Brands of mastics for pool waterproofing. Types of waterproofing for the pool

Now it has become very fashionable to have on your suburban area pool. Why not? And why not equip a full-fledged place for taking water procedures? Especially if you do it on your own or with some outside help. But, remember: the waterproofing of the pool must be completed on time. Otherwise, this "new-fangled thing" will not please you for long. Do not delay with this process: waterproof the pool before you start using it.

Types of waterproofing

If the pool is located inside the structure, then only internal waterproofing is performed, protecting the surface of the font from the negative effects of water penetrating through (possibly) poor-quality materials or cracks. And, if the pool is located outside, then in addition to the internal one, it is necessary to perform external waterproofing that protects the bowl concrete pool from groundwater and all aggressive elements contained in them.

That is, the purpose of waterproofing is to make concrete waterproof. The strength and durability of the concrete pool as a whole depends on how well and correctly it is performed.

Important! If during the operation of the pool there were cracks of more than 4 mm, then it is unlikely that any waterproofing of the pool will solve this problem. In this case, more "drastic" measures will have to be taken.

Classification of materials for waterproofing

By Application

All used waterproofing materials are divided into two main groups:

  • bituminous;
  • polymeric.

Insulating bitumen is a material obtained by blowing tar with hot air. For your information: tar is obtained by heating the last fraction formed during oil refining in a vacuum to a very high temperature (exceeding 400 degrees). The main feature of insulating bitumen (tar-like substance) is that it does not dissolve in water. After its application to the surface, it forms a durable and waterproof coating that does not corrode.

Practice shows that the use of such waterproofing can significantly increase the life of the pool and guarantee its long-term operation even in conditions of constant contact with groundwater. Roll and coating materials (mastics) are made from bitumen.

Polymeric waterproofing includes compositions based on polyurethane. After this material is applied to the surface, it interacts with air and is converted into a polymer film that protects against moisture. Polymer waterproofing is a universal coating and has a number of advantages:

  • good elasticity;
  • durability (service life more than 15 years);
  • has excellent adhesion to materials such as ceramic tile, concrete, glass and brick;
  • resistant to temperature extremes;
  • easy to apply (due to the fact that the composition is a liquid or semi-liquid substance).

Polymer insulation can be coated and sprayed. In the construction market, it is presented in the form of mastics and sealants. With the help of mastic, you can cover rather uneven and hard-to-reach surfaces with a protective layer. Sealant is a more viscous "representative" of polymer waterproofing, which can be easily applied to the surface of any geometric shape (for example, it can be used to isolate joints and seams). Liquid rubber also belongs to the category of polymer waterproofing.

According to the application method

According to the method of application, materials are divided into:

  • coating;
  • sprayed;
  • rolled.

Coating compositions (penetrating impregnations, bituminous and polymeric mastics) are used to create a seamless monolithic layer. Most often, one- or two-component cement-polymer waterproofing is made, using which it is possible to carefully seal the pores and small cracks formed in concrete. Coating materials, which have a relatively low cost, are able to provide high-quality protection of the font with minimal labor costs: after all, you can apply several layers of mastic with a brush or spatula on your own.

Roll materials (roofing material, film membrane, PVC film) are used to equip the pool protection both from the outside and from the inside. True, using such materials, you will not be able to avoid the presence of seams in the insulation.

Advice! Rolled materials are laid in two layers to overlap the seams.

Criteria for evaluating waterproofing material

Pool waterproofing can be done using a variety of materials, but not all of them are equally effective. Requirements for waterproofing material:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to deformations and other mechanical influences;
  • immunity to temperature extremes;
  • good adhesion to other materials;
  • elasticity.

External waterproofing technology

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the protection of the font bowl from the inside, external waterproofing of the pool is performed:

  • if the groundwater level is higher than the bottom plate, then we construct a drainage system around the font;
  • we perform a concrete screed of the base of the pool;
  • lay out the prepared roll material on the ground (according to previously made measurements);
  • we connect the seams;
  • we lay the external waterproofing, performing it with a large margin at the edges, so that later it can be brought to the walls of the pool and connected to the internal insulating layer of the bowl.

Important! Instead of rolled material, penetrating compounds can be used as external waterproofing, for example, mastics, with which we fill the smallest pores and cracks.

