For what, what medals of the Morrf. VI

In accordance with Article 7 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 "On Veterans" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1995, No. 3, Art. 168; 2016, No. 52 (Part V), Art. 7510) , with subparagraph 27 of paragraph 10 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2004 No. 1082 , I order:

1. Establish departmental insignia:

medal "For military honors";

medal "For military valor";

medal "For demining";

medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth";

Medal "For Distinction in military service";

medal "Mikhail Kalashnikov";

medal "Participant of the military operation in Syria"

2. Approve:

The procedure for awarding departmental insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (to this order);

Regulations on departmental insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (to this order).

3. Establish that the departmental insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, giving the right to confer the title "Veteran of Labor", are:

medal "For Distinction in Military Service", 1st class;

medal "For Distinction in Military Service" II degree;

medal "For labor valor";

medal "Mikhail Kalashnikov"

4. Recognize as invalid the orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation:

dated January 22, 2008 No. 30 "On departmental insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 31, 2008, registration No. 11429);

dated July 9, 2009 No. 704 "On Amendments to the Orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on Military Service" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 20, 2009, registration No. 15274).


to be awarded the departmental badge of distinction

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


1. Surname, name, patronymic (if any) ____

2. Military rank (class rank) ____________________________________________

(for military personnel) (federal

government civil servants)

Personal number______________________

(for military personnel)

3. Position, place of service _______________________________________________


(according to the actual open name of the military unit, organization)

4. Gender _____________________ 5. Date of birth _________________________

(day month Year)

6. Place of birth _________________________________________________________

(republic, region, region, district, city, district,

village, hamlet, hamlet)

7. What state awards and departmental insignia

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation awarded and year of award



8. Address of residence _______________________________________________

9. Length of service (length of service) ______________________________________,

(calendar years, months)

including in the Armed Forces ____________________________

10. The contract for military service (service) is concluded ______________


(start and end dates of the contract)

11. Characteristics indicating the differences (merits) presented to












Back side

Candidate ___________________________________________________________

considered at the attestation commission (officer meeting, meeting

labor collective, trade union meeting) military unit

(Minutes No. _______ dated "____" ______________ 20____).


(job title)





(job title)


(military rank (if any), signature, initial name, surname)

"___" _______________ 20___


(job title)


(military rank (if any), signature, initial name, surname)

"____" _______________ 20___

Data points 1-10 Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian

correspond to the data of the documents of the Federation from "___" _____________

personal accounting personal 20___ N____

awarded by ______________________

___________________________ (name of the departmental mark

(position, military rank of distinction)

(in the presence of)


foreign citizens presented for awarding a departmental insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


(name of departmental insignia)


(job title)


(military rank (if any), signature, initial name, surname)

on the number of servicemen presented for awarding a medal

"For Distinction in Military Service"

Presented for the award

military personnel


(type of the Armed Forces, military district, Northern Fleet, branch of the Armed Forces

Forces, the central body of military administration)

medal of the 1st degree - pers.,

medal of the II degree - pers.,

medal of III degree - pers.

Among those nominated for the award:

officers - people,

of which senior officers - people,

ensigns, midshipmen - people,

soldiers, sailors, - pers.

sergeants, foremen

Among the presented for the award _________________ military personnel




(job title)


(military rank (if any), signature, initial name, surname)

military personnel presented for awarding a medal

"For Distinction in Military Service"

In the draft order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on awarding

medal "For Distinction in Military Service", please include the following

military personnel _______________________________________________________________

(type of the Armed Forces, military district, Northern Fleet,


branch of the Armed Forces, the central body of military administration)





_____________________________________ - _________________,_______________

(last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (military rank) (personal number)



_____________________________________ - _________________,_______________

(last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (military rank) (personal number)


(job title)


(military rank (if any), signature, initial name, surname)

Recommended sample of the blank certificate for the departmental insignia


awarding departmental insignia

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

_______________________ ____________________________________

(place of delivery) (date of delivery)

According to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated

"____" ___________20____ No. _______ by me, _________________________________


(position, military rank (if any), surname and initials of the presenter

departmental insignia)

departmental insignia were awarded to the awarded:


(name of departmental insignia)

available), personal number

(for military personnel)


(name of departmental insignia)

_____________________________________ ___________________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (position or military rank (if any)

available), personal number

(for military personnel)

In total, according to this protocol, the following were awarded:

And certificates for them ____________ pcs.;

And certificates for them _____________ pcs.

(name of departmental mark (quantity)


(job title)


(military rank (if any), signature, initial name, surname)

"___" _____________ 20____

on making clarifications in the surnames, names, patronymics of the awarded

In preparation for the presentation of departmental insignia of the Ministry

defense of the Russian Federation revealed discrepancies with the correct

spelling of surnames, names, patronymics (if any) of the awarded:

in the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated

"____" _____________ 20___ No. _____about the award


(name of departmental insignia)

printed: should be:

(in the presence of)

in the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

dated "____" ______ 20____, No. _____ on awarding


(name of departmental insignia)

printed: should be:

1.__________________________________ 1.______________________________;

(last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (surname, first name, patronymic

(in the presence of)


(job title)


(military rank (if any), signature, initial name, surname)

"_____" ________________20____


transfer of the departmental insignia of the Ministry of Defense

On the front side of the medal: in the center - a relief inscription in two lines "FOR BATTLE DISTINCTIONS"; in the upper part - a relief image of an aircraft and a helicopter, in the lower part - a relief image of a tank and an infantry fighting vehicle.

On the reverse side of the medal: in the upper part - a relief one-color image of the emblem of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (a double-headed eagle crowned with a crown with outstretched wings. In the right paw of the eagle - a sword, in the left - an oak wreath. On the chest of the eagle - a triangular, elongated shield with a stock ascending to the crown.In the field of the shield is a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear), below it is a relief inscription in one line: "No. ________"; in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - "MINISTRY OF DEFENSE", in the lower part - "RUSSIAN FEDERATION".

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the tape, an orange stripe 8 mm wide is bordered by two black stripes 2 mm wide, to the left, an orange stripe 8 mm wide is bordered with white (right) and black (left) stripes 2 mm wide.


* Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2003 No. 821 "On the military heraldic sign - the emblem and flag of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 32, Art. 3169; 2004, No. 34, Art. 3538 ).

Drawing and description of the medal "For military valor"

The medal is made of gold-colored metal (for I degree) or silver-colored (for II degree) with enamel, has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the reverse side of the medal: in the upper part - a relief one-color image of the emblem of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, below it - a relief inscription in two lines: "FOR MILITARY VALOR"; in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - "MINISTRY OF DEFENSE", in the lower part - "RUSSIAN FEDERATION".

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the ribbon, an orange stripe 8 mm wide is bordered by two black stripes 2 mm wide, to the left - a red stripe 12 mm wide, in the middle of which: a white stripe 2 mm wide - for the I degree medal and two white stripes 1 mm wide - for the II degree medal degree.


On the front side of the medal there is a relief image of a serviceman with a mine detector, an armored demining vehicle on the ground and a laurel branch under them.

On the reverse side of the medal: in the upper part - a relief one-color image of the emblem of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, below it - a relief inscription in two lines: "FOR DEMINING"; in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - "MINISTRY OF DEFENSE", in the lower part - "RUSSIAN FEDERATION".

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the tape, an orange stripe 8 mm wide is bordered by two black stripes 2 mm wide, to the left - a green stripe 12 mm wide, in the middle of which is a red stripe 2 mm wide.

The medal is made of gold-colored metal, has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal in the center there is a relief image of a cartouche shield with an inscription in four lines: "FOR STRENGTHENING THE COMMONWEALTH IN BATTLE" on diagonally crossed swords, framed in the lower part with oak branches.

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the tape, an orange stripe 8 mm wide is bordered by two black stripes 2 mm wide, on the left - a red stripe 4 mm wide is bordered along the edges with green and blue stripes 2 mm wide each.

The 1st degree medal is made of silver-colored metal, the 2nd degree is made of golden-colored metal, the 3rd degree is made of bronze-colored metal, has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal: in the center - a relief image of a shield with a Roman numeral in the center, indicating the degree of the medal (I, II or III), on diagonally crossed swords, on wings and an anchor entwined with a rope; in the lower part in a circle - a relief inscription: "FOR DIFFERENCE IN MILITARY SERVICE".

On the reverse side of the medal in the center - a relief one-color image of the emblem of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - "MINISTRY OF DEFENSE", in the lower part - "RUSSIAN FEDERATION".

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the ribbon, an orange stripe 8 mm wide is bordered by two black stripes 2 mm wide, to the left - a red stripe 12 mm wide, divided in the middle: a green stripe 2 mm wide - for the 1st degree medal, two green stripes 2 mm wide - for the 2nd degree medal , three green stripes 2 mm wide - for a medal of the III degree.

The medal is made of bronze-colored metal with enamel, has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal in the center is a relief image of the fluttering standard of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, framed by an oak wreath, in the lower part of which there is a shield.

On the reverse side of the medal: in the upper part - a relief one-color image of the emblem of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, below it - a relief inscription in two lines: "FOR LABOR VALOR"; in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - "MINISTRY OF DEFENSE", in the lower part - "RUSSIAN FEDERATION".

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the tape, an orange stripe 8 mm wide is bordered by two black stripes 2 mm wide, to the left - a red stripe 12 mm wide, in the middle of which there is a blue stripe 2 mm wide.


* Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2000 No. 485 "On Personal Standards" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2000, No. 12, Art. 1258; 2017, No. 40, Art. 5820).

The medal is made of silver-colored metal, has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal: on the left - a relief image of a portrait of Lieutenant General M.T. Kalashnikov, on the right - a relief inscription in two lines: "MIKHAIL KALASHNIKOV", under the portrait - a relief image of an AK-47 assault rifle.

On the reverse side of the medal in the center - a relief one-color image of the emblem of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - "MINISTRY OF DEFENSE", in the lower part - "RUSSIAN FEDERATION".

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the tape, an orange stripe 8 mm wide is bordered by two black stripes 2 mm wide, to the left - a red stripe 12 mm wide, in the middle of which is a black stripe 4 mm wide.

The medal is made of gold-colored metal, has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal: a relief image of military equipment (in the upper part - three fighters, in the lower part - a missile ship) on the contour of the borders of the Syrian Arab Republic.

On the reverse side of the medal: in the upper part - a relief one-color image of the emblem of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, below it - a relief inscription in four lines: "PARTICIPANT OF THE MILITARY OPERATION IN SYRIA"; in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - "MINISTRY OF DEFENSE", in the lower part - "RUSSIAN FEDERATION".

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the tape, an orange stripe 8 mm wide is bordered by two black stripes 2 mm wide, to the left - equal red, white and black stripes.

Document overview

8 departmental insignia of the Ministry of Defense of Russia were established. These are the medals "For Combat Distinction", "For Military Valor", "For Demining", "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth", "For Distinction in Military Service", "For Labor Valor", "Mikhail Kalashnikov", "Participant in a Military Operation in Syria".

The order of awarding has been determined.

The insignia that give the right to confer the title of "Veteran of Labour" are listed. These are the medals "For Distinction in Military Service" I and II degrees, "For Labor Valour", "Mikhail Kalashnikov".

Earlier issued orders of the Russian Ministry of Defense on these issues were declared invalid.

The summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. It is part of the all-weather set of basic uniforms (VKBO). A suit made of Mirage fabric (PE-65%, cotton-35%), with a high content of cotton - is hygienic and comfortable in daily wear. Straight cut jacket. The collar is a stand, the volume is regulated by a pata on a textile fastener. The central fastener on a demountable lightning closed by a level on textile fasteners. Two breast patch pockets with flaps on textile fasteners. Back with two vertical pleats for freedom of movement in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. Sleeves are one-piece. In the upper part of the sleeves there are patch pockets with flaps on textile fasteners. In the area of ​​the elbow there are pads-amplifiers with an input for protectors on textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeve there is a patch pocket for pens. On a bottom of sleeves cuffs with pats on textile fasteners for volume adjustment. Straight cut trousers. One-piece belt with seven belt loops. The volume of the belt is regulated by a cord with tips. Button closure. Two side slash pockets. On the side seams are two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. Top part pockets is pulled together with an elastic cord with a clamp. Entrances to pockets, designed obliquely, like a hand, are closed with flaps on textile fasteners. In the area of ​​the knees there are reinforcement pads with an input for protectors on textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers there are patch pockets with flaps on textile fasteners. The volume on the bottom of the trousers is regulated by a braid. On the back halves of the trousers are two welt pockets with flaps with a hidden button closure. Reinforcement pad in the seat area

Jacket: - free cut; - a fastener central onboard, a wind-shelter level, on buttons; - coquette from finishing fabric; -2 welt slanted pockets with a flap, buttoned at the bottom of the front; - 1 slant patch pocket on the sleeves; - reinforcing curly overlays in the elbow area; - the bottom of the sleeves with an elastic band; - double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring to adjust the volume; - waist adjustment with drawstrings; Trousers: - free cut; -2 side vertical pockets; - in the area of ​​the knees, on the back halves of the trousers along the seam of the seat - reinforcing pads; -2 side patch pockets with flap; -2 back patch pockets with buttons; - the cut of the details in the knee area prevents them from stretching; - the back halves under the knee are assembled with an elastic band; - waistband with elastic; - bottom with elastic band; - fastened braces (braces); - belt loops; wearing - both in boots and out. material: tent cloth; composition: 100% cotton; density: 270 gr.; overlays: ripstop, oxford; cuffs: yes; sealing gum: yes; jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes; optional: lightweight summer version; high strength fabric and seams; How to wash Gorka suit.

Please note - in this model, fleece insulation is only in the jacket! Coloring: khaki Jacket: - free cut; - a fastener central onboard, a wind-shelter level, on buttons; - coquette from finishing fabric; -2 welt slanted pockets with a flap, buttoned at the bottom of the front; - 1 slant patch pocket on the sleeves; - reinforcing curly overlays in the elbow area; - the bottom of the sleeves with an elastic band; - double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring to adjust the volume; - waist adjustment with drawstrings; Trousers: - free cut; -2 side vertical pockets; - in the area of ​​the knees, on the back halves of the trousers along the seam of the seat - reinforcing pads; -2 side patch pockets with flap; -2 back patch pockets with buttons; - the cut of the details in the knee area prevents them from stretching; - the back halves under the knee are assembled with an elastic band; - waistband with elastic; - bottom with elastic band; - fastened braces (braces); - belt loops; wearing - both in boots and out. material: tent fabric; composition: 100% cotton; density: 270 gr.; overlays: ripstop, oxford 0; cuffs: yes; sealing gum: yes; seasonality: demi-season; additionally: reinforced inserts, removable fleece lining, anthers on trousers, suspenders included

The costume consists of a jacket and trousers. Jacket with a central side zipper. Front with upper welt pockets with flaps and leaflets, fastened with textile fasteners and side welt pockets in a “frame”, fastened with a “zipper” braid. Lined front and back of the jacket. Turn-down collar with stand. Staff suit made of rip-stop fabric with Velcro. Back with yoke. The sleeves are set-in, one-sutural, with reinforcing overlays in the elbow area, with stitched cuffs, fastened with a textile fastener - a slit with a puff. For attaching removable shoulder straps, there are loops in the area of ​​the shoulder seams, two continuous loops are sewn perpendicular to the shoulder seam. At the bottom of the jacket there is a cut-off belt, the volume of which is regulated by the side sections with elastic band. Trousers are straight, with stitched arrows and side pockets on the front halves. Fastening of the front of the trousers with a zipper. On the back halves - tucks. On the right back half there is a welt pocket with a flap and a leaflet, fastened with a textile fastener. The belt is stitched, fastened with a loop and a button. To adjust the volume, the belt is pulled together with elastic band, in the area of ​​the side seams. Sample material drawing: Additionally, you can purchase:

Jacket "Mountain-3" is recommended for active rest(tourism, hiking), as well as a field uniform for mountain rifle units of the RF Ministry of Defense Loose fit that does not restrict movement Hood with adjustment in three dimensions - along the oval of the face, vertically at the back of the head and side vision adjustment On buttons Adjustment of the volume of the sleeve above the wrist with a hidden elastic band with Velcro Elbows are protected by a removable polyurethane foam insert (included) Pockets: two lower voluminous pockets with buttons closed with valves Napoleon pocket on the chest slanted pockets on the sleeves, closed with Velcro flaps internal moisture-proof pocket for documents with Velcro bottom of jacket jacket See all items by tag rubber cord jacket Material: 100% cotton, new high quality tarpaulin, superior to analogues used by most other manufacturers New technology processing allowed to significantly improve the fabric's resistance to fading and abrasion Reinforcing overlays -100% polyester polyester View all products by tag polyester rip-stop Attention! Before washing, remove the protective inserts in the knee/elbow pads from their respective pockets. Do not wash protective inserts in the washing machine. When washing tarpaulin products in a washing machine, traces of abrasion may appear. SIZING: Download Dimensional grid(.xlsx) for accurate sizing REVIEWS: Review by Survival Panda Forum discussion of this model YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN:

Combined-arms suit of a new sample. The combined arms suit of a new sample is made taking into account the latest requirements for uniforms and can actually be used all year round. Structurally, the suit is a light jacket (tunic) and loose-fitting trousers. It is made from a durable 70/30 polyester/cotton blend with a weight of 220 grams. per 1m2 of authorized colors "digital flora". The jacket is equipped with a zipper, which, in turn, is covered with a windproof valve, securely fixed with textile fasteners, has a stand-up collar that prevents the fighter from chafing the neck of the fighter with body armor, and five pockets. Two frontal, two overhead on sleeves and one internal, waterproof, for documents. The sleeves of the jacket are reinforced with a double layer of fabric, and are securely fixed at the wrist with Velcro fasteners. The cut of the jacket itself is thought out so that it can be worn under warming layers, worn either tucked into trousers or loose. For quick identification in an emergency, and the insignia required by the charter, the jacket has six reliable attachment points - three above the chest pockets, and three on the sleeves. The trousers of the suit are loose enough not to hamper the fighter's movements, the knees and other loaded parts are reinforced with a second layer of fabric, elastic bands are sewn into the belt for automatic volume control. This allows you to wear a warming layer quite comfortably and in critical cases do without a waist belt. To accommodate the minimum required by a fighter, the trousers have six pockets. Two overhead cargo on the sides, two slotted, and two rear. At the bottom of the legs there are drawstrings that allow you to securely fix the trousers over combat boots, as well as belt loops, they allow for more precise adjustment in height, and make wearing trousers tucked into shoes more comfortable. color pixel Main features: coloring green pixel durable material Velcro stand collar for patches inner pocket CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUIT Material: rip-stop Composition: 70/30 Density: 220 gr. Cuffs: Velcro Sealing elastic bands: ties Pockets jacket / trousers: yes / yes Seasonality: demi-season

A modernized version of the suit for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation The suit has been changed: for greater convenience, the width of the sleeves has been increased, the cut of the trousers has been modified, and other improvements have been made. Jacket: Worn outside. False epaulettes can be used. fabric insert) on the sleeve to protect against dust and dirt Pockets: 2 pockets on the chest and 2 at the bottom of the jacket 2 inside pockets and 2 on the sleeves Pants: Arrows stitched Loops for a wide waist belt Reinforcing pads on the knees The bottom of the trousers is adjustable in size with a cord Bottom trousers with an adjustable shoulder strap that prevents them from creeping up Pockets: 2 side pockets and 2 on the hips 1 back pocket Product material: "Standard": 60% cotton; 40% polyester

Winter jacket for the army, navy and air force provides reliable protection against wind and snow. The insulation perfectly retains heat, weighs little, does not deform, does not absorb moisture. The combination of membrane fabric and insulation provides protection from severe frosts. FEATURES Cold protection Stabilized fit For military operations Hand wash only MATERIALS Rip-stop Membrane Fibersoft insulation

The VKBO comfortable military suit is used by the RF Armed Forces in the field. The balanced composition of the fabric provides high strength and ventilation performance. There are pockets for placing polypropylene protectors on the elbows and knees. SPECIFICATIONS For hot weather Statutory fit MATERIALS 65% polyester, 35% cotton

Trousers from a special suit of parachute parts On the buttons The belt is adjustable in size with the help of side elastic bands An oversized belt for the convenience of wearing ammunition on the belt Loops for a wide waist belt Reinforcing pads with a softening insert on the knees (photo A) Mesh for ventilation in the groin area The bottom of the trousers with an elastic band Drawstring cuffs at the bottom of the pants prevent debris from getting into shoes Pockets: 2 side pockets and 2 hip pockets with a fold-over top to prevent items from falling out 1 knife pocket 2 back pockets Material: 100% cotton The parachute parts of the suit proved to be very convenient for tourists as well. Everything that is sharpened for a parachute is good for a backpack. Durable, dense canvas fabric, pre-shrunk and highly resistant to fading. The tarpaulin breathes, protects from wind and moisture, is not afraid of a fire (if you do not dry clothes on a fire rope) and is not bitten by insects. The loose-fitting jacket does not restrict movement and is devoid of protruding details. Due to the absence of lower pockets, it can be worn both loose and tucked into trousers. Buttons characteristic of uniforms. The bottom of the jacket is adjustable in size. Two front pockets and easy-access side pockets on the sleeves are protected by flaps. The inner pocket for documents is made of water-repellent fabric. Ventilation in the most overheated places in the jacket and trousers is provided by mesh fabric. The most tense ones (elbows and knees) are reinforced with additional pads (on the knees with a softening insert). Trousers with a high elasticated waistband and drawstrings for a wide belt are comfortable and allow you to carry the necessary ammunition on the belt. The loose fit, the drawstring bottom of the legs allow you to move freely through the most inaccessible places and protect the boots from debris getting inside. The restraint of the jacket is more than offset by the abundance of pockets on the trousers. Welt pockets on the side are simple and familiar, two back pockets with flaps, two front pockets with flaps in front on the hips and a knife pocket. You can place everything you need from salt, matches, maps, compass and GPS to horns from the machine. Durable, comfortable, breathable, unpretentious suit will reliable protection in the forest and in the air.

Casual suit of military personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense. Men's jacket: fastens at the waist with a zipper, long sleeves, unlined. Turn-down collar with a stand and fixing the corners with buttons. The pockets are fastened with a contact tape. Below are welt pockets "frame", fastened with a zipper. The inner pocket for documents is fastened with a button. Trousers with a stitched belt fastened with a button. Color: Blue, green, black. Size: 88-132 Size: 84-100 Height: 158-200 Fabric: Rip-stop Accessories: Reinforced Color: blue, green, black. Material: rip-stop.

The jacket reliably protects from wind and snow. The insulation perfectly retains heat, weighs little, does not deform, does not absorb moisture. The combination of the membrane and the Fibersoft insulation provides protection against frost down to -40 degrees. CHARACTERISTICS Cold protection Statutory cut Hand wash only MATERIALS Rip-stop Membrane Fibersoft insulation

Winter jacket for the army, navy and air force provides reliable protection against wind and snow. The insulation perfectly retains heat, weighs little, does not deform, does not absorb moisture. The combination of membrane fabric and insulation provides protection from severe frosts. FEATURES Cold protection Stabilized fit For military operations Hand wash only MATERIALS Rip-stop Membrane Fibersoft insulation

The MPA-35 suit is designed for comfortable work of employees of the Ministry of Defense in hot weather. Consists of trousers and a jacket with long sleeves. On the sleeves there are reinforcing pads in the elbow area. The bottom of the jacket is adjustable in size. SPECIFICATIONS For hot weather Statutory fit For office work MATERIALS Gabardine (100% polyethylene)

Cap of the Ministry of Defense (office). The cap is made of ripstop fabric, olive color. According to the temporary regulation No. 256/41/3101. On caps and caps there is an insignia of belonging to the executive authorities, where the law provides for military service (golden cockade), for senior officers, in addition, a visor and cap band with golden sewing.

Men's raincoat for employees of the Ministry of Defense of a straight silhouette will provide comfortable service and a presentable appearance at temperatures down to -15 degrees. Jacket fabric with a membrane in combination with insulation works as wind and moisture protection. CHARACTERISTICS Cold protection Rain and wind protection Statutory cut Hand wash only MATERIALS Rip-stop Membrane Fibersoft insulation

Trousers "Mountain-3" are recommended for outdoor activities (tourism, hiking), as well as as a field uniform for mountain rifle units of the Russian Ministry of Defense Loose fit that does not restrict movements Loops for a wide waist belt seat, knees and on the bottom of the trousers The knees are protected by a removable polyurethane foam insert (included in the kit), it is possible to use additional knee pads. The latest version of the trousers is compatible with D3O T5 and T6 knee pads (sold separately!) Leg volume can be adjusted in the calf area with a hidden Velcro elastic band Dust muffs with elasticated volume adjustment, equipped with an elastic drawstring Comes with detachable side suspenders, easy to unfasten when the jacket is on , slightly adjustable in height Pockets: two side welt pockets two back patch pockets with buttons two side bulky cargo pockets closed with button flaps Material: Main material -100% cotton significantly improve the fabric's resistance to fading and abrasion Reinforcing overlays -100% polyester rip-stop Attention! Before washing, remove the protective inserts in the knee/elbow pads from their respective pockets. Do not wash protective inserts in the washing machine. When washing tarpaulin products in a washing machine, traces of abrasion may appear. YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN: REVIEWS: Review by Survival Panda Review by Vladislav Boychuk (tankist_sssr)

The military hypermarket "Voentorg" proudly offers its customers a huge range of medals of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Each of the presented copies is made in accordance with the highest quality standards. High-alloyed brass, organic enamel, high-tech equipment - all this allows you to achieve maximum compliance with the originals.

What medals of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces can be bought at Voensovmag

Like all other awards, the Armed Forces medals are divided into those established by the Ministry of Defense and public committees. As for the medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in our online store you can purchase all types of medals for this category. We are pleased to offer our customers anniversary and commemorative insignia at quite affordable prices. Flexible terms of payment and delivery allow us to process orders as soon as possible even for regions remote from Moscow. However, the location of our company in the capital gives us the advantage of open transport lines in all directions.

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

If you want to buy MO medals, then you have come to the right place. Only we have a complete collection of medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. You can order awards for combat commonwealth, for valor, for excellence in exercises, for Syria, for long service, for demining, as well as many more various new medals of the RF Ministry of Defense. If you have any questions during the selection of the necessary medal, feel free to dial our managers (you can see the phone numbers at the very top of the page), and they will give you detailed advice on each lot.

In the first place in demand is the medal for the military commonwealth of the Moscow Region. Judging by the number of orders, this departmental medal is the most popular in Russia. Probably, this was facilitated by the fact that a similar medal from the line of award badges of the Soviet Union was very rare. It could only be awarded to a narrow circle of people. During the entire existence of the award, only 20 thousand people could become its honorary owners. It is noteworthy that foreign citizens can also be presented to this insignia - those who have made a certain contribution to the strengthening of the Russian state. As for compatriots, this badge of honor was awarded to military personnel who helped in solving an important issue concerning the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The awarding of the medal takes place in a solemn atmosphere. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation personally attaches the medal to the tunic. In some cases, an award may be presented by a person replacing the Minister by his order. You can buy this medal from us for 599 rubles. Moreover, this price includes an unfilled certificate form.

By the way, it is very easy to buy medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and certificates for them in our store. You can simply contact our consultants and they will place an order for you. You can also fill out a small order form on the pages of our website. Issues can be resolved via email.

In second place in popularity is the medal of valor of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The people call this award differently: “for labor valor” or “for valor”. Interestingly, the "ancestor" of this award is one of the first medals in the USSR - "for labor valor", which was born back in 1938. Some time after the collapse of the USSR, the medal was excluded from the award system of the nascent Russian Federation. However, already in the first year of the 21st century, it was decided to return the award "to service". Today, this medal is freely available in our store. It is sold with a certificate at a very low price.

The above award should not be confused with the medal "For Military Valor". Our virtual showcase presents two degrees of this legendary insignia at once. It is impossible to immediately receive the first degree of the medal without merits previously marked with state awards, or without attaching the second degree to the insignia.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the medal of I.V. Stalin (1879-1953) can only be bought at the Voensovmag military store. The rare award has an original design: against the background of a shtral pentagon, there is a star, in the center of which there is a portrait of the “leader of all peoples”. The kit for the award includes a certificate form, which the customer fills out.

Pay your attention to the no less popular medal for distinction in the teachings of the Ministry of Defense. Despite the fact that the award has replenished the lists of departmental awards in Russia quite recently - in 2014 - it has already managed to fall in love with our fellow citizens. This award can be presented not only to military personnel undergoing training, but also to the leadership responsible for organizing and conducting them. The military who stand out in this area can be annually attached to such a medal, but not earlier than 365 days after the last award.

In connection with recent events, the medal of the Ministry of Defense for Syria has become very popular. We are proud to offer our customers this award on the pages of the catalog. If for some reason you have lost your medal and now want to restore it, you can do it in two clicks and avoid standing in numerous queues. Just order it from us and it will arrive in the mail within two weeks. If you need more urgent delivery, call us and we will arrange an individual shipment of goods for you. You will be able to receive the goods many times faster. By the way, your order will come with a blank identification form that you can fill out yourself.

We present to your attention the medals for the length of service of the MO, or "For Distinction in Military Service." As usual, we have presented all three degrees of this legendary award. This departmental insignia was established in 1995. Then, the award system of Russia was slightly revised and the award left the line of its fellows. A little later, in 2009, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation again issued a decree on the return of the medal to circulation. The medal of the third degree can be awarded to persons who have dedicated 10 years of their lives to serving in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces. The insignia of the second degree can be worn on the tunic by especially distinguished military men who have served for more than 15 years. As for the medal of the first degree, only military personnel with a continuous experience of 20 years can be attached to it. It is interesting that it is impossible to receive a medal of the second degree without first awarding the third degree, and similarly, it is impossible to receive the first degree without the second.

On the pages of our site even such rare awards as the medal for mine clearance of the Ministry of Defense or the Kalashnikov medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are presented. Moreover, the cost of both is an order of magnitude lower than in similar military stores in Russia.

Medals of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

We offer you to pay attention to a large line of medals of the Armed Forces, which can be ordered at any time and in any volume at the military store "Voensovmag".

As for all departments, the medal for long service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will never lose its relevance. This is not surprising, because it gives the right to receive a decent amount of benefits from the state and many employees are interested in receiving it. The Russian award system involves two degrees of this medal. Our customers can easily order any of them. It is only worth remembering that without a previously obtained second degree of this distinction, it is impossible to obtain the first. It is worth considering this fact when placing an order.

On our electronic showcases you can see both the medals of the USSR Armed Forces and the commemorative medals of the Armed Forces. For example, we have all the commemorative signs that were established in honor of the anniversaries of the Russian Armed Forces.

The medal 60 Years of the Armed Forces was issued during the Soviet Union in 1978. She relied on a wide range of people, including midshipmen, warrant officers, officers who are in the service or have already been transferred to the reserve. In the post-war years, partisans and Red Guards were assigned to this award. This award is very common, more than 10 million people were awarded it before 1995 alone. Many of the veterans of the Second World War fought - posthumously.

The 70th Anniversary of the Armed Forces Medal is also an anniversary award of the USSR Armed Forces. The same circle of people could receive this honorary badge on their tunic as for the previous medal, only this time military servicemen were also included in the list. Interestingly, absolutely all employees who were in Afghanistan on February 23, 1988 were assigned to this insignia. A little less than 10 million people have this medal in their arsenal.

The medal 80 years of the Armed Forces was introduced into the award system of Russia in 1997. The sign was intended to reward not only active military personnel, but also reserve soldiers. This departmental, anniversary award is accompanied by a certificate confirming the identity of the owner of the medal and giving him the right to receive certain benefits from the state. Interestingly, the minting of this medal was entrusted to the Moscow Mint, an organization that produces modern coins of the Russian Federation.

Don't miss the Veteran's Medal. This award was established to reward military personnel who have given service to the fatherland long years. This medal is not departmental, it was established by a public organization, so the oan can serve as a wonderful gift for rewarding men in the team by February 23. Due to the fact that the words “In memory of the service” are engraved on the back of it, it will suit any soldier.

Remember the beautiful gift wrapping!

Our catalog contains a large collection of accessories for badges, orders and medals. Choosing an accessory for every occasion and for every wallet at Voensovmag is as easy as shelling pears. If you want to present an award in a particularly solemn atmosphere, we advise you to opt for a velvet pillow with lace decoration. Its rich color will emphasize the brilliance of your chosen award and enhance the overall impression of the gift. If you need a more budget option, order cardboard or plastic boxes and cases that can accommodate not only the awards themselves, but also certificates for them.

Medals of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces

A wide selection of orders and medals from different eras, provided in the online store, will surprise the most demanding customers. Awards relating to the years of the Second World War, as well as more modern ones, can be selected in a matter of seconds using the store's website. The quality of the goods with a guarantee and the speed in the work done in the shortest possible time, at affordable prices to any city in the country in just a couple of clicks. Ordering medals of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces is simple and accessible to everyone.

