German and Russian tracks. Horses of the Trakehner breed: origin, description of the exterior Stallion of the Trakehner breed

Trakehner horse was bred in the 18th century in East Prussia. It got its name from the first stud farm, where it was bred - Trakenen. This breed is the only one that has not been mixed with others. It is ideal for riding. Previously, the horse was widely used in cavalry, now it has found application in equestrian sports.

Gait Trakehner horse breeds does not leave indifferent connoisseurs of beauty in motion. The horses are very jumping and beautiful, they create an aristocratic impression.

They are brave, hardy and well trainable. Main colors of trakehner horses: red, bay, black and gray. Roan and karakov are much less common.

The Trakehner horse is quite tall, with an elegant dryness and regular lines. Her height reaches 168 cm. The head is perfectly shaped with a wide forehead and expressive eyes.

The profile is often slightly concave, but it can also be straight. It has a long, thin, slightly conical neck. It passes into a muscular withers and obliquely set shoulder blades, ending slender body oval croup. The breed is very beautiful strong legs with large hooves covered with a dense horn. Words are difficult describe all the beauty trakehner horse.

A real thoroughbred horse is stigmatized in Germany. On his left thigh he has an image of horns. This tradition has been going on since 1732, when this breed was first bred.

Crossing took place between Zhmud mares and oriental horses, and then they added knightly stallions that participated in the Crusades. They came to Russia for the needs of the Budyonny cavalry in the first half of the 20th century.

Second World War almost wiped out this one of the the most beautiful breeds. But thanks to Germany, this did not happen. Until now, she remains the leader in breeding Trakehner horses. She is assisted by Denmark, France, Poland and Russia. But to get into the stud book, the mares go through the most severe selection, where their certain parameters are evaluated.

Stallions are subject to more stringent requirements, which allow them to become producers of only 3% of all existing ones, it does not matter what colourtrakehner horse.

Care and price of the Trakehner horse

All feeding utensils must be heat treated and kept clean at all times. There is always enough clean drinking water in the stall. You need to change it at least once a day, more often in summer. After eating, some time must pass before the Trakehner horse goes for a walk or for training. Before the competition, the diet of the horse must be adjusted.

Reproduction and life expectancy of the Trakehner horse

The life expectancy of Trakehner horses is on average 30-35 years. Puberty occurs at the age of two years, but breeders wait 3-4 years for the body to mature completely.

This breed is bred, as a rule, with the help of artificial insemination. This is carried out at the time of seasonal hunting in mares. The gestation period lasts from 320 to 360 days, during which time the mare becomes calm and cautious. Her belly is rounded only in the second half of pregnancy.

During this time, she should have active walks. During foaling, she becomes restless: she lies down, then rises again. The duration of the birth itself is small, about 20 minutes.

The foal is born wet and the mother starts to lick it. The very next day he can go out into the yard with the mare. A month later, the foal, in addition to milk, receives some vegetables. Six months old, he is weaned from his mother and transferred to a personal stall.

Prussia is considered the birthplace of the Trakehner horse. Unlike other riding horses, these sports animals occupy a leading position. Rare traits were obtained through selection from an Arabian thoroughbred horse. These horses are considered noble and elegant. They have incredible physical force and endurance. Fans of sports horses highly appreciated the German breed.

Since ancient times, these animals were intended for combat purposes and were used in the Prussian cavalry troops. Due to their courage, determination and long marches, many battles were won.

Origin of the breed

East Prussian breeders have invested a lot of work in breeding the Trakehner riding horse, which was distinguished by high rates of endurance and strength. The original purpose was to create lightning-fast shock cavalry.

Specialists of the past did notable work and crossed a purebred Middle Eastern male with a Zhmud mare. After a short time, for the purpose of further selection, a knightly noble horse was used, which diluted the blood of the new bred breed. Such brave knightly horses were only among the Teutons who participated in the crusade wars.

In the second half of the 13th century, German breeders built at least 25 special farms that were intended for breeding Trakehner horses. In the same place, individuals were modernized by further crossing. Then the horses had to learn how to ride and harness.

Important! Official documents on the origin of the breed say that the date of the appearance of the Trakenen is 1732.

Trakehners began to develop for other purposes when Frederick the First became king. The ruler wanted to create a truly powerful and invincible cavalry, but in order to achieve the goal, it was necessary to find a special rare breed. This was the impetus for the construction of the main stud farm in the 19th century. This horse breeding farm had a special status, and the specialists of this enterprise were supposed to be engaged in the following activities:

  • increased endurance and strength;
  • upgrading to perform complex military operations;
  • to give the animal increased draft qualities.

Then the breeders came to the conclusion that it is necessary to diversify the genetics with the help of Danish, Middle Eastern and English specimens. At the end of the first half of the 19th century, a special brand was applied to the right hips of Trakehner individuals in the form of seven tips on an elk horn. The delighted aristocratic stratum of the country began to massively buy these horses, even several individuals at a time. Then the Trakehner horses began to gain great popularity outside the state.