Technology for arranging internal waterproofing

The internal waterproofing of the pool is an important stage in the construction of the entire facility. The technology for applying all kinds of coating materials is quite simple:

  • after pouring the bowl (by the way, in order to increase the waterproofing properties of concrete, we add plasticizers and special additives to it), leave it for final drying;
  • small cracks and other defects are sealed with resin or sealant;
  • we equip the font base screed with a self-leveling mortar;
  • we carry out plastering works;
  • we clean the surface of the bowl to make it rough (this is necessary for better adhesion of the protective coating to concrete);
  • remove dust and debris; degrease the surface;
  • we prime the inner surface of the pool bowl with a special composition;
  • let the primer dry (drying time is indicated on the package);
  • prepare the coating composition according to the instructions;
  • we apply waterproofing in two or three layers, generously brushing the seams, small cracks, gaps and junctions of the pool surface planes with a brush (each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried);
  • after the waterproofing layer is completely dry, we check the pool for leaks;
  • we carry out facing works.

On a note! Remember: "the miser pays twice", so it's better to buy expensive coating materials (they are more effective), and in combination with fiberglass mesh they become more durable and elastic.

The most popular waterproofing materials

Liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is a bitumen-polymer mastic that has good waterproofing properties and combines the advantages of coating materials and rolled materials. It is applied in several layers: as a result, we get a pleasant to the touch, dense and durable seamless coating.

Liquid rubber is a versatile material in the sense that it can act both as a topcoat, that is, without subsequent decoration (just buy a colored material), and as a base for tiles or mosaics.

Liquid glass

An aqueous alkaline solution of sodium or potassium silicates is nothing more than water glass, which is also known in the trade as silicate glue. Liquid glass in combination with a cement-sand mortar creates a durable waterproofing coating. The advantages of silicate glue include the fact that it is relatively inexpensive, and the disadvantages are that this material quickly hardens after kneading (within 5 minutes) and is short-lived.

PVC film

PVC film as a waterproofing is the most popular material. With all its advantages, one should not forget about the disadvantages: expensive installation (as one cannot do without the participation of professionals) and the material is susceptible to mechanical stress.

So, the abundance of waterproofing materials will allow you to produce high-quality protection for your pool, and it will delight you for many years.

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Swimming pools are increasingly appearing in country houses and even on summer cottages and gradually move from the rank of luxury goods to the elements necessary for life to equip a full-fledged living environment. Of course, most of our fellow citizens do not have enough finances for a chic “turnkey pool” from leading manufacturers and cool companies. But if you wish and with a minimum investment of funds, you can completely equip a full-fledged bathing place on your own or with the involvement of some outside help.

One of the most important stages of work is the waterproofing of the pool. High-quality performance of these works will ensure the main thing - the full functioning of the facility. And those who make high-quality protection of the walls and bottom of the pool with their own hands, using inexpensive materials, will receive a huge bonus - tangible savings for the family budget and sincere gratitude from relatives, friends and relatives. And what could be more valuable?

Do-it-yourself pool waterproofing

The pool, like no other room in the house or on the site, requires the utmost care in the implementation of leakage protection. Moreover, waterproofing works should provide not only protection against leakage from the inside, but also from the outside. The ingress of groundwater (far from clean!) into the pool bowl can cause big health problems for home owners, especially for children.

Pool waterproofing option

Therefore, competent pool waterproofing is perhaps even more important than finishing with expensive tiles. It will be very disappointing to knock it down in a year to fix the jambs with insulation. The opening speech is over. Now on business.

Pool waterproofing materials

In the pool, water creates not only a direct impact on the finishing materials, but also, first of all, significant loads on the frame of the structure. Therefore, the waterproofing materials used must not only not allow moisture to pass through, but also be very durable to deformations, temperature extremes and resistant to shock and other mechanical stress. That is, the used waterproofing of the pool bowl must be both durable and elastic.

Not all materials on the market meet these criteria. This is due to the fact that the main materials used to construct the bowl are monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete, less often brick. The most relevant option is the insulation of a concrete pool, which we will talk about.

Suitable materials for moisture protection:

  • bituminous materials;
  • cement waterproofing materials;
  • liquid rubber;
  • liquid glass;
  • penetrating waterproofing;
  • membranes.

There are two options for how the pool can be waterproofed - from the outside and from the inside. Of course, you need to do both. External insulation will protect the concrete frame structures from ground, rain and melt water. And the processing of the walls from the inside will exclude internal leaks.

For external insulation, in order to save money, cheaper materials are often used - bituminous mastic, roofing material, cement mortar, and even PVC film. This is a very big mistake.

Firstly, these materials do not provide 100% concrete protection due to the presence of a large number of joints and the properties of the material itself. Even microscopic portions of moisture penetrating into the pores of concrete destroy its structure and cause corrosion of reinforcement. Ultimately, the internal insulation will also be broken as a result of the deformation of the frame.

Secondly, the listed materials have a limited service life - from 10 (film) to 20 years (mastics, roofing material), after which they lose their protective properties (crack, etc.). Then you have to dig out the outer walls of the pool and update or replace the insulation.

Thirdly, the materials for pool waterproofing must be sufficiently elastic, because its reinforced concrete structures are subject to many adverse effects: soil shrinkage, sudden temperature changes. And insulating materials must be stretched and compressed accordingly without damage.

The fourth reason is that the listed materials often simply peel off from the concrete surface, so they must be additionally pressed against the walls, which increases costs.

Figure #2. Pool protection with deep penetration waterproofing

Thus, with the use of cheap insulation, the savings turn out to be imaginary. And high-quality waterproofing of the pool made by oneself using expensive but effective materials - liquid rubber, penetrating or membrane insulation, will allow using the pool for at least 40-50 years without problems and the need for additional work.

Liquid glass is not suitable for processing pools, because, when hardened, it becomes very brittle and quickly cracks.

If you still decide to use a coating for external insulation of the walls of the pool, then the most suitable compositions are Izofast and Tenabit-M mastics. They are specially designed for these purposes, modifiers are introduced into the composition that increase the elasticity and frost resistance of the coating, and its service life is one and a half times higher than that of conventional bitumen.

Internal waterproofing of the pool

These works provide protection of walls from leaks. The materials used must meet a number of requirements:

  • be completely waterproof;
  • the insulating layer must be elastic, but very durable;
  • high resistance to hydrostatic and dynamic loads;
  • wall insulation should be thin enough;
  • the material must have high adhesive properties;
  • not be subjected to biological destruction (microbes, fungus);
  • do not age under the influence of UV radiation and low temperatures;
  • be environmentally friendly.

All these qualities are met by three options:

  1. pool waterproofing with liquid rubber;
  2. with the use of waterproofing materials of deep penetration;
  3. membrane protection.

On our website you can find detailed instructions how to handle each of these materials. We will provide you with an overview of the most suitable compositions in terms of price / quality ratio and advice on how to prepare the pool bowl for processing.

Work on the internal waterproofing of the pool should be carried out in alkali-resistant rubber gloves, a respirator and goggles.

Waterproofing the pool with liquid rubber

The most affordable and easy-to-work material is the processing of the pool bowl with liquid rubber. This material is incredibly elastic (you can stretch it more than a hundred times and the coating will return to its original shape). At the same time, it is very durable to mechanical and other influences, has no seams and is completely inert. The material is applied either manually or by spraying.

To isolate the pool bowl from the inside, the following compositions are most suitable:

  • liquid mastic DELS BP;
  • liquid rubber Trowel Grade;
  • Roller Grade composition;
  • copolymetic colored one-component rubber TopCoat AnyColor;
  • liquid silicone Hyperdesmo PB-2K (Greece).

The color of liquid rubber does not matter, because further finishing is required (PVC film, mosaic, tile).

Deep penetration waterproofing

These so-called impregnations for concrete penetrate deep into the walls and bottom by 40-50 cm, completely clogging all pores and cracks. At the same time, it gives concrete complete moisture impermeability and additional strength. There are several types of deep penetration impregnations: based on mineral acids, polymerizing impregnations, adhesive compositions. Plus - the frost resistance of the base increases, and additional modifiers exclude the appearance of concrete mold.

This type of insulating materials in their use in pools has one unpleasant drawback - they lose their capabilities at the junction of concrete and pipes, equipment attachment points. Therefore, these places must be additionally treated with other types of insulating materials (the same liquid rubber). In addition, if cracks form in the concrete layer during the shrinkage of the bowl, they will not be protected from moisture ingress.

For the pool, the most suitable composition is Perentron, and Penekrit is best used to isolate the places of technological holes.

Waterproofing the pool using a membrane

This is the most modern way to protect the pool from leaks from the inside, and without the need for additional finishing. Most membrane materials have an attractive blue, azure or greenish color, imitating tile or mosaic finishes. On sale there are films with pictures of the sea or river bottom, etc. Membrane films are very strong in tension and tear, are not afraid of strong dynamic loads, do not lose their properties for many decades.

But! Only under the condition of a high-quality installation, which requires a special welding machine and work experience. It is unlikely that it will be possible to make the correct installation of the membrane film with your own hands, and even a minimum hole of 1-2 mm in the seams or places of contact with the equipment, imperceptible to the eye, will lead to leaks. Therefore, it is best to entrust the work on finishing the pool with membranes to a specialized company. The price for their work and guarantees are much less than the cost of solving problems that may arise due to poor quality work.

Preparation of the pool bowl for waterproofing work

The more thoroughly the preparatory work is done, the better the result will be.

It is necessary to start work by cleaning the entire surface of the walls and the bottom from dirt, construction dust, various efflorescence, which will prevent the waterproofing material from adhering to concrete as tightly as possible. To do this, first you need to treat the surface with a brush with metal bristles, and then wash everything off using a water jet. high pressure. If there are places of not very high-quality concrete (it crumbles or has a different shade), then they must be treated with the material Skrepa M 500 repair. This will prevent further destruction of the bowl.

The second stage is the processing of the most problematic places, this is the junction of walls and the bottom, concreting seams, entry points for communications and cracks in concrete. They also need to be cleaned and treated with Penekrit. For cracks, there are special injection resins PenePurFoam (PenePurFoam) and PeneSplitSil (PeneSplitSeal), which completely seal dangerous holes.

Only after such preparation can you start applying the waterproofing composition according to the instructions for it.


Before solving the problem - how to waterproof the pool, you need to take into account its size, shape and material of the bowl, your financial capabilities.

The best option is to use liquid rubber. This quality modern material will ensure the durability of your water entertainment venue.

For a comfortable and pleasant stay, summer residents and homeowners arrange pools on their site, which have become a fashionable trend in our time. Especially often such tanks are made independently in order to reduce costs. At a certain stage of work, which should be approached responsibly, since both the service life of the tank and its reliability depend on this. Do-it-yourself waterproofing of the pool must be done correctly and efficiently. But how to do that? What materials to use and what is the essence of the work? You can find out more about this below.

Waterproofing - why is it?

Agree that not everyone is an expert in this field. Very often it is said about the importance of waterproofing, and its correct arrangement. But why would she? What will its use give?

As you know, waterproofing is a protective layer for any building structure(in this case, the pool), protecting it from the penetration and negative effects of water. Since the pool is directly connected to this liquid, it is important that it does not penetrate the material. Why? When moisture seeps into the concrete, it will cause it to break down, eventually your pool will not last long, and then it will have to be repaired or completely refurbished. This is one of the most important stages of work. It is important to note two types of pool waterproofing:

It is the internal waterproofing that is carried out in the bowl of the pool itself in order to protect the material from water penetration. There are many various ways do that, which we'll talk about next.

The essence of external or external waterproofing is to protect concrete from the penetration of moisture from the soil by adding plasticizing and mineral additives to its composition. This improves the water permeability and mechanical strength of the structure. Another option is to install special profiles made of expanding rubber. It is worth noting the penetrating compounds that are applied to concrete for external waterproofing. These are special mastics that are easy to apply on their own.

Materials for waterproofing works

The good news is that the range of materials for such work is quite wide, and you will have something to work with. The choice of such materials depends on many factors, including your desire, the price of the product, etc., but it is important to take into account the terrain and climate in your area, as well as the type of finished pool.

The main and most common materials for waterproofing are:

  • PVC film;
  • penetrating waterproofing;
  • liquid glass;
  • coating waterproofing;
  • liquid rubber;
  • various bitumen-based materials (the option was effective earlier, when the above materials did not yet exist, but now it is used extremely rarely).

Swimming pool waterproofing technology from the inside

Consider all the work in stages. Thanks to this instruction, you can independently perform waterproofing from the inside.

So you should:

liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is called bitumen-polymer mastic. It adheres well to the surface and has good waterproofing qualities. It must be sprayed onto the surface in several layers. For this work, you will need a special compressor or brush (using a roller or brush, you will have to work much longer).

The advantage of liquid rubber is that it combines the advantages of liquid waterproofing and PVC membranes. As a result, you will get a continuous coating that will adhere well to the surface without any seams. Such a coating is pleasant to the touch, like a PVC membrane, and has excellent density and strength. The material can act as a base for the subsequent decorative layer, and also serve as the topcoat itself. To do this, it is enough to buy colored material and do not spend money on decoration.

How to make waterproofing with liquid rubber? Immediately before applying the composition, the entire surface of the pool bowl must be leveled and treated with a composition that will degrease it. After that, with a special compressor or brush (if we are talking about independent work), the rubber must be applied to the surface so that the composition evenly covers it.

