How much does it cost to send a child to taekwondo. How much does it cost to send a child to taekwondo Taekwondo 25 school how much does it cost

Taekwondo is one of the types of modern martial art, which includes all kinds of self-defense methods without the use of any weapon. Classes in the taekwondo section will be useful to everyone, as they allow you to develop self-confidence, own forces, learn the techniques of effective self-defense on the street and successfully fight, regardless of the environment and how many opponents there will be.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in Taekwondo, taekwondo, taekwondo, taekwondo, taekwondo,taekwondo with free sections for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all free sections taekwondo, taekwondo clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. Finding a suitable place for free classes taekwondo in Moscow can be done directly on the map or according to the list of presented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for their subsequent enrollment. For each of sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, description and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

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And most importantly - why

My husband teaches people how to break planks and kick them in the head.

Evgenia Izotova

taekwondo wife

He has been practicing taekwondo since the age of eight, and from the age of 14 he has been training children and adults. He has a black belt, 3rd dan. In this article I will tell you what this type of martial arts gives a child, how much it costs and is it so scary to send children there.

How taekwondo works

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art. It stands for "the way of the foot and fist." In combat, taekwondo practitioners use their legs more often: approximately 70% of strikes are kicks.

The level of skill is marked with a belt of a certain color - from white to black. Colored belts are called gyps, black - dans. There are ten colored belts, nine black ones.

All color belts and black belts up to 6th dan can be obtained at the grading. The seventh, eighth and ninth dans are awarded only for special merit in taekwondo. In addition to taekwondo masters, the ninth dan was awarded to IOC members and presidents of various countries, including Vladimir Putin.

The WTF also has phums - student black belts, which are assigned to athletes under 15 years old. At the age of 15, the first phum is equal to the first dan.

There are four disciplines in taekwondo: sparring, complexes, self-defense and breaking objects - boards. For each athlete compete separately.

sparring, or kerugi, massogi - this is a duel by the rules. The rules for different federations are different. For example, in the WTF, you can’t hit your head with your hands - only with your feet.

In sparring, points are awarded for each hit. The more difficult the hit, the more points they give for it. For example, in the GTP and ITF, one point is awarded for a punch to the head, two points for a punch to the head in a jump or a kick to the head, and three points for a kick to the head in a jump. In the WTF, they also give four points for a roundhouse kick to the head.

For such a blow in the WTF they give four points. Photo:

Complex- also called poomsae, tkhil or hyeng - this is an exercise that combines punches and blocks and imitates a real fight. Complexes are needed in order to consolidate the technique of strikes and blocks and reproduce them in battle most effectively. They are performed either one at a time or as a team.

Breaking objects divided into power breaking and special equipment. In power breaking, the athlete demonstrates the power of the blow. In special equipment, accuracy and dexterity are more important: an athlete breaks a board that is at a considerable distance from him.

In the competition for special equipment, it is not always necessary to break the board. With some kicks, you just need to touch with your foot and not fall. Photo: Samara Regional Sports Federation of Taekwondo ITF

self defense, or hoshinsul, a discipline that includes unarmed self-defence techniques. You need to free yourself from the grip, confront the enemy with weapons from different provisions: sitting, lying, standing with your back to the opponent.


There are three most famous taekwondo federations in the world, or taekwondo - from English taekwondo: ITF, WTF and GTF. Abbreviations are deciphered in approximately the same way. Literally translated, it is an international, world and global taekwondo federation: in a word, international. Other federations, such as TI (Taekwondo International), are little known.

Taekwondo of different federations differs in technique, complexes and competition rules. To have the right to participate in the competitions of a federation, you must pass the certification and receive the belt of this federation.

ITP and GTP are not much different from each other. There are more complexes in the GTF and other rules for competitions. The WTF is very different from the other two federations: there are different complexes, equipment, competition rules and fighting techniques - in the WTF they use more foot technique. It is the athletes from the WTF who compete at the Olympics.

Parents' fears

My husband in training is faced with the same questions and fears of parents. Here they are.

In martial arts they teach to fight, my child will become aggressive. In fact, martial arts primarily teaches respect and kindness. One of the most important rules taekwondo says:

“You can’t use your knowledge to harm”

Taekwondo is probably very traumatic, like boxing. No, taekwondo is relatively non-traumatic martial arts. When sparring, protective equipment is required. At competitions, the referee monitors the strength of the contact - for too strong disqualifies. Also, according to the rules, you can not apply more than three punches in a row. Other restrictions apply.

At competitions, injuries are not complete, but they do not happen often. The most common injuries in taekwondo training and competition are bruises and sprains.

The first training session has passed, but the child has not learned anything - is it worth continuing? If the child has not done a hundred push-ups, a spinner in a jump, and has not defeated everyone in a row, including the coach, this question will be raised. It's certainly worth continuing. The first results will appear only in a month, more significant - in three to four months. It was then that beginners enter the first competition.

Parents are also sometimes afraid that their child, in principle, is not able to learn to fight. In fact, the fear of a fight will go away if the child exercises at least twice a week, constantly practice punches and participate in sparring.

My child has asthma, he probably shouldn't play taekwondo. Some diseases can be dealt with, others not. Before training, be sure to go for an examination with a doctor, preferably a specialist in sports medicine: he will give access to training and competitions. As for asthma specifically, in taekwondo they do breathing exercises- it reduces the risk of getting sick.

The benefits of practicing taekwondo outweigh the risks. Children learn to stand up for themselves, improve posture, develop fine motor skills, speech and memory. At the same time, there are fewer injuries than in boxing or mix-fight. For example, my husband has not had a serious injury in 19 years of training. At the same time, when one day some psycho attacked us, my husband knocked him out.

Athletes take an oath to observe the principles of taekwondo and not to use taekwondo techniques to harm. Photo: chikanchi martial arts school


In taekwondo they take from the age of three. The youngest athlete that taekwondo fighters have heard of is two years and seven months old. At my husband's school, children study according to the Chikanchi system and pass for a white belt at the age of three.

It is enough to train two or three times a week. Husband recommends going twice group training and once - on an individual basis.

Beginners are taught first basic hits and blocks, develop strength and endurance. Only after that they move on to complexes and sparring.

Prices for trainings depend on the city. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, prices are higher than, for example, in Kirov, where I studied. In Kirov, group training costs 1600 R per month and 4200 R per trimester. Individual training in Kirov cost 300-600 R.

In Moscow, prices for group training start from 2500 R. The average price is 5000 R per month. Individual training costs about 2000 R per hour. In St. Petersburg is cheaper.


Before training, some schools ask you to take out accident insurance - it applies to training and competitions. At school, my husband is asked to pay attention to whether the insurance policy covers injuries received in martial arts and competitions.

Such insurance costs from 500 rubles. It is mandatory in competition.


In the first months of training, the child can engage in normal sportswear Or in a T-shirt and shorts. The main thing is that the clothes do not restrict movement: in training, they do a lot of stretching exercises and kick with their feet. Shoes are not needed - taekwondo practitioners practice barefoot.

If a child wants to participate in competitions and qualify for belts, he will need a dobok. Dobok is a form of taekwondo. It consists of a jacket, pants and a belt.

The dobok for the WTF is different from the dobok for the other two federations. Top part The uniform is put on like a T-shirt, it has no zipper. Children's uniform costs from 900 R, adult - from 1600 R.

At the martial arts school where my husband works, dobok costs an average of three thousand rubles. Can be found cheaper. In the Budoshop online store, doboks cost an average of two thousand, and on Avito you can find doboks cheaper than a thousand rubles. Dobka for ITF and GTF differ only in stripes and inscriptions.

To participate in sparring, in addition to the dob, other items of equipment are needed. Prices for them also depend on the federation, according to the rules of which you will compete.

The WTF equipment includes: helmet, cap, brace, protector, gloves, shin guards and forearm guards, feet. Feet and gloves in the WTF are thin.

In the GTF, equipment consists of a helmet, mouth guard, gloves, feet, brace and shin guards - not all competitions require shin guards. Feet and gloves are thickened. For girls from the age of 12, a protector is added - protection for the chest. In the ITF, everything is the same, but a helmet is not required for competitions.

Approximate cost of children's taekwondo equipment

Breast protection for girls (from 12 years old)


2800 R


2490 R



900 R


2040 R


1160 R


1490 R


1190 R


1190 R


1580 R


790 R

Shin guards

790 R


790 R

Forearm pads

700 R



690 R


690 R

mouth guard

200 R


200 R

Approximate cost of adult equipment

Equipment itemWTFGTF and ITF
Breast protection for girls- 2800 R
Tread2490 R-
Dobok1600 R2125 R
Helmet1590 R1590 R
feet1580 R1590 R
Gloves870 R1490 R
Shin guards790 R790 R
Forearm pads700 R-
Bandage690 R690 R
mouth guard200 R200 R

taekwondo(there are several spellings, “taekwondo”, “taekwondo”, “taekwondo”, “taekwondo”, “taekwondo”, “taekwondo”, “taekwondo”) is an ancient martial art that originated in Korea. Martial arts Taekwondo has existed for about 2000 years, but as a sport it was formed and registered in 1955 by General Choi Hong Hi.

Taekwondo is a scientifically based way of using and knowing one's body for the purpose of self-defense, which allows one to mobilize and unlimitedly expand a person's capabilities as a result of intense physical and spiritual training.

Taekwondo perfectly trains the body, tempers the spirit, teaches self-discipline. Athletes involved in taekwondo in our club, not only learn to attack and defend, but also temper their character, develop the ability to think logically.

Currently, the three main versions of taekwondo are most common: ITF (ITF), WTF (WTF), GTF (GTF). Since 2000, WTF Taekwondo has been included in the program Olympic Games and is an Olympic sport.

In taekwondo, one of the best technicians kicking, biting, impulse, with a change of stance, sometimes requiring excellent coordination. Strengths can also be high speed and intensity of strikes, the difficulty of perception and recognition by the enemy, the ability to fight at a long distance.

WTF Taekwondo consists of various disciplines:

  • Poomsae are strictly regulated technical complexes that imitate a real fight.
  • Kyorugi is free sparring according to the rules of the World Taekwondo Federation.
  • Kyokpha - breaking things.
  • Hoshinsul - self-defense techniques.

Taekwondo for kids

In the White Lotus Special attention given to taekwon-do for children. Young athletes and sportswomen involved in our sections successfully perform at children's tournaments and competitions. Gold medals are not uncommon for our children's team - for example, according to the results of the Russian Cup in 2017, our team has 5 gold, 6 silver and 4 bronze medals! Read more about the successes of children involved in taekwon-do in our news.

Taekwon-do WTF (WTF)

Taekwon-do WTF - modern olympic view sports. The creators are a group of Korean Masters who lead traditional Korean martial arts schools.

Abbreviated designation: World Taekwondo Federation or World Taekwondo Federation.

Taekwon-do WTF has been fine-tuned for a long time precisely as a system for the Olympiad. A unified scoring system was created, which is not available in any contact sport.

Taekwondo WTF is one of the most highly paid sports, an athlete who has become a champion or prize-winner of the championship of Russia gets on the bet and receives a salary during the year, if he improves his result the next year, then the bet increases. You can represent Russia from the age of 14.

Twice a year, athletes pass certification for colored belts, within 5-6 years the athlete receives a black belt (1 dan).