Gallery: Trakehner sports horse breeds (25 photos)

Horses appeared in the USSR in 1920 and were immediately used for internecine wars. German Trakehners were unable to adapt to the harsh local climate, and improper maintenance caused them to fail to take root.

Then, at the end of World War II (1945), repeated attempts began to adapt the Trakehner horse to local conditions. The workers built a special stud farm named after Kirov. Specialists searched for German horses in all corners of the USSR, but the choice fell on those that had a legendary mark on their hips. Marshal Budyonny was very fond of horses and was well versed in information about a particular breed, which is why he led the management of organized events.

Important! During the reign of Nikita Khrushchev, a new tragedy happened. By his order to disband the cavalry, there was a large-scale destruction of horse breeding farms. But due to their sporting characteristics, Trakehner horses did not completely disappear and could be used for competitions.

During the collapse of the USSR An organization called the Trakehner Horse Breeding Association was created. There, in 1997, the brand was changed to a double seven-pointed horn in the form of the letter “K”. In the Russian horse breeding activity, the Trakehner breed was recognized as one of the best.

To date, there are several large enterprises and one of them is the Kirov stud farm, and until that time the Trakenen stud farm, which was located in the Kaliningrad region, was famous. But now the place has been rebuilt for cattle breeding, and only the palace and the gate serve as a reminder of the horses. Breeding is carried out in the Kaliningrad, Ryazan and Moscow regions. At the enterprises, in parallel, they breed horseback Hanoverian horses and Russian trakens, for example:

  1. Dumpfross-Hyperion.
  2. Ararad.
  3. Pilger.
  4. Parsival.
  5. Dumpfross-Pythagoras.

Feature and description

Throughout the time, specialists have bred a truly fantastic horse that has brilliant qualities.

Exterior of Trakehner horses:

Tracker standard parameters:

  1. The height of the horse reaches 179 cm.
  2. Weight ranges from 440 to 550 kg.

At the horseback draft horse quite powerful and long legs, correctly set, and strong joints. The shape of the hooves is correct and aesthetic, with a beautiful hoof horn. They are quite large in size.

Trakens are distinguished by this suit:

  • grey;
  • bay;
  • black;
  • redheads.

Advantages German breed:

Trakehner horses are very obedient and easy to train. Such excellent qualities are truly excellent, and not all other specimens can boast of them. In a variety of situations, these German horses remain faithful to their master to the last.

What is Traken used for?

In the modern era, the Trakehner horse breed is used in sports direction. But, in addition to sports, due to the calm nature and high physical performance, geldings are also used in other areas of activity. Such a horse is an ideal assistant, it was for these purposes that the creation of horses was carried out.

Trakehner horses take part in various sports competitions. They very often achieve success and take first place. From the point of view of many horse lovers and traken fans, geldings are especially distinguished from their counterparts due to their incredibly light gait. Animals have long legs and when running rhythmically, they take wide steps, respectively, they surpass most breeds in speed.

For many centuries, horses have been used in the rural industry. It is not difficult for animals to complete this or that task, since they can concentrate on the goal, and their excellent physical data allow them to easily carry a large load. These skills make trakens versatile, graceful, and strong. They handle long physical exertion, hard work with ease and are ideal for riding.

Trakehnen breeding

When breeding a German horse breed, you do not need to spend a lot of time and pay a lot of attention, since they require minimal labor-intensive care. Basically, such horses are picky, and the principle of their maintenance is the same as in other species:

  • preventive examination;
  • proper diet;
  • long walking on the field in the season of spring and summer;
  • regular feeding and disinfection;
  • construction of a dry, warm and comfortable stall.

Need to know! A purebred Trakehner should not be mated with other types of horses.

Legendary sports records and achievements

The Trakehner horse is suitable for both professional and beginner riders. Not many horses of other varieties are predisposed to this. The Germans are very proud of their brilliant horses and will always remember the achievements:

At that time, Adolf Hitler was fascinated by trakens and wanted to show the whole world that these animals are the best and symbolize the superiority of the Aryan race in all areas of activity. In Berlin in 1936, the Olympic Games were held, in which professional riders from 21 countries participated, but the German horses surpassed everyone and won many sports competitions, achieving the highest awards.

Famous achievements of the Trakehner horses:

  1. In organized races, where the Vityaz traken took part, he received many prizes and delighted the public. Horse racing has been assigned high level difficulties, this is due to the fact that it was necessary to overcome a long way, and the third part of the road was plowed land. In addition, there were various difficult obstacles on the route to be overcome.
  2. In 1980, the Olympic Games were held, and riders who chose German trakens won numerous prizes. But only the horse Carpet was able to get the highest prize for the high jump.
  3. The legendary horse Abdulla from the Trakehner breed is still considered one of the famous. The gelding was gray and represented the United States of America. For a team performance, the rider Konrad Homfeld was awarded Golden medal, and the second place was won by Olympic Games held in 1984. The prize was received for individual performance. A year later, at the World Cup, Konrad on his stallion was able to take first place.
  4. A horