Classroom Bicycle is also transport. Class hour "Rules of cycling

1. General requirements safety while cycling.

1.1. Riding a bicycle while driving on roads is allowed only from the age of 14.

1.2. Persons under the age of 14 can ride a bicycle in places where there is no traffic of motor vehicles - in closed areas, in the yard, in stadiums, on the territory of a health camp, in countryside areas and in other safe places.

1.3. Up to 15 years of age, only one bike rider is allowed to ride a bike and a load weighing no more than 15 kg is allowed.

1.4. Before riding a bike, you need to learn how to control a bike: keep balance, ride slowly, turn left and right, make a U-turn, ride the "eight", brake, control with one hand (this is necessary in order to give signals with one hand when turning) .

1.5. The bike must have a working brake, steering wheel and horn. It must be equipped with a white reflector or lamp at the front (for driving at night and in conditions of poor visibility), at the rear with a red reflector or lamp, and on each side with an orange or red reflector.

1.6. The cyclist must know and follow the rules traffic. The cyclist is equated to the driver of other vehicles.

2. Safety requirements before cycling.

2.1. Before you start cycling, you need to check: - air pressure in the tires, serviceability of the steering wheel; - the operation of the brakes, the action of the bell, the presence of a rear-view mirror and the correctness of its adjustment; - the correct alignment of the wheels (so that there is no "eight"), the tension of the chain and spokes; - tightening of threaded connections in the axes of the front and rear wheels, as well as other connections and the need for lubrication of parts; - the presence of a working lamp or a white reflector in front and a red light reflector located at the rear of the bicycle.

2.2. It is necessary to set the seat according to your height: with the lower position of the pedal, the leg resting on it should be slightly bent at the knee (but not extended); Raise the front of the seat about 5-10 mm so as not to slip when driving. 2.3. Learn how to operate a bicycle, carry out regular maintenance, be able to repair a bicycle and troubleshoot. 2.4. Only after making sure that the bike is in good condition, you can ride it.

3. Safety requirements while cycling.

3.1. When driving on roads, a cyclist should move only along the rightmost lane in one row as far to the right as possible (no more than one meter from the curb). Traveling a longer distance is permitted only for avoiding obstacles or overtaking, in permitted cases for turning left or turning around.

3.2. When cyclists move in a group, it is necessary to ride one after the other, at some distance from each other. There must be 10 cyclists in a group. The distance between groups should be 80-100 meters.

3.3. Persons under 14 years of age are strictly prohibited from driving on the road where vehicles are moving, as they can get into an accident.

3.4. If available Bike Lane you can't drive on the road.

3.5. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if it does not interfere with pedestrians.

3.6. While driving, it is necessary to monitor the movement of vehicles, the movement of pedestrians, traffic signals, drivers and other traffic conditions.

3.7. Use while driving only those signals that are established by the rules of the road.

3.8. Warning hand signals about maneuvers must be given in advance.

3.9. Do not turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane. It is necessary to get off the bike and cross the road at the pedestrian crossing, driving the bike behind the wheel.

4.1. ride on sidewalks and footpaths, along the alleys of parks, boulevards for the safety of pedestrians.

4.2. Move along the road if there is a nearby bike path.

4.3. Drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand, except for giving warning signals with your hand.

4.4. Transport oversized cargo that interferes with control or protrudes more than 0.5 meters in length or width.

4.5. Carry passengers.

4.6. Cling to any vehicle.

4.7. To be towed by a bicycle, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle.

4.8. Drive close to the vehicle ahead.

4.9. Drive on highways.

4.10. Riding sick or tired.

5. Safety requirements in an emergency when cycling.

5.1. In the event of a bicycle breakdown, you must get off it and walk, driving the bicycle behind the wheel.

5.2. When you get an abrasion or bruise, you need to give yourself first aid.

5.3. In case of a more serious injury, it is necessary to seek help from adult passers-by to be sent to the emergency room, inform the parents.

6. Safety requirements at the end of cycling.

6.1. Wipe the bike from dust and dirt.

6.2. Place the bike in the designated storage area.

6.3. Wash hands and face with warm soapy water, rinse mouth well.

Goals: repeat the rules of the road, road signs; learn to use the knowledge of PPD in everyday life.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation, cards with road signs.

Class hour progress

Introduction by the teacher.

