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Policy in the field of processing and protection of personal data site

Online payment security online service website

In order to protect personal data within the framework of the Policy, the Licensee is any capable individual, individual entrepreneur or representative of a legal entity who has visited the Site and (or) uses the Platform.

In other cases, the terms and definitions enshrined in the Offer should be interpreted accordingly within the framework of the Policy. In the event of any conflict between the Policy and other official documents of the Licensor, this Policy shall apply.

1. General Provisions

1.1.The policy has been developed in accordance with the current legislation Russian Federation about personal data.

1.2. The Policy applies to all processes carried out by the Licensor and related to the processing of personal data, both with the use of automation tools, including on the Internet, and without the use of such tools. Such processes may include collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction of personal data.

1.3. By joining the Offer, the Licensee agrees to

1.3.1. Processing your personal data for the purposes and in the ways provided for by the Policy.

1.3.2. Transfer of personal data to payment systems and organizations when paying the Tariff using the Site.

1.3.3. Receiving from the Licensor information messages about webinars, updates of the Platform, training information.

1.4. The Licensor does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Licensee, relying on the conscientiousness and reasonableness of the Licensee.

2. Composition of processed information

2.1. The processed information includes:

2.1.1. Personal information provided by the Licensee independently, including last name, first name, patronymic, email, phone number, address, bank card number and other data.

2.1.2. Technical and statistical information: IP address of the Licensee's computer and access time. Information about visited sections of the Site. Information provided by the Licensee's browser, including device type, browser version, operating system, etc. Phone number when the Licensee makes a call to the phone numbers listed on the Site. Email address when the Licensee sends emails to the Licensor.

2.1.3. Information about the actions of the Licensee, which includes: Information about sent requests, questions.

3.Purposes of personal data processing

3.1. The main goal of the Policy is to ensure the protection of information about the Licensee, including personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure. Also, the purpose of the Policy is the proper fulfillment of the obligations of the Licensor to the Licensee under the Offer and other agreements that may be concluded between the Licensee and the Licensor.

3.2. The Licensee agrees that the Licensor may also use his personal data for the following purposes:

3.2.1. Processing letters from the Licensee.

3.2.2. Communication with the Licensee, including for sending answers, notifications, decisions, requests and other information related to the execution of the Offer.

3.2.3. Improving the quality of the Platform, the convenience of its use and the development of new products.

3.2.4.Dispute Resolution, Feedback Gathering and Troubleshooting.

3.2.5. Comparison of personal data to confirm their accuracy and verification by third parties in cases provided for by law.

3.2.6. Prevention of cases of fraud and other abuses, as well as to investigate such cases.

3.2.7. Carrying out statistical and other studies based on depersonalized data.

4.Principles of personal data processing

The processing of personal data is carried out based on the following principles:

4.1. Legality and fair basis for the processing of personal data.

4.2 Processing of personal data in accordance with specific, predetermined and legitimate purposes.

4.3. Not allowing the merging of databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes that are incompatible with each other.

4.4. Compliance of the content and volume of personal data with the stated purposes of processing.

4.5. Accuracy, sufficiency, relevance and reliability of personal data.

4.6. The legality of technical measures aimed at the processing of personal data.

4.7 Reasonableness and expediency of personal data processing.

4.8. Lawful and reasonable period of personal data storage.

5.Processing of personal data

5.1. The Licensor processes personal data on its own and by means with the consent of the Licensee. The processing of the personal data of the Licensee begins from the moment they are received.

5.2. Collection of personal data is carried out in the following ways:

5.2.1. Provision of personal data by their subjects when filling out the relevant forms on the Platform and sending emails to the Licensor.

5.2.2. Automatic collection of information about the Licensee: When making calls to the phone numbers listed on the Platform or sending emails and feedback by e-mails of the Licensor. With the help of technologies and services: web protocols, cookies, web marks that are launched only when the Licensee enters his data.

5.3. Storage and use of personal data.

5.3.1. The storage of personal data is carried out in a form that allows to determine the subject of personal data no longer than is required by the relevant purposes of processing. The processed personal data is subject to destruction or depersonalization upon achievement of the purposes of processing, or in case of loss of the need to achieve these purposes.

