How many kilograms are in Tyson's blow. The strongest blow

People are always interested in fame, popularity and recognition. Someone manages to achieve fame at the expense of acting skills, someone just has the talent to make money. But there are those who have incredible physical abilities. Sometimes their achievements are difficult or completely unrealistic to repeat. They set records that make them famous all over the world, glorifying sportsmanship.

The Guinness Book of World Records collects and records achievements from around the globe, often capturing the imagination of its readers. But some achievements are distinguished by such great senselessness or madness that no one even tries to repeat them. Also, the record book does not fix striking force in one sport or another. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to instantly determine such an indicator, because for this you will have to use a large number of sensors that can harm the athlete during the performance.

But no need to be upset, because you can find out what was the most swipe in boxing history.

It's hard to reason

As mentioned above , impact force - value, which is difficult to measure. For example, on the football field it is impossible to constantly run after the attackers to detect the speed of the ball, and in boxing it is impossible to be in the ring and fix how powerfully this or that fighter hit.

But sports fans, as well as experts and critics, are compiling ratings that celebrate the strength achievements of athletes.

Answering the question of who has the strongest striking power in the world, it is virtually impossible to give an unambiguous answer, because the strength parameter depends on many factors. Very important point- what limb was struck and what circumstances were at the same time.

You should also pay attention to fighter's weight to strength ratio. Of course, the ejected mass and speed of movement will affect the final force. But there are cases when an athlete weighs less, but is almost equal in strength to heavyweights weighing 120 kg.

Who owns the strongest punch?

There are a large number of martial arts in which they teach how to make powerful blows. But to measure the strength of blows during fights, special equipment is required. In this issue, progress was achieved only in boxing and kickboxing.

Boxers have always been considered athletes who can deliver powerful attacks with their hands. One of the most famous representatives of the boxing world - Mike Tyson, which everyone probably knows about, although his professional career has long ended.

  • It is generally accepted that it is the powerful Mike who has the strongest punch in boxing. On numerous rides, where a special pear is hit to determine the impact force, photos of Mike are posted. They indicate that Mike Tyson's punch force is 800 kg. This indicator is really outstanding, and we can safely say that it actually has no equal. If you take into account the fact that in order to knock out another person, an uppercut with a force of 15 kg is enough, but you should hit it exactly in the jaw, throwing your arm sharply in a circular trajectory, this is really an extraordinary power.
  • When answering a question, many experts recall the name famous boxer from Western Samoa by David Tua. They note that the most powerful hand snatch in his performance reached 1024 kg. You can only sympathize with his opponents. If to this day he could keep the same beautiful physical form, he would be an excellent opponent for Wladimir Klitschko, who had to fight with weak opponents.

The strongest kicks

No less disturbing was the question of whether which fighters have strong kicks. Previously, it was believed that the most trained lower limbs in athletes involved only in karate and taekwondo.

But in last years held numerous tournaments mixed martial arts, in which they kick hard, added fights without rules and Muay Thai.

Periodically, popular fighters take part in various TV shows where strength is compared. But the results of demonstration competitions, as a rule, are subjective, because the performance technique is individual for everyone, and the outgoing power depends on it.

For example, heavy league fighter Mirko Cro Cop performed the strongest kick with his leg, his power reached 2703 kg! This is the biggest move in MMA history. Another athlete, the Greek Mike Zambidis, weighing 70 kilograms, defeated the opponent with his right foot with a force of 1870 kilograms. As you can see, it's better not to joke with such serious guys.

Elbow and knee strikes

The real masters muay thai fighters. In performances for several blows, they are able to literally cut the skin of an opponent. Because of this, many fights resemble a bloody mess, and not sports competition, causing shock and non-perception among those who are watching the competition from the sidelines. But the power of such jerks is really huge.

Impact strength is a relative indicator, much depends on efficiency. The masters of Thai boxing managed to prove that an athlete weighing 50 kg can inflict only one punch, capable of knocking out an opponent.

What made football stars stand out

Football is the game of millions. football matches gather millions of spectators in front of television screens, thousands of fans in stadiums. In order to send the ball into the goal, you should hit the ball very accurately and strongly. Football critics often point out players who hit the goal with incredible force.

There were, are and will be legends in boxing. They all won many titles, had very beautiful fights, set incredible records, sent their opponents to the hardest knockouts. But which boxers were most feared?

Those who with one blow could break even a bull or any other beast, to speak literally. Usually the super-heavyweights had the greatest strength, they could develop tremendous power due to their body mass and honed strike technique.

Let's talk about five boxers whose punching power reached simply unthinkable numbers.

It is worth noting that the impact force is usually measured in PSI (pound force per inch), which corresponds to 6894.7573 Pascals. This unit of measurement is mainly used in the West.

Max Baer

American professional boxer born at the beginning of the 20th century. During his professional career, he spent 84 fights and managed to win in 72. And 53 fights ended with a knockout, which is not surprising, with such a force of impact, few could resist.

He managed to develop a blow in1500psi right cross. They say that with this blow he was able to knock out healthy bull. And one of the opponents, after a hard knockout from Baer, ​​died from head injuries. Max Baer died in November 1959.

Joe Frazier

An American professional boxer, he is the undisputed world champion in the heavyweight category.

Born January 12, 1944 in Beaufort. He spent 125 fights in amateur boxing and scored 120 victories, sending 65 opponents to a knockout. IN professional boxing spent 37 fights and won 32 victories, 27 of them by knockout.

He managed to develop a blow with force in1800psi left hook. It was with this blow that he knocked down the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, and subsequently inflicted his first defeat in history.

Mike Tyson

American professional boxer. Probably the most popular and scandalous boxer in history.

He was in prison several times as a child and in adulthood, he bit off the ear of professional boxer Evander Holyfield. But despite this, he is a truly legendary boxer. Now he has not performed in the ring for a long time, but he acts in films, participates in talk shows and is engaged in business.

In amateur boxing, he fought 60 fights and won 54 victories. During his professional boxing career, he spent 68 fights, in which he won 60 victories, of which 44 were knockouts.

Many knockouts were made by him in the first round, and most in the first four.

He hits any blows with incredible force, and it is difficult to resist his combinations, probably for absolutely everyone.

Tyson's right cross in his best years experts evaluate the1800psi . Today Mike is 53 years old.

George Foreman

Another American professional boxer. Born in 1949 in Marshall. In amateur boxing, he performed relatively little, had 26 fights and won 22 victories.

During his professional career, he won 76 victories in 81 fights, and also knocked out 68 opponents.

Won 3 championship belts (WBC, WBA, IBF). Managed to develop strength with a right uppercut1900 PSI . George Foreman is considered the oldest boxer who was able to win the world title.

Ernie Shavers

And again, an American professional boxer. Ernie was born in 1945 in Garland. Interesting fact: he never managed to become a world champion, but he managed to knock out two former champions in the very first round.

In amateur boxing, he fought 26 fights and won 20 victories. Later he switched to professional boxing. During his career, he won 74 victories in 89 fights, 68 of them by crushing knockout.

His right cross is considered the strongest in the history of boxing, he managed to execute it with an indicator1900psi . On this moment he is 73 years old.

I hope this material was interesting and useful to you. In the above list, all five boxers are American, which indicates the development of boxing in the United States in the 20th century.

What did you learn new for yourself? Which boxers did you know before? Write in the comments.

Martial artists have different strengths and striking techniques. Improving their skills to perfection, they turn their body into a crushing machine that is able to work on the principle of "One hit - one corpse." Well, how to determine which blow is the most powerful?

How is impact strength measured?

An objective assessment has been implemented so far only in professional boxing, where the impact force, its speed and effectiveness are taken into account. Professional leagues use a computerized scoring and scoring system called "CompuBox". In Olympic non-professional boxing, the “Cross” (the name translates as “cross”) is counted as the strongest blow. This is one of the straight punches that is thrown with the dominant hand, in most cases the far hand in the athlete's stance. If you strike directly, then the hand will pass over the opponent's hand. Hence the name of the blow.

By the way, simultaneously with this blow, the athlete performs a push with the back leg, after which the body is transferred to the front leg, and the body moves forward. All together quite a lot increases the force of impact.

Which kick is the most effective?

Strikes are divided into two categories: pushing and sharp. Both can have the same strength indicator, but the essence can be completely different. In fact, the force of impact is not so important, the main thing is the knockout component. However, specifics can still be made.

The impact force of a man ranges from 200 to 1000 kilograms. 200 kilograms is enough good hit for a boxer whose weight is 60-70 kilograms. Well, a thousand is already the limit of a heavyweight. You can “knock out” an opponent with a blow of 150 newtons (this is about 15 kilograms). But you need to aim at the chin area. To measure the impact force in boxing on international competitions often use a special value psi (pounds per square inch).

The strongest punch in taekwondo

The master of modern sports taekwondo Choi Hong Gi conducted research on the power, effectiveness and strength of individual blows of the best fighters. He cited the results in a book where it was mentioned that from a physical point of view, the kinetic force and momentum of movement have a direct punching blow if it is applied with a hand far from the “victim”.

The general made such conclusions based on his experience and biomechanical studies of strikes. In addition, he watched the application of various blows in slow motion video. It turns out that we are talking about the "eastern" version of the boxing "cross". The same power, coupled with a huge mass, amount of muscles and strength, was attributed by the master direct blow foot.

Record-breaking punch

There is no absolute dynamometer to measure the strength of a boxer's punches. But there is an opinion that Mike Tyson has the strongest blow. It is located around the 800 kilogram mark. The blow is so powerful that it can kill the opponent.

However, the boxer is the author of not only this record. At 20, he became the youngest world champion in heavyweight. A year later, he was already the youngest undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. Mike Tyson will spend a minimum of time to win world titles and absolute champion. It took him a year and 8.5 months, and 2.5 years, respectively. Surprisingly, an athlete involved in such an aggressive sport refused meat, proving that with a full physical activity it is quite possible to do without it.

The strongest kicks in football

Kicking is almost the main component of the game of football. Otherwise, no goals. And this is the apotheosis of the number one sport in the world. beautiful beats cause admiration, experts do not get tired of studying the technique and manner of performance of football players. Moreover, each athlete has his own unique theory of impact. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo spreads his legs shoulder-width apart, David Beckham arches his body, and Roberta Carlos rapidly minces his feet before touching the ball.

9 hardest shots in football

Beautiful shots by Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha

Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha will remain in the history of football as a speedy full-back, as well as the author of fantastic shots from long and medium distances. Playing for different teams and with different opponents, the undersized football player constantly hit the opponents' gates with crushing blows.

Business card Carlos are branded free kicks. After them, the ball flies straight into the opponent's goal along an unpredictable trajectory. While working at Real Madrid, every second such blow Roberto hit the target. Before hitting, the Brazilian made a long run, approached the ball with mincing steps and hit the ball.

Scientists tried to understand the theory of his goals, the French deduced an equation that explains the goals of Roberto Carlos. In their opinion, the football player minimized the effect of the attraction of the earth and air turbulence. The ball needs to be given energy coupled with torque. The curvature here increases as you move.

The best goals of Robert Carlos

For a decade and a half, Carlos' punches were closely watched. The statistics show the real numbers of the "shot" of the player. Once the Brazilian hit the gates of the French national team with a free kick - the ball flew at a speed of 136 kilometers per hour. But it's not the most impressive hit. Once the trick in terms of strength and speed was equal to 198 kilometers per hour. According to these results, Roberto Carlos was the holder of the title of the most powerful kick in the history of football.

Lukas Podolski's record blow

German striker Lukas Podolski set a new record at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa in the first match of the German national team against Austria.

Spectators love to watch the fights of athletes delivering crushing and swift hooks, beautifully knocking out an opponent. Read more about how the strength parameters of the participants are measured, about the types of punches and the most powerful boxers.

How is punch power measured in boxing?

This term means attack slew rate, one way to measure it is to multiply the mass of the boxer by the acceleration. The indicators are recorded in a special unit of measure - psi (pound per square inch).

Professional competitions are controlled by special computer systems called CompuBox. They quite accurately register the efficiency, dynamics and effectiveness of the attacks.

Amateur sports have no way to objectively assess this value. At the Olympiads, it is customary to count as the most powerful technique - "cross".

What are hard hits?

The boxer's technique includes several types of attacks:

  • direct tactics (jab, cross);
  • side assault (hook, swing);
  • attack from below (uppercut).

Each method can be applied both with the right and left hand.

Of these options, the jab is considered the weakest - this is a standard technique that any fighter should be able to perform.

By power, jerky and sharp attacks differ. Most effective methods in descending order:

  1. Swing beats in the head or torso, has a trajectory hidden for the enemy, starts straight, but is applied to the side, is considered the most powerful (attack density increases due to pushing and turning the body).
  2. Hook, along with the previous method, is recognized best weapon boxer, any arm bent at the elbow works here at a convenient distance (except long distances). It is necessary to reach one of the zones: jaw, temple, neck or liver. Power is regulated by the mobility of the body and the transfer of the center of gravity.
  3. The cross is used as a response to an assault by the enemy, the beating fist goes to upper part torso, above the vis-a-vis hand. Standing still or stepping forward, they transfer weight from the back leg to the front (this moment adds power to the maneuver), at the same time they implement an attacking action.
  4. The uppercut is used when the opponents are close to each other. The hand turns towards itself, the hand passes at an angle (the smaller it is, the greater the effectiveness, the higher the power).

On a note! Talented fighters, based on ordinary strikes, can create sudden and swift combinations that create inconvenience to the enemy due to their non-standard.

TOP boxers with the most crushing punch

Here is a list of champions who can carry out the most difficult and fatal attacks for an opponent.

Reference! We indicate the main figure in psi, in brackets - an approximate correspondence in kg.

Max Baer

The athlete became famous in the 30s of the last century thanks to his right hand. Its power is approximately estimated at 1500 (800).

For some rivals, the duel ended tragically: Frankie Campbell died of a hemorrhage, Ernie Schaaf died of a stroke a few months later (it is believed that this was the result of injuries sustained during the fight).

Mike Tyson

Unsurpassed knockout master known for his aggressive fighting style. The strength of his attack varies between 1000-1800 (up to 1100).

Against opponents, he prefers to use the “pendulum”: the swinging of the torso creates an optimal angle, and an extremely concentrated blow is obtained. Combining the crushing power and swiftness of the attacks, Mike won by knockout in 44 matches. His name is inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records.

The legendary boxer is famous for his left hook, the magnitude of which reaches 1800. He knew how to hit with such force that the picture blurred in the eyes of the opponent as if in a fog. A lower height compared to opponents (182 cm) did not prevent the implementation of masterful attacks.

Interesting! A dramatic story from childhood played a role in the development of the ability. A boar from a neighboring farm attacked the boy and injured his hand. The limb has grown together, but at the wrong angle. This defect unexpectedly served in sports career: increased the power capabilities of the arm, the load it can withstand, and strengthened the bones.

He won resounding victory in a duel with the famous Mohammed Ali, thanks to a heavy and clear side attack. He did this despite having a cataract in his left eye.

The boxer is rightfully considered one of the strongest in the world. His blow reached a value of 1900 (1200).
This is the case when the accumulated power does not lead to success without perfected technique and endurance in the arena. The athlete did not advance beyond the Nevada state championship title.

Hello, friends. Surely many have wondered what is the strongest punch in boxing? This applies to both its appearance and the performer. After all, it is no secret that very few boxers in the world have (or have had) a punishing blow.

In boxing, one of the most important characteristics is. It is measured in kilograms. The fighters with the most outstanding performance are listed in the book of records. There are several methods for calculating this parameter. Both the type and the direction of the strike matter, and how filigree it is executed.

The most formidable species

To understand which type of impact is the strongest, you need to calculate its parameters. Such operations are performed only in a professional environment. For this, special measuring equipment is used. It captures dynamics, efficiency and power.

In the amateur environment, the leader in strength is the “cross”.

It is performed as follows: the strongest hand of the fighter is located further than the weaker one, her fist breaks out of position and follows the shortest trajectory into the body or head of the opponent, while flying over his hand. And the attacking boxer steps forward, makes a turn of the body and deploys the mass on the front leg. This increases the impact power. If he is going to the body, it is necessary to bend the knees and keep the shoulder in line with the target.

A dilemma is often indicated - which punch in boxing is the strongest straight or side?

To answer this question, it is necessary to consider the specifics of these strikes.

The direct has two varieties: the jab and the cross. The first one is not particularly powerful, it is more used for reconnaissance, but it has a high speed. According to this indicator, it surpasses other types of attacks.

Masters optimally combine such direct blows, which often leads to success in the ring.

Side attacks include swing and hook.

The first goes to the head or body. He is so stealthy that his trajectory starts like a jab but goes sideways. It can be implemented as a single act without the use of auxiliary blows.

Due to its specifics, it is considered the leader in terms of power in the entire boxing avant-garde. The reason for this is as follows: during its execution, the fighter pushes and turns the torso, and because of this, the attack goes more tightly.

True, this action requires a long acceleration and time. Therefore, a swing often finishes off an opponent when he is already pretty exhausted.

Hook is a classic flank strike. Included in the top strongest attacks in boxing. To implement it, the left or right hand is used, bent in elbow joint. In this case, the distance in relation to the opponent can be short or medium.

The power of the hook is formed due to the movement of the body and the displacement of the center of gravity. This kick doesn't need a swing. His traditional targets are the jaw, temple, back of the head, liver. His main task is to quickly knock out the opponent.

There are also uppercuts - strikes made from below. They are especially effective on close range. Their strength is comparable to crosses. At the same time, the fighter turns his fist towards himself, and leads his hand along the internal vector.

Its main targets are: chin, nose, eyebrow, solar plexus.

Its power is determined by the angle that is formed by bending the arm in the tray. The higher the angle, the less dynamics and power.

In terms of impact, uppercuts are inferior to side punches. The reason lies in their implementation in different zones.

What is the strongest punch in boxing? Here comes the trio:

  1. Swing.
  2. Cross.
  3. Uppercut.

It matters how they are used in combinations. And some fighters any blow can be perfected so that it becomes a deadly weapon.


The impact force of an ordinary person is 100-200 kg. And according to scientists, if the blow is correctly delivered, then even its parameter of 20 kg can make it knockout.

The lower limit is normal for a boxer in the 60-70 kg weight class. An indicator of 1000 kg is usually characteristic of heavyweights.

Concerning best achievements, then the Guinness Book of Records recognizes Mike Tyson as the strongest blow in boxing. In addition, the boxer is the absolute leader in the number of knockouts in the history of boxing. They were recorded 44 in 58 fights.

Tyson's punching power is in the spectrum of 700-1800 kg. His crown is a side attack right hand. The athlete ideally combined the dynamics and position of the body, and the power of impact.

In the top of the owners of crushing blows, George Foreman is also listed. He is also a renowned puncher (68 in 81 fights). His figure is 860 kg.

The rating includes Ernie Shavers. In boxing, he was called the "black destroyer". During his career, he also scored 68 knockouts. His right hand is considered the most powerful for all the time of the existence of boxing. Parameter - 900 kg.

Many experts claim that the strongest blow belongs to David Tua. The indicator of this Samoan fighter was 1024 kg in the performance of the left hand.

Speaking about the history of boxing and the strongest blows, one cannot fail to mention Muhammad Ali. This is the most famous person in boxing of all time. He was phenomenally fast with both hands. Due to this, he achieved many victories.

The impact force of Muhammad Ali was 1100 kg. At the same time, its mass reached 107 kg.

In a more recent story, Briton Anthony Joshua stands out. With a height of 199 cm and a weight of 113 kg, his arm span was 208 cm. The boxer is considered a specialist puncher, he is distinguished by incredible endurance, speed and accuracy of attacks.

Joshua's punching force in kg is 797…. he showed such an indicator on a power meter before the failed rematch with Wladimir Klitschko in March 2017.

The list of powerful punchers also includes Ukrainian boxers: the Klitschko brothers, Oleksandr Usyk and Vasily Lomachenko.

What is the impact force of the Klitschko brothers? Based on the results of special studies, experts determined that both brothers have an indicator of 400 kg when performing an attack with their left hand. With this, the driving dynamics is 33.8 km / h.

Oleksandr Usyk also has a strong left hand. By weight, it is in the first heavy category. His trainer is pleased with the power of his punch, although many experts disagree with him.

The impact force of the Mustache in kg is 350-400. Also, the fighter has excellent speed and combinational actions.

Vasily Lomachenko does not belong to the class of heavyweights. Its usual category is up to 60 kg. It won the 2012 Olympics.

Lomachenko's impact force is in the range of 400-700 kg.

Mathematics and Computing

To determine strength boxing punch special studies are being carried out. They showed that the ultimate physical effort is formed when the boxer's legs do not touch the ring. At the same time, the position of the body is almost vertical, and before making a blow, the fighter powerfully pushes off with his feet into space. But the power of the swing is added only due to the effort of the hand. Thus, the energy of movement acquires great power.

The impact force is determined by many factors, for example:

  • which hand is used to attack
  • in what situation
  • the relationship between the mass of a boxer and the power of his punch,
  • the dynamics of the attack and the weight invested in it.

To determine the impact force, there are the following ways:

First: Based on Newton's second law. Here the basic formula for determining the force of impact is as follows: F = m (v1 - v2) / (t1 - t2).

Here m is the mass of the fist (it can be interpreted as a striking object),

v1 and v2 - dynamic moment initial phase strikes and after its implementation.

t1 and t2 - duration of contact

The faster the impact occurs, the less its power. Therefore, fighters use soft gloves to increase the duration of t.

Also here the power of the attack is determined by the dynamics. The higher the speed, the greater the power.

Second. Analyzes vertical impact. Here you need to know the following data:

  • the height traveled by the body
  • its mass
  • acceleration of unhindered fall (approximately 10 m/s 2).

On the example of an apple, it looks like this: its mass is 200 g, it flies 3 m at a speed of 8 m/s. The duration of contact with the ground is 4 s. The impact power will be 500 N.

Technique for identifying indicators

For these purposes, the following equipment and methods can be used:

The first option is a dynamometer.

The following indicators are taken into account:

  • change in the energy of the attacking body,
  • the duration of the interaction
  • body mass,
  • its dynamics.

The first parameter is divided by the second.

Also, the following devices are needed for the procedure:

  • scales,
  • speed indicators,
  • electronic timer.

This dynamometer is also called a kick tester. It determines the ultimate force in a short interval.

The sensor is placed on an ordinary wall. She gets hit. The display shows its strength in kg. If you need an indicator in newtons, the result is multiplied by 9.81.

You can also attach a kick tester to a pear. It will fix the parameter by the level of its deviation. Here, the contact area is no longer taken into account. And the result is average value strength.

The second option is an accelerometer + target.

Here the law is involved, according to which potential and kinetic energy are conserved.

The target has a mass (parameter "m"). It is fixed on the wall. Hit it and measure its deviation indicator ("h").

To do this, you can arrange notches on the beam. Attach makiwara to it. The power of impact is equal to the result of the formula "mgh".

Here g is the fall acceleration without obstacles.

The third option is a device with Doppler action. In this scenario, the target is mounted in a similar way. The impact power is identical to its dynamics. At the same time, ultrasound diverges from it. The fixture does not need to be calibrated.

Fourth - precision and integral accelerometers with 2 or 3 axes. Here you get pretty accurate data. The target is also located. You can hit it on any vector. The only exceptions are mounted attacks.

Fifth - analogues of devices, as in option 4, only they have a digital output. Their main advantage lies in their very high sensitivity. There is absolutely no need for another calibration.

When working with this device, the “g” indicator must be taken into account. So the result is scrupulously accurate.

Thanks to this technique, the dilemma with the veracity of the parameters regarding the energy of the boxer's punches is solved. This helps to better analyze his physical potential during preparation for the competition.