Do-it-yourself water vacuum cleaner for cleaning the pool. Do-it-yourself water vacuum cleaner for the pond and pool

Happy owners country pools know that it is not only a pleasant refreshing bonus in the summer heat, but also a very capricious design that requires proper care.

Surface bottom And walls pool, as well as the water filling it, must be regularly cleanse. For these purposes, as well as to increase the service life of the equipment itself, its owners use underwater vacuum cleaner.

notable the fact that a pool cleaner can not only be bought in a store, but also made do it yourself. It's a fun and easy process.

In this article, we will talk about types underwater vacuum cleaners, their design and operating principle. We will also present example making a pool vacuum cleaner with your own hands.

Types of underwater vacuum cleaners

According to their design, vacuum cleaners are three types:

  • manual;
  • Automatic;
  • Semi-automatic.

Hand vacuum cleaners

Manual models are the most simple in operation and most profitable in terms of their cost devices. The purchase of such a vacuum cleaner will be a practical solution for caring for a country pool or an artificial pond with a small area.

Design handheld vacuum cleaner includes the following details:

  • Metal telescopic rod;
  • Engine with high power;
  • corrugated hose;
  • Cable for connection to the mains;
  • Brush.

noteworthy that this device can be directly connected to a device that collects the top layer of pool water ( skimmer).

Choosing specific model from manual vacuum cleaners, all characteristics should be taken into account bowls pool. First of all, his depth, which must match the length telescopic instrument handles.

Note! Using various accessories - telescopic tubes and hoses, you can carry out a complete cleaning of pools of various designs.

Semi-automatic vacuum cleaners

Semi-automatic models have more power than manual ones, and differ from them in the number of their functions.

They work predominantly on hydraulic traction, and their design allows you to adjust intensity water pressure, changing the flow rate if necessary.

A similar principle of operation has another submersible device used for water purification, including for the pool -.

Semi-automatic designs differ in the presence of a special garbage bag and the possibility of direct connection to the skimmer.

They good And comfortable for cleaning pools with a flat bottom, the surface of which has depressions.

Easy to wash valve is also dignity semi-automatic vacuum cleaners. Due to the presence of this detail, the cleaning of the surfaces of the pool, whether it is collapsible or stationary, takes place fast and effectively. The old sediment accumulated in a layer at the bottom of an artificial reservoir is also easily eliminated.

Automatic vacuum cleaners

Automatic models, more commonly referred to as robotic vacuum cleaners, refer to recent engineering inventions.

Such a device is capable offline and work continuously for 8 hours, without any need for controlling man.

The latest computer technologies provide the ability to install certain software parameters device operation.

The control of such an autonomous mechanism is carried out by means of a remote remote control.

How does a pool vacuum cleaner work?

This device is intended for cleansing surfaces of artificial reservoirs. The principles of operation of models of each type are generally identical: polluted water skipped through the built-in filter and then back into the pool.

Instructions for using a handheld vacuum cleaner

How to use semi-automatic and automatic models

Before starting work, the vacuum cleaner should place into the water and connect hose with skimmer. The filtration pump will create pressure and, becoming a source of vibrations, will help the device to move along the surface of the pool.

movements semi-automatic devices are chaotic and do not have any clear, programmed scheme. It cleans not only the surface along which it moves, but also filters the water.

Automatic vacuum cleaners perform the same functions as other types of models. difference consists in the absence of the need to connect them to the water supply systems of the reservoir.

Do-it-yourself water vacuum cleaner for the pool

In order to clean the pool, it is not necessary to purchase finished device. It won't be too hard to make it. on one's own.

All that is required is the availability of certain materials and certain creative skills.

So to create homemade underwater vacuum cleaner will be required:

  • corrugated hose;
  • 1.2 m polypropylene pipes;
  • Plugs;
  • Plunger.

The width of the hose, pipe and rubber bands depends on diameter hose that supplies purified water.

Important! You should not save on a hose: the diameter of the pool should exceed its length by no more than 50 cm, otherwise the quality of cleaning the reservoir may suffer.

Let's move on to creating a vacuum cleaner:

As a nozzle, you can use a purchased brush, or - plunger or fitting, in which you first need to make several cuts. These notches will prevent the device from sticking tightly to the pool surface. But it is best to give preference to a brush. It will help to make the process of cleaning the pool most effective and significantly reduce its duration. Particularly relevant brush for ponds backlit who require a more thorough cleaning, but at the same time - delicate.

