Swimming in the pool the right way. Swimming for beginners: how to breathe and stay on the water with video

In a swimming pool. It has several serious advantages over open water.

  • Calm water. Even small waves will make your training much more difficult.
  • Pure water. At first, you will periodically sip it with your nose and mouth. It's better to take a sip of water with bleach than some kind of infection.
  • Swimmers and accessories for swimming. For execution different exercises you will need to hold on to the edge of the pool and use the boards and bowls that are available in any such establishment.
  • Availability of instructors. You won't drown. Anyway.

What to bring to the pool

If you are going to the pool for the first time, be sure to bring with you:

  • medical certificate;
  • swimsuit or swimming trunks;
  • towel and shower gel/shampoo;
  • swimming cap;
  • rubber or plastic slippers;
  • Goggles.

1. Exhale into the water

YouTube channel Sikana English

  • Put on your glasses. Make sure they fit snugly on your face. If there are gaps, water will pour into them and it will be very unpleasant.
  • Stand next to the wall of the pool, put your hand on the side. Take a deep breath through your mouth.
  • Go under the water and slowly release the air for three counts. You can do this only through the nose or through the nose and mouth at the same time.
  • Come up and again take a sharp deep breath with your mouth.
  • Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

2. Float

Global Triathlon Network YouTube channel

Be sure to do this exercise if you are afraid to dive into the water. It will help to work out the breath and feel yourself.

  • Put on your glasses. Take a deep breath and dive into the water.
  • Pull your knees to your chest, clasp them with your hands and calmly lower yourself to the bottom of the pool, slowly exhaling through your nose and mouth.
  • When you reach the bottom, rise up for a new breath.
  • Repeat 10 times.

3. Exhale into the water with the movement of the legs

YouTube channel SwimUP RUS

  • Put on your glasses. Grasp the edge of the pool, straighten your arms and lie down on the water.
  • Inhale through your mouth, lower your head down and exhale into the water for three counts.
  • While exhaling, work with your feet. Make movements from the hip, keep your legs almost straight, but without enslavement in. Pull the socks off, wrap the feet slightly inward, thumbs towards each other.
  • Raise your head above the water, inhale and lower your face back into the water.
  • Repeat 10 times.

4. Exhale at the side with a turn to the side

  • Put on your glasses. Grasp the side of the pool with your right hand, press your left to your side, lie on the surface of the water.
  • Immerse your face in water and exhale for three counts. It is important not to hold your breath in the water, but to constantly release air.
  • Turn your body and head to the left, lift your face above the surface of the water and take a deep breath. Do not lift your head: the right ear should remain in the water.
  • Lower your face back and repeat.
  • Perform 10-12 times, then do the same with a change of hand.

How to move with exhalation

Now that you've relaxed enough in the water and learned how to exhale into it, it's time to master the exhalation movement. We will show exercises for mastering the basic style of swimming: front crawl.

1. Swimming on your feet


  • Put on your glasses. Hold the bottom edge of the swim board.
  • Straighten your arms, lie down on the water.
  • Move forward with footwork. Move from the hip, gently and freely.
  • Breathe as during the exercise "Exhale into the water with the movement of the legs": a deep sharp breath above the surface, a smooth slow exhalation with the face in the water.
  • Swim 100 meters like this. Rest when needed.

2. Inhale to the side

YouTube channel Love Swimming

While swimming, the head does not completely come out of the water. This provides streamlining and reduces the time to inhale. help you work out correct position heads in motion.

  • Put on your glasses. With your right hand, take the board by the far edge. Press the left to the body.
  • Exhale smoothly into the water as you work your feet.
  • Turn the body and head to the left, towards the pressed hand, lift the head out of the water and inhale. Do not raise your head too high: the right ear remains in the water.
  • Lower your face back into the water and, as you exhale, move forward through the work of your legs.
  • At the end of the track, change hands: now you will hold the board with your left hand and turn your body and head to the right to inhale.
  • Swim 100 meters with each hand.

3. Inhale for every stroke

YouTube channel Skills NT Swimming

  • Put on your glasses. Grab the bottom edge of the float board with your left hand.
  • Lie down on the water. Lower your face into the water, exhale, work your feet.
  • Take a stroke with your right hand. When the hand comes out of the water near your hip, turn your body and head to the right, stick your face out of the water and inhale. Then lower it back into the water and exhale. Repeat.
  • Swim 100 meters. Change your hand each time at the end of the pool.

