Barley recipes for the fluff diet. Weight loss with pearl barley diet "Fluff"

The Pushinka diet appeared recently, but has already managed to win the hearts of women who want to lose weight. According to the author of the diet, she managed to lose 35 kg in less than three months. Let's try to figure out whether the Fluffy diet is really so effective.

Description and essence

Fluff refers to the so-called "fast" diets. The food menu is designed for a short time, during which you can lose a large number of kilograms.

The basis of the diet is pearl barley and some other components (kefir, fish and cabbage).

During active weight loss you need to drink plenty of water to cleanse the body and avoid dehydration.

The main term of Pushinka is 1 month. But not everyone can withstand such a menu. Since the base consists of one component, such nutrition can be classified as mono-diets. And they are considered the most difficult to perform.

According to the author, with such a menu, the first results will be noticeable at the end of the week. And after a month of dieting, you can lose significant weight. The number of kilograms dropped and the result directly depend on the initial weight of the woman and on the readiness of the body to part with the accumulated reserves.

According to women, Pushinka really works. Most ladies lose at least 5 kg in the first week.

About the benefits of barley

Barley was not accidentally chosen as the basis of the diet. The energy value of cereals cooked in water is 110 kcal. This allows you to eat porridge and not get fat. Barley contains “slow” carbohydrates that are consumed throughout the day. That is why the feeling of hunger does not arise for a long time.

In addition, pearl barley contains a large number of useful components:

  • minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. Barley contains a large amount of selenium, approximately 70% of the daily requirement. Small amounts contain zinc, copper and sodium.
  • vitamins. Most of all, barley contains vitamin A. Vitamin K is also present, which is necessary for hematopoiesis processes.

Pearl barley contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats and amino acids. This composition makes this product suitable for dietary nutrition.

It should be noted that athletes have long had diets based on pearl barley. This menu is always different. positive feedback and good results.


The Fluffy Diet will only give good results if you follow certain rules. At first glance, they are simple, but it is very difficult to follow them:

  • A doctor's consultation is required! A trip to a specialist is needed not so that he will allow such a diet to be used (he will still be against it), but in order to make sure that there are no health problems. Doctors usually give negative feedback about this menu.
  • No salt! Barley porridge is boiled in pure water without the addition of salt or spices.
  • It is forbidden to add milk or butter to porridge. Only lean cereal.
  • It is forbidden to add other foods to the diet, except for those indicated on the menu.
  • You can not abruptly enter and abruptly exit the diet.
  • You can not interrupt the diet even for one day.
  • During the diet, it is necessary to reduce the amount of physical activity.
  • During the mono-diet period, it is advisable to take vitamins (this rule applies to all fast and hungry diets).
  • Sleep should be at least 7 hours a day.

By following these rules, you can achieve a lasting result after the first week of Pushinka. If the rules are violated, the results will be more modest or they will not be at all.

Preparatory stage

Fluff in its diet is closest to mono-diets, which means that it is impossible to start abruptly.

First you need to give up fast food, sugary drinks, baked goods, sweets and sugar. Next, you need to exclude all fatty foods from the diet: lard, butter, mayonnaise, etc. Then all starchy vegetables and pasta are removed.

On the last day before the diet, you can eat low-fat broths, dairy products, apples, fish, tea without sugar.

It is necessary to purchase vitamins in advance and consult a doctor.

The preparatory stage cannot be skipped. Firstly, it will make it easier to tolerate the diet, and secondly, it will decrease possible harm for the body.

Detailed menu

The classic Pushinka diet menu, which Irina came up with, is as follows:

  • Breakfast: barley porridge 100-150g, a glass of kefir or unsweetened yogurt.
  • Lunch: porridge 100-150g.
  • Lunch: barley porridge with fish (100-200g).
  • Afternoon snack: barley and coleslaw without salt, spices and dressings.
  • Dinner: pearl barley and a glass of yogurt.

Pushinka's menu does not change throughout the entire period. It was this diet, originally invented, that helped the author of the diet to lose 35 kg and achieve an impressive result. Throughout the diet, you must consume plenty of clean water.

