Breathing during deadlift. Can you please tell me how to breathe properly while exercising? Particularly interested in the bench press from the chest

Proper breathing recipe for success

At the same time, we can not do without holding our breath. And here some difficulties are possible. The fact is that holding your breath in itself can increase blood pressure, and if certain efforts are made against the background of this delay, the pressure can go off scale.

Hence the conclusion: you are allowed to resort to holding your breath when doing exercises only if everything is more or less in order with pressure. If this is the case, let's move on to performing specific exercises.

Bench press

Improper breathing while doing the bench press can completely ruin this exercise; the correct one will make it possible to squeeze out significantly more weight - ceteris paribus. What is proper breathing while bench press? Something similar to the following. As you lower the bar, you inhale. Approximately in the middle of the amplitude of the movement of the projectile (near the "dead" point), hold your breath and then lower it already at a delay. Under no circumstances should you breathe out lowest point- the balance of your body on the bench will be immediately disturbed! And the shoulders will go forward, which is simply unacceptable. Still holding your breath, start the bench press. And approximately when you reach the same “dead” point, exhale sharply and strongly - at the same time, the projectile will, as it were, go up by itself.


Breathing during squats is almost the same as breathing during the bench press. All the same deep breath at the beginning and - approximately from the middle of the range of motion - a delay. Which is preserved both at the bottom point and at the beginning of the upward movement. And only halfway through you still exhale sharply.


The task of breathing when performing a deadlift is to ensure maximum stability of the spine at the lowest point of the range of motion, the back should not be rounded. Another note - it does not apply to breathing, but is very important: do not try to shift the weight with a jerk - you risk injury to the spine. Try to “squeeze out” the weight up, resting your feet on the floor with all your might. Well, now about breathing. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. Grasp the bar of the bar and begin to pull it up while maintaining a delay. Start exhaling slowly (through your teeth) only after you have gone more than half the way. At the top, exhale completely, then take a deep breath and lower the barbell.

Pull-ups / pull-ups

If breathing during the performance of the three “base” exercises is subordinated to the goal of maximum stabilization of the body in order to develop the same maximum effort, then during back training, breathing is designed to help feel the muscles the best way. Simply put, it should help direct all efforts to the back muscles. Well, about the whole effort, this is probably too “cool” - after all, the hands are accepted in any way and in any respiratory “situation” they will take on a significant part of the load - but still. The main rule is to inhale during the downward movement of the handle (if you are pulling up, then during your upward movement). This technique, as it were, unfolds the chest and allows you to bring the shoulder blades together as much as possible in the final phase of the movement. And oh, how much depends on such a reduction of the shoulder blades! Exhale as you move down (pull-ups) or up (pull-ups). In principle, this technique is applicable not only for vertical, but also for horizontal rods(to the belt on the lower block, in the simulator, barbell or T-bar to the belt in an incline).

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The basic principle of breathing when working with weights- exhalation should coincide with muscle contraction. But there are many subtleties. For example, when you work with a heavy projectile in a basic heavy exercise, you may simply not be able to cope with the desired weight on the exhalation. This is where you need to hold your breath. It creates the necessary intra-abdominal pressure and, together with the tense muscles of the torso, provides the necessary strength base to overcome heavy weights. I think that you yourself have noticed how, when working with a large barbell, you involuntarily hold your breath with the greatest effort, our body is not just a bag of bones and meat, it knows a lot and can do it automatically, you just need to help it. All this applies to such exercises as deadlift, bent-over row, squats, various presses, both standing and lying, but consider the breathing pattern for the bench press.

Barbell light or medium. We remove the projectile from the rack, lower it down to the chest, while inhaling. Projectile on the chest - the breath is finished. We begin to move the weight up, while exhaling air through the narrowed glottis and clenched teeth. Such an exhalation serves the same purpose - to create some internal pressure to overcome gravity, but since the weight is small and the pressure is not high, you do not hold your breath or strain, but simply hold the exhalation slightly, lengthening it. The exhalation ends when the bar reaches the top point with the arms fully extended.

Barbell heavy or with maximum weight. We set our hands on the bar, took a comfortable position on the bench, our legs should be firmly planted on the floor, slightly arched our back, fixed ourselves, and mentally tuned in. Inhale, removed the projectile from the rack, exhale, barbell on straightened arms. Now we lower the weight onto the chest, at the same time inhaling, but not freely and easily, but strainingly, through the teeth, without relaxing. At the bottom point, we briefly hold our breath and change the direction of movement of the bar. As soon as the bar is dead center and goes up, we begin to slowly, strain, exhale through the narrowed glottis, again without relaxing, so as not to lose the created power base.

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Usually we do not think about how we breathe, do not track the depth and rhythm of breathing. However, this is of great importance during strength training. Proper breathing allows you to increase the stabilization of the spine, normalize pressure and provide the muscles with enough oxygen.

So what's the right way to breathe? To begin with, we will analyze the method of breathing itself, and later we will talk about continuity and delays.

Diaphragmatic breathing

One of the mistakes that prevents you from exercising and getting excellent results is fast shallow breathing.

To check if you are breathing correctly, do a little test. Stand up straight, put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, and calmly take a few breaths in and out. Under which palm is movement felt? If the stomach rises, you breathe deeply, using all the lungs, if the chest - shallow breathing. Deep breathing is also called.

The diaphragm is a muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities and serves to expand the lungs. It accounts for 60 to 80% of the ventilation work.

In childhood, everyone breathes deeply. Because of sedentary work, stress, uncomfortable clothing, breathing changes with age, becomes superficial. During such breathing only top part the lungs are filled with air. Since there is less air coming in, breathing quickens, pressure on the neck and shoulders increases, which are already loaded in people with sedentary work.

The diaphragm, on the contrary, becomes weaker, because of which sufficient intra-abdominal pressure is not created, a bad one is formed - the center of the abdomen falls inward, bringing the lower ribs and pelvis together.

In addition, during rapid, shallow breathing, you are forcing your body to work harder to get the same amount of oxygen as you would with calm, deep breathing. This reduces the economy of your movements - you expend more strength, although this is not required.

Therefore, it is worth working on breathing at least during the exercise. Try to breathe deeply and evenly. When inhaling, the stomach should inflate. Yes, you will have to concentrate more on your body, but for the sake of good posture, relieving tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders, and more economical movement, it is worth it.

To set yourself up for strength training with proper breathing, pay attention to how you breathe, already during the warm-up. Try to perform all exercises with a rhythmic deep breathing. So you will quickly learn how to breathe correctly.

Exhale for effort, inhale for relaxation

This is the most popular breathing advice to hear in and out of the gym: inhale when you do the easy part of the exercise, exhale when you do the effort.

Strong and safe movement is possible only with a rigid spine, which transmits force from large groups muscles. The spine is strengthened by the tension of the core muscles - the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, the muscles of the pelvic floor, and the back. During inhalation, it is impossible to strain other muscles of the core well, which means that it is difficult to provide the spine with the necessary rigidity.

When exhaling, on the contrary, it is quite simple to tighten the muscles of the core. Breathing affects them reflexively, through nervous system. The muscles tighten, fixing the spine and helping to develop maximum strength. That is why the effort must be performed on the exhale.

If you pay attention to your breathing during heavy exercise, you may notice a brief cessation of breathing at the moment of maximum effort. This is quite natural. A short breath hold is used by experienced powerlifters and weightlifters to lift large weights. This breathing technique is called the Valsalva maneuver, but it should be used very carefully.

Is the Valsalva maneuver dangerous?

The Valsalva maneuver is a procedure that creates high pressure in the middle ear, thoracic and abdominal cavities. It is used in otolaryngology to test the patency of the Eustachian tubes and in cardiology to detect heart pathologies. This maneuver is also used in powerlifting and weightlifting and helps athletes raise big weight.

The Valsalva maneuver used in power sports is as follows: a person takes a deep breath (about 75% of the maximum possible), and then, at the moment of maximum effort, holds his breath for a few seconds and tries to exhale air through a closed glottis. Breathing is held throughout the repetition, exhalation occurs after the end.

The Valsalva maneuver increases the pressure in the chest. Through the diaphragm, it is transmitted to the abdominal cavity, which creates good support for the back and helps to resist the forces that tend to move the spine. As a result, the athlete can lift more weight, and the risk of injury is reduced.

Effects of the Valsalva maneuver on the body

However, the Valsalva maneuver is often criticized because it raises the already high during strength training pressure, due to which it can occur.

Opinions on this issue differ. Dr. Jonathon Sullivan, a professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Wayne State University, says the Valsalva maneuver should only be used by those with pre-existing cardiovascular problems.

In another study Effects of Weightlifting and Breathing Technique on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate . it has been found that using this technique to raise a one-time maximum causes only minor changes in blood pressure. The Valsalva maneuver is only suitable for lifting really heavy weights with few repetitions.

Using the Valsalva maneuver for multiple repetitions with light weights can cause a dangerous increase in blood pressure, rupture of blood vessels in the eyes and face, headaches, temporary blurred vision, fainting, or leakage of cerebrospinal fluid.

The last problem was described in the article Don't Hold Your Breath. Vishal Goyal and Malathi Srinivasan, MD, UCLA Department of Medicine.

A 50-year-old patient complained of headaches in the projection of the nose, continuous coughing and persistent unilateral discharge from the nose. As a result of the tests, doctors found a leak of cerebrospinal fluid and damage to the nasal ethmoid bone. It turned out that the patient performed a chest press every day with a weight of 90–136 kilograms. At the same time, he held his breath during the bench press.

Doctors suggested that the patient's problems arose precisely because of the Valsalva maneuver. Training raised pressure, destroyed the meninges, which caused meningocele and rhinorrhea of ​​the cerebrospinal fluid.

The Valsalva maneuver really helps lift heavy weights, but should not be used if:

  • you are a beginner who does not have a set technique and a trainer who can follow correct execution the Valsalva maneuver;
  • Do you prefer low weight, high rep exercises?
  • you had problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • you have had problems with intracranial pressure.

Fixation of the body and continuous breathing

For medium loads, it is worth using continuous breathing without delay - exhale for effort, inhale for relaxation.

Start exhaling a little earlier, a moment before the maximum effort. So you can do more.

Breathing should be smooth and rhythmic. Don't stop at extremes. Immediately after inhalation, exhalation follows without short delays.

For maximum case rigidity, try using the pinning method. The term was first used by Dr. Stuart McGill, an injury and rehabilitation specialist. lumbar spine. Pinning is the activation of all core muscles, which allows you to create a rigid middle part of the body, provide stability to the entire body and reduce the risk of injury.

Before lifting the weight, imagine that you are about to be punched in the stomach. Tighten your abdominal and back muscles. This will create a rigid corset that must be held throughout the exercise. At the same time, breathe continuously, exhaling with maximum effort and further strengthening the body.

There is another theory about breathing during. Dr. Stuart McGill and Dr. Mel Stiff believe that correct technique exercise will automatically make the body breathe correctly, your control is not required.

But this is true only for ideal technology. If you can't boast of one, work on your breathing as well as your technique.


  1. Try to develop diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe like this during the warm-up to get used to and tune in.
  2. Use the Valsalva maneuver for only a few max weight reps.
  3. For exercises with a high number of repetitions, use continuous smooth breathing with inhalation on the easy part of the exercise and exhalation on the maximum effort.
  4. Along with continuous breathing, use the core tension to stabilize the core during exercise.

If you have any breathing tips during strength training, write in the comments.

Proper breathing- allows you to increase strength and efficiency training process.
The main rule is a strength exercise for effort, we exhale!

This means that we exhale at the moment when you experience maximum load. Accordingly, inhalation occurs in the phase of the least load. The reason is that during the exhalation phase, the skeletal muscles are more efficiently contracted. Studies conducted by physiologists have proven that the maximum muscle tension occurs during the exhalation phase or during breath holding. In addition, in the exhalation phase, the press and the whole body, including the muscles of the chest, stabilize and tighten, which creates a good strong frame, while it is much more convenient to develop effort. On the contrary, during the inhalation phase, it swells and stretches rib cage, the abdominal muscles (abs) relax and stretch, which makes it not the most optimal phase for turning on and tensing muscle groups.
Many people advise holding your breath for effort, especially when doing a deadlift or squat with a barbell, but I would not advise that. Holding your breath for effort, and even more so when you work with large weights, raises blood pressure very much, and this is very dangerous, especially if arterial hypertension is present or there are compromised internal organs(heart, brain, eyes, kidneys), which are very sensitive to increased blood pressure. When fighting with a lot of weight, I advise you to exhale a little in order to slowly relieve tension in the vessels, if your power tension is explosive, then you can also exhale at a fast pace.