With the use of liquid glass

Liquid glass is a solution consisting of potassium or sodium silicates. This waterproofing option can be performed at the stage of pool construction. Liquid glass is added to the concrete itself, in the ratio of 1 liter of glass per 100 liters of finished concrete. Thanks to this, it becomes more durable, resistant to mechanical damage and will last longer. And most importantly for you, liquid glass will allow concrete to reduce its ability to absorb moisture.

Once your pool is built, water glass can be applied directly to the concrete. There are special coating products, using which you can achieve good waterproofing, as well as protect concrete from mold and fungus. In addition, the coating for 5 years will protect the pool from the effects of temperature, corrosion and ultraviolet radiation. It is worth noting that it will be easy to perform such waterproofing on your own. The price of glass is not so high, and the material consumption will be small.

The job is easy, all you need is:

  1. Prepare the surface by removing all dust, dirt and grease stains. If the concrete is smooth, it should be sanded down to roughen it so that the glass will set better, penetrating deeper.
  2. Prepare liquid glass according to package instructions.
  3. Apply evenly to the surface. As the glass dries, proceed to apply the second layer. Use a wide brush or roller.
  4. After drying, everything is ready for the next decorative layer.

With the use of PVC films

Do not forget about the popular form waterproofing - PVC film. This is a reliable and progressive material, which is increasingly used in the construction of swimming pools. It is noteworthy that the film performs two roles: waterproofing and decorative layer. This will save you money. There are plenty on the market various kinds films that differ in strength, color and pattern (mosaic, marble, etc.). In addition, the film is resistant to mechanical damage and well withstands exposure to ultraviolet rays.

The work of laying PVC film is similar to other processes. The first thing you need to do is to prepare the base, remove debris, etc. After that, fastening tapes or corners are fixed, with which the film will be attached.

It is desirable to lay the film on a special material - geotextile, which will extend the life of the film. Thanks to him, the material will not constantly rub against the concrete.

Finally, you need to spread the PVC film and weld its individual parts with a special tool. It's a simple, fast, reliable and economical way to waterproof your pool.

All these methods are good in their own way, you just have to choose the option that suits you best, study the technology and bring everything to life. Swimming pool waterproofing is an important part of the work on its device, which should be approached responsibly.


How to make pool waterproofing using Litokol materials can be seen in the next video. Here is what each material is intended for and how to use it:

In the process of erecting and arranging a concrete pool bowl, among the many problems that builders have to face, the issue of providing waterproofing of the pool stands apart. The insidiousness of the task lies in the fact that the fate of the entire project depends on the quality of the protection of concrete from the effects of water, a small flaw is enough for frost and internal stresses to split the concrete building. Therefore, in the process of forming a protective layer, several types of coatings are used, among which coating waterproofing for a pool is in greatest demand.

What gives the use of coating waterproofing in the pool

The term "coated" is understood as a plastic and liquid waterproofing, which is applied to the surface to be insulated in the form of a homogeneous mass or solution. Coating materials are massively used for waterproofing the concrete walls of the pool due to a number of reasons:

  • High manufacturability made it possible to simplify the isolation procedure and make it practically independent of the qualifications of the worker;
  • For waterproofing concrete structures of the pool, several types of coating materials can be used in succession, the highest efficiency is achieved by combining coating and sheet types of waterproofing;
  • Due to the high elasticity and resilience, coating waterproofing is often used as a substrate for laying a more durable and durable coating of PVC membrane sheets, rolled bituminous insulating materials.

Coating types of insulating materials have high adhesion to concrete, which allows you to effectively protect both the internal and external surfaces of the concrete structures of the pool. At the same time, the external coating waterproofing withstands winter and seasonal soil shrinkage. Even in conditions of strongly heaving soils, the high quality of adhesion to the base and elasticity allows you to maintain the insulating properties of the coating layer.

Important! The cost of applying coating types of insulation is about half the price of laying a roll or membrane coating.

The main advantage of coating materials is that the technology of applying it to the concrete walls of the pool can be mastered by almost any worker after several hours of practice. The absence of seams between sheets, as is the case, for example, with roll or membrane waterproofing, eliminates the likelihood of the most common defect in protective coatings of pools - delamination of joints.

The coating type of pool waterproofing does not have the second serious drawback of bituminous roll coatings, which, due to low elasticity in winter, can easily peel off from the base. Peeling occurs especially often when the outer layer of waterproofing is violated.

At the same time, due to the specific color of the material, the quality and thickness of the applied waterproofing coating can be relatively easily controlled visually. Any inhomogeneities and violations of the monotonous layer on the walls of the pool are easily eliminated by applying an additional coating mass. Some types of coating waterproofing can be used as finishing coatings even without laying tiles and protective finishes.

Types of coating types of waterproofing

To non-leaf waterproofing materials coating type includes all insulating compounds that are applied to the concrete surface with a brush, roller, special spray equipment, sprinklers. This category of waterproofing for swimming pools includes:

  1. Liquid rubber for pool waterproofing is a durable and highly elastic material based on a bitumen matrix modified with polystyrene;
  2. Compounds based on sodium silicate, better known as water glass for pool waterproofing. Relatively inexpensive and easy to handle material for protecting concrete from penetrating water pressure;
  3. Waterproofing additives in concrete, compacting the concrete surface to the level of fused materials;
  4. Waterproofing two-component mastics.

Most swimming pool linings were originally developed as insulation for submerged roofing and concrete structures, piping, cisterns, storage tanks, and sewers. The essence of coating waterproofing is to create an elastic and at the same time low-porous barrier layer that does not change its characteristics during a long stay in water.

Coating waterproofing based on polymer additives

When arranging the protection of the concrete body of the pool, special polymeric additives to concrete for waterproofing are used without fail, capable of changing the structure of concrete in a specific way. Additives are available as a dry mix, such as Penetron Adminx, or in the form of an aqueous solution, like PLASTIPROOF.

In the first case, the dry mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1.5 parts of the powder to 1 part of water, mixed with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, after which the mass is added to an ordinary concrete mortar at the rate of four kilograms of Penetron per centner of concrete.

According to the manufacturer, branded concrete M200 acquires water resistance characteristics at the level of hydraulic grades with the W20 index. In practice, casting a pool body from such a material will be quite expensive, so a concrete solution with polymer additive used as primary coating waterproofing.

The process of compaction and the set of design characteristics with a coating layer ends in two weeks at an air temperature of at least +5 ° C. After that, a primer can be applied and liquid waterproofing or a coating layer of mastic can be rolled. Additives are used for arranging hydraulic insulation of the bottom parts of the pool and walls of non-standard shape.

Deep penetration coatings based on acrylic resins, surfactants and liquid glass are also used to protect internal walls. Such a primer, penetrating into concrete to a depth of several millimeters, provides good clogging of residual micropores in concrete and forms a transitional barrier sublayer for liquid rubber or mastic waterproofing.

Swimming pool waterproofing with sodium silicate

Liquid glass for pool waterproofing can be considered the oldest and most proven recipe for arranging pool waterproofing. An aqueous solution of sodium silicate with a 1% addition of an acrylic polymer is used to provide inexpensive and durable water protection. The solution perfectly penetrates into small cracks on the concrete surface and, after drying, firmly clogs all cavities. Such a coating is not afraid of any microflora, perfectly tolerates frosts and strong temperature overloads. The disadvantages of "glass" waterproofing include the loss of insulating properties in the absence of moisture. For example, if the pool has been in a dry state for a long period of time, without water, then there is a risk of drying out and cracking of the waterproofing.

In addition, the coating mass dries quickly enough, therefore, when applied to the walls of the pool, the solution is prepared in small portions in order to have time to lay the waterproofing in five minutes and at the same time rub the mass intensively so that it penetrates into all the cracks. The service life of the coating layer of liquid glass without protection with a paint layer is no more than 5-6 years. Waterproofing the pool with liquid glass cannot be used as a finishing layer, so a barrier layer is applied over the coating and a mosaic or tile coating is laid. The joints between the tiles must be sealed with special mastics based on epoxy compounds.

Liquid rubber protection

Compositions based on polystyrene-modified synthetic bitumen are widely used as coating waterproofing, primarily due to the automation of the process of applying a protective coating to concrete walls. Liquid rubber coating is an emulsion of a polymer in an aqueous solution.

The water base allows the use of pneumatic and pump sprayers to apply the insulation material, but often the coating waterproofing is applied manually with rollers and special brushes. In order for the coating mass to harden, a catalyst is added to the container with liquid rubber - a solution of calcium chloride.

After applying the coating material to the walls of the pool, the elastomeric emulsion is destroyed by the action of salt, water is drawn out of the waterproofing by the water-absorbing component, resulting in the formation of an elastic and very dense dry precipitate, similar to artificial rubber. After hardening, the pool is washed or filled with water for a day so that the chloride salts come out of the coating insulation.

The disadvantages of liquid rubber include poor resistance to ultraviolet radiation. If the bottom and lower parts of the walls are reliably isolated from the sun by the water column, then the upper layers of waterproofing can gradually collapse and crack. Recommended swimming pool wall insulation materials include Trowel Grade and TopCoat AnyColor one-component material.

Coating mastic

Coating waterproofing mastics based on an acrylic matrix are today recognized as the most resistant and reliable coatings. An example is the binary mastic ACRILET 1260, specially designed to obtain a very dense and at the same time elastic coating, reminiscent of linoleum in texture. Coating mastic does not react with detergents, chlorine, ozone, which are used to disinfect water in pools.

Important! A pool lined with ACRILET 1260 can be used to store potable water.

Preparation for applying mastic begins with a thorough cleaning of the concrete surface of the pool walls, removing the smallest sharp protrusions or chips. After cleaning and treating concrete with primer ACRILET 130 in two coats on the bottom and side surface pool walls at the joints, edges and junction zones are attached geotextile tapes and canvas.

Coating insulation is applied with a roller or brush. When applying the first layer, the mastic consumption is 1.5 kg/m 2 . After a couple of hours, after hardening and drying of the surface, it is possible to apply a second layer of coating waterproofing with a consumption of 1.5-2 kg/m 2 . The standard thickness of the protective layer is 2 mm, in case of an increase in the total thickness to 4 mm, a thin ACRILET masking mesh is laid between the layers to improve adhesion. Full curing of the coating is completed after 72 hours, after which the pool bowl is filled with water for a day.


Two-component mastics based on acrylic polymers among all the listed options showed best results appearance, protective properties and service life. Provided that the laying technology is observed, coating insulation is quite capable of replacing the more labor-intensive PVC membrane and roll insulation in laying.

When installing a new or restoring an old pool, the correct installation of waterproofing is a must. It is very important to perform all the work carefully and consistently, because the life of the reservoir will depend on this. In this article, we will look at how to make pool waterproofing in different ways, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.

1. Protective function. Internal waterproofing of the pool is carried out to protect the concrete bowl from moisture. Water exerts a lot of pressure on the bottom and walls of the reservoir, and if waterproofing is not installed, cracks will begin to appear on them. Waterproofing is a shell that extends the life of the pool.

2. Antiseptic function. Waterproofing acts as an antiseptic, which prevents the appearance of fungus and mold on the surface of the pool. Accordingly, the harm to the health of a person bathing in it is minimal.

3. Waterproofing makes pool cleaning easier. It becomes much easier to clean it than, for example, a concrete pond.

4. Aesthetic function. Waterproofing improves appearance swimming pool and in many cases finishing is no longer required. All kinds of PVC films perfectly imitate tiles, mosaics or the seabed.

Pool waterproofing requirements:

1. For long-term use of the pool, waterproofing must be durable. After all, when it is destroyed, it is necessary to restore the entire structure completely.

2. Elasticity is another important quality that waterproofing should have. The pool bowl is under constant pressure, and this property contributes to its uniform distribution over the surface.

3. Strength. The service life of the pool, its susceptibility to various influences depends on this characteristic.

4. High adhesion rate, which is necessary for reliable fastening of the waterproofing to the surface of the bowl.

5. Solidity. The absence of seams on the waterproofing structure ensures quality performance all of the above requirements.

Types of pool waterproofing from the inside, their advantages and disadvantages

1. concrete waterproofing performed using special hydraulic cement. Its advantage is strength, solidity, durability, as well as the ability to implement design ideas, create various bowl shapes. The disadvantages of such waterproofing include a long period of production and drying of concrete, large material investments and labor costs.

2. PVC film. Advantages of installing pool waterproofing film: aesthetic appearance, strong and even seams, the possibility of installation on an uneven surface. But along with a large number of advantages, there is also a serious drawback - low strength and vulnerability to mechanical damage.

3. Liquid waterproofing for swimming pools - rubber. It forms a monolithic layer on the surface of the reservoir, which is quite durable, but at the same time soft and elastic.

4. Liquid glass. The surface of the pool, impregnated with this material, is characterized by the presence of protection against moisture, ultraviolet radiation and corrosion. The disadvantage of such waterproofing is fragility.

5. Advantages of gluing waterproofing: frost resistance, strength, elasticity. The disadvantage is a rather laborious process of work and a perfectly flat surface.

