For the full opening of the pool everything. Educational and sports center Trud

Growing popularity healthy lifestyle life in our country and in countries near and far abroad is constantly increasing. More and more more people begin to realize the beauty of active pastime. Someone is playing football in the yard with friends. Someone signs up for a fitness center to get in shape and change appearance. Someone decides to take up martial arts, which will help not only significantly improve their appearance, but also allow them to gain self-confidence. In general, everyone finds the sport that is right for him. But in all this diversity, there are such active events that are suitable and recommended for almost everyone without exception. Such sports include morning exercises, running and, of course, swimming. And, if nothing special is required to do the first two, then a reservoir is simply necessary for swimming.

Places where you can swim

In the summer, you can use the nearest natural as a place to practice. Its appearance depends on the specific location. Someone has access to a small river or a pond, someone can swim in a large lake, and someone is lucky enough to live right on the sea coast. Actually, it doesn't matter. The only important thing is that in the summer most people still have the opportunity to engage in water sports. But in the colder months - from autumn to spring - swimming in natural reservoirs is quite problematic. The reason is low water temperature. Therefore, many swimming enthusiasts during these periods move to artificial reservoirs - pools. Of course, in the summer, many of them visit the pools, but it is in the cold season that a real boom is observed.

But in many cities there is quite unpleasant situation. The number of pools is not enough to meet the needs of all potential customers. In other words, demand exceeds supply. Not everywhere, of course, not in all cities, but in many it is precisely this state of affairs. Although the situation is unpleasant for swimmers, for us - for entrepreneurs - it is, on the contrary, very favorable. After all, before us looming simply ideal conditions to create your own business - construction.

What does the client audience of this business look like?

And she looks very colorful and diverse. After all, almost everyone loves to swim in clean and pleasant water. Starting from school children and even preschool age and ending with the elderly. If your city is experiencing a real boom in the field of water sports, then athletes can become another large category of customers. But, again, it all depends on your particular city. If you look at our huge country in terms of the geographical distribution of popularity various kinds sports, you can see interesting feature. Almost every city is famous for its heroes. Wrestling is popular somewhere, so the entire population is completely engaged in sections martial arts. Somewhere (there are most of such cities) it is a success. And somewhere in fashion swimming. If you live in such a city, you are very lucky, as the circle of potential visitors to your private pool is expanding significantly.

Another large audience of potential pool visitors is corporate clients. According to experts, very often they take up to half of total visitors.

How to open a private pool?

It should be said right away that building your own pool is an expensive task that requires serious investments. If we talk about specific amounts, then a large complex with several pools will cost 2-3. Such an object will be relevant in a large metropolis, for example, in Moscow. If we are talking about a regional town, then it is not advisable to invest in such a serious construction. Such an object may simply not pay off. In the provinces, it is best to build medium or even small pools. The creation of such an object will cost 70-100 thousand dollars. As for the payback of this business, then, according to the calculations of the same experts, on average it takes up to three years. That is, it is a kind of medium-term investment. You can't make quick money.

If you are determined to build your private pool, then you should start by finding a suitable room. Its area depends on the size of the proposed artificial reservoir. The most common (and one of the most popular) format is a pool about 20 meters long with 3 swimming lanes. It is better to acquire the premises as property, since starting expensive construction in someone else's building is quite risky.

The next stage is the acquisition of the bowl of the future. The cost again depends on the size. A medium-sized bowl (20 meters long and 6-8 wide) will cost about 50 thousand dollars. The necessary heating and water purification systems are already included. But lighting and dividing paths will have to be purchased separately. As well as facing tiles, which will cost another 15-17 thousand dollars.

In addition to certain financial investments, to open a private pool, you will need a building permit from the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture and a license from the SES. Obtaining all permits may require additional financial and time costs. Also, do not forget about the supply of water, sewerage and power networks and the conclusion of contracts with the relevant services.

The final stage is recruitment. Of course, a lot depends on the size of your pool. But, in general, the situation with employees is approximately the following. One manager. One accountant. Two administrators. Two medical workers. Two cleaners. And several instructors and swimming coaches. In this composition, your pool will be ready for the initial flow of visitors. And then you will look at the situation and, if necessary, hire certain additional employees. That, in fact, is all. Successful business to you!

