Vologda stud farm sale of horses. Vologda stud farm

2.Analysis of the economic and financial condition in the SEC “PKZ “Vologodsky”.

2.1.Analysis of the economic situation.

The agricultural production cooperative “Pedigree stud farm “Vologda” is a commercial organization approved in accordance with the Federal Law of December 8, 1995 N 193-FZ (as amended on July 23, 2013) “On Agricultural Cooperation.”

During registration, the authorized capital was paid in the amount of 9,636,640 rubles.

The agricultural production cooperative (SPK) “Pedigree stud farm “Vologodsky” is located 25 km from Vologda, the village of Pogorelovo. Form of ownership: private.

The main goal of the activity of the SPK "PKZ "Vologodsky" is to make a profit.

To achieve this goal, the following activities are carried out:

Breeding cattle;

Breeding horses, donkeys, mules and hinnies;

Production of meat and food by-products of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, equines;

Production of plucked wool, raw hides and skins of cattle, equines, sheep, goats and pigs;

Growing grains and leguminous crops;

Growing potatoes, table root and tuber crops with a high content of starch or inulin;

Growing fodder crops; preparation of plant feed;

Production of lumber, except profiled, with a thickness of more than 6 mm; production of unimpregnated railway and tram sleepers from wood;

Retail trade in flour and pasta;

Activities of specialized automobile freight transport;

Other types of activities not prohibited by law.

The Vologda stud farm is engaged in raising pedigree horses of Russian trotting and Russian draft horses. The Vologda stud farm is a repeated winner of All-Russian competitions in breeding work with heavy draft breeds. He is one of the main participants in joint work with stud farms in Russia and Belarus in breeding a new line of the Gradus stallion in the Russian draft breed.

One of the most important characteristics of an enterprise is its size, determined by the number of employees, sales volume, size of assets, etc. The main indicators characterizing the size of the SPK PKZ Vologodsky are presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 – Indicators characterizing the size of the SEC “PKZ “Vologodsky” for 2011-2013.


Average for the region, 2013

2013 As a percentage of the district average

Gross output in current year prices, thousand rubles.

Sales revenue, thousand rubles.

Average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

Average annual number of employees, people.

Livestock of cattle at the end of the year, heads.

Incl. cows, head

Area of ​​agricultural land, ha

Based on the values ​​of the indicators presented in Table 2.1, we can conclude that the SPK PKZ Vologodsky is a medium-sized enterprise.

For the period from 2011 to 2013. sales revenue increased by 18.76%, which was due to an increase in prices for more profitable types of products.

It should also be noted that there was an increase in the dynamics of fixed production assets; their value increased by 12.54%, which was due to the arrival of new equipment.

The average number of employees in 2013 compared to 2011 decreased slightly - by 3.03. The gradual reduction of personnel in the agricultural production complex Vologodsky is associated with the use of more efficient and productive agricultural machinery.

The number of cattle and the area of ​​agricultural land remained practically unchanged, which is a positive trend.

One of the main indicators influencing the development of an enterprise is specialization. Specialization refers to the primary production of certain types of products. The specialization of production can be judged by the structure of commercial products presented in Table 2.2. For greater clarity, let us present the structure of commercial products graphically (Fig. 1).

Table 2.2 – Size and structure of commercial products and level of production specialization in the SPK PKZ Vologodsky in 2011-2013.

Products and industries

Amount of revenue, thousand rubles.

Structure, %

Amount of revenue, thousand rubles.

Structure, %

Amount of revenue, thousand rubles.

Structure, %

Sales of grains


Other cont. Crop production

Other cont. livestock farming

An analysis of the composition and structure of commercial products (Table 2.2) indicates that the specialization of the SPK PKZ Vologodsky is dairy farming, the share of which is 73.3%.

Cattle breeding occupies only 19.4% of the structure of commercial products.

Fig.1. Structure of commercial products of SPK "PKZ "Vologodsky" in 2013

To more fully characterize economic specialization, the specialization coefficient (the degree of product concentration) is also used as its indicator.

Let's calculate the specialization coefficient using the formula:


Where У di is the share of the i-th type of product in the overall structure;

N – serial number of products in the ranked series.

The specialization coefficient in 2013 is:

The specialization coefficient at the enterprise in the reporting year was 0.573. Thus, the economy is characterized by high specialization.

For a complete and clear picture of the economy, it is necessary to analyze its economic activities.

Using digital information from the Income Statement for 2011-2013. Let's analyze the economic efficiency indicators of the activities of the SPK "PKZ "Vologodsky" (Table 2.3). For greater clarity, we will present the dynamics of the main economic indicators of the enterprise graphically (Fig. 2).

Table 2.3 – Performance indicators of the SPK “PKZ “Vologodsky”” for 2011-2013.


Revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services, thousand rubles.

Total cost of goods, works, services sold, thousand rubles.

Profit (loss) from sales, thousand rubles.

Level of profitability of core activities, %

Net profit, thousand rubles.

It is positive that revenue from product sales is growing, but the total cost of products sold increased more in 2013. This suggests that profit in 2013 decreased and in the reporting period amounted to 14,000 thousand rubles.

An increase in the level of profitability of core activities indicates an increase in the profitability of the enterprise, including the livestock industry.

Let us note the trend towards an increase in the enterprise’s net profit in 2013 compared to 2011; net profit increased by 35.34%, which positively characterizes its work.

Thus, an increase in the dynamics of such indicators as net profit and the level of profitability of core activities indicates an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise SPK "PKZ "Vologodsky".

Fig. 2 Trend of the main economic indicators of the activity of the SPK "PKZ "Vologodsky" for 2011-2013.

The cost of production is one of the most important indicators of the efficiency of agricultural production. It shows how much it costs a particular enterprise to produce agricultural products.

Let's analyze the composition of production costs by cost elements (Table 2.4)

Table 2.4 – Composition and structure of production costs in the SPK PKZ Vologodsky for 2011-2013.

Indicator name

Thousand rub.

Structure, %

Thousand rub.

Structure, %

Thousand rub.

Structure, %

Material costs

Labor costs

Contributions for social needs


Other costs

The actual cost structure shown in Table 2.4 allows us to conclude that the production of crop and livestock products is material-intensive, since the largest share of costs is made up of material costs.

Labor costs in the reporting period increased by 12.68% compared to 2011. Accordingly, with the increase in wages, such an element of costs as deductions for social needs also increased.

Due to the commissioning of new agricultural machinery, the share of depreciation charges in the cost structure is growing.

Other costs in the structure of the cost of production of the enterprise occupy on average 0.7%

The provision of an enterprise with fixed assets and the efficiency of their use largely determine the state of the enterprise's economy, the level of labor productivity, the need for investment, and thus characterize the level of scientific and technical progress at the enterprise.

Let us analyze the provision of the SPK PKZ Vologodsky with fixed assets and the efficiency of their use. The results of the analysis are presented in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 – Indicators of the provision of the SEC “PKZ “Vologodsky” with fixed assets and the efficiency of their use for 2011-2013.


Capital-labor ratio, thousand rubles.

Technical equipment of labor, thousand rubles.

Capital productivity, thousand rubles

Capital intensity, thousand rubles

SPK "PKZ "Vologodsky" is sufficiently provided with fixed assets and during the analyzed period there was a tendency to increase the indicators of the enterprise's provision with fixed assets. Thus, the capital-labor ratio increased by 16.05%, the technical labor ratio by 25%, and amounted to 650.86 and 627.99 thousand rubles at the end of the reporting year. respectively. This is explained by the fact that the cost of fixed assets increases significantly, and the number of employees decreases.

The decrease in capital productivity and, accordingly, the increase in capital intensity over the analyzed period deserve a negative assessment, which indicates a decrease in the efficiency of use of fixed assets in the enterprise.

The central place in the production activity of any organization is occupied by labor and the results of labor, because only with the help of labor is a surplus product created.

Labor productivity indicators in the SPK PKZ Vologodsky are presented in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6 – Analysis of labor productivity in the SEC “PKZ “Vologodsky” for 2011-2013.

According to Table 2.6, we note that output per 1 employee in 2013 compared to 2011 increased by 11.85%. This is due to an increase in the quality of labor, with the use of more efficient and productive equipment. In connection with the increase in labor productivity at the enterprise, there is also an increase in wages.

Over the analyzed period of time, wages increased by 15.31%. For expanded reproduction, obtaining the necessary profit and profitability, it is necessary that the growth rate of labor productivity outstrip the growth rate of its payment, which is observed in the analyzed enterprise.

2.2 Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise.

We begin the analysis of the financial condition of the organization by calculating the levels and dynamics of financial ratios.

Indicators characterizing the financial stability, solvency and liquidity of the enterprise are presented in table 2.7.

The value of the independence coefficient in the SPK "PKZ "Vologodsky" above the standard is assessed positively and indicates a significant share of own funds in the total amount of financing sources. This reveals significant independence of the enterprise.

Table 2.7 – Analysis of financial indicators of the SEC “PKZ “Vologodsky” for 2011-2013.

Indicator name


Financial stability ratios

Independence factor

Stability factor

Ratio of borrowed and own sources

Inventory coverage ratio with own working capital

The ratio of security of current assets with own working capital

Liquidity and solvency ratios

Absolute liquidity ratio

Intermediate coverage ratio

Current ratio

Total Solvency Ratio

The level of the financial stability coefficient exceeds the independence coefficient, therefore, the enterprise attracts long-term loans to finance its production activities.

At the end of 2013, the enterprise attracted 0.22 rubles from its own sources for every ruble. borrowed money. The value of this indicator below the standard is assessed positively.

67% of the company's reserves and costs are financed from its own sources, which is also a positive indicator.

The value of the ratio of provision of current assets with own working capital at the end of 2013 exceeds the standard by more than 6 times, which indicates that the enterprise has sufficient own working capital for financial stability.

Having analyzed the financial stability coefficients, we note that the company is financially stable in 2013. In addition, the company has a tendency to increase financial stability ratios.

Analyzing the liquidity and solvency indicators in the SPK PKZ Vologodsky, we note the following.

An enterprise, with its available cash and short-term financial investments, can immediately repay only 8% of its short-term liabilities. The value of the indicator does not exceed the standard; therefore, the company does not have enough of the most liquid assets to pay off the most urgent obligations.

If we assume that all debtors simultaneously repay all their debts, the company at the beginning of 2013 can repay 45% of its debt.

The value of the current liquidity ratio exceeds the standard by 4.5 times, which means the company has enough current assets to pay off short-term liabilities. It can pay off its current debt in a timely manner. Consequently, SPK PKZ Vologodsky is solvent.

The solemn event was attended by the head of the Vologda region Alexander Gordeev, the head of the department of agriculture, food resources and trade of the Vologda region Nikolai Anishchenko, the deputy of the ZSO Vladimir Bulanov, the head of the Sosnovsky settlement Ekaterina Romanova, as well as the delegation of the Vologda region.

On this day, the historical milestones in the development of the enterprise and the people who stood at its origins were remembered. Its first managers made a great contribution to the development of the plant: Alexander Pudov, Pyotr Treskin, Valentin Ivanov.

The Vologodsky breeding stud farm is the northernmost stud farm in Russia, the only one in the North-West for breeding breeds that actively takes part in the Russian Troika Russian Championship, has many diplomas and cups for prizes; a regular participant in All-Russian horse shows, where horses constantly win honorary titles of absolute champions and first places in the RING broods. It is gratifying that the management of the plant sees opportunities for the development of horse breeding in the region and is doing everything possible to be at the forefront. The numbers speak for themselves. For 9 months of this year, the number of horses amounted to more than 170 heads, while in 2012 there were 164, and in 2010 - 156 heads (in three years the increase was 9%). There is a tendency to increase the number of livestock, both Russian trotting breed, and the Russian draft breed.

The holiday of agricultural workers was held with congratulations to representatives of the region, with performances by artists, and with the presentation of awards to frontline workers.

“SPK PKZ Vologodsky is a leader in agricultural production not only in the region, but also beyond it,” Alexander Gordeev addressed those present in the hall. He presented the head of the cavalry unit, Alevtina Boyko, with a medal of the 2nd degree “For services to the Vologda region.”

Nikolai Anishchenko, addressing the heroes of the occasion, said: “The strength of the enterprise is that you are a single, well-coordinated team. I am more than confident that such farms have prospects, they have a future.”

SPK PKZ "Vologodsky" three times, including at the end of 2012, was the winner in the competition for the best enterprise in the district and the owner of the Honorary Challenge Banner of the district. “Today everyone is trying to discover the secret of how confidently you step forward. Over all these years, the enterprise has survived difficulties and grown stronger economically,” said Vladimir Bulanov.

Special words of gratitude were expressed to the head of the SPK PKZ "Vologodsky" Yuri Usikov.

Thanks to the work of specialists led by the manager last years The Vologda stud farm is one of the three leaders in milk production. In 2012, a record milk yield was obtained - over 8 thousand kg per cow.

The Vologodsky breeding plant is a truly outstanding enterprise in the Vologda region, which not only conducts highly efficient agricultural activities, but also fulfills a large number of important social obligations. And his achievements in breeding pedigree breeds horses are of national importance.

The winning plant

The agricultural production cooperative “Pedigree stud farm “Vologda” dates back to 1964. Since Soviet times, he has been successfully breeding two valuable breeds of horses: the Russian trotter and the Russian draft horse, improving their breeding qualities year after year. His horses are in good demand. They are actively purchased by other stud farms, agricultural organizations, farms, private individuals (including director Nikita Mikhalkov) and even koumiss farms.

The plant has repeatedly become the winner of all-Union and all-Russian breeding competitions. Moreover, he is one of the main participants in the joint Russian-Belarusian project to breed a new line of the stallion “Gradus” in the Russian draft breed.

The company is a regular participant in prestigious exhibitions: Equiros, Lenexpo, Horse Breeding and Equestrian Sports. This year his heavy truck named Liberal won gold medal at the exhibition-fair “Golden Autumn” in Moscow. And his horses regularly win various All-Russian and international competitions and championships - such as “Ramenskaya Autumn”, “Golden Mane”, “Samara Winter”, World Equestrian Championship in Germany. It was the Vologda trotters who became the absolute winners of the last two Russian Troika Championships, winning all four stages of this competition. And it is on them that the Russian Santa Claus rides.

Not just horse traction

The leading direction of the plant's economic activity is dairy farming. The number of cattle at the enterprise exceeds 2000 individuals, of which more than 800 are milking herds. Milk yield here is record high and reaches 9.5 thousand kg per cow. This is second place among all farms in the Vologda region. Milk is produced only of the highest quality and is delivered in large volumes to the Vologda Dairy Plant.

The company is actively involved in crop production: up to 2 thousand tons of food potatoes are grown in its fields, which are supplied to kindergartens and budgetary institutions Vologda region and neighboring municipalities, as well as retail chains and the public catering system of Vologda.

Constant development

“Despite the fact that the volume of assistance in the form of subsidies from the state budget decreases every year, we manage to survive and develop further,” says the chairman of the SPK Yuri Usikov. - An important role in this is played by support from the regional government and local authorities, which is very noticeable and at this stage is truly necessary. Thanks to her, we managed to achieve good results.

Recently, the enterprise has updated its material and technical base and modernized its production assets - in particular, gasification of the grain drying complex was carried out and a new calf barn was built. For the second year in a row, the “dry milking” technology has been used, which has increased milk yield per cow. As a result, the production volumes of livestock products at the enterprise are constantly growing. The quality of breeding work has also increased.

The plant regularly improves the qualifications of its employees and works closely with scientific organizations, exchanges experience with colleagues from other leading farms. There is a professional team of experienced specialists who love their job. Thanks to all these factors, the northernmost horse breeding enterprise in Russia is known throughout the country and has truly become one of the brands of the Vologda region.

A unique enterprise for the North-West of Russia, the Vologda stud farm, celebrated its half-century anniversary with another victory in the Russian Troika Championship, one of the stages of which was held in February at its hippodrome. What is unique about the plant, and why do they continue to breed horses there despite the economic inexpediency?

On February 17, it seemed that all roads led to the village of Erofeyka, fifteen kilometers from Vologda. The traffic jam stretched almost all the way to the regional capital. More than 8,000 guests came to the village, where just over 140 people live, for the Russian Troika Festival! These are not only residents of the Vologda region, but also representatives of many regions of Russia: Moscow, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Tver, Arkhangelsk and other regions.

There were guests from many regions at the Russian Troika Festival.
In the photo there is a troika from Moscow.

This year, Horse Day was celebrated for the 15th time - this is another significant anniversary date for the agricultural production cooperative Vologodsky Pedigree Stud Farm, as it is one of the main organizers of the holiday.

The history of the enterprise began back in 1968, when, according to orders from Moscow, Vologda residents were ordered to engage in pedigree breeding of horses of two breeds: Russian trotter and Russian heavy draft horse. Heavy trucks were then used as horse-drawn transport for the Ministry of Defense, and trotters were bred for agricultural needs. Residents of the Vologda region completed this task with their usual thoroughness and conscientiousness. This is how a breeding stud farm appeared in Erofeyka. The unique enterprise has become the northernmost plant in Russia and the only one in the North-West for breeding Russian trotter horses and Russian heavy draft horses.

Over the past 50 years, life has changed dramatically. No one will argue that the Russian army and agriculture cannot do without heavy trucks and trotters. They have been quite successfully replaced by modern technology. Despite market relations, unstable economic conditions and an understandably falling demand, the plant continues to develop and preserve the original Russian traditions of horse breeding. Today the enterprise houses 180 horses of both breeds. For the last 20 years, perhaps the most difficult in the history of the plant, the enterprise has been led by Yuri Usikov. Yuri Dmitrievich came to the stud farm back in 1983 as an electrical engineer.

“Of course, horse breeding is unprofitable for us,” the manager does not hide.

A solution was found in the development of another traditional agricultural direction for the Vologda region - dairy farming. As it is now fashionable to say, we have diversified production. This is what brings the main income to the farm. By the way, in this regard, the company confidently occupies a leading position in the Vologda region, consistently supplying milk of exclusively the highest quality to the Vologda Dairy Plant. In addition, it is actively involved in crop production: up to two thousand tons of food potatoes are grown in its fields, which are supplied to retail chains and the public catering system.

And yet the main pride of the enterprise was and remains horses. For half a century, specialists at the Vologda Stud Farm have been working to improve the breeding qualities of horses and have achieved a lot. Vologda horses are in demand not only in the regions of Russia, but also in Belarus. They are purchased by other stud farms, farms, monasteries in the Vologda, Moscow, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl regions, as well as kumys farms and, of course, private individuals (for example, the famous film director Nikita Mikhalkov). Another interesting fact: this breeding enterprise is one of the main participants in the joint Russian-Belarusian project to breed a new line of the stallion “Gradus” in the Russian draft breed.

As Yuri Usikov said, today the plant preserves especially valuable genetic lines. They originate from legendary stallions and dams, such as Gradus and Teplina. Experts in equestrianism and sports will excitedly tell you the nicknames Tax, Logarif, Kushka, Nelson and others. All these are thoroughbred horses raised at the stud farm in Erofeyka and brought glory to the Vologda region.

The company has repeatedly become the winner of all-Union and all-Russian competitions in breeding work. Its status is also emphasized by the fact that the Vologodsky Pedigree Stud Farm constantly participates in prestigious specialized exhibitions, such as Equiros, LenExpo, Horse Breeding and Equestrian Sports. And his horses invariably receive high marks from experts. Vologda horses pranced in 2003 at the Vincennes Hippodrome in Paris during the Days of Russia in France, and a year earlier at the LenExpo exhibition in St. Petersburg, where the Vologda stallion Trick was recognized as the absolute champion. In 2017, a heavy truck named Liberal won a gold medal at the Golden Autumn exhibition-fair in Moscow. The stud's trotters regularly win various all-Russian and international competitions and championships, such as “Ramenskaya Autumn”, “Golden Mane”, “Samara Winter” and even the World Equestrian Championship in Germany.

And finally, it was the Vologda trotters who became the absolute winners of three last championships Russian triplets.

This year, on February 17, in the village of Erofeyke near Vologda, on the basis of the Vologda stud farm, as part of the noisy and crowded Horse Day, the second stage of the 19th Russian Troika Championship was held. The main partner of these competitions was the Russian Equestrian Federation. Teams from Moscow, Vladimir, Kostroma, Tver and other Russian cities came to compete for victory in the competition. For the first time in the history of the Russian championships of Russian troikas, a troika from the Arkhangelsk region took part in it. SPK PKZ "Vologodsky" entered three Russian troikas, made up of trotters born and bred at their native factory, to participate in the championship.

“We perform only on our own horses, bred at our stud farm, we never use purchased ones, we prepare replacements for them ahead of time,” Yuri Usikov comments, not without pride.

Welcoming the competition participants and guests of the festival, First Deputy Governor of the Vologda Region Mikhail Glazkov noted that the fame of the Russian Troika Festival, its popularity and fame have long crossed the borders of our region. He especially emphasized: it is the Vologodsky stud farm that is the main “culprit” of this unforgettable event, at which, in addition to traditional sports competitions, honor and glory are given to the horse.

And the head of the Vologda region, Sergei Zhestyannikov, confirming this indisputable fact, presented Yuri Usikov with the medal “For Services to the Vologda Region”.

“The three horses are a primordially Russian team, these are our traditions, our history,” said the head of the district. – Many thanks to those who keep these traditions!

At the celebration, the head of the Vologda region, Sergei Zhestyannikov, presented the head of the stud farm, Yuri Usikov, with a medal “For services to the Vologda region.”

Triple competitions are an exciting and gambling spectacle! Against the backdrop of a snow-white field, beautiful, strong animals are jumping at full speed. Snow flies from under the hooves, manes and tails flutter.

The second stage of the Russian Championship ended with the triumph of Vologda horse breeding. Absolute champion became the crew of the Vologda stud farm with the root horse Long under the control of Alexey Chistyakov! The second place was also taken by the Vologda crew with the root boy Logist, the Kostroma trio with the root boy Cupid came to the finish line third.

This trio of Russian trotters with the indigenous Long of the Vologda stud farm became absolute winner stage of the Russian Championship, which took place in Erofeyka.

The Russian Troika Championship was complemented by an interesting equestrian program with races for trotters and draft horses. Troikas raced with Russian prowess and riders galloped on trotters, delighting the spectators who were rooting for them. The most touching event, perhaps, was the race for older Russian draft mares.

The winner was the horse Lacrelle of the Vologda stud farm. It turned out that Lacrelle was pregnant and preparing for the birth of a foal. In addition to the well-deserved reward from the competition organizers, the winner was given a special prize - 15 kilograms of carrots from the magazine "GRANI": vitamins will come in handy for her.

Lacrelle's horse won his race even while pregnant.

The spectators were especially impressed by the quadriga of Soviet heavy trucks from Smolensk. “I have only seen them in photographs. Live, when this charged power flies in a straight line, the earth trembles beneath them. It was worth getting up at six in the morning on Saturday, driving 400 kilometers and spending three hours in the cold just for these two minutes. Complete delight! – Maria Kirillova, a photographer from Yaroslavl, shares her impressions on her social network page. The undoubted highlight of the program was Father Frost from Veliky Ustyug, who famously rode out to the audience in a troika during the parade. The next Horse Festival was a success despite the really frosty weather. Thanks to those who keep traditions!

Anastasia Nikolaeva
Photo: Vadim Shekun

The Vologda stud farm was founded in 1964.
In 1971, the plant began staffing the plant with horses. At the Zlynsky (Oryol region), Prilepsky (Tula region), Aleksandrovsky (Kursk region) and Lokotsky (Bryansk region) stud farms, 4 breeding stallions and 54 mares were purchased (up to 1973), which were among the best brood mares. families and were representatives of almost all lines that existed in the Russian trotter breed.
Since 1978, breeding work with the Russian draft horse began at the Vologda stud farm. Today, it is a major breeding center for this breed.
In 1993, the plant was reorganized into a closed joint-stock company "Pedigree stud farm "Vologodsky". In January 2002, AOZT PKZ "Vologodsky" was transformed into an agricultural production cooperative "Pedigree stud farm "Vologodsky".
Vologda stud farm is a multiple winner of the All-Union and All-Russian competitions on breeding work with heavy draft breeds. He is one of the main participants in joint work with stud farms in Russia and Belarus in breeding a new line of the Gradus stallion in the Russian draft breed.
Horses from the Vologda Stud Farm are in demand in Russia and Belarus. Mstislavsky and Gomel stud farms, farms, kumys farms in the Moscow region, monasteries in the Vologda, Moscow, Ivanovo, and Yaroslavl regions are the main buyers of Russian heavy trucks.
SPK "Pedigree stud farm "Vologodsky" is the only breeding farm in the north-west of Russia. The stud farm is located in a picturesque location 20 km from the regional center of Vologda. The founding date of the Vologda stud farm is considered to be 1968. At the Zlynsky (Oryol region), Prilepsky (Tula region), Aleksandrovsky (Kursk region) and Lokotsky (Bryansk region) stud farms in the 60s of the last century, 4 breeding stallions and 54 mares were purchased, which belonged to the best brood families of Russian trotters . In 1977, Glavkonupr decided to reduce the number of trotting horses and begin breeding Russian draft horses, necessary for use in agricultural work - plowing and cultivating land, making hay, transporting various goods, etc. The number of horses by 1980 amounted to 202 heads: of which 131 heads were Russian trotters, 71 heads were Russian heavy draft horses. Thus, a gradual reduction in the number of Russian trotting breeds and an increase in the number of Russian heavy draft horses began, with the first sale of which the farm made a profit. And in 1988, the number of horses reached 371 heads, of which 148 heads were trotters and 223 heads were heavy draft horses.
The Vologda stud farm is a repeated winner of the All-Union and All-Russian competitions in breeding work with heavy draft breeds.
The high value of the plant's horse stock has been confirmed in recent years at All-Russian exhibitions, such as in 2002 stallion Trick born 1990 became the “Absolute Champion” of the All-Russian horse show"LenExpo" - best horse Russia among all other horse breeds.
Today, the Vologda stud farm is considered one of the largest breeding centers for the Russian draft horse.
For more than 20 years, the horse section of the plant has been led by an excellent and knowledgeable specialist, Alevtina Ivanovna Boyko. The director of the plant, Yuri Dmitrievich Usikov, also provides all possible support to the horsemen.