Arrangement of concrete waterproofing

For waterproofing pools, under the tiles quite often use concrete with the addition of various impurities. Types of admixtures for concrete:

  • penetrating mixture for waterproofing pools - added to the cement mortar for deep penetration into the bowl structure;
  • waterproof plaster - great option for leveling the base, sealing all seams and cracks;
  • polymer-cement mortars - they are distinguished by good vapor permeability and moisture resistance, easy to work with, applied with a roller or brush;
  • adhesives or grouts that increase the waterproofing properties of concrete.

Applying waterproof plaster to the walls of the pool is quite difficult process for which you will need:

  • spatula or trowel;
  • trowel;
  • rollers for applying anti-corrosion coating;
  • container for plaster;
  • net,
  • lighthouses.

Before starting work, apply an anti-corrosion solution to the walls of the pool, and then apply an adhesive coating using a roller.

Install the beacons and attach the grid.

Apply the cement mixture to the sides of the pond. Its layer should not exceed 3 cm. Level the surface according to the installed beacons. After the solution has completely dried, finish the pool. Only after finishing the pool is filled with water.

Waterproofing with PVC membrane

Installation of a waterproofing PVC membrane is carried out quite quickly. The materials required are:

  • film backing;
  • glue;
  • film;
  • seam sealer.

Instructions for installing PVC film for swimming pool waterproofing:

1. Using a level, measure the evenness of vertical and horizontal walls. The maximum allowable horizontal differences are 2 mm, and vertically - 3 mm.

2. If the differences exceed the permissible limits, then the surface should be leveled with putty or cement mortar.

3. The installation of the film is carried out not only on a concrete surface, but also on a tiled base, in case it has worn out during operation.

4. The basis for laying the pool film is strong and strong sides.

5. Fix the backing under the film. Use stainless or plastic flanges and rubber pads to avoid corrosion. The lining can also be fixed with glue.

6. Mortgage film is located no closer than 30 cm from the corners and edges of the pool. Its function is to protect the PVC membrane from abrasion against the concrete surface.

7. Drill holes for dowels along the edges of the bowl and install a PVC film. Installation is carried out by welding.

8. In the place where the film is joined together, it is necessary to carry out rapid heating, and then compression of the material and joining the seams together.

9. The seams are additionally treated with a sealant.

10. Then gradually the pool is filled with water. The recommended water temperature is 40 degrees. The first filling is 35-40 cm. Next, counter flanges are installed and the pool is completely filled.

Pool waterproofing with liquid rubber

For waterproofing pools with complex geometries perfect option- liquid rubber.

This material has many advantages:

  • lack of seams and joints;
  • good water resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • fast installation;
  • does not react with chlorine.

Pool waterproofing - liquid rubber application technology:

1. Clean the base of the pool from fine dust particles. Seal all cracks and seams with cement mortar or putty. Degrease and prime the surface if necessary.

2. Apply liquid rubber without hardener using a roller, brush or compressor.

3. Apply rubber with hardener and smooth the surface. The maximum layer thickness is 2 mm.

4. A day after applying the rubber, fill the pool with water.

5. Drain the water and carry out the last step of applying the rubber. After that, the pool acquires its final aesthetic appearance and color.

Pool waterproofing with liquid glass

Waterproofing the pool with liquid glass not only reduces moisture absorption, but also increases the resistance of the surface to mechanical damage.

For work, the material is used both in pure form and in combination with concrete, in a ratio of 1:10.

Advantages of waterproofing with liquid glass:

  • protection against the formation of fungus and mold;
  • antiseptic and anticorrosive protection;
  • reliability in the clutch;
  • ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • small consumption of materials.

At the stage of pouring concrete, to increase the strength and waterproofing of the pool bowl, liquid glass is added to the solution. They also impregnate the walls of the reservoir. Thus, it is protected from moisture, sun, temperature extremes and corrosion. Liquid glass protects the walls of the pool for 4-6 years.

Gluing waterproofing

For pasting waterproofing, special rolled materials from polymerized bitumen are used.

Before starting work, level the surface and clean the walls of the pool from dust and dirt.

The waterproofing sticker is made using bitumen-polymer or bitumen-rubber mastics. Bitumen is softened to a temperature of 40 to 250 degrees, depending on the quality of the materials.

A dry base for bituminous mastic is applied to the surface with a layer of 1.5-2 mm. A roll of material is rolled out on the surface of the mastic and fixed. It is possible to use multi-layer waterproofing. Then, after rolling out the roll, the mastic is applied again, and then the rolled material.

On vertical walls, waterproofing is applied from top to bottom. The maximum roll length is 10 m. A burner is used to connect the joints.

As a roll material, hydroisol is used - double-sided or one-sided.

Pool waterproofing video: