Dumbbell row from behind the head while sitting. Extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head

There are many basic exercises that help develop certain muscle groups. Today we will look at the technique of standing dumbbell presses, as well as discuss some additional nuances that will help you achieve impressive results in sports.

Key Benefits of the Standing Press

This is a popular basic exercise that develops the shoulders, middle and front deltas. The dumbbell press will allow you to correct the ideal spherical shape of the shoulders, which looks very impressive. This ensemble of exercises makes the following muscle group work well:

  • anterior delta;
  • triceps, supraspinatus;
  • large chest and middle of the trapezoid;
  • biceps;
  • levator of the scapula, top of the trapezium.

As you can see this exercise develops not only the shoulders, so it can be called complex.

The benefits of this exercise are obvious:

  • a sufficiently large range of motion allows you to work out more intensively individual groups muscles;
  • repetitions are performed intensively with the control of the synchronous movement of the hands;
  • the brushes are not overloaded and are in a comfortable position.

Surely, many people ask the question, why do you need to press dumbbells while standing and not sitting? Now let's explain. The fact is that the standing press allows you to additionally engage and strengthen the muscles of the lower back and the press. However, this exercise must be correct posture to avoid additional stress on the lower back.

Execution technique

It is very important to adhere to the correct execution technique, this is the only way to protect yourself from injuries and unnecessary additional loads. So, first things first:

  1. Choose the optimal weight of shells, take dumbbells in your hands and straighten your back.
  2. Squeeze on the exhale, observing the synchronism of the movement of the hands. It is important to control the body, not forgetting to monitor your posture. Also control the press and the muscles of the lower back, they should be in a tense state.
  3. At the top point, the shells should come together.
  4. Lower the dumbbells to ear level, then do required amount repetitions.

It is very important to use athletic belt to reduce stress on the lower back and lower abdomen. On initial stage 10-15 repetitions in three sets is enough. Monitor your results by gradually increasing the load. To gain muscle mass, it is recommended to do no more than 3-4 sets of 8 repetitions. The last repetition should be the most difficult for the athlete, at this very moment muscle fibers actively develop and grow.

The most important thing is to prevent injury to the spine during weight lifting. The most important rule with a bench press, this is the maximum strain on the muscles of the back and the press. It is also necessary to choose the optimal weight of the shells. There is no need to show excessive fanaticism in this matter. If you notice that the front delta is not sufficiently worked out when lifting the shells, then the point is not at all in the working weight, but in the position of the palms and hands - at the lowest point they should look at each other. The palms should be as deployed as possible to provide the necessary stretching of the muscles.

Also, do not stop to rest when the shells are in the very lowest point(at ear level), this will reduce the amplitude and effectiveness of the bench press. The frequency of movements should be constant and as wide as possible, only in this way it will be possible to effectively work out muscle groups.

When the shells are at the highest point above the head, it is necessary to straighten the arms as much as possible, almost to the stop. Beginners need to follow the synchronization of hand movements, this is very important. Only by observing the correct technique for performing the exercise, you can achieve impressive results and avoid injuries.

  • use collapsible shells when you train at home - this will allow you to experiment with working weights, gradually adding them;
  • if the development of deltas is a priority, in this case it is necessary to squeeze the projectile with one hand at the last repetition;
  • changing the position of the posture will reduce the effectiveness of this exercise, it is necessary to monitor the position of the body.

Remember, safety is above all, because our task is not to harm health, but on the contrary, to make it much stronger. Follow the above recommendations, and then you will be able to avoid injury.

Common Newbie Mistakes

As a rule, the lack of experience leads to unpleasant consequences, especially in weightlifting. Beginners when bench press shells while standing make the same mistakes, about which we will talk below:

Who should do this exercise and how much?

Quite an interesting question. Since the standing dumbbell press is a basic exercise, absolutely all athletes who want to gain mass should perform it. The bench press is suitable for both beginners and professional athletes.

If your task is to type muscle mass and increase the shoulders in volume, then you need to use large working weights, but without fanaticism. Pick up the weight in such a way that the last repetition is very difficult. The number of repetitions should be within 8-10, and the number of sets 3-4.

If you are pursuing the task of losing weight and increasing the relief of muscles, in this case, reduce the working weights and increase the number of repetitions to 25-30 times.

The most effective exercises with dumbbells

It is worth emphasizing that you can perform standing presses not only in the gym, but also at home. In addition, this basic exercise is quite effective. Below we will look at the best variations of the bench press.

This exercise is ideal for developing triceps. Absolutely every athlete dreams of having voluminous and massive hands. As you know, it is the triceps that makes up most of the arm. This muscle group is involved in any bench press, for this reason its development is more than important for any athlete. For triceps, there are many variations of exercises, but we will focus on the French press.


It is the use of dumbbells in the standing French press that will provide the athlete additional benefits, namely:

  • the likelihood of injury to the lower back and spine decreases, since the weight of the shells is much less in comparison with the barbell;
  • working with kettlebells is much more convenient, due to the fact that you can determine for yourself a comfortable angle and position;
  • using dumbbells as weights, you will increase the range of motion, which will affect muscle growth;
  • dumbbells load the head of the triceps much more than a barbell.

It must be taken into account that this species bench press will be even more effective when combined with additional exercises, which are aimed at the development of triceps. Before starting the French press, do a few sets of dips on the uneven bars. Thus, it will be possible not only to warm up the muscles, but also to work them out more carefully.

This combination of exercises will fully load the triceps, and will allow you to achieve effective growth muscle fibres.

One arm dumbbell press

Many are perplexed, why press with one hand? Well, there is a reason for this. The fact is that in this way it is possible to achieve isolated work of the deltas. Naturally, triceps will also be included in the work.

The technique for doing this exercise is quite simple:

  1. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Take the kettlebell in one hand and raise it to shoulder level. The palm of the hand should face forward. The second hand should be resting on the belt, and the muscles of the press and lower back should be tense in order to control the balance and position of the body. This will be the starting position of the athlete.
  2. Slowly inhaling, squeeze the weight up to the stop. It is very important to ensure that during the bench press the body, like the shoulder itself, must be in a stationary state. At the highest point, you need to make a short pause so that the delta receives an additional load. Exhale and return to the starting position. This exercise must be performed for each hand in turn.

The most important thing in this exercise is to follow the exact execution procedure. Fix the body, tighten the abs and back muscles, do not move your shoulder while lifting the kettlebell - all this must be observed.

This exercise is suitable for those athletes who pay great attention to the development of triceps. It is thanks to the bench press from behind the head this group muscles are carefully worked out and receive additional loads.

The press is performed as follows:

The press from behind the head allows you to intensively work out and load the triceps, for this reason this exercise belongs to the category of isolated ones.

Should not be used very heavy weights, as this can lead to serious injury, especially when it comes to pressing from behind the head. The main thing is to realize that if we are talking about isolated exercises then weight is not important. Of great importance correct technique performance and range of motion. Try to avoid jerking and not moving your shoulder during this exercise.

You can increase working weights only after you have fully mastered the correct technique for performing a bench press from behind your head, this is important to consider.

The standing dumbbell press technique is presented in detail in the following video:

Surely, we convinced you that the standing dumbbell press is the most important basic exercise that will allow you to connect additional muscle groups to work. The main thing is a reasonable approach and the correct execution technique.

In contact with

To get pumped arms, many make the mistake of focusing on the biceps, although the triceps are equally important, because they make up two-thirds of the arm. That is why they fail to achieve impressive results in arm pumping.

Triceps is a powerful muscle with three heads: from the subarticular tubercle of the scapula comes a long head, from rear surface shoulder - lateral and from the back surface humerus- medial.

The overhead dumbbell press is primarily aimed at strengthening the long and lateral heads of the triceps.

To fill this gap in training, we strongly recommend that you perform dumbbell overhead press. It is simple, but at the same time very effective exercise can be used as in gym, and at home, because it will require only dumbbells and knowledge of the execution technique.

Digression: if you beautiful girl and want to have a beautiful and tightened chest, we recommend that you study this .

Execution technique

You can perform the dumbbell press from behind your head while sitting or standing. Let's start with a seated position. You will need a bench with back support.

The dumbbell is taken with two hands: the thumbs wrap around the handle, and inner part the disc rests on the palms, which are directed upwards. The part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is next to the head and is oriented perpendicular to the floor. This is what the starting position looks like.

On inspiration, the dumbbell slowly lowers behind the head in a semicircular motion until the forearms touch the biceps, and lingers in this position for a second. In this case, the elbow bend angle should not exceed 90 degrees. It is important that only the forearms work, and the arm from the shoulder to the elbow remains motionless.

On exhalation, straining the triceps, the dumbbell is lifted and returned to its original vertical position.

As you can see, the dumbbell press for triceps from behind the head from a technical point of view does not present any difficulties and is quite accessible to beginners who want to model themselves a pumped up athletic figure.

There are several options for doing this exercise. So, you can do a dumbbell press behind your head with two hands or one hand. In the standing position, it puts a lot of stress on the back, especially if a lot of weight is used.

Instead of a dumbbell, you can use a barbell with parallel handles, which also strengthens the triceps well. Moreover, the bar can be either regular or EZ. At the same time, the grip is pronated, that is, palms forward, and the distance between the hands should be approximately 10 cm. You can also use the cable of the lower block; the handle can be rope, regular or EZ.

Basic Mistakes

When performing this exercise, it is important to perform it as clearly as possible so that the triceps are involved. Therefore, it is unacceptable for the hand to deviate from the vertical position. For this purpose, you can hold it with your free hand by the triceps.

It should be remembered that the elbow should not be bent more than 90 degrees. The back should be straight, the lower back should not arch.

And finally, do not take dumbbells too heavy weight, it won't do any good.

The overhead dumbbell extension or the two-arm overhead dumbbell French press is an isolation exercise for working all three heads of the triceps, especially the longest, longest head. The exercise will be useful for both strength development and mass building, and will give your arms a good volume. Therefore, if you want to pump up your arms, the exercise must be present in your workout. The exercise is suitable for both men and women.

Initial position

Sit on a bench, keep your back strictly upright. For convenience, you can use a bench with a back. Take the dumbbell by the pancake with both hands and put it behind your head. The elbows must be drawn inward so that they look forward, and not to the sides. Fix the elbow joint in a fixed position. The gaze is directed in front of you.


From the bottom position, lift the dumbbell slowly, without jerking. When lifting, you need to make efforts, fully unbending the forearms, so the muscles will receive the greatest load. Make sure that your elbows do not move apart as you perform the exercise. Don't throw your hands back. Fully straighten your elbows in the upper position and pause a little, fixing your hands for one second. Lower the dumbbell smoothly, without dips, try to lower the dumbbell as low as possible - this will allow you to stretch the triceps as much as possible.


Elbows and shoulders should remain motionless, only the forearms move during the exercise. Keep the abdominal muscles in constant tension to avoid a large load on the lower back and to prevent the back from arching, while performing the exercise, the back should always remain straight. Perform the exercise in full amplitude, lowering your arms as much as possible at the bottom point and fully straightening your elbows at the top point. When lowering the dumbbell, keep it close to your head, this will allow you to take more weight. Do not forget to change the grip through the approach, first one hand lies on top, then the second, this will allow you to work out both hands more evenly.

Execution technique

  • Sit down. Take a dumbbell with both hands, clasping the projectile with your palms. Raise the dumbbell up, bend your arms at the elbows and put them behind your head.
  • Slowly straighten your arms, pointing them vertically upwards.
  • Return your hands to their original position.

What muscles work in the dumbbell french press exercise

Main muscle group: long head of triceps
Additional group: forearm muscles
Type of exercise: Power
Equipment: Dumbbells
Difficulty level: Beginning

How to do an arm extension with dumbbells from behind the head while sitting and standing

How the Dumbbell French Press Looks in Motion

The triceps make up two thirds of the arm. To achieve impressive results in pumping and definition upper limbs, it is necessary to pay as much attention to the triceps as to the biceps.

The triceps muscle works in any press, however, it is the French press that allows you to pump individual bundles of the target muscle as efficiently as possible. The light weight of the barbell or dumbbell makes the French press safe and additionally stretches the muscles.


Weight. The dumbbell triceps press allows you to effectively pump the three heads of the triceps. This exercise is recommended for beginner athletes. However, only correct execution and an adequately selected weight load will achieve a stable and good effect, as well as avoid injury or damage to the elbow joint.

The exercise does not apply to the basic. It is desirable to choose a weight such that 10-12 repetitions are performed in a smooth rhythm. The use of dumbbells allows you to increase the load on the triceps due to the large amplitude of movements.

Hand position. The elbow joints are fixed in a fixed position and pressed against the ears. The more loose the elbows are, and the more they diverge to the sides, the smaller the percentage of the load falls on the triceps itself. To prevent injury, lower the dumbbell slowly. Otherwise, you can damage the joints and cervical region spine.

The shells must be held with a direct grip. Straightened arms lift up and wind up behind the head by 45 degrees. This position maximizes the burden on triceps muscle at the top point.

Back. Since the exercise is of the isolating type, the extension of the arms with dumbbells is done with a strictly straight back. During the load, the spine and lower back should not arch. Otherwise, the load will be distributed not only along the triceps bundles, but also the group of lateral and latissimus dorsi back.

Shoulders and chest. Shoulders during execution french press with dumbbells should be divorced and fixed. It is unacceptable to raise or lower the shoulders during the entire approach. The chest is expanded.

Lower and upper points. The dumbbell should drop under its own weight. There is no delay at the lowest point. The trajectory of movement is a straight line or a semicircle. Rapid performance of the exercise is fraught with damage elbow joints or cervical spine. On the rise, you need to make efforts and fully extend the forearms in order to achieve the greatest load.

The sequence of the exercise

Performance variations. The dumbbell french press is performed while sitting or lying on a bench. You can perform the exercise on both arms at the same time or alternately work out each triceps separately.

Seated dumbbell french press

The exercise must be performed with a straight back. You can choose a bench with a low support. It is permissible to rest against the back in order to isolate the muscles of the back as much as possible and perform the exercise only with the help of the triceps.

1. Sit on a bench.
2. Keep your back and shoulders in a strictly upright position.
3. Fix your shoulders, only the elbow joints should work.
4. Grab the projectile with your palms.
5. Place the weight on your chest and squeeze on straight arms.
6. Inhale as you slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head.
7. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
8. Complete 8-12 sets.
9. If the exercise is performed with one hand, place the other on the belt.

Standing dumbbell french press

1. Starting position - standing, back straight and slightly arched at the waist. Feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees.
2. Hold the dumbbell over your head with both outstretched arms. Place your thumbs on the handle, and grasp the disk with the rest. The palms are turned up. A slight posterior deflection of the projectile is permissible.
3. On an inhale, lower the projectile behind your head.
4. Leave the shoulder and elbow joints motionless. The exercise is performed by bending the forearms.
5. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
6. Complete desired number of repetitions.


The French press with a dumbbell is considered an isolated exercise, therefore, when performing a load, the quality of performance, a small weight of the projectile and a multiple number of approaches (10-15) are considered to be leading.
The exercise is not recommended for people suffering from problems with the spine or shoulder joints.
When performing the exercise with one hand, the free limb becomes a stabilizer of the body, helping to hold the shoulders.fixedat one point. Thus, the load of additional muscles is excluded.
To prevent injuries to the shoulder girdle, it is necessary to knead and warm up the ligaments before performing the French press from a standing or sitting position. Warming up will increase the elasticity of the ligaments and prepare them for an increase in the level of stress.
To maximize the volume and definition of the tricepsstanding dumbbell press from behind the head is recommended to be performed after basic exercises 8-10 times in 3-4 sets.


No workout. Performing preparatory exercises can reduce the likelihood of injury or other damage to the structures of the musculoskeletal system.
Elbow extension to the sides. In the starting position, the elbows should be directed up to the ceiling.Inappropriate weight.

The light weight of the dumbbell will not give the necessary degree of load on the triceps, and pWorking with heavy projectiles will damage joints and weak ligaments.


Bench press
Close grip barbell row
Extension of the arms from the upper block
Medicine ball push-ups narrow setting hands
Back push-ups

Dumbbell french press exercise video

Brief conclusions

The French press from a standing or sitting position allows you to choose the most comfortable position for the exercise. The load is carried out on the long head of the triceps. Extending the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head, while observing the execution technique, increases the muscles and volume of the upper limb.