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

On the website of the online store, you can choose any medal, regardless of the year it was awarded or assigned. Awards that commemorate bravery and courage, both in battle and under a peaceful sky, are equally valuable and important. New medals, made according to completely different samples, are of high value and the guarantee of their quality is the main priority of the online store. The affordable price of the product with its corresponding history is provided to the buyer without further reservations. Not only collectors will find the medals of the Russian Defense Ministry rare and coveted. The choice of a gift that can surprise history lovers or patriots of the country depends entirely on you and your wishes.

Buy medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are intended to express respect for the honor of military personnel, as well as civilians directly involved in the work of organizations of military departments. Buy medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, assigned to civilian or military, with detailed information about the history of the award, it is possible through the online store with a minimum of waiting. The medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, established since March 1995, are still considered prestigious and are in no way inferior to other respected awards among military personnel and civilians. The main purpose of such awards:

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation catalog

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the catalog of which exceeds hundreds of awards, is provided to the buyer in full. On the site you can view the medals that are in stock and for sale. The medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is not just an award, it is respect and a sign of deepest admiration for military personnel, as well as civilians who have taken on a heavy burden to protect the civilian population. In the online store you can purchase goods, in particular medals, awarded by such bodies as:

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

Federal Office for the Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons;

Federal Agency for Special Construction.

The book contains descriptions of departmental medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation with images of the appearance of awards, ribbons, a description of the semantics of the elements of the medal, the categories of those awarded. This publication will be useful to military personnel, cadets, veterans, collectors, and anyone interested in the awards of modern Russia.

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The following excerpt from the book Departmental medals of power structures of Russia. Catalog-determinant (Authors team) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The first of the law enforcement agencies to develop and establish their own departmental medals was the Ministry of Defense. The first medals of this department were established in 1995. They became "heirs" Soviet medals- medals "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth" (an analogue of the state Soviet award - the medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth") and "For Distinction in Military Service" (an analogue of the Soviet departmental medal "For Impeccable Service in the Armed Forces of the USSR"). The artist of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Central Clothing Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR A. B. Zhuk, became the author of the drawings of these first medals. The first medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation became the basis for the creation of similar medals of other law enforcement agencies.

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are an integral part of the reward system in the Armed Forces. According to the order of the Minister of Defense of January 22, 2008 No. 30 “On departmental insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”, departmental insignia are medals of the Ministry of Defense and other signs of the Armed Forces, the provisions of which indicate their belonging to departmental insignia. They are awarded by orders of the Minister of Defense, unless otherwise provided by the regulations on the relevant departmental insignia. The awarding of medals of the Russian Defense Ministry serves the cause of strengthening the combat capability of the army and navy, and raising the prestige of military service.

Issues of heraldic support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are under the jurisdiction of the head of the Military Heraldic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Chief Military King of Arms, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Colonel O. V. Kuznetsov.

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Distinction in Military Service"

In accordance with the regulations of the medal, the medal "For Distinction in Military Service" is a departmental insignia. The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" is awarded to positively characterized military personnel of the Armed Forces who do not have disciplinary sanctions for reasonable initiative, diligence and distinction in service.

The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" has three degrees:

medal of the 1st degree - for awarding military personnel of the Armed Forces upon reaching the total duration of military service of 20 years in calendar terms;

medal of the II degree - for rewarding the military personnel of the Armed Forces upon reaching the total duration of military service of 15 years in calendar terms;

medal of the III degree - for awarding military personnel of the Armed Forces upon reaching the total duration of military service of 10 years in calendar terms.

The highest degree of the medal "For Distinction in Military Service" is I degree. The award is made sequentially: a medal of the III degree, then a medal of the II degree, then a medal of the I degree.

The medal "For Distinction in Military Service" is made: I degree - from silver-colored metal, II degree - from golden-colored metal, III degree - from bronze-colored metal and has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal: in the center - a relief image of a shield with a Roman numeral in the center indicating the degree of the medal - I, II or III, on two diagonally crossed swords, wings and an anchor entwined with a rope; below them in a circle is a relief inscription: "FOR DIFFERENCE IN MILITARY SERVICE".

On the reverse side of the medal: in the center - a relief image of the emblem of the Armed Forces; in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - "MINISTRY OF DEFENSE", in the lower part - "RUSSIAN FEDERATION"

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the ribbon, an orange stripe 10 mm wide is bordered by a black stripe 2 mm wide, on the left - a red stripe 12 mm wide, in the middle of which there are green stripes 2 mm wide: for a medal of I degree - one stripe, II degree - two stripes, III degree - three stripes; the distance between the green stripes is 1 mm.

The elements of the medal "For Distinction in Military Service" symbolize (semantics):

the orange stripe of ribbons of medals, bordered by a black stripe - the medals belong to the system of insignia of the Armed Forces;

the red and green stripes of the ribbon of the medal "For Distinction in Military Service" - the purpose of the medal is to reward military personnel for impeccable service.

It should be noted that in this and all subsequent medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, it is used in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 46 of 01/27/1997 "On the establishment of a military heraldic sign - the emblem of the armed forces of the Russian Federation" military heraldic sign - the emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is an image of a golden (silver) double-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding a sword in its right paw, and a laurel wreath in its left. On the chest of the eagle is a shield crowned with a crown. On a shield on a red field is a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear. The military heraldic sign - the emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can also be made in black and white.

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth"

Established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 123 of March 27, 1995, re-established by order of March 5, 2009 N 85 "On the establishment of medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" For Distinction in Military Service "and" For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth ".

The medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" is a departmental insignia.

The medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" is awarded to servicemen and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, as well as other citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens for their services in strengthening the military commonwealth and military cooperation with friendly states, assistance in solving the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces.

The medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" is awarded by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Ministry of Defense.

The medal "For the Strengthening of the Combat Commonwealth" is made of gold-colored metal and has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal: in the center - a relief image of a cartouche shield with an inscription in four lines "FOR STRENGTHENING THE COMMONWEALTH OF BATTLE" on two diagonally crossed swords; below it in a circle is a relief image of oak branches.

On the reverse side of the medal: in the center - a relief image of the emblem of the Armed Forces; in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - "MINISTRY OF DEFENSE", in the lower part - "RUSSIAN FEDERATION".

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the tape, an orange stripe 10 mm wide is bordered by a black stripe 2 mm wide, on the left - a red stripe 4 mm wide is bordered along the edges with green and blue stripes 2 mm wide each.

The elements of the medal symbolize (semantics):

a shield (a symbol of the defense of the Fatherland), a sword (a symbol of armed struggle and an element of the military heraldic signs of the Ground Forces), wings and an anchor (elements of the military heraldic signs of the Air Force and the Navy) - readiness to defend the Fatherland;

oak branches (a symbol of stamina and courage) - military glory;

the blue, green and red stripes of the ribbon of the medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" - the purpose of the medal is to reward merits in strengthening the military commonwealth and military cooperation.

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For military valor"

"On the establishment of the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For military valor"

This is the first medal with a ribbon in the colors of the Armed Forces.

The medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Military Valor" is a departmental insignia.

The medal "For Military Valor" is awarded to servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

for excellent performance in combat training, field (air, sea) training;

for special distinctions during combat service and combat duty, during exercises and maneuvers;

for courage, dedication and other merits shown in the performance of military duty.

The medal is awarded by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The medal "For military valor" consists of two degrees - I and II. The highest degree of the medal is I degree. Rewarding is made consistently - a medal of the II degree, a medal of the I degree.

Military personnel previously awarded state awards of the Russian Federation may be awarded a 1st degree medal without being awarded a 2nd degree medal.

Repeated awarding of the medal "For military valor" of the same degree is not made.

The medal "For Military Valor" is worn by the awarded on the left side of the chest and is located after the state awards of the Russian Federation in accordance with the rules for wearing military uniforms.

The medal is made of tombac (Nickel silver - for II degree) with enamel and has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side - a relief image of the developing standard of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, framed by an oak wreath. On the reverse side - a relief inscription: "For military valor" in two lines, in a circle - "Ministry of Defense" - at the top and "Russian Federation" - below.

The medal is connected with an eyelet and a ring to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moire orange-red ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge, the orange stripe is bordered by a black stripe - 2 mm wide. In the middle of the red stripe - white 2 mm wide - for the I degree and two white stripes 1 mm wide - for the II degree.

By December 22, 1999 (the moment the medal was established), Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 27, 1997 No. 48 “On Amendments to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 1994 No. 1010 “On Military Uniform and Insignia” was already in force by military ranks”, which allowed using a relief image of the waving standard of the Minister of Defense on the front side of the medal.

Established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of February 11, 2000 N 75 "On the establishment of the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "To the participant of the march on June 12, 1999 Bosnia-Kosovo"

The medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Participant of the march on June 12, 1999 Bosnia-Kosovo" is a departmental insignia.

The medal "Participant of the march on June 12, 1999, Bosnia-Kosovo" is awarded to military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for courage, courage and valor shown in the preparation, provision and conduct of the march on June 12, 1999, Bosnia - Kosovo.

The medal is awarded by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. On June 12, 1999, the direct participants in the march are awarded a nickel silver medal, and those who took part in its preparation and provision - from tompak.

The medal (medal ribbon) is worn by the awarded on the left side of the chest and is located after the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (medal ribbon) "For Military Valor".

The medal made of tombac (nickel silver) with enamel has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal in the upper part there is a developing white-blue-red flag. Below the flag is a relief image of an armored personnel carrier against the background of an open parachute with a white dome and two aircraft, in the lower part there is a relief inscription on a blue ribbon "Bosnia-Kosovo". On the reverse side of the medal there is a relief inscription in a circle in the upper part "Participant", in the center in two lines "March on June 12, 1999", in the lower part - the number of the medal.

The medal is connected with an eyelet and a ring to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moire orange-blue ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge, the orange stripe is bordered by a black stripe 2 mm wide.

In 2000, 343 medals were awarded (250 nickel silver, 93 tombac). Nickel silver medal No. 1 was awarded to Chief General of the Army A. V. Kvashnin - Chief of the General Staff, and No. 2 - to the First Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Colonel General V. L. Manilov. They also made silver commemorative medals, which were presented to V. V. Putin and B. N. Yeltsin. One silver medal was deposited in the Heraldic Register Armed Forces RF.

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Labor Valour"

The medal "For Labor Valor" was introduced by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2000 N 310 "On the Establishment of the Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Labor Valor""

The medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Labor Valor" is a departmental insignia.

The Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Labor Valor" is awarded to civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

for differences in the performance of labor duties, long-term and impeccable work;

behind high achievements in industrial and scientific - research activities;

for merits in the training of highly qualified personnel.

The medal "For Labor Valor" is worn on the left side of the chest and is located after the state awards of the Russian Federation.

The medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Labor Valor" is made of dark bronze with enamel and has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side there is a relief image of the fluttering standard of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, framed by an oak wreath. On the reverse side there is a relief inscription "For Labor Valor" in two lines, in a circle - "Ministry of Defense" - at the top and "Russian Federation" - at the bottom.

The medal, with the help of an eyelet and a ring, is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré orange-red ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge, the orange stripe is bordered by a black stripe 2 mm wide. In the middle of the red stripe - blue 2 mm wide.

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For diligence in performing tasks of engineering support"

Established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 315 of June 18, 2000 "On the establishment of military heraldic signs of engineering troops."

This order established a military heraldic sign - the emblem of the engineering troops, which is an image of a two-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding crossed axes in its paws. On the chest of the eagle is a shield crowned with a crown. On a shield in a red field is a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear.

Military heraldic badge - the emblem of the engineering troops can also be made in black and white.

The medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For diligence in performing engineering support tasks" is awarded to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: for special distinctions and exemplary performance of engineering support tasks and measures; for the merits shown in the development of engineering weapons, and their successful development; for initiative, diligence and diligence in service activities aimed at increasing the combat readiness and combat capability of engineering troops.

The medal is awarded by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The medal is worn by the awarded on the left side of the chest and is located after the state awards of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Rules for wearing military uniforms by military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The medal "For diligence in performing tasks of engineering support" is made of white metal, has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal there is a relief image of a military heraldic sign - the emblem of the engineering troops, framed against the background of a cross with a laurel wreath.

On the reverse side of the medal there is a relief inscription in four lines:

"For diligence - in the performance - of engineering - support tasks", in a circle - "Ministry of Defense" - at the top, "Russian Federation" - at the bottom.

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge, an orange stripe 10 mm wide is bordered by a black stripe 2 mm wide, to the left, stripes of red, black and white colors of equal width are alternately located.

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For demining"

Established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2002 N 90 "On the establishment of the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For demining"

The Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Demining" is awarded to servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for their dedication, courage and bravery, high professionalism:

when performing tasks to detect and neutralize (destroy) explosive objects on the ground (objects);

when participating in international programs, projects and operations for humanitarian demining;

in the organization and management of mine clearance.

The award of the medal "For demining" is carried out by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or an official on his behalf. Repeated awarding of the medal "For demining" is not carried out.

The medal "For demining" is worn on the left side of the chest and is located after the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For military valor".

On the front side there is a relief image of a soldier with a mine detector and an armored demining vehicle against the background of the terrain, at the bottom left is a laurel branch. On the reverse side there is a relief inscription: in the center - "For demining", in a circle - "Ministry of Defense" - at the top and "Russian Federation" - below.

The medal is connected by means of an eye and a ring to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré orange-green ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge, the orange stripe is bordered by a black stripe 2 mm wide. In the middle of the green stripe is a red stripe 2 mm wide.

Image of a serviceman performing an explosive ordnance search task in protective equipment with the main explosive ordnance search tool - a mine detector, and an armored demining vehicle - modern means, used to clear the paths of movement of troops while escorting columns, reflects the signs of functional activity characteristic of performing tasks for the disposal of explosive ordnance.

The laurel branch symbolizes the courage and valor of military personnel who carry out demining tasks in life-threatening conditions.

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For military distinctions"

One of the most honorable departmental medals of the Ministry of Defense, combat award.

Established by Order of the Minister of Defense dated March 31, 2003 No. 100 “On the establishment of the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For Combat Distinction”.

The Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Combat Distinction" is awarded to servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

for distinction, courage and dedication shown in the performance of tasks in combat conditions and in the conduct of special operations in conditions involving a risk to life;

for skillful, proactive and decisive actions that contributed to the successful completion of combat missions;

for the successful management of the actions of subordinates in the performance of combat missions.

The medal is awarded by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The medal will not be re-awarded.

The medal is made of silver-colored metal and has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides. On the front side of the medal: in the center - a relief inscription in two lines "For military distinctions"; in the upper part - relief images of an aircraft and a helicopter, in the lower part - relief images of a tank and an infantry fighting vehicle. On the reverse side of the medal there is a relief inscription: in the center - "N ___"; in a circle: "Ministry of Defense" - above, "Russian Federation" - below.

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the tape, an orange stripe 10 mm wide is bordered by a black stripe 2 mm wide, to the left - a white stripe 2 mm wide, an orange stripe 8 mm wide and a black stripe 2 mm wide.

The image of the main types of military equipment symbolizes the readiness of all military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to fulfill their military duty to protect the Fatherland;

the colors of the ribbon of the medal symbolize: the orange color of the right edge of the ribbon of the medal and the black color of its edge - the medal belongs to the system of insignia of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; the combination of white, orange and black ("St. George's") colors of the left edge of the ribbon of the medal is a manifestation of differences by military personnel directly in combat conditions.

In terms of its graphic design, the medal is in many ways similar to the state award - the medal "For Courage" (an image of an aircraft and a tank), which emphasizes the combat status of the award.

More than 500 people have been awarded the medal "For Combat Distinction", including for participation in counter-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus, it is rightfully the most prestigious award among the departmental insignia of the RF Ministry of Defense.

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For merits in nuclear support"

Established by Order of the Minister of Defense No. 290 dated July 27, 2007 N 290 “On the establishment of the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For Merit in Nuclear Support”.

The Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Merit in Nuclear Support" is awarded to servicemen and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, other citizens of the Russian Federation who have served (worked) in the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, formations and military units of nuclear support for 10 years or more in calendar terms , for special merits in the creation and development of the nuclear weapons complex of the Russian Federation, in solving the tasks performed by the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

The medal is awarded by order of the head of the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The medal is awarded in a solemn ceremony by the head of the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or by another official on his behalf.

The medal will not be re-awarded.

The medal (medal ribbon) is located after the medal (medal ribbon) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Colonel General Dutov".

The medal is made of metal of gold and silver colors and has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal: in the center - a relief image of the emblem of formations and military units of nuclear support (an image of a golden double-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding in its paws three silver intersecting stylized electron orbits with electrons. On the chest of the eagle - a red, triangular, elongated shield with In the field of the shield is a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear), framed by a laurel wreath on an equilateral cross with expanding ends with orange-black-orange rays equally divided between the ends of the cross.

On the reverse side of the medal: in the center - a relief inscription in four lines: "For merits in nuclear support"; in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - "Ministry of Defense", in the lower part - "Russian Federation".

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the tape, an orange stripe 10 mm wide is bordered by a black stripe 2 mm wide, on the left - a white stripe 4 mm wide is bordered along the edges with orange and black stripes 2 mm wide each.

The elements of the medal symbolize:

the emblem of formations and military units of nuclear support, a laurel wreath (a symbol of award and glory) and an equilateral cross with expanding ends (the traditional basis of award badges of the Russian army) with orange-black-orange rays equally divided between the ends of the cross (the colors of the flag of formations and military units of nuclear support ) - a high level of combat readiness and merit in the performance of tasks for their intended purpose;

the orange stripe of the ribbon of the medal, bordered by a black stripe - the medal belongs to the system of insignia of the Armed Forces;

the white stripe of the ribbon of the medal, bordered on both sides by orange and black stripes (the colors of the flag of formations and military units of nuclear support), is the purpose of the medal for awarding military personnel of formations and military units of nuclear support.

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Service in the Air Force"

Established by order of the Minister of Defense No. 240 of August 27, 2004 "On military heraldic signs of the Air Force"

The medal is awarded to military personnel for conscientious service for 20 years or more in calendar terms, provided that they are awarded the distinction "For Merit" or a commemorative badge (breastplate "Air Defense Forces of the country").

Persons who have previously served in the Air Force and Air Defense Forces or who have been discharged from military service and meet the specified conditions may be awarded in exceptional cases as a recognition of their services to the Air Force and Air Defense Forces.

The medal is awarded by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force. The medal will not be re-awarded.

The medal is presented in a solemn ceremony by the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force or another official on his behalf. Along with the medal, a certificate of the established form is awarded.

The medal (medal ribbon) is worn by the awarded on the tunic on the left side of the chest and is located after the medal (medal ribbon) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Distinction in Military Service" I degree.

The medal is made of gold-colored metal and has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides. On the front side of the medal: in the center - a relief image of a fighter and three anti-aircraft missiles of various modifications in flight against the background of the silhouette of a radar antenna; in the upper part - a relief image of a small emblem of the Air Force; in the lower part - a relief image of a branch of laurel leaves. On the reverse side of the medal there is a relief inscription in capital letters: in the center - "For Service in the Air Force", in a circle in the upper part - "Ministry of Defense", in the lower part - "Russian Federation".

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the tape there is an orange stripe 10 mm wide, bordered by a black stripe 2 mm wide, to the left - equal-sized blue and yellow stripes separated from each other by a red stripe 2 mm wide.

Elements of military heraldic signs symbolize:

wings (a symbol of speed and mobility) with a crossed propeller (a symbol of flight) and an anti-aircraft gun (a symbol of defense) - the main content of the Air Force's activities to protect important objects of the country and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from air and space strikes and gain air supremacy ;

shestoper (a symbol of military supremacy and leadership) with a wing (a symbol of speed and mobility) and an aiguillette (a detail of the decoration of the military uniform of officers) - the leading role of the High Command of the Air Force in the construction, development, preparation for the use and use of military formations of the Air Force in the air sphere;

fighter and two anti-aircraft missiles with a radar antenna ( military equipment military branches of the Air Force) - maintaining high level combat readiness of the Air Force; a wreath of celery (a symbol of reward and high honor) - loyalty to military duty and military traditions of military personnel.

an equilateral cross with expanding beams is the traditional basis for award badges of the Russian army; emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - belonging of the Air Force to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; the middle emblem of the Air Force - the belonging of the High Command of the Air Force to the Air Force; the form of the heraldic shield of the High Command of the Air Force - the rank of the High Command of the Air Force as the central body of military command; laurel branch (a traditional heraldic element used on medals) - the highest sign of military glory; the blue color of the field of shields, sleeve insignia and crosses of insignia is the traditional color of aviation instrument cloth;

the orange color of the right edge of the ribbon of the medal and the black color of its edge - the status of the medal as a departmental award of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

blue and yellow colors of the ribbon (the colors of the flag of the Air Force), with a red stripe (loyalty to the glorious military traditions) - the purpose of the medal is to reward the personnel of the Air Force.

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Service in the Space Forces"

Established by order of the Minister of Defense No. 360 of September 11, 2007 "On the establishment of the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Service in the Space Forces", a commemorative sign "50 years of the space age" and a commemorative sign of the commander of the space forces "

The medal is awarded to the military personnel of the Space Forces for reasonable initiative, diligence and distinction shown in the performance of military service duties for 20 years or more in calendar terms, subject to the award of the distinction of the military personnel of the Space Forces "For Merit".

The medal is awarded by order of the commander of the Space Forces on the proposal of the heads of departments (departments), services of the Command of the Space Forces, commanders of military units in the manner established by the Ministry of Defense. The medal will not be re-awarded.

The medal is made of gold-colored metal and has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex rim on both sides.

On the front side of the medal there is a relief stylized image of a launching launch vehicle, an artificial Earth satellite and five celestial bodies, a stylized image of the globe with a missile and space defense radar station and an antenna control system for spacecraft on it.

On the reverse side of the medal, at the top, there is a relief image of the middle emblem of the Space Forces (a golden double-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding in its right paw two silver "Perun" arrows pointing downwards, and in the left paw - a silver rod topped with a stylized image of a rocket with an element of a space control antenna On the chest of the eagle there is a shield topped with a golden crown.On the shield, on a red field, is a silver horseman slaying a dragon with a spear), below it is a relief inscription in three lines: "For service in the Space Forces"; in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - "Ministry of Defense", in the lower part - "Russian Federation".

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the tape, an orange stripe 10 mm wide is bordered by a black stripe 2 mm wide, to the left - a blue stripe 12 mm wide, in the middle of which is a dark blue stripe 2 mm wide.

The elements of the medal and commemorative signs symbolize (semantics):

five celestial bodies over the globe - victories achieved in the exploration of outer space;

a launch vehicle, an artificial satellite of the Earth, a rocket and space defense radar and an antenna for a spacecraft control system - the main content of the activities of the Space Forces to ensure the security and national interests of Russia in outer space, protection against rocket and space attack and information support for the activities of the Armed Forces Russian Federation;

the first artificial satellite of the Earth and the launching R-7 rocket - the beginning of the space age;

the middle emblem of the Space Forces - belonging to the Space Forces;

the orange stripe of the ribbon of the medal, bordered by a black stripe, and the orange stripe of the ribbon of the commemorative badge, on which there are two black stripes - the medal and the commemorative badge belong to the system of insignia of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

the blue and dark blue stripes of the ribbons of the medal and the commemorative badge (the colors of the traditional instrument cloth of the military clothing of the Space Forces) are the purpose of the medal and the commemorative badge for awarding the personnel of the Space Forces.

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Service in the Marine Corps"

Established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 455 dated 03.11.2005 "On the establishment of the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Service in the Marine Corps"

The medal "For Service in the Marine Corps" is awarded to military personnel serving in the military command and control bodies of the coastal troops of the Navy, formations and military units of the Marine Corps, for impeccable service for 5 years or more in calendar terms.

End of introductory segment.

The military hypermarket "Voentorg" proudly offers its customers a huge range of medals of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Each of the presented copies is made in accordance with the highest quality standards. High-alloyed brass, organic enamel, high-tech equipment - all this allows you to achieve maximum compliance with the originals.

What medals of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces can be bought at Voensovmag

Like all other awards, the Armed Forces medals are divided into those established by the Ministry of Defense and public committees. As for the medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in our online store you can purchase all types of medals for this category. We are pleased to offer our customers anniversary and commemorative insignia at quite affordable prices. Flexible terms of payment and delivery allow us to process orders as soon as possible even for regions remote from Moscow. However, the location of our company in the capital gives us the advantage of open transport lines in all directions.

