Direct long blow (cross and jolt). Cross in boxing - technique, practice, use of a cross punch How to beat a cross in boxing

Lots of boxing different types strokes, but, in fact, they are all varieties of the five main ones. Since the blows in boxing are called and what is their peculiarity, we will now tell you.

Many of you, even those who do not understand this sport, have probably heard the names of boxing punches at least once, but simply did not attach any importance to it.

In fact, the types of punches in boxing are not so difficult to distinguish, all you need to remember is the technical features of five punches.

Jab (straight punch in boxing)

The jab is the most common and commonly used punch in boxing. There is even a saying in this sport - a boxer without a jab is not a boxer.

Such a blow is applied to the head or body. During the blow, the athlete's fist is kept parallel to the ground, and the arm is fully extended during the blow. At the same time, the free fist covers the face, and the elbow solar plexus(to repel possible attacks of the opponent).

If we talk about the pros and cons of the jab, then it is worth mentioning that the power of its application is not as great as that of any other blow. But at the same time, thanks to the jab, the opponent is always in suspense. Also, the pluses include the fact that thanks to this blow, the boxer can defend himself from an opponent.

Vitaliy and Wladimir Klitschko often used such tricks.

Cross (far hand strike)

The names of punches in boxing are easy to remember if you understand what they mean. With the help of the cross-country technique, the opponent gets on the head or body with the fist of the hand, which is farther away.

The main advantage of this type of impact is maximum accuracy. It is also considered safe for the athlete who attacks, since it is easier to return to the defensive position with the cross.

The disadvantage of cross-country is that it is not a natural movement. human body because it needs serious work.
Ernie Shavers was a prominent representative in the world of boxing, who often used the cross.

Hook (kick with a bent arm without a swing)

In another way, a hook is a side kick in boxing with a bent arm. The hook is used only in melee or medium combat. During the blow, the athlete's arm is bent at the elbow, directed to the head or body of another boxer.

The elbow bend during the hook should be at an angle of 90 degrees, thanks to this, the blow is more powerful.

The advantage of the hook is that it is considered the most powerful, other basic punches in boxing cannot boast of such. The main thing is not to open up during the strike, as you can get a retaliatory blow from the opponent.

Joe Frazier used this shot often in his career.

Swing (strike with a straightened arm with a swing)

During the movement of the swing, the hand describes a large radius and "lands" directly on the opponent's head.

The advantage of the Swing strike is that the hand travels a long distance during its application, therefore, the strike gains more strength. But the disadvantages include the fact that all this takes time, during which time the enemy can strike.

Shannon Briggs is considered to be a prominent representative who liked to use a swing strike in boxing.

Uppercut (hit from below)

A bottom blow in boxing is applied between the opponent's arms when he simply forgets to close his elbows in the clinch. The classic uppercut is when the punch is thrown with the front hand along with the twisting of the shoulder.

The advantages of the uppercut include the fact that the blow is really strong, and it is difficult for the enemy to notice it. But the blow brings benefits only in close combat. Also, the disadvantages include the fact that it is dangerous for the one who applies it, since for a few seconds the boxer is left without protection.

George Foreman is a bright representative of uppercut lovers.

Now you know what punches are in boxing, and boxing itself will become much clearer and more interesting to you. As for the boxers themselves, some use all types of punches in boxing, while others prefer some specific punches in the fighting technique, but boxing does not lose its entertainment from this.

The art of sculpting amazing figures from clay, the ability to control one's body in dance, skills in speed reading, mastery in martial arts, all this has its own “foundation”: something without which this direction of human activity is simply unthinkable.

In boxing, two positions are such a “basis of fundamentals”: ​​defense and attack techniques - strikes and tricks.

Defense is an incomparably important aspect of boxing, however, answering the question of how long an athlete can stay in a defensive position and whether he can “exist” in the ring with only one defense, it is reasonable to conclude that attacking techniques are also undeniably necessary, or rather, about them " cooperation” — that very golden mean.

Further we will talk about exclusively classic boxing. So, the rules and strikes of such a type as, say, Irish boxing or MMA (mixed martial arts - mixed martial arts) with its sprols and others are not considered within the scope of this article. Undoubtedly, the points of contact of these disciplines are mandatory for their presence, however, they require detailed study and analysis.

First of all, the stand

Proper stance is the key to an effective strike. To make a stance means to put the left foot slightly forward, so that the heel is at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the opponent.

At the same time, the back of the exposed leg should be kept in line with the toe. right foot. With all this, it is necessary to distribute the weight of your own body evenly on both feet, press your elbows to the body, and cover your face with your hands.

Face protection is also strictly specified:

  1. The left hand should cover, respectively, the left cheek and ear.
  2. The right one is exposed as a chin guard.
  3. The chin, by itself, should be pressed to the chest, in other words, lowered down. In no case should you put your chin forward.

It is important to know: an unconditional condition that goes a priori for almost any sport is physical training, including a preliminary warm-up and, of course, the correct stance.

"It doesn't get straighter" - jab

A start. With what blow, most often, the career of boxers begins? The answer and, in fact, the name is one: jab.

in Russians, sports circles a foreign jeb is more commonly known as a straight left, provided the boxer is right-handed.

Foreign words, it should be noted, tend to be mispronounced. So, the jab familiar to many can turn into a dfeb, and into other distorted variants of it.

jab is extremely effective way keep the opponent within a certain distance from you, thereby preventing him from going on the attack. The technique is simple: it is applied with the hand put forward (left for right-handers and, as you might guess, right for left-handers).

In this case, the arm should be fully extended. The fist is held in the "palm to the ground" position. The jab is great for counterattacking. Thanks to him, in boxing, the main points for hits often accumulate.
By no means a decisive blow, a direct strike is an excellent "base" for developing a full-fledged combination of attacks.

Among the ardent fans of the practice of using jabs, as the basis of the entire fight, are the Klitschko brothers Vladimir and Vitaliy.

In the boxing environment, Thomas Hans is famous for his great fame, who is rightfully referred to as the masters of the so-called flickering jab. The bottom line is the lower location of the striking hand, making the jab difficult to "observe" and, accordingly, evade. The speed also increases.

This video contains a selection of jab from different fights in the ring:

"Mistake is punishable" - counterattacking cross

The best and most correct types of punches in boxing are all those that belong to the category of "strong and sharp", capable of disorienting the opponent.

Cross (translated from English as a cross) is mostly applied at the time of an unsuccessful attack by an opponent, thereby fully justifying the reason why it is called that.

Thus, the right cross will be performed over the opponent’s left hand, and the left cross over the right. Following the pictures, it is reasonable to conclude:

  1. The cross is applied to the opponent's head, while the entire body is involved, which increases strength.
  2. To be more precise: a cross is a sharp lunge of the arm from the rack while simultaneously pushing behind the standing leg.
  3. The weight of the body is transferred to the front leg.

Note: cross can be applied by preceding it with a step forward or by remaining in place, but transferring body weight to the front foot.

This video contains a selection of crosses:

"From the hip" - hook

From English, hook is translated as a hook - a translation, it is worth noting, that describes this sweeping blow as accurately as possible.

Refers to the so-called finishing blows, often putting an end to the fight. It is applied with the fist of a hand bent at the elbow.

It can be executed both on the body of the opponent, say, in the liver, and straight into the jaw. It is possible to perform a hook with both hands: only the force of the blow changes.

So, the left hook for the right-hander is weaker, but, due to the unexpectedness of the application and the correct setting, it can become the knockout. You can see the hook in action in this video:

"Lightning in all its glory" - uppercut

Its very name, or rather, the translation (slash from bottom to top) describes the technique of performing this strike as accurately as possible: with a fist turned “on itself” (palm “toward itself”) along an internal trajectory. It is near and applied exclusively from below.

Describing the most powerful striking techniques, the uppercut should be put, if not in the first position, then in the top list of those. To miss a quality uppercut means to bring yourself closer to defeat.

The uppercut, unfortunately, is also “sinful” for the wrong name, which is why it is not uncommon for it to be called both an opercut and an uppercut, and even an ampercut, etc.

Errors, as we see, are not so strict in terms of severity, but a professional is unlikely to like such a mangling of words. Uppercuts, as the most spectacular punch in terms of technique, are almost the most frequent "guest" of many boxing videos with knockouts:

"On the road" - swing

Swing - a blow performed by the whole body, including a push of the leg and a turn of the torso. Its implementation must be preceded by a distraction strike: a maneuver that forces the enemy to open up for a full hit.

Applied to the right. To swing is equivalent to the phrase "get closer to victory." It's all about the exceptional power of the swing.

In contrast to the unprecedented power of the blow, there is a duration in movement, in its execution, “thanks to” which the “colleague” of the boxer can take advantage of the moment himself and “catch” the open position of the opponent.

By the way the boxer holds his fist during the blow, they distinguish between English and American swing (with a horizontal and, accordingly, a vertical arrangement of the palm clenched into a fist).
According to the direction and the executed hand, the following types are distinguished:

  • left hand to the face and body;
  • swing with the left fist into the opponent's body with deviation;
  • swing right to the face and, of course, the body.

Video of a jumping deuce with a right swing at the end:

Hybrid complex - overhand and downcot

Boxing is also rich in combined punches. One of these is called an overhand - it combines a skillful combination of a cross and a hook. The trajectory of the overhand movement is listed as an arc. Direction: top-down.

A significant problem with the overhand is that the batter remains in an open position after it has been executed, thereby risking getting hit. Overhand can also be represented as long-range strike, and how to hit close. In this case, also applies to the side.

And, if the implementation of the basic boxing techniques and the combinations that come from them, described earlier, has a stable practice during the fight, then such a blow as a downcut is very rare in the ring. The reason lies in the extreme technical complexity of the execution of this strike.

It must be applied with the fist of the arm bent at the elbow, along the trajectory from top to side. The difficulty lies in the fact that the boxer risks getting a warning "for striking with an open glove" by placing his fist incorrectly.

In order to avoid penalty points, the fist must be placed palm down. Thanks to the downward trajectory, it is almost the most effective blow, of course, when hit. Similar to overhand.

The note: terms, as you can see, almost entirely “migrated” from English sources, however, there are also “indigenous” names of strokes, which are also used in everyday life.

Training in boxing skills comes down to honing just a dozen punches. Seemingly easy at first glance, the task of gaining mastery nevertheless leads to the question: how much training is a sufficient indicator that a blow is coming out correctly and that you should move on to mastering another one?

The answer will not surprise “knowledgeable” athletes: such terms simply do not exist. There is only a consistent study of ever greater details of a seemingly fully studied strike.

For many boxers, by the way, one punch is enough to become the basis of his entire career. What is called, "and one warrior in the field." And finally the video TOP 5 best boxers world in the history of boxing:

Straight long punches have a special fist movement trajectory. These are the so-called "cross" strikes ("cross" in English means "cross"). They are most effective in counterattacks.

By the nature of the performance, long straight punches are identical to a strong direct punch (panch). The sequence of inclusion in the work of the muscles of the body is the same: extension and rotation of the foot, straightening the legs at the knees (Fig. 3.38, A And b), rotation of the torso and extension of the arm (Fig. 3.38, V).

Rice. 3.38 Counterattack with a long straight line in the torso

A feature of long strokes is raising (cross) or lowering (jolt) the elbow while straightening the arm. These actions cause the elbow, and accordingly the fist, to describe a somewhat arcuate trajectory of slight curvature. A relatively straight trajectory of the fist, when applying a cross, passes from above, and when applying a jolt, from below.

Statistically, cross V professional boxing is one of the most effective strikes. It is in the technical arsenal of almost every boxer. It is used tactically in the attack, in the oncoming and retaliatory counterattacks.

Cross in attack was the signature blow of Lennox Lewis, Michael Spinks, Joe Louis. Ingemar Johansson, world champion 1959-1960, won his title by knocking out Floyd Patterson with a cross. He prepared his decisive blow as follows: first he attacked Patterson several times with a left jab, and then suddenly instead he landed a left from the side and immediately crossed his right to the chin (Fig. 3.39).

Rice. 3.39 Ingemar Johansson (left) and Floyd Patterson

Max Schmeling (Fig. 3.40), world champion 1930-1932, sensationally beat one of the greatest boxers Joe Louis, throwing a counter-cross. While watching Joe Louis fights, Schmeling noticed a technical flaw in his jab. The fact is that Joe's left hand after the blow did not return to its place, but somewhat fell down. During the fight, Schmeling after Louis jab immediately responded with his favorite cross. And hit. As a result, he won by knockout.

Rice. 3.40 Max Schmeling

Rice. 3.41 Hasim Rahman (right)

In 2001, Hasim Rahman (Fig. 3.41) knocked out Lennox Lewis, who was considered the undisputed favorite in this fight, with a long right cross. Hasim forced his opponent to move to the left and, by timing and distance, delivered a decisive blow. This technique earned him the title of world champion in heavyweight according to WBC and IBF.

Hit jolt applied both to the head and to the body, between the opponent's arms. The famous heavyweight Donovan Ruddock worked like a rapier with his front left hand, which caused a lot of trouble to his opponents. For this blow, which at times literally “cut off” rivals, Donovan Ruddock received the nickname Razor. With his left jolte, he almost knocked out Mike Tyson and achieved an unconditional victory over former world champion Michael Dokes.

The lightest in the history of boxing (71-73 kilograms), the absolute world champion of 1897-1899, Robert Fitzsimmons (Fig. 3.42), brilliantly performed jolt with both hands and applied it mainly to the torso. All his opponents noted that this blow had deadly power and resembled a blow from a sledgehammer on an anvil. This is not surprising, since Fitzsimmons was a blacksmith by profession. In 1897, it was Jolt with his front hand to the solar plexus that he knocked out current champion the world of James Corbett. Being left-handed, Fitzsimmons boxed in a right-handed stance. Before inflicting his crown blow, he stepped forward with his right foot, twisted his body to the left and, like from a cannon, “shot out” the left jolt.

Rice. 3.42 Robert Fitzsimmons

Side kicks

Side kicks are widely used in boxing. They are in the technical arsenal of any professional and are used at all distances. Additional force lateral receive due to rotary motion body and performance are on par with direct strikes.

Side swipe.

The blow begins with the extension of the foot of the pushing leg. Then there is a gradual straightening of the legs at the knees. A little later, the rotation begins relative to the vertical axis of the body of the foot, pelvis and torso (Fig. 3.43, A). After the shoulders began to move, the striking arm unbends at the shoulder and elbow joints. The fist moves translationally and rotationally towards the target along an arc (Fig. 3.43, b).

At the moment of contact of the fist with the aim of the movement of the body, they stop due to the blocking of the joints by the antagonist muscles. Shoulder, elbow and fist of the striking hand are in the same horizontal plane, which is perpendicular to the target. The chin is lowered to the chest.

The second hand insures the head and torso against possible oncoming blows. The legs are not fully extended, which is necessary to ensure stability (Fig. 3.43, V).

The classic lateral has several options for execution, differing in the position of the fist and elbow at the moment of contact with the target. In some cases, the fist and elbow may be in different planes (Fig. 3.43, G).

Rice. 3.43 Side impact

The side kick is the most popular among professionals. Tactically, it can be used at any moment of the battle and at all distances.

Absolute Champion peace James Jeffreys (1899-1905) dealt a side strong medium distance and developed success with a series of blows (Fig. 3.44).

Jack Dempsey finished with a side strong his famous combination, called "Dempsey's sun". It consisted of several dives, with the help of which the boxer got close to his opponents. It was this blow that was his signature, because with his help Dempsey sent his opponents to the floor.

Floyd Patterson used very fast jabs to prepare the side strong. Sometimes he duplicated the side ones, applying the first to the liver area, and the second, the main one, to the head (Fig. 3.45).

Cross(translated from English - a cross) - this is one of the types direct hit with the right hand, is a strong, often knockout punch in boxing. It is usually used after preliminary preparation, when the enemy is exposed. He is also beaten towards the opponent's blow.

How it should be done

The cross-country technique occurs according to the scheme: the push of the right leg - the transfer of body weight to the left leg - the turn of the body and shoulder girdle from right to left and striking with the muscles of the arm. The right shoulder at the end of the blow must be raised to protect the head from an oncoming or side blow from the opponent. The left fist is pressed tightly against the lower part of the face, and the left elbow is pressed against the torso to protect the boxer from counter-punches from the right.

Cross in boxing compared to heavy artillery, which they try to beat for sure, putting all their strength into the beating right hand.

However, you need to remember the rule: with which hand you hit, with that you can miss. Therefore, we do not forget about defense and, inflicting a cross, we remove our head from the line of attack. We also remember that when struck, the liver opens. Therefore, having broken through the cross, we throw off the elbow. As you know, a missed blow to the liver, at best, leads to respiratory failure, and at worst -

Self-defense and attack without weapons Solonevich Ivan



Ego is about the same punch as a side swing - the only difference is that the striking arm is bent at the elbow and the fingers of the fist are facing down and inward. Ular are applied with the first phalanges of the fingers. Its target is the side of the face (mainly the jaw) or the side of the abdomen (costal arch). Here, as in other strikes, the main thing is the rotation of the body. During the entire movement, the arm almost does not change its position relative to the body and is held approximately at shoulder level (Fig. 3).

From the book Hapkido for beginners the author Master Choi

Side Elbow Strike From the ready position, step forward with your left foot and take a forward position, while simultaneously throwing your right arm bent at the elbow forward, perform a shock movement with your right elbow in a horizontal arc from outside to inside. The blow is struck

From the book Fight Club: Combat Fitness for Men the author Atilov Aman

Side Kick From the left back position, shift your body weight onto your left leg. At the same time, lift up and forward the thigh of the right leg and turn the torso and foot of the left leg 60 °. Strike with an active movement of the pelvis forward and extension of the lower leg of the right leg.

From the book Forbidden Self-Defense Techniques author Alekseev Kirill A

Grab Release, Side Elbow, Backhand Punch, and Straight Punch The opponent has grabbed your right hand with his right hand.

From the book How to Become a Kickboxer, or 10 Steps to Safety author Kazakeev Evgeniy

Side blow with the left hand to the head on the spot Technique: take a fighting stance. Shift your weight lightly to your right foot, then to your left foot. At the same time, turn your torso from left to right and, sharply throwing your right shoulder forward, perform a shock movement

From the book Thai Boxing [Professional Lessons for Beginners] author Kovtik Alexander Nikolaevich

Side blow with the left hand to the head with a step with the right foot forward Technique: take a fighting stance. Shift your body weight onto your left foot, then step forward with your right foot. At the same time, turn your torso from left to right and, sharply throwing your right shoulder forward,

From the author's book

Side blow with the right hand to the head on the spot Technique: take a fighting stance. Shift your weight lightly to your right foot, then to your left foot. At the same time turn the torso from right to left and, sharply throwing forward the right arm bent at the elbow, perform

From the author's book

Side impact with the left elbow to the head Technique: take a fighting stance. Transfer the weight of the body to the front leg, simultaneously turning the torso from left to right and sharply throwing forward the left arm bent at the elbow, perform a shock movement with the elbow along

From the author's book

Side impact with the right elbow to the head Technique: take a fighting stance. Transfer the weight of the body to the front leg, at the same time turning the torso from right to left and sharply throwing forward the right arm bent at the elbow, perform a shock movement with the elbow along

From the author's book

Side kick with the left foot to the thigh (low kick) Technique: take a fighting stance. Jump back. Shift your body weight to your right leg. At the same time, lift up and forward the thigh of the left leg, turn the torso and foot of the right leg 90 °. Strike active

From the author's book

Side kick with the left leg to the thigh with a 360° turn of the torso (low kick) Technique: take a fighting stance. Jump back. Shift your body weight to your right leg. Lift up and forward the thigh of the left leg, turn the torso and foot of the right leg 90 °. Apply

From the author's book

Side kick with the right foot in the thigh (low kick) Technique: take a fighting stance. Transfer body weight to the left leg At the same time, lift the thigh of the right leg up and forward, turn the torso and foot of the left leg 90 degrees. Strike with an active movement of the pelvis

From the author's book

Side kick with the right leg to the thigh with a 360° torso turn (low kick) Technique: take a fighting stance. Shift the weight of the body to the left leg. At the same time, lift the thigh of the right leg up and forward, turn the torso and foot of the left leg 90 °. Strike active

From the author's book

Side kick with the left foot Technique: take a fighting stance. Jump back. Shift your body weight to your right leg. At the same time, lift up and forward the thigh of the left leg, turn the torso and foot of the right leg 90 °. Strike with active pelvic movement

From the author's book

Side kick The work of the legs and body in a side kick is no different from what you did when striking a straight line. The same push, weight transfer, twisting of the body, forward delivery of the shoulder. But when you shoot with your hand, you describe a small arc with it in order to strike not directly, but from the side.

From the author's book

Side kick In America, this kick is better known as "Roundhouse kick" ("circular kick"), and in Asia as "mawashi-geri". In the course of the fight, it is very well used in various combinations and often leads to a knockout. Especially you need to beware of the left leg of the left-hander,

From the author's book

Long side elbow strike. Long side impacts elbow are most widely used in Muay Thai (Fig. 5.36). The path of movement of the elbow has a considerable length. This allows, due to centrifugal acceleration and high rigidity of the short shock lever, to develop