5.3.2. The Licensee's personal data is stored exclusively properly on secure electronic media and processed using automated systems, except when non-automated processing of personal data is necessary in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. When processing the Licensee's personal data, the Licensor uses databases on the territory of the Russian Federation.

5.4 Transfer of personal data.

5.4.1. Bank card data is transmitted only in encrypted form and is not stored on the Site. All transactions with payment cards are carried out in accordance with the requirements of VISA International, MasterCard, American Express and other payment systems. When transferring information, special security technologies for online card payments are used, data processing is carried out on a secure high-tech server of the processing company. In cases of using regular payments, when making the first transaction, the bank card number and expiration date will be stored on the side of the bank.

5.4.2. The Licensor does not transfer personal data to third parties without the consent of the Licensee, unless: The transfer of information is necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, prevent, suppress illegal actions of the Licensee and protect the legitimate interests of the Licensor and third parties. The transfer of information is carried out at the request of state bodies in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The transfer of information is carried out as part of the sale or other transfer of the Platform to the ownership of third parties. At the same time, all obligations to comply with the terms of this Policy in relation to personal data received from the Licensee are transferred to the acquirer.

5.5 Blocking personal data. The licensor reserves the right to temporarily stop the processing of personal data (unless the processing is necessary to clarify personal data).

5.6. Destruction of personal data. The Licensee's personal data may be destroyed by the Licensor if there is a threat to the security of the Platform and the Licensee violates the terms of the Offer, or at the request of the Licensee himself.

6.Information protection

6.1. The Licensor takes technical and organizational and legal measures, part of which is the Policy to protect the personal data of the Licensees from illegal or accidental access, collection, storage, use, transfer, blocking or destruction, as well as from other similar actions.

7.Rights of the Licensee

7.1. The licensee always has the right to receive information about the processing of personal data about him, including information containing:

7.1.1. Confirmation of the fact of personal data processing.

7.1.2. Legal grounds for the processing of personal data.

7.1.3. Purposes and methods used by the Licensor to process personal data.

7.1.4. The name and location of the Licensor, information about persons (excluding the Licensor's employees) who have access to personal data or to whom personal data may be disclosed on the basis of an agreement with the Licensor or in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.1.5. Processed personal data relating to the relevant Licensee, the source of their receipt, unless a different procedure for the provision of such data is provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.1.6. Terms of processing personal data, including the terms of their storage.

7.1.7. The procedure for the Licensee to exercise the rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.1.8. Information about the performed or proposed cross-border data transfer.

7.1.9. The name or surname, first name, patronymic and address of the person who processes personal data on behalf of the Licensor, if the processing is or will be entrusted to such a person.

7.1.10. Other information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. The Licensee has the right to receive the information specified in clause 7.1. Policies, unlimited number of times.

7.3. The Licensee may withdraw consent to the processing of personal data by sending a written notice to the Licensor's address 127576, Moscow, st. Novgorodskaya d.3 k.1 kv.64.

8. Obligations of the Licensor

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Personal Data", the Licensor is obliged to:

8.1. Provide the Licensee, at his request, with information regarding the processing of his personal data and specified in clause 7.1. Policy, or provide the Licensee with a reasoned refusal.

8.2. Take measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations stipulated by the Policy and the Federal Law "On Personal Data".

8.3. When processing personal data, take the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures or ensure their adoption to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions in relation to personal data.

8.4. At the request of the Licensee, clarify the processed personal data, block or delete if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing.

8.5. Maintain a register of registration of requests from Licensees, which should record the requests of the Licensees to obtain personal data, as well as the facts of providing personal data on these requests.

8.6. Ensure the lawfulness of the processing of personal data. If it is impossible to ensure the legality of the processing of personal data, the Licensor, within a period not exceeding ten working days from the date of detection of illegal processing of personal data, is obliged to destroy such personal data or ensure their destruction.

8.7. If the Licensee revokes consent to the processing of personal data, stop processing it and destroy personal data within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of receipt of the said withdrawal, except when processing can be continued in accordance with the law.

