Ems studio business plan. How to open an EMS training studio without a franchise? You need to understand that there are two stages of learning

Elizaveta Shepelskaya has created the largest network of 75 fitness studios in Russia for training with electrical stimulation. The network is growing steadily, and its turnover in 2016 exceeded 240 million rubles.

Elizabeth Shepelskaya

“At first I didn’t believe it, I thought it was another magic pill. I decided to try it on myself, and it just amazed me, ”Elizaveta Shepelskaya recalls her first workout using the new method. “I could hardly bend my elbows in front of me, as if they had a weighty barbell, but there was nothing in them.”

Shepelskaya created her first business - a real estate agency, as well as an ad site - in Yekaterinburg immediately after receiving a sociological education at a local university. In three years, she opened five representative offices of the company in Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk and Krasnodar. But the real estate business quickly got bored. In 2011, looking for new opportunities, Shepelskaya decided to move to Moscow and sold the business to her partner, who stayed in Yekaterinburg.

It took a year to find a new business idea: Shepelskaya analyzed the Moscow market and traveled the world. However, after a class at Express-Fit, the first Moscow sports club at that time that specialized in training using electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), she realized that the idea had been found. And again she went abroad purposefully - to study how such studios work. It turned out that Europe is experiencing a boom that has not yet reached Russia.

Muscles in 20 minutes

Elizabeth already knew that she would focus on the premium segment - people with high incomes and eternal lack of time. “The concept was this: came, quickly trained and left. It wasn't meant to be big club with swimming pool and sauna. But there should be a lot of them so that the road takes no more than five minutes, ”says Shepelskaya. She decided to promote her Fit-n-go brand with the slogan "20 minutes instead of three hours in the gym."

The format is new and unusual, so the entrepreneur for a long time could not decide on the footage and internal arrangement of the clubs. The fact is that the EMS-studio is not like an ordinary fitness club. The area is much less. One Fit-n-go studio with one gym and shower is served by only four employees - two trainers and two administrators. If the studio consists of two training rooms, then there are six employees. For comparison, in a fitness club, where the area of ​​​​the training space is on average 500-800 square meters. m, usually 15-20 people work. The Fit-n-go studio has an average of 26 people per day, each with only 30 minutes, including time to change and shower.

But, since large areas are not needed, there is a choice. The first studio is 53 sq. m was opened in the Federation Tower in Moscow City in November 2013. Investments amounted to about 2.6 million rubles. Shepelskaya's personal funds. Half of them were spent on the purchase of two sets of EMS equipment. No additional equipment, according to Shepelskaya, is required for such training. Studios also have light dumbbells, moderate weight barbells, bodybars, and resistance bands, but you can get by without them. “We noticed that psychologically it is more accustomed to a person to perform certain exercises, say, for the hands, holding some weights in them,” Shepelskaya explains.

Elizabeth Shepelskaya (Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC)

At first, it was difficult for her to tell people about unknown technology and convince them that it works. “We said: come for free, try it,” she recalls. - on such free workouts worked for a month. Each client who tried it, leaving the studio, said: Wow! It inspired me a lot." She expected that people from the offices in the neighborhood would come to the studio first of all. But those who live and work in other areas have also become customers. They learned about Fit-n-go from social media. The Instagram account has become a key tool for promoting the project.

The first studio paid off in four months. In the spring of 2014, Shepelskaya opened a second one, on Zemlyanoy Val. The parent company's revenue for 2014 amounted to about 31 million rubles. In 2015, this figure reached 127.4 million rubles, at the end of 2016 - 241 million rubles.

How it works

EMS technology (English electrical muscle stimulation) is based on the fact that the muscles are affected by electrical impulses that are generated by a special device and cause them to contract. The technology comes from the space industry and is widely used in medicine and sports rehabilitation.

The first simulator that allowed ordinary people to practice EMS was created by the German company Miha Bodutec more than ten years ago. This company is still the largest player in the EMS equipment market. Today there are hundreds of EMS studios in Germany, in Berlin alone there are about 300 such clubs. One of the largest German EMS networks is Body Street. About 250 studios operate under this brand today.

