Gymnastics for children 3 4 months. Massage for babies with detailed photo instructions

Often, parents doubt whether it is worth giving a massage to a healthy newborn child, as they are sure that such manipulations are carried out only in case of diseases. However, children's doctors recommend massage sessions from the first days of a baby's life.

Massage to a child at 3 months helps to reduce muscle hypertonicity, strengthens physical state baby, corrects signs of torticollis.

At birth, all babies have clenched fists, bent limbs, and spontaneous erratic movements. Relax muscles, eliminate physiological tone, accustom the body to conscious movements - all these tasks are successfully solved with the help of gymnastic exercises and massage.

Massage procedures are useful not only for adults, their importance for the physical and intellectual development of the child is invaluable.

The development of the nervous system in an infant and the stimulation of its work, to a greater extent, occurs when a huge number of receptors, nerve endings located on the human skin are irritated. Receiving signals, these receptors send information to the brain, which encourages the development nervous system.

  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Tactile sensations develop: through touch, the baby begins to learn about the world around him.
  • The psycho-emotional state of the baby improves, excitability and muscle hypertonicity decrease.
  • The baby's immunity is strengthened.
  • Helps to cope with colic.
  • Massage has a beneficial effect on the development of the musculoskeletal system. Normal posture is formed, torticollis is corrected, clubfoot is corrected, as well as deformity lower extremities. There is a formation and restoration of the optimal physical form.
  • Prophylactic work is carried out to prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

But massage can be harmful to a child if some of its types, for example, therapeutic, are carried out by a non-professional, or the procedures themselves are carried out with violations of the temperature regime. Properly performed massage and gymnastics, for a small child, 3 months will only benefit the body.

Types of massage, indications for its use

It is generally accepted to consider the types of massage depending on its purpose and goals.

  • Prophylactic. It is aimed at preventing the occurrence of diseases, normalizes sleep, reduces hyperexcitability, improves blood circulation and metabolism. This type is divided into restorative and relaxing massage. It is recommended to everyone, in the absence of contraindications. Can be performed by parents at home: no special knowledge is required, but it is advisable to get advice from a specialist.
  • Therapeutic and prophylactic. It performs the function of strengthening the body, and is also therapeutic in nature. It is indicated for colic, diseases of the respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary systems. It normalizes and improves the work of the cardiovascular system of the body, blood circulation, helps to cope with hip dysplasia. Prescribed by a pediatrician. Sessions must be conducted by a professional.
  • Therapeutic. Indicated for certain diseases.

The pediatrician prescribes treatment procedures for the following indications:

  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • diagnosed hypertonicity or hypotonicity in a child;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • congenital dislocation of the joint;
  • torticollis;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • rickets;
  • congenital, as well as acquired clubfoot;
  • deformity of the legs, flat feet.


  • In the presence of an acute viral infection, high temperature, diseases of the skin, problems with the circulatory system of the baby, damage to the outer covering of the body.
  • If the baby is naughty, nervous, crying and breaking out of his hands.
  • With any disease in the acute stage.
  • With umbilical hernia. The pediatrician must monitor so that during the massage there is no pinching.
  • With heart disease (all sessions are carried out only under the supervision of a cardiologist).

With a massage that is performed at 3 months for a child at home, there are some contraindications.

  • It is forbidden to hit, press during procedures.
  • You can not pat on the baby's skin.
  • It is forbidden to massage the area of ​​​​an open fontanel.
  • The area of ​​​​the inner thighs, the bend of the elbow and armpits is not recommended to be massaged, and the area under the knees of the baby should not be touched.

We create conditions

Before starting a massage for a 3 month old to an infant at home, you need to create a comfortable environment for him.

Procedure technique

How to massage a child at 3 months old, a specialist will tell parents, but the following rules must always be observed.

Technique of drainage procedures

With bronchitis, pneumonia, or when the baby coughs, a special drainage massage is performed to get rid of the cough and avoid changes in the lungs.

In order for the baby to grow up healthy and strong, parents need to pay enough attention to his massage. This type of massage is called general strengthening. If the child has developmental abnormalities, a therapeutic massage is performed.

The first always consists of stroking and gentle rubbing, the second is somewhat complicated, so it is not recommended to carry it out at home, it is better to entrust the process to a highly qualified doctor.