9. Limitation of the Policy

9.1. The actions of the Policy apply exclusively to the Licensor's Site, and do not apply to other sites.

9.2. The Licensee is obliged to reasonably and responsibly approach the choice of the level of confidentiality and the placement of his own personal data on the Platform. The Licensor is not responsible for the actions of third parties who have gained access to the Licensee's personal data through the fault of the latter.

9.3. The Licensor guarantees that it does not collect, use or transfer to third parties information relating to children under 14 years of age.

10. Final provisions

10.1. The Policy is a local regulation of the Licensor.

10.2. The general availability of the Policy is ensured by publication on the Site.

10.3. The Licensor has the right to make changes to the Policy. When making changes in the current version, the date is indicated latest update. The new version of the Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted.";


On November 26, the sports club "SportBaza" invites everyone to the Day open doors. Especially for you, a seminar on nutrition and recovery of the body after physical activity, training with instructors, as well as a special tour for guests at SportBaza. Special Program written not only for adults, but also for children and teenagers.

SPORTBAZA is a place with a special club atmosphere and a convenient set of fitness services in a variety of areas and sports. The club has 4 zones (studios), a hall functional training and crossfit, a martial arts hall, a premium cycling studio with a 7-meter screen and a new multimedia system that creates the effect of immersion in virtual reality and a hall for group fitness programs. The zones are specially designed so that you can improve your skills or learn something new in the most favorable conditions.

We understand well those who care about being energetic and looking good, but they are not ready to spend all their free time on fitness. Therefore, in our class schedule you will find training formats based on the most modern, popular and effective fitness programs.

SPORTBAZA is a sport for those who create their lives and see no limits for their development, for those who are not used to wasting their time, for whom every minute is an opportunity to work on themselves, to create best version myself!

A completely new format of sports and fitness clubs was taken as a basis - the studio format. We took 4 directions, 4 studios and united them under one roof, with a total area of ​​750 m2. In the club are group training according to the most demanded and effective directions our time.

IN sports club SPORTBAZA is represented by more than 20 various kinds sports: from children's fitness before power types sports such as weightlifting, crossfit, powerlifting. From yoga to the most efficient and extreme cycling. Both children and adults will be able to find something interesting and useful for themselves.

Each studio is equipped with the latest and leading equipment in the Russian and world markets.
It's perfect new level sports clubs and studios of our city. Trust us, you've never seen anything like it.

We ourselves are ordinary people, and our club was created for ordinary people, those who go to work or study every day, raise children, run a household and want to become not only stronger, but also temper their body and spirit, discover and develop best qualities, such as respect, courage, perseverance in achieving the intended goal.

It is thanks to this approach that our club is not coaches and students, but a group of like-minded people, people united by common interests and a similar attitude to life.

Come to the OPEN DAY at the SPORTBAZA Sports Club and bring your friends with you!
Our address: Yakutsk, st. Lermontova d. 36
Telephone: 70-60-10, 70-10-40;

Admission is free and don't forget to bring your sports uniform!


Plan of events for the OPEN DAY in SPORTBAZA:


11:00 - seminar on nutrition (weight loss, weight gain) and recovery of the body after physical exertion. (Alexey FYODOROV)

12:00 - introductory part;
12:30 - main part;
12:45 - CROSSFIT workout
Instructor Alexey FYODOROV

14:00 - introductory part
14:30 - main part
14:45 - CROSSFIT LADY training
Instructor Mariyana SLEPTSOVA

16:00 - introductory part
16:30 - main part

Instructor Alexey FYODOROV

18:00 - introductory part;
18:30 - main part;
18:45 - CROSSFIT training;
Instructor Kirill DVORNIKOV

The introductory part includes - acquaintance with the trainers, description of the studio, CROSSFIT and its advantages.

The main part includes - familiarity with the simulators and equipment of the studio.