Professional strength athletes, when lifting heavy weights, do not hold their breath for a long time in the desired phase. For example, when bench press, as I do, I take a big breath, after which I hold my breath, after passing the dead center bar, I begin to exhale at the pace of the bench press. But still, it's better than holding your breath less, it's better for your health.

If you reorganize yourself to the correct breathing, you will immediately feel that something has been very fettering you before.
Let's look at examples of proper breathing:

How to breathe properly - bench press:
When we squeeze the bar up - exhale
When lowering the bar to the chest - inhale
And all the same with other types of bench presses (presses at angles, bench press with dumbbells, bench press ...)
Since the maximum effort passes during the straightening of the arms, which means there must be an exhalation.

How to breathe correctly - biceps:
You bend your arms, contract your biceps, then the maximum effort is exhalation.
We lower our hands - inhale.
It doesn't matter what kind of biceps you do, the analogy is the same as biceps, on a barbell or on dumbbells.

How to breathe correctly - push-ups from the floor:
When the effort itself, namely the extension of the arms, then - exhale.
When you lower your body - inhale

How to breathe correctly - pull-ups on the bar:
When bending your arms, when you pull yourself up on the crossbar - exhale
When you go down - inhale

How to breathe correctly - press exercise:
Abdominal Press This is the exhalation muscle, it tenses when you exhale!
So, we raise the torso, exhale, or raise the legs - exhale.
When lowering the torso or legs - inhale

How to breathe correctly - squat:
When we squat - inhale
We rise - exhale
An example of breathing during a heavy weight squat.
When a person holds a large weight on his shoulders, the body is significantly compressed from the load. Therefore, it is advisable to take a breath in a standing position and gradually exhale the air until a full squat.

How to breathe properly while running:
You need to choose the optimal breathing that will match your running pace, this provision also applies to other sports: swimming, aerobics ... The main condition for cardio is to breathe through the nose, as the air is moistened and warmed, passing through the nasal passages.

Correct Mode breathing is the key to your health, on which the optimal functioning of other organs and systems directly depends!

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“Fresh breath makes it easier to understand” - even two-month-old babies managed to firmly grasp this “truth”, but few people know that proper breathing in bodybuilding facilitates exercise.

Moreover, if you play sports, but still have not learned how to breathe correctly, then improper breathing can almost completely nullify all your efforts, sometimes even the most advanced visitors do not remember gyms. Today we will learn how to breathe correctly.

Proper breathing during exercise

Normally, with proper breathing during resistance exercise, exhalation occurs at the point of greatest resistance (very often in the negative phase), while inhalation occurs at a medium or low load.

Correct breathing cycle consists of four stages:

  • Before starting each exercise (repetition), you should take a deep breath;
  • Exhalation is performed at the most difficult phase of the movement;
  • At the top point, you should again inhale;
  • The completion of the repetition should be done on the exhale.

When performing the exercise, you should breathe through your nose - freely and without delay. Why through the nose? There are many receptors in the nasal cavity, irritation of which with a powerful air flow has a positive effect on the activity of internal organs.

Breathing, if possible, should be normal. Ideally, at the moment of tension, you need to inhale, and when relaxing, exhale. Breath-holding should be excluded (with a long breath-holding at high load even loss of consciousness is possible). The exception is very difficult exercises, where a second breath holding is still acceptable.

Rules for competent breathing in strength exercises

There are several basic rules for competent breathing in the process of doing exercises:

  • one should not focus on breathing and even more so artificially force it;
  • does not follow each strength exercise breathe deeply, trying to "reserve" a portion of air. It is better to conduct a thorough warm-up at the beginning of the workout - this is quite enough to prepare the whole body for work;
  • just before the start of the exercise, you should take a shallow breath and breathe naturally during work, correlating the rate of breathing with the nature of the movements;
  • when spreading the arms to the sides and extending the body in the lower back, that is, in cases where the chest expands, inhale and then exhale.