French diet: description, menu, reviews and results. The essence of the French diet

The French diet, a classic 14-day menu, is a very popular way to lose weight not only among French women, but also among women all over the world. However, before you plunge into the pool with your head and blindly believe the reviews, you should understand all the nuances french diet for 14 days.

Hello again, dear readers and subscribers! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Today I will tell you what the essence of the famous French diet is. What should be the menu for two weeks? What can you eat and what can't you eat? What do doctors think about this way to lose kg? You will find answers to these and more questions in our article.

French diet, menu for 14 days:

So, let's start with the most basic. Consider the classic diet for fourteen days of the French diet in detail:

1st day (8):

  • Morning: tea or coffee without sugar;
  • Day: two boiled chicken eggs + one tomato + some lettuce (you can make a salad)
  • Evening: baked fish 100 g.

2nd day (9):

  • Morning: coffee + 2 loaves;
  • Day: 100 g of boiled beef;
  • Evening: doctor's sausage 100 g + Beijing cabbage leaves.

3rd day (10):

  • Morning: green tea;
  • Lunch: chicken breast + tangerine or ½ grapefruit;
  • Evening: doctor's sausage 100 g + lettuce + egg.

4th day (11):

  • Morning: coffee + a slice of yesterday's black bread;
  • Day: grated raw carrots + hard white cheese 100 g + one boiled egg;
  • Evening: 1 fruit + fat-free kefir;

5th day (12):

  • Morning: freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • Day: braised in tomato paste fish 100 g + cucumber;
  • Evening: boiled veal - 100 g.

6th day (13):

  • Morning: coffee;
  • Day: boiled turkey breast 100 g + a few lettuce leaves;
  • Evening: 2 eggs.

7th day (14):

  • Morning: green tea;
  • Day: baked chicken breast - 100 g + one orange;
  • Evening: boiled sausage 100 g.

As you can see, the menu is signed for 7 days, it can be repeated for the second and even the third week if you choose a diet for 21 days. If you want to stick to a diet for 13 days, you can go in reverse order from day 7: on the 8th day you eat the same as on the 6th, on the 9th - as on the 5th, etc.

This menu can be printed in the form of a table and hung, for example, on the refrigerator

French diet, menu for 14 days: basic rules

What is considered the main thing in such a power system:

  1. Strict adherence to the rules;
  2. The number of meals - 3 times a day;
  3. Dinner should have the lowest calorie content;
  4. Any addition of snacks, second breakfasts, afternoon snacks or late dinners is prohibited;
  5. Excluded from the diet: salt and sugar, white bread and pastries, fast food;
  6. Of the variety of cabbage varieties, only Beijing or Chinese cabbage is allowed.
  7. For it is necessary to use at least a day. Fruit juices, compotes, smoothies, lemonades are completely excluded, because. contain a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates;
  8. Choose natural coffee, do not use coffee drinks or decaffeinated coffee;
  9. The main diet is based on boiled and stewed dishes, fresh products. However, grilled foods can also be added to the diet;
  10. When choosing cheese, preference should be given to white varieties, because. they have the least amount of fat. Mozzarella and Adyghe are considered the best options.

The French diet is chosen by those who prefer the relative availability of choice in the diet and cannot imagine their life without sausage. And connoisseurs of fine taste like this diet because of the allowed combination of wine and cheese.

Do you want to lose weight? Interested in diets?

You will definitely find something interesting.

French diet options

We are now talking about the classic French diet. But there are other popular varieties:

  • Diet from the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. There are 4 stages here. The first stage - "Attack", lasts 3-7 days, and only low-fat protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products) are used here. Then comes the "Cruise" - some vegetables are added to the protein. The duration of the cruise depends on the desired weight loss - about a week for each kg. The cruise replaces the Consolidation stage - other products are gradually introduced here: cereals, cheeses, pasta, bread, beans, etc. For 1 lost kg - 10 days of the stage. After Anchoring comes the stage of Stabilization. Ideally, it lasts a lifetime. It's common proper nutrition with some nuances: eat 2-3 tbsp daily. l. oat bran, once a week to arrange a fasting protein day and walk as much as possible.
  • Salt free diet. As a classic version, but without salt. You can’t eat a lot of fresh food, so this option is called an express diet.
  • Diet Catherine Gursak. Reminds Japanese diet, but in a more rigid format. Here only is allowed, and vegetable and animal go separately for meals. This diet lasts no more than 5 days.

The stricter the diet, the shorter it should last.

French diet for 14 days, the menu leaves the relative right of choice for us. However, as a result, instead of healthy food restrictions, a debilitating hunger strike is obtained. For example, an approximate calorie count is only 700-800 kcal per day. What will it affect:

  • Feeling of hunger and rare (3 times a day) food, so weight loss is difficult. Plus, rice is high to “break loose” and eat extra volumes, even while on a diet.
  • Due to artificial deficiency, less endorphins are produced in the body. Hence, lethargy.
  • The condition of the skin worsens, dryness and peeling appear.
  • All chronic diseases are exacerbated.
  • Violation of the water-salt balance in the body is fraught with thirst and fatigue, as well as disruption of the heart and pain in the muscles of the arms and legs.

As you can see, medicine is not a supporter of strict diets - this is a huge stress for the body.

The best way to achieve healthy results is to stick to the “three pillars” of harmony:

  1. Proper, balanced nutrition, 5-6 times a day in small portions, with a slight restriction of calories and water balance.
  2. Regular, with a training program tailored to your needs physical development health status and personal preference.
  3. Full sleep for at least 7 hours per night, in a ventilated room, on a comfortable bed (ideally, orthopedic).

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French women differ from the rest of the fair sex in their unique charm and harmony, which does not disappear over the years. “Slimness in them is inherent in nature” - you will say and you will be right. But only in part. Keep fit figure At any age, the famous French cuisine also helps the daughters of France, and a special attitude to the very meal, which is fundamentally different from ours.

The French believe that eating is an important ritual that does not tolerate fuss. Therefore, they eat slowly, and sometimes lunch or dinner can stretch for a couple of hours, during which there is a long discussion of issues that concern those present at the table. It is absolutely not typical for the French to “eat from the belly”, so that it would be hard to breathe later. Traditionally eaten in France, cheeses are a wonderful protein product, suitable for a diet. The French also eat a lot of lean meat and seafood, fresh and stewed vegetables, and fruits. In French cuisine, there are many light dishes that do not contribute to the appearance of extra pounds.

You can lose weight on a balanced French diet, if you choose it as the basis for your nutrition system, without even particularly limiting yourself in the amount of food. But, in addition to the traditional French diet, which is nothing more than traditional system nutrition in France, which has developed there over the centuries, there is another one designed exclusively to combat excess weight.

french diet for weight loss

What is the French diet for weight loss? This is a 14-day food system, during which the calorie content of consumed foods is limited. The total caloric content of the diet should not exceed 1500 kcal per day. As practice shows, the body will begin to receive the missing energy supply by “burning” fat reserves.

The French diet belongs to the category of low-carbohydrate diets that do not allow salt. What is included in the menu of the French diet for weight loss?

What can and cannot be eaten?

During the diet, lean meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, crackers, coffee, cereal products are allowed. But salt, sugar, alcohol, confectionery should be completely excluded from your diet. This is not so difficult to do, given that you will have to give up these products for only 2 weeks. However, even after the end of the diet, you should not pounce on sweets and starchy foods, otherwise the weight may return again. It would be more correct to completely reconsider your eating habits, limiting the amount of foods that contribute to weight gain in the diet.

French Diet Reviews

Reviews of the French diet are mostly positive. The diet is quite easily tolerated, and most importantly, during its observance, you can throw off from 4 to 8 kilograms! This is quite a significant result. Nevertheless, it must be said that the diet cannot be called balanced, since its menu is clearly dominated by protein products. Reducing carbs is great for weight loss, but these nutrients shouldn't be eliminated from your diet entirely. That is why this diet can be considered only as a temporary food system. In general, reviews of the French diet allow us to talk about it as an effective tool for combating excess weight.

The French diet for 14 days requires you to strictly adhere to the proposed menu. This will contribute to a change in metabolic processes in the body and, as a result, weight loss. It is not recommended to skip days, or change them in places, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the diet. Below is the menu of the French diet for 14 days.

  • Lunch: boiled eggs - 2 pcs., lettuce, tomato.
  • Dinner: lean meat - 100 g, lettuce.
  • Breakfast: black coffee without sugar, 1 rye bread toast.
  • Lunch: boiled meat - 100 g.
  • Dinner: low-fat ham - 100 g, lettuce.
  • Lunch: fresh or stewed carrots, 1 orange, 1 tomato.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, lean ham, lettuce.
  • Breakfast: black coffee without sugar, 1 slice of rye bread.
  • Lunch: fresh or stewed carrots, cheese - 100 g, boiled egg.
  • Dinner: fruit, a glass of yogurt.
  • Breakfast: grated carrots seasoned with lemon juice.
  • Lunch: boiled fish, 1 tomato.
  • Dinner: boiled meat.
  • Breakfast: black coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken fillet, lettuce.
  • Dinner: boiled meat, grated carrots.
  • Breakfast: green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: boiled meat, 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner: a piece of boiled sausage, lettuce.

In the second week, the menu is repeated from the beginning. While dieting, it is recommended to drink a lot to remove toxins from the body. Diet restrictions, although tough, are generally quite easy to tolerate.


Before starting a diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Any chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or the cardiovascular system can become a contraindication to it. You should not use a diet for nursing women, so as not to deprive your child of the nutrients necessary for its full development.

The French diet is a proven and effective method lose weight. A special menu for 14 days and a week will change your diet and lifestyle. During this period, the body itself will get rid of excess mass. The article has a table where meals are scheduled for each day. This diet has already helped many people. Feedback from people say that the result will bring pleasure, add self-confidence and increase self-esteem.

France is the birthplace of gourmet food, melodic chanson and romantic dates. In this country, everything strives for beauty and harmony. A special method of losing weight is proof of this.

There are several variations of the French diet. They differ in menu, terms and description of the action.

If you decide to change your body and take the first step towards healthy lifestyle life, then be prepared to give up gastronomic excesses.

Popular classical method will help to reduce body weight by 7-8% of the initial weight in two weeks. There are more gentle modes, but they are less effective.

With any option, the diet is accurately calculated and verified, so it is not recommended to deviate from the selected nutrition or replace products. Otherwise, there will simply be no result.

The period of the classic French diet is 14 days. Weight loss starts at the end of the first week. A popular way to reduce weight has been tested by many women and men around the world. They were able to get slim a short time without hunger strikes and excessive physical activity.

In the photo - Mireille Guiliano - author of a series of books about healthy eating and lifestyle. She was born and raised in France. All her life she did not pay attention to how they eat in her native country, until she moved to the USA. There she recovered greatly. This was the impetus for writing the bestseller Why French Women Don't Get Fat. Mireille says that you can eat almost everything. It's about how you eat.

Menu for 14 days in the table

The French diet for 14 days implies a specific menu. All drinks and foods are listed in the table below. French nutritionists offer, which has all the necessary nutrients for a healthy body. The classic menu is strictly calculated and aimed at the maximum allowable weight loss in two weeks without harm to health.