11:00 - acquaintance with the studio "FIGHT BAZA" and its coaches.
11:30 - Senior Boxing Coach of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Lisitsa Vasily will tell you why you need to do martial arts and sports in general;
11:45 - open training boxing + functional training;

Coach Mikhail TARASOV

15:30 - Farhat SADIKOV (SAMBO) and Mikhail TARASOV (BOXING) will give an interesting lecture for children (6-15 years old) on the topic " healthy lifestyle life” and why a man from a young age should engage in martial arts;

18:00 - Master class in MMA and COMBAT SAMBO. (Throws, stalls, painful, ground wrestling, standing wrestling, sparring);
Coach Farhat SADIKOV


12:30 - acquaintance with the instructors of the studio. Advantages of our studio CYCL. general description.
12:45 - main part;
13:00 - training CYCLE "60;
Instructor Anastasia PAVLOVA

14:30 - acquaintance with the instructors of the studio. Advantages of our studio CYCL. General description.
14:45 - main part;
15:00 - CYCLE PRO cycling race;
Instructor Petr TAISHIN

16:30 - acquaintance with the instructor of the studio. General description of "CYCLING" and why it is necessary to do it;
17:00 - training CYCLE "60;
Instructor Petr TAISHIN

18:00 - acquaintance with the instructors of the studio. Advantages of our studio CYCL. General description.
18:15 - main part;
18:30 - training CYCLE "60;
Instructor Anastasia PAVLOVA

The main part includes - a complete description of Life Fitness bikes - IC6, WattRate computer, ICG MyRide system, ICG Connect system;

The training part will be held in two stages: the 1st stage according to the "MyRide" system, the 2nd according to the "ICG Connect" system)


11:00 - Incendiary fitness dance "MAKUMBA" with Maria VASILIEVA;
12:15 - our yogi will give you a lecture on the topic " common sense life";
12:45 - open practice of HATHA YOGA;
15:30 - DisQ - 16:30 - STRETCHING

Program for children and teenagers.

Come to the Open House at @sportbazateam together with the children! Get to know all our children's destinations and choose for your child exactly the kind of sport that he would really like to do!


16:00 - introductory part
16:30 - main part
16:45 - CROSSFIT training 12-16 years old
Instructor Alexey FYODOROV

The introductory part includes - acquaintance with the trainers, description of the studio, CROSSFIT and its advantages;

The main part includes - acquaintance with simulators and equipment of the studio;


13:00 - lecture for children on the topic "martial arts and why it is necessary to engage in them";
13:30 - BOXING training, children 7-15 years old;
Coach Mikhail TARASOV

15:30 - Farhat SADIKOV (SAMBO) and Mikhail TARASOV (BOXING) will give an interesting lecture for children (6-15 years old) on the topic of "healthy lifestyle" and why men should practice martial arts from a young age;
16:00 - mixed training in SAMBO and BOXING, children (6-15 years old);


Training for children (10-16 years old)
- 16:30 - acquaintance with the instructor of the studio. General description of "CYCLING" effectiveness and benefits. Why is it necessary to practice this particular sport;
- 17:00 - CYCLE KIDS training;
Instructor Petr TAISHIN


Fitnessavenue invites everyone to Open Days.

Try fitness, recharge your batteries and positive! We will be glad to see you in our club!

IN Friday and Saturday You have a chance personal training with a trainer gym FOR FREE! Be sure to sign up and check with Fitnessavenue consultants. This post is for new customers only.

IN Friday 12 October group program trainers are waiting for you for master classes:

body balance, Aqua Aerobics(paid lesson) brazilian buttocks, High Heels (dancing in heels), hatha yoga.

IN Saturday 13 October come to open lessons:

super sculpture ( power training) , Flex (stretching and flexibility), dance mix, Leg-split, Cycle (bike training), Pump (strength training).

At 13:00 there will be a seminar on proper nutrition and building training program. The workshop will be led by a trainer.

IN Sunday 14 October we are waiting for you with children:

will pass open lessons for children modern dance . At 12:00 dancing for children from 6-9 years old. At 13:00 dancing for children from 10-14 years old.

And adults can attend master classes: ABL (strength training), Oriental(oriental dances) and hatha yoga.

All workshops and seminars require registration at the Service Desk. Registration for a free personal training only for new clients, check the schedule and information about the trainer on the Service Desk.

The schedule of master classes can be viewed here:

Entrance to the club with a passport. Age 16+

A guest can visit the club only once during open days.

Fitnessavenue has prepared competitions and prizes for all guests, a lot of positive and energizing!