Opening a swimming pool is a business with a humane goal. If you are interested not only in making a profit, but also in introducing people to a healthy lifestyle, then this is your area. On this moment the market really needs such complexes. Actually, it’s in your favor, because you can just rent old pool and to restore it, it will be much cheaper than building a new one. The opening of the pool is the entrance to an almost non-competitive market.

Swimming complex is a capital-intensive, but profitable and large-scale business. Its main advantage is that in order to develop and attract customers, you only need to provide high level service. After all, it is easier to open such a project and grow into a sports complex than to start with a global project.

Services that can be provided:

  • occupations of individuals;
  • organization of group visits;
  • holding competitions;
  • entertainment activities;
  • swimming training.

When running a business of this format, there are always opportunities, and sometimes the need to open additional medical and preventive services.

Additional services:

  • bath;
  • massage;
  • gym.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

In order for the pool business plan to be more useful, you need to decide whether you will build it or whether it is possible to rent an already finished one.

Opening a pool as a business requires the following steps:

  1. Exploration of the market and competitors in the region.
  2. Definition with options to build or rent.
  3. Drawing up a financial plan with calculations for a large investment.
  4. Purchase of the necessary sports equipment.
  5. Purchase of chemicals for disinfection.
  6. Search for permanent and one-time personnel.
  7. Development of a pay-per-visit model.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

Set of documents to open water complex standard. If you want to build it, of course, building acts and plans are added to the permits themselves.

Main set of documents:

  • IP certificate;
  • SES permission;
  • certificate from the water utility;
  • concluded contracts for periodic disinfection of the pool;
  • customer safety regulations;
  • documents confirming the instructor's qualifications.

Stage 2 - finding a room

In this case, it is better to rent the premises or restore the finished one. If you decide to invest in the pool as a business, be prepared for big expenses. In this article, we will consider the most budget option - this is renting an old, but operating basin.

Accommodation options:

  • reconstruction of mothballed or old;
  • rent;
  • building.

The minimum building area should be from 1500 sq.m. In the case of construction, you should take into account that in addition to the location of the pool itself, you also need a bathroom with showers, a coaching room and a pantry for inventory.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

Basically, the list of equipment directly depends on the services that you will provide.

Pool standard equipment list:

  • Sports Equipment;
  • medical preparations;
  • chemicals and cleaning equipment;
  • detergents for bathrooms;
  • purchase of furniture for the administrator and coaching room.

Stage 4 - recruitment

The availability of qualified personnel is directly envy of the scale of the services that you are going to provide. The list given by us is relevant for a project with a standard set.

  • nurse;
  • cleaning woman;
  • Instructor;
  • administrator.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

Promotion channels:

  • promotions;
  • Internet resources.

Financial plan

The list below is for rent, no restoration or construction costs.

List of minimum required investments:

  • rent of the complex (from 400,000 r);
  • swimming equipment (from 40,000 r);
  • disinfection chemicals (up to 35,000 r).


  • instructor: (35,000 r);
  • cleaner (20,000 r);
  • administrator (30,000 r);
  • nurse (25,000 r).

Total: 585,000 rubles.

Possible risks

In this business, the risks are mainly related to safety and sanitary standards. We have given the main factors that can negatively affect the enterprise.

  • accidents in the water;
  • unprofessional instructor;
  • poor sanitary conditions of the premises;
  • water pollution.

Swimming has many advantages over other sports. Water aerobics is recommended by cardiologists, neurologists, traumatologists and nutritionists. Doctors consider swimming in the pool the most gentle and effective exercise. However, in our country there is a huge shortage of water sports complexes: There should be one swimming pool for every 31,250 people. This ratio is not observed, and there is no competition. In this article, we will tell you how to open a pool from scratch and whether it is profitable.


When an aspiring entrepreneur asks the question of how to start a small business in this direction, experts recommend deciding on the scope of the activity. According to this criterion, several types of pools are distinguished:

  • Sports.
  • Sport complexes.
  • Private pools.
  • Swimming pools at fitness clubs.

