Throwing games. Outdoor games with elements of throwing a small ball

Mobile games for senior group

Walking and running games

  1. Sly Fox

Target: improve the skills of running in all directions with catching and dodging; develop dexterity, speed of reaction to a signal.

Stroke: The players sit in a circle at a distance of one step from each other.
The teacher invites the players to close their eyes and, going around the circle behind the children, touches one of the players, who becomes the “Sly Fox”. Then the children are invited to open their eyes and look carefully which of them is a cunning fox, will she give herself away in some way? The players 3 times ask in chorus, first quietly, and then louder: “Cunning fox, where are you?”. The cunning fox quickly comes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up and says: "I'm here." All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them. After the fox catches 2-3 people, the teacher says: “In a circle!”. The children form a circle again and the game is repeated.

  1. Swan geese

Target: improve the skills of walking and running in all directions, develop the skills of running with catching and dodging; teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the teacher's signal.

Stroke: A wolf and a shepherd are selected from among the players. The rest of the children are geese. On one side of the site, a line is drawn, beyond which there are geese. This is their home. On the side of the site, a place is outlined - the wolf's lair. The "shepherd" drives out the "geese" to graze on the meadow. "Geese" walk, fly across the meadow.

Shepherd: Geese, geese" Geese: (stop and answer) Ha-ha-ha!

Shepherd: Do you want to eat? Geese: Yes Yes Yes!

Shepherd: So fly home! Geese: The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.

Shepherd: So fly as you like, just take care of the wings.

The geese, spreading their wings, fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the den, tries to catch them. Caught geese go to the lair. After several runs, the number of geese caught by the wolf is counted. Then a new wolf and a shepherd are chosen.

  1. We are fun guys

Target: continue to teach children to act only on a signal; to consolidate running skills with catching and dodging; develop endurance, speed, agility.

Stroke: Children stand on one side of the playground or room. A line is drawn in front of them. A line is also drawn on the opposite side. To the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the two lines, is a trap. Children in chorus pronounce the text:

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us:

One, two, three - catch!

After the word "catch!" the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with them. The one who was touched by the trap before the player crossed the line is considered to be caught and sits near the trap. After 2-3 runs, a count of those caught is carried out and a new trap is selected.

  1. Mousetrap

Target: to consolidate the skills of running in all directions, without interfering with each other; coordinate their movements with the text of the poem; develop dexterity, fast response to the signal.

Stroke: The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller group forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest are mice. They are outside the circle. Children, depicting a mousetrap, hold hands and walk in a circle, now to the left, then to the right, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

They chewed everything, ate everything.

Beware, cheaters

We will get to you.

Here we put mousetraps,

Let's catch them all at once!

At the end of the poem, the children stop and raise their clasped hands up. Mice run into the mousetrap and immediately run out the other side. According to the teacher "clap!" children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap is considered to be slammed. Mice that do not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught. They also become in a circle. When most of the mice are caught, the children switch roles and the game resumes.

  1. Carp and pike

Target: continue to teach to run in all directions in a limited space, without interfering with each other; develop the ability to quickly respond to a signal.

Stroke: One child is chosen to be the pike. The rest of the players are divided into two groups: one of them - pebbles - forms a circle, the other - crucians that swim inside the circle. The pike is behind the circle. At the signal of the teacher "pike!" she quickly runs into the circle, trying to catch crucians. Carp are in a hurry to take a place behind one of the players and sit down (hide behind the pebbles). The pike catches those carp that did not have time to hide. Those caught leave the circle. The game is repeated 3-4 times, after which the number of carp caught is counted. Then choose a new pike. Children standing in a circle and inside it change places, and the game is repeated.

  1. Whose link is more likely to gather

Target: improve the ability to walk and run in all directions, changing the rhythm and pace of movement; develop orientation in space, the ability to quickly respond to a signal.

Stroke: Children are divided into 3-4 groups with the same number of players: each group is given flags of any one color. At different ends of the site, 3-4 flags of the same colors are placed on stands. Each group is built in a column in front of a flag of its color. The teacher hits the tambourine and the children begin to walk, run around the playground in different directions. Movements change depending on the rhythm and pace that the teacher gives. At the signal "to the place!" children run to their flag and line up. The teacher notes which group lined up first.

Game instructions. After 2-3 repetitions, the game can be complicated. At the moment when the children are running, the teacher changes the places of the flags and says “to the places!” Children rush to line up in a column against their flag. The teacher notes which column was built first.

  1. Fifteen

Target: to consolidate the ability to run in all directions throughout the site, without interfering with each other, dodging the tag; develop speed, agility; teach children to “stain” correctly.

Stroke: Children are in different places of the playground (its boundaries are marked with flags). The selected tag, having received a colored bandage (ribbon), becomes in the middle of the site. At the signal of the educator, “catch!” all the children scatter around the playground, and the tag tries to catch up with someone and touch him with his hand. The one he touched moves away. The game ends when the tag catches 3-4 players. When the game is repeated, a new tag is selected. If the tag cannot catch any of the players within 30-40 seconds, another driver should be chosen.

  1. cat and mouse

Target: to consolidate the ability to walk in a circle, coordinating movements with the text of the poem; develop running skills with catching and dodging.

Stroke: The players stand in a circle. Choose a cat and a mouse. The mouse becomes in a circle, the cat behind the circle. The rest of the children walk in a circle and say:

Vaska walks white,

Vaska's tail is gray,

And the arrow runs.

The eyes are closed.

Claws straighten out

Teeth like a needle.

Only mice will scratch

Sensitive Vaska is right there,

He will catch everyone.

With the last words, the children stop, and two children in the agreed place raise their hands,

leaving the passage - the gate. The mouse, running away from the cat, can run through the gate and crawl under the arms of those standing in a circle. The cat, trying to catch the mouse, can only run through the gate in the circle. When the cat catches the mouse, other children are selected for these roles, and the game is repeated. If the cat cannot catch the mouse for a long time, the teacher arranges an additional gate.

jumping games

  1. Fishing rod

Target: improve the skills of jumping in place, achieving a soft landing on toes; develop mindfulness, dexterity.

Stroke: Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the teacher. He holds a rope in his hands, at the end of which is tied a bag of sand. The teacher rotates the rope with the bag in a circle above the ground itself, and the children jump up, trying so that the bag does not touch their legs. Previously, the teacher shows and explains to the children how to bounce: push off strongly and pick up their legs. Pauses should be taken from time to time to allow the children to rest.

  1. Don't stay on the floor (on the ground)

Target: continue to teach children to jump from objects of different heights, landing on their toes; to consolidate the ability to walk and run in all directions, quickly respond to a signal.

Stroke: On all sides of the site (room) there are objects 25-30 cm high: stairs with steps, low boxes, benches, etc. A trap is selected. They put a bandage on his hand. Children are placed on objects in different areas of the playground. To the beat of the tambourine, the children jump off and run around the playground. The trap takes part in the general movement. At the signal of the teacher "Catch!" all the children again climb up the placed elevations. The trap catches those who did not have time to jump on the dais. Those caught sit aside. After 2-3 repetitions, the catches are counted, a new trap is selected and the game resumes.

The teacher makes sure that the children jump off the objects with two legs and land on their toes; so that they scatter all over the site, away from the objects on which they must climb.

  1. Rope jumping

Target: exercise children in jumping over a swinging rope on two legs, achieving a soft landing on their toes.

Stroke: Two children hold both ends of a thick rope, cord or long rope. Slowly and evenly, they begin to twist it towards the standing children, and they in turn jump over the rope, trying not to hit it. The one who touches changes one of the twisters of the rope.

  1. "Hunter and Hares».

Target: teach children to choose a target, follow the movement of the ball and evaluate the result. To consolidate the skills of jumping on two legs with moving forward, running in all directions with catching and dodging.

Stroke: On one side of the site, a place for hunters is outlined. On the other side are houses for hares. In each house there are 2-3 hares. The hunter walks around the site, pretending to be looking for traces of hares, and then returns to his place. On a signal, the hares run out of their houses into the clearing and jump on two legs, moving forward. According to the teacher "Hunter!" hares run to the houses, and a child, representing a hunter, throws a ball at them. A hare hit by a ball is considered to have been hit. The hunter takes him to him. After 2-3 repetitions, the number of hares caught is counted, a new hunter is selected and the game is resumed.

  1. homeless hare

Target: to consolidate the skills of jumping on two legs with moving forward, running in all directions with catching and dodging; develop speed and agility.

Stroke: There are hoops on the floor one less than the number of players. Children run and jump around the hall to the words: Bunnies run through the meadow, through the woods.

Collecting strawberries -

Juice yes lope, juice yes lope!

Here the clearing is softer than silk.

Look around, look around!

Beware of the dashing wolf!

Beware, beware!

After the words "Beware!" each of the children tries to take a free hoop. To the one who was left without a hoop, they say: Bunny, bunny, don't yawn!

Get the house fast!

  1. Don't get caught

Target: raise motor activity children, to consolidate the ability to jump on two legs back and forth; develop speed, agility, dodge.

Stroke: A circle is drawn or a cord is placed in the shape of a circle. All players stand behind him at a distance of half a step. The leader is chosen. He becomes inside the circle anywhere. The rest of the children jump in and out of the circle. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players while they are inside the circle. When the driver approaches, the players jump out of the line. The one touched by the driver is considered the loser. After 30-40 seconds, the losers are counted, a new driver is selected.

  1. "Frogs".

Target: Teach children to jump by pushing off with both feet and landing on the toes of both feet. Develop jumping ability, agility.

Stroke: The frog teaches the frogs to jump. She stands to the right of the pond, the frogs to the left. Each frog gets into the house and, listening carefully to the commands, jumps, pushing off with both legs and landing on both legs. The frog clearly gives the command: “Bump, leaf, leaf, house, leaf, bump, bump!” One frog is jumping, the rest are watching to see if he is doing it right. If the frog jumped high and did not mix up any commands, he learned to jump and stands next to the frog, and if he made a mistake, he returns to the frogs.

throwing games

  1. ball school

Target: develop ball skills in children: throw up, hit the ground with different tasks, catch the ball with both hands, without pressing it to the chest; develop dexterity.

Stroke: A small ball is given for the game. I play children one at a time, two at a time and in small groups in turn. During the game, the child who made a mistake passes the ball to another. When the game continues, he starts with the move on which he made a mistake. Types of movements:

throw the ball up and catch it with both hands; toss the ball, clap your hands in front of you and catch the ball;

hit the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands; hit the ball, clap your hands and catch the ball;

stand facing the wall at a distance of 2-3 steps from it, give the ball about it and catch it with both hands;

throw the ball against the wall, let it fall to the ground and bounce off it, and then catch the ball;

hit the ball on the ground up to 5 times with the right and left hand.

  1. "Throw the flag."

Target: exercise in throwing at a horizontal target; teach children to choose a target, follow the movement of the ball and evaluate the result. Develop accuracy, eye.

Stroke: Children stand in two lines one after another, in the hands of the first line are balls, sandbags. Ahead, at a distance of 4-5 m, there are several flags at the same level, Children simultaneously throw sandbags over their heads with both hands or one, trying to throw them over the line of flags, The teacher counts how many children threw the bags over the flags. Then the children pick up the bags, run and pass them to their partner. Rolls the next rank, then compares the results.

  1. fox hunting

Target: exercise children in rolling balls, develop strength, accuracy.

Stroke: Children are divided into two teams: "Hunters" and "Foxes". In the hands of hunters are balls on a string. The foxes run all over the place. At the signal "Hunters!" children with balloons roll them and take them back, pulling the rope. If the ball hit someone, then the children change roles. Children depicting foxes stand motionless at this time. At the end, they count how many times who has been a fox.

  1. Skittles

Target: exercise children in rolling balls, develop strength, dexterity.

Stroke: Skittles standing in a row at a distance of 3-5 cm from one another. At a distance of 1.5-3 m from them, a line is drawn - “kon”. The players, in order of priority, go to the line and roll the ball with a throw, trying to knock down the skittle. Knocked down skittles are picked up. The winner is the one who knocks down more pins due to the specified number of balls. The distance between the pins, as well as from the pins to the Kona line, increases gradually.

  1. White bears

Target: to exercise children in loose walking on outside feet, in throwing pouches at a moving target; develop an eye.

Stroke: Children are divided into two teams: bears and hunters. Bear children walk around the site like a bear to the words: A bear walks in the Arctic,

Wandering white in the snow.

Looking for food here and there.

The wind blows, blows, blows

Sows with fine snow, sows.

On a signal from the "Hunters", the bears run away, and the hunters throw sandbags at the feet of the fleeing bears. After counting, the children switch roles.

  1. Put on a ring

Target: exercise children in throwing rings on pegs; develop accuracy and dexterity.

Stroke: Plotted or plotless ring throws are used: 2-6 pegs on stands of various shapes. Children throw rings from a distance of 1.5-2.5 m. The game can be played with a group of children (4-6 people). Children receive three rings and take turns throwing them, trying to hit any peg. The teacher notes which of the children throws more rings.

  1. rushes

Target: exercise children in throwing snowballs at a moving target, develop accuracy; to consolidate running skills, develop speed, dodge.

Stroke: On one side of the site, a house is separated by a line, a second line is drawn at a distance of 5-6 m, behind which there is another house. Another line is drawn along one of the sides perpendicular to the houses. The players are divided into two groups - two squads (no more than 6-8 people in each). Children of one detachment stand along the line of any house. Another unit is placed along the sideline; Each child has two snowballs at their feet. At the signal of the teacher, the first detachment runs from one house to another. Children of the second detachment take one snowball at a time and throw them at the runners. Those who are hit by a snowball step aside. On a new signal, the dash occurs in the opposite direction; children standing at the sideline throw a second snowball at those running. The salted ones also step aside this time. The teacher notes which of the children of one and the other detachment was more dexterous, bold, well-aimed. The squads change places and the game resumes.

  1. Edible - inedible

Target: exercise children in throwing balls to each other and catching it with both hands, without pressing it to the chest.

Stroke: On the ground, a short line indicates the con where the driver with the ball stands medium size in hand. A long line indicates the starting line for the players. The players line up behind the starting line. The driver in turn throws a ball into the hands of each player, calling

objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (cloud, birch, cake, crocodile, compote, etc.) The player, having figured out while the ball is flying, whether it is edible or not, must catch or not catch (beat off) the ball. If true, the player takes a step forward towards the horse. If incorrect, it stays where it is. The driver throws the ball to the next one. The one who gets to the end first wins and becomes the leader.

Crawling and climbing games

  1. Bears and bees

Target: to fix different climbing methods in children: along the gymnastic wall, crawling under an arc or a rope; develop resourcefulness, ingenuity.

Stroke: Hive ( gymnastic wall or tower) is located on one side of the site. On the opposite side is a meadow. Away from the bear den. At the same time, no more than 12-15 people participate in the game. The players are divided into two unequal groups. Most of them are bees that live in the hive. Bears in the den. On a signal, the bees fly out of the hives (get down from the gymnastic wall), fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. At this time, the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (climb the wall) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the signal “Bears!”, the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away to the den. The bees that did not have time to hide sting (touch by hand). Then the game resumes. Stung bears do not participate in the next game. After two repetitions, the children switch roles.

The teacher makes sure that the children do not jump off, but get off the stairs, provides assistance.

  1. Firefighters in training

Target: to exercise children in climbing the gymnastic wall in a convenient way.

Stroke: Children become facing the gymnastic wall in 3-4 columns (according to the number of spans). The first in the columns stand on the line (distance 4-5 steps from the wall). On each span of the gymnastic wall, bells are hung on the rail at the same height. At the signal of the teacher "One, two, three - run!" the children standing in the columns first run to the gymnastic wall, climb on it and ring the bells. Then they descend and return to the end of their column. The teacher notes the one who called first. Game continues. That column wins, in which there are more players who managed to call first.

The teacher makes sure that the children get off, and not jump off the rails, if necessary, helps. Those who break the rule will not receive any winnings.

  1. Bring the pouch

Target: exercise in crawling on the bench on all fours with a bag on the back; develop posture.

Stroke: 3-4 children stand on benches, put a bag of sand on their backs. Crawl on all fours to the end of the bench. The one who comes first wins.

When moving, do not drop the bag; if he fell, pick him up, put him back on his back and crawl on; at the end of the bench, take the bag from the back, also without dropping it.

  1. flight of birds

Target: to consolidate the skills of running in all directions, to continue to learn how to climb the gymnastic wall and go down from it.

Stroke: Children stand scattered at one end of the playground (room). They are birds. At the other end of the site, a climbing tower or a gymnastic wall with several spans is placed. At the signal of the educator “The birds are flying away!” - the birds fly, spreading their wings (children, raising their arms to the sides, run around the entire site). At the signal "Storm!" birds fly to the tower - hiding from the storm in the trees. When the teacher says: “The storm has stopped,” the birds descend from the tower and fly again.

The teacher should be near the climbing equipment to help the children if necessary. If the gymnastic wall has few spans, children can climb onto benches, boards placed on chairs, or other climbing equipment.

  1. Who is more likely to his flag

Target: to exercise children in running at speed, in crawling under the arc in a convenient way.

Stroke: Children are divided into 3-4 equal groups and stand in columns a few steps from one another at the line beyond which they should not go. At a distance of 4-5 m from this line, gates are placed in front of each column. There are still flags ahead on the line. At a prearranged signal, those standing first in the columns run to the gates, crawl under them. Then they run to the flags, raise them over their heads and wave them. Then they calmly put the flags on the floor and each run back to the end of their column. The one who runs first wins. The next ones run to the checkboxes.

  1. Squirrels in the forest

Target: to improve children's climbing skills on various physical training equipment in various ways that are convenient for completing the task.

Stroke: The game is played on the court or in a room where there is a gymnastic wall. In addition to it, portable climbing devices are placed: a double ladder, a pyramid with trailing boards and ladders, benches, boards laid on large cubes, etc.

The driver is chosen - the hunter. He becomes a house - a circle drawn in the opposite part of the site or room. The rest of the players are squirrels, they are placed on the trees. At the signal of the educator "Beware!" - or by hitting a tambourine, all the squirrels change places: they quickly get off, jump off the devices and climb onto others. At this time, the hunter catches them - touches them with his hand. Squirrels are considered caught, which the driver will touch with his hand while they were on the floor, as well as those that remained in their original places. They go to the hunter's house and miss one game. A new hunter is selected after 1-2 games. At the end of the game, the teacher notes those squirrels that were brave and dexterous.

During the game, the teacher makes sure that the children use different devices and do not jump from an unauthorized height.

Games - relay races

  1. obstacle course

Target: to activate the motor experience of children, to improve the movements familiar to them; develop dexterity, speed, ingenuity.

Stroke: Children are built in two columns. Against each at a distance of 6-7 m put flags of different colors (according to the number of children in the team). Not far from the children, a conditional line is drawn, from which they run one by one from each column to the flags. On the way, children must overcome such obstacles: run along gymnastic bench, crawl into the hoop in any way, jump over the rope stretched at a height of 30 cm. Having overcome all the obstacles, the child takes the flag and runs sideways, bypassing the obstacles, to his column. Having run up, he must give a signal with a clap of his hand to a comrade who will run next. The teacher notes the detachment that quickly and well completed all the exercises. Children from this squad raise flags up.

  1. Pair relay

Target: exercise children in throwing and catching the ball to each other in motion; develop speed, agility, accuracy.

Stroke: The players in each team are divided into pairs. The team from the team is located 6-7 meters. The distance between the players in pairs is 2-3 m. The pairs run at the same time, throwing the ball to each other. You cannot take more than two steps with the ball in your hands. Having reached the flag, they return in the same way back and pass the ball to the next pair standing at the start.

  1. Throw the ball into the ring

Target: exercise children in throwing balls at a vertical target in different ways; develop accuracy, eye.

Stroke: Teams are built in columns one by one in front of the basketball backboards (you can also use a rack with a basket) at a distance of 2-3 meters or more. On a signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then catches the ball and passes it to the second participant, who performs the same task, etc. Players alternately throw the ball in the agreed way (two hands from the chest, two hands from below, one hand from the shoulder). The team with the most hits wins.

  1. Bring the ball

Target: improve the skills of running at speed with the performance of tasks; develop speed.

Stroke: Teams are built in columns one by one or in a line in front of the starting line. On the opposite side of the court, against each team, there is a box of tennis balls in the amount corresponding to the number of players in the team. On a signal, the first number runs to the box, takes one ball and runs back to his place, clapping on the shoulder of the next player;

the second number repeats the same, and so on. The relay race ends at the moment when the last player brings his ball and gets into line.

  1. forest relay

Target: teach children to run fast, navigate in space; develop motor activity, speed.

Stroke: The players are divided into 2-3 teams, stand in columns on one side of the clearing. On the other side of the clearing, 2-3 trees are selected, located at the same distance from the players. At the whistle or other signal of the teacher, those standing in the teams are the first to quickly run, crossing the clearing, run around their tree and return back. The next players stand ready with their left hands outstretched, palm up. When the first come running, they pass the baton with a touch of the hand, and then the children who are second run. The team whose players complete the task first and accurately wins.

Relay options: *

Each player runs around the tree 2-3 times;

Each player runs around the trees 2 times, describing the eight around them;

Do the task in pairs, holding hands.

Games with different movements

  1. Tiger and hares

Target: exercise children in running in a limited area, in climbing and jumping off a snowdrift; develop dexterity, speed, dodge.

Stroke: The game is played in a small area. There should be a snowdrift or any other snow-covered elevation on the site, open from all sides. Draw a circle 2 meters around the snowdrift. According to the counting rhyme, the driver is selected - "tiger". He stands on a snowdrift, and "hares" run in a circle. The task of the tiger is to jump on the hare and grab it. If the tiger only touched the hare, then this is not considered a win. When the tiger grabs the hare, they switch roles. Hares can dodge, run in circles, climb a snowdrift when there is no tiger there.

  1. Animals, prick up your ears

Target: to consolidate the ability to quickly, at the signal of the educator, rearrange from the general circle into several circles; improve the skills of different ways of walking.

Stroke: Children stand in a circle. The teacher disconnects it in several places. Small circles are created from the formed parts - houses of bunnies, squirrels, foxes, bears, frogs, etc. The teacher passes by the animals and invites them to follow her. Squirrels move, quickly mincing with their feet, hares - in small jumps, bears - roll over, foxes - with a soft step on their toes. Having formed a general circle, the children dance, spin, make any movements. At the signal "Hunters are coming!" animal children scatter and try to form circles-houses as soon as possible. The groups that do it first and fastest win.

  1. Entertainers

Target: activate the motor experience of children, improve familiar movements; develop attention, imagination, creativity.

Stroke: One of the players is chosen as an entertainer, he becomes in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle and say:

In an even circle, one after another

We go step by step.

Stand still, stay together

Let's do it like this...

Children stop, lower their hands. The entertainer shows some kind of movement, and all the children must repeat it. After 2-3 repetitions of the game, the entertainer chooses one of the players to take his place, and the game continues. Entertainers come up with a variety of movements, not repeating those shown. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

  1. cap and wand

Target: improve the skills of walking in a circle; develop attention.

Stroke: One of the children goes to the center of the circle with a stick in his hands, puts a cap on his head so that it goes down to the very nose, covering his eyes. The rest of the children hold hands, forming a circle. They go in circles, saying: One, two, three, four, five -

The stick will knock.

A child in a cap knocks with a stick. With the end of the words, everyone stops, turns to the middle. A child in a cap holds out a stick. The one she points to takes the end of the stick and calls the name of the person standing in the circle. The child in the center must guess who called him. If he guessed correctly, he chooses who will go to the middle.

  1. Teteri

Target: to exercise children in performing movements in accordance with the text of the nursery rhyme, in running with catching. Stroke: As in our meadow

It costs a cup of cottage cheese

Two black grouse arrived

They pecked, they flew away.

Two players represent black grouse. They are in one of the corners of the room. Other children (6-8

people) stand in a circle in the middle of the room, holding hands. This is a cup of cottage cheese. The text is read in chorus, slightly crouching springily to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme. On the third line, the black grouse jumps closer to a cup of cottage cheese. On the fourth line, the grouse jumps on two legs near the cup, slightly tilting their heads inside the circle (pecking). With the end of the nursery rhyme, the children, depicting a cup, raise their hands up, shouting “Shu u u!”, As if frightening the grouse, and the grouse fly away to their corner. Children catch them. The black grouse changes places with the one who caught it. The game is repeated.

Running games

  1. Owl.

Target: improve the ability to run in all directions, without interfering with each other, stopping movement at the signal of the teacher; develop endurance.

Stroke: In one of the corners of the site, a nest of an owl is outlined by a circle. All children depict butterflies, beetles. The teacher appoints one of the players as a “owl”. At the signal of the educator "Day!" children run around the playground, waving their arms, imitating the movement of the wings. At the signal "Night!" an owl flies out of the nest. Butterflies and beetles freeze, stopping at the place where the signal caught them. And the owl, slowly flapping its wings, looks to see if someone is moving. The one who moves, the owl takes to his nest. The teacher says "Day!" again. The owl flies to its nest, and the butterflies and beetles begin to fly (run) again. The departure of the owl is repeated 2-3 times. After that, the number of those caught is counted, the teacher chooses a new owl, and the game resumes.

  1. Day and night

Target: improve speed running skills; develop speed, attention.

Stroke: The participants of the game are divided into two teams: "Day" and "Night". Their houses are on opposite sides of the site, beyond the line. Another line is drawn in the middle. At a distance of one step from her, on either side, teams line up with their backs to each other. The teacher says: “Get ready!”, And then gives a signal to the team that should catch. If he said “Day”, then the children from the “Night” team run to their house, and the children from the “Day” team turn around and catch them, but only to the border of the house of the runaways. The number of caught is counted, then the children line up again along the line and wait for the next signal.

The game is repeated 4-6 times. The teacher can name the same team 2 times in a row, but it is necessary that in total each team catches the same number of times. The team that catches the most kids wins.

  1. Two frosts.

Target: exercise while running at speed with catching and dodging.

Stroke: On opposite sides of the site (2 parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 15-20 m)) two houses are marked. The players are located in one of them. With the help of a counting rhyme, two "Frosts" are chosen. Both frosts stand in the middle, facing the players and pronounce the text: We are two brothers, well done,

Two frosts are daring.

