Japanese name stables. Japan (Tokyo): Horse riding, riding stable, riding academy, horse riding holiday, horse riding vacation

Japanese horse breeds have a number of general characteristics: all of them are more likely to be ponies, since their height is up to 147 cm. Their heads are relatively large, their necks are carried horizontally, their manes are thick, thick and falling. The most common colors are bay and roan. As a rule, they do not have white markings on the legs, head, but often there is a black stripe on the back. All Japanese breeds are famous for their tenacity and ability to survive in extreme conditions. It is known that horses did not live on the Japanese islands during the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. In addition, it is known that horses came to these islands from Asia at different times and in different ways. Definitely domestic horses were present in Japan as early as the 6th century, and perhaps even earlier, in the 4th century AD.

Since then, horses have played an important role in Japanese culture. They were widely used for military purposes until the invention of firearms at the end of the 16th century, and one of the most important qualities that was valued in the warriors who founded the samurai class was the ability to handle a horse. Horses also played an important role in Japanese religion, and even today white horses are kept at shrine sites. An amazing fact, but horses were not used in Japanese agriculture. Instead, cattle were widely used in the fields, which were also harnessed to carriages and wagons. Horses, on the other hand, served as beasts of burden to carry goods in mountainous areas. And people belonging to the upper class rode them.

Over time, different breeds of horses began to develop on the islands, adapted to local environmental conditions. These horses were generally relatively small. As a result, attempts were made by rulers and chiefs to increase their size through various crosses and imports of foreign horses. Thus, records dating back to the Edo period testify to the role in this of the Dutch horses donated to the imperial court. These horses are referred to under the name "Persian", i.e. it could be Arabs or Turkmen horses. Several breeds "improved" in this way have become especially popular in Japan, such as the Nambu, Migaru and Tosa breeds. By 1932, systematic crossbreeding based on native Japanese breeds resulted in the Kushiro breed, which today has almost completely disappeared.

During the Mei era, large thoroughbreds from Europe and North America were imported to increase the size of the Japanese horse and to make it more suitable for military purposes. The Japanese government has introduced special training courses throughout the country to increase the use of horses in agriculture. This was to encourage Japanese farmers to breed large horses and then supply them to the army. Foreign breeders exported to Japan such breeds as the English Thoroughbred, Anglo-Arab, Hakne and several draft breeds such as the Belgian and Breton draft breeds. Such Japanese breeds as kandachi, yururi, hokkaido are representatives of local breeds crossed with large European horses. As a result of this program, most native Japanese breeds have virtually disappeared, except for the country's outlying islands. Today in Japan there are eight officially recognized breeds of horses, each of which belongs to a specific region and differ from each other in color, size and other characteristics.

Japanese horse breeds have a number of common characteristics: they are all more likely to be ponies, since their height is up to 147 cm. Their heads are relatively large, their necks are carried horizontally, their manes are thick, thick and falling. The most common colors are bay and roan. As a rule, they do not have white markings on the legs, head, but often there is a black stripe on the back. All Japanese breeds are famous for their tenacity and ability to survive in extreme conditions.

misaki horse
This breed originates from Miazaki Prefecture. Today the herd of this breed has 88 animals. Height at the withers 130-135 cm.
They first appeared in historical references from 1697, when the Akizuki family of the Takanabe clan took horses from wild pastures under their patronage and created a breeding herd.
Horses grazed in freedom, and only once a year were selected for training and health checks, as well as castration of stallions not suitable for breeding. The same system is used today. The breed has been recognized as a national treasure and is the object of intense interest from tourists.

Turner horse

These horses can be found today in several parks in Kagoshima Prefecture. They are the descendants of two dozen native horses bought by Kushu from Kikai Shima in 1890.
The breed was bred on the island of Tokara and today is quite numerous in the Kagoshima region. During the Second World War, the breed was on the verge of extinction and was saved at the cost of great efforts.
Later, horses of this breed became larger than their ancestors (115 cm). Tokara graze in freedom all year round, and once a year they are rounded up for examination and veterinary treatment. The breed is recognized as a natural treasure of the prefecture. Today it has 116 goals.

Miyako horses
The Miyako breed dates back to the 13th century. Until 1960, when roads were built, these horses were the main means of communication on the island. In 1907, as a result of crossing with large horses from Europe and America, the average height of the Miyako horse increased to 140 cm, while the native breed rarely reached 115 cm at the withers.
Today, attempts are being made to return the breed to its original size. A herd of twenty-one horses is of great interest to tourists, and is often used for educational purposes in local schools. This breed has been recognized as a natural treasure of the prefecture.

Hokkaido horse
Also known as the Dosanko, this breed originated from several local breeds brought from Togoku in the 15th century when Japanese immigration to Hokkaido began.
Today there are about 2928 Hokkaido horses. Most of them live in freedom on huge pastures all year round, and annually come for examination and treatment. Others are farm bred. This breed is somewhat larger than other Japanese horses - 130-135 cm at the withers.
They are unusually hardy and strong, resistant to harsh environmental conditions. Today they are used for horse riding, pack purposes and harness. Hokkaido horses are born pacers.

noma horse
The smallest Japanese horse - noma - comes from the Noma region. Her height is only 110 cm.
They were used as pack animals in the mountainous regions of the country. Today, 47 representatives of the breed have survived, living on farms in the region.
Today they are used as riding horses for children and an object of study in local schools.

kiso horse
Mentions of this horse date back to the 6th century. Her homeland is the Kiso region of Nagano Prefecture. According to legend, this region was able to produce 10,000 cavalry horses for the needs of the army. The Kiso is a medium size horse - 135 cm. They have crossed with many Western breeds. Today, 117 Kiso horses survive and are often seen in processions at local festivals. They are also used as riding horses.

Appearance: Horses of this breed have a conformation quite similar to that of the Tarpan. They are often described as Przewalski's or Mongolian horses. Most Kiso horses have a dark stripe down their backs. This characteristic is the purity index of the breed.
Height at the withers: 132 cm. Suit: all suits.

Kiso horses have been known in Japan for over one thousand years and have been used in agriculture as draft and draft animals. The exact origin of the Kiso and other ancient horse breeds in Japan is not fully known. They are supposed to be descended either from the plateau horses of Central Asia or from the Mongolian steppe horses.

In Japan, horses were also used for military purposes. In the twelfth century, the warrior Yashinaka Kiso had 10,000 mounted soldiers according to historical documents. During the Edo Dynasty (1600-1867) there was again a particularly strong emphasis on the military use of horses. Kiso Canyon belonged to the Owari feudal clan. Historical documents of that time on breeding horses have become a valuable help to modern horse breeders. The government of the Kiso region considered the stock of horses of this breed of strategic importance, and bred them in huge numbers; their number again reached a value of over 10,000 heads.

During the reign of the Meiji Dynasty (1868-1903), Japan was at war with various countries. And since the Japanese horses were not very tall, the authorities put in place a program to cross the purebred Kiso with the larger Western horses.

During the Second World War, a government program was adopted in which all Kiso stallions were to be sterilized. And as a consequence of this - almost all breeding stallions were castrated. This was the most dramatic moment in the history of this breed because the Kiso horses were traditionally regarded as excellent war horses. Horses of other Japanese breeds were primarily used for agricultural purposes.
The current Kiso breed traces its ancestry mainly to the only horse that survived in the Shinto temple as a holy horse and therefore not castrated. From this stallion, named Shinmei, and the mare Kayama, the foal Dai-san Haruyama was born in 1951. This horse was the last of the pure Kiso.

The current Kiso breed is a newly restored breed from the descendants of Dai-san Aruyama and other surviving Kiso. There are now some ranches in Japan that specialize in breeding Kiso and other Japanese horses.

Taishu horse
This breed developed in the rolling expanses of Tsushima in Nagasaki Prefecture, where horse breeding began in the 8th century.

This is a medium-sized horse, 125 cm tall at the withers, which was often used as a beast of burden and for towing forests. This is a calm and docile horse, whose beautiful character is well illustrated by the picture, which depicts a horse taishu, on which a rural woman rides.
Now 79 of these horses have been preserved, which are of interest to tourists.

Yonaguni horse
This native breed developed in Okinawa on the island of Yonaguni. This little horse is only 115 cm high.
Today, two small herds of 108 horses remain on the island, which graze in freedom and gather once a year for examination and treatment.
Interestingly, the inhabitants of this island invented a special bridle called "omogui", which uses only one rein to control the horse.
Today these horses are used for training purposes in local schools and recreational riding.

Japan (Tokyo): Horse riding and riding vacation!

See our directory of regions within the region of Japan and select one of our regions to get a fully featured list. We feature horse riding academies, riding stables, horse farms and riding facilities in Japan. Horseback riding people will find possibilities for horse riding vacations and riding holidays in the region of Japan. Of course, there are also classic riding schools that offer you riding training and education in the Japan area.

Regional Description: Riding in Japan

There are serveral good places to do horseback riding in Japan. Even if you think Japan is a very urban area with about 125 million people, there is a large countryside area with nature on all four of Japan's main islands. Horse riders can experience a wide range of horse riding routes. Japan is a very large country reaching from the 45th degree to the 20th degree on the map. Thus, Japan can be divided into six main climatic zones. While there is not much rain in the northern part of Hokkaidō, there are strong and long winter periods. There is a lot of snow in the Sea of ​​Japan area winter period. And it's a bit cooler in the summer compared to the Pacific.

In the central highlands there is low rainfall and you have Lange differences between summer and winter temperatures. So it is better to ride horses in this area during spring and autumn. In the Sento-Inland-Shi area, there are many mountains in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions. These mountains keep the wind away and result in a mild climate throughout the year. You will experience cold winters and dry hot summers in the region Pacific Ocean. In the southern part of Japan on the Nansei Islands you will have a subtropical climate with warm winter, hot summer and heavy rain during the rainy season. Of course, each of these regions has some riding experience to offer.

Particularly well known are horseback riding tours around the famous Mount Fuji, in Volcano in the Chubu region. Chubu is Provice on Japan's main island called Honshu. But feel free to take a look at our stables in all regions of Japan.

Above see the list of regions within the region of Japan. You will find more reliable information about horseback riding facilities, riding schools and horse farms in regions within Japan. The amount of riding schools and possibilities for horseback riding in the regions within Japan is shown in brackets. So click on the area you want to ride horses or visit the horse trail to see the stables and horse farms there.

Do you want your stable to be listed in our directory? simple and free A: Just click through to the regional area where your horse riding facility is located. There you will find links saying: "Add my facility to the horse riding directory!"

Always played leading role. They are widely used for military purposes. For a samurai, the ability to get along with a horse counts became an important indicator. The horse was also revered in religion. The animal was not involved in agriculture.
The role of pack horses was performed in mountainous areas to carry cargo. And they were ridden by people belonging to the upper class.
By crossing, importing horses, chiefs and rulers sought to increase the size of the local breed. For this role, Dutch horses donated to the imperial court were used. "Improved" breeds have become very popular in Japan, especially migaru, tosa, nambu.
During the Meiyi era, English Thoroughbred, Gakne, Belgian, Breton horse breeds were exported to Japan with the intention of increasing the size of the Japanese horse and increasing its suitability for military purposes. Hokkaido, yururi, kandachi are bright representatives of breeds that are crossed with European large horses.
As a result of such a program, many native large breeds have practically disappeared. The exception is the remote islands of the country. Currently, there are 8 officially recognized horse breeds in Japan, differing in size, color, and regions.
The Japanese are famous for survival in extreme conditions, perseverance. They are characterized by a small stature, so these horses are more likely to be ponies. Bay and roan are the most common colors. Horses often have a black stripe on their backs. The size of the head is large, the manes are flowing and thick.

Consider the most common breeds.

1. Misaki. A national treasure and an object of close attention of tourists. The height of the horse is 130-135 cm, the herd of the breed is 88 animals. The horses graze freely and are selected once a year for a health check.

2. Turner. Descendants of aboriginal horses found in Kagoshima Prefecture. The breed is numerous, breeding was carried out on the island of Tokara. At the cost of incredible efforts, the breed was saved after the threat of extinction during the Second World War. The horses graze freely and are rounded up once a year for a veterinary checkup. Number - 116 goals.

3. Miyako. The history of the breed dates back to the 13th century. Horses served as the main means of communication until the construction of highways (1960). The growth of such horses reaches 140 cm due to crossing with large horses from America and Europe. Number - 21 horses. These horses are often used in local schools for training purposes.

4. Hokkaido (dosanko). It originated from breeds brought in the 15th century from Togoku, when the Japanese immigrated to the island of Hokkaido. Many horses live in freedom, are examined once a year, some are bred on farms. Horses are excellent pacers, they are distinguished by endurance, resistance to harsh conditions. Horseback riding, pack targets and teams are their area of ​​​​application.
Number - 2928 horses.

5. Noma. Homeland - the region of Noma. This is the smallest horse with a height of 110 cm, acted as a pack animal. Now it is used as an object of study in schools and as a riding horse for children. Number - 47.

6. Kiso. Size 135 cm. Crossed with Western breeds. They are used as riding horses and in processions of local festivals. Number - 117.

7. Taishu. The expanse of Tsushima Nagasaki Prefecture is the breeding area for these horses. Height 125 cm, used for towing forests and as a pack animal. The horse is calm and docile, has an excellent disposition. Interesting for tourists. Number - 79.

8. Yonaguni The height of the horse is 115 cm. It was developed on the island of Yonaguni. It grazes in freedom, once a year it is examined. Recreational riding and training purposes at the local school are the main uses of the horse. Number - 108 horses.

Japanese horse racing is completely unique, like many things are unique in this country, which has chosen its own special path, including in horse breeding.

On a sunny May morning, two young people settle down in front of the entrance to the Tokyo Hippodrome - spread newspapers, arrange folding chairs and a portable fan, turn on the radio. Apparently, they are going to settle here for a long time. Successful real estate agent Hidekatsu Kawamura and his wife Maki came here to be first in line for the Japanese Race Derby. It's only Monday, which means there's a full six days left before the race, but if you want to borrow a good place at the paddock, it's better to hurry, because by Sunday morning in front of the hippodrome there will be an incredibly long tail of many hundreds of people who will be arriving throughout the week.

You can't confuse Japanese racing fans with any other in the world. Most of them are young people, much more like regulars of fashionable discos than ordinary horsemen or betting shop customers. Stylishly dressed, enthusiastic and noisy, but traditionally consistent in their passion, boys and girls are the most active members of the fan clubs of famous racehorses- such as, for example, El Condor Paz, who retired at the end of 1999. The second prize-winner of the Arc de Triomphe was given such a magnificent send-off, which is awarded to a rare football or pop star. On the day of the Japan Cup, the race program was deliberately interrupted for an hour, completely devoted to the farewell of the public to their hero. Under the deafening cheers of the crowd of 75,000, the stallion appeared on the lead circle and galloped in front of the stands, after which he became the protagonist of the solemn ceremony, which honored everyone who was directly involved in his racing career - from the owner to the assistant coach, from the permanent jockey to groom. El Condor Pasa himself received a huge carrot wreath from the organizers of the holiday and returned to the hippodrome stable for the last time.

Shogun Gifts

In Japan, the horse appeared much later than in mainland Asia. There is still no complete clarity on this issue, however, most researchers are inclined to the point of view according to which throughout the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic (that is, up to the 2nd millennium BC) horses did not exist on the Japanese islands at all. The first documentary evidence of their use by humans dates back to the Kofun era (late 3rd - 6th centuries AD). Since that time, horses, originally imported from the continent, have spread throughout Japan. In the Middle Ages, they mainly served as pack animals - bulls were the main traction force in the country's agriculture, and riding remained the exclusive privilege of the upper classes. The art of the rider was one of the most highly valued qualities of the samurai warrior.

Over the centuries, several native breeds have been formed in Japan, or rather, offspring of horses adapted to local conditions. All of them were relatively small, and this circumstance forced many rulers to take measures to improve the existing livestock by adding blood to breeding horses. Beginning (1607 - 1867), among the gifts presented to the shogun by Dutch merchants, “Persian” stallions are constantly mentioned, which in reality, in all likelihood, were Arab or Turkmen. Imports increased significantly in (1868 - 1912), when the imperial government encouraged the widespread use of horses in the peasant economy. Special training classes were organized for farmers, the purpose of which was to inspire the population with the need to raise larger horses that would also be suitable for the needs of the army. To ensure this task, a large number of sires were imported from Europe and North America, among which Thoroughbred, Arabian and Anglo-Arab stallions predominated. In addition, representatives of some heavy-duty breeds were also imported, especially Belgian and Breton.

Extensive absorptive crossbreeding has led to the almost complete disappearance of the historically established type of Japanese horse, which has survived only in remote mountainous regions and on small islands. Inevitable in the era of technological progress, the widespread mechanization of agriculture and the rejection of horse-drawn completed this process.

Hokkaido - the island of horses

Currently, there are just over 3,500 horses of eight local breeds in Japan. The vast majority of the existing livestock - about 3 thousand - belongs to the breed of the island your, also called Dosanko, and the remaining seven bear the names of the provinces where they were bred ( Misaki, Tokara, Miyako, noma, Kiso, Taishu And Yonaguni), are represented by a number from twenty to a hundred and a few heads, that is, they are on the verge of actual extinction.

All these horses are small in stature (from 110 to 140 cm) and differ in some similar features of type and exterior. Most of them are characterized by large massive heads, low-set necks, thick manes and tails, as well as a strong hoofed horn. As a rule, white marks are completely absent, but a black “belt” is noticeable on the back, which is characteristic of native breeds. With the exception of representatives of the breed kiso, in the type of which traces of crossing with western heavy-duty stallions are noticeable, the local ones do not bear any resemblance to the cultivated breeds of Europe and Asia.

Most of the herd is in a semi-wild state, like American Mustangs, and only once a year is subjected to preventive veterinary procedures. A small number of horses kept on farms are used in harness and saddle (it should be noted that many dosanko- born pacers). However, their main purpose is to serve as a visual aid for Japanese schoolchildren, who have long been deprived of the opportunity to see a live horse in everyday life.

Horse racing is a matter of state

Horse racing in its modern sporting sense appeared in Japan with the British, who around 1861 founded the first racing club in what is now Yokohama. In 1880, at the hippodrome of this city, the oldest traditional horse racing Japan- The Imperial Cup (Tenno Sho), then called the Mikado Vase. Since 1905, the prize was officially awarded to the winner on behalf of Emperor Meiji, and since the autumn of 1937, the existing name has been assigned to the race, transferred to. Today, the Imperial Cup is held twice a year - in April at 3200 meters at the hippodrome in and in October at 2200 meters in Tokyo (the second prize distance was shortened in order to attract three-year-olds to participate).

By the beginning of the 20th century, racetracks had already appeared in all the major cities of Japan, and in 1906 the government adopted a policy of "tacit approval of the sale of sweepstakes tickets." Deductions from the profits received from a flourishing sweepstakes ensured the investment of large sums in the development of racing, but after two years mutual betting was banned, and the state turned to a system of issuing direct subsidies to racetracks to secure prize money and pay other costs. Since that time, they begin to pay great attention to the racing business, providing him with comprehensive support. This trend has continued to this day.

In 1923, eleven racing clubs were created, which were soon subordinated to the newly formed Imperial Racing Society. Official rules for testing were developed, the procedure for registering race colors was approved, compulsory licensing of jockeys was introduced, and a program was implemented special training trainers. Since the 30s of the last century, they have taken on a completely Europeanized look. In 1932 on central hippodrome Japan hosted the Japanese Derby in Tokyo for the first time, which was won by Gainsborough's grandson Wakataka, and other classic races were soon established. The first “thrice-married” in Japan was in 1941 St. Light, born of Diolith, a hatcher from England. Five years before that, the law “On Horse Racing” was adopted, which legally fixed the main provisions of the testing system, and since 1954 it began its activity. Japan Racing Association (JRA), which was transferred to the management and control functions for the conduct of the races in the country.

Unsuccessful debut and rapid rise

For much of its history japanese horse racing, were cut off from the rest of racing - the only connection with the outside world was the import of producers and, to a lesser extent, mares. The first guest performer from the Land of the Rising Sun to appear on a foreign racetrack was Hakuchihara, who started seventeen times in the United States during 1958-59 and did not win any laurels, despite the fact that he was recognized in his homeland as the Horse of the Year. In the 60s, the Japanese from time to time brought their best horses to participate in the Arc de Triomphe and the Washington International Prize, but they have never achieved at least relative success abroad, outright losing to European, American and, by the way, Soviet participants.

In the end, the moment came, which can already be rightly called historical, when in Japan they came to the realization that the current situation did not suit either the leadership of the sport or the leading horse breeders, and the most drastic measures were required to correct it. In the late 70s, the JRA launched a large-scale program to improve the racing class of Japanese horses and achieve their competitiveness at the highest world level.

Start new era in the history of Japanese horse racing, it is customary to associate it with the establishment in 1981 of the Japan Cup - the first prize open to foreign participants. The opportunity to regularly meet with foreign rivals "on their own field" has become a strong incentive for local horse owners, trainers and jockeys. At that time, even second-class tourers by European standards were much stronger than home-grown Japanese horses - the names of Mairsie Doats, Half Ice and Stanerra, who won the first three Cup draws, say little to the modern horse racing enthusiast. Although the prize received the status of the first group, at first they went to Japan not for fame, but for money, since the organizers of the race provided a huge prize fund. But after just a little over ten years, such European stars as Lando, Singspiel and Pilsudski shone on the Tokyo hippodrome, to whom the Japanese participants were getting closer, the class of which was growing literally before our eyes. The first horse to break the hegemony of foreigners in the Cup of Japan was Katsuragi Ace in 1985, and over the following years the prize remained at home eight more times, and since 1998 the Japanese have not lost at all!

The prosperity of Japan's thoroughbred horse breeding is directly related to the general healthy state of the economy and the constant growth since 1985 of the yen against major European currencies. The development of racing has been greatly stimulated by increased prize amounts, which are currently the highest in the world, and this was made possible by a significant increase in deductions from the highly profitable sweepstakes. Since 1986, the number of imported thoroughbred horses constantly increased - in 1990 300 heads were imported, and after 1995 from 500 to 600 heads were received annually. In 2000, these figures decreased somewhat, which is associated not only with a slowdown in economic growth, but also with the saturation of the domestic market with the products of our own stud farms. Until recently, the entire purebred industry in Japan was based on the use of high-quality hatchers, but now, according to Teruya Yoshida, owner of the famous Shadai plant, "Even the best American horses may not be good enough for us", especially since “in order to buy a stallion, now it is enough to know only one language - Japanese”.

Descendants of Northern Dancer in Samurai Country

Over the past 20 years, many of the best Western horses have been imported to Japan, although, of course, the basis of the modern gene pool was laid much earlier.

The country's first truly outstanding producer was the 1949 Irish derby maker Hindostan (Bois Roussel - Sonibai from Solario) from the factory of the current Aga Khan's grandfather. In the 60s, he was recognized seven times as the champion of manufacturers of Japan and gave, among others, the second "thrice-crowned" Shinzan country. The next decade, and especially its end, passed under the name Tesco Boy from Prinsley Gift, who galloped well for a mile in England, where he won the Queen Ann Stakes. The best producer of the 80s, in accordance with the spirit of the times, was the son of Northern Dancer - the winner of the de la Foret prize in France, Northern Taist. This stallion, stationed at the Shadai stud station, has produced a large number of winners of the largest Japanese prizes, and currently tops the ranking of sires of factory queens.

Throughout the second half of the 80s and all of the 90s, the Japanese bought almost the lion's share of the winners of the Epsom Derby and Arc de Triomphe - that is, those races that they recognized as the most prestigious in the world. Representatives of almost all progressive modern lines are used in the stud farms of the country - the descendants of the Northern Dancer Lammtarr (Derby, Arc de Triomphe) from Nijinsky, Carnegie (Grand Prix de Saint Cloud, Arc de Triomphe) and Dream Well (French, Irish Derby) from the best producer in Europe Sadler's Wells.

Prospector's young line is also widely used: introduced in 1995 by Forty Niner, who has already established himself in the USA, his sons Twining and End Sweep, who fell this summer, American Horse of the Year - 91 Black Tai Effair from Miswaki, children of Woodman Timber Country (two-year-old champion), Hansel (Prekness Stakes, Belmont Stakes), cool sprinter Hishi Akebono and others.

By far the best producer of the 90s was Sandy Silence, winner of the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes and Breeders Cup Classic. This dark bay, almost black son of Halo, from the Tern-Tu line descending from Nearco, was, according to experts, one of the twenty best American horses of the last century and created an entire era in Japanese horse breeding. At the end of his career, he was bought out by one of his co-owners Zenya Yoshida, the owner of Shadai, and from 1995 to 2001 became the champion in winning offspring, including nine champions and four derbies. Unfortunately, 16-year-old Sandy Silence fell from laminitis, leaving 13 of his young sons at the Shadai breeding station and 17 more sires in other stud farms in the country.

School of Champions

In order to properly ensure the rearing and training of young animals obtained from such a classy breeding stock, the latest training centers have been created, where horses are usually kept from weaning to two years of age. All work here is carried out by professionals who have been trained and practiced in Europe and the USA. In 1999, the construction of the largest of these centers was completed - the Bloodhorse Training Center in Urakawa, commissioned in 1993. It occupies an area of ​​about 14 sq. km, received through a government land grant, and around it there are numerous private training departments.

Such a concentration of efforts could not fail to bear fruit. Already in 1995, Fujiyama Kenzan achieved his first success outside of Japan, won the International Cup (Group 2) in Hong Kong, and three years later a European breakthrough took place. Four-year-old mare Seaking The Gold won the Maurice de Gist (Group 1) Prix in France, while her coeval Taiki Shuttle finished first in the Jacques Le Marois Prix (Group 1), considered one of the central Myler races in Europe. It is impossible not to notice that all these horses were bought as yearlings in the USA, but they were raised and trained exclusively in Japan. Moreover, many of the major successes of 2001 were already achieved by completely "home-grown" forces.

"They're attacking from all sides!" exclaimed Godolphin jockey Frankie Dettori, whose Tobugg lost to Japan's Agnes Digital in the Hong Kong Cup with over 1.5 million prize fund. On that day, the Japanese won all three races of the first group at the Sha Tin Racecourse, and the Hong Kong Vase - the second most prestigious of them - went to the seven-year-old winner of Dubai Shima Classic Stay Gold, born of Sandy Silence and "Japanese" Golden Sash, and in the "beaten field "Again, it turned out to be the" Godolphin "horse - Ekraar. Three weeks earlier, Japanese competitors had won five first places in the Japan Cup won by Jungle Pocket and all seven in its dirt track equivalent. The level of prize sums can be judged by two figures - 1 million 457 thousand British pounds went to the winner, and 86-odd thousand pounds went to White Hart, who finished eighth. Not in all European races of the first group, such money can be earned even for a victory.

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The Land of the Rising Sun has always remained a mystery to Westerners, while horsemen were concerned about other questions: where did horses come from in Japan, how were they used, and what are they - samurai horses?

Guests from the mainland
Indeed, the horse has never been a native inhabitant of Japan - animals came to the islands from Asia around the end of the 3rd-6th centuries AD. Interestingly, unlike in Europe, horses were not used in agriculture. Bulls worked in the fields, they were harnessed to wagons, and goods were transported on horseback in mountainous areas. Only people belonging to the upper class could ride on horseback: the art of riding was especially valued, and they could only afford to have a horse and were part of the feudal cavalry.

Wanted the best...
The first were short, shaggy and had a rather vicious disposition, but they knew how to move around the area well and were well adapted to the surrounding conditions. Over time, various breeds began to develop on the islands, but they all remained short, and therefore attempts were made to increase their size by crossing them with foreign horses. So, horses from Europe and North America were brought to Japan - English thoroughbreds, Anglo-Arabs, Belgian and Breton draft breeds. even introduced special courses throughout the country to stimulate the use of horses and encourage Japanese farmers to breed large horses and then supply them to the army. As a result of this large-scale activity, most of the native Japanese breeds have practically disappeared - and today there are eight officially recognized native breeds of horses in Japan.

Aboriginal breeds are Misaki, Tokara, Miyako, Hokkaido, Noma, Kiso, Taishu and Yonaguni horses. All Japanese breeds are small in stature, have a large head, thick thick manes. They are famous for their tenacity and ability to survive in extreme conditions.

The most skillful
they learned not only to skillfully stay in the saddle, but also to shoot accurately from a bow at full gallop. The technique of archery from a horse was known under various names, but in the end it stuck to it -. Previously, such shooting was part of a number of mandatory samurai competitions, but even now this art has not been lost and continues to exist - however, as an entertaining spectacle. Another similar competition in agility, accuracy and the art of controlling a horse was inu-o-mono- chasing a dog on horseback. A small dog was released into the fenced area, and the rider had to gallop into it with a training arrow with a wooden tip.

Warriors never stopped practicing riding, which is why samurai cavalry was a powerful force. The riders trained not only in the usual conditions, but also during the traditional trapping wild horses, which was held in the middle of the fifth month every year on the day of the monkey. Such a kind of hunting was organized in the Middle Ages on the Kanto plain and made it possible to replenish the stables with new animals and identify the best rider. The pursuit of "new personnel" was carried out in full gear - in helmets, armor and with battle banners. Later, this custom also turned into a holiday and became known as "Namaon" - cavalry field maneuvers.

One unit
Horse and rider often formed one whole: a perfectly trained horse literally felt the thoughts of its owner and participated in the battle on a par with him. To this end, horses were taught to shine, kick with their hind legs, and even bite. In addition, much attention was paid to teaching the horse to overcome water obstacles, which are very numerous in Japan. Crossing rivers and lakes was taught in special ponds, which were located in the castles of feudal lords. The “approach” to the horse in Japan is also interesting: the horse was mounted not on the left, but on the right, the reins were held with both hands, but in battle they were hooked to the rings on the chest plate of the armor and the horse was controlled exclusively by leg and body.

You can't forbid living beautifully
was also special: horse equipment was borrowed from the Chinese. Initially, it included a bridle and a saddle, and then horse armor was added there. The samurai did not use spurs, but spurred the horses with a whip, the role of which was played by a flexible rod. The ammunition was not only functional, but also beautiful: the bridles were made of silk or cotton cord and decorated with tassels, the saddle with long ribbons and bells. Even the generally accepted opinion was that it was bad form to save on decorating yourself and your horse.

living shrine
The most famous - sacred stable in japan located in the Temple of the Eastern Lights, or Nikko Tosegu Shrine, dedicated to the shogun and commander Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the dynasty. Guests of the complex are greeted by the largest gate of the Nio-mon complex, or "Gate of the Devas", behind which is the first temple courtyard and the stall of the sacred horse, or the Sacred Stable. Shinto temples always kept a horse or several horses, which, according to legend, were ridden by a deity. Real horses still live in the temple, despite the abundance of tourists. They stand in the stable outdoors every day from ten in the morning until two in the afternoon, except on rainy or snowy days. The color of the sacred horses must certainly be gray, and today two gray horses continue this tradition. In addition, these horses take part in the annual processions to the temple called "Procession of a Thousand Warriors" which are held during the holidays of Spring (May 17–18) and Autumn (October 17).

national hero
Japan cannot boast of outstanding achievements in the field of equestrian sports, but the country has its own heroes. Yes, the only Olympic champion was and is a Japanese baron Takeichi Nishi. Takeichi graduated from high school military academy Japan and was assigned to the first cavalry regiment. Back in 1930, with his own money, he bought a horse in Italy named Uranus, on which he began to actively train and perform. Nishi performed so well that in 1932 he went to the Los Angeles Olympics, where he won gold medal in the individual show jumping competition. After the Olympics, Nishi was transferred to the 16th Cavalry Regiment and promoted to cavalry instructor at the regimental school. Takeichi continued to combine military service with sports and in 1936 again went to the Olympics in Berlin. However, this time the athlete was not lucky: Nishi fell off his horse during the competition - and the German show jumper became the first. Nevertheless, many did not consider this an accident: the incident was regarded as a kind of concession on the part of Japan, which began a political rapprochement with Germany. After the Olympics, Nishi was transferred to the supply department, where he was engaged in the selection of horses for cavalry units.

It's never too late
The current Japanese athlete is Hiroshi Hoketsu. The rider is considered the champion Olympic Games for the period between the first and last participation athlete in the Olympics, which amounted to as much as 48 years! Hoketsu took part in the 1964, 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games. The last time the rider entered the battlefield at the Games in London at the age of 71 and has no plans to end his career yet.

On this moment Hoketsu is the oldest participant in the Olympic Games from Japan. The Japanese made his debut at the Olympics in his homeland, at the age of 23, where he took 40th place in the individual show jumping competition and 12th place in the team competition. Hoketsu was also supposed to compete in the 1988 Seoul Olympics, but his horse was not quarantined. Then he returned to the Games only 44 years later: this time he decided to try his hand at dressage and performed more successfully. Individual Hoketsu on Whisper Hanoverian breed shared 34th place with 50-year-old debutant from Australia Heath Ryan, and as part of the Japanese team took ninth place in the team standings, where the 58-year-old Mieko Yagi and 35 year old Eco China for whom this Olympics was the first in their careers.

East is a delicate matter
What is it, Japan? Distant, unusual and original, and