Air from the pump. How to make air from a bicycle pump

A variety of pneumatic weapons is quite simple to make yourself at home. A charge from which will fly out under the influence of compressed air. An ordinary potato is ideal as an air cartridge, which is pressed on the muzzle and rotates slightly, a small piece of potato remains in the barrel bore, which is also a bullet. At the moment the bolt is pulled back, the bullet is sucked into the depth of the barrel by air, now the weapon is loaded and ready to fire.

For the manufacture of For our air blower, we need: a bicycle pump, a board, grease, a piece of felt, nails and a bicycle inner tube.

First thing an elongated shape of the butt is cut out from the board, for convenience it is better to first draw it with a pencil and only after that take up the hacksaw and cut it out. We disassemble the pump and we get two tubes of different diameters.

We cut the camera lengthwise into strips about 1 cm wide. We slightly flatten the tube of a smaller diameter from one edge and tightly wrap it with an elastic band, after which we insert it into another tube as firmly as possible.
we align the ubki with each other as much as possible and on top again, but already we fix them together. Now it remains to attach them to the butt as tightly as possible with an elastic band. In a tube of a larger diameter for the entire length, we cut a piston out of wood from one end with a long self-tapping screw, fasten 3-4 wads of felt, which should go in with a certain effort. We carefully lubricate the felt and the base of the tube with salidol. The trigger mechanism will be a nail, which is bent into a suitable shape and installed at the base of the fully retracted shutter. The grooves cut in the opposite direction hold the retracted bolt in the rear position. As striking force the same tightly bound rubber serves, which, when the trigger is pulled, under great effort, will push the bullet out of the barrel bore with compressed air.

Our air blower is ready. And when applying, the main thing to remember is that in no case should you direct and aim it at people.

And here is the video

We cut out the body of the gun from a suitable board 1. We disassemble the bicycle pump, saw off a thin tube so as to keep its length as long as possible. We assemble unit E. To do this, cut out a wooden plug 6 to fit the diameter of the larger pump tube, drill a hole in it to fit the diameter of the smaller tube, take two pieces of copper wire, attach a cross to the end of the tube - barrel 4 and hammer it into the plug. This wire cross serves to hold the plasticine bullet when we blow it into the beginning of the barrel with our mouth. Now we drive this plug with a tube into a large tube 3 from the pump, having previously applied contact glue so that the plug does not fly out when the piston hits, you can fix it in any other way. We attach a thick tube 3 to the wooden body of the gun with electrical tape, as shown in the figure.

We cut out the piston from wood, estimating its length along the length of the tube 3. Cut out three circles 7 from thick felt along the diameter of the tube 3, even a little more and screw it through the washer 8 to the piston with a countersunk screw. Felt during operation should be lubricated with grease to avoid air loss.

We glue the clothespin-trigger with suitable glue. We make a plasticine ball according to the diameter of the barrel 4 and blow it with our mouth to the wire stopper-cross. We make a ring out of bandage-rubber in several layers and load the gun, place the ring between points A and B. It remains to press the clothespin trigger and the bullet will rush to where you sent it. I repeat once again for those who decide to repeat this simple design - be careful with this toy!

*Note: To increase the firing range and the "lethal" power of the gun, you should make a thin ramrod with a felt tip to lubricate the inner surface of the barrel with engine oil, you can also use a lubricant spray with silicone. At the same time, the resistance to the movement of the plasticine bullet is significantly reduced and the fight of the gun is improved. I do not recommend using sunflower or other vegetable oils, as over time, the remaining oil in the barrel polymerizes and hardens, which makes it difficult for plasticine bullets to fly out.

Operating principle

A small evolution of weapons from our childhood. Surely each of the readers at least once in his life threw a stone at someone? Surely almost everyone had a couple of dozen slingshots? And who made a crossbow on elastic bands and a clothespin? Has anyone used inflated bottles among propellants? Now, if the memory began to recover, then we continue.

Since home-made pneumatic weapons are not shown today by the high masters of this business, the main principles for creating it are simpler and cheaper. Therefore, the basic principles of operation of such weapons:

  • rubber (!!!)-piston pneumatics - based on "syringes" and bank rubber bands
  • PCP - no matter how cool it sounds at the base plastic bottle And bicycle pump

It is these two classes that describe the entire the lineup Internet inexpensive self-made pneumatics. There are also options with flammable liquids ... but this is another level.


Since for the most part the masters are not familiar with the standards in the field of pneumatics, the bullets for such weapons are very specific. Of the usual, 4.5 mm “shots”, 6 mm airsoft balls were noticed. From the unusual - cardboard, stones, needles for syringes, nails, darts. Here is such a benevolent list. By the way, in terms of power - some samples would be worth checking for muzzle energy.


The material used here is also very different. From the most amateurish undercuts made of wood, to quite tolerable almost jewelry work on metal. But the main class of items used are plumbing fixtures for various purposes. As you watch the next video, you will notice this more than once.


It remains to be seen who are the same magicians of modern cheap pneumatics. No, gentlemen, these are not plumbers and not even Mario. In the video, the production of samples of light-hardball weapons is mainly done by children ... Apparently, the children of hardball players (since I saw a bottle of "Shot", I really love it). Or airsoft plumbers (judging by plastic trends). Or partially conjugated ... Let's not get carried away with such a terrible "Santo Barbara", but something here is clearly not clean. I propose to start getting acquainted with exemplary videos from around the world.

Rubber piston gun

Here is how to make an air gun. Basically, home-made rifles will be shown next, but it is here that you can see a pistol, and even a RUBBER-piston one. I sincerely hope that the audience of this resource will not need the scheme, we turn on our heads. You can not watch the video, only if for general education or raising your spirits.

PCP Principle

The author of this video will teach how to make a PCP-based air pistol - a bottle, a nipple, a pump, a shutter, a valve ... In general, I attach this video as basic principle organizations in simple form all the following samples.

PCP with metal storage

And in this video, almost the main "terrorist" of this country shows us a new PCP with a metal tank installed. I added the video out of possible interest in the author, in his videos he shows the production of everything and everything, and most importantly, exploding (worse than HOGs). The right control might be interested.

PCP at 4.5mm

And here is another homemade pneumatic weapon based on PCP under 4.5 mm with a reservoir in the form of a tube. The technology is one of the most widespread on the Internet. In the course of hardball players will soon rearm ...

PCP with "strong and a half"

And this is a variant of the previous pneuma, but with the most common poltorashka on board. For some reason, I even liked her more for her originality.

Rise of the Plumbing

And here the scope is wider, you can immediately see the "not childish" fun. It feels like the pipes from my bathroom have been sorted out and gone to war. Shoots a dart-nail. In general, I recommend for viewing, vintar offset. And most importantly, the descent is very entourage.


And here the author offers a do-it-yourself pneumatic pistol for airsoft ... to be more precise, a plumbing machine gun. The video is popular on the net, maybe someone has seen it. On foreign language, but how to assemble pipes, I think, almost everyone will understand here. The most complete manual for collecting a machine gun to destroy a visible and invisible enemy.


And finally, just a test video about a home-made pneumatic pistol of an increased changeable caliber - potatoes. Whoever has something like this in their cellars since the winter, I suggest switching to such a projectile. What’s more, it’s easy to make.

That's all. So we learned how to make air weapons in the most difficult and limited conditions. Danila Bagrov, with his plumbing sawn-off, simply does not reach the level. And due to the young age of the main participants, it’s even scary to imagine what will happen to hardball in 10 years. Stay with us, play, shoot, and most importantly, do not keep all this superior nonsense in your head. Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Pneumatic weapons are a pretty handy thing when hunting, fishing, or even when defending. The power of compressed air cannot be underestimated, and quite powerful weapons can be made on the basis of such energy. The pump action can be considered the most promising weapon. It has a special chamber, as well as sediment, which pumps the necessary pressure into the chamber. The most interesting thing is that the power of the shot depends on the volume of the chamber and the amount of compressed air in it, which means that you can make a gun of such power as you need.

Specifically, in this article we will look at how to make a simple pump-action air gun based on a bicycle pump. The manufacturing technology is quite primitive, which makes it very simple and cheap, hello to you from the craftsmen from Cambodia!

Usually the most difficult thing in the manufacture of such weapons is the valve, which must open instantly when the trigger is pulled. But there is no problem with this descender very simple and works great. How? Read on!

Materials and tools that the author used for homemade:

List of materials:
- a piece of PVC pipe and two plugs (for the camera);
- a piece of soft hose;
- wooden beam (for the base);
- steel wire;
- self-tapping screws;
- sheet steel (for brackets);
- steel pipe for the manufacture of the muzzle;
- two steel clamps;
- a piece of rubber from the camera;
- Bicycle Pump;
- two copper tubes (for connecting hoses to the container).

List of tools:
- epoxy glue (or cold welding);
- screwdriver;
- pliers;
- welding or soldering iron;
- a small mallet

Gun making process:

Step one. A few words about the compression chamber
All the details in this homemade product have already been made in advance, the author only shows us how the gun is assembled. The chamber is a piece of PVC pipe, on which plugs are installed. It is necessary to fasten the plugs well and the glue may not be enough, it is advisable to additionally fasten them with screws. The main thing here is that the chamber is airtight and can withstand high pressure.

There is one fitting on both ends of the chamber. Pieces of pipes are suitable as fittings, do not forget that they must have a large enough internal diameter to quickly release air. We drill holes under the tubes and install them using epoxy glue, cold welding or something similar. It would be nice if the fittings were threaded.

Further. A piece of soft rubber tube is installed on one fitting, it is black in the photo. We wind the insulation on the other fitting, the pump is connected here. If the pump does not have a check valve, then it must be present in the system. Fum tape is suitable as insulation.

As for the size of the camera, everything is already individual here. In principle, only one shot is fired here, so making it too big is pointless. Pump shotguns have a very small chamber, but they are still quite powerful. What matters to us is not the volume, but the pressure of the air in the chamber.

Step two. Installing the compression chamber on the base
As a basis for the gun, the author used a wooden block, which was given the desired profile. Here you need to work with a knife, drill a few holes and so on, in general, there is nothing complicated.

We run a black hose, and fasten the compression chamber using mild sheet steel. Make mounting brackets out of it according to the shape of the camera, and then screw it to the base using self-tapping screws. It is advisable to put rubber under the clamps; a bicycle tube is suitable as it.

Step three. Installing the pump
The system is powered by a small bicycle pump. First of all, we connect the pump to the chamber. For this, a small piece of rubber hose is used, as well as two steel clamps. We tighten the clamps well so that no air is poisoned anywhere.

Everything, now you can fix the pump itself on the gun. You need to fasten it securely, since when pumping air it can easily be torn off. The author fastens it with just one clamp, but this is not a very reliable solution. Place an elastic band between the clamp and the pump so that the pump does not slip.

You can check the system for leaks. Pinch or close the black hose with your finger and try to pump air into the chamber with a pump. If it does not poison anywhere, everything is fine. It is also important for you to make sure that the check valve works in the pump. If it is in good condition, the pump piston will not spontaneously extend under air pressure. The valve is usually located at the beginning of the hose and consists of a small ball. The author’s valve poisons a little, so the piston spontaneously extends.

Step four. Fixing the trigger
And now about the most interesting! How to make a trigger for instant air supply to the muzzle? Very simple, here we will need that black soft rubber hose that goes to the muzzle from the camera. To shut off the air supply, simply pinch the hose.

To pinch the hose, a special design is used, which is made of steel wire. It can be welded or soldered. This design is fixed with a trigger. When the trigger is pressed, the hose is instantly unclenched and air from the chamber enters the muzzle. The whole thing is fastened with the help of two self-tapping screws and one metal pin, which is hammered into the tree and holds the trigger. Moving parts must not jam.

Step five. Installing the muzzle
The author uses a steel tube as a muzzle. We connect to it a black hose that comes from the camera. We fix the whole thing with a metal clamp so that the hose is not torn off by high pressure. The muzzle itself also needs to be securely fixed. Homemade steel clamps and rubber bands from cameras will help you with this. For reliability, it is desirable to mount the muzzle in at least two places.

The gun is ready! Finally, make sure that the tree does not absorb water. At the same time, it can change in size, crack, get dirty, rot, and so on. It is advisable to soak it with linseed oil, or you can simply paint or varnish it.

Step six. Shotgun testing
The gun is ready, you can start testing. First of all, you must block the black hose with the trigger. Next, you can start pumping air into the chamber. How much to download it, everything is already determined experimentally. The most important thing is not to pump air, as too much pressure can rupture the compression chamber. The air pressure must be such that the bullet has time to develop its top speed, which is determined by the throughput of the muzzle and other nodes.
Try shooting with a gun and remember how many times you need to pump air to shoot.

Now a few words about shells. The author did not mention what the gun shoots with, most likely steel balls from bearings are used as bullets. But how do you load them into a gun? Very simply, we throw the ball through the barrel so that it falls to the very beginning. To fix the ball in this position, you can install a small magnet here. Now the projectile will never fall out of the muzzle when searching for prey.

But balls are not the only thing that can be fired from airguns. You can use arrows here. The advantage of using arrows is that the barrel does not have to be perfectly smooth and rifled in order for the gun to have high accuracy. Also, with the help of arrows it is convenient to hunt fish, since with an arrow the fish will not swim far away.

Basically, that's all! If you decide to make such a joke, share your result. Good luck!

Dear readers! The article was published a long time ago and was written for specific videos in the "humor" category. Over time, many creators have chosen to remove their videos from YouTube. Nothing can be done about it, and there is no point in rewriting the article from scratch. So I leave the corresponding inserts in place of the deleted videos. For history, many of the carved patterns of manufacture were quite entertaining.

All owners of pneumatics sooner or later have a desire to tune their pet - to increase power, accuracy, to make a beautiful body kit. The extreme form of such an activity turns into a desire to create something of your own. About how in Rus' they make pneumatic weapons with their own hands and will be discussed further.

The original idea of ​​the article was far from the current content, drawings, diagrams, manuals, the best author's works, etc. were planned.


But after viewing the available information on YouTube, the worldview on this problem has changed, then what happens next can contribute to causing nervous paralysis and the wildest criticism. So for the faint of heart it is better to look for something else. And yes... there will be many videos for you to experience the same thing as me. But first, a small educational program on this Wednesday, so that the hearts of hardened pneumatic conduits do not skip a beat.

Operating principle

A small evolution of weapons from our childhood. Surely each of the readers at least once in his life threw a stone at someone? Surely almost everyone had a couple of dozen slingshots? And who made a crossbow on elastic bands and a clothespin? Has anyone used inflated bottles among propellants? Now, if the memory began to recover, then we continue.

Since home-made pneumatic weapons are not shown today by the high masters of this business, the main principles for creating it are simpler and cheaper. Therefore, the basic principles of operation of such weapons:

  • rubber (!!!)-piston pneumatics - based on "syringes" and bank rubber bands
  • PCP - no matter how cool it sounds, based on a plastic bottle and a bicycle pump

It is these two classes that describe the entire model range of the Internet inexpensive self-made pneumatics. There are also options with flammable liquids ... but this is another level.


Since for the most part the masters are not familiar with the standards in the field of pneumatics, the bullets for such weapons are very specific. Of the usual, 4.5 mm “shots”, 6 mm airsoft balls were noticed. From the unusual - cardboard, stones, needles for syringes, nails, darts. Here is such a benevolent list. By the way, in terms of power - some samples would be worth checking for muzzle energy.


The material used here is also very different. From the most amateurish undercuts made of wood, to quite tolerable almost jewelry work on metal. But the main class of items used are plumbing fixtures for various purposes. As you watch the next video, you will notice this more than once.


It remains to be seen who are the same magicians of modern cheap pneumatics. No, gentlemen, these are not plumbers and not even Mario. In the video, the production of samples of light-hardball weapons is mainly done by children ... Apparently, the children of hardball players (since I saw a bottle of "Shot", I really love it). Or airsoft plumbers (judging by plastic trends). Or partially conjugated ... Let's not get carried away with such a terrible "Santo Barbara", but something here is clearly not clean. I propose to start getting acquainted with exemplary videos from around the world.

Rubber piston gun

Here is how to make an air gun. Basically, home-made rifles will be shown next, but it is here that you can see a pistol, and even a RUBBER-piston one. I sincerely hope that the audience of this resource will not need the scheme, we turn on our heads. You can not watch the video, only if for general education or raising your spirits.

PCP Principle

The author of this video will teach how to make a PCP-based air gun - a bottle, a nipple, a pump, a shutter, a valve ... In general, I attach this video as a basic principle for organizing all the following samples in a simple way.

PCP with metal storage

And in this video, almost the main "terrorist" of this country shows us a new PCP with a metal tank installed. I added the video out of possible interest in the author, in his videos he shows the production of everything and everything, and most importantly, exploding (worse than HOGs). The necessary management may be interested.

PCP at 4.5mm

And here is another homemade pneumatic weapon based on PCP under 4.5 mm with a reservoir in the form of a tube. The technology is one of the most widespread on the Internet. In the course of hardball players will soon rearm ...

PCP with "strong and a half"

And this is a variant of the previous pneuma, but with the most common poltorashka on board. For some reason, I even liked her more for her originality.

Rise of the Plumbing

And here the scope is wider, you can immediately see the "not childish" fun. It feels like the pipes from my bathroom have been sorted out and gone to war. Shoots a dart-nail. In general, I recommend for viewing, vintar offset. And most importantly, the descent is very entourage.


And here the author offers a do-it-yourself pneumatic pistol for airsoft ... to be more precise, a plumbing machine gun. The video is popular on the net, maybe someone has seen it. In a foreign language, but I think almost everyone here will understand how to assemble pipes. The most complete manual for collecting a machine gun to destroy a visible and invisible enemy.


And finally, just a test video about a home-made pneumatic pistol of an increased changeable caliber - potatoes. Whoever has something like this in their cellars since the winter, I suggest switching to such a projectile. What’s more, it’s easy to make.

That's all. So we learned how to make air weapons in the most difficult and limited conditions. Danila Bagrov, with his plumbing sawn-off, simply does not reach the level. And due to the young age of the main participants, it’s even scary to imagine what will happen to hardball in 10 years. Stay with us, play, shoot, and most importantly, do not keep all this superior nonsense in your head. Have a great weekend everyone!!!

List of materials:
- a piece of PVC pipe and two plugs (for the camera);
- a piece of soft hose;
- wooden beam (for the base);
- steel wire;
- self-tapping screws;
- sheet steel (for brackets);
- steel pipe for the manufacture of the muzzle;
- two steel clamps;
- a piece of gum from the camera;
- Bicycle Pump;
- two copper tubes (for connecting hoses to the container).

List of tools:
- epoxy glue (or cold welding);
- screwdriver;
- pliers;
- welding or soldering iron;
- a small mallet

Gun making process:

Step one. A few words about the compression chamber
All the details in this homemade product have already been made in advance, the author only shows us how the gun is assembled. The chamber is a piece of PVC pipe, on which plugs are installed. It is necessary to fasten the plugs well and the glue may not be enough, it is advisable to additionally fasten them with screws. The main thing here is that the chamber is airtight and can withstand high pressure.

There is one fitting on both ends of the chamber. Pieces of pipes are suitable as fittings, do not forget that they must have a large enough internal diameter to quickly release air. We drill holes under the tubes and install them using epoxy glue, cold welding or something similar. It would be nice if the fittings were threaded.

Further. A piece of soft rubber tube is installed on one fitting, it is black in the photo. We wind the insulation on the other fitting, the pump is connected here. If the pump does not have a check valve, then it must be present in the system. Fum tape is suitable as insulation.

As for the size of the camera, everything is already individual here. In principle, only one shot is fired here, so making it too big is pointless. Pump shotguns have a very small chamber, but they are still quite powerful. What matters to us is not the volume, but the pressure of the air in the chamber.

Step two. Installing on the base
As a basis for the gun, the author used a wooden block, which was given the desired profile. Here you need to work with a knife, drill a few holes and so on, in general, there is nothing complicated.

We run a black hose, and fasten the compression chamber using mild sheet steel. Make mounting brackets out of it according to the shape of the camera, and then screw it to the base using self-tapping screws. It is advisable to put rubber under the clamps; a bicycle tube is suitable as it.

Step three. Installing the pump
The system is powered by a small bicycle pump. First of all, we connect the pump to the chamber. For this, a small piece of rubber hose is used, as well as two steel clamps. We tighten the clamps well so that no air is poisoned anywhere.

Everything, now you can fix the pump itself on the gun. You need to fasten it securely, since when pumping air it can easily be torn off. The author fastens it with just one clamp, but this is not a very reliable solution. Place an elastic band between the clamp and the pump so that the pump does not slip.

You can check the system for leaks. Pinch or close the black hose with your finger and try to pump air into the chamber with a pump. If it does not poison anywhere, everything is fine. It is also important for you to make sure that the check valve works in the pump. If it is in good condition, the pump piston will not spontaneously extend under air pressure. The valve is usually located at the beginning of the hose and consists of a small ball. The author’s valve poisons a little, so the piston spontaneously extends.

Step four. Fixing the trigger
And now about the most interesting! How to make a trigger for instant air supply to the muzzle? Very simple, here we will need that black soft rubber hose that goes to the muzzle from the camera. To shut off the air supply, simply pinch the hose.

To pinch the hose, a special design is used, which is made of steel wire. It can be welded or soldered. This design is fixed with a trigger. When the trigger is pressed, the hose is instantly unclenched and air from the chamber enters the muzzle. The whole thing is fastened with the help of two self-tapping screws and one metal pin, which is hammered into the tree and holds the trigger. Moving parts must not jam.

Step five. Installing the muzzle
The author uses a steel tube as a muzzle. We connect to it a black hose that comes from the camera. We fix the whole thing with a metal clamp so that the hose is not torn off by high pressure. The muzzle itself also needs to be securely fixed. Homemade steel clamps and rubber bands from cameras will help you with this. For reliability, it is desirable to mount the muzzle in at least two places.

The gun is ready! Finally, make sure that the tree does not absorb water. At the same time, it can change in size, crack, get dirty, rot, and so on. It is advisable to soak it with linseed oil, or you can simply paint or varnish it.

Step six. Shotgun testing
The gun is ready, you can start testing. First of all, you must block the black hose with the trigger. Next, you can start pumping air into the chamber. How much to download it, everything is already determined experimentally. The most important thing is not to pump air, as too much pressure can rupture the compression chamber. The air pressure must be such that the bullet has time to develop its maximum speed, which is determined by the throughput of the muzzle and other nodes.
Try shooting with a gun and remember how many times you need to pump air to shoot.

Bolo 22-02-2007 16:03

This is more of a historical and educational topic. I propose to share photos and descriptions of pneumatic rifles and pistols, which we ourselves made from everything that came to hand in Soviet times, when the IZH-38 shooting gallery was the embodiment of perfection inaccessible to the masses. That from which we ourselves shot each other with potatoes, etc.
It’s just that now there is such a choice and such performance characteristics that we are sometimes capricious, we want to get some kind of quasi-combat option, and it doesn’t interfere with seeing what we used, and, interestingly, it suited us!

This invaluable apparatus was created by the author of the topic in 1979, the m / s is unknown, cal 4mm (chopped wire in insulation) above the beginning of the muzzle channel there was a container for 3 bullets that fell into the barrel one at a time when the piston was cocked. The system was buggy, so more often I just inserted one at a time ... It didn’t siphon. He could get out of it at 20m guaranteed to go where he wanted. On the photo you can see combat harnesses and part of the pump pipe dressed on the back of the piston for strength.

Dick 22-02-2007 16:34

It's a pity that my home-made rarity did not live up to these days, the rodoks disposed of ....))) It was a cool exhibit))))
In a nutshell: on the basis of a self-drilling board, a cut-off bicycle pump was screwed on, with a spring inside. It was cocked by the plastic handle of the pump, which hooked the trigger. Instead of a barrel, a telescopic antenna from the receiver was used ...., it just fit the caliber .., and smooth inside ... A nozzle for pumping balls was screwed on the end of the pump. She was inside a suction cup from a pistol (if anyone else remembers such) This is to avoid leakage of precious air pressure. Instead of a needle in the nozzle, a piece of antenna was also placed, with a diameter of about 3 mm. Loading took place by extending the antenna, which slid inside the tightly fixed section ..... Student notebooks, ripe apples, matchboxes, punched with a bang within the apartment.)))

Bolo 22-02-2007 17:01

Not an easy system, but you have it, Dick. In what year did you make it?
Oh, I got a little carried away here. Corrected. In the first post, the year of issue is 1979, and in 1982 I made a device that has survived to this day. True, over the course of 2 years, I modernized it a bit. Its appearance is caused by the requirements of survivability - so that the shooter, who has fallen from a tree, can take the propeller that has fallen with it and continue shooting ... where it can be seen in the photo), single-shot through the cut of the barrel, therefore it was nicknamed "Berdanka", it hit very well, it hit 30m and broke the glass right through. Such a funny device survived only because, in connection with the appearance in the hands of more serious artillery, it was screened on the balcony, where it was successfully forgotten. Here, I took it out and took a picture.

Bolo 22-02-2007 17:12

Dick 22-02-2007 17:15

Yes, I don’t remember exactly when this “engineering idea” dawned on me ... Around the same years, maybe a little earlier .... I was very small ... But I loved to shoot)))) I disappeared in the shooting range for so many years ..., but still, I wanted something of my own ..., personal ...
I didn’t even have to dream about IZH-38 ...

Mixamarket 22-02-2007 17:19

2 Mixamarket:
Although not practical, but how aesthetically pleasing!

Bolo 22-02-2007 17:22

Of course, everything would be different now ... but the current is no longer necessary

What are you! for the 87th year it's super!

Dick 22-02-2007 17:33

Maximarket- normal!! Made with soul.
And I only exchanged a drill for IZH-38 in the 89th.
I was far from my native land, there were no bullets, so I had to stamp it myself. Matrices are still lying around somewhere ...

Dick 22-02-2007 17:37

Bolo, I see you also have a "combat gum", live!)))) How about shooting a bunch????))))))

Bolo 22-02-2007 17:41

Bolo, I see you also have a "combat gum", live!)))) How about shooting a bunch????))))))

Are you kidding me?
The gum is dead, but it is native, in the original there were 2 of them, one disintegrated. To make a shooting, you need to disassemble and clean for a long time, self-name, change the cuff, the old one - in tatters.
Shooting for accuracy ... X-x-e, another m / s to measure, yeah ...

Bolo 22-02-2007 18:00

quote: Originally posted by Dick:
This device definitely needs to be upvoted!!! Now such rubber, for underwater guns, is sold that you will lick your fingers .... Chron, it will definitely go off scale))))) And then - to the home museum ..

There is no need to apathy - historical accuracy will be violated!
Hron - take down!
And not in a museum, but in a safe! With a lock down!

RAGE 23-02-2007 14:32

Mega tin !!!, more of SUCH exes. The topic definitely needs to be immortalized, and what technical solutions, especially Volo's, All the honored masters of the site are resting!
Tell me, that all home-made pneuma of the Soviet era was on rubber, or there were spring options, I’m generally silent about the PSP.

Bolo 23-02-2007 19:41

quote: Originally posted by RAGE:
Tell me, that all home-made pneuma of the Soviet era was on rubber, or there were spring options, I’m generally silent about the PSP.

No. Prostov Soviet time pneuma is an IZH-38 in a shooting range, and a pistol for sports. All. You can't buy ANYTHING in stores! P shoot something hotz. So they made it from pumps and a medical tourniquet, taping it all to a roughly planed board with electrical tape. And they were shooting.

YuraS 24-02-2007 01:11

Unfortunately, I can’t show it - my parents somehow saw the device in action and deconstructed it.
It was in the year 85. In short - a pump "for basketballs" (larger in diameter than a bicycle one, but shorter and the walls are thicker), the piston was replaced with a duralumin one with a thread and a washer for a rubber cuff made of a thick rubber sheet, two springs (twisted) on the sides worked in tension. It was done in a school workshop - it just so happened that a class of 6 especially gifted people was allowed to use the machines, and at our school there were several of them, turning, horizontal milling, drilling. The construction was cocked with a "goat's foot" on the belt, because it was difficult with hands. The structure was muzzle-loading. Caliber ... Caliber - 5.5! The barrel is smooth, thick-walled brass tube, about a centimeter from memory. It was regularly fired with plasticine, for special purposes - with bullets from 5.45x39 cartridges, piled up at the shooting range. It was because of them that there was a flight when a galvanized bucket was shot through from 15 meters. Dad decided that it was no longer quite a toy and ... A little later, a primitive of the caliber "tube from the refrigerator radiator" and a trim of a bicycle pump were built to replace it, but it was a fart. And since 87, about a dozen IZH-38s fell into our paws (bullets were in short supply), then, with the beginning of the NVP - TOZ-8 ...

Mixamarket 24-02-2007 08:57

quote: Originally posted by YuraS:
......... It was because of them that there was a flight when a galvanized bucket was shot through from 15 meters. Dad decided that it was not quite a toy anymore and ... ..........

AAAAA 24-02-2007 23:41

"pugachi" were made from copper tubes with a nail and an elastic band. but my miracle didn't last. there was a notable shooter. from a super bike pump and lots and lots and lots of rubber bandages.

gozik 24-02-2007 23:47

quote: Originally posted by Mixamarket:

To put it mildly - ah .. t, ... yes, it was just a little ... And my dad set fire to a normal one, the barrel was made of steel45 cal. 8mm ... when it broke with a copper tube ... The father decided to do it once and be calm for the health of the child

And I'm the opposite. I thought at first the belt would slap. But he carefully examined my device with interest, and then made me smash it with a hammer in front of him. The pipe was stainless steel. Thick. Then of course it was a pity. Now I think that dad did the right thing. They even made a shutter for shot shells loaded with pellets from small things. We collected them at the shooting range. In each sleeve, a hole was made in advance for the striker on the side (the nail was blunted). The bolt body was made from a piece of titanium pipe and riveted to the "barrel". From this, the reload speed increased significantly.
As I remember about home-made pneuma, I immediately feel in my mouth the taste of plasticine and its indispensable attribute - sunflower oil. Oil had to be used before each shooting, otherwise it turned sour. They made it from everything - from caps and rods from ballpoint pens, bicycle pumps and other garbage. I remember one of these "works" I exchanged for an officer's belt and a piece of (unchewed) chewing gum.
But unlike my peers, I was more fortunate. Izh38 appeared in my late seventies. Old, but at that time this rifle seemed to me the limit of perfection and accuracy.

Bolo 25-02-2007 15:25

So. Our collection of homemade products is replenished. It’s a pity that few people have photos, and those who don’t have at least drawings, because this is what we grew up with. We also did fires, but not for long. It turned out to be easier to adapt the piston pistol, using the piston as the initiator of the ignition of a match session in the barrel from a tube, pre-attached and charged. was significant. At one time, in my yard, I set up almost mass production of ovens. Those who wished needed a pump, wood for the lodge, electrical tape and rubber. Maybe the wire is too thick. Get your device ready the next day. I even put a "company" stamp on my products; you can see it on the berdan, parcel sealing wax and an eraser stamp on it.

solei 26-02-2007 17:41

I made a couple of homemade air pistols. The first was a spring-piston with a spring cut from the Izh-22. I have it now, I'll take a picture and post it. The design was quite original. The piston was aligned with the barrel and cocked forward through a gear wheel rotated by a lever and rack. The second multi-compression. You may have seen pictures of him.
Made in 1995. Here's another photo I took.

Bolo 26-02-2007 19:17

Don't forget the release year!
And in general - conceptually! Wah!

Fon Genrih 26-02-2007 19:51

Eh, it hasn’t been preserved due to the prescription of times and 4 moves ... Instead of a pump, a cylinder from an air freshener, such as a modern macroflex. The barrel was made from a ski pole - it was conical, i.e. the barrel was with a check. The length of the barrel is 30 cm, this length was about 1 mm narrowing. It was inserted into the sleeve glued into the cylinder using fabric tape and glue "88". Piston - 2 felt discs with a rubber gasket between them. Well, the working body is a double rubber band from the expander, later changed to a vacuum hose, it was also put on spearguns. But with him, although it turned out more powerful, it tugged strongly. It shot all potatoes, apples, gooseberries, turnips were finally the edge ... And it was charged, so to speak, from the treasury. The barrel was removed, "ammunition" was pressed into the field receiver, the piston was cocked, the barrel was inserted into place, I forgot to indicate that it was fixed with a peg in the L-shaped slot. There was a paragraph in it! Dad did not call otherwise than "Big Berta". And it was built in 1984. Weeks 2 were wiser.

Bolo 28-02-2007 09:27

What lucky people: I only dreamed of a spring mechanism, and people made SUCH concept models. If I had seen them then, envy would have eaten me ...

val 07-03-2007 02:55

It's kind of foggy. I have not been interested in firearms for a long time - everything is captured there. But he started with it.

Bolo 07-03-2007 09:22

2 Val:
then kill it. If you really live in the USA, then it doesn't matter.
It’s just that I just can’t find sensible milling / turning hands in Moscow in any way to make a handle for a survival knife. There are intricate details. And then either the fumigated price will be broken (like $ 100 per item) or the drunks alone.

Bolo 09-03-2007 15:30

quote: Originally posted by solei:
And here is my first homemade air pistol made in 1986.

WAH! Structurally (moving the barrel forward) is similar to Hino Komuro's combat pistol. The Japanese, by the way, did not shine with accuracy and reliability, so the scheme was pushed back. For 1986, the respect is complete.

homegunner 19-07-2007 18:42

I started making my pneumopistol at the end of the 1st year of the institute (1998). In a week and a half, I bungled the compressor and the receiver. It was not possible to make a barrel, so I abandoned this business for several years. And he continued already in 2004, when access to metal-cutting machines appeared.
Single-shot pistol (fracture) spring-piston, made on the basis of a bicycle pump. Shoots explosive balls at a speed of 70-80 m / s (measured with a sound card). Somehow I gave out 94 m / s. For room shooting, that's it. In addition, the pistol has the original technology of incomplete disassembly, in the best traditions of the AK-47 :-)
A detailed description of the gun can be found here
A video (3.1 Mb) is also attached

Bolo 19-07-2007 19:57

Hmm, the device is fun!

scriptguru 20-07-2007 17:10

quote: The uniqueness of this design is most of all, in my opinion, in the date of birth. It's like building a flint gun in the 20th century. Very original though...
Hmm, the device is fun!

In general, an interesting device. Trunks in any case, IMHO, you need to take ready-made ones, and you can do the rest yourself.

scriptguru 20-07-2007 18:11

Just great, nothing to complain about! Very beautiful, and possibly functional (to see the results of the shooting).

sax 20-07-2007 22:21

Yes, of course, at that time the pump was for happiness, but what a sin to wear and they spat and rejoiced with the chimney, now we are doing this. Made about a year ago.

Bolo 20-07-2007 22:48

quote: Originally posted by scriptguru:

Notice, there is a laser pointer in the pistol - this is not a silicon gun for you
In general, an interesting device. Trunks in any case, IMHO, you need to take ready-made ones, and you can do the rest yourself.

This is a relative comparison.
In addition, homemade, of course, is different, often there is no way to take the finished barrel without breaking the finished pneuma.
By the way, you can make the barrel yourself. In my time, there were several ways to do this, you can dig them up on the net. LCC yes, but with access to metal-cutting machines, more "factory" copies are obtained, and here - like on your knees at home, as we made in the 70-80s.
quote: pistols made by val and solei inspire surprise and respect.
Just great, nothing to complain about! Very beautiful, and possibly functional (to see the results of the shooting).

This is a factory homemade product, that's why. But Homeguner has a special case - everything is done by hand, in appearance, and improvised materials, and not from blanks "specially for".

Bolo 20-07-2007 22:50

Yes, of course, at that time the pump was for happiness, but what a sin to wear and they spat and rejoiced with the chimney, now we are doing this. Made about a year ago.

Are you going to compete with the Edguns so soon? Good start...

sax 21-07-2007 12:38

Thank you, when there is a desire, an opportunity and the ability to do it yourself, because only you see it. And do not buy a factory constructor, for refinement. I will not compete with Edgan, although the next two rifles are in the process

Bolo 21-07-2007 11:08

quote: Originally posted by sax:

Bolo 21-07-2007 11:09

quote: Originally posted by sax:
I will not compete with Edgan, although the next two rifles are in the process

Why slander yourself... The entire pneumatic community will only be happy about this competition. If desire, vision (design thought), and machine tools with metal - you can work for the benefit of everyone and not deprive yourself!

homegunner 22-07-2007 20:00

then bolo
Yeah, everything is done by hand - with a hacksaw and a file. And on the machine, only the barrel and various bushings are what needs turning.

scriptguru 23-07-2007 04:49

As far as I know, barrels can be bought separately from the manufacturer (Lothar Walther, for example). And even to the firearms - without any documents. But I'm not sure that customs will let it through.
And Edguns are no longer produced, as I understand from their website. I hope I'm wrong. It always upsets when a person is not allowed to legally earn his own labor.

scriptguru 23-07-2007 04:51

sax, you're just a monster.
I have little idea how to make such a handle.

homegunner 23-07-2007 07:58

to sax
can you tell me more about the design, is it a PCP?

It is also interesting to learn more about the solei spring pistol, I read an article about the multi-compression pistol, and I see this miracle for the first time.

quote: It always upsets when a person is not allowed to legally earn his own labor.

Bolo 23-07-2007 15:33

quote: Originally posted by Homeguner:
Yeah, so the Demyanovsky site disappeared somewhere :-(((

Repressions have gone ... Competitors for sax are being cleaned out.

IV 24-07-2007 22:33

Even the laser fit.

Mixamarket 24-07-2007 22:49

And that's what I used to indulge in. About 10 years ago, when the Anixes first appeared. I was always surprised why they are so healthy, so at my leisure I did it according to the same principle, but in the dimensions of Browning 1906,
Even the laser fit.

Test! ... He also shoots? weight

IV 24-07-2007 23:05

I used to shoot, now I don’t know, but I think you can put it in order. There were no chronographs in those distant times, but he beat at the anix level, at least not much weaker. There were only fewer balls, I don’t remember how many, but more than 10 for sure.

Bolo 24-07-2007 23:29

Natural - well done. That the homemade is not even visible. I'm talking about aesthetics. Why!

scriptguru 26-07-2007 16:34

IV, I don’t quite understand how the spray can fit in there. It works from a small Soviet canister, doesn't it?

IV 27-07-2007 12:33

homegunner 27-07-2007 07:43

Cool, cyclists would be perfect for defense against dogs. And what about accuracy?

Blocks 27-07-2007 13:12

quote: Originally posted by IV:
Why from a small one? The cylinder is normal, it just stands differently, and the handle has a non-removable magazine and batteries for the laser.

vinipux 27-07-2007 19:34

quote: Originally posted by Bloks:

Sir, I take my hat off to this product. The design is ingenious. In my opinion, IT can be sold or a patent can be obtained.

And maybe something else

But the product is just great.

1Pahan1 28-07-2007 12:12

And I would fit my wife like that. Stylish thing. And then they filled the counters with a pile of Ketay pieces of iron ...
Respect to the author.

Hwost 28-07-2007 12:32

but this should be written down in memoriz... winnie and praised someone else's...

IV 28-07-2007 01:53

Thanks for the feedback. Accuracy is normal for a ball thrower with a moving barrel. In my youth, I somehow wrote to Anix, they say there is such a development. Gee, he was naive. Until now, probably the answer is being written. By the way, for lovers of small ball throwers, I can recommend the PL-1, which caused so many emotions a year ago. A plastic version is now available weighing 400 grams, small, lightweight, easy to disassemble, but it doesn’t have a sight as such, and a cylinder for two magazines.
Well, here's something more modern. The animal's name is Needle.

homegunner 28-07-2007 10:01

looks great, AUG style

vinipux 28-07-2007 21:06

quote: Originally posted by Hwost:
flash!!! Winnie the Pooh praised!!! it's just some kind of scribe!!!
very unusual product! author SMART!!!
but this should be written down in memoriz... winnie and praised someone else's...

Note that this is already 3 times
I see I'm fixing it.

BRN 30-07-2007 02:02

IV - Cheeseette tank?

scriptguru 30-07-2007 16:17

IV, in a small pistol the solution with a balloon is excellent, in fact it is similar to Ataman-M. I just didn’t realize right away that the trunk was actually lower.

And the Needle - so it's generally super. So compact, and such parameters ... I suppose the silencer is integrated?

IV 30-07-2007 21:00

Yes, the tank is from ChZ, the muffler in this instance is not integrated, it is twisted, then the length is 54 cm. The next one is planned with an integrated one.

TonyS 31-07-2007 13:36

I remembered my childhood - back in the years 90-91 I had PCP! about the fact that it was a PCP - it came to me recently
sorry no photo...
Description: copper tube, diameter about 4-5 mm. To it is a piece from a ballpoint pen with a hole on top, near the connection with a copper tube (for laying a bullet), on top of it a plastic tube about 3 cm in size walks tightly along the seal of electrical tape to close the "filling hole" after laying the bullet (balls from the bearing and plastic balls).
A siphon is connected to this tube (attention, that's where the PCP is!) with a rubber hose. Ordinary spherical siphon for the manufacture of sparkling water
I pumped it up through the spout, with a pump high pressure the hand bicycle pump worked.
Shooting process: move the tube that closes the filling hole, put the ball into the hole, slightly pushing it with a fingernail (the ball was pressed against a small glued cambric). Close the filling hole (by sliding the top tube). Press the siphon lever - boom!
from 3 meters matchboxes and soldiers were amazed. Hard plastic items shattered on impact.
then a "laser designator" was attached to the receiver - it was something like a small telescope with a flashlight bulb in focus. It projected an image of a light bulb spiral onto the target, even during the day it was clearly visible.
Such is the PCP

provision 01-08-2007 16:33

quote: Originally posted by IV:
Yes, the tank is from ChZ, the muffler in this instance is not integrated, it is twisted, then the length is 54 cm. The next one is planned with an integrated one.

2 IV And did your ideas and developments on electric trigger find their embodiment in Igla?
And more pictures

IV 01-08-2007 23:28

The Needle is not quite an electronic escapement. I classify this as an electromechanical trigger. Mechanical striker with a spring, descent by an electromagnet controlled the simplest circuit even on one transistor.
From my point of view, this is the optimal application of electronics at this stage in the development of pneumatics.
USM Needle works from Krona batteries and the switch could not have been installed (the current consumption of a few microamperes in standby mode), if it were not for the need to have a fuse.

Bolo 09-09-2007 23:46

quote: Originally posted by TonyS:
Description: copper tube, diameter about 4-5 mm. To it is a piece from a ballpoint pen with a hole on top, near the connection with a copper tube (for laying a bullet), on top of it a plastic tube about 3 cm in size walks tightly along the seal of electrical tape to close the "filling hole" after laying the bullet (balls from the bearing and plastic balls...

Although your vintar is not the coolest... but the place for him is clearly here. By the way, quite an original handicraft. What can you not bungle out of "nothing"! ...

alariym 24-02-2008 10:38

In search of an air pistol, I came across this topic and could not resist not to check in.
Approximately 1983
Bicycle pump, barrel - 6mm copper tube and insert for 4.5 gauge

Bolo 24-02-2008 12:22

The view is not classic for that time - how did the piston fix, i.e. how did you implement USM?

alariym 24-02-2008 15:03

quote: how to fix the piston

Added a photo with the handle removed.
The shank was fixed in the central hole of the right cylinder.
Minus - heavy descent, because. while the piston moved back a little.

ArAB 26-02-2008 14:53

Also, I'll light up.
made in 89-90m. I'm afraid there won't be any more pictures. rarely, rarely, details among the rubbish in the barn come across.
pump - it seemed to me from some kind of door closer. cuffs were machined from vacuum rubber on a drill. spring - standard type). the stem was cut to a length of approximately 1/3 of the length of the cylinder, a thread was cut at the end where a detail was screwed, acting as a centering washer, a hook for the trigger and an emphasis for the cocking. the spring rested on it.
the barrel is a seam polished (s, on a string a long tattered knot and some kind of polishing paste) inside an iron tube. It looks like plumbing, but a very small diameter. inner diameter about 8mm. I didn’t come across a suitable piece of iron for the manufacture of a crane shutter - it was loaded from the barrel and puffed up.
the pump was mounted on a pistol grip (a point of pride! 6 + 10 + 6mm duralumin construction with cheeks for a removable butt and a bracket that acts as a fuse). hands did not reach the wooden lining.

cocked either by holding the barrel under the armpit, or with both hands against the stop.

Here. at the first test shot IT was even diesel. shot 6mm rollers from the bearing and shells from small things.

Here ). nice to remember.

Bolo 02-03-2008 12:36

2 ArAB
It would not be bad, for the absence of a photo, at least a scan of the sketch-scheme of the device - maybe it will inspire someone to new solutions!

ArAB 03-03-2008 13:20

quote: Originally posted by Bolo:

scan of the sketch-scheme of the device
quote: Originally posted by Bolo:

Maybe he will inspire someone to new solutions!

but I highly doubt it.

Bolo 03-03-2008 17:49

Posted the picture here. original solution.

ArAB 13-05-2008 11:16

In one of the topics (it seems the comrade of the missing UMS to Falcon invented) this picture of mine surfaced. and I also sang that it works ... um ... no way.

so, what was my surprise when I saw
(sorry for the quality... didn't look)

this is the USM rifle PSRM-2-55. fundamentally - the same, it would seem primitive, scheme. well - free move added. Well, the center hitch. Well, of course, well-designed and well-made.

very, however, pleasant sensations from the descent.

Mixamarket 13-05-2008 15:10

quote: Originally posted by John JACK:

Exactly the same USM in Chinese Bams 2-3. From two parts on the same axis.

And on Zula100 and on Diana 20-21 and much more on what ...

Bolo 27-05-2008 15:28

that's how.. honey. harness fit?

During the years of my golden childhood honey. the harness was the main source of stored energy.

storage 27-05-2008 15:32

We used bandage rubber more often, the tourniquet was weaker. And they also made slingshots from bandage. One minus - the rubber bandage is easily torn, a bit of a burr made and kapets.

EugSh 27-05-2008 18:13

Interesting, but the cameras for volleyballs are on sale now?
Here from them noble harnesses for slingshots and crossbows came out
Such yellow translucent thick rubber.

Mixamarket 29-05-2008 12:50

quote: Originally posted by subman2:
Is there such a topic for making ovens?

Up and repair of pneumatics - I think it will be in place there. But how you do it, then come here to boast

Linkoln 31-01-2009 18:31

I apologize for bringing up an old topic.

I recently made such a crossbow from the trash that was in the box and the table. What surprised me was the power. I thought I would spit with a paper ball per meter, but he sends a 4.5 mm bullet and a weight of 0.58 (H&N FTT) to 20 meters! Through the whole apartment! And at the same time it breaks through the album sheet! And the compression keeps just hurt! In short, satisfied!

The design is simple to disgrace. The cylinder is from a water gun, the piston is a plastic rod from the same water gun with rubber bands from a water tap, the trigger is also from a water gun. The barrel is a ballpoint pen for 2 rubles with a cut end.

It is charged by pulling the gray cylinder towards the SC. The SC engages the plate protruding from the piston, thereby fixing it.

n1ce 31-01-2009 18:37

FTT like 0.56 weighs, but not the point)

b4now 31-01-2009 20:22

Sterlyalka for spy. Poison bullet!

Bolo 01-02-2009 12:33

quote: I apologize for bringing up an old topic.

In fact, the topic is not suffering, in contrast to the material considered in it.

Linkoln 01-02-2009 07:44

b4now, was used to shoot a chemistry teacher with pieces of a plastic rod.))

Bolo 01-02-2009 14:21

To do this, you need something more compact. And this parrot-colored megablaster is easy to spot and disable.

Linkoln 01-02-2009 14:27

Not calculated yet. I'm working on a bullpup layout. Well, or something arod. The cylinder will be located under the barrel, as in the PCP.

BlackKDeatH 01-02-2009 15:20

Once I wanted to make a separate topic, but there will be more "vtemu" here.

Now the unit has aged, the aluminum back plate has slightly oxidized, the rubber has cracked, but despite this, after almost 20 years of inactivity, it shoots.

Total length - 169cm
Caliber - 8mm
Barrel length - 560mm
Piston diameter - 22mm
Piston stroke - 300mm

He shot everything that just fit into the barrel.
But a special chic: I prepared special arrows from bicycle spokes (no photo). The leading belt in front of the spoke (a plastic cup with a diameter of about 8 mm was movable and rested against a soldered weighting wire) served as a wad when fired, and immediately after the shot it rolled back along the spoke and rested against the plumage.
I honed the knitting needles under the trihedron, so that the cutting edges would be like a nail, for example. At 50 meters, these spokes flew like clockwork.
And once I even had to fill up a chicken (grandma asked, because she couldn’t catch it for soup in any way). The game was taken from the 4th, it seems, attempt (well, what accuracy is there, you yourself understand), but still with a through hit in the neck

And now the photo session, everything is clear there, I will not comment
(the last photo is my cousin, fresh from the army)

So in my outskirts with my granny, I was the main gangster with an evil mega-oar

Bolo 01-02-2009 15:28

quote: I made such an animal in the 5th grade of school.

For such devices during my childhood, life-long respect relied

BlackKDeatH 01-02-2009 15:39

quote: Originally posted by Bolo:

For such devices during my childhood, life-long respect relied

Well, Duc among those boys, and even girls, with whom they hung out together and were almost always together, I was the "leader of the Kamanche" before that
After this device, dad looked, allowed to take small things even without permission and in his absence. I realized that I have grown up and I will not indulge in vain. And with a melkan (even with optics), I shot thrushes at the site with a granny, always both strawberries and cherries were not touched later

Mixamarket 01-02-2009 16:20

quote: Originally posted by BlackKDeatH:
I made such an animal in the 5th grade of school.

BlackKDeatH 01-02-2009 17:02

quote: Originally posted by Mixamarket:

I recognize "your hand" ... even this unit is made soundly and without electrical tape ... such as a test
And the nakuya tama spring is a compensator so that the piston does not knock?

Well, something like that, and the length is chosen so that just at the end of the spring stroke, the piston reaches the front wall. But the spring is not powerful, so slightly.
FIG remembers what was in my head then.
And I couldn't stand duct tape.

P.S. In one of the frames, the hand of a brother

Aleksandr Dackov 01-02-2009 17:25

interestingly the second Kalashnikov will be ?????????

BlackKDeatH 01-02-2009 17:30

quote: Originally posted by Mixamarket:
... type offset

By the way, Miha, the apparatus is also charismatic in that the piston rod is made from the crossbar of a bed from a military unit next to granny's house
And the trigger was sawn out of about 5-6mm thick duralumin, and this duralumin was the cover of the relay block in the T-64 tank. The spring and rings on the piston rod at the back are also some parts of the T-64.
The compressor mount is a tin-development of my inflamed brain.
There, in front and behind, there are two metal plates on the sides, each pair is tightened with a pair of screws, a thick steel pin is missed in the center of the plates, and holes are drilled perpendicularly in this pin and threads are cut, where the screws fastening the compressor directly are wrapped.
There are “horns” type in the linings in front and a steel screw is screwed into these horns, which is an emphasis for the front of the compressor at the base of the barrel.
Why was I so wise, HZ, you could just bend these horns inward, that's the emphasis, and even better. And the front pin is also pulled in the middle from the bottom of the bed with a screw through a huge washer. I was counting on brutal loads and so that the tree would not burst.
The SM box is curved from aluminum and tightly squeezed into the stock, there is also an aluminum plate from below under the SC, it turns away for maintenance of the hook and trigger mechanism. The piston hook is also screwed on a green thick steel platform.

In I turned a pancake, the design is simply not killed.
When I remember how much I waved a hacksaw for metal and a file, I startle.
With straight teeth you can say 5-6 mm pieces of iron gnawed

VZ813 01-02-2009 20:39

Mixamarket 01-02-2009 20:48

Testing unit ... can we change the barrel and accuracy will be better? Although you, having IZH-46M, are probably not interested in suffering with it.

VZ813 02-02-2009 16:44

quote: Although you, having IZH-46M, are probably not interested in suffering with it.

With this contraption, yes, but "torment" is a diagnosis!

scriptguru 04-02-2009 23:10

From my design I shoot flies with air. From 3 cm - head in one direction, wings in the other, paws in the third

Looks great!
Accuracy is difficult to assess, if there is only 3 cm shooting, and then without a bullet
It would be interesting to know all the same numbers at least 5m.

In general, MK is a terrible thing. And if hands grow from where it is necessary, and there is an opportunity to look at good designs on the Internet, and there is access to machine tools, then you can do things that would cost several thousand dollars when buying.

prockofev 05-02-2009 09:41

quote: Originally posted by VZ813:
A la 46 I started sawing somewhere in 1973. From a home-made rifled barrel made of bronze (or brass). "Need for inventions is wise!" There was not enough thoughts and free time for CO2 with sending and locking through the chamber of the drum. In the 80s, the multi-compressor circuit "has dawned". I fiddled with a leverage system similar to that of IZH33. Again with the drum. Several times managed to shoot. Dropped it again. In the early 90s, he simplified the design to a single-shot and completed it. 170m/s with 10 strokes. Accuracy is so-so. Soon, Izh46 had the opportunity to get hold of it. Transferred it to MK.
From my design I shoot flies with air. From 3 cm - head in one direction, wings in the other, paws in the third

the unit looks quite stylish and finished!

Bolo 05-02-2009 20:10

quote: Originally posted by prockofev:
well, I'll post my latest creation here .. so as not to get lost in the ages

Come on come on...
Interesting, more details plz.

Bed, valve, pipe, USM - from what?

prockofev 06-02-2009 16:59

quote: Originally posted by Bolo:

Come on come on...
Interesting, more details plz.
Optics and crowns - it is clear from the store. Butt - from AK-74 or "Saiga"?
Bed, valve, pipe, USM - from what?

answers to these and more questions here

scriptguru 07-02-2009 16:18

I made this machine in the eighth grade

I did everything in the eighth grade, but such an apparatus is definitely a test!
Did you measure speed/accuracy?
What was the stem made from?
The housing, apparently, from the pump?

disz 08-02-2009 12:25

Well, of course, I didn’t measure the speed, but I stitched through two school notebooks right through. By those standards, it was already a result.
The inner barrel is made of a 4mm copper tube, for some reason it was in bulk, the outer casing is made of chrome-plated steel, and the copper is fused with tin at both ends. Loaded, alas, from the muzzle. Sometimes, instead of a ramrod, the pellet was spat out by the mouth, thank God it never broke.
The case from the pump, at that time from the most durable - moped, it seems that was called. Lever from a jigsaw.
But the hemorrhagic was with a spring. Thanks to a classmate friend, I got it from a real pneuma somewhere. I also had to tinker with the stock - if I'm not mistaken, how sawed, I still remember.
Our class was generally turned on pneuma. And they started with a harness air from a bicycle pump, there was one with a plastic handle and a stick handle, a "USM" made of wire. They looked at the shooting gallery as something unattainable ... Yes ... there were times ..

Sturmführer 16-04-2009 16:32

IV wrote And this is when I dabbled. About 10 years ago, when the Anixes first appeared. I was always surprised why they are so healthy, so at my leisure I did it according to the same principle, but in the dimensions of Browning 1906,
Even the laser fit.

disz, why! Hands from the blackboard are correctly sharpened!

Serguiz 06-09-2009 17:02

Homemade low-power pneumatics from syringes. If, with the piston pulled to the end, a nine-millimeter ball made of an alloy of plasticine with paraffin is driven into a tube from a two-milliliter syringe (plasticine itself is excessively viscous, why plasticine bullets, when trying to shoot, rather break through at one point and compressed air goes out, and the alloy of plasticine with paraffin is strong and not viscous, which ensures guaranteed movement of the projectile along the bore) and seal the plug with the end of the pencil, then with a sharp and strong pressure on the syringe piston, the ball can be ejected to a distance of up to five meters. Five-ml syringe, a cylinder from an insulin syringe with side protrusions cut off at one end for the fingers (serving to hold the syringe in the hands during injection medicinal substance into the patient's body by creating pressure on the substance by pressing on the outer protrusion of the syringe piston rod), and on the other with a tip cut off with a conventional blade so that the protrusion on the needle on the five-ml syringe barely fits tightly into the tube of the insulin syringe, and of course the usual cap bullet for standard pneumatic weapons with a diameter of four and a half millimeters, as well as a ramrod from an empty rod of a used gel pen. Since the bullet has a smaller diameter than the inner diameter of the barrel of an insulin syringe, it needs to be slightly modified. First, we pull the piston of the five-ml syringe to failure, then we put the cylinder from the insulin syringe on it with its lower end to tightly hold it on the syringe - compression chamber, then put the bullet with the side of the skirt into the cylinder of the insulin syringe, then push it with a ramrod from the tube from the coloring matter of the gel pen until the cap is put on the protrusion for the needle on the compression syringe, and strongly press the ramrod on the bullet to tightly put it on the outlet rod of the compression syringe. The device is ready to fire. We aim the barrel (cylinder of the insulin syringe) at the target and hold the compression syringe and the cylinder of the insulin syringe on its stem with the fingers of the left hand, pressing it against the body of the compression syringe, which is urine, we press with the thumb right hand on the compressor piston while holding the compressor cylinder by the tabs with your index and ring fingers. There is a loud shot. The bullet usually accelerates to fifty meters per second, which is enough to fill a healthy five-kopeck bruise in open areas of the body or through light clothing (a T-shirt, for example) at a distance of up to ten meters. At the same distance, it pierces a cardboard box of tea, pierces one layer of three-layer packaging cardboard, sews three layers of office paper for a printer, knocks down matchboxes but does not pierce, sews foam plastic up to two centimeters thick. Interestingly, the accuracy is excellent at the same time - at a distance of up to ten meters it is possible to hit a target measuring one by one meter. Up to three meters really get into the packaging of standard cigarettes ("Prima", "Belomor", "Kozak"). Quite childish crafts (charging the syringe rod with an alloy of plasticine and paraffin, which fires a two-millimeter projectile up to twenty meters, but does not have the striking ability to pierce a sheet of office paper for printers at a distance of up to two meters) are not even discussed, since these are not even demonstration shooting pneumatic devices, but a real childhood.

diplomat777 19-12-2009 22:16

quote: Do not judge strictly, I made this device in the eighth grade, i.e. in 1984. Everything still works.

It turned out cool, tell me what, and from what material the "filling", but better please give me a drawing - I have long dreamed of doing something with my own hands. The most interesting thing, from scratch!!!

dgnhj 22-05-2010 07:14

IV you could not post the drawings of your micro pistol =) if anything I can give out my mail

Gasser 03-10-2010 23:10

While cleaning out the pantry, I found this...
At one time, it was the best air gun in the yard (since there were no owners of factory-made rifles in the district, and it was possible to shoot from them only in a shooting range in a recreation park), and its design made a splash among technically advanced boys!
The design is basically typical for the Soviet era of pneumatic construction: it is based on a bicycle pump, without modifications. The bed is a leg from a chair (in Soviet times there was an abundance of broken furniture on the waste bins, as well as now), springs from an expander-recoil, like Hatsan125.
But then the interesting begins. Most of the air vents of this type were muzzle-loading. A barrel was screwed into the hole at the end of the pump (a smooth tube with a narrowing at the end), and a projectile (plasticine, less often a metal ball) was driven to the narrowing by the vacuum formed when the piston was cocked. Such a scheme is very simple, but had a lot of drawbacks: the tube often clogged or the ball slipped through the constriction into the pump cylinder.
I made a breech-loading air vent, with a bayonet connection between the barrel and the pump! I borrowed the idea of ​​the bayonet from the base of a car light bulb.
But that's not all - I made a RIFLED air! The barrel was made of aluminum (a tube from a children's umbrella), with an inner diameter of about 5 mm. board game"Hockey") and a hammer, I pushed through the bore. As a result, 4 small and clumsy grooves appeared inside the trunk.
Of course, shooting round ammunition from such a barrel is bad manners. Therefore, an open mold was made of thick plexiglass, from two halves, for making a conical "ogival" bullet. Now the bullets were the same, which dramatically improved the stability of the battle.
Now, in terms of accuracy, the air blower "on the head" surpassed similar products of my yard friends. The people admired the traces of rifling on the bullets, which hit the target only with their nose forward, without tumbling in flight!
On the wave of success, the stock was improved (a comfortable pistol grip appeared from a hockey stick trim), springs instead rubber band, barrel end support (this further increased accuracy), and later a shortened version was made - a pistol. Also with a rifled barrel and very good accuracy.

And then I was 13-14 years old and I did all this miracle at home, in desktop vices. I didn’t even have an electric drill then - I drilled by hand: 0. Now, sometimes shooting at the dacha from Krosman and VAM with optics, I remember with warmth mine first experiences...

gosha kun 03-10-2010 23:30

Fuck, at the age of 14 I had a home-made unit almost one to one according to the concept, but of course it was charged from the muzzle. However, the question is what. That was my know-how, no one thought of this before: I cut the cord from which the girl's jump ropes were made into segments of 4-6 mm. There was an awesome obturation, because they are quite soft (something like PVC), but at the same time tough enough to stitch through 5 meters into a cardboard box, and they flew quite "heaps".

Gasser 05-10-2010 20:16

quote: Originally posted by gosha-kun:
That was my know-how, no one thought of this before: I cut the cord from which the girl's jump ropes were made into segments of 4-6 mm. There was an awesome obturation, because they are quite soft (something like PVC), but at the same time tough enough to stitch through 5 meters into a cardboard box, and they flew quite "heaps".

The traumatist invented, however!

Bolo 05-10-2010 22:35

Yes guys, it's powerful.

crocc 12-10-2010 23:14

quote: Originally posted by disz:

They looked at the shooting gallery as something unattainable ... Yes ... there were times ..

The same bullshit!
We somehow made a raid on a local shooting gallery)
Six people surrounded me and I sawed the cable of the 38th Izha with a needle file.
Then the whole yard was shooting in the wasteland. Well, did he sleep with us because they hid him no matter how not at home)) Oh, as I remember what they didn’t shoot with current ... My favorite is the balls from the bearings on the grease. Fuck PPC...))

Demonos 13-10-2010 12:40

quote: Six people surrounded me and I sawed the cable of the 38th Izha with a needle file.

Damn, this is really tough. In fact, theft and someone got it badly. However, it justifies only that they were shooting with the whole yard.
And where else can a kid go if there is no shooting range at school. We had here. Under the leadership of the NVP. Want? Come and shoot. Some boasted of the "Voroshilovsky shooter" badges that were issued after the series. It was cool then ... In 1988. And Kalash lay in piles, with a hole ... Eh. And on TV all sorts of horror stories about the SDI program and Chernobyl.
And for the ovens - there were none. Or rather, they were, but painfully quickly we got off them. And they entered the new era with crossbows. First plywood, then, like the bow itself, racks of electric shepherds, stuffed from farms, then springs from "Muscovites", then spruce branches, then already purchased - Barnett Trident.

pistolet makarova 05-03-2011 12:23

I also recently sterilized my pneumatic.

ADF 05-03-2011 12:39

quote: Originally posted by pistolet makarova: deconstructed

Wrong mom!

My childhood, on the contrary, watched with affection as I made crossbows (with a bow made of metal plates), bows, long wind pipes with sharp darts.

Kobra_74 03-06-2011 21:29

Mdya ... But I didn’t advance further than the air from the pump-harness with a caliber of 9mm. But on the other hand, my friend and I played "airsoft" with them. I remember I managed to take off 30 meters from a person (although I shot at his neighbor, but a bunch of 1m by 30 is normal for a smooth barrel, when you see your ammunition flying in a spiral) Yes, and the rate of fire, with dexterity, was normal. Somewhere around 20 v / m ...

Freaxxx 11-05-2012 22:38

how about an idea to make from a Chinese toy?
strengthen the body (by inserting into the cut, a steel sheet 1-3mm cut into shape)
put the spring from the air, make the piston out of metal is not difficult, insert the barrel inside the plastic.
in theory, it can turn out to be very even nothing ...
but the store will have to do something.
but the main thing is to get inspired and start, and ideas will be visited in the course of work

AlkonafteR 11-05-2012 23:04

quote: Originally posted by Freaxxx:

here is a great thing

Yes Yes! if only Aftor shared the drawings ...

Freaxxx 11-05-2012 23:11

quote: if only Aftor shared the drawings ...

At least the pictures in disassembled form, it would already be clear where to start ...

Freaxxx 12-05-2012 22:03

upload valve + CO2 dosing diagram
there is only a diagram for a "moving barrel"
Interested in how to implement without the above.
only stupid ideas come to mind

moss 13-05-2012 14:47

I am also making a pistol now, from factory parts only the barrel from the 651st and the expansion chamber from it

moss 11-06-2012 05:21

quote: I'm resurrecting an old thread, maybe I've come up with something new.
this is an excellent thing, if it also gives out 100-120 m / s, then it is better than any factory

Super thing! It's a pity there is no drawing or photo of iron

Scharald 15-06-2012 15:07

She didn’t live to this day (mother bent the barrel and broke the bed after shooting her neighbor’s ass) But once, in the 7-8 class, he made a PPKU out of a bicycle pump and a spring from an automatic exhaust parachute ejector. The spring was in compression. stood on pins inside the pump. (on the pump rod.) the barrel was made of a duralumin seamless smooth tube with a caliber like plastic balls for children's, plastic pneumatics.) (It turned out later when these balls appeared) it was loaded through the barrel. a tube-barrel on a thread with epoxy was screwed into the end of the pump. was slightly rolled so that the ball did not fall into the pump. Pinocchio father carved on a machine from birch and froze. It looked like a Mosin pinocchio, the current is shorter.)) I don’t know capes, but a plastic ball against a concrete wall shattered into small pieces even from 10 meters. And here’s another moment I remembered, they shot a friend with EARTHWORMS)))) of a suitable caliber, so I didn’t shoot a worm on the roof of the 9th floor of the panel with steel balls, mostly plasticine and balls from children’s pneuma. Well, then, after a huge bruise on the ass of the neighbor's son, everything was over .... there was another attempt to do something with preliminary injection, but when moving to another apartment, the details were lost .. Well, now I looked at the real PCPs and realized that nothing good would come of it for me..

Somodelshik 05-07-2012 02:09

yYYyy)) It was a fun childhood.

moss 05-07-2012 15:29

Well, this is for all homemade products, homemade products. Master!

Bolo 05-07-2012 17:55

Yes, nothing so homemade! Worthy!

docalex 25-07-2014 15:00

prockofev 28-07-2014 08:28

quote: Originally posted by docalex:
I also remember about an old homemade product.
Little Totosha, having borrowed the basic gymnastic techniques from the respected Lady, did a little better than the original: 190m/s against 180m/s from the older generation. Objective comparison data will be in the PGW in the near future.

ArmorumPeritus777 28-07-2014 11:35

in my understanding, HOME-MADE, this is when only the barrel is from the factory ...

As far as I know, I understand that Alexey Palych has a VERY deep modernization here: a two-piston recoil compensation system similar to Dian's.
I think it deserves attention and the right to be shown in this thread.

From myself, I will show my ACC-gun. In it, the manufacturer used only a barrel, a weaver bar and a handle with a trigger from Krosman from the factory.
In the variant - a carbine:

magg0t 28-07-2014 13:51

ArmorumPeritus777 28-07-2014 15:36

quote: Originally posted by ArmorumPeritus777:

Hope the owner doesn't mind...

quote: Originally posted by magg0t:

Another Marader drum is a very beautiful thing, that's for sure!

Aha! Here is the owner. So, don't mind.

prockofev 29-07-2014 08:14

quote: Originally posted by magg0t:
Another Marader drum is a very beautiful thing, that's for sure!

the bed is hefty enchanting, I have it simpler

Bolo 17-09-2014 15:22

quote: Originally posted by prockofev:
another pistol

Link niht arbeiten

prockofev 18-09-2014 08:20

Well actually mine

everything is more beautiful and more beautiful, modder then anodize!

Bolo 18-09-2014 12:57

Curious device. Are performance characteristics known?

non-fluffy 18-09-2014 19:57

prockofev 19-09-2014 08:50

quote: Originally posted by Bolo:
Curious device. Are performance characteristics known?

4.5 15 shots average 220 heavy

gnome 20-09-2014 03:16

quote: everything is more beautiful and more beautiful, modder then anodize!

But I can't
A big gap that I've been wanting to fill for a long time. But there is not enough time for experiments.

non-fluffy 20-09-2014 05:56

big gap

There is also a PCR alternative - carbon.

gnome 20-09-2014 17:00

No, this is for collective farmers. Bare aluminum looks quite noble, if you follow the composition ..

non-fluffy 21-09-2014 06:44

quote: Originally posted by gnom:

No, this is for collective farmers

If it were not for these checkers, because of which the carbon cylinder always looks like a piece of a fishing rod... with proper wrapping with a film, the surface cannot be distinguished from an anox, for example.

prockofev 22-09-2014 08:54

quote: Originally posted by gnom:

But I can't
A big gap that I've been wanting to fill for a long time. But there is not enough time for experiments.

collect a heap and send it to me, I'll do it

gnome 22-09-2014 18:04

To whom it is not interesting to give away. Good and in Moscow time you can at least anodize, even chrome.
It's interesting to do it yourself.
Helpers need to be found.

Dog1970 08-10-2014 08:32

Awesomely interesting topic. This is the case when hands grow not even from the shoulders, but immediately from the head.

Ras-T 08-10-2014 22:08

here I have a zul312 izhak 61st and a murk .... well, I think I would combine a homemade product with the best qualities of each ... well, I also saw 512 only to make it with a side platoon and an elongated cylinder and a store looking into the topic of homemade products and Gnom has already made a current store spin or drum left

docalex 09-10-2014 10:59

quote: Originally posted by Ras-T:
here lies at mnu zul312 izhak 61st and murka .... well, I think I would combine home-made with the best quality of each .....

With a store - this is tied to the layout. And you try!

alex4x 16-02-2015 12:39

Good afternoon. And somewhere on the forum are they discussing the designs of "home-made pneumatics"?
I had an idea to repeat my children's gun but in a modernized way, and even so the child can indulge.
Moreover, a spring-piston rifle, which in our childhood was an unattainable dream, already exists (Norika), therefore, as if the goal is home-made, preferably from improvised materials and so that you can do without custom-made turning and milling work or minimize (your own turning and no milling).

I rejected the spring-piston version without explanation.
PCP in its purest form - also, because I want this thing not to require separately - carried it to the garage, pumped it up, went to shoot.
I stopped at pre-pumping for a shot (multi-compression for some reason they call it).
That is, there are several strokes into a small chamber, we cock it, put a bullet, we release all the pumped air from a small chamber (probably a shock-type valve) and fluff!

There are more questions than answers (since making a drawing and then turning it according to the drawing is unrealistic) I want to assemble it to the maximum from ready-made spare parts - well, the pump is there, the volume for pressure, nipples, tubes ...
If this is so, then it is possible to assemble a mobile almost PCP - but I don’t know what to make a high-pressure cylinder from, I don’t want it to burst, it’s dangerous, after all.
The shutter mechanism and the trigger part will apparently still have to be sharpened to order, again the question is - there are familiar craftsmen who will take on a one-time order (according to the drawing, grind something and how much it costs approximately)

Thank you. Sorry if this is in the wrong topic, I did a search and only found this thread.

S-B-A 16-02-2015 14:03

quote: Thank you. Sorry if this is in the wrong topic, I did a search and only found this thread.

It is not clear why something should be done without technical base and understanding, on snot, wasting time. When you can buy something ready-made and cheap, just as snotty and spend time studying and fine-tuning the design, especially since there are plenty of such topics and there is something to read and study.

docalex 25-02-2015 21:54

quote: Originally posted by alex4x:
I started by looking for a pump (it will be fixed directly on the bed, and not like a PCP separately) I found "BOD5400 BAHCO Lever-plunger syringe 400g, 413 bar" What is it? is it that he can catch up with 413 bar? For such a weight of the device - it's hard to believe.
If so, then it is possible to assemble a mobile almost PCP.

From a similar syringe, I made a pressure tester (in oil, water).

And for the HP pump, it has "no" performance.

Stepanovih 04-03-2015 22:33

I need advice on barrel selection, anyone with experience. It is very important to know what a check on pneumatics matters, what kind of twist is needed, and about polygonal rifling. [email protected]

aleshka999s 01-05-2015 08:43

quote: Originally posted by Stepanovih:

I need advice on barrel selection, anyone with experience. It is very important to know what a check on pneumatics matters, what kind of twist is needed, and about polygonal rifling. [email protected]

The scheme is standard for such devices: a bicycle pump + an aluminum tube with a caliber of about 7 mm + an elastic band cut from an automobile chamber. To soften the impact of the piston on the cylinder, a shock-absorbing device is provided.

The elastic is fastened with two nails driven in at an angle to prevent breakage. Barrel sleeve - electrical tape (cloth inside). Fastening the cylinder to the bed - aluminum wire insulated.

Lodge: well, I don’t even know, it seems like a pine: covered with nothing, soaked with dirty hands. The piston with a side hook, the descent from one part: the trigger - he whispered.

A distinctive feature of this design was that the rifle was not muzzle-loading. Balls rolled down from the plasticine exactly to the caliber of the barrel, the rifle was cocked - at the same time, a hole was freed at the end of the compressor, where, with the barrel lowered down, the ball was placed and blown into the barrel treasury by the mouth.

A test shooting at work showed that a crumpled Gamo Hunter bullet, plastered with plasticine, showed a speed of 60 m / s. The need for a lead core is caused by the design of the hron (induction).

The approximate weight of the bullet is about 0.8 grams (0.49 gamo hunter + plasticine) - a total of 1.44 j. Here are the marks left on the cardboard box

I decided it, so immediately sort out. The main claim was to the electrical tape: it was completely stiff with age. Also, after removing the piston, it turned out that the cuff did not reach the end of the cylinder - the dead volume was simply huge (I did not know such nuances as a child).

First of all, the cylinder was cut off by 8 cm, all burrs were removed and a new hole was made for inserting the bullet. The old electrical tape was replaced with a new one, the cuff was lubricated with silicone for HP pumps.

A new shot showed 66 m / s with the same ammunition. A new hole in the cardboard box-bullet catcher has become through. An approximate calculation showed that a purely plasticine bullet weighing 0.35 grams will fly about 100 m / s.

Nails have been replaced with screws

Shooting for accuracy, perhaps later

ArmorumPeritus777 15-05-2015 19:24

quote: Originally posted by DarkDaemon:

60 m/s


disz 15-05-2015 20:20

That's interesting... Initially, the course of creative and design thought was similar for almost all school-age pneumoprogressors... Then the complexity of structures and... children's fun moved to the level of PCP and all sorts of gamo-dians...
"Men differ from boys in the cost of toys" (c)

homegunner 01-08-2015 06:17

Last weekend in the pistol competition, my self-propelled gun took 2nd place out of 5 participants, losing only 1 point to the leader with a rifled Crosman (he knocked out 78). The distance to the target is 7 m. 2 anixes (long and short) and MP-654 also participated in the competition.
In general, I was pleased with my pistol, I did not expect that he was capable of such a thing.

Mewgun 17-11-2015 15:16

Tesla380 13-03-2016 12:26

It’s a pity the fotik hasn’t seen recently a home-made pistol psp-micro the size of a deringer is very thin about 12mm, it looks chic sighting front sight-pillar adjustable front sight in height rear sight horizontally, the front sight has three planes red, black and a dot with a phosphor on the rear sight there are also two points with a phosphor , illuminate with a diode flashlight then glows perfectly in the dark for about 20 minutes
a 4.5 mm barrel about 12 cm, a cutter above the barrel, one bullet is inserted and a cork with a rammer pin is twisted, the trigger is hit by the valve, the trigger spring in the handle with a twist, the pressure adjustment knob with divisions like on a micrometer, it is refueled with an HP pump, how the descent is arranged was not visible,
one refueling is enough either for 4 weak shots or for one woman in my presence, a person hit a beer bottle neck from 6 meters on a bet from a hand. I'm now trying to find a master who made it I want it very much.

Juris 16-03-2016 20:04

Here, too, a man assembled an aerosoft karamultuk on a syringe. The mechanism came out really expensive from him, for this money you could buy a screw. It is interesting that he has a colitis bottle syringe.

Bolo 16-03-2016 20:53

quote: Originally posted by DarkDaemon:

I made such an apparatus in the early 90s, I was probably 14 years old then.

A classic in general. I also did breech loading, but I had another tube on top of the barrel breech that covered the loading hole.
Thanks for so detailed description, you don't even need to specify

Mixamarket 21-03-2016 13:21

quote: Originally posted by Tesla380:

Sorry fotik

And we're sorry, can you ask the owner to take a photo?

Andry-aleks 13-08-2016 16:54

I cut off the tip of my tongue with toys like myself when loading plasticine through a hole))))) The last one I had at the age of 13 was with an 8-millimeter caliber with five harnesses on the piston. Even her father, without skill, could not cock her))) She shot very well with Velcro, like rubber bullets, she even had a sound moderator on her. I’m sorry I can’t take a picture, 3 years ago I found it in an old closet in the country and gave it to the boys to play around with.

Juris 18-08-2016 19:23

I found a video on the Internet, quite an interesting pistol).

Dark_Nomad 31-08-2016 11:09

Omg. Bullpup - ppp. Bring to the characteristics of the average Gama in 14-16 acorns, comb and give two.

Dreams Dreams.

homegunner 08-09-2016 17:47

Awesome idea! This should have been thought of! Respect!

Bolo 08-09-2016 21:39

Great execution and idea!

Stef 09-09-2016 12:51

The coaxial system is used in old Record pistols and a couple of others. But for some reason, this scheme was eventually abandoned.

The idea and execution are superb!

gnome 10-09-2016 15:09

Many have been abandoned
Of course, for commercial gain.
Look at how much the same diana 3 is cheaper than the same record in production, and you can sell it for the same amount.

Tor191 11-09-2016 13:43

Rifle caliber 12mm, Barrett M82 nervously smokes on the sidelines))

Somewhere in the comments I wrote to him to be more careful with these Weekend Otters (VVD), the author really hooked on something, like this to make a PCP out of shit and straw))

Juris 26-09-2017 11:54

Here’s how to make a mini ppp pump a pistol, it would turn out to be an interesting thing. I saw this mini pump in a sports master, a small one made of durable aluminum, but then the toad was strangling more than 1000 rubles, right now it’s already half the price. Hands itch)).

Juris 10-10-2017 18:25

There is an idea to make ppp completely disguised in pvc pipe The walls of the pvc tube are smooth. The piston will slide well. The barrel will also be mounted in the tube itself. thumb, in in principle, you can also mount the face into this pipe. The piston will only be on one rod from the bottom or two rubber rods from the side or on a spring from the door, for example, preferably on one rod for greater camouflage and this will be just one part that will climb out of pvc tube dimensions

Juris 10-10-2017 18:40

You just need to choose the length of the tube to suit your parameters. The length of the tube will also affect the high speed of the ball. From the face, you can shoot from the hip, and the rear end of the tube can rest against the butt-type shoulder and also shoot.

MOISHANSK 11-10-2017 07:21

Juris, then you need to try and make the barrel from caprolon (with a punch or a mandrel in a massive bar, and then grind it), well, for the purity of the experiment. Practical application, as it were, is not visible.

The walls of the pvc tube are smooth. The piston will slide well
So there the plastic is soft - it will “leak” for sure, and it will probably bully (the resource will be small).
Although if you make a "herb" (or how is it right?) With a rifled barrel, and for loading a potato bullet (viva la greenpeace) of 8-10 mm caliber - that would be a shooter!

ADF 11-10-2017 18:04

... (or how is it correct?) with a rifled barrel, but for loading with a potato bullet (viva la greenpeace) caliber mm 8-10 - that would be a shooter!

This has already been done more than once - in all sorts of small-caliber spadguns, including compressed air, and not only for potatoes. In small (16-20mm - artillery up to 20mm inclusive is considered small-caliber) calibers are usually made for marbles or darts, or for suitable steel balls. Accuracy, of course, is not comparable with normal pneumatics, but the energy is quite respectful!

Juris 11-10-2017 18:13

Well, I hardly think that the pvc pipe will leak from friction. Here in the video the guy also assembled the simplest ppp rifle using a pvc pipe and an eraser cuff. , but nevertheless it shoots normally, but of course it has a decent piston stroke. On a completely long pvc pipe, you can make the piston stroke even longer, you can also choose the throttle correctly, it’s a bypass, put the right cuff, strengthen the ball’s movement with a neodymium magnet from under the headphones, you can put even 2 magnets. Well, naturally, shooting from such a device is quieter, and what kind of neighbor will drip if you sit in the country and aim at a tree with a plastic pipe

ADF 11-10-2017 19:24

quote: Originally posted by Juris:
Quite powerfully shoots, breaking through a 1 cm plate of glued descriptions ...

Are you sure you watched the video? Doesn't pierce, barely bulges from the back. According to visual signs - the speed is somewhere a little over a hundred.

But for the simplicity and brevity of the design is to be praised. Not every student manages to arrange his craft somehow sanely.

MOISHANSK 12-10-2017 09:30

quote: Originally posted by ADF:

this has been done many times
quote: With rifled barrel, but under loading with a potato bullet ... ... caliber mm 8-10
? I have never seen! Show me, give a link (well, let the caliber be a little more, but not so that it takes 2 minutes to charge and when fired, you don’t have to aim, but come closer and that’s it!) I meant a simple pipe construction, as suggested by juris, but so that it is not one-time, and not "super-technological / expensive".
By the way, in the video, the kid shoots at the OSB (OSB) plate, which is far from chipboard in terms of strength characteristics (yes, in fact, it is a dense insulation / insulator. True, chipboard can be different.)
Ps: in the previous message, part of my post, the one quoted by ADF, disappeared somewhere during editing ... And it was quoted correctly, it was written that way.

Juris 12-10-2017 12:01

Yes, the kid has a decent piston stroke, although the volume of the pipe is small, and the cuff is crap from an eraser, the compression is also shit, obviously there is a dead volume, there is also no bypass. If all this is eliminated, add the piston stroke, increase the pulling force, then I think this the plate will be passed quietly. I think the stock murk with a steel ball will not penetrate like that, well, Izh 53 for sure)).

ADF 12-10-2017 16:32

quote: Originally posted by MOISHANSK:
[b]? I have never seen! Show me, give a link (well, let the caliber be a little more, but it’s not so that it takes 2 minutes to charge and when you fire, you don’t have to aim, but come closer and that’s it!) I meant a simple design ...

It was, everything was and repeatedly!

Juris 16-01-2018 10:45

A little new branch to revive from the well-known TOKARKA channel.

Juris 16-01-2018 11:02

There is an idea to make pneumatics for apartment firing, even smaller caliber than 4 mm. 1.5 to 3 mm caliber. As shells, use carnations chopped with side cutters, 2 to 10 mm long. The projectile, in theory, should turn out cheaper than a copper-plated ball. you can use a paste from a simple or gel rod, depending on what gauge you need.

Kachan 18-01-2018 11:23

quote: Originally posted by Juris:

There is an idea to make pneumatics for apartment shooting, even smaller caliber than 4 mm. For apartment plinking with distances up to 5-6 meters, even 4.5 caliber or steel copper-plated balls of BB are redundant in terms of energy in apartment conditions.

And why is airsoft not suitable? And the projectile is lighter / cheaper and the energy is ridiculous

Juris 18-01-2018 12:25

And why is airsoft not suitable? And the projectile is lighter / cheaper and the energy is ridiculous

Airsoft is expensive, and I just would like to try my engineering convolution when designing a small-caliber pneuma, how it behaves. I here somehow designed a PPP pistol from a syringe, there are posts above, then somehow I abandoned this business by buying Izh 53, which I also sawed down without regret. of this blaster, their eyes pop out on their foreheads, there have been cases. And at home, a homemade product chambered for 3 mm, I think it will be nice, by the way, I sometimes shoot from my syringe pistol, it’s a reliable thing and can be repaired without problems.

Kachan 18-01-2018 18:09

quote: Originally posted by Juris:

I would just like to try my engineering convolution when designing a small-caliber pneuma, how it will behave

Yes, this is an understandable motive!
quote: Originally posted by Juris:

3 mm would be good

where to get such ammunition only

Juris 18-01-2018 19:03

quote: Originally posted by Kachan:

where to get such ammunition only

Well, buy carnations a kilogram of a suitable diameter and chop them with side cutters. A compact, relatively light steel bullet will pierce even tin beer cans, and at good speed it can even crack glass containers, well, if shooting in a ravine, for example, in non-windy sunny weather. And so with this drive small-caliber caps or shoot the very thing on matchboxes.

Juris 18-01-2018 19:10

In general, it’s interesting how a smaller caliber will behave in ballistics. Why exactly 4.5 or 4 mm for entertaining pneuma. Maybe 3 or 3.5 will also be fun and will have its advantages, or even try 2.5

Kachan 18-01-2018 21:05

quote: Originally posted by Juris:

Well, buy a kilogram of a suitable diameter for carnations and chop with side cutters

kmk - accuracy will not be the best sharoplyuev

gnome 18-01-2018 21:49

It will also tumble.
And if you do PPP, then reducing the caliber will greatly reduce the efficiency of the system ..
On the contrary, the caliber must be increased, while the mass must be reduced. Actually the bicycle was invented a long time ago, called airsoft

Kachan 19-01-2018 11:15

in airsoft spring (the same PPP) they disperse rather sourly

quote: Originally posted by gnom:

That's it for 6mm plastic balls and it's worth doing homemade in such cases ..

then under 8 mm
although it is more difficult to find trunks under 8 mm, and under 6 they even come with a twist

Juris 19-01-2018 13:01

I’m wildly sorry, but where can I find balls for airsoft? Airsoft is a dense topic for me. So I understand that these are plastic balls that are sold for Chinese toy plastic air pistols. But here in the Russian outback these balls are very rare, and somehow I saw a couple of times in small bags or in a plastic jar on the market where bicycles and Chinese toys are sold, and even then the price seemed too high to me, I don’t remember the price exactly. volumes, so Schaub shoot stupidly)))).

Kachan 19-01-2018 17:51

quote: Originally posted by Juris:

I'm wildly sorry, but where can I find balls for airsoft?

On the Internet - for a thousand rubles you can score a bag of thousands in 10 balls

c 8 mm is more difficult, but you can also find

old rashpel 23-01-2018 01:32

Originally posted by Juris:
[B] There is an idea to make pneumatics for apartment shooting, even smaller caliber than 4 mm.

How is that an option?

Juris 23-01-2018 10:54

Nice milled little thing. You can even use it as a keychain and shoot somewhere in the office. However, there are obvious drawbacks, a long reload with a wad. Workshop work and with such experience you can make a compact pukle similar in design to a copper-plated explosive ball, with faster, for example, state-owned ball loading .

old rashpel 23-01-2018 13:29

I abandoned the wad a long time ago, but you are right, this is not a machine gun and it will never be, such a task was not set ... But I think a caliber of 2 mm is well suited for such a toy. And there are no problems with bullets, one cartridge with a shot of eight will last for a very long time.

Mixamarket 23-01-2018 16:58

But I think the caliber of 2 mm is good for such a toy. And there are no problems with bullets, one cartridge with a shot of eight will last for a very long time.

Even if under two ... three fingers, for the development of greater effort (as in the starting ancient pistol)

Juris 23-01-2018 17:53

quote: Originally written by Old rashpel:
I abandoned the wad a long time ago, but you are right, this is not a machine gun and it will never be, such a task was not set ... But I think a caliber of 2 mm is well suited for such a toy. And there are no problems with bullets, one cartridge with a shot of eight will last for a very long time.

Hmm, for some reason it seemed to me that these were mini steel balls from a bearing, which are often found in bicycle ratchet and bicycle pedals, although they are somewhere around 3mm. I see this pistol for ease of use in dimensions a little larger in size, something like the shape of an ala beret, but not in full scale, but in mini. Although it reminds steam punk so well, masterful work, hats off.

old rashpel 23-01-2018 18:31

Great toy! I can’t adapt something like a trigger to put pressure on the valve?
Even if under two ... three fingers, for the development of greater effort (as in the starting ancient pistol)

The fact is that this pistol was born about ten years ago as a result of a dispute with a friend (we decided to find out which of the two of us is a cooler designer ...) The task was to design an air pistol with a minimum number of parts, who would have fewer of them and won. This sample consists of only five parts (we did not consider seals per part). I don’t want to modify it, it lies like a memory of past stupidities ...

Mixamarket 24-01-2018 06:27

Oh, sorry, but I rolled my lips, I thought the production was permanent and I wanted to buy a copy

Mixamarket 29-01-2018 08:52

No, this is nonsense, but Old rashpel has an interesting thing

Juris 29-01-2018 10:36

quote: Originally posted by Mixamarket:
No, this is nonsense, but Old rashpel has an interesting thing

Naturally, it’s nonsense. In fact, it’s just a layout of the PPP system. However, this layout has sane dimensions, a construct using PVC tubes. the simplest homemade pneumatics, you can use the simplest trigger in the form of a key from above, conveniently and ergonomically arranging it, which will save the dimensions of the product and even work reliably in its working range, unlike other zagagulins that are introduced in the form of a trigger in the form of bent wires and nails with a long free running. I will repeat on the simplest PPP entertainment system, if the location of the top trigger button is correct, everything will also work quite conveniently and reliably, however, Old raspel also made a top trigger button for his mini pistol and this decision is justified for such an ergonomic design of this mini pistol .

old rashpel 29-01-2018 12:35

And I was interested in seeing Juris, I immediately remembered my childhood how many such air vents we then redid, they only shot with Velcro, which they close the gaps in panel houses, in the past .... :) I post another one of my crafts, but not as successful as first sample. Everything in it works, but in terms of power it turned out to be weak, it can’t even pierce a box of matches (the first one pierces it to take off along with matches ..). But he turned out to be an extremely convenient descent (the side lever is pressed down with the thumb) for a small pistol. I think over time to do and bring to mind, but all hands do not reach ..
cute pistol, but the older we get, the harder it is to reach our hands old rashpel 31-01-2018 21:44

Please understand me correctly, I do not fill the price, these crafts are dear to me as a memory of the past, they are not sold for any money. In my childhood and youth, I loved to make miniature, effective weapons, I made a lot of things ... And I gave everything away, you stupid cattle ... Only these remained (on the photo) And I value them. Please do not be offended.

non-fluffy 31-01-2018 23:27

quote: Originally posted by Old rashpel:

Only these remain

Eh, access to the router would be ...

Mixamarket 01-02-2018 08:54

quote: Originally posted by Old rashpel:

Please understand me correctly

no problem!

The question is - how and on what could they drill a 2 mm barrel at such a large length without losing alignment? Or was it drilling first, and then machining in centers?

and we are still waiting for a story about the smallest pestle in the photo, even if it is not pneumatic

Juris 01-02-2018 10:29

As I understand it with my amateurish look, these mini pistols are compression pneumatics. If you try to use cheaper materials when designing this analogous scheme and play with the dimensions, then you can use other materials, such as PVC and other progressive things, such as a 3D printer)), aluminum .

Juris 01-02-2018 10:30

Here is one interesting video. How mini ergonomics is used in firearms. The video is a bit long, so you can watch it from 22min 30sec.))

old rashpel 01-02-2018 13:02

I did it with brass because it is very well processed (I didn’t want to bother, I would have to fiddle with steel longer). Of course, you can use steel and some aluminum alloys (for example, ad31t1 or d16t), but I’m not sure about plastics, it’s unlikely it will work .. With a properly sharpened depth drill, correctly centering the drill entry point and having some experience in making such holes, you can drill brass without any problems to such a depth. But in any case, after drilling, processing in centers is necessary. The gun is actually very simple to manufacture, the main thing is to understand the principle of its operation, there are not any important dimensions there. The drilling diameters for the valve and the compressor were selected for the ring cuffs I had, the bypass channel was made based on the smaller the better ... Appearance the product is dictated by its design design (I don’t recognize any embellishment and squinting for anything). If anyone is going to make this gun, draw a schematic diagram in an instant (but it seems to me that everything is clear there anyway). In any case, do not be shy, ask, I will be happy to help with advice.

Mewgun 28-03-2018 15:12

Now I understand.
Simple, like all ingenious)))
Thank you!

John Jack 30-03-2018 12:18

quote: Originally posted by Old rashpel:

Sketched it out quickly.

The screw only holds the piston, or is it involved in boosting pressure?

old rashpel 30-03-2018 01:23

quote: Originally posted by John JACK:

Wonderful. It's a pneumatic cartridge in the form of a pistol!
The screw only holds the piston, or is it involved in boosting pressure?

Right. The side lever presses the sleeve and a shot occurs.

brush 30-04-2018 09:20

The absence of a bypass (with its dead volume) increased efficiency. If the barrel is not loosened, the bullets will not fall back.

let it flow.

gnome 30-04-2018 14:32

quote: Originally written brush:
I read it, extremely interesting rifles turned out.
The absence of a bypass (with its dead volume) increased efficiency. If the barrel is not loosened, the bullets will not fall back.

Shoot, see, what, like the Chinese, you can order a series of parts-
let it flow.

Thank you.
No, they won't fall out. But .. on one of the rifles, with a Dianovsky barrel, the bullet was sucked inside. The barrel goes through the elastic, after which there is another 10mm of forward movement of the glass. I made a flat on the barrel 8mm long and the problem went away. It does not suck on LV pipes, although it would seem that the polygon should hold a bullet with smaller gaps for air to pass.

old rashpel 12-05-2018 02:05

The screw is there for a reason, you can’t squeeze the last ten millimeters of the piston stroke with your hands, you won’t have enough strength ...