In order not to bother yourself with cooking porridge during the day, you can take care of this in the evening. Before going to bed, you need to take 200 grams of pearl barley and pour it with clean water.

In the morning, porridge should be boiled until fully cooked without salt. During the day, you can simply take from the pan required amount porridge and warm up. As a result, time is greatly saved.

It is better to choose river fish for a diet, as it contains fewer calories.

Pike, carp, roach, bream are perfect. From marine fish species, you can cook pollock, cod or blue whiting. Fish is also cooked without salt, by boiling, baking or steaming.

After Fluffy became popular, many variations appeared. Judging by the reviews, they are no less effective. For example, it is proposed to diversify the diet with berries or unsweetened fruits. Some women suggest drinking green tea with honey or lemon instead of water.


The exit should be gradual. Below is sample menu to exit the fluffy diet. The ration is made for a week. The amount of food recommended for consumption per day must be divided into small portions and eaten during the day. Other food items are not recommended.

  • Mon: Low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable soup, orange. Tea without sugar and water in any quantity.
  • Tue: 2 eggs, fish soup, vegetable salad with vegetable oil. Tea, unsweetened fruit drink and water without restrictions.
  • Wed:. Boiled breast (200g), buckwheat (200g), 2 apples. Water, tea without sugar in any quantity.
  • Thu: Omelette, kefir (2 cups), beef steak. Water, rosehip broth, no restrictions.
  • Fri: Vegetable soup, baked fish, orange, glass of yogurt. Tea, water with lemon or cucumber in any quantity.
  • Sat: Steamed cutlets (250g), cottage cheese (200g), orange or grapefruit. Tea, unsweetened compote or water without restrictions.
  • Sun: 2 eggs, baked steak, a glass of kefir. Water, tea with honey.

After such a menu, you still need to adhere to proper nutrition to consolidate the result and not gain weight again. In addition, after leaving the diet, you need to increase physical exercise. You can do daily jogging or cycling. Well reduce the weight of classes in the pool. In most reviews, the ladies say that the weight is not refundable.

Advantages and disadvantages

Judging by the reviews and the results obtained, the Pushinka diet has only pluses, but this is far from the case. Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of this type of diet.

  • The minimum set of products allows you not to burden yourself with the preparation of various dishes. It is enough to cook porridge, and the diet is ensured.
  • When all the rules of the diet are followed, the weight goes away very quickly, the result is visible already at the end of the first week.
  • If you stick to proper nutrition after leaving the diet, excess weight will not return.

Despite the obvious advantages, there are still more disadvantages:

  • The minimum set of products is not able to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. Taking vitamins does not always adequately compensate for the deficiency.
  • With a sharp weight loss, the skin does not have time to tighten. It may appear to sag. The situation is aggravated by a lack of vitamins and amino acids.
  • The menu is strict and monotonous, and the Fluffy diet lasts at least a month. Not everyone is able to withstand such inconvenience. Judging by the reviews, some ladies tried to start such a diet several times.
  • Even more weight gain. This result is found in those people who broke off some kind of mono-diet and began to absorb everything.

  • Mood swings. Attacks of unmotivated aggression can be replaced by periods of apathy. Irritability may appear as early as the second day.
  • Health problems. This is the most significant drawback. Often there are hormonal disorders, failure of the menstrual cycle, illness gastrointestinal tract. As a result, problems arise even more than before the diet.

Before you go on a strict diet, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons.


Doctors and nutritionists are negative about mono-diets because of the large list of contraindications and possible complications. On the Internet, you can also find reviews about the negative effects of the Pushinka diet. Before applying strict dietary restrictions, you should always study the list of contraindications:

  • Pregnancy. Everything is clear here: the fetus needs nutrients, so you can not reduce the diet. During lactation, you also do not need to sit on a strict diet, since useful substances will not enter the milk.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is especially dangerous to reduce the diet for diseases associated with high acidity (heartburn, ulcers, gastritis).
  • Mood disorders (depression, attacks of aggression, suicidal manifestations).
  • The period after a serious illness. For such patients, a mono-diet is contraindicated, since the body needs strength to recover.
  • Teenage years.

Do not dismiss contraindications as unimportant, at first glance, information. The Pushinka diet is quite capable of harming health if there are already some diseases or features of the body.

The article was checked and approved by Krizhanovskaya Elizaveta Anatolyevna, a practicing family doctor - see below.

The Pushinka diet will come to the rescue, helping to lose extra pounds without harm to health in a short time. This technique is absolutely safe for health and does not harm the body, so you can try it on yourself to see for yourself the effectiveness.

What are the principles and requirements of the methodology?

The Fluffy Diet, developed by an ordinary woman who managed to get rid of 35 in 3 months extra pounds. The woman could not try other weight loss methods on herself, as she was tormented by allergic reactions to most foods. That is why she managed to develop her own dietary technique, calling it "Fluff".

The methodology is based on the following principles and rules:

  1. The main product that should be eaten on a diet is barley porridge (100 g of dry cereal per day). To preserve more nutrients and more effective weight loss it is recommended not just to cook porridge, but pour it with boiling water in the evening, then just warm it up.
  2. While following the methodology, the author recommends giving up salt, coffee and tea, or indulging them extremely rarely. Carbonated drinks are banned.
  3. It is very important to observe the drinking regimen and drink enough clean water without gas. This is necessary in order not to provoke dehydration of the body and contribute to a more effective process of losing weight.
  4. It is recommended to build a diet on low-fat varieties of fish, fresh white cabbage, low-fat kefir. During the diet, it is strongly recommended to take a vitamin-mineral complex, since such a diet will be stressful for the body and can cause a deficiency of nutrients.

What are the pros and cons of the dietary system?

The Pushinka technique has many positive aspects, but also negative qualities she has no less. First, consider its main advantages:

  • The effectiveness of the technique is really off scale. Weight loss occurs due to the fact that the caloric content of the diet is reduced and the losing weight refuses to consume salt, which contributes to fluid retention in the body.
  • Due to the fact that fish is included in the diet, the body receives amino acids that it cannot produce on its own. In addition, fish contains animal proteins that allow you to saturate the body for a long time, so you do not suffer from the pangs of severe hunger.
  • This technique is quite loyal in comparison with other extreme diets. If you do not limit yourself in many ways, then you will not have to face such unpleasant symptoms as dizziness, weakness, fatigue.
  • Due to the fact that it is recommended to build a menu based on white cabbage, the body receives a large amount of useful substances and vitamins. By consuming this vegetable, you can significantly reduce the risk of beriberi and other health problems.
  • You should also pay attention to barley porridge, which is the basis of the diet. Barley not only has a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight, but also contributes to the accelerated production of collagen, which helps the skin remain taut. This is very important, because most often with rapid weight loss you have to deal with sagging skin.
    In addition, barley porridge is rich in vitamins and amino acids, which allow you to effectively cleanse the body, removing toxins, toxins and other harmful substances from it, contributing to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The technique involves the consumption of kefir, which has a positive effect on the stomach, helping to restore the microflora. Also, this product is useful for nourishing the muscles, preventing them from disappearing along with the outgoing fat.

Nutritionists note that this technique can adversely affect health, since it has a lot of negative points:

  1. This diet is dominated by a very meager and monotonous menu. Not everyone is able to eat the same foods day after day without breaking loose.
  2. Many experts in the field of nutrition are concerned about the fact that salt should be abandoned for such a long period of time, since without this product a violation of the state of the body is not excluded, and this can provoke serious problems. It is best to include salt in the diet at least occasionally. You just don't have to salt everything.
  3. Another disadvantage of the diet is that it provokes a stressful state of the body. In the case of chronic diseases, the possibility of their exacerbation is not excluded. Such a technique can significantly affect health, weakening the immune system.
  4. If we compare the diet with other methods of losing weight, the Pushinka method is more balanced, but only in the case of a short duration. Experts do not recommend sticking to such a diet for more than 7-10 days. The developer of the diet claims that the most noticeable weight loss occurred during this period.
  5. If you need to throw a lot excess weight, it is better to re-apply this technique later, but not earlier than after 1.5 months. You don't have to follow this diet all the time. For a week or 10 days, it is quite realistic to lose about 5-7 extra pounds, and with an initially large weight - even more.
  6. An equally serious drawback of the diet is that if, after its completion, you do not monitor your diet, eat harmful products, then the lost kilos will return, and they will also bring "friends" with them.

Approximate diet method

The author of the methodology suggests eating daily allowed foods. Such a menu is very monotonous, so you have to stick to it every day or adjust it a little without adding other products to the diet.

Menu for 1 day:

  • Breakfast: 150 g barley porridge; 200 ml fat-free or 1% kefir.
  • Snack: 150 g barley porridge.
  • Dinner: 200 g barley porridge; 100 g baked fish fillet.
  • Afternoon snack: 80-100 g of barley porridge; 150 g of white cabbage salad.
  • Dinner: 200 g barley porridge.

The technique also allows alternation. That is, today you can eat pearl barley, and tomorrow you can consume the usual dishes. Of course, in order to achieve maximum results, you will have to constantly observe.

When is it forbidden to lose weight on such a diet?

The Pushinka technique is strictly prohibited for people who have serious health problems. It is not suitable for people suffering from chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The technique is strictly prohibited for children, the elderly, and nursing mothers. Also, the technique is not recommended for people suffering from diseases that require special treatment.

The Fluffy Diet is an amazing diet with promising results. In just three months you can lose big weight. But, before you follow the rules of this technique, you should weigh the pros and cons, because such an unbalanced diet can cause health problems.

The Fluffy Diet is based on a strict diet, the main ingredient of which is barley. Adhering to such a nutrition system for 48 days, you can lose up to 35 kg.

The ideal figure is the dream of many women. To achieve it today there are many various ways, but the most effective and popular is the regulation of the way of eating or diet. Today there are many nutritional systems, but Fluffy's diet that exploded the Internet deserves special attention. The fact is that its creator managed to achieve an incredible result - minus 35 kg in just 3 months!

What is the Fluffy Diet?

Another name for it is the barley diet, since it is this cereal that is in the center of the menu. This method of nutrition was developed by a woman who is not a nutritionist by profession, which causes concern among doctors. Despite this, the diet remains very effective and popular among those who want to lose a lot of pounds in a short time.

The barley diet is based on a number of principles:

  • Refusal of salt . Almost all products recommended for consumption do not contain salt. Also, you can not salt them during the cooking process.
  • Large amount of water . Be sure to drink clean water or mineral water without gas throughout the day. It is advisable to use filtered water.
  • Mono power . The fluff diet belongs to the type of mono-diets. This means that during the entire course of weight loss, you can eat a limited amount of food. Unlike many similar diets, the ingredients for nutrition here are very simple and affordable - fresh white cabbage, low-fat kefir, low-fat fish and pearl barley. To this you can add tea, which is allowed to drink only without sugar.

The average duration of the diet is 48 days, that is, incomplete 3 months. During this time, you can achieve excellent results by dropping up to 35 kg.

Diet menu

The crown dish of the Fluffy diet is pearl barley. It has to be prepared according to a special recipe:

  1. Soak 100 g of cereal overnight. As a result, we get approximately 400 g of barley.
  2. Boil porridge in the morning. As a rule, cooking takes about half an hour. Sugar, salt and spices are not used for cooking. It is allowed to add a small piece of butter.

The finished dish must be divided into 5 equal portions. It is best to use a kitchen scale for this. The basis of nutrition for the whole day is ready. You will also need one small portion of any lean fish, a glass of fat-free or 1% kefir, unlimited water and raw white cabbage.

Here's what your sample Fluffy diet menu for the day would look like:

  • Breakfast . A portion of barley porridge with a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch . Portion of barley porridge.
  • Dinner . A portion of barley porridge and fish in boiled or baked form.
  • afternoon tea . A portion of barley porridge and an unlimited amount of white cabbage.
  • Dinner . Portion of barley porridge.

It is allowed to drink a glass of black or green tea once a day - best during an afternoon snack or lunch. There are no special requirements for the diet, but it is desirable that the difference between meals is equal and is approximately 3 hours.

Read also:

Despite the positive results of this type of nutrition, the Fluffy diet menu is very low in calories and does not contain salt. This can have a very negative effect on the body. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant health consequences, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • A diet without salt is fraught with dehydration if you do not drink enough water. Therefore, throughout the day, drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water.
  • Despite a balanced set of products on the menu, the body will lack a number of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, stock up on complex vitamins for the entire course of weight loss.
  • Be sure to follow the 5-time meal plan. Thus, it will be possible to minimize the feeling of hunger and balance the overall emotional state.
  • Maintain your health with sports - sign up for a pool or fitness class. This will help the muscles stay in good shape, and you will feel much more comfortable.

The pearl barley diet is an extreme nutritional option, which is suddenly extremely difficult for the body to switch to. Try first (at least a week) to gradually reduce the number of calories consumed per day, so that later there is no “shock” effect and breakdowns, which will negatively affect the health and weight loss results.

An extreme diet is not for everyone, so it is best to consult a specialist in advance.

Disadvantages of the Fluffy Diet

This diet has a number of disadvantages, which are noted by nutritionists. You need to be aware of these shortcomings:

  • The diet is very poor, due to which the body does not receive the nutrients necessary for normal functioning. In addition, because of this, dieting is extremely difficult - many fail to last more than 1 week, because all this time they have to eat the same ingredients.
  • During the diet, you lose a large amount of weight in a short time. This is a colossal stress for the body, which in the first place can affect problems with the hormonal and emotional background. The norm for weight loss without compromising health is 5 kg per month.
  • Dropping a large number of pounds without sports, you get unpleasant results in the form of saggy skin and stretch marks. It is impossible to eliminate these shortcomings in any other way than physical activity, so you will have to sign up for a gym.
  • The features of our body are such that losing weight due to a change in the type of food, first of all, is lost muscle mass and not fat. The problem is that fats are broken down much more difficult and slower than proteins. To get rid of fat deposits, you need to combine diet with physical activity.

The diet may not suit you due to the presence of any diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus or beriberi). Even during the period of a common cold, dieting is not recommended, because this will further weaken the immune system suppressed by the virus.

Diet Results

Proper adherence to a diet without disruption will help you achieve the same results as its creator - that is, lose about 35 kg in 3 months. But each organism will perceive the diet individually and, perhaps, your result will be less serious.

Those who lost weight with the Fluffy Diet lost approximately 20 kg per month on average. And maximum effect It is noted in the first week, when it is possible to lose up to 1 kg every day.

The video blogger talks about his barley diet in the morning:

Keep in mind that after returning to a normal diet, you risk regaining your previous weight in excess. Therefore, it is best to leave the diet gradually and be sure to engage in some kind of sport, even at home. Remember, if you feel unwell or have any health problems, you should abandon such a radical method of losing weight.

It is noteworthy that the author of the Pushinka diet is not a certified nutritionist, but an ordinary woman named Irina. Irina had big problems with overweight and was at risk of developing serious diseases such as disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Deciding that she was no longer able to carry 35 extra pounds, the woman developed a nutrition system in order to finally say goodbye to being overweight. TO own methodology Irina was pushed by multiple allergies to food products, which did not allow her to use ready-made programs. So a diet was born, thanks to which Irina's husband later called her a fluff.

The woman lost weight in 3 stages. To do this, she needed 20 days of one month, 21 days of the second and 7 days of the third. The total weight for 48 dietary days, stretched for 3 months, amounted to 35 kg. What are the advantages of this technique?

  • Sticking to the Fluffy diet, you will really lose weight. The effectiveness of the diet has been proven by its numerous followers.
  • The diet is fairly balanced.
  • You are unlikely to experience hunger, as you will eat hearty foods throughout the day.
  • The ingredients from which dishes are prepared on Pushinka will enrich the body with important elements. Thus, it stimulates the natural production of collagen, which will significantly improve the condition of the skin and make your body elastic. Pearl barley known for its beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, as well as on the processes of removing various debris from the body: split fat cells, toxins, toxins. Kefir will restore the intestinal microflora, the fish will saturate with amino acids and healthy fats, cabbage - fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  • It becomes a good incentive fast weight loss during the first week of the diet. This happens by cleansing the body of toxins, toxins and excess fluid.

Fluffy Diet Rules

  • Do not use salt when cooking.
  • Whatever additional products are included in the meal, barley porridge in small quantities should be present at every meal.
  • Drink purified drinking water in a volume of 1.5-2 liters every day.
  • Give up tea, coffee, sugary drinks with gas.
  • Be sure to take a complex of vitamins and minerals while you are on a diet.

Fluffy Diet: menu, allowed foods, recipes

Diet Pushinka with a stretch can be called a mono-diet. Barley porridge is in the center of the menu, and this is the main product of the diet, which should be included in any meal. Initially, Irina chose only 3 products for herself. These are pearl barley, fish and low-fat kefir. But, as the woman herself admits, she did not want to harm her body, so she turned to specialists to approve her menu. Nutritionists generally agreed with this selection of products, but recommended adding vegetable fiber in the form of white cabbage. So Pushinka became even more varied and tasty.

So, for a period of 3 months, you will have to eat the following foods every day:

  1. pearl barley in the amount of 100 g per day;
  2. white cabbage in unlimited quantities;
  3. up to 100 g of any kind of fish, including fatty;
  4. 250 g of the most low-fat kefir that you can only find.

As for salt, Irina herself admits that she deviated a little from the rules of the diet and added salt to fish and porridge. Try to keep your salt intake to a minimum - this is an important condition for rapid weight loss.

Barley porridge on Pushinka should be prepared according to a special recipe. Prepare a new portion of barley every day so that you always have fresh porridge, because over time, any food loses its beneficial properties.

Pour 100 g of cereals with cold boiled water and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the water, place the cereal in a saucepan with a new portion of water and boil the porridge for an hour. Add spices and herbs to the finished barley. You can use natural soy sauce without additives or a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Here is a sample menu for each day:

  • breakfast: a serving of pearl barley, a glass of fat-free kefir;
  • second breakfast: a portion of pearl barley;
  • lunch: a portion of barley porridge, a piece of boiled or steamed fish baked without oil;
  • afternoon snack: a portion of barley, cabbage salad;
  • dinner: a portion of barley porridge.

Diet Pushinka through the eyes of a fitness instructor

The Fluffy Diet has a definite positive side - it is an unconditional weight loss if you follow all the rules of the methodology. But fitness instructors report numerous disadvantages of the program and contraindications.

Firstly, it is by no means impossible to adhere to the "pearl" diet for so long. Irina's weight loss lasted for 90 days, of which 22 days she ate not according to her own menu, but "anyhow". These so-called breakdowns may have saved her life, experts in the field say. healthy lifestyle life. After all, 4 products for a person for such a long period are catastrophically few.

The diet is difficult to maintain, because it does not give liberties. Nutrition completely without salt and almost one pearl barley - for most women, such a diet will sooner or later cause a food breakdown. For lovers of sweets, such a menu will seem like torture at all, because you can’t even treat yourself to sweet fruits.

Sports experts say that losing 35 kg in 3 months is too much stress for the body. It is comfortable for the body to drop up to 1 kg per week, although some fitness instructors insist on an indicator of 0.5 kg in 7 days. Of course fat people I want to lose weight quickly, but too intense weight loss will affect health, primarily on the hormonal background and the nervous system.

And one of the most unpleasant moments of the Fluffy diet is the loss, to a greater extent, not of adipose tissue, but of muscle. That's how it works human body that in the absence of physical activity aimed at building muscle, when losing weight, first of all, not fat mass, but muscular.

Diet Pushinka reviews and results

The result of a three-month weight loss program for you is unlikely to be 35 kilograms lost. As the weight loss reviews say, most of them quit the diet at the beginning or in the middle due to the rigidity of the menu and rules. Many experienced weakness, dizziness, general malaise due to poor diet and lack of nutrients and calories. Losing weight complained of violations of the heart, sagging skin on the body and especially the face. However, with all this, many managed to lose from 5 to 15 kg.

Fluffy Diet: before and after photos

No matter how many people who lose weight tell about their success in weight loss in their reviews, photo reports of the results will always be more eloquent.

If you need to lose a lot of kilograms, then the Fluffy diet can help with this. Adhering to the proposed diet, it is realistic to lose up to 35 kg of excess weight in one and a half to three months.

Diet "Fluff" - what is it?

Get perfect figure dream of many women. There are many ways to achieve good results. But the main and most effective is the diet. The Internet was literally blown up by the once sensational “Fluffy” diet.

For lunch, baked or boiled fish is added to it.

The afternoon snack consists of porridge with the addition of cabbage (the latter can be eaten as much as you want).

For dinner - another serving of pearl barley.

You can drink another glass of tea at any time.

The diet is low in calories. Therefore, despite the rapid and very desirable weight loss, it can lead to negative health consequences. To avoid this, the following guidelines should be followed.

  1. At least one and a half liters of water should be drunk per day, otherwise dehydration may occur.
  2. Some prefer to compensate for the missing vitamins in the diet with special complexes.
  3. Follow the diet and eat five times a day.
  4. Go in for sports: swim, run or walk in Gym and fitness.
  5. You should not radically change your diet, immediately going on a diet. "Fluff" belongs to the category of radical methods of losing weight. Therefore, you need to prepare your body for it in advance. For example, reduce your calorie intake for at least 7-10 days, get used to plain water. Then it will be easier for the body to endure the shock, and the Fluffy diet will pass without negative consequences. Keep in mind that it is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you need to switch to normal food.


Many have noted the effectiveness of the "Fluff" diet. Reviews and results can be seen on numerous forums, where comments are often accompanied by very eloquent photos taken before and after losing weight. Here are the benefits of this diet.

  1. The diet is well balanced.
  2. Hunger is unlikely to torment, since almost all foods are satisfying.
  3. All foods are rich in vitamins and minerals. For example, pearl barley promotes the production of collagen, so that the skin acquires an elastic and well-groomed appearance. In addition, it has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract, due to which toxins and toxins are removed from the body much faster. Kefir, in turn, restores the microflora in the intestines, cabbage saturates the body with vitamins, minerals and, of course, fiber, and fish contains many healthy fats and amino acids.
  4. Already in the first week of the diet, the body is well cleansed of slagging.

Tea, coffee and carbonated drinks are not drunk during the diet. Instead, simple pure water will help the body to be in good shape and successfully endure this difficult regime.


Experts note a number of shortcomings of the proposed diet. These include:

  • the poverty of the diet, when the body does not receive the necessary useful substances and trace elements for it;
  • it is very difficult to withstand such a regime, there is a high probability of a breakdown;
  • the loss of a large number of kilograms in a short period of time is also a disadvantage, since the body is experiencing severe stress at this time;
  • stretch marks may appear on the skin, and it will begin to sag - the only in an efficient way combat this are sports activities;
  • you should also know that the body is the last to part with body fat, and muscle mass leaves first; so only physical activity can stir up body fat and force them to leave the body.

"Fluff" can adversely affect health, especially if it is already undermined by any diseases. For example, with diabetes mellitus or beriberi, it is highly undesirable, otherwise it can aggravate the condition.


If you still manage to successfully sit on a diet, then in three months you will forget about tens of kilograms of excess weight. Of course, each organism has its own characteristics, and this cannot but affect the loss of kilograms. However, the average result that the Fluffy diet gives (reviews confirm this) is from 30 to 35 kg.

It should be noted that the greatest weight loss will be observed in the first days. Then every day you will lose a kilogram. Further, the result will improve, but not so fast. Therefore, you need to prepare for just such features and if weight loss stops for a while.


The fact that the “Fluffy” diet gives very good results is confirmed by both the women who sat on it, and the experts, as well as fitness trainers. However, the latter also note the disadvantages of this regimen, which, in their opinion, is that only 4 products for such a long period of time to maintain health are very few. Therefore, the fact that the girl periodically returned to her usual diet during the diet may even have helped her maintain her health.

She assures that the lost kilograms have not returned. However, experts say the opposite: fat will return with a high degree of probability, since rapid weight loss is fraught with just such dangers.


Thus the "Fluff" diet is arranged. The menu, its rules are strict, but effective. However, before deciding to try this diet, you should definitely consult a nutritionist, and in the process of following it, you need to constantly monitor your well-being.