Tomato - 1 pc.
Lettuce, unlimited
Boiled beef, lean - up to 100 g
Lettuce, unlimited
2 Natural black coffee, unsweetened - 1 cup
Grilled or boiled veal - up to 100 gBoiled sausage, natural - 100 g
Arugula leaves, unlimited
3 Natural black coffee, unsweetened - 1 cup
Rye bread toast - 1 slice
Carrots baked - 150 g
Tomato - 1 pc.
Mandarin or other citrus - 1 pc.
Chicken egg, boiled - 2 pcs.
Boiled beef - up to 100 g
Lettuce, unlimited
4 Natural black coffee, unsweetened - 1 cup
Rye bread toast - 1 slice
Carrots baked or fresh - 150 g
Hard cheese, low-fat - 100 g
Chicken egg, boiled - 1 pc.
Kefir up to 1% - 1 tbsp.
Apple - 1 pc.
5 Grated carrots with lemon juice - 100 gSea fish - 150 g
Tomato - 1 pc.
Boiled beef - up to 100 g
6 Chicken fillet, boiled - up to 100 g
Lettuce, unlimited
Boiled veal - up to 100 g
7 Green tea, with lemon, unsweetened - 1 cupBoiled veal - up to 100 g
Grapefruit or orange - 1 pc.
Boiled sausage, natural - up to 100 g
8 Natural black coffee, unsweetened - 1 cupChicken egg, boiled - 2 pcs.
Salad of tomatoes and arugula - 200 g
Boiled beef, lean - up to 100 g
Lettuce, unlimited
9 Natural black coffee, unsweetened - 1 cup
Boiled beef, lean - up to 100 gBoiled natural sausage - up to 100 g
Lettuce, unlimited
10 Natural black coffee, unsweetened - 1 cup
Whole grain bread - 1 pc.
Cauliflower, boiled or steamed - up to 150 g
Tomato - 1 pc.
Orange - 1 pc.
Chicken egg, boiled - 2 pcs.
Lean ham - up to 100 g
Greens, unlimited
11 Natural black coffee, unsweetened - 1 cup
Rye bread toast - 1 slice
Hard cheese, low-fat - up to 100 g
Fresh carrots, grated - up to 150 g
Boiled chicken egg - 1 pc.
Kefir up to 1% - 1 tbsp.
Apple - 1 pc.
12 Carrots grated with apple and lemon juice - up to 200 gGrilled fish - up to 100 g
Tomato - 2 pcs.
Boiled beef - up to 100 g
13 Natural black coffee, unsweetened - 1 cupBoiled chicken fillet - up to 100 g
Lettuce, unlimited
Boiled low-fat veal - up to 100 g
14 Natural black coffee, unsweetened - 1 cupSteamed fish - up to 150 g
Assorted tomato and herb salad - up to 200 g
Lean ham - up to 100 g

Losing weight according to the French method is made up of taking into account the minimum required number of calories per day. The first day can be difficult. Especially for people who are not accustomed to deny themselves something.

Some have a desire to arbitrarily change the menu. Such misconceptions can disrupt the process of burning excess weight.

Only strict adherence to the nutrition schedule and eight hours of sleep will provide a quick and positive result.

The menu is absolutely safe for health: it includes meat for energy compensation, as well as a large amount of vegetables, fruits and greens to maintain metabolism and normal functioning of the body.

Menu for 7 days

There is an express version of the French diet with a menu for 7 days. It was calculated by Dr. Samuel Black. This technique involves losing weight on low-calorie protein products.

Adhering to this diet option, you can lose up to 5 kg in one week. The result becomes noticeable after two days. Weight goes away in a short time, and the achieved mass indicators are fixed.

The daily menu consists of three meals a day. It must comply with certain standards.

1 Black coffee - 1 cupTomato salad and 2 boiled eggs with vegetable oilLean beef - up to 100 g with lettuce leaves (unlimited)
2 Black coffee - 1 cup

Rye bread toast - 1 slice

100–150 g lean veal stewed in sour cream up to 15%Low-fat smoked ham - up to 100 g and lettuce or spinach leaves (unlimited)
3 Coffee - 1 cup

Whole grain toast - 1 slice

Grated carrots stewed with vegetable oil

1 citrus and 1 tomato

Salad of 2 chicken eggs, spinach and natural boiled sausage, up to 150 g
4 Coffee - 1 cup

Bread - 1 pc.

Hard low-fat cheese - up to 100 g Soft-boiled egg

Grated carrot salad - up to 150 g

Kefir up to 1% - 1 cup

sour fruits

5 Grated carrot salad with vegetable oil and lemon juice - up to 200 gTomato - 1 pc. Baked fish - 150 gSteamed lean beef - up to 100 g
6 Coffee - 1 cupBoiled chicken fillet - up to 150 g

Lettuce (unlimited)

Stewed rabbit meat or low-fat beef - up to 100 g
7 Green tea - 1 cupBaked meat of low-fat varieties (except pork) - up to 100 gLean ham or boiled natural sausage - up to 100 g

It is not recommended to make your own daily diet options. Any unauthorized changes in the menu will disrupt the process of losing weight, and can also lead to health problems.

Helpful tips while dieting:

  1. Hot drinks are consumed without sweeteners;
  2. You can replace coffee with green tea with lemon;
  3. 1 glass of red wine is allowed during lunch or dinner;
  4. Products requiring heat treatment can be boiled, baked or stewed;
  5. Meals are measured, without haste - you need to carefully chew everything and enjoy the taste of each individual dish;
  6. Water is used without restrictions. It must be purified, non-carbonated;
  7. The last meal is allowed 3-4 hours before the expected departure for bed.

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Pros and Cons of the French Diet

If you are striving for an attractive slimness of French women, then choose one of the weight loss methods for yourself. Overweight go away simply and quickly thanks to dietary nutrition.

The calorie content of the diet is reduced to the minimum allowable indicators (1200 kcal) due to purely protein foods. Losing weight is possible only with strict adherence to the diet. French cuisine, but dieting will be difficult for those who love salt, spices and spices.

Pay Special attention to the fact that the exit from the diet should be smooth - it is strictly forbidden to abuse flour, fatty or sweet. Caution is required to treat spicy and spicy dishes. A sharp violation of the diet and overeating can be harmful and dangerous to health.


The French diet is strict in terms of selection of products and the amount of food consumed. It is contraindicated in various chronic diseases of the digestive tract, pathology of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

It is also not recommended to use the diet during the recovery period after surgical interventions, lactation and pregnancy and rehabilitation after long-term illnesses.

Rapid weight loss for people with hypertension is not recommended.

A sudden change in diet for one or two weeks is a test for your body and willpower. Before a diet, we recommend that you consult with your doctor in order to avoid health problems.

The sophistication and grace of French women can only be envied. It is not necessary to assume that harmony and grace are inherited. Everything is a little more complicated. Women have their own view of nutrition, a special relationship to food and lifestyle. There are principles that help you stay in great shape long years. If the weight begins to grow, and the waist is spreading to the sides, then the famous French diet comes to the rescue.


Basic rules of the French diet

The essence of the classic diet is caloric restriction to 500-800 units per day. In light versions of the system, portion sizes are doubled, respectively, and the energy value also increases. In this case, you can not eat any food. The diet is strictly defined, requires impeccable observance. A specially designed menu allows you to get rid of 5 to 8 kg in 14 days. You can follow the French diet for only one week, but the results will be modest.

Basic Rules:

  1. There are exactly 3 meals. You cannot add snacks on your own, 100% compliance with the menu is required to achieve positive results.
  2. In order not to slow down the metabolism and adjust digestive system to work, 20 minutes before eating, you need to drink a glass of warm water. The same technique will help prevent overeating, that is, a breakdown. In total, you need to drink 2 liters of non-carbonated water per day. Juices, lemonades are completely excluded from the diet.
  3. The portions are small, but you need to be able to eat them. French women chew their food slowly, completely surrendering to the process. Thanks to this, the brain receives a satiety signal from the stomach.
  4. Dinner should have less calories than the previous two meals.
  5. Regardless of the type of French diet and duration, salt, sugar, white bread and confectionery, fast food are completely excluded from the diet.
  6. Fried foods can be consumed if they are grilled. The main diet are boiled, stewed and fresh foods.
  7. The diet is strict, unbalanced, but effective. You can not resort to it more than 2 times a year, so as not to harm the body.

Attention! Limiting carbohydrate foods can negatively affect well-being. At the time of losing weight, it is recommended to abandon hard physical labor, it is advisable to take multivitamins from the first day of the French diet.