Sports pools and complexes have a large area (minimum 1500 sq. m.). The cost of their creation is very high, so they are financed, as a rule, from the budget. Private pools and pools at fitness clubs differ only in area. They are designed for 3-5 tracks.


The most difficult thing in opening a pool is finding the right room. There are several options here:

  • Rent a room in the fitness center (it must be suitable for creating a pool).
  • Modernize non-residential building.
  • Build it yourself.

The easiest (at first glance), but, in fact, the most difficult will be to rent a room in a fitness club. For a tiny 40 sq. m (this is for 2 tracks) you need about 70 square meters. m of free space with high ceilings. In today's realities, it will be quite difficult to find a fitness club with an unused area. And even if you succeed, renting such a hall will require at least 140 thousand rubles.

A more difficult way is to find a non-residential premises and equip it with a pool. Here you can choose the scale and decide on the category of institution. It will take 6-7 months and more than two million rubles to re-equip the premises.

The third (and largest) option is to build your own pool. It will take at least one year if you choose standard project, and up to three years if you design according to your own visions and desires. Another difficulty lies in the fact that permission from the city planning committee and the city administration is required to start construction. In addition, in the process more than once you will have to deal with sales companies and BTI. Such a large project will require several tens of millions of rubles.

In any case, when choosing a room or place for construction, you should not focus on the location in the city. There are practically no such pools even in large cities, so people from all over the city will come to you for quality service.


It is more rational to register an enterprise in the form of LLC. This is due to the scale of activities and the number of employees. Next, you need to act according to the standard scheme: register with the tax service, open a current account and purchase a seal. To start the operation of the pool, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and fire services. It is not difficult to obtain these documents. Special attention should be given to checking the sanitary epidemiological station. They impose requirements on the size of the room, the availability of a wardrobe, changing rooms, showers and foot baths, the surface of the paths, the quality of water, and its disinfection.

A complete list of requirements is given in SanPiN It is also necessary to conclude contracts with public utilities and a security company.

Technical equipment

For any pool you will need the following equipment:

  • Pool bowl.
  • Stairs and trampolines.
  • Dividing tracks.
  • Backlight.
  • Starting pedestals.
  • Ozone system for disinfection.
  • Equipment for the shower (plumbing, shelves, trash cans).
  • Dressing room equipment (benches, mirrors, cabinets, dryers and hair dryers).
  • Wardrobe equipment (hangers, chair for staff).
  • Equipment for the reception (stand, chairs, cooler).

The cost of a pool bowl depends on a number of factors:

  • Size.
  • quality and wall thickness.
  • Waterproofing system.
  • Manufacturer.

For the average visitor, a bowl 25 meters long and 1.5 meters deep is suitable. Such a bowl for 10 tracks will cost, on average, 3 million rubles. Professional athletes prefer pools with a length of 50 meters or more. Here the prices will be completely different: from 5 million rubles. Other equipment for the bathing hall itself (cleaning system, stairs, springboards and slides) will cost about another 1 million rubles. About 450 thousand rubles will be needed for furniture and equipment for the entrance group, wardrobe, locker room and shower room.


small business idea swimming pool requires qualified and experienced personnel. The minimum composition will look like this:

  • Administrators (2 people).
  • Swimming coach and instructors group lessons (3-4).
  • Cleaners (4).
  • Wardrobe attendants (2).
  • Techniques (2).
  • Accountant.
  • Director.

For everyone except coaches and instructors, a fixed salary should be established. For teachers, as a rule, they set a salary and a percentage of the classes. On average, the monthly payroll will amount to 555 thousand rubles. along with fees.


Taking into account the fact that at least 8 million rubles will be needed to launch the project, and the monthly costs are about 1.255 million rubles, the payback period will be quite long. According to experts, the initial costs will pay off no earlier than in 3 years.

We recommend considering the following indicators. The average attendance of the pools is 100 people per day. As a rule, pools are open 29 days a month (one sanitary day). With an average cost of a lesson of 500 rubles, you can earn 1,450,000 rubles per month. Annual income will be about 16 million rubles. Profitability - about 15%.