Note! If the pump of the vacuum cleaner is equipped with a paper filter, it should be removed before cleaning the pool, because it will not be able to hold the smallest debris at the bottom.

Prices for purchased vacuum cleaners for the pool

Price underwater vacuum cleaners varies over a fairly wide range and depends, among other things, on manufacturer.

Among manual models, budget products are bestway(the most inexpensive models - up to 3 thousand rubles).

Slightly more expensive and, accordingly, more functional - vacuum cleaners Pool Blaster. However, this company has models whose price exceeds tens of thousands of rubles.

aquabot- premium vacuum cleaners. Average price of devices - from 50 thousand rubles.

And, perhaps, an option that is an excellent example of the price-quality ratio - products Intex. The price of manual models of this company starts from 3.5 - 4 thousand rubles. The Intex Automatic Vacuum Cleaner can be purchased for 6-7 thousand rubles.

Acquainted with photo And video specific models, and at the same time you can get an accurate idea of ​​their qualitative characteristics on official websites manufacturers.

Vacuum cleaner- a useful thing for the owner of the pool or other artificial reservoir. It's so nice to plunge clean, completely transparent water on a hot summer day, and in the evening - to sit nearby, admiring its overflows.

How to clean the bottom of the pool with a homemade vacuum cleaner tells This Video:

The problem of water purification is relevant to all owners of artificial reservoirs. There are many ways and methods, the use of which has a different degree of efficiency and labor costs. Pool cleaning can be mechanical (nets, filters, frequent water changes) or using special equipment for pools. The most budgetary and uncomplicated will be a do-it-yourself pool vacuum cleaner. It is quite easy to install and can be used even by an inexperienced user due to its safety and ease.

What is a Pool Vacuum Cleaner

This device is a conventional pump that recycles and purifies water at the same time. The pump contains several filters that purify the water. A hose is connected to the pump inlet, at the end of which there is a handle with a brush. This brush has holes for water intake with dirt.

Pool vacuum cleaner

The principle of operation of this device is the same as that of a conventional vacuum cleaner, with the difference that it sucks in water and not air.

The main types of vacuum cleaners for the pool

The use of chemicals (chlorine, ozone, ultraviolet, oxygen, etc.) requires special care, as it is fraught with negative consequences for the composition of the liquid, and in this way it is possible to get rid of not all types of contaminants. Distillation pumps are one of the expensive cleaning methods that can solve the problem of water pollution, but such equipment removes garbage poorly.

The most efficient and most in a simple way was the use of an underwater vacuum cleaner for the pool. By functional and design features There are three types of such equipment:

For small (children's) and medium volumes (10-20 cubic meters), a handheld vacuum cleaner will become the most affordable and relevant in terms of efficiency. Of course, it is available for purchase in a store for several hundred (thousand) dollars, but its device is so primitive that even a slightly experienced master is able to build a device, which reduces the cost of caring for a swimming pool several times.

How to assemble a pool vacuum cleaner with your own hands

The principle of operation of the device is that a person brushes over the surface of the balia (along the surface of the water, walls, bottom, steps), and the automatic device absorbs all the dirt and plaque. Dirty water passes through the hose to the pump, where it is cleaned using filters. There can be one or more filters, and in heavily polluted artificial reservoirs, several filters are used for one cleaning. Seems costly? Then count the number of cubes of water that will have to be poured out every two weeks so as not to turn a place for bathing people into a paddling pool. Yes, and you can cope with a yellow-brown coating only by washing all surfaces with chemicals. After them, only a specialist can say whether the pool is safe for swimming children.

Therefore, the manufacture of a handmade device has become almost a cult for private traders. Special skill and technical skills are not required.

Choosing materials for the manufacture of a vacuum cleaner

First, we determine what our nozzle for the bottom vacuum cleaner will be made of. There are several brush options:

  • a brush for cleaning furniture from a conventional vacuum cleaner (narrow and therefore ineffective);
  • production from a polypropylene pipe.

The first option can be used if there is no link to the duration of the cleaning process. But the second one - speeds up cleaning at times, but will require some time for installation.

For self-manufacturing nozzles will require a piece of polypropylene pipe 25-30 cm, sawn into two parts and a slit of 4 mm. Then these parts are inserted into the p.p. tee for plumbing and soldered. The remaining opening serves as a place for a pipe connecting the hose to the brush pump.

An important issue is the safety of use. Therefore, plugs must be installed on the slots, leveling the possibility of surface damage. All sharp edges are processed with emery, a file.

For better efficiency such a unit can also be improved with improvised materials by attaching it to self-tapping screws or gluing the gum of a car wiper, a narrow strip-brush. The glue is taken of high quality so that the structure does not fall apart upon contact with water.

The question of how to connect a pool vacuum cleaner with your own hands is solved by using a conventional plunger or a rubber sewer adapter, which are mounted to the water intake from a corrugated siphon hose. For convenience, a handle can also be made from a p.p. pipe.

How often should the pool be cleaned

In order for the cleaning process to be effective and not laborious, experts recommend that it be carried out at least once a week, starting from the walls, then moving to the water surface and to the waterline and bottom. Those pools that are covered at night are less polluted. And after each drain of water, it will not be superfluous to walk with a stiff brush over the surfaces using non-aggressive detergents.

A vacuum cleaner for cleaning the pool with your own hands is a guarantee of the health of all family members, a pleasant pastime and the aesthetics of the reservoir.

If you have a pool, you definitely need to clean it. Moreover, the quality of the installed filter does not affect this. Dirt, debris, fallen leaves, hair - all this gradually accumulates on the bottom and walls of any hydraulic structure. The most profitable way will be to produce. However, if it is not possible to purchase it, there is an option to make it yourself.

What methods are used to clean swimming pools?

In addition to using cleaning devices, there are many options for keeping your pool clean. The main ones include frequent replacement of water and cleaning filters. As a result, the water will contain fewer harmful microbes, and its quality will be higher. However, it is quite difficult to follow these rules, because ideally you need to change the water at least twice a week, or even more. It all depends on the degree of pollution and the size of the hydraulic structure.

Even the smallest pool can contain a huge amount of water, translating into numbers - up to tens of cubic meters. Therefore, it is not cost-effective to change the fluid so often. Okay, even with its consumption, but here's what to do with the water that you drain. So if you do not want to create a swamp with harmful microorganisms, a hand vacuum cleaner will remain the best way out.

Shows the cleaning process

You can use several more ways:

  1. There are special pumps with cleaning filters. Their work is aimed at cleaning directly the water. Depending on the device used, the degree of water purification will vary. In this way, you will kill harmful microorganisms that can live in a dirty environment.
  2. Second effective way is the use of chemicals. They also purify water at the cellular level. Getting rid of large debris in this way will not work.
  3. You can use very simple tools: a net and a brush. However, without a suction filter, dirt from the floor will not go away, but will only loosen on the surface. The net is good to use before working with a handheld vacuum cleaner to remove leaves and large debris.

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Thus, cleaning the pool no longer seems easy, which it might seem when buying.
In order to make a water vacuum cleaner for the pool with your own hands, you need to have an idea about its device.

The design of such a vacuum cleaner is shown

If we briefly and clearly describe the principle of operation of a handheld vacuum cleaner, then it boils down to the usual distillation of water with its passage through several filters. There is a main pump, it is he who pumps the water that enters the hose through the brush. Just thanks to the brush, all plaque on the walls and the field of the pool moves away from the surface and is sucked up by the filter.

Note. Depending on the level of pool contamination, you may need to change the cleaning filter several times. So evaluate the power of the device in advance and, if necessary, purchase additional filters.

For high-quality cleaning of the pool, walk through the places of pollution several times. Thus, you will get a greater effect.

6 rules, the observance of which will help to clean the pool less often:

  1. When you are not using the pool, make it a habit to cover it.
  2. Protect the pool from animals swimming in it. Also stick to the specific clothing you are swimming in.
  3. Use a net and collect large debris from the surface of the pool more often.
  4. Purchase a chemical solution that will prevent pests from accumulating in the water.
  5. Change the pool water at least once a week.
  6. Remember that cleaning a dry pool has a better effect. So remove the accumulated plaque from the sides of the hydraulic structure, after draining the water.

Block diagram of cleaning

DIY vacuum cleaner

Perhaps some of you have ever thought about how to make a pool vacuum cleaner with your own hands.

The first thing we'll start with is the brush. Its main purpose is to scrape off plaque from the surface of the pool. This is an important part of the job, as the filter itself will not be able to do this. There are two scenarios here. The first involves the creation of a brush from improvised means, because its device is very simple and does not require special materials. Or you can purchase this device from a store. Its cost is not high, so everyone can afford it.