System advantages

The main advantage of the French diet - fast loss weight, due to the combination of products, lack of spices, low calorie content. It is difficult not to lose weight on such a diet. The technique is effective and efficient, with a competent approach and strict observance always brings positive results.

Diet Benefits:

  1. The diet is varied. The menu contains products from several groups (vegetables, meat, fruits, eggs, milk), albeit in small quantities.
  2. Enough protein to help maintain muscle, suppress hunger.
  3. Reducing the size of the stomach. Eating small portions for two weeks will lead to a significant reduction in the organ. The famous diet 5 spoons gives the same effect.
  4. The menu consists of simple dishes that are prepared very quickly and do not require deep knowledge in cooking. Products available.
  5. Drinking water before meals turns into good habit. A large amount of fluid with minimal food intake will contribute to unloading the body and a kind of cleansing.

Advice! In the water that is drunk before meals, you can add a little lemon juice. Get a natural drink enriched with vitamin C.

System Disadvantages

The pros of the French diet are many, but there are also cons. A low calorie diet can adversely affect your health. Often during weight loss there is a breakdown, a bad mood. In rare cases, there are failures in the menstrual cycle. Most often they are due to large weight loss and fat restriction.

A relative disadvantage can be considered the return of weight after a diet. The introduction of salt, spices will involuntarily lead to the restoration of fluid reserves. An increase of 1-1.5 kg is considered acceptable. If, however, fatty and fried foods, an abundance of confectionery products are introduced into the diet, then within a month you can return all the lost kilograms back.

Diet menu for the week

Breakfast toast is made with rye or whole grain bread. If there is no confidence in the quality of ham or sausage, then it is wiser to replace the product with lean meat, chicken, turkey. Coffee is used natural boiled, without cream and sugar. Jam is replaced with honey and vice versa, the sweet mass is applied to the toast in a thin layer, the amount should not exceed 25 g. Spinach and other herbs can be added to any dish, but not more than 50 g.


Breakfast: allowed bread toast, coffee and jam
Dinner: 2 eggs, fresh tomato and spinach salad
Dinner: 100 g boiled meat, bell pepper


Breakfast: coffee, toast and 10 g honey
Dinner: any vegetable and 100 g boiled or baked meat
Dinner: 100 g milk sausage, spinach


Breakfast: coffee or tea, toast with a spoonful of jam
Dinner: tomato, carrot (fresh or stewed vegetables), tangerine
Dinner: 2 egg omelette, 100 g ham, spinach


Breakfast: toast, coffee
Dinner: egg, 2 slices of cheese, fresh or boiled carrots
Dinner: a glass of kefir, any one fruit


Breakfast: carrot salad 100 g
Dinner: 100 g boiled fish, fresh tomato
Dinner: 100 g meat or lean ham, a bunch of spinach


Breakfast: coffee or green tea
Dinner: 100 g boiled chicken, tomato
Dinner: 100 g meat


Breakfast: green tea
Dinner: 100 g meat, one orange
Dinner: 150 g cucumber and lean ham salad

The menu for the second week of the classic French diet is similar. In the light version, the portion can be doubled. There are diet options in which dry wine is present. Here you need to be extremely careful, since an alcoholic drink often increases hunger, increases appetite and can cause a breakdown.

Video: Menu option for the French system


The menu of the French diet is strict, requires a thorough approach and study. If you have any chronic diseases, you should first consult with your doctor. The diet does not allow correction, therefore, if a product is intolerant, the system must be abandoned.

Main contraindications:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • avitaminosis;
  • childhood;
  • postoperative period;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • endocrine and hormonal diseases.

IN separate group get hypertension. According to the diet, boiled black coffee is consumed for breakfast. The drink gives energy, accelerates fat burning, but is contraindicated with increased blood pressure. If there is no desire to abandon the diet, then it can be replaced with green tea.

Video: Why French women don't get fat

The secrets of harmony of French women

So that the French diet does not become a one-time weight jump, it is important to get out of it correctly. Of course, you can count calories all your life and limit yourself in some way, but there is a much more interesting option.