Guys, we live in a small village where there are no trams, trolleybuses, buses almost never run. None of you are afraid to walk the streets. But once in a big and noisy city, you can get confused and find yourself in a very unpleasant situation if you do not know and follow the rules of the road. Today we will talk about traffic rules, road signs and how to use knowledge in everyday life.

2. Game - competition of road sciences.

Street law is very strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, does not follow the rules. But this law is also very kind: it protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Now you will show if you know traffic rules. We will hold a road science competition.


At what age can you ride a bike on the road?

Since birth

When you get right

When will you retire

I just keep walking
And if I do, I fall. (Bike)


1. What is prohibited for a student by the rules of behavior on the street?

2. What traffic signals do you know? Explain their meaning.

3. What are the basic rules for cyclists? (Riding is allowed from the age of 14, and with a motor - from 16 years. The speed of movement is not more than 20 km / h. It is forbidden to drive on sidewalks, footpaths, drive without holding the steering wheel with both hands, cling to vehicles, etc.)

"Road signs"

I want to ask about the sign
It's drawn like this:
Triangle guys.
They are running with all their might. (“Careful, children!”)

We walked home from school
We see - a sign over the pavement.
Circle, inside - bicycle,
There is nothing else. (Bicyclists are not allowed)

3.The history of the invention of the bicycle

IN 1791 Russian inventor Kulibin made a wagon, two wheels of which were turned by a driver standing on the back of the wagon with the help of foot levers.

IN 1839. Scot Macmillan designed a two-wheeled car driven by pedals.

IN 1855 French mechanic Pierre Michaud I attached a pair of pedals to the front wheel of the trolley in the same way as pedals are now installed in three-wheeled children's bicycles.

TO 1920 the bicycle became the main means of transport for workers, employees, peasants, postmen and doctors.

-Bicycle - "fast-footed"

4. General provisions.

Let's start with definitions. This will allow you to understand the status of a cyclist on the road.

A bicycle is a vehicle that has two or more wheels and is propelled by the muscular strength of the people on it.

A driver is a person who drives a vehicle.

Vehicle - a device designed to transport people, goods or equipment installed on it on the roads.

Road user - a person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle.

Those. a bicycle is a vehicle, a cyclist is the driver of this vehicle, and therefore a road user.

“Road users are required to know and comply with the requirements of the Rules, traffic lights, signs and markings that apply to them, as well as follow the orders of the traffic controllers”

Now it becomes clear that cyclists have the right to demand proper treatment on the roads, but the demand from them is the same. Having dealt with the status, once and for all we will determine the place of the cyclist on the road.

There is a paragraph in the Rules called "Additional requirements for the movement of bicycles ...". In fact, these are the basic rules that must be followed when cycling on the roads!

“Bicycles should only move in the rightmost lane in one row as far to the right as possible. Driving along roadsides is allowed if it does not interfere with pedestrians.”

This means that you yourself choose how far from the curb to go. Depending on the condition of the road, the presence of obstacles on it in the form of wells, glass fragments, etc. We recommend driving at a distance of about 10 cm from the edge of the “second” shoulder.

In earlier Rules, there was an instruction to drive at a distance of no more than 1 meter from the curb. In the new ones, this restriction is removed, and the emphasis is on the common sense of the cyclist.

Sometimes, in the event of a breakdown or injury, you have to walk along the roads with your bike. “In this case, we must remember the following rule. Outside built-up areas, when driving on the carriageway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, in these cases must follow the direction of movement of vehicles”

Further. “Columns of cyclists when moving along the roadway should be divided into groups of 10 cyclists. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 meters.” Well, everything seems to be clear here.

Knowing the above things, you can already feel more or less confident on the roads. Now let's move from theory to practice.

5. Traffic regulations for cyclists

6. Rules for cyclists

When you get on your bike, check your handlebars and brakes;

You can ride bicycles on the roads only from the age of 14, and on mopeds from the age of 16;

It is forbidden to ride on the carriageway if there is a bike path;

If it is necessary to cross the road, this is done on foot, holding the bicycle behind the wheel,

According to the usual rules for pedestrians;

While riding a bicycle, do not let go of the handlebars.

7. Actions unacceptable on the road.

Cyclists are prohibited from:

  • “Ride without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand.”
  • “Ride the roads when there is a bike path nearby.” It is indicated by a round sign with a white bicycle on a blue background. (Apparently, we will not live to see them.)
  • “Moving on roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths is prohibited.” The roadsides have already been mentioned above (that is, the movement of cyclists along them is still allowed). Everything else is clear.
  • “Bicycles are not allowed on motorways.” Highways are marked with the signs “motorway” and “road for cars”.
  • “Turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction.” Everything is clear here. “This” direction should be considered as current.
  • “Bikes are not allowed to be towed.” Those. no hitches, cables and other tricks and devices.

All. There are no other restrictions for cyclists. It's easy to remember, right? Naturally, it is necessary to observe such obvious points as driving in the opposite lane (traffic in Russia is right-handed), driving at a prohibitory traffic light, driving a bicycle while intoxicated, etc.

8. Causes of accidents involving cyclists

Failure to comply with traffic rules.

Inability to navigate traffic.

Weak cycling skills, especially in traffic conditions.

9. Final part.

Today you repeated the Rules of the Road and learned a lot of new and interesting things. Traffic rules are very important. Every adult and every child should know them. Do not break them, then we will not have accidents on the roads, and you will grow up strong and healthy.

Summer is a great time for vacations and school holidays, swimming, long walks and games on fresh air. Unfortunately, it is in summer that the percentage of child injuries as a result of road traffic accidents increases. To prevent accidents on the road, it is necessary to conduct traffic safety classes in kindergartens and schools. And, of course, the conversations of parents with their child about the rules of behavior on the roadway are of great, decisive importance.

Teacher primary school Akhmetshina R.T.

Class hour according to traffic rules

Topic: Bicycle is my favorite mode of transport.

Tasks : analysis of routes and compliance with the rules of safe cycling.

After studying the topic, students should KNOW:

Safe places and routes for cycling;

Rules for safe cycling.


Choose the safest cycling route;

Follow the rules of cycling.

Formation in children of a conscious and responsible attitude to issues of personal and public safety, promotion among them of the rules of safe behavior on the street.

Equipment. Bicycle, computers.

Visual aids . The song “Pedaling” (from the cartoon “Walking the Cat Leopold”, memo “Rules for cycling”, drawings depicting old types of bicycles, Ozhegov’s dictionary, route plan “On the way to school”, Microsoft Power Point presentation program “Good Welcome to the world of traffic rules.

I. Organizational moment.

The rules of the road are a strict law of the streets and roads, it must not be violated. If you do not follow these rules, you can pay with your health or life. The law of streets and roads is strict only to those who violate it. And for those who know traffic rules, this law, on the contrary, helps.

II. Knowledge update

At the last lesson, we walked through the streets of our village, noted the most dangerous and busiest places, and discussed security measures in these places. You divided into groups according to your place of residence and had to make a plan for the route to school, tell you what dangerous places you meet on your way and how you should act. Please!

(Group performances.)

Thank you! Now we will be extremely careful.

III. Conversation.

Which of these signs is installed near children's institutions?

(Showing signs and explaining to children)

Which of these characters is missing? Why?

So, before we have time to look back, the summer time will come. And as they say: “Prepare the sleigh from the summer”, in the traffic rules classes we must prepare so that this time passes without traffic accidents.

But to determine the topic of our lesson, guess the riddle.

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels are running.

The riddle has an answer.

This is my ... (bicycle)

That's right, in class we'll talk about your favorite mode of transport - cycling. Many guys have a bike. This is a very comfortable car. It’s nice to ride a bike, you can go to a friend’s place, on business, for a walk.

What is a bicycle? How would you define this word?

Let's turn to the Ozhegov dictionary.

A bicycle is a pedal-driven vehicle.

It is believed that the word "bicycle" comes from the Latin - Velox- fast, "pedes" - legs. Distinguish road bikes, sports, for transportation of small loads and others. The first bicycle with pedals and a steering wheel was invented in Russia by a serf blacksmith Artamonov. That distant one is now September 15, 1801, and is considered the birthday of the bicycle.

Bicycles are a very popular means of transportation for students. When buying a bike, pick it up according to your height. The cyclist needs to own the car, so the control of the bike must be comfortable.

When going on a trip, you need to carefully inspect the bike, check its equipment. The car must have reliable brakes, as they have to be used many times on the road. The steering wheel must be well fixed. If the brakes are faulty, then you cannot ride such a bike.

It is necessary to check the chain tension and the condition of the wheels (so that the wheels do not make eights while driving). It is also necessary to check the pressure in the tires, the tightness of the threaded connections in the axes of the front and rear wheels, as well as in other places.

The bike must have a working bell to sound the horn. Lights must be installed at the front and rear of the machine: a white light at the front and a red light at the rear with a red reflector.

After making sure that the bike is fixed, you can safely ride.

The bicycle is the most vulnerable compared to people driving other modes of transport. In order not to get into an accident and not become the culprit of an accident, remember the rules of cycling. Let's continue with the computer. Have a seat.

IV. Work on the presentation.

Let's remember the rules of working at the computer. Read them on your tables.

    Do not work on faulty equipment.

    Do not tap on the keyboard and mouse.

    Do not turn computers on or off without the teacher's permission.

    Do not pull or touch the various wires.

    Do not sit at the keyboard with dirty hands.

Eye exercise.

The exercise is performed while sitting or standing, turning away from the screen, with rhythmic breathing, with the maximum amplitude of eye movement.

Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your eyes on the score 1-4. Then look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with fixation of the gaze to the left, up and down. Repeat 3-4 times.

v. Consolidation of the material covered

So, we have learned the basic rules of cycling.

You get a reminder of the rules that you learned while working at the computer. Read them. If among them is a rule that was not voiced today? Put them in your notebooks according to traffic rules. When you go on summer vacation, you will take these rules with you, and at the bottom we will write the following sentence: “I have studied these rules.” And write your last name. Now we cannot say that we did not know this. So let's be careful now, and let's not be violators. But what threatens violators, the guest of our lesson will tell us. This is district police officer Nasibullin Raushan Rafaelovich.

Please tell me what threatens children of their age by violating these traffic rules?

(Speech of the precinct).

It is impossible to allow one of you to break trees, it is impossible that through your fault traffic on the street is disturbed, accidents occur, and even accidents.

VI. Homework.

There are no places in our village where it would be safe to ride a bicycle. Therefore, dream up and draw what kind of bike platform you imagine for you to install on it.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

Did you enjoy class?

What gave you this job?

What conclusion did you draw for yourself?

I will tell you: study the rules of the road, develop the habit of observing them always and everywhere. Keep your comrades from doing wrong on the streets and roads. Be careful!

MBOU School No. 29 Samara

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Class hour on the topic: "SDA for cyclists"

Purpose: to acquaint students with traffic rules for cyclists, the prevention of child injuries on the roads.

    Acquaintance with traffic rules for cyclists.

Teacher. With the onset of warm days, new road users appear on the roads of our city. These are cyclists. Cyclists move everywhere: on roads, on sidewalks and wherever it seems possible for them to pass. At the same time, few of them think that cycling is also regulated by the rules of the road. Think about it: according to the statistics of the traffic police for the first 6 months of 2015, 2084 collisions with cyclists were registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, in which 141 people died and 2007 were injured. Of these, 670 accidents involving children cyclists, in which 17 children died, 658 were injured! Of course, the accident is not always the fault of the cyclist, but ignorance of the rules does not exempt from responsibility. So, I will ask you the simplest question: what is a bicycle? ( A bicycle is a vehicle that has at least two wheels and is propelled by the muscular energy of the persons on this vehicle using pedals.). As we can see from this definition, a bicycle is a vehicle and all traffic rules related to vehicles apply to a bicycle. I draw your attention to the fact that the bicycle driver is not a pedestrian while driving. However, the person riding the bicycle is a pedestrian. So, if necessary, the cyclist can get off the bike and be guided by the points of the rules intended for pedestrians (for example, cross the road at an unregulated pedestrian crossing). Many of you turned 14 this year. You should already know and follow the traffic rules for cyclists over 14 years old. Let's see what the difference is and where and how you can ride a bike.

  1. Where can you ride a bike?

Movement of cyclists over 14 years of age :

    On a cycle path, cycle path or cyclist lane.

    On the right side of the road.

    Along the side.

    On a sidewalk or footpath.

Please note that each subsequent item in the above list implies that there are no previous items. For example, you can drive along the side of the road (paragraph 3) only if there is no cycle path or lane, and also if there is no possibility of moving along the right edge of the carriageway.

In addition, there are a few exceptions:

    You can drive on the carriageway if the movement is carried out in columns.

    You can ride on the sidewalk or footpath if you are accompanying a cyclist under the age of 7 or carrying a child under the age of 7.

Movement of cyclists aged 7 to 14 possible on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and bicycle paths, as well as within pedestrian zones.

Movement of cyclists under the age of 7 possible only together with pedestrians (on sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths, pedestrian zones).

    Viewing the presentation "Traffic rules for cyclists".

slide 2. What is the difference between a cyclist and a pedestrian?

slide 3. Please note that a helmet is a required attribute. Just like bright clothes or the presence of reflectors on it. Why do you think this is needed?

slide 4. Do these rules apply to all cyclists? (Only for those over 14 years old).

Slide 5-6. What is prohibited for cyclists? In addition to the above, it is forbidden to talk on the phone while driving, there is, and in some cities there is even such a sign (slide 6) prohibiting cycling with headphones.

Slide 7-8. Crossings are very important point. Pay attention to the signs that regulate traffic at this intersection. Remember that cyclists are not allowed to turn left. Remember what you should do in this situation. And most importantly, even if you are driving on the main road, make sure that car drivers see you and let you through.

slide 9. You must not cycle through the pedestrian crossing. Either you walk or move along the road. The driver of the car has every right not to let you pass if you cross a pedestrian crossing on a bicycle. In this case, the responsibility for breaking the rules lies with you. The fine for cyclists is now from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

slide 10. Of course, you must use signals that warn other road users of your maneuvers. Tell me, why is there a “Turn left” signal, but the action itself is prohibited? What is this signal for? ( When there is an obstruction in the bicycle lane that can only be bypassed on the left).

slide 11. Of course, if you are a road user, you need to know what signs are. Some of them apply specifically to cyclists.

A.Znak 4.4.1 "Bicycle path or lane for cyclists."

B. Sign 4.4.2 "The end of a cycle path or lane for cyclists."

In token of 4.5.2 "Pedestrian and bicycle path with combined traffic (bike path with combined traffic).

G. Sign 4.5.3 "End of combined pedestrian and bicycle path (end of combined bicycle path)".

slide 12.

A., B. Sign 4.5.4, 4.5.5 "Pedestrian and bicycle path with traffic separation". Bicycle path with division into bicycle and pedestrian sides of the path, allocated structurally and (or) marked with horizontal markings 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.23.2 and 1.23.3 or otherwise.

V., G. Sign 4.5.6, 4.5.7 "End of traffic-separated pedestrian and bicycle path (end of traffic-separated bicycle path)".

D. Sign 3.9 "Biking is prohibited."

E. Sign 1.24 "Crossing with a bike path."

In order for you to understand for yourself how well you remember the traffic rules, we will conduct a small test on this topic.

    Test for testing knowledge of traffic rules(after the end of the test, students conduct a mutual check).

1. The cyclist sticks to the rules

A) for pedestrians

B) for cyclists

B) for vehicles

2. Cyclists are not allowed to ride

A) sidewalks and footpaths

B) on the roadway and the roadside

B) off-road

3. It is forbidden for a cyclist to go on the road in case of malfunctions

A) brake system

B) brake and steering system

C) brake, steering system and lighting lamps.

4. The right hand of the cyclist stretched to the side and bent at the elbow indicates

A) Left turn B) Right turn C) Stop

5. Cyclists outside the city must move

A) in the same direction of transport

B) facing oncoming traffic

B) along the dividing line

6. Movement on the road for cyclists if there is a nearby bike path

A) Permitted in any direction

B) Forbidden

C) Permitted as long as it does not cause interference.

Answers: 1c, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5a, 6b.


    What did you learn about yourself today?

    What would you like to teach your younger brothers or sisters after today's lesson?

TOGBOU "Inzhavinskaya boarding school for children with handicapped health"
Class hour "Rules of cycling"
Kopteva Ludmila Anatolyevna
Education of safe behavior skills when riding a bicycle, promotion of traffic rules among students, prevention of child road traffic injuries.
1. To study traffic rules for cyclists, to form knowledge and ideas about the safe movement of cyclists on the roads.
2. To develop the ability to solve assigned tasks, to develop the need to comply with the rules of the road.
3. To educate creative activity, a disciplined pedestrian, a driver - a cyclist.
Class time course:
1. Organizational moment
- In order to find out the topic of today's class hour, guess a riddle:
I run with the help of two legs, While the rider sits on me. My horns in his hands, swiftness in his feet. I'm stable only on the run, I can't stand for a second. (Bike)

Today's topic is cycling.
We will talk about the rules of cycling, help each other find answers to unknown questions, remember road signs related to cyclists.
Bicycle means fast. Well, it really makes our legs fast. Bending down to the steering wheel, athletes - cyclists in colored T-shirts and protective helmets overtake even cars - cars on their "fast-footed" ones.
2. Reading the poem: "Cyclist" Sergey Mikhalkov On two wheels I roll. With two pedals. I turn, I hold on to the wheel, I look forward -
I know it's coming soon.
I was predicted Road sign: Highway. Descends into a ravine. Rolling.
I'm flying - On my horse. Pump and glue - Always with me. It will happen - Trouble with the camera - I will always fix it!
I’ll turn off the road, I’ll sit, Where I need to, I’ll put patches, So that even stronger, Than I was, The camera lay under the tire.
And I again, I roll forward, I turn the pedals again. And again, I decrease the speed - Turn left again!
Cyclists are the same drivers as everyone else, only they ride not on four, but on two-wheeled vehicles. They also have special rules of the road.
3. The rules of cycling are very simple!
Let's remember the rules of cycling, because almost every one of you has a bicycle.
As soon as you sit behind the wheel of a bicycle, you become a driver. And in terms of your responsibility for observing the rules of the road, you are equated with a motorist. This is a big responsibility, and therefore the age of a cyclist entering the roadway must be at least 16 years old, and a moped driver must be at least 16 years old. Children who have not reached this age are allowed to ride only where there is no car traffic - in closed areas, in yards, at the stadium. There you should also learn to ride bicycles, training in driving. You can not ride on sidewalks and footpaths!
Movement on the carriageway is allowed only in one line, not further than one meter from the edge of the carriageway, except for cases of overtaking or bypassing obstacles, as well as permitted cases of turning left or making a U-turn. You can only turn left or turn around on roads with one lane for traffic in each direction and in the absence of tram tracks. If the traffic is multi-lane, then to turn left or turn around, you need to get off the bike, cross, leading it to the other side, observing all the rules for crossing the carriageway, and resume movement.
If a cycle path is laid (or allocated on the carriageway) next to the road for cars, then you should only move along it (show the appropriate traffic sign).
In places where the cycle path crosses the road, the cyclist must give way to the approaching car.
While driving, you should strictly follow the rules of cyclists, warn all your maneuvers with signals, follow traffic lights and the actions of drivers!
A cyclist can ride along with cars on the road, always keeping to the right side so as not to interfere with the rest of the transport. Since the bicycle does not have direction indicators, the cyclist must warn about upcoming maneuvers with gestures. For example, when turning right, you need to raise right hand and indicate the direction of movement. When turning left, the required direction is indicated by the left hand. At the same time, you need to be very careful and make sure that motorists understand you and give way.
4. Repeat bicycle signs:
If a friend has a bicycle, It rushes you faster than rockets, You never need to go - Wherever you see this sign.left0
(Biking is prohibited)
Path for pedestrians and cyclists
Bike Lane
Bicycles are not allowed
Intersection with bike path
Movement without stopping is prohibited
Movement to the right
5. The benefits of cycling:
Cycling is a huge benefit for your body! After all, cycling brings a lot of benefits to the body. By cycling, you strengthen your leg muscles. Improves cardiovascular function and respiratory system. The body becomes more resilient. Long trips in the air cause our lungs to start working in full force. Oxygen-enriched blood enters the brain, all organs, and contributes to the improvement of their work. The bike is recommended for smokers and people suffering from leg diseases. In addition, cycling is a great way to harden the body! Cycling improves mood, even helps to get rid of stress, improves the overall emotional background. By cycling every day, you guarantee yourself getting rid of excess weight. Cycling burns a lot of calories! The figure becomes slimmer, after the first weeks of skiing, the extra centimeters go away. There are no clear limits on how much you need to ride a bike per day. Everyone chooses it on their own. It can be 20-30 minutes of intense skiing without stops, or it can be a slow, pleasure ride of 40-60 minutes. Choose what suits you! Naturally, for cycling, as for any other sport, there are limitations. For people with heart, back, knee joints It is best to avoid cycling.

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