During training, a person performs all exercises in an EMS suit with sewn-in electrodes. Training in it allows you to improve blood circulation, restore lymphatic drainage, increase muscle tone, and also speed up the process of burning fat.

People describe the sensations from the impact of electrical impulses in different ways: someone compares them with tapping on the muscles, someone says that "as if a lot of ants are running over you." “The effect is that the muscles are given resistance, at which the performance of even the simplest exercise becomes more difficult,” says Elizaveta Shepelskaya. “So, for example, doing five burpee exercises in an EMS suit, you will get the same load as if you did this exercise 15-50 times.”

However, many industry professionals are skeptical about EMS technology. “EMS training has not proven itself yet. I am more conservative in terms of training, although perhaps this technology will soon begin to be integrated into regular fitness clubs. In any case, the result will be maximum if you combine EMS with standard training,” says Vladimir Antonenko, network head of X-Fit gyms.

Franchise to accelerate

Shepelskaya immediately expected to develop a business on a franchising model. Having launched two studios, she began to think through the conditions for future franchisees. The first franchise studio opened in the summer of 2014 in Podolsk. “Of course, there was a big risk, Podolsk is still not Moscow. They almost dragged everyone they knew into the studio by force until word of mouth started working, ”recalls Daria Titova, managing director of the Fit-n-go studio in Podolsk. The investment in this studio paid off in about two years.

In 2014, Fit-n-go launched a total of 15 partner outlets. The rapid growth of the network began in 2015 and continued in 2016, when about 60 more studios were opened. As a rule, in a year or two, investments in them paid off, and the network grew like a snowball.

“Our main mistake was that we did not think over ways to protect intellectual property. This led to the appearance of a large number of clones on the market,” says Elizaveta Shepelskaya. “For example, two entrepreneurs joined us from the very beginning, found out everything, and then decided to work under their own brand.” According to her, for the entire period of Fit-n-go's work, only one point was closed, and one more had to be moved. “Launched the studio in ski complex"Snowball" in Krasnogorsk, she says. - We thought that there were active people there, but it didn’t work: everyone came to ski. Then we moved to a residential complex on Ilyinsky Boulevard. Things immediately got much better.”

Business is fast. It takes an average of two months to open one studio. If there is a ready-made room where no repairs are needed, then two weeks at all. Two or three weeks before the opening of the studio, the franchisee undergoes training. In addition, the parent company offers a number of other services - from staff recruitment to organizing the flow of clients signed up for trial training. The price of the franchise depends on this, as well as on the region of opening. The lump-sum contribution starts from 500 thousand rubles. and can reach 2 million rubles. (in this case, the parent company itself is engaged in attracting customers). Royalties average 45 thousand rubles. per month. “99% of our franchisees have never encountered the fitness industry before joining us,” admits Shepelskaya.

Fit-n-go in numbers

1850 clients visited 22 630 training sessions in all network studios in February 2017

34 thousand rubles — average check across the network in February 2017

800 thousand rublesthe average monthly turnover of the Moscow studio, the break-even threshold is about 500 thousand rubles.

RUB 241 million - Oturnover of the entire network in 2016

250% - Withaverage annual network growth rate

Franchisee's view

Andrey Khlypkovka became one of the Moscow Fit-n-go franchisees in 2016. He came from the construction industry, where he spent 15 years - first as an employee, then as an individual entrepreneur. I learned about EMS training from a friend who was a member of the Fit-n-go club. Andrey was interested in an unusual format. “After the first workout, I felt nothing but a little sore muscle. After the second, I realized that I had spent little time, and my muscles were very sore. There was a state identical to a good workout in the gym, ”says Andrey.

In March 2016, he started thinking about opening his own EMS studio. “I decided that developing small fitness studios separately from a large system is quite a risky business,” Khlypkovka says. — And Fit-n-go is a strong brand. The franchisee enters the market with the support that initial stage very important. Within a large network, many problems are much easier to solve.”

In early September 2016, Khlypkovka acquired a franchise, a month later his studio opened near the Prospekt Mira metro station. Investments by the time of launch amounted to about 5 million rubles. 30% of them went to the purchase of a franchise, 30% - to the purchase of equipment and personnel. The franchisor helped with the search for employees. The repair of the rented premises cost the most: all the rest of the money was spent on it.

Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC

“I have never dealt with this kind of business before. Construction with advances and post-payments is completely different than direct sales,” Khlypkovka recalls. In the summer of 2016, he completed a basic course at the Fit-n-go academy, which provides training and professional development for franchisees. “This is not some kind of theoretical course, this is an algorithm of actions, practical knowledge about working in one of the studios of the network. I was interested in every detail, because the result depended on each,” says the entrepreneur.

The opening of the studio was announced through Fit-n-go social media accounts. Now the total number of subscribers on Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte and Twitter in the network is 70 thousand people. The first clients came to Andrey through the network's call center.

The main problem was low conversion - below 50%. “Customers were very cold at first, they were just interested in what it was,” Khlypkovka says. Now the conversion has grown to 75-80%, the number of regular customers has reached 40. “We began to constantly monitor the reaction of customers to the work of the studio, improve methods training process, in the shortest possible time to make changes to the algorithms of work. Most importantly, we realized that each client needs an individual approach - from drafting individual programs training to online support,” Andrey explains.

Most clients are people who already know about Fit-n-go, which means that their choice is primarily influenced by the location of the studio. “Our point has a good location — close to the metro, convenient to get there by car. Most of the clients are local residents and those who come to work in the area,” says Andrei. According to his forecasts, he will return the investment by November 2017.

Electrification of the whole country

“Initially, everything developed quite calmly in Russia, because the market was not very clear. This topic took off sharply thanks to Fit-n-go, ”says Dmitry Kovalev, owner of the competing network of JustFit studios. The rapid growth of the market began in 2014-2015.

According to experts interviewed by RBC, the leader in the number of studios is Fit-n-go. The main competitors are the smaller chains JustFit, Fitbox, Body Forming and Newfit. They all work in the same price segment and offer similar services. A subscription for 12 workouts costs an average of 30 thousand rubles. “Due to the fact that the service is not cheap, the marginality is squeezed between the cost and the market, few people dare to dump. If dumping happens, then not for long, ”explains Dmitry Kovalev.

The competition is at the level of choice of equipment. Fit-n-go, for example, started working on the Hungarian X-Body equipment, and is now purchasing wireless suits connected to the device via Wi-Fi from the German manufacturer EasyMotionSkin. Management - through the application on the iPhone or iPad. The cost of one set is about 800 thousand rubles. The Newfit network also works on wireless equipment. “The trend towards wireless technology is noticeable. However, Miha Bodutec, as the main technological structure, believes that wired devices are still more efficient and safer,” says Dmitry Kovalev. JustFit and Fitbox use German Miha Bodutec wired trainers. The Bodyforming network purchases such equipment from the German firm Loncego.

“The level of competition today is still far from pushing with elbows. Closed, as a rule, loners. Relying on a local client does not always justify itself: you just have to guess a little with the place - and that's it, you work in the red, - says Kovalev. — We are all on the verge of a market transition from the stage of crazy innovators to the stage of the early majority, that is, the niche as a whole will inevitably grow. It's time to establish a systemic network business.

In the regions, as Dmitry and Elizaveta admit, the demand for EMS is still in its infancy. In million-plus cities, the market is divided by two or three studios. “In a few years, there will be a dozen EMS studios in any major city,” Kovalev is convinced. — There is a good prospect for the development of large networks on a franchise model. Loners in such conditions will not survive because of the high costs of marketing.

High growth potential is provided due to the weak penetration of fitness services into the domestic market

The fitness services market in Russia is relatively young: the appearance of the first classic fitness clubs in Moscow and large Russian cities occurred in the early 90s. The development of the market was hampered for a long time for several reasons: almost all existing clubs developed in the premium and luxury segments, and the income and way of thinking of the population were far from modern. The target audience of fitness clubs was small until the mid-2000s. After 26 years, the fitness industry presents a completely different picture, the market has shown positive dynamics for a long time and has great growth potential even with economic instability.

The crisis and falling incomes of the population negatively affected the growth rate of the fitness services market, however, the market continues to grow at a high rate by Russian standards: in 2015, the nominal market growth was 14.1%, the real one was 3.6%. The volume of the fitness services market, together with related markets (Crossfit, personal training etc.) are at least RUB 101.4 billion

The greatest potential for further market development in cities with a high population: the CEO of a chain of fitness clubs " Fitness Territory» Alexey Kolmykov, in an interview for RBC Market Research, told which cities would be of the greatest interest in the development of the network: “We plan to develop not only at the expense of Moscow and the Moscow Region, but also at the expense of the regions. We are interested in cities with a population of half a million people and more…”. President of the federal holding " Alex Fitness» Aleksey Kovalev also plans to expand the network of fitness clubs at the expense of the regions: “First of all, we plan to continue developing in the regions in which we are already represented. Most of all, we are now interested in cities with a population of more than 150 thousand people.”

However, there is also growth potential in the metropolitan region: as part of the study of the fitness services market in Moscow and the Moscow region, the geographical location of clubs of various price categories was analyzed, and the results obtained suggest a high growth potential for the metropolitan fitness services market. The potential is uneven depending on the price segments - the segments of fitness clubs with an annual subscription price of no more than 50 thousand rubles have the greatest prospects for further development.

The growth potential of the Moscow market is confirmed by the projects implemented by major players: Sergey Roshchupkin, President of the fitness club chain "Zebra", in an interview for "RBC Market Research" shared the number of open for 2015-2016. clubs: 11 fitness clubs of the network were opened during the period under review, and 2 more clubs are planned to be opened in the near future. The number of clubs in the network is actively growing "THE USSR.". Territorial sales director of a network of fitness clubs "THE USSR." Natalya Golovkova said that in 2015-2016. the company's network has increased by 6 clubs, 5 more clubs should be opened in the near future.

Excessive concentration of fitness clubs and related markets in Moscow is typical only for the Central Administrative District: in a number of areas of the East, South-East and South of the capital, there are still areas with an insufficient number of fitness clubs or even their absence.

If large clubs prefer to develop in the fitness services market of Moscow on their own, then in the regions, large chains mainly have franchising clubs. The share of franchised clubs from network players in the regions is more than 25%.

Franchisees in the fitness industry can be both large businessmen with an income level of several hundred million rubles, and small private entrepreneurs: often, even within the same network of fitness clubs, it is possible to open a franchise of both a large premium version of a fitness club and a small one. fitness studios. Network of fitness clubs X-fit offers 2 formats of fitness clubs for potential franchisees: X-fit with a mandatory swimming pool and an area of ​​​​2 thousand square meters. meters and Fit-Studio with a minimum area of ​​220 sq. meters.

The largest fitness club chain in Russia in terms of revenue, World Class, is also actively developing through franchising: at present, half of the 72 clubs in the chain are franchised.

The potential for the development of fitness in the regions has long been limited by the lack of suitable areas for rent, weak interest and low incomes of the population. However, at the moment, even in medium and small cities of Russia there are a sufficient number of modern buildings for opening clubs, and the incomes of the population have reached a level at which most of target audience can afford to purchase a club card. Victoria Kubrina, director of marketing and advertising of the federal network of fitness clubs X-fit, in an interview for RBC Market Research, noted that in 2016 it is planned to open 3 franchise clubs of the network - in Kogalym, Dushanbe and Stavropol. Strategy and Marketing Director "Russian Fitness Group" Evgenia Kostina considers franchising to be an important, but not the only direction for the development of the network: “Diversification is important for us: clubs in their own operation, franchising, testing of new models.”