Principles of food for French women:

  1. You only need what you like. Any meal should bring pleasure and consist only of the desired products.
  2. Down with snacks! It is unplanned eating between main meals that often leads to excess weight.
  3. You can not completely give up your favorite sweets, because as a result this will lead to a breakdown and overeating. It is wiser to allow yourself the desired treat, but only in the morning.
  4. Portions are small, 150-200 grams is enough to saturate. Eat slowly, under no circumstances take a supplement.
  5. The diet should be varied. In order not to harm your health, in total you need to consume at least 30 products per week.
  6. Last meal no later than 19.00. French women are sure that everything eaten in the evening turns into fat, so they refuse late meals.

The main secret of the harmony of French women is the pleasure they get from food. A small cake can give him much more than a whole cake eaten in a hurry and thoughtlessly.

French women at all times were considered the most slender and not getting fat women in the world. We ask why and how? Of course, there is a secret of nutrition that we can follow, it is described by M. Guiliano in the book “Why French Women Don’t Get Fat” and lies in the fact that you need to eat little by little, slowly, deliberately, approaching the process of eating food as a ritual. And, of course, drink plenty of water. There are also varieties of the French diet that have become popular: this is the Dukan diet, the meaning of which is the use of exclusively high-protein foods; and, for example, the M. Gesta diet, which is called the "onion soup diet."

They are based on the classic two-week French diet, where weight loss occurs precisely due to its minimum calorie content. The diet menu is clearly fixed and deviations from it are prohibited.

You can not use the following products on the French diet: sugar and salt, flour products, a variety of sweets, fruit juices, alcohol, pickles.

The basis of the French diet is:

  • Lean meat, poultry meat
  • Eggs (mainly proteins)
  • Vegetables and greens
  • Fresh fruits
  • Toasts (exclusively from rye bread)
  • Cereals

It is important to remember that more than 1500 kilocalories should not be consumed per day, this is not enough for normal life, but it is assumed that the body will make up for the lack of fats and carbohydrates at the expense of existing body fat, which is why they will decrease. Practice shows that following the French diet for two weeks, you can lose weight by 8 kilograms.

Since the French diet is really strict, it is really necessary to consult a doctor before "sit down" on it. If you have problems with the heart, stomach or kidneys, then the French diet should be abandoned. It is worth choosing a different weight loss system for those who suffer from or have just recovered from chronic diseases. The diet cannot be called healthy and balanced, so you can repeat it no more than once every six months.

Sample menu of the French diet:

  • Day 1
    Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened black coffee
    Lunch: lettuce, fresh tomato and 2 boiled eggs
    Dinner: lettuce and boiled lean beef
  • Day 2

    Lunch: a piece of boiled lean meat
    Dinner: lettuce and lean ham
  • Day 3
    Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened black coffee, toast
    Lunch: carrot, tomato, orange
    Dinner: lettuce, 2 boiled eggs, boiled lean meat
  • Day 4
    Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened black coffee and toast
    Lunch: Fresh carrots, low-fat cheese, 1 boiled egg
    Dinner: fruit salad, a glass of yogurt
  • Day 5
    Breakfast: carrot salad with lemon juice dressing
    Lunch: fish (boiled or steamed), tomato
    Dinner: a little boiled lean meat
  • Day 6
    Breakfast: a cup of black coffee without sugar
    Lunch: lettuce and boiled chicken breast
    Dinner: boiled lean beef
  • Day 7
    Breakfast: a cup of green tea, you can with lemon
    Lunch: boiled chicken breast or lean meat, fruit
    Dinner: a piece of lean ham

This menu is repeated in the second week of the diet.


  • If you feel unwell, stop the diet, switch to proper nutrition.
  • If possible, during a diet, go in for sports, do exercises.
  • Drink plenty of water and take a vitamin complex (as recommended by your doctor).

Dieting is a difficult challenge, but with the right motivation, you will definitely succeed, and we wish you patience and health!