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If you decide to start creating a brush yourself, then you need to know a few options on how to do this:

    1. The first way is to use a brush from the nozzle of a home vacuum cleaner. Surely you have at least one nozzle that you do not use. It can be connected to a hose. There is only one caveat - the size. Cleaning with it will take you a lot of time and effort.
    2. The second method involves the use of a polypropylene pipe. Take a short length, about 30 cm and cut it along the length. Divide the product into two parts and insert into a special tee, which is used to install plumbing at home. Soldering is indispensable here. We occupied two adapter holes. Now take another piece of pipe and insert it into the third free recess. It remains only to drown out the remaining pieces of pipe and voila! The brush is ready.
    3. This method involves the improvement of the second option. Here you need to add a couple of details, for example, a brush from the wipers on the car. Screw the brush onto the pipe and you're done.

A beautiful well-groomed pond with flowers growing along the banks, floating in clear water with silvery fish and pebbles sparkling in the sun, in a short time it can turn into a dirty swamp overgrown with mud, if it is not cleaned from time to time. There are several ways to rid the pond of debris and silt, for example, mechanical - but it takes a lot of time. Chemical technology will kill all living things in the water, the best option remains - use a pond vacuum cleaner, a special device for cleaning.

The name "vacuum cleaner" in this case is not entirely correct, since the unit has nothing to do with dust, but is named so by analogy with a household appliance. Like a home helper, it cleans the contaminated surface remarkably, but instead of floor coverings and upholstered furniture, it serves the bottom of the reservoir, methodically removing silt and small debris. Thanks to the simple operation of the water device, the underwater part of the pond takes on a well-groomed appearance, the water becomes transparent, and from the shore you can watch for a long time active life aquatic inhabitants.

If we take into account the degree of human participation in the management of a water vacuum cleaner, then all known models can be divided into three groups: manual, semi-automatic and independent machines.

Manual control - a budget option

The main driving force behind a handheld vacuum cleaner is its owner. He chooses a site for cleaning and independently, but with the help of a device, removes dirt and silt. The simplest models are ideal for small ponds, since the length of the rod is strictly fixed.

Manual pond cleaning can be a great outdoor activity: a couple of hours on fresh air will strengthen the body, and the pond will get a great look

A manual water vacuum cleaner for a pond has a standard set of parts in its kit:

  • telescopic rod made of durable plastic or aluminum;
  • corrugated hose;
  • several nozzles (garbage net, bottom brush).

All components are assembled and connected to a garden hose. The jet under pressure washes away the bottom silt and raises the mud up. For complete cleansing pond equipment is connected to a special filter. The purified water is returned back to the pond, and the dirt remains in a special bag. In this way, sediment can be removed from the bottom, walls of the pond and decorative objects in it: stones, fountain parts, water decorations. Light debris - leaves, dry twigs, grass - usually keeps on the surface, a net is provided specially for it. The nozzle with a mesh is attached instead of a brush at the end of the rod, and you can slowly remove all the excess that floats in the pond.

Advantages of manual models:

  • ease of assembly and use;
  • budget cost;
  • the opportunity to once again enjoy communication with nature.

Disadvantages are important for people who are short of time: manual work will take more than one hour, and it will have to be repeated with a certain regularity.

Some models of handheld vacuum cleaners have vacuum nozzles that suck up debris raised from the bottom and deliver it to a special tank.

Semiautomatic: process control

Any automatic intervention is another convenience and additional help to a person. Externally, semi-automatic water vacuum cleaners are distinguished by a nozzle - a more complex and functional vacuum brush. In addition, the devices are designed in such a way that you can adjust the speed of the passing water flow. Most vacuum models are a middle link between an elementary manual brush and an autonomous robot vacuum cleaner. The pneumatic system and filtration equipment ensure the uninterrupted operation of the apparatus, which moves randomly along the bottom, collecting silt and dirt. A special membrane suction cup holds the nozzle in one place, then moves to another.

Brush nozzles for semi-automatic water machines differ from manual counterparts. They are made of elastic material, thanks to which the nozzle literally sticks to the surface, clearing it of silt.

The advantage of purchasing a semi-automatic device is the ability to use it in ponds of various shapes and sizes. When installing, consider the need to connect to a skimmer or a garbage bag. Cleaning is much faster than by hand, but control over the operation of the equipment is still necessary. You can easily adjust the bottom processing speed, which is controlled by a special valve. The semi-automatic does an excellent job of cleaning recesses and places that are difficult to reach manually. Naturally, the cost of vacuum models is higher than manual vacuum cleaners.

Modern robotic vacuum cleaners

There are many reasons to buy an autonomous vacuum cleaner for high-quality cleaning of the pond, which is commonly called a robot. Compact and beautiful models appearance and in the way of adjustment they resemble children's radio-controlled cars - they are just as bright, functional and original. Moreover, they are more independent than toys, and absolutely do not need active human intervention.

There are two main ways to control underwater robots. The first is good when the bottom of the pond is even, does not have complex irregularities and bends. After switching on, the device operates strictly according to a given program, carefully examining the entire bottom and walls. The program is stored in the device's memory, and next time it will purge again along the same route. The second method is optimal for the bottom with depressions and hills. The vacuum cleaner is directed by means of the remote control to the desired areas, and the time spent in the desired, difficult-to-clean place is also regulated.

Not only brushes, but the entire electronic filling is under water. The range of the device is limited by the length of the electric cable. In a skimmer or other additional equipment the robot does not need, the filtration system and the garbage container are inside it. After each cleaning procedure, the vacuum cleaner must be cleaned, especially its filter.

Most robotic vacuum cleaners are designed for cleaning pools, however, they do an excellent job of cleaning ponds, which are characterized by a flat bottom and walls.

Easy to use, convenient and reliable, robotic vacuum cleaners quickly won the love of summer residents. The price of automatic machines is high, therefore, with all their advantages, the purchase of underwater toys is not affordable for everyone.

Brief overview of popular brands

The Czech company Mountfield specializes in manual models. Skimmer connection kits are sold disassembled and include at least a telescopic tube holder (2.5-4.8 m), a corrugated hose of various lengths and a brush attachment. The length of the hose may vary, but on average it is 9 m or 12 m. The cost of the kit is 3,500 rubles.

Parts of the Mountfield kit are sold separately, so if the telescopic rod, hose or nozzle fails, they can be easily replaced with similar ones.

Option #2 - Pondovac Classic

Owners of picturesque ponds are probably familiar with German Oase pond cleaners. For the most part, these are universal machines that serve for cleaning both ponds and premises.

The 1400 W Classic model has a large waste container (27 l) and a large set of nozzles, including handy tools especially for cleaning depressions and crevices or cleaning threadlike algae. The device is equipped with two hoses: for suction of water (4 m) and for draining (2 m). The vacuum cleaner has proven itself when working at a depth of up to 2 m. The cost of the device is 11,600 rubles.

Pondovac Classic is a favorite of practical Germans. In summer it is a great helper when cleaning the pond, in winter it is an excellent washing vacuum cleaner for the home, powerful and comfortable to use.

Option #3 – Dolphin Galaxy

The Israeli company Maytronics produces quite expensive, but high-quality and reliable robotic vacuum cleaners. One of the relatively inexpensive ones is the Dolphin Galaxy, ideal for ponds with a flat, even bottom. The specially shaped combination brush (40 cm wide) perfectly cleans both the bottom and the corners. The device is equipped with a fine filter that retains particles of debris and dirt up to 70 microns. The cost is 41,000 rubles.

The Dolphin Galaxy Robot Vacuum Cleaner scans the bottom area for cleaning on its own, and is able to clean a small pond in just two and a half hours.

The choice of a water vacuum cleaner depends on the availability of free time, the desire to spend more time outdoors and, of course, on material resources.

Craftsmen can make a pool vacuum cleaner with their own hands by converting several parts from a conventional dust suction unit. Without this equipment, it is impossible to keep a large stationary font clean. The need for a water vacuum cleaner is eliminated if the font is small, and the water in it is often changed.

Why you need a water vacuum cleaner for the pool

Water is not only closed, but also outdoor pools gets dirty over time. If large debris is easy to catch with a net, then dust and sand cannot be removed. Pollutants make the water cloudy, sink to the bottom and walls of the font. It is often impossible to drain tons of water in order to wash the bowl from dirt. This is where a vacuum cleaner comes in handy. The unit helps to clear mud accumulations without draining water from the pool.

Special nozzles are convenient to use on flat and embossed surfaces. In addition to the bottom and walls, the steps of the pool are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. The device copes well with mold in case of water bloom.

How does a pool vacuum cleaner work?

The principle of operation of all water vacuum cleaners is the same. The device sucks up dirt with water, passes it through the filter, and dumps clean water into the pool. However, due to the different device models, there are small nuances. Automated robots are independent. The unit is simply immersed in water, where it cleans itself. The manual vacuum cleaner for the pool has the same principle of operation, but the connection is different. The hose is connected to the skimmer at one end, and a brush is put on the other end. By the name of the device it is already clear that it will have to be controlled manually.

Important! The nozzles of any vacuum cleaner gently treat the surface of the bowl. The device can clean not only concrete, but also frame, inflatable fonts.

Types of vacuum cleaners for cleaning the pool

On sale are devices of different capacities, designs, manufacturers, but this is not their main difference. The main type of water vacuum cleaners is the control method.

Handheld vacuum cleaners are considered the easiest to operate and affordable. The unit is distinguished by its simple design, where a hose with a nozzle is connected to the filter. Any craftsman can assemble a handheld vacuum cleaner. Most of the components are used from a conventional dust suction apparatus.

Usually, all handheld vacuum cleaners are equipped with two nozzles. The brush helps to free the bottom and walls of the pool from settled dirt. The net helps to collect floating large debris from the surface of the water.

Advice! A handheld vacuum cleaner is convenient for do-it-yourself maintenance of small frame and inflatable fonts.

The semiautomatic device has become a middle link between a robot and a handheld vacuum cleaner. Management is similar to manual, but due to additional automatic functions, the quality of pool cleaning is improved. Semi-automatic devices have a valve that independently sets the optimal water flow rate. The contaminated unit is easily washed. The design of the brush is different. In a semi-automatic device, it is more complicated, due to which the unit copes better with cleaning the font.

Water devices of this type are equipped with a hydraulic unit. Its design provides for the presence of a membrane that serves as a suction cup. When the vacuum cleaner finishes cleaning the dirt in one place, the membrane comes off the surface of the bowl. The nozzle with the help of gentle bouncing moves to another contaminated area.

Advice! Semi-automatic is suitable for cleaning stationary, inflatable and frame pool medium volumes with different bottom shapes.

Automata are also called robots. Pool vacuum cleaner does not need human assistance. The unit performs all actions itself. The advantage is the fact that the robot does not require connection to a skimmer. The vacuum cleaner is completely submerged under water, moves independently, performs the cleaning functions specified by the program. During operation, the device consumes little power.

Typically, robots have two modes of operation. The first program is aimed at normal cleaning. The vacuum cleaner independently cleans the font from dirt, and after completion of work it turns off. The second mode uses the remote control. Manual setting of programs during operation allows you to remove heavy pollution of the pool with a complex bottom surface.

Advice! Robots are best used for cleaning large stationary pools.

How to make a water vacuum cleaner for the pool with your own hands

Exist different variants assembly of homemade units. Often, a hose and a brush from a conventional vacuum cleaner are used as nozzles. Two designs are considered a good option: one is designed for do-it-yourself cleaning of large debris, and the other is silt.

If the font is in the open air, the water is often polluted with grass, fallen leaves, and insects. In this situation, it is better to assemble a water vacuum cleaner for the pool with your own hands with a bag that allows you to collect large debris.

Of the materials, you will need shaped elements from a plastic sewer: a 90 or 45 degree elbow, 50 mm in diameter, a piece of pipe, 30 cm long and 100 mm in diameter, an adapter from 50 to 100 mm in diameter for a homemade brush. For the hose, a corrugated sleeve is used, connected to the washbasin siphon. The working unit will be a filter pump, which must be bought in a store.

After preparing all the materials, they begin to assemble a bottom vacuum cleaner for the pool with their own hands, following the steps of the step-by-step instructions:

  1. A bag for collecting garbage is sewn from a dense fabric with your own hands. The material must pass water well. A piece of an old nylon curtain without holes will do. The resulting cone-shaped bag is inserted inside plastic pipe 100 mm in diameter. From the input side, it is fixed with a sealing rubber ring.

  2. The next step is to make a brush with your own hands. The body of the element is an adapter from a plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm to a similar pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. The larger end of the shaped element is cut at a slight angle. So that the edges of the plastic do not scratch the bottom of the pool, foam rubber sponges are glued. The soft material will scrape off the mucus. To remove hard dirt, the edges of the adapter cut at an angle are framed with a linoleum ring. lower part the frames are cut into strips to form a brush.