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

If you want to buy MO medals, then you have come to the right place. Only we have a complete collection of medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. You can order awards for military commonwealth, for valor, for excellence in exercises, for Syria, for long service, for demining, as well as many more various new medals of the RF Ministry of Defense at the Voentovmag military store. If you have any questions during the selection of the necessary medal, feel free to dial our managers (you can see the phone numbers at the very top of the page), and they will give you detailed advice on each lot.

In the first place in demand is the medal for the military commonwealth of the Moscow Region. Judging by the number of orders, this departmental medal is the most popular in Russia. Probably, this was facilitated by the fact that a similar medal from the line of award badges of the Soviet Union was very rare. It could only be awarded to a narrow circle of people. During the entire existence of the award, only 20 thousand people could become its honorary owners. It is noteworthy that foreign citizens can also be presented to this insignia - those who have made a certain contribution to the strengthening of the Russian state. As for compatriots, this badge of honor was awarded to military personnel who helped in solving an important issue concerning the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The awarding of the medal takes place in a solemn atmosphere. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation personally attaches the medal to the tunic. In some cases, an award may be presented by a person replacing the Minister by his order. You can buy this medal from us for 599 rubles. Moreover, this price includes an unfilled certificate form.

By the way, it is very easy to buy medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and certificates for them in our store. You can simply contact our consultants and they will place an order for you. You can also fill out a small order form on the pages of our website. Issues can be resolved via email.

In second place in popularity is the medal of valor of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The people call this award differently: “for labor valor” or “for valor”. Interestingly, the "ancestor" of this award is one of the first medals in the USSR - "for labor valor", which was born back in 1938. Some time after the collapse of the USSR, the medal was excluded from the award system of the nascent Russian Federation. However, already in the first year of the 21st century, it was decided to return the award "to service". Today, this medal is freely available in our store. It is sold with a certificate at a very low price.

The above award should not be confused with the medal "For Military Valor". Our virtual showcase presents two degrees of this legendary insignia at once. It is impossible to immediately receive the first degree of the medal without merits previously marked with state awards, or without attaching the second degree to the insignia.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the medal of I.V. Stalin (1879-1953) can only be bought at the Voensovmag military store. The rare award has an original design: against the background of a shtral pentagon, there is a star, in the center of which there is a portrait of the “leader of all peoples”. The kit for the award includes a certificate form, which the customer fills out.

Pay your attention to the no less popular medal for distinction in the teachings of the Ministry of Defense. Despite the fact that the award has replenished the lists of departmental awards in Russia quite recently - in 2014 - it has already managed to fall in love with our fellow citizens. This award can be presented not only to military personnel undergoing training, but also to the leadership responsible for organizing and conducting them. The military who stand out in this area can be annually attached to such a medal, but not earlier than 365 days after the last award.

In connection with recent events, the medal of the Ministry of Defense for Syria has become very popular. We are proud to offer our customers this award on the pages of the catalog. If for some reason you have lost your medal and now want to restore it, you can do it in two clicks and avoid standing in numerous queues. Just order it from us and it will arrive in the mail within two weeks. If you need more urgent delivery, call us and we will arrange an individual shipment of goods for you. You will be able to receive the goods many times faster. By the way, your order will come with a blank identification form that you can fill out yourself.

We present to your attention the medals for the length of service of the MO, or "For Distinction in Military Service." As usual, we have presented all three degrees of this legendary award. This departmental insignia was established in 1995. Then, the award system of Russia was slightly revised and the award left the line of its fellows. A little later, in 2009, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation again issued a decree on the return of the medal to circulation. The medal of the third degree can be awarded to persons who have dedicated 10 years of their lives to serving in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces. The insignia of the second degree can be worn on the tunic by especially distinguished military men who have served for more than 15 years. As for the medal of the first degree, only military personnel with a continuous experience of 20 years can be attached to it. It is interesting that it is impossible to receive a medal of the second degree without first awarding the third degree, and similarly, it is impossible to receive the first degree without the second.

On the pages of our site even such rare awards as the medal for mine clearance of the Ministry of Defense or the Kalashnikov medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are presented. Moreover, the cost of both is an order of magnitude lower than in similar military stores in Russia.

Medals of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

We offer you to pay attention to a large line of medals of the Armed Forces, which can be ordered at any time and in any volume at the military store "Voensovmag".

As for all departments, the medal for long service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will never lose its relevance. This is not surprising, because it gives the right to receive a decent amount of benefits from the state and many employees are interested in receiving it. The Russian award system involves two degrees of this medal. Our customers can easily order any of them. It is only worth remembering that without a previously obtained second degree of this distinction, it is impossible to obtain the first. It is worth considering this fact when placing an order.

On our electronic showcases you can see both the medals of the USSR Armed Forces and the commemorative medals of the Armed Forces. For example, we have all the commemorative signs that were established in honor of the anniversaries of the Russian Armed Forces.

The medal 60 Years of the Armed Forces was issued during the Soviet Union in 1978. She relied on a wide range of people, including midshipmen, warrant officers, officers who are in the service or have already been transferred to the reserve. In the post-war years, partisans and Red Guards were assigned to this award. This award is very common, more than 10 million people were awarded it before 1995 alone. Many of the veterans of the Second World War fought - posthumously.

The 70th Anniversary of the Armed Forces Medal is also an anniversary award of the USSR Armed Forces. The same circle of people could receive this honorary badge on their tunic as for the previous medal, only this time military servicemen were also included in the list. Interestingly, absolutely all employees who were in Afghanistan on February 23, 1988 were assigned to this insignia. A little less than 10 million people have this medal in their arsenal.

The medal 80 years of the Armed Forces was introduced into the award system of Russia in 1997. The sign was intended to reward not only active military personnel, but also reserve soldiers. This departmental, anniversary award is accompanied by a certificate confirming the identity of the owner of the medal and giving him the right to receive certain benefits from the state. Interestingly, the minting of this medal was entrusted to the Moscow Mint, an organization that produces modern coins of the Russian Federation.

Don't miss the Veteran's Medal. This award was established to reward military personnel who have given service to the fatherland for many years. This medal is not departmental, it was established by a public organization, so the oan can serve as a wonderful gift for rewarding men in the team by February 23. Due to the fact that the words “In memory of the service” are engraved on the back of it, it will suit any soldier.

Remember the beautiful gift wrapping!

Our catalog contains a large collection of accessories for badges, orders and medals. Choosing an accessory for every occasion and for every wallet at Voensovmag is as easy as shelling pears. If you want to present an award in a particularly solemn atmosphere, we advise you to opt for a velvet pillow with lace decoration. Its rich color will emphasize the brilliance of your chosen award and enhance the overall impression of the gift. If you need a more budget option, order cardboard or plastic boxes and cases that can accommodate not only the awards themselves, but also certificates for them.

Medals of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces

A wide selection of orders and medals from different eras, provided in the online store, will surprise the most demanding customers. Awards relating to the years of the Second World War, as well as more modern ones, can be selected in a matter of seconds using the store's website. The quality of the goods with a guarantee and the speed in the work done in the shortest possible time, at affordable prices to any city in the country in just a couple of clicks. Ordering medals of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces is simple and accessible to everyone.

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

On the website of the online store, you can choose any medal, regardless of the year it was awarded or assigned. Awards that commemorate bravery and courage, both in battle and under a peaceful sky, are equally valuable and important. New medals, made according to completely different samples, are of high value and the guarantee of their quality is the main priority of the online store. The affordable price of the product with its corresponding history is provided to the buyer without further reservations. Not only collectors will find the medals of the Russian Defense Ministry rare and coveted. The choice of a gift that can surprise history lovers or patriots of the country depends entirely on you and your wishes.

Buy medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are intended to express respect for the honor of military personnel, as well as civilians directly involved in the work of organizations of military departments. You can buy medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, awarded to civilians or military, with detailed information about the history of the award, through the online store with a minimum of waiting. The medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, established since March 1995, are still considered prestigious and are in no way inferior to other respected awards among military personnel and civilians. The main purpose of such awards:

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation catalog

Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the catalog of which exceeds hundreds of awards, is provided to the buyer in full. On the site you can view the medals that are in stock and for sale. The medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is not just an award, it is respect and a sign of deepest admiration for military personnel, as well as civilians who have taken on a heavy burden to protect the civilian population. In the online store you can purchase goods, in particular medals, awarded by such bodies as:

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

Federal Office for the Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons;

Federal Agency for Special Construction.