One(pointing to himself) I am frost - Red nose,

Another: I am frost - Blue nose.

Well, which of you will dare to set off on a path?

Children: We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

After these words, the children run across to the other side of the playground beyond the “home” line, and the Frosts try to catch and freeze them. "Frozen" stop at the place where they were touched and stand still until the end of the run. Frosts again speak words, and the players run back, helping out the frozen ones along the way. After 2-4 runs, the number of those caught is counted, other frosts are selected, the game is resumed.

  1. Skipping rope.

Target: improve running skills with catching and dodging; learn to coordinate your movements with the movements of your comrades; develop orientation on the site.

Stroke: Two children take by different handles the usual short rope, run around the playground, trying with their free hand to touch one of the children running away from them. The first one caught stands between the leaders, takes the middle of the rope with one hand and joins in the catch. In order for the three drivers to be freed from their duties, each of them must catch one player. (do not let go of the rope, coordinate actions in triplets).

  1. Get your couple.

Target: improve speed running skills; develop speed, coordination of movements.

Stroke: Children become pairs one by one at a distance of 2-3 steps on one side of the playground. At the signal of the teacher, the first in pairs run to the other side of the site, the second catch up (each with their own pair). In the opposite direction, the children change places: first

An outdoor game for learning to throw a small ball "Who is faster."

A group of students (6-8 people) takes, at a predetermined start line, various positions (crossed legs, lying on his stomach or on his back in a different direction with his head, crouching emphasis, etc.) - At the command "March!" students quickly get up and run towards the finish line drawn at a distance of 15-25 m (depending on the venue). The winner in each group is determined. Given the time, it is possible to identify the winners among girls and boys.

Mobile game for learning to throw a small ball "Day and Night".

The class is divided into two groups, which line up on lines located at a distance of 3-4 m from each other. The teacher calls "day" or "night" alternately. If "day" is called, then "night" runs away and "day" catches up. And vice versa. The distance for those who run away is determined depending on the venue (hall or playground) and can be from 6-8 m to 15-20 m. The number of tagged participants in 4-6 game series is determined. Those who defeat the most opponents win.

Mobile game for learning to throw a small ball "Calling numbers"

The class is divided into 3-4 teams by calculation. Each of them lines up in a column at pre-marked places near the starting line and is calculated in numerical order. The interval between teams is 2-3 m. At the direction of the teacher, the students take different positions (emphasis crouching, sitting, kneeling, etc.). The called numbers quickly get up and run to the finish line, located at 12-15 m, come back and take their original position. The one who returns to the starting position first brings his team one point. The team with the most points wins.

Outdoor game for learning to throw a small ball "Hunters and ducks".

The calculation class is divided into two groups. The first (hunters) is placed on parallel lines, equally spaced at a distance of 10-12 m. The second (ducks) fills the field between the lines. Hunters receive from the teacher 1-2 small balls on each side. On the whistle, they try to hit the feet of the ducks moving in different directions with a studied throw from behind the head over the shoulder. The “wounded” ducks leave the game and sit on the bench. the throw does not count.After all the ducks are "knocked out", there is a change. The team that "shoots" all the ducks faster and makes fewer mistakes when throwing wins. The game can last 5-8 minutes.

Relay race with a throw of a stuffed (1 kg) ball with two hands from behind the head from various starting positions.

The class is divided into 2-3 teams, which, in turn, divided in half, line up in columns on lines located at 6-8 m with an interval of 2-3 m. The ball is given out first to one side. On a signal, those who have the ball throw it with both hands from behind their heads forward and down to a mark at a distance of 3-4 m so that, having bounced off the floor, it hits the participant standing opposite. The one who catches the ball throws it back in the same way, etc. After the throw, the student runs across to the other side and stands at the end of the column. The teacher monitors the correctness of the throws, awarding penalty points for deviations in technique. The team that returns to its original position faster and receives fewer penalty points wins. When repeating, you can change the starting positions: standing with your feet hip-width apart, standing with your feet together, standing with your left foot in front, kneeling, etc.

"Sharp eye". At a distance of 5 - 6 m from the children - a wicker basket (plastic bucket), where the children alternately throw a tennis ball.

"Hit the ball." Teams line up along the edges of the site (the distance between the lines is 10 - 12 m). In the middle of the platform on a dais (on a balance beam, bench) lies volleyball. Each player has a small ball. At the signal of the teacher, the players of one team alternately perform throws, trying to knock down the volleyball. If someone succeeds, the team gets one point. Then the balls

thrown by the players of the other team. The team with the most points wins.

"Snipers". The players are divided into two teams. By lot, one of the teams goes to the line of "fire" (marked line) and lines up. Everyone gets a small ball (two or three balls are possible). At 5 - 8 m from them, 10 - 12 pins are placed (with an interval of 50-80 cm). At the signal of the teacher, all the players of the team throw the balls in one gulp, trying to knock down the pins. Then the balls are thrown by the other team. The team that knocks down the most pins wins.

"Accurate calculation". Teams are built behind the throwing line, everyone has the ball. Hoops lie in front of the teams at a distance of 6-8 m from the throwing line. On a signal, the players alternately throw the ball, trying to get it into the hoop. The team that hits the target more times wins.

"Funny ball" The throw line is marked on the floor (on the ground). At a distance of 3 m from this line - a circle with a diameter of 80 cm. At a distance of 5 m from the circle - the first line, after which - other lines with an interval of 1 m (total 8 - 10 lines). The children take turns throwing the ball. If the ball, hitting the circle, rebounds beyond the first line, then the player who threw it gets one point; for the second - two points, etc. Throws can be performed with both the right and left hand.

"Hunters and the wolf". Hunters stand behind the line of a circle with a diameter of 10 m, one of them has a ball in his hands. In the center of the circle is the wolf. The hunters throw the ball at the Wolf (try to hit him) or pass the ball to a friend so that he performs an aimed throw. The wolf dodges the ball (runs, jumps, crouches, etc.) within the circle. The player who hit the ball with the Wolf takes his place.

"Hunters and Ducks". The players of one team (Hunters) stand behind the circle line (around the lake), and the second team (Ducks) are located in the circle (on the lake). Hunters shoot at Ducks (throw small balls). The ducks move within the circle (as they wish). The dead Duck leaves the lake. The game continues until all Ducks have been knocked out. After that, the teams switch roles. The team that spends the least time on the "hunt" wins.


1. Agadzhanyan, N. A., Degtyarev, V. P., Rusanova, E. I. Health of students. - M., 1997. - 132 p.

2. Byleeva, L. V., Korotkov, I. M., Yakovlev, V. G. Outdoor games: tutorial for in-t physical education; 4th ed., revised. and additional M. : Physical culture and sport, 1974. - 208 p.

3. Vasilkov, G. A. Gymnastics for younger children school age. Collection of general developmental exercises for classes at school and at home: a guide for teachers in grades 1-4 and parents. - M., 1966. - 141 p.

4. Grizhenya, V. E. Organization and methodological methods of conducting classes on outdoor games at the university and at school: educational and Toolkit.– M.: Soviet sport, 2005. – 40 p.

5. Gurevich, I. A. Circuit training with the development of physical qualities. 3rd ed. revised and additional – M.: graduate School, 1985. - 265 p.

6. Evseev, Yu. I. Physical culture / Yu. I. Evseev; ed. 3rd., 2005. - 382 p.

7. Zakharov, E. N., Karasev, A. V., Safonov, A. A. Encyclopedia physical training (Methodological foundations development physical qualities) / A. V. Karaseva. - M. : Leptos, 1994. - 368 p.

8. Kuznetsov, V. S., Kolodnitsky, G. A. Physical culture. Exercises and games in the classroom primary school: Toolkit. - M. : Publishing house of NTs ENAS, 2006. - 272 p.

9. Nechaev, A. V., Obidova, O. A. Means and methods for the development of motor qualities of students: a teaching aid. - Kolomna: KSPI, 2007. - 73 p.

10. Nechaev, A. V. The development of professionally important physical qualities in the physical education classes of students of pedagogical universities: a textbook. - Kolomna: KSPI, 2008. - 126 p.

11. Popova, E. G. General developmental exercises in gymnastics. - M. : Terra-Sport, 2000. - 72 p.

12. Sample program discipline "Physical culture" at the university. – M. : Min. Images. R.F., 2000. - 34 p.

13. Talaga E. Encyclopedia exercise/ per. from Polish. - M. : Physical culture and sport, 1998. - 142 p.

14. Yudina, N. N. Methodology for conducting a lesson in physical culture, outdoor games and other forms physical education: Guidelines for students of 3-4 courses. - Kolomna, 1998. - 35 p.

Game 1

Preparation. The players are divided into two teams, one of which - "hunters" - becomes in a circle (before the line), the second - "ducks" - enters the middle of the circle. The "hunters" have a volleyball.

Game content. On a signal, the "hunters" begin to knock out the "ducks" from the circle. Each player can throw the ball himself or pass the ball for a throw to a teammate. "Ducks". running inside the circle, they escape from the ball, dodging and bouncing. The padded "duck" leaves the circle. The game ends when there are no "ducks" left in the circle, after which the players switch roles.

The team that manages to shoot the "ducks" in less time wins. The head can set the time of the game for throwing the ball into the "ducks". Then the result is summed up by the number of "ducks" knocked out during this time.

Rules of the game: 1. During the throw of the ball, it is forbidden to step over the line. 2. Those in the circle are not allowed to catch the ball with their hands. 3. Players are not considered out if the ball hit them after bouncing off the floor.

Game 2

Preparation. Two teams are arranged in a circle, through one. Inside the circle, at the line that bounds it, there are eight chocks, in the center of the circle there is a ball.

The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Rules of the game: 1. If the thrower misses, his team is penalized with two penalty points. 3. For accurate throw the team that knocked down the chock is awarded one penalty point.

Game 3

Preparation. The class is divided into two teams - throwers and runners. On a spacious platform, throwers are located in a line 3-4 m from the starting line, on the side of flags set 5-6 m apart. Opposite them, at the finish line, which is 15-20 m from the first starting line, two more flags are placed. Runners line up on the second starting line. On the starting line between the flags - two small balls.

Game content. At the command "Start!" two throwers (in order) take their balls and stand in the starting position for throwing. At the same time, two runners take up a high (or low) start position. At the command "Attention!" throwers perform a throw, and on the next command "March!" - Runners rush forward. Throwers run to the finish line, go around each of their flags and come back. The runners pick up the balls after the throwers throw to hit the throwers. For a hit, the runner team gets a point. The balls are again placed between the flags, the next two throwers and two runners go to the start. This continues until all the throwers have thrown and run (each time the points scored by the runner team are counted). After that, the teams switch roles.

The team with the most points wins.

Rules of the game: 1. Throwers and runners run forward at the same time after the command "March!" 2. Throwing and rushing are performed in a corridor 10-15 m wide. 3. After throwing, throwers must run around the flag at the finish line, otherwise they are considered tagged.

Game 4

Preparation. A stand 1.5-2 m high is placed in the center of the site (or hall). One team, having calculated in the order of numbers, takes a place around the stand, and the other, divided into two groups, is placed behind the front lines.

Game content. The players of the team standing behind the lines throw a volleyball between themselves, trying to get it into the rack. The players of the team located not far from the stand take turns running from one front line (stepping on it with their foot) to the other and returning back to the place they occupied before the start of the game. For each player who runs, the team gets one point. The game lasts 16-20 minutes, while after 8-10 minutes the teams change roles.

The team that has made more runs during this time wins, i.e. scoring more points.

Rules of the game: 1. If the team throwing the ball manages to get into the rack, the players on the court change roles. 2. Those standing inside the area must not step beyond the circle line (2 m in diameter) drawn around the stand. 3. Defenders must not deliberately hold the ball. 4. Players inside the court must not run out before the appearance of the previous runner.

Game 5

Preparation. The game requires towns and tennis balls(preferably by the number of players). The participants of the game are built in one line and are calculated on the first or second. The first numbers - one team, the second - another. If the width of the court does not allow everyone to stand in one line, then the players form two lines, one at the back of the other. In this case, each line is a team. A line is drawn in front of the toes of the players, beyond which it is impossible to go when throwing the ball. At 6 m from this line and parallel to it, they are placed in a row (one and a half steps from one another) interspersed with 5 towns of two colors. According to the color of the towns, the teams are given names (for example, blue and white).

The team that manages to push their goals further in the course of several throws wins.

Rules of the game: 1. Towns are placed in new places after a volley from one of the teams. 2. Thrown balls are picked up by the players of the other team. 3. The teacher's assistant puts the downed towns in new places.

In the lessons in grades III-IV great place continue to occupy outdoor games. The games offered for studying the technique of throwing the ball contain all the main types of throwing - for distance and accuracy at a fixed horizontal and vertical target. The use of small and large (light) balls strengthens the joints and muscles of the hands, develops the eye, and improves coordination of movements. Consolidation of the technique of movements in games should be carried out only after its detailed learning. Technically correct execution throws should be the main condition of the game.

The most common throwing games for grade 3 students are “Who is the most accurate”, “School of the ball”, “Hit the target”, “Get time with long-range throws”, “Fifteen with the ball”, “Moving target”, “Hunters and ducks” , "Force to retreat", "Long throws", "Defend the fortress", "From the shield in the field"; for students of the IV grade - “Dimble and well-aimed”, “Lapta”, “Round fire”, etc.

A special place in classes with students of grades III - IV in the study of throwing is occupied by various relay races. Relay race participants fight with rivals independently (in turn) or in groups with mutual support and mutual assistance of comrades, but without coming into direct contact with members of other teams. The personal responsibility of each relay participant in the struggle for the victory of the team is a valuable educational factor.

The need to act with full dedication of forces helps to solve the problems of developing not only physical qualities, but also the accuracy of movements, the ability to control one's efforts when throwing various projectiles in compliance with rational technique. All this makes relay races related to sports competitions.

The ability to widely vary the content of relay races and the conditions for conducting them, taking into account the age, preparedness of students and the conditions of the hall (site), allows them to be widely used in lessons, sectional classes and in extended day groups, on holidays and rest days. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that children are very sensitive to the manifestation of any inaccuracies when summing up the results of relay races. Therefore, relay races require a particularly clear organization from the teacher of physical culture.

The relay should be repeated at least 2-3 times to finally determine the winner. An analysis of the results should be done after each repetition of the relay, indicating the reasons for success and failure. This increases the educational and educational significance of relay races.

Number of players in a team - 6-12 people

Outdoor games in the study of throwing

There are a lot of options for relay races for students in grades III-IV. Their content is determined by the teacher, in accordance with educational material lesson. Here are examples of possible relay races for students in grades III-IV.

"Snipers" (III class).

Teams are built in lines at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the throw line, each participant has 2 small balls in his hands. Targets are located at a distance of 5-8 m from the throwing line. On a signal, the players alternately go to the throwing line and perform two throws at the target. The team that shows best result, i.e. hitting the target more times. As targets, you can use maces, skittles, stuffed balls mounted on a gymnastic beam or other elevation; a target shield in the form of a circle with a diameter of 60-80-100 cm, which is fixed on the wall; target shield with several circles and numbers (3-2-1).

"Exact calculation" (IV class).

Teams are built behind the throwing line, each participant has a ball. Hoops lie in front of the teams at a distance of 6-8 m from the throwing line. On a signal, the team members take turns throwing their ball, trying to get it into the hoop. The team that hits the target more times wins.

Options: 1) throws are performed in a certain zone: the 1st zone is located at a distance of 12 m from the throw line, the 2nd - 16 m, the 3rd - 20 m; each zone has digital designations - 1-2-3; the winning team is determined by the sum of points scored by all its members; 2) throws are performed at a target shield with several circles with different numerical designations (3-2-1), the distance to the target is 8-10 m, the height is 2.5-3 m; The places of the teams are determined by the sum of the points scored.