  3. They assemble a vacuum cleaner for a frame pool with their own hands using shaped elements. The brush is connected with an adapter and taps to one end of the pipe with a bag. An adapter with a tap is similarly placed on the second end.

In the final, it remains to connect one end of the corrugated hose to the outlet, and connect the other to the pump. The vacuum cleaner for cleaning the pool is ready. However, due to the lack of a handle, it will have to be held by a thick pipe during cleaning. Vacuum cleaner is convenient to clean small inflatable pools up to 75 cm deep.

Advice! A similar design will turn out a vacuum cleaner from plastic bottle, where the container is used instead of a piece of thick pipe. However, this design has a drawback. The soft walls of the bottle can be wrinkled during operation, which complicates cleaning.

If the pool is located under cover, leaves and grass do not get into it. To remove sludge, a simplified vacuum cleaner is assembled. From the materials you will need a brush from a conventional dust suction apparatus, a corrugated hose, a pump, as well as a piece of polypropylene pipe 1 m long.

The tube is used for the handle. Its length is best calculated taking into account the height of a person. However, it is impossible to exceed the parameter of 1.2 m. The long handle will bend while cleaning the pool. The vacuum cleaner will become inconvenient to use.

After preparing all the materials, a homemade pool vacuum cleaner is assembled in the following sequence:

The vacuum cleaner according to the second scheme is easy to assemble with your own hands. It is suitable for cleaning a stationary, inflatable and frame pool, but it cannot suck up large debris.

In the video, a do-it-yourself pool vacuum cleaner:

How to properly use a pool cleaner

The easiest way to clean robots. The vacuum cleaner is given a program, connected to the mains, the start button is turned on, and it is immersed in the pool. Due to rotating rollers, a special form of hard brushes, the device moves independently, gets to hard-to-reach places, and cleans dirt. If the route is difficult, the program is switched to remote control.

Most manufacturers equip their vacuum cleaners with several modes that have a set of certain standard functions. The user only needs to make a choice and toggle the switch. The type of mode is usually chosen taking into account the type of finish of the bowl, the degree of pollution, and the design of the font.

Robots are equipped with sensors. If the vacuum cleaner stumbles upon an obstacle, it analyzes the situation, chooses the direction for further movement. Most of all modern machines are battery operated. Vacuum cleaners are silent, adhere well to the walls of the font due to the flow of water constantly passing through the filter. Robots perfectly clean dirt from tiles, mosaics, concrete, PVC finishes.

Easy assembly instructions for a manual or semi-automatic vacuum cleaner. The unit consists of a working nozzle-brush, a sliding handle and a corrugated hose. All elements are connected, connected to the pump. During the cleaning process, the water passes through the filter and the purified water returns to the pool. There are vacuum cleaner models with a built-in filter, as well as an autonomous pump for pumping water.

For most handheld devices, the assembly order is the same. First, a hose is connected to the brush inlet. A telescopic handle is fixed to the second bracket on the nozzle body surface. It is laid out to the desired length, allowing you to get to the place of contamination.

The free end of the hose can be connected to three places, depending on the type of system:

  • to the skimmer adapter;
  • to the branch pipe connected to the opening of the skimmer;
  • to the branch pipe connected before the inlet of the overflow type font adapter.

After connecting all the elements, the working part is immersed in the pool. The hoses are completely filled with water. Check for the absence of air inside the system. Immediately adjust the required length of the rod and hose. If the skimmer is built-in type, then the cover is removed from it. All other types of skimmer are closed with a plug. The filter is turned on for the main cleaning mode, they begin to brush along the bottom and walls of the pool. If the water is heavily polluted, there is no point in running it through the filter. He will get killed quickly. The valve is switched to drain mode. The free end of the hose is sent to the sewer, where large accumulations of sludge collected by their own hands in the pool are removed. If necessary, the font is replenished with clean water.

At the end of cleaning, the vacuum cleaner is turned off. The hose is disconnected from the skimmer. After stopping the pump, wash out the skimmer baskets. The filter switch is placed in the backwash position, the pump is started. The procedure continues until the dirty stream is replaced by clean water. The pump is stopped, and after a short period of time it is restarted for 1 minute. After cleaning, the pool system is started to work in daily mode.


It is not difficult to assemble a pool vacuum cleaner with your own hands, but its performance is inferior to factory-made devices. To improve the quality of cleaning, it is better to fork out for a quality unit.