Athlete's sports passport. Sports Passport

In Russia, the "Athlete's Passport", which was formally valid from January 1, 2007, was canceled. The reasons given were the high cost of its implementation (according to official information, 16 billion rubles) and the recently adopted law on the protection of personal data. "Championship" gathered directly opposite opinions about this decision. The senator, two-time Olympic champion Vyacheslav Fetisov, who emphasized that " Russian sport missed a unique opportunity. In turn, Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said that at this stage, an athlete's passport is not needed.

Find talent in Kamchatka

Let's immediately figure out what it is - "Athlete's Passport". It has nothing to do with the biological passport, . Actually, the "Athlete's Passport" is the same as a general passport, only in sports. There are: sport, categories, anthropometric data and physiological indicators, indicators of medical examinations, sports

A guy appears in Kamchatka, who showed excellent results at regional competitions. Immediately, his indicators are entered into his passport, and experts take him “on a pencil”.

results, information about disqualification, information about state awards. All this was to be combined into a single electronic system.

“Why is all this necessary? A simple example says Vyacheslav Fetisov, now holding the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy. - A boy appears in Kamchatka, who showed excellent results at regional competitions, for example, in high jumps. Immediately, his indicators are entered into his passport, into the general database, and literally immediately experts take him “on a pencil”. You can imagine the value of such a global database for a country of many millions, in which hundreds of children's sports schools are scattered, hundreds of regional competitions are held.

Formally, the "Athlete's Passport" was introduced on January 1, 2007. Then it was lobbied by the entire sports community: the State Duma Sports Committee, the Sports Commission of the Federation Council (ironically it was headed by Vitaly Mutko, whose department has now closed the project), Rossport Vyacheslav Fetisov. In the summer of 2006, Vladimir Putin signed a law on a sports passport, which provided for the issuance of a document for each athlete, starting with children's sports schools.

Less than a Hulk transfer

“The point was to get the most complete and objective map of all industries,” says Fetisov, who served as head of Rossport in 2002-2008. - To clearly understand how many athletes we have in the country, in what sports and regions. Strong regions and weak regions would be clearly visible - and what needs to be improved. We pledged an amount of 3 billion rubles for the implementation of the project. . I think we could afford it. Work has begun on the introduction of the passport. In Moscow, it was introduced as quickly as possible and the effect was immediately felt. But year after year went by, and there was no end in sight. The Upper House has mandated every year to speed up this work starting in 2010. But we didn't see any response."

We pledged an amount of 3 billion rubles for the implementation of the project. This is much less than the transfer of the Hulk or the salary of the same Capello.

About a year ago, by order of the Russian government, a draft law developed by the Ministry of Sports on the abolition of the Athlete's Passport was submitted to the State Duma. The rationale indicated the main reason: “According to the Ministry of Sports of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the production, issuance and maintenance of sports passports for 17 million people involved in physical culture and sports in 83 subjects Russian Federation, it would take more than 16 billion rubles.

The bill went through all three readings in the State Duma and at the end of last week reached hearings in the Federation Council, which also quite predictably voted to curtail the program. According to Vyacheslav Fetisov, he sharply opposed, and the case was decided by just two votes.

3 billion turned into 61

However, the passport is not prohibited. Moreover, the authors argue that the bill will "encourage" sports federations to maintain their own system for recording data on athletes - taking into account the requirements of legislation in the field of personal data. There are already examples: the Russian Judo Federation has such a passport.

“Motivation seems frivolous to me,” says Vyacheslav Fetisov. - They said that it is necessary to protect athletes from agents who allegedly receive data from passports. They talked about a new law on the protection of personal data, although the necessary security measures regarding confidentiality were provided from the very beginning. The federations that are now entrusted with the right to maintain a passport are not all Russian sports, it is unlikely that public organizations will be able to cover the regions, children's sports schools. Plus, I was embarrassed by the figure that was announced at the meeting of the top

chamber before the vote. I did not find it in any official document. 61 billion rubles - exactly as much, as we were told, is needed for the implementation of the project. Although, according to our calculations, as I said, only three billion were needed.

Fetisov does not hide the fact that the Ministry of Sports is primarily responsible for curtailing the project. “It seems to me that the main sports department acted as a brake, which did not want transparency in assessing the state of the entire industry. Thus, we missed a unique chance to understand now what Russian sport is. If this idea arises in a few years, it will cost many times more, ”says the two-time Olympic champion.

The Ministry of Sports does not agree with Fetisov's assessments. Vitaly Mutko is sure that this moment Nobody needs an "athlete's passport". “Now we live normally without an Athlete's Passport,” the Minister of Sports noted. - In life there should be expediency, not personal ambitions. Each stage of the development of sports should have its own task. If I have three extra pennies, I will gladly give them to the nursery sports school so that parents are not charged at competitions. But at this stage in the development of domestic sports, we don’t need an Athlete’s Passport.”

Athlete's passport is a document that displays the results sports life athlete in the regional public organization "Taekwondo Federation of Sevastopol":
certification for belts, competitions of all levels including national and international, sports categories, admission of a doctor to competitions, seminars, sports camp, judicial practice, judicial categories, etc.

The athlete's passport is not a person's identity and is valid only upon presentation of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document that is an identity card in terms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

How to fill everything in correctly? Instruction:
1. Ask your instructor for an Athlete Pass
2. Paste the photo in the 3 by 4 dock
3. Fill out your passport in beautiful handwriting
4. Give your instructor to register the passport number, stamp the federation and the club.
5. After each competition or event, IMMEDIATELY after receiving a letter, diploma or certificate, you must enter this event in your passport, give your passport to your instructor so that he signs the chief judge and the seal of the organizers.

Below is detailed description filling. Study carefully!

First, a 3 by 4 photo is pasted and the first page is filled.

Then page 3 on English language. Strictly exactly as in the future (or as it is) in the passport. The photo is pasted here at the age of 18.

Page 2 is filled in at 18 years old and the photo is also pasted in at 18 years old.

On page 4, federation affiliation is indicated. The head of the federation puts the signature and seal.

On page 5, affiliation to an organization (club) that is a collective member of the federation is indicated. The head of the organization (club) puts the signature and seal.

On page 6, fill in the details of the birth certificate and passport.

On page 7, the levels for the colored belts of Taekwondo (Gup) are filled.

Page 8 fills in Taekwondo (Dan) black belt levels.

On pages 9 - 13 completed sports categories are filled

Fill out the instructor qualification on page 14

On pages 15 - 17, the admission of the doctor of the dispensary is filled out for half a year.

Pages 18 - 33 fill in the results of Taekwondo competitions at club, municipal, city and regional levels.

On pages 34 - 39, the results of Taekwondo competitions with the status All-Russian competitions or Championships and Championships of Russia.

On pages 40 - 45 fill in the results International competitions on Taekwondo.

Pages 46 - 49 fill in participation in training camps and seminars. Referee practice is filled in on pages 50 - 51. Referee categories are filled in on page 52.

The former biathlete of the Austrian national team, the chief physician of the leading Austrian medical center Revital Aspach, Günter Beck, explained how the biological passport of an athlete works, when deviations from the norm can indicate the use of doping, and what imperfections the data collection system has.

What is an athlete's biological passport and how does this system for monitoring the "purity" of athletes work?

A biological passport is a profile of a person compiled in the form of medical blood parameters. The purpose of introducing the biological profile of an athlete is to collect natural blood parameters and monitor their fluctuations, on the basis of which conclusions can be drawn about possible manipulations. When collecting data for an athlete's passport, certain parameters of human blood are used: these are hemoglobin, hematocrit, reticulocytes, blood cells, and others.

What is called "abnormal indicators"?

When an athlete uses doping, he tries to optimize his blood counts so that the deviation from the norm also fits into the acceptable medical framework. If in the profile some indicators are too high or markedly lowered, they speak of “abnormal indicators”. The presence of such indicates any deviations: we can talk about both manipulations and the ongoing disease.

The presence of uncertainty in the interpretation of blood parameters can indicate the imperfection of the system?

The problem is that many athletes get such a passport late. For example, a person takes doping - EPO or performs any other prohibited manipulations for a couple of years, and against this background registers his blood passport. In this case, its falsely changed indicators are taken as baseline and are considered normal. Therefore, it is necessary to open a biological passport very early, at a young age of an athlete.

I have not seen Ustyugov's analyzes and cannot say how much his indicators really deviate from the baseline. Another question is how all these analyzes were carried out and unified, and whether there are other data that allow us to talk about manipulations with the "purity" of the athlete. Remember the situation with the German speed skater Claudia Pechstein, when she was charged with doping only on the basis of deviations in her blood passport. That disqualification was appointed without detecting traces of prohibited drugs in the athlete’s blood, but due to “non-standard” blood counts. This is definitely not enough.

How do natural deviations differ from artificial ones?

If a standard technique is used for research, and there are large deviations from the norm that cannot be explained from a medical point of view, then in this case we can say that manipulations were carried out.

How to prevent false accusations of athletes when their natural data differs from the generally accepted ones?

Ideally, the entire process should be organized in one laboratory and carried out under the same conditions. Data collection and analyzes are currently coordinated in three different locations: the WADA laboratory, the national federation laboratories, and the IBU laboratory. It turns out that the three structures work in parallel and determine their own indicators. It is necessary to work together, using one laboratory, the same instruments and, accordingly, a single scale, a system for collecting and processing indicators.

So the biological passport has potential?

In principle, the method of collecting biological information in the athlete's passport is an excellent and important idea that has great potential. Thanks to this system, there is the possibility of a clearer and deeper control. At the same time, the importance of using a blood passport, in my opinion, is not only in monitoring the conduct of a “fair game”, but also in monitoring the health of an athlete. But at the same time, I believe that it is necessary to start collecting data as early as possible, not at the age of 20-25, when an athlete comes to the World Cup, but from a junior age.

1. Sports ranks, sports grades.

The following sports titles are established in the Russian Federation:

1) master of sports of Russia of international class;

2) master of sports of Russia;

3) grandmaster of Russia;

2. The following sports categories are established in the Russian Federation:

1) candidate master of sports;

2) the first sports category;

3) the second sports category;

4) the third sports category;

5) the first youth category;

6) the second youth category;

7) the third youth category.

2. Qualification categories of sports referees

sports refereean individual authorized by the organizers of a sports competition to ensure compliance with the rules of the sport and the regulations (regulations) on the sports competition, who has undergone special training and received the appropriate qualification category.

The following qualification categories of sports referees are established in the Russian Federation:

1) sports referee of the all-Russian category;

2) sports referee of the first category;

3) sports referee of the second category;

4) sports referee of the third category;

5) young sports referee.

3. Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK)

1. The unified all-Russian sports classification establishes the norms and requirements, the fulfillment of which is necessary for the assignment of the corresponding sports titles and sports categories by sports. The Regulation on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification determines the content of these norms, requirements and conditions, and also establishes the procedure for conferring sports titles and sports categories according to various types sports.

2. The procedure for assigning qualification categories of sports referees and the content of qualification requirements for candidates for the assignment of these categories, as well as the rights and obligations of sports referees are established by the Regulations on sports referees.

3. For persons with outstanding achievements and special services to the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports, honorary sports titles are established.

4. Rights and obligations of athletes

Athletean individual involved in a chosen sport or sports and performing at sports competitions .

Athletes are entitled to:

1) choice of sports;

2) participation in sports competitions in selected sports in the manner prescribed by the rules of these sports and the regulations on sports competitions;

3) obtaining sports categories and sports titles while fulfilling the norms and requirements of the EUSC;

4) conclusion of employment contracts in the manner prescribed by labor legislation;

5) assistance to all-Russian sports federations for selected sports in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of athletes in international sports organizations;

6) exercise of other rights in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Athletes are required to:

1) comply with safety requirements while participating in sports activities and sports events, training events and while being at sports facilities;

2) not to use doping means and methods, in accordance with the established procedure, to comply with the mandatory doping control;

3) comply with ethical standards in the field of sports;

4) comply with the provisions (regulations) on physical culture events and sports competitions in which they participate, and the requirements of the organizers of such events and competitions;

5) comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements, medical requirements, regularly undergo medical examinations in order to ensure the safety of playing sports for health.

5. Sports Passport

1. A sports passport is a document of a single sample, certifying belonging to a physical culture and sports or other organization and sports qualification of an athlete.

2. The sports passport shall indicate:

1) last name, first name, patronymic of the athlete;

3) date of birth;

4) belonging to a physical culture and sports organization;

5) selected sports and sports disciplines;

6) information on the assignment of sports categories and titles;

7) information on confirmation of the fulfillment of the norms and requirements necessary for the assignment of sports categories;

8) a note on the passage of medical examinations by the athlete;

9) results achieved in sports competitions;

10) information about sports disqualification;

11) information about state awards and other forms of encouragement;

12) last name, first name, patronymic of the coach;

13) other information related to the specifics of the selected sports.

3. The athlete's affiliation to a sports organization is determined on the basis of an employment contract concluded between the athlete and the sports organization.

4. In the event that an athlete is enrolled in educational institution secondary vocational education or higher vocational education and the contract specified in paragraph 3 of this article has not been concluded with him, the athlete’s belonging to a sports organization is determined on the basis of an order for enrollment in an educational institution.

5. The procedure for maintaining, the procedure for issuing, the procedure for replacing sports passports, the procedure for the functioning of a unified system for recording sports passports are established by the Regulations on a sports passport. Regulations on a sports passport and a sample of a sports passport are approved in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Sports Passport

"...1. A sports passport is a document of a single sample, certifying belonging to a sports or other organization and sports qualification of an athlete.

2. The sports passport shall indicate:

1) last name, first name, patronymic of the athlete;

3) date of birth;

4) belonging to a physical culture and sports or other organization;

5) selected sports and sports disciplines;

6) information on the assignment of sports categories and sports titles;

7) information on confirmation of the fulfillment of the norms and requirements necessary for the assignment of sports categories;

8) a note on the passage of medical examinations by the athlete;

9) results achieved in sports competitions;

10) information about sports disqualification;

11) information about state awards and other forms of encouragement;

12) last name, first name, patronymic of the coach;

12.1) information about the organizations in which the sports training, and the duration of such training;

(Clause 12.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 412-FZ of December 6, 2011)

13) other information related to the specifics of the selected sports..."


Federal Law No. 329-FZ of December 4, 2007 (as amended on July 28, 2012, as amended on December 3, 2012) "On physical education and sports in the Russian Federation"

Official terminology. 2012 .

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