4. Inhale every three strokes

  • Put on your glasses. Stroke with your right hand while inhaling, as in the previous exercise. Make sure that the head is not completely raised above the water, turn the body to the side.
  • Dip your face in the water. While exhaling, take a stroke with your left hand, and then with your right. Do not lift your face out of the water, exhale.
  • Simultaneously with the next stroke with your left hand, turn your body and head to the left, raise your head and inhale.
  • Lower your face into the water and stroke with your right and then your left. Take the next breath on the right side. Thus, you will inhale on the other side each time.
  • Swim 100 meters. You can start the exercise with a board, and when you get used to it, swim without it.

How to learn to swim faster

  1. Don't stress. Your body should be relaxed, movements should be free and smooth. While you are straining, you are sinking and spending much more energy than you need to move.
  2. Don't forget your legs. Often beginners swim on one hand, and lower limbs practically do not work. Make sure that the latter also participate in the movement. Try counting your kicks. For example, do three strokes for each stroke.
  3. Master the technique. Even if you swim for the soul, and not for the records, look at the swimming technique in the chosen style. Some of the subtleties you will not reach on your own. Correct technique help you swim faster and have more fun.

There is no shame in not being able to swim as an adult. There is no word “late” in matters of training, so you can get the hang of staying on the water at any time.

To learn how to swim, you will need not only a pond or pool, but also a few recommendations and instructions. Take them into account and successfully conquer the waves! This article will tell you how to learn to swim as an adult.

Tips for those who want to learn how to swim

Of course, you don't need to bring a gadget with you to swimming lessons in order to follow every recommendation. Just pay attention to the tips and remember the most important.

Learning to swim in the pool is a productive idea

If you want to master these skills with the help of a pool, you make the right decision. The process implies many advantages, for example, convenience. Learning in such an artificial pond is more relaxed, as a person feels protected.

Don't start with a deep pool.

And so, you entered the pool and do not know where to start. The first and easiest exercise is holding the legs. You should take hold of the support and make movements with your legs that will help keep them on the water. After this starts to work out, you can try to tear off the support and act with them.

When performing the exercise, you can not lower your legs. If you can’t swim with your hands off the support, grab it again, but do not step on the bottom.

The next exercise is repulsion from the support. It is advisable to rely on what is above the bottom. You should push off sharply and try to swim in any convenient way.

If you have auxiliary items in your arsenal, that is, beach balls and "bagels", you can hold on to them, and then slowly release them. In case of failure, grab them again and try to swim.

Do you feel afraid of water? The simplest exercise "asterisk" will help. Take a deep breath and lie face down in the water with your limbs in the shape of a star. Hold until you feel the need for air.

Learning to swim breaststroke

photo instruction

The essence of the technique is the performance of synchronous movements of the limbs. This type of swimming is often called frog swimming, since the technique is similar to the swimming features of the green representative of the fauna.

First, fold your palms in front of you, and then spread your arms wide and return them to their original position.

But you don’t need to fold your hands - your palms should be parallel to each other for only a split second.

Video: How to swim breaststroke?

Crawl - a simple technique

crawl technique

The basic principle of the technique is special hand movements. Imagine that they are oars.

You should take turns doing strokes, while helping with the lower limbs.

Legs need only be alternately raised and lowered to keep on the water.

You can also swim on your back. The bottom line is simple - do the same exercises that you did in the position facing the water.

Video: How to swim crawl?

Butterfly - an unusual type of swimming

butterfly for experienced swimmers

The difficulty lies in the fact that both legs should be at the same level, and both hands should be synchronously done circular motions. It turns out that hands should be in the water, then high in the air, and you just need to help a little, acting with them the way the little mermaid's fin wags in children's cartoons.

Before learning this technique, master the previous two.

Is it easy to swim on your back?

learning to swim on your back

This type of swimming is often considered the easiest. Its feature is freedom of movement. You should lie on and try to do everything to stay on the water. It will be convenient if you find support for the legs, since it is the movements of the hands that are important here. You need to choose the best technique for yourself.

Work on mistakes

There are a few common mistakes beginner swimmers make:

    Sharpness of movements. It may be possible to swim, but it is very tiring.

    High position of the head. This error leads to the same result as the previous one. Moreover, it is difficult to breathe.

    Raise your legs up high. The higher you place them, the lower it will be. top part torso.

swimming correctly

Before "conquering" the reservoir, you should familiarize yourself with simple recommendations:

    Make a power plan. Eating food right before going to the pool will cause harm digestive system. You can eat only a couple of hours before swimming.

    Prepare the body. Before entering the water, you need to do a few simple exercises or take a contrast shower.

How to learn to swim correctly? Such a question sometimes worries not only children, but also adults who, by the will of fate, have not learned to stay on the water. You can learn to swim at any age, but for this you need to have a great desire and patience. In order to learn how to swim correctly, Evgeny Likhobabin professionally developed a detailed methodology for almost all occasions. You can train in open water and in the pool, on your own and under the guidance of a trainer. Classes in the pool with a professional mentor look more preferable, which will allow you to master the technique in the shortest possible time.

Problem Features

Important! Fear causes increased muscle tone.

Learning to swim is, oddly enough, both simple and very difficult. Simple - because even for many small children it becomes clear that certain elementary movements ensure the movement of the body on the surface of the water. Difficult - because an adult develops a fear of a pond, and this creates huge problems in learning. Swimming involves controlled muscle work, and fear causes increased muscle tone and as a result, muscle spasms. It is they who often lead to tragedies on the water (in other words, people have muscle cramps).

Thus, it is necessary not only to learn how to move on water, but to solve the question of how to learn how to swim correctly for an adult. The question of how to properly teach a child to swim is easier to solve due to the lack of phobias. The course of any training consists of a theoretical and practical part. At the first stage, you need to get rid of the fear of water and understand that it is enough just to stay on its surface, as well as learn the theory of different ways of swimming.

The main part of the problem, how to learn to swim correctly, is solved in a practical way in a shallow reservoir ( better pool). Depth training pool must allow both feet to stand firmly on the bottom, while the head and shoulders must rise above the water surface. In the process of initial practical training, the following tasks are solved: the ability to stay on the surface of the water for a long time; setting the right breathing and learning the necessary movements of body parts to move through the water. At the initial stage, the speed of swimming is not so important, the main thing is to achieve important goals: to understand the principle of moving through the water and feel self-confidence, i.e. finally make sure that the water is not as scary as it seems.

There are 4 main ways to swim:

    Crawl (freestyle) is the most common way that optimally combines muscle energy consumption and movement speed. Its principle is based on an alternate stroke with one hand with the participation of the legs and torso.

    Breaststroke is one of the slowest, but least energy-intensive ways. It is based on the synchronous movement of both arms and legs.

    Backstroke. Due to the analogy with freestyle, the stroke principle is sometimes called back crawl.

    Butterfly (simply "dolphin") is the most difficult way to initial stage learning is not worth it.

Principles of learning to swim

Important! It is better to start training in the pool.

If there is an irresistible desire to master the water space, then it is best to start by solving the question of how to learn how to swim in the pool correctly. It is the shallow pool that creates ideal conditions for initial lessons:

  • flat bottom (most importantly - without holes) and stability of depth over the area;
  • lack of water flow;
  • optimal temperature, which is important for muscle tone;
  • having a coach.

Important! It is better to start practical studies under the guidance of a professional.

How to learn how to swim in the pool, the video clearly demonstrates the practical application of the technique. First of all, you should consider elementary recommendations:

    Optimal time for training: evening until 19:00, when a person maintains optimal muscle tone.

    Classes should not be carried out immediately after a meal (it is better to do this 2-2.5 hours after a meal).

    You need to think about basic equipment: rubber slippers and slippers, perhaps special glasses to protect against chlorinated water.

    To achieve quick results, it is better to ensure that you visit the pool at least 3 times a week with a duration of at least 1 hour.

As noted above, the principles of how to learn to swim correctly (video attached) are based on 3 basic skills: the ability to stay on the water, breathe correctly and move all parts of the body in accordance with the chosen swimming method. Practical classes begin with learning to keep the body on the surface of the water.

One of the popular exercises is the so-called "asterisk". It is carried out in the following order: the maximum possible volume of air is inhaled from the lungs, after which the face is immersed in water, and the upper and lower limbs are bred to both sides, forming a figure resembling an "asterisk". In this position, you should stay as long as possible. It should be remembered that when you exhale, the body will begin to sink into the water. Such an exercise solves the most important task - eliminating fear of water and gaining self-confidence.

Exercise "asterisk" relieves fear of water

Where to start

In the question of how to learn to swim correctly, it is important initial exercises, which should give the first skills and not scare away the student. Classes begin with very simple exercises with gradual complication and the transition to teaching specific swimming methods.

One of the simple, but demonstrative, exercises is the “float”. It teaches you how to properly organize your breathing in the water and control your body when diving. First, the depth of the reservoir "chest-deep" is selected. A deep breath is taken and immersion in water with the head, where exhalation is made. Then the head rises above the surface, a new breath is taken, followed by an exhalation in the water. This is repeated 5-6 times, after which the legs are repulsed from the bottom and fully emerged.

Exercise "float"

The next exercise in this category is performed at a depth just above the waist. A breath is taken, after which, while holding the breath, the head is immersed in water and the girth of bent knees under water is made. In this position, you need to push off from the bottom and exhale when pushing to the surface. Without changing the posture, a breath is taken, after which you can straighten up.

Another simple exercise is sliding. Classes should be carried out, going to the depth of the chest. A breath is taken, squatting and a sharp repulsion from the bottom. Task: straighten the body on the surface (hands are pressed to the body on the sides) and slide along the surface without moving for as long as possible. When the legs are immersed in water, you can take a vertical position. When you feel the bottom, the exercise must be repeated, and so on 5-10 times.

The third exercise is aimed at teaching footwork. It is carried out similarly to the previous slide, but the task is to understand how to learn how to swim correctly using the movement of the legs. When sliding on the surface after repulsion, calm, alternate movements of the legs up and down are made. You should not “thresh” with your limbs with all your might: for a start, it is important to understand how the movement of the body through the water depends on the movement of the legs.

After mastering the first exercises, you can proceed to such an exercise as dog swimming. This exercise is a continuation of the previous 2 exercises, when the hands are also involved. To begin with, the arms are held in front of you in a slightly bent position. When sliding through the water, hands make strokes for themselves. All movements should be carried out calmly and controlled. At the same time, manipulations are also performed with the legs. At this stage, it is unlikely that it will be possible to coordinate the movement of the limbs, but such a goal is not worth it. It is important to understand how surface retention depends on these elements.

Learning how to swim

After a person has confidence that staying on the water is easy enough, you can start learning swimming styles. How to learn to swim properly crawl? Crawl is the style of swimming that should be mastered first of all. In this case, the task is specific: you need to learn how to move with your feet, coordinating these movements with the movement of the hands, while the body is located in horizontal position on the surface of the water.

The movements of the arms are made in the following order: one arm is extended forward, and then lowered into the water so that the palm, formed in the form of a bucket, makes a stroke towards the thigh. Then a similar movement is carried out with the other hand. The advancement of the body will be stable when such hand movements are alternately performed. Proper breathing provided by turning the head towards the hand that rows underwater. Try to take a deep breath with each breath.

How to learn to swim breaststroke? This method is significantly different from the crawl, but it is not very difficult to learn it. In the first phase, the body is straightened, the head is immersed in water, the arms are straight forward with the palms outward. An energetic stroke is made with both hands back, legs help to push the body forward. The movement of the arms stops at shoulder level, after which they bend at the elbows and again go forward.

The push-off is done in the following way. When stroked with hands, the legs bend at the knee and approach the body. When the hands stop raking, a push is made with the legs, i.e. their straightening. In general, breaststroke is different in that all movements of the limbs are made exclusively under water. When moving, the head is periodically immersed in water, and then pushed to the surface. Breathing must be coordinated with these periods.

Swimming on your back in technique differs little from the usual crawl. In this case, the human body is located with its back down, and the hands are lowered behind the back. The principle remains the same: alternately throwing out arms while simultaneously performing leg movements. Butterfly is a complex way of swimming, including a specific bending of the entire torso. At the initial stage of learning to swim, this style is not practiced. Subsequently, a specialist can deal with the technique of its development.

Swimming can be learned at any age. It is important to overcome the psychological fear of drowning. The learning process itself is quite simple, and therefore can be carried out both in the pool and in the open water. However, it is best to use the services of a professional when learning - it is safe and a guarantee of success.