Advantages and disadvantages

The swimming pool is a very promising area, which has its pros and cons. Let's start with the positives:

  • Socially oriented business (state support is possible).
  • Little competition.
  • High demand.
  • Wide field for development.
  • It is difficult to find a suitable location.
  • Large initial investment.
  • Long payback period.
  • Relatively low profitability.


Before starting your own business, you need to calculate and study all the nuances. Opening a swimming pool is a great social idea that requires a lot of financial investment and a lot of time. But it is worth noting that in each region there are programs to support socially oriented entrepreneurship, so that the state can take on part of the costs. Step-by-step instruction pool opening includes many nuances, which are discussed in detail in our business plan.

Now in many countries (and our country is no exception) the popularity of a healthy lifestyle is rapidly growing. The number of people who become adherents is growing faster active rest, which also has a positive effect on the state of the body. There are enough options for what to do: playing football, exercising in the fitness center, martial arts and much more. Everyone chooses for himself exactly the occupation that suits him. But, one way or another, there are sports that absolutely everyone can do and they are suitable for almost all people. These types include gymnastics in the morning, light jogging, swimming. To engage in the first two sports, no special adaptations are required, because you can do morning exercises right in your room, and run in the mornings in a nearby park. But if you have chosen swimming for yourself, then you cannot do without a reservoir.

In the period from autumn to spring, it is not possible to swim in natural reservoirs, due to the rather low water temperature. Therefore, people who have chosen such a sport as swimming are forced to use pools.

During the summer, most people have no problem finding a place to swim. Someone lives near a small river or lake, someone has access to a pond, and someone can see the sea coast from the window. The type of reservoir is not important, the main thing is that in the summer you can use almost any view available to you for swimming. But in the period from autumn to spring, it is not possible to swim in natural reservoirs, due to the rather low water temperature. Therefore, people who have chosen such a sport as swimming are forced to use pools.

Naturally, many swimming enthusiasts are frequent guests of the pools in the summer, however, artificial reservoirs experience the largest flow of visitors in the cold months of the year. In this regard, many aspiring entrepreneurs have the question of how to open a pool.

Now in a large number of cities, the demand for pool services exceeds supply.

Now in a large number of cities, the demand for pool services exceeds supply. For customers, this is bad, because they do not have the opportunity to choose among the existing pools exactly the one that will fully satisfy their needs - from its location to the prices for services. But for entrepreneurs, this situation is, on the contrary, positive - as there is a wide scope for starting a business in this area.

The client audience of this business is very diverse, as swimmers can be found among people different ages, different professions, different social statuses. Professional athletes are another category of regular customers. Also, according to experts, almost half of the total number of clients are corporate clients.

How to build a pool

Building a pool is not an easy task, and it requires quite a lot of capital investment. If you plan to open a whole complex with several pools, then its construction will cost 2-3 million dollars. But such a large complex will be in demand in very large cities, such as Moscow. And in smaller cities, it is unprofitable to start the construction of such an object - it will not pay off. In regional cities, it is more expedient to build a medium or small pool. Speaking about the specific investment amounts, the construction of a small pool will cost 70-100 thousand dollars. Keep in mind that the average payback of such a pool is three years, so you will not be able to quickly earn big money in such a business.

The first step in creating a pool is finding or building a suitable space. Select the area of ​​the pool depending on the desired scale of the business. The most advantageous and common pool size is approximately 20 meters with 3 swimming lanes.
The next thing to do is to purchase a bowl of the future pool. A medium-sized bowl of 20x8 meters will cost about 50 thousand dollars. Together with the bowl, this amount already includes heating and water purification systems. Separately, you need to purchase lighting, dividing paths, facing tiles (it will cost 15-17 thousand dollars).

Also, in addition to investments in the construction of the pool itself, additional cash costs will require obtaining a building permit and a license from the SES. It is also necessary to conclude agreements with the relevant services for the conduct of water, sewerage and power networks.

And, of course, for the operation of the pool requires qualified personnel. Again, the number of workers needed depends on the size of the pool, but if you open small pool, then you will need one manager, one accountant, two administrators, two medical workers, two cleaners, several instructors and swimming coaches. Such a set of employees is quite suitable for the first time the pool is open. Further, you will be able to hire staff, in connection with the emerging needs for certain specialists.