2015-2016 should be a turning point for the fitness services market: the metropolitan region, which occupied more than half of the fitness services market in previous years, is becoming less popular in terms of opening new clubs, and regions are coming to the fore, and it is franchising that should play a decisive role in distribution of market shares among major network players in the regions.

Investments in the opening of fitness clubs also differ significantly depending on the format: the highest quality premium-level projects can cost investors more than 200 million rubles; clubs business and comfort format in the amount of 80-100 million rubles; small fitness studios - 5-7 million rubles.

The main factors motivating potential franchisees to purchase a franchise of well-known fitness club chains are: a more recognizable brand, which will attract customers at the initial stage, greater accommodating landlords, assistance with the supply of equipment and staff training, a ready-made electronic customer accounting system and the organization of the sales department .

Active development in the market of sports services is also received by markets related to fitness - personal training, crossfit-direction, EMS and others. One of the most interesting areas for franchising is EMS or electromyostimulation, the appearance of which was originally associated with medicine: EMS was used to rehabilitate people with problems nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Innovative workouts carried out with the help of special suits with electric wires are of great interest to Muscovites, but the revenue of EMS studios is incomparably lower than that of classic fitness clubs.

Growth of EMS studios for last years higher than fitness clubs. Over the past 2 years, the network of EMS studios has grown to 97 studios in Moscow and Moscow Region. The active growth in the number of EMS studios is facilitated by lower costs for starting a project and the absence of a large list of requirements for the premises - a room with an area of ​​more than 50 square meters will be suitable. meters with the possibility of installing a bathroom, on the first or second floor of the building, within walking distance from public transport stops. The entrance fee for the largest networks depends on the location of the opening of the franchised EMS studio, but rarely exceeds 1 million rubles. Additional costs can range from 500 thousand to several million rubles.

The prospects for further development of the fitness services market look favorable: even under the current economic situation, the market will continue to grow in the next 4-5 years, and if the situation improves, it will increase growth rates to close to 22-25% in nominal terms. As the Russian market continues to follow global trends, the share of network fitness clubs in the Russian regions will continue to grow in the coming years.

In fact, the further development of network players in the regions is limited by the availability of free capital and the availability of credit funds in the case of their own development or the level of requirements for franchisees in the case of betting on franchising, which is growing in popularity. Olga Kiseleva, network manager, development director of the international network of fitness clubs World Gym in Russia noted in her interview a two-fold increase in the number of requests for the opening of new clubs World Gym in 2015.

Fitness networks have successfully adapted to the most acute problems of late 2014 - early 2015: rental rates denominated in dollars are frozen at the old rate or reduced to an acceptable level, the level of subscription sales is growing due to the expansion of the target audience, the introduction of new products and the price flexibility of companies and equipment purchases are optimized as much as possible. The continued expansion of networks into cities with a population of 125, 250 and 500 thousand people is obviously the main geographic vector of market development.

IN big cities fitness centers at almost every step. But despite their huge number, there are also plenty of customers in each of them. All because to play sports and have beautiful body- it's fashionable now. If you have decided to also go into business on the desire of people to be healthy and beautiful, you are on the right track. But to stand out among the large mass of almost identical sports clubs, open a studio that specializes in EMS training.

EMS (EMS) is electrical muscle stimulation, a scientifically developed and widely used method for improving the condition and training of muscles using currents that cause muscles to contract. Of course, this technology has been around for a long time. But before, it was frankly inconvenient to use EMS simulators because of their bulkiness and a large number of wires that connected the electrodes on the body to the device that creates impulses. Modern EMS trainers do not have wires at all and are very easy to use. Therefore, it is much easier to attract people to this sport.

Wireless EMS trainer i-Motion

Today we will talk about the i-Motion wireless EMS trainer. When we do physical exercise in the usual mode, we can exert a limited load on the muscles - as much as we have enough strength. If you perform the same exercises, but in the i-Motion EMS suit, you will receive an additional dose of muscle stimulation, which will significantly speed up the desired effect of training. EMS impulses are able to penetrate into the deepest layers of muscles and activate them. With the i-Motion EMC trainer, you can distribute the load across different groups muscles in the way that this or that type of training and the state of health of the athlete requires. The i-Motion EMS simulator consists of: a special suit, underwear, a module, a tablet with software.

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Key Benefits of the i-Motion EMS Trainer

  • Wireless technologies (communication between the tablet and the module is carried out via bluetooth connection).
  • The distance between the tablet and the exercising person can reach up to 100 meters.
  • The EMS suit has an antibacterial coating.
  • Significant time savings - instead of 4 hours of training in the usual mode, with i-Motion you can work out in just 20 minutes and get the same result.
  • About 20 programs are programmed in one tablet: cardio, fitness, strength, bodybuilding, metabolism, capillary, cellulite, skin, relaxation, etc.

This is about the benefits for your future customers.

The official website of the EMS simulator i-Motion in Russia - www.emskostum.ru

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Benefits for business owners:

  • The use of the i-Motion suit does not require any medical license and is certified in Russia.
  • Under the suit itself, special underwear is put on the naked body (each person puts on new and clean underwear), thus the i-Motion suit does not need to be prepared and cleaned for each subsequent client for a long time.
  • Thanks to a special antibacterial coating, it is absolutely safe for health and does not leave odors or any other troubles after use. Such a suit is durable - after washing and drying it will not lose its properties.
  • It is possible to purchase in installments or on credit.
  • Held free education you or your staff to the specifics of EMS training.
  • The EMC equipment module can work the whole working day (8-9 hours) without recharging! Thus, this ensures the uninterrupted work of the trainer with clients.
  • The i-Motion tablet is always in touch with the service center in Spain, when new training modes are available, they are downloaded online. Free EMS delivery of i-Motion equipment to any city in Russia and neighboring countries.
  • It is possible to conduct group EMS trainings, as up to 10 people can train at the same time, while you can manage and set an individual load from one tablet.

i-Motion EMS suits are available in three sizes (S, M, L) for men and women. But even if a client of a non-standard build comes to you, you can find a solution for him - with the help of special belts, the suit can be reduced or, on the contrary, expanded so that it fits the body perfectly and does not cause discomfort.

Here I would love to visit a fitness studio that offers workouts with i-Motion. It is already interesting to check all these EMS wonders for yourself!

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Reading now:

The latest trend in the fitness industry is the studio dedicated to exercise machines based on electrical stimulation. As for Russia, this trend is rapidly gaining momentum and most of the Russian fitness centers provide this service. In this article I will talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of this business idea.

The main advantage of this business project is the quick payback, which occurs in the first six months after opening. Also, it is worth noting that the initial capital is small and acceptable for the average resident of our country. As for the success of this investment, it depends entirely on the location and marketing campaign of the studio.

The main difference between a studio and a fitness center is the fact that a fitness center requires a large financial investment. That is why in this article I will describe the stages of opening a studio. The principle of the studio lies in the presence of one simulator, which is able to replace a full-fledged workout on several simulators in a regular gym. As for the technology, it is contained in special equipment, that is, a suit. This suit, equipped with electrodes, leads to muscle contraction using electrical impulses aimed at " problem areas» client.

Clients should not expect the suit to do everything for you. This workout It is aimed at all muscle groups, because in the process of training the client performs a series of exercises. As a result of the interaction, the exercises performed and the simulator, the client experiences great fatigue and pain in muscle tissue. This feature is due to the fact that electrical impulses increase the load on the muscles, in contrast to conventional training. In order to eliminate the risk of overstrain and muscle rupture, the duration of the workout should not exceed twenty minutes.

It is worth noting that this species activities must be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist who will exclude the possibility of injury. As for the cost of specialist services, it is equivalent to the cost personal trainer in a regular gym. Unlike a regular gym, this studio does not require the client to have overalls. All necessary clothing, including disposable underwear, is provided by the studio to the client. This feature of the studio allows you to attract largest number clients, because it guarantees the opportunity to visit the studio not only after work, but also before the start of the working day.

The MihaBodytec company is engaged in the production of this type of exercise equipment; it is also not only a supplier, but the founder of this type of fitness. The country of origin of this type of exercise equipment is Germany. That is why the EMS method developed by this company occupies a leading position in the fitness industry market and is a patented brand in Europe. The main indicators of this method are efficiency and quality. That is why businessmen, sports, movie and pop stars give their preference to this method.

As for the Russian analogue of this company does not exist, but only one company works on the franchise of the Germans. This company is Aleri Techno. It is she who acts as an intermediary between Russian entrepreneurs and the manufacturing company. Many Russian manufacturers this method helped to open “his own business”, but it is worth noting that this niche is only 10% occupied. Answering the question: “What is EMS for an entrepreneur?”, we can safely say that this is a high-quality service in the field of fitness and sports, which provides an individual niche in this service market for an entrepreneur. Also, it is worth noting that in Russia this niche is practically free.

As for the whole business, which does not need to be started from scratch, such an opportunity is provided by the German manufacturer, as well as Russian franchisors. For those who are not afraid of difficulties at the initial stage, as well as those who want to save money on paying a franchise, they can count on help and advice from the Russian company Aleri.

Summing up, I would like to note the statistics provided by the analytical department of the manufacturer. This company guarantees the throughput of the studio, in the presence of one simulator, up to two workouts per hour. This indicator was obtained by summing up the time spent on training and preparing overalls. As for the schedule of the coach, it is eight-hour. This work schedule of the coach provides daily revenue in the amount of forty thousand rubles.

With an increase in the number of staff, the daily income increases, the amount of which is sixty thousand rubles, but the studio's work schedule is thirteen hours.

The number of sessions per client is limited to eight sessions per month. In order not to depend on the minimum number of trainings, it is necessary to acquire a wide client base, the size of which will be at least two hundred people. This requires a good PR campaign, which will be provided by word of mouth and advertising on the Internet. The formula for the success of this business is the quality of the services offered.

That is why, after a while, you will realize that the expansion is necessary, since the flow of customers is inexhaustible. Good luck in your endeavors and all the best!

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Hello, friends. Do you want to lose weight and do beautiful figure, but there is no time to disappear for an hour and a half three times a week in the gym?

You will be helped EMS training! Are they really as effective as they say and able to become a worthy alternative to the usual fitness? Or is it just another way to cash in on those who want to lose weight? And what is it anyway?

We charge the muscles

EMS training (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) or otherwise electromyostimulation is a new trend in weight loss and the fight for a beautiful figure.

It consists in influencing the muscles with a special device through electrodes attached to the surface of the body.

In other words, the impulses generated by the device force the muscles to contract in much the same way as it happens when doing physical exercises.

The method was invented in the USSR - scientists approximately in this way carried out the rehabilitation of astronauts who returned after a flight to earth.

Western scientists adopted the technology back in the 1970s, and the first muscle stimulators appeared in the United States in the late 1990s.

The principle of employment

Barely noticeable micropulses

  • They allow you to significantly increase the intensity of muscle contractions.
  • They activate and use about 600 muscles (against 100 with regular exercises in the gym).

In general, the benefits of EMS training are as follows:

  • Help to lose weight
  • Strengthen muscles
  • build up muscle mass and make relief
  • Improve
  • Restore muscle function after injury

What will be required

  • Personal trainer

He should be well versed in biomechanics. Determine if the body is correctly positioned during the session. Clearly navigate the depth and strength of the impulses coming from the simulator.

It is he who regulates the power of current supply to certain parts of the body, taking into account sports training subject.

  • Costume

We are talking about a special suit: a T-shirt with sleeves, leggings (shorts) and a special vest with electrode plates in strategically important places - current is supplied there.

The suit is sprayed with water (as they explain - to improve electrical conductivity). It is sometimes jokingly called the Lara Croft costume for some resemblance to the equipment of this heroine of films and video games.

  • Training apparatus

Just like a suit, it is a special piece of equipment. Both will be provided by the studio or Gym where you will be doing.

Among the simulators are, for example, Miha Bodytec (Germany) or X-body (Hungary). The difference between them is quite insignificant, lies in the depth and strength of the impulses they produce, and is of little importance for training.

Workout plan

Divided into three stages

  • Warm-up - 5-7 minutes
  • interval training: 4 seconds work - 4 seconds rest. And so 15-17 minutes.
  • - just lie down and enjoy the light tingling current pulses.

A set of exercises

Everything here is individual - at the discretion of your coach.

Usually, squats, push-ups, lunges, leg swings, abdominal exercises, with small weights, on an ellipse or a treadmill are involved.

Duration in general 20-25, no more than 30 minutes.

The intensity of classes is 2-3 times a week.

During classes, your body receives a double load - both from the exercise and from the current charge. As a result, even simple exercises cause considerable tension throughout the body, and in one set you break seven sweats.

The dangers of losing weight

Passing electricity through yourself is a dangerous business and can cause harm, and in this regard, the method has a number of serious contraindications:

  • Heart disease
  • Implants in the heart area
  • metal plates in the body
  • Pregnancy
  • Any circulatory disorders
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • kidney failure
  • Any tumor (both benign and malignant)
  • Colds

Fitness for the lazy

Many probably remember, and some may have tried the so-called "butterflies" on themselves - muscle stimulators - put them on your stomach and lose weight.

Ems-training according to the principle of action resembles precisely these simple devices. It just looks much more serious, convincing and weighty.

But is there any efficiency behind this method? Or is the benefit doubtful, is it another scam, a desire to make money on those who are eager to lose weight (EMS training sessions are not cheap)?

The fact is that muscle stimulation was originally developed:

  • for rehabilitation after injuries and training,
  • as a way to treat muscle atrophy and relieve spasms in bedridden patients,
  • to increase muscle endurance and increase strength.

But attempts by manufacturers to certify these products as equipment focused on body shaping, weight reduction, targeted fat loss, and cellulite elimination were unsuccessful. This is cited by a number of serious sources on the Internet dedicated to healthy lifestyles.

What Science Says

In addition, EMS training has been little studied at the scientific level and, accordingly, there is practically no basis on the basis of which one could talk about some special effect of this method. Although a number of studies have been carried out.

So, scientists from Taiwan tried to determine how much more calories are consumed during a 30-minute stimulation session.

As a result, the difference between indicators at rest and the maximum level of intensity was only 11 kcal upwards.

Scientists came to the conclusion that EMC simulators can only be used as an auxiliary tool for losing weight.

Other scientists from the University of Wisconsin tested how effective drugs increase strength, reduce body weight and fat percentage.

For 2 months, they arranged myostimulation sessions for the experimental subjects three times a week. The conclusion of the researchers is that EMS does not affect any of the above.

The only plus was found in the case of elite, very well trained athletes. Training with muscle stimulation allowed to increase strength indicators. Results in vertical jump and reduce sprint time.

At the same time, it was noted that good result could be achieved in combination with plyometric exercises (a high-intensity type of training with own weight) or weight training.

What to remember

  • EMS can be useful for bedridden patients and as a way to recover from injuries or surgeries.
  • Improvement with their help of body contours and a significant effect on the process of losing weight is not scientifically proven and not confirmed by certificates.
  • If you're willing to take the risk, they're best suited for those who are busy and can't afford to spend a lot of time in the gym.
  • At the same time, you should not rely heavily on them - EMS will never be able to replace real fitness and good old training with dumbbells and barbells. yes and charge positive emotions will not replace any discharges of current through the body!

Be slim and healthy, friends, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates. I say goodbye to you on this. See you again.