Swimming is something everyone should master. Going to the sea or to another open body of water in the summer, everyone wants to enjoy their vacation to the fullest, and this is almost impossible if a person cannot swim. Doctors say that swimming is not just a pleasant activity, but also useful, since in its process the respiratory system develops, muscles train, metabolism and blood circulation improve, and nervous system. "How to quickly learn to swim?" - a question relevant to people of all age categories. It's never too late to start, but learning methods will vary. Let's take a closer look at where and how to learn to swim different styles.

Where to learn to swim?

Most people are afraid to take "first steps" in open water. There is a lack of self-confidence, fear of depth, extra eyes turned to the person. All this negatively affects the result, so often for such purposes they choose indoor pools. If you still chose open water, it is better that it be the sea. Salt water will keep you on the surface, there is no current, and the learning process will be faster and more efficient. However, you should be prepared for the fact that easy and carefree swimming in the sea is different from swimming in the river, which does not lift you up and also takes you somewhere.

We train breathing

How to quickly learn to swim? It is important to master the basics. Proper breathing is the foundation of the basics. It is important to remember that you need to inhale through your mouth and exhale air into the water with your mouth. The deeper the breath, the easier body floats on water, however, lungs filled to the limit can interfere with the swimmer. There are many breathing exercises. For example, even professional athletes before swimming, they warm up, inhaling as much air as possible through their mouths, squatting headlong into the water and exhaling all the air through their mouths.

Learning to stay on the water

To learn how to stay on the water, you need to master the so-called "asterisk". To do this, you need to take as much air into your lungs as possible, lower your face into the water, spread your arms and legs and lie like that. At the same time, you can’t exhale the air, because when you exhale, you will begin to dive under the water. This exercise trains breathing, and also eliminates the fear of water. A person, performing it for the first time, realizes that full lungs are a kind of lifeline that will help you stay on the water even without additional body movements.

Learning to work with your feet

Before you learn how to swim on your own, you need to realize that the legs take the most active part in the process. They are responsible for the speed of movement. Swimmers' toes are always pointed. Kicks in intensity should resemble a blow with a whip. Naturally, footwork will differ depending on the style of swimming. For training, you can hold on to the side of the pool or some object that will keep you on the surface, and work only with your feet underwater.

Basic sailing terms

The stroke is the main arm movement during swimming. The fingers must be compressed, and the swimmer must constantly control this. Often beginners forget about this, and therefore they fail to conquer the water for so long. The stroke is done with the arm bent at the shoulder by about 45 degrees, the elbow is held at a right angle.

Sweep - the movement that is done above the water when the hand sweeps forward after the stroke. It is done like this: the arm sweeps over the head, being bent at the shoulder by 45 degrees, at the elbow - by 90.

The carry and stroke are done simultaneously with different hands. As for breathing, it is more correct to breathe during the stroke. The head rises towards the hand that makes the carry. That is, if it passes right hand, the breath is taken with the head turned to the right.

Swimming styles

How to quickly learn to swim in different styles? There are four styles, the features of which and will be discussed Further.

The first is the crawl, the fastest of all. This is a way of swimming on the chest. Hands make mahi-strokes, legs move and move apart. More plain language, hands will resemble the work of a mill, legs - the work of scissors.

The second is breaststroke. This style, on the contrary, is the slowest. At the same time, very little energy is spent on such swimming. Hands do not carry in the air, and this is hallmark breaststroke. The stroke is done simultaneously with both hands, which return to their original position by carrying under water.

The third style is backstroke. In fact, this is the same crawl, and the only difference is the direction of movement of the hands.

Butterfly is the fourth style, which is considered the most difficult. Learning how to swim is very difficult, but possible. Butterfly is considered one of the most quick ways movement in the water and at the same time the most beautiful. The stroke is done simultaneously with both hands, after which both hands are carried in the air. In this case, the arms should remain straight, and the palms must be turned back. This will make it easier to make a new stroke. Craftsmen are advised to start mastering this style only when they have already achieved perfection in the rest. Among the popular subspecies of the above styles are swimming like a dog and like a mermaid. They are probably familiar to everyone.

How to learn to swim for children?

They say that the sooner you start teaching a child to swim, the better: the easier and faster he will learn to stay on the water, and the more useful it will be for his body. All this is true, but it is not always possible to teach a child to swim - easy occupation. Many parents do not know where to start, whether it is worth taking the baby to some swimming sections or if you can handle it on your own.

First of all, before going to the sea, parents acquire a circle that stays with the child on the surface and protects him from any danger. However, very soon the baby will get tired of such a pastime. He tries to get out of the circle, rolls over and is naughty, because he wants to swim on his own, like adults. Then you should pay attention to the sleeves and start learning to swim with them.

The first thing to overcome is the child's fear of immersion in water. There are many interesting children's exercises. For example, you can invite the child to inhale air and immerse his head to eye level in water, as a hippo does, and exhale under water. Or the child may close their eyes, hold their breath, and dip their entire face into the water for a few seconds. It is important to do these exercises near the shore, together with your parents. It is also worth paying attention to exercises for the development of swimming technique, which will train the muscles and teach you how to move your arms and legs correctly.

Only when the child can dive into the water with his head without worries, you can remove the armlets. First you need to learn how to swim for short distances, from object to object or from person to person. At first, the student will need to be pushed and met, later he will swim on his own, when the movements become more confident. Then you can already think about how to learn to swim underwater. This is usually easy for kids.


Thus, swimming is a clear and systematic process in which there is no place for chaotic movements and uncontrolled movement in the water. Only all the basics in the aggregate (breathing, the ability to stay on the water, the right body movements and the right morale) are the key to successful movement in the water. If you learn to swim in different styles, you will be able to do it not only quickly and easily, but also in a variety of ways. This process will only bring you positive emotions. Since you now know how to quickly learn to swim, you can safely start practicing!

Freestyle swimming has long been a kind of competition that allows competitors to swim the way they want. However, after the style that was relegated to the front crawl became the mainstream freestyle, the term freestyle replaced the front crawl as the name for the new style of breaststroke. Freestyle swimming involves alternating arms, "windmill" rowing while the head is underwater and the swimmer inhales from the side. This is followed by two or six stroke strokes that are synchronized with arm strokes to balance the body. If you want to learn how to freestyle for fun, practice, or competition, learn how to move your arms, push off your feet, and breathe properly.


Part 1

Learning the stages of hand swings

    Improve your hand position and jump into the water. To start the stroke, your hands should be relaxed and your fingers should be joined together. Immerse your hand in the water, first touching the surface of the water with your fingers at a distance of approximately 30 cm above your head. The palm should be tilted at a 45-degree angle so that the index and middle fingers enter the water first. The wrist should be tilted down and placed above the fingers, and the elbow should be raised above the wrist. The hand should not create a lot of splash while immersed in water. As soon as the hand is in the water, extend it another 10 centimeters

    • Once your hand is in the water, dip it down and out of the water with your fingers spread slightly. This is called the "feel" of the water or "breaststroke".
    • If you want to work on your arm technique, you can put on hand paddles to focus on how your arms get in and out of the water.
    • Do not put your hand in the water above your head. This will slow you down and make your technique worse.
    • Don't slap the water with your hands, instead, as soon as your hand touches the water, follow the movement and slide your hand across the water.
  1. Work on immersion. The arm will act as a lever during this phase of the breaststroke. When you start the breaststroke, your body will turn towards the arm that is in breaststroke motion. Move your forearm and arm down and back with your elbow at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Your elbow should be above the water during the swing. Concentrate on proper diving.

    • This phase must happen quickly. However, avoid trying to swim faster during this phase because it won't propel you forward, but it can create water resistance.
  2. Stretch your arm and forearm towards the center of your body to enter the water. During this part of the swing, use your hand as a paddle and throw back as much water as you can. This is where you start to move the body with the arm movement. This is the first part of the “promoting” phase. And your shoulder will move to your chest and chest. The elbow will begin to move at a 90 degree angle. When the hand starts to approach the middle of the body, you are close to the rollback.

    • Keep your hands close to control them instead of side to side.
  3. Push your hand into the water, up and out of the water and back to roll back. This is the second “advance” phase where you can achieve good speed in your breaststroke. Level up when the hand touches the middle of the body, do not pull them back and start pushing the water away. Continue to stroke until the arm reaches the hip line. This part of the breaststroke will be the fastest phase and may be the strongest as you move forward.

    Take your elbow out of the water. During the weakening, you will not be able to move further, but it will really provide support for the hand that is pulling you under the water. It is important to work on your loosening method so that the entry of the hand under the water is clean. To finish the breaststroke, lift your arm out of the water at shoulder level. Your fingers should hang freely over the water, and your palm should create a swing wider than your arm. The hand should be relaxed and make a wide swing.

    • Concentrate your attention on the forward rotation of the arm and don't try to create downward rotation at the end of the release.

    Part 2

    Leg swings and spins

    Use your legs when swimming crawl just below the surface of the water. While footwork only makes up 10-15% of your breaststroke strength, it is still an important part of your freestyle swimming. Keep your hips close to the surface of the water and take a series of quick strokes. One must focus on reducing resistance while moving forward; therefore, your kicking range should be narrow. The legs should not kick out the water, nor should they go below the line of your body.

    Use the technique of vigorous movement of the legs in the rhythm of a two-stroke crawl. This technique does not require much energy to perform. It is mainly used when swimming for long and medium distances. You move one foot in one stroke cycle. One cycle of stroke means a stroke with one hand. Make a movement with one foot along with the stroke of the opposite arm (stroke at the entrance to the water - when the arm begins to grab the water to the waist). If you can think of how your arms and legs move in sync while walking, how your arm moves at the same time as the opposite leg, you can imagine how your leg movements should synchronize with arm strokes in a similar way.

    • The kicking technique of the six-beat crawl involves kicking your foot three times in one cycle of arm stroke. The third stroke of the cycle will begin during the free-sliding phase. This crawl is faster and is used by more nimble swimmers.
  4. Pull your toes as you move your foot. If you don't pull on your toes as you move your legs, there will be additional resistance from your front foot. Your toes should point inward and your big toes should almost touch each other as you move. When you pull your toes, you are exercising flexibility in your ankles. If your ankles lack flexibility, help yourself with your hands to swing your leg.

  5. Turn parallel to the stroke with your hand. Proper rotation of your body will help you in many ways in the implementation of the stroke. Secondly, you will reduce the resistance. And thirdly, it will help you breathe properly. As you turn your body to the right or left, alternating arms, your body should be submerged about 30 degrees from the surface on either side. Remember that you should basically swim on your stomach, not on your side.

    • Turn your body forward as well. The arms and shoulders should be stretched out in front, the body should also be directed forward after the arms and shoulders are under water.
    • Fully extended shoulders should be at the level of the chin. Do not tilt your shoulders forward of the body, otherwise this will increase the resistance.
    • Concentrate on turning your body away from your hips, not your shoulders.

    Part 3

    Breathing and exercise

    Turn your body to the surface of the water and inhale. This will allow you to relax the muscles in your neck and head. If you turn only your head, this can lead to unnecessary tension in the muscles of the head. Keep the forehead and crown of the head slightly under water so that it covers these parts of the head slightly as you breathe. Imagine that there is a glass of wine on your head, and you need to keep your balance so as not to spill it.

    • Don't overdo the spins. You only need to tilt your body 30 degrees to one side or the other.
    • Don't hold your breath for more time than you need to swim. Breathe with each stroke if you feel the need to.
    • Don't lift your head up as this can cause your legs and hips to lose balance and have to be re-balanced.
    • Continue to keep your body and arms extended as you breathe. Straighten your body and do not bend as you breathe.
  6. Put on the strap on the glasses correctly, pulling it back until the glasses fit snugly and comfortably on your face.
  7. Slip the adjustable nose bridge between the eyeglass lens slots. Pull on both sides of the strap if the nose bridge is rubber. It sits properly if you press your goggles against your eyes and they fit without issue.
  8. Put the goggles on your head, placing the plastic lenses with rubber suction cups over your eyes so that they fit snugly against your face, and then use your thumbs to move the fixing strap behind your head so that your goggles fit snugly in that place.
  • As you begin to turn, keep your chin in line with your neck so you don't lose your goggles.
  • Straighten your body to increase your speed, but don't forget to rotate your torso to extend your arms with ease.
  • Stretch your arms as far as possible to make the stroke longer. A long stroke helps increase speed.
  • As you turn, breathe through your nose.
  • Avoid slapping the water with your palm as this can slow you down. Try to slide your hands on the water, moving along with the water.
  • Some people prefer kicking their feet over fluttering footwork because it saves energy and the need for oxygen is reduced. It may be a little slower, but more intense.
  • Practice breaststroke first on dry land or visit the swimmers' gym.
  • Your face should be turned 45 degrees towards the bottom of the pool. If the head is in the wrong position, the breaststroke will be less intense.
  • Keep your elbows up as you stroke with your hands.