large number exercise alternated with a ten-second rest.
  • The series is repeated for 4 minutes. During the interval, you can do 8 exercises.
  • The result is the same as during an hour of work with fitness training simulators.

tabata timer

To follow the circuit of exercises according to the method of a Japanese doctor, there is a tabata timer protocol. This is a stopwatch that divides the lesson into the following parts:

  • introduction;
  • voice command to start;
  • 20 seconds pumping to the music;
  • 10 seconds - pause.

For a novice athlete, one approach is enough to reach exhaustion. Trained people can increase the set and adjust the time for themselves. The timer can be downloaded as an application to your computer, or you can use it online. The four-minute countdown is divided into eight periods, the end of which is signaled by an audible signal. The frequency and intervals of the fat burning complex can be changed.

Music for tabata workouts

The program has only one drawback - the inconvenience in measuring the training time. In order to avoid this, use a timer application. The music is loaded, it adapts to the exercises - it is divided into pieces with interruptions. You can use any music - jazz, classical, rock. The main thing is that the work lifts the spirit and helps to withstand the load. There is special music for tabata, you can find it on the Internet, listen online or download it to your smartphone.

Tabata workout

Tabata training has many benefits:

  • do not need a lot of space;
  • the lesson can be carried out at home;
  • a short period of time is required for classes;
  • four-minute physical exercise burn more calories than an hour of exercise.

Four minutes are divided into intervals: active classes alternate with rest. Only eight approaches, during which you can repeat the same action or dedicate each stage different exercises- alternate squats, jumps, push-ups, leg swings, press. If only one exercise is performed 8 times, the effect will be no less. During short physical mobility, carbohydrates will be burned, as in an hour of jumping rope. Beginners will have enough classes two or three times a week for four minutes. For trained athletes, the loads come with greater intensity.

Slimming tabata system

The tabata weight loss protocol, according to reviews, will give results after five workouts. You won't get that in a regular gym. The benefit is that tabata gymnastics for weight loss in a short period stabilizes muscle tissue and tighten the stomach, by reducing the fat layer. In two months, you can “burn” up to ten kilograms. Weight loss occurs within the next day after class.

Tabata for beginners

Those who are trying the Tabata weight loss protocol for the first time should set themselves up for success. The load is heavy, there may be a desire to quit. It is better to start, especially if the beginner is a woman, to engage in a gentle mode. The endurance of the organism is not yet great, therefore, in order not to cause harm, it is necessary to simplify the system. The fat burning complex will also bear fruit at a simplified stage for beginners. Tips for the pioneers of the tabata method:

  • weight loss exercises for beginners to take with simple technique;
  • use one or two tasks from the proposed list;
  • reduce the number of approaches;
  • equalize intervals by duration - 15 seconds one time - 15 rest;
  • three minutes is enough for the first workout;
  • alternate training days with recovery days;
  • watch your breath, this is the key to burning fat.

Tabata set of exercises 4 minutes

It may seem that four minutes is too simple and easy for weight loss, but a lot of effort is wasted. You need such an expenditure of energy that after only three months of work, the anaerobic capacity of the body is tripled. Athletes come to the same result after aerobic techniques that require up to an hour of exercise per day. So why spend so much time to achieve the same result? The tabata method is an excellent complex to get in shape in a short time.

There is no special selection of exercises in the tabata exercise protocol, the technique should be simple to perform. You can use a rope, weights, weights, a barbell and other devices. Start with a warm up. Walking, squats, bends, lunges will tone the muscles, make the blood circulate. You need to finish the workout with a hitch - easy walking calm the pulse. Two hours before the tabata weight loss protocol, do not eat, you can eat a banana.

Tabata protocol exercises:

  1. Legs: squats, swings, lunges, jumps, jumps, running in place.
  2. Abdomen: pumping the upper, lower, middle, oblique muscles of the press, bending in different sides, twisting turns while standing and on the floor.
  3. Back: exercises from a prone position, lifts, tilts, twists, tilts.
  4. Arms: swings, punches, rotations, push-ups.
  5. Buttocks: mahi lying or standing on all fours, squats.

Tabata for the stomach

Everyone dreams about toned stomach. The tabata press protocol will come to the aid of every person, without exception. You can devote the whole lesson to pumping the abdomen - complete eight sets of one exercise or work out eight different ones. Tilts to the side at different angles while standing, various training options in the prone position (for more details, see the tabata press video):

  • hands behind the head, swing upper press;
  • lifting the body to bent knees;
  • draw a figure eight with raised legs;
  • bike.

tabata leg exercise

  1. Put your feet together, squat down without lifting your heels off the floor.
  2. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned out, back straight. We squat as low as possible with the heels off the floor and lifting on toes.
  3. Very wide stand. We transfer the weight of the body from one leg to another, squatting as low as possible on one leg, leveling the other.
  4. Lunges forward, with the transfer of gravity.
  5. Jumping with legs wide apart. We try to get in a jump with knees to the stomach.
  6. Jumping alternately on each leg.
  7. Move your legs.

Pros and cons of tabata

Until recently, it seemed that in order to give the desired shape to the muscles, it was necessary to spend many months and hours at fitness centers. With the advent of the tabata technique protocol, the impossible has become possible: the scheme does what every man or woman dreams of. The program is convenient in that it can be practiced at home, in a small space and without financial costs. Cons - for classes you definitely need a timer. The effectiveness of tabata on the face:

  • will tone up muscle mass;
  • will burn extra fat;
  • strengthen the heart;
  • increase stamina;
  • will increase resistance.

Tabata Contraindications

Training requires a lot of energy and creates a cardio load. Before you become a fan of the Tabata method, you need to consult a doctor. In order not to harm your health, you need to know about the contraindications of tabata. With a careful approach and on the advice of a doctor, you can choose the right complex for any situation. The following categories of the population cannot be engaged under the protocol:

  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from heart failure;
  • in the presence of atherosclerosis;
  • with umbilical hernia;
  • having varicose veins veins;
  • with hypertension;
  • in diseases of the back.

Video: Tabata Fat Burning Workout