Why give a massage to a child at 3-4 months

  • a correctly performed procedure will avoid the appearance of violations in the work of the musculoskeletal system of the baby, which is still at the stage of formation;
  • improves the state of the nervous system, soothes and provides restful sleep;
  • beneficial effect on the growth of the child;
  • restores digestion if it has deviated from the norm.

Along with a relaxing massage healthy child often prescribed to do light gymnastics, what exercises it consists of - consult a doctor.

Therapeutic massage is used if the baby is 3-4 months old, and his parents had to deal with such unpleasant ailments:

  • with diagnosed torticollis;
  • rickets;
  • scoliosis;
  • flat feet;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • clubfoot;
  • a hernia formed in a 3-4 month old baby in the groin area;
  • insufficient physical development.

What else is important to know

Children aged 3-4 months at home should only do general massage, and in order not to harm the health of the baby, you need to follow the basic rules:

  1. Until the baby is 3 months old, the duration of 1 session cannot exceed 15 minutes, when the baby is already 4 months old, it is advisable to increase the duration to 25 minutes.
  2. Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, dry them, and cut your nails so as not to inadvertently injure the delicate skin of the baby.
  3. Do not treat massage as a formal procedure. Try and enjoy yourself from communicating with the crumbs - when else can you spend time with your beloved child so carefree? Communicate with the baby, talk, play and watch how his emotions change. If at birth the baby did not make a sound and did not react in any way to the environment, then at 3 months he already begins to smile and enjoy contact with loved ones. It's great if the massage is associated with the game, sometimes this is easy to achieve if you quietly turn on rhythmic music.
  4. Experts recommend increasing the duration of classes if the baby is healthy and responds to massage with pleasure.
  5. Children often especially like certain exercises, see which exercises capture the baby and cause laughter. IN next time start doing massage with these exercises.

Preparatory stage

It is important to pay due attention to the preparation of the table on which it is planned to conduct a massage. The place should be convenient and comfortable for both the parent and the baby. Opt for a table with a flat, smooth surface that sits firmly on the floor. In order not to damage the back of the baby, doctors suggest laying a soft blanket, but not woolen - it can cause an allergic reaction and inflammation.

Take also baby cream or use vaseline oil.

As for the temperature in the room where the massage will take place for a child aged 3 months, you should adhere to the range of 22-25 degrees, doctors do not advise experimenting with other temperature regimes. Close all vents tightly and prevent drafts.

You do not need to start the massage when you have fed the baby, wait at least 40 minutes after feeding. Do not carry out the procedure even 40 minutes before a meal. It is better to do massage in the morning, while the baby has not yet had time to be capricious and start being mischievous. The state of the parent at this moment is also important, because the baby literally reads the mood of the adult and behaves according to what he feels and sees. Therefore, if you are very worried about something or have recently quarreled with someone, it is better to put the massage aside.

Thanks to massage, the child's musculoskeletal system is properly formed, blood circulation improves. Due to the fact that the baby's tactile perception is brighter than other senses, contact with the hands of adults helps him quickly explore the world in which he is. Read below about what you need to know for the correct massage of a child from 3-6 months.

Features of massage for babies

Children's massage is therapeutic and prophylactic. Therapeutic is prescribed when a pathology is detected, and only a qualified specialist does it. But preventive massage is useful for all newborns, and even inexperienced parents will cope with this complex.

It is important to understand that arbitrary pinching, patting and other inept movements can harm the baby. Before starting a massage course on your own, it is worth visiting a specialist several times, who will show you how to do it correctly.

The benefits of massage for a baby from 3 to 6 months

Pediatricians recommend combining massage with developing gymnastic exercises. A complex that includes both massage and lungs physical exercise, help the child master the skills of changing body position, thereby becoming more resistant to stress. In addition, in children who are regularly massaged, the following indicators quickly develop:

  • muscles are strengthened;
  • the tone of the muscles of the flexors and extensors is in balance;
  • the rhythm of movements develops;
  • blood circulation increases;
  • orthopedic problems are eliminated (hip joint, foot position);
  • strong immunity is formed.

The beneficial effect of massage extends to the respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular systems.

Tactile impact is useful not only for the physical, but also for the psychological and emotional health newborn. An important role is played by close contact with the mother or father, during which the concentration of hormones in the child's body that provoke stress and nervousness decreases. In such babies, toxins are eliminated faster, they are more likely to gain weight.

Basic rules of baby massage

Massage should be done in courses of 10-15 procedures, daily or every other day. Then you need a break of at least ten days. The procedure is done once a day.

At first, it is recommended to massage the baby for three to five minutes. As a result, the duration of a massage for babies of three to four months is no more than 15 minutes. Gradually increase the time. At five months, the baby is kneaded for 20-25 minutes, by six months the procedure can last up to half an hour.

Basic rules to follow when massaging a baby:

  1. The massage therapist's hands should be warm and soft. Get rid of rings and bracelets that can damage your baby's delicate skin.
  2. Do not start the procedure earlier than one hour after the child has eaten. Also, after it, you need to wait 30-40 minutes before the next meal.
  3. Ventilate the room before the massage and make sure that the temperature in it is not lower than 22°C.
  4. After the massage, the child should be warmly dressed and given time to rest and relax.

You can not knead the baby if he is worried, crying. Better to wait until he calms down. But even then it is desirable to produce the most gentle movements. No need to start the procedure before bedtime. If the child is sick, take a break in the course. But it will be useful in the process of stroking and rubbing to talk affectionately with the baby, to sing something pleasant to him.

All movements must be performed gently and calmly. The main effects in the massage of a child of three to six months:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading (vibrations);
  • tapping.

Stroking - simple moves on the baby's skin with the palm of your hand. The rest of the movements are carried out with the fingertips. You can do circular or linear rubbing. Tapping is done first with one finger, then with several. These movements are also known as "finger showers".

How to prepare for a newborn massage

Before starting a full procedure, check how the child reacts to different movements and touches. Refuse those influences to which he reacts painfully, or make them as gently as possible. As an emollient, choose a hypoallergenic oil for newborns.

Features of massage for kids of different ages

It is necessary to select exercises for a newborn depending on his age and speed of development. If at three or four months it is mainly stroking and kneading, then at five or six months the complex may be already more difficult.

Massage for babies from 3 to 4 months

At the age of three to four months, the increased muscle tone gradually disappears in the baby. upper limbs. To massage a child at 3 months old, you can include the following movements:

  • stroking hands;
  • smooth lifting of hands up;
  • spreading the arms to the sides and slowly bringing them crosswise on the chest;
  • stroking, rubbing and kneading the legs (from the foot to the upper thigh);
  • turning from back to stomach to the right and left (if the baby is already trying to lie on its side) with support by the hand;
  • stroking the abdomen clockwise and from the sides to the center;
  • chest vibration;
  • flexion and extension of the feet.

Each movement is repeated approximately three times. It is important to massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction so as not to disrupt intestinal motility. It is forbidden to act on the joints, armpits, groin area, nipples, navel. Stroking and rubbing the limbs, pay attention to each finger

It is useful to include several exercises in baby massage at 3 months. For example, a "swimmer", in which an adult puts the baby on his right hand, lifts it up and, using the left hand, unbends the legs, as when swimming.

By the fourth month, the hypertonicity of the flexor muscles finally disappears, and exercises that strengthen the muscles of the limbs can be included in the massage course. For example, gentle flexion and extension of the legs. The legs are carefully lifted and gently pressed against the stomach, then carefully returned to their original position. This exercise is performed on two legs and on each in turn.

Massage for babies from 4 to 5 months

Baby massage at 4 months includes the above exercises, to which are added:

  • flipping the baby several times through one side and the other;
  • lifting a child lying on his stomach for a second above the surface, stimulating the tension of the buttocks and back, raising the head;
  • flexion and extension of the arms in turn.

At this age, the child is already able to lean on his hands during the procedure. Massage for children at 4 months old can also be carried out in a special chair, in a reclining position. It is impossible to hold the baby vertically, in order to avoid curvature of posture.

Well suited for this age classes with fitballs. The child must be laid on the ball with his stomach. Swinging on a fitball is useful for the child's vestibular apparatus. In the process, be sure to hold it by the legs or back to avoid injury.

Massage for babies from 5 to 6 months

A 5-month-old baby needs to be massaged already with the inclusion of more difficult exercises. But the initial scheme, including stroking and rubbing the limbs, back, buttocks and abdomen, remains. At this age, when massaging a child, they perform the following movements and exercises:

  • support for the baby under the back, the child "floats" in the air;
  • pat on the back with a palm collected in a hump, avoiding the kidney area;
  • slight lifting of the torso by arms extended to the sides from a position on the back;
  • flip from back to stomach, supporting the baby by the legs;
  • bringing the child to a vertical position, inviting him to grab the thumbs of an adult, hold the baby at the top with one hand, and lightly run his fingers along the spine with the other;
  • the hands of the baby make movements in a circle.

A professional massage for a child at 5 months old may include more complex movements, the implementation of which will be prompted by the massage therapist after meeting the child.

Another month behind. The baby continues to grow rapidly and learn new skills. At three months, the baby is awake five to six hours a day. By this time, caring parents had already developed their own formula for activities with their child.

Some people prefer to massage in the morning, when a well-rested child is in a good mood. Others relax the baby before the evening bath, giving him moments of pleasure.

A three-month-old baby already calmly holds his head in an upright position. And if you put it on the tummy, then the baby raises the chest, leaning on the handles. Hypertonicity, which disturbed the baby for the first two months, gradually disappears.

And all this is not without the help of daily restorative sessions of massage and gymnastics. Massage sessions at the age of three months very important for premature babies and children with weak neck muscles who find it difficult to hold their heads up yet.

The procedure strengthens the muscular frame, develops the musculoskeletal function and motor skills of the hands, stimulates the baby to try to change the position of the body in space.

If the child is constantly clenching his fists, then the problem is not solved. The increased tone of the legs at 3 months is still preserved.

Therapeutic massage at this age is struggling with joint dysplasia, different types flat feet, colic, as well as with the remnants of hypertonicity. In particular, the baby's palms should be open, and the fingers should be straightened.

Features of the procedure of this age

the main task three-month-old crumbs - learn to roll over from the back to the tummy. He will learn this for the next few weeks, and his parents should help him in every possible way in this.

  • From the changing table better move to the couch, because at three months the child became much more agile than before.
  • Set aside powders and creams. Do the procedure with dry, warm hands.
  • Start the procedure at good mood. It will not be possible to hide irritability or poor health from a three-month-old baby. note and on the location of the spirit of the baby.
  • Start gymnastics by laying out a bright rattle at some distance from the child. He will try to reach her. Buy a comfortable rattle with a long oval handle.
  • The first and final movements in the complex - it's always stroking. They calm the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on muscle tone.
  • Keep talking to your child during the session, smile at him, tell short quatrains. Train your baby's memory by combining any movement with a specific sound. Subsequently, a familiar sound will be associated with this combination.
  • The baby has grown, and therefore lesson duration increased almost three times. Massage for a three-month-old child lasts fifteen to twenty minutes.
  • Also connect fitball exercises and swimming.

Massage technique

General massage for a child at 3 months is performed as follows:


We start according to the already familiar pattern: stroking, rubbing, vibration, shaking. Next, new movements are introduced - these are pats and taps. They are carried out with fingertips, without the use of force.

Do not massage armpits

Do not miss a single finger on the hand, it is on them that the points responsible for speech development, the work of internal systems and organs are located.

Having clasped the baby’s hands with your hands, perform alternate mixing and breeding of the handles. This exercise relieves tone from the flexor muscles.


The technique of tummy massage has not changed: these are circular movements in a clockwise direction and stroking the oblique muscles. This is how it works prevention of intestinal colic and umbilical hernia. helps to get rid of the disease forever.

Raise your legs, bend them at the knees and press them to your tummy. Next, alternately raise the straight right and left legs to the chest. These exercises will help to avoid problems with the stool.


Massage the legs from the foot to the thigh. Work out the foot carefully, without sudden movements, in the direction from the heel to the fingers.

Draw a figure eight with your fingertip, rub your fingers, the inner and outer parts of the foot.

Finish the foot massage with light tapping. Foot massage is complemented by ring rubbing. Can't rub knees.

At three months, “sliding leg” exercises are added: the baby is in a position on the back, the massage therapist takes one leg by the shin, then the leg begins to slide along the surface in the direction from the buttock. Repeat for each leg five times.


The back massage has not changed either: first, stroking from the bottom up, then from the top down.

The buttocks are kneaded with gentle pinching movements. The last element will be the back flexion reflex, when the baby lying on its side is stroked on the back.

Gymnastic complexes

The development and massage of a child at 3 months should be carried out in conjunction with games.

By using gymnastic elements you can check the reflexes of the crumbs.

Take the child with both hands on the chest and lift it above your head so that its body is in a horizontal plane.

On the weight of the baby should bend, raise the head and legs.

Take the baby lying on the back by the knee and pull it in the opposite direction (the right knee to the left barrel and vice versa).

Over time, the baby must follow the leg with the whole body and easily roll over onto the tummy.

If it is difficult for the baby to master this element from the position on the back, start from the position on the side.

Place the child with his feet on the floor, while holding him in weight by the chest. The baby will begin to push off the surface with his legs, making bending movements with his legs.

The baby lies on his back. Let him grab his thumbs with his hands. Then pull it towards you. The child leans forward with the whole body, trying to sit down.

This Very effective exercise to strengthen cervical spine. In addition, the baby learns to hold his head.


At three months, massage is one of the ways parents communicate with their baby.

Each baby is individual, therefore, in order to enjoy and benefit from the procedure, adapt to it, take into account its mood. If the baby is naughty or his teeth are being cut, then it is better to wait a little with the massage.

Most children already hold their heads confidently. If your baby has not yet mastered this skill, be sure to show it to a pediatric neurologist. Most often, these are children born prematurely, gaining weight poorly, they simply do not yet have enough strength to hold a heavy head, because gymnastics is now playing a particularly important role for them. Lay your baby on your stomach more often, the more you put pressure on the neck muscles, the faster they will get stronger.

At 3 months, the baby is cheerful, he is already beginning to gradually lose muscle tone in his arms and legs, because your gymnastics can diversify some of the exercises that we will give below. At 3 months the main physical task child - learn to roll over from back to tummy. In every possible way stimulate the baby's first attempts to do this, lay out his favorite toys or bright objects at some distance, and let the baby try to reach them.

For classes, be sure to pick up comic nursery rhymes, rhymes, sentences, to train memory and attention, associate certain exercises with prepared words. You can supplement your classes with songs, many children like it so much that they begin to sing along to their mothers themselves.

A set of exercises for children 3 months:

1. Hand massage. We start with stroking, then add rubbing, ending with shaking. Do not forget about the massage of the palms and fingers. There are many biologically active points on the palms, the massage of which stimulates the work internal organs and finger massage contributes to the development fine motor skills child and as a consequence of his speech and mental development.

2. Crossing the arms over the chest. Take the baby by the handles, spread them to the sides and perform breeding and bringing the arms crosswise on the chest, alternating either the left or the right hand from above. If the child has not lost muscle tone of the flexor arms by this time, then you may not be able to perform such an exercise, then devote more time to massaging movements.

3. Massage the abdomen clockwise in a circle, further exercises for the prevention and treatment of umbilical hernia (similar to those in 1-2 months).

4. Exercises for the abdominal muscles, as well as for the prevention of colic and. Perform bending of the legs at the knees and pressing them to the stomach. Lifting straight legs to the head, lifting each leg alternately to the opposite ear, i.e. touch the fingers of the right foot to the left ear and the right foot to the left ear, respectively.

5. Breeding legs bent at the knees to the sides, you can perform circular motions V hip joints.

6. Foot massage. Stroke, rub the legs of the crumbs from the heel to the inguinal region. Special attention give a massage to the piles of crumbs and mobility in the hip and ankle joints. On the feet, as well as on the palms, there are many biologically active points, the stimulation of which will strengthen the body of the crumbs.

7. Back massage. Start by stroking from the bottom up with the back of your palms, from top to bottom with your palms, then rub the back on both sides of the spine from the buttocks to the neck, do not forget to stretch the baby's buttocks as well. Then turn the baby on the side and do a reflex exercise - flexion and extension of the spine.

8. From the side position, teach the baby to roll over on the tummy when he masters this rollover, teach him to roll over from a position lying on his back. To do this, bend at the knee and turn the baby's leg in the direction of rotation and lead him by the hand in the same direction.

9. Extension of the spine lying on the stomach in a canopy - "airplane". Take the baby with one hand under the tummy, hold the baby's feet with the other and lift him in this position, the baby will raise his head and bend his back.

10. Take the baby under the armpits and rest your feet on the table, the baby will be repelled by them from a hard surface, as if dancing.

11. Lifting by the handles. Put your thumbs in the baby's arms and, holding him by them, lift the crumbs, as if seating him. This exercise strengthens the neck muscles and teaches the child to hold his head when lifting. It is enough to perform up to 4-5 such lifts.

Baby massage at 3 months - video:

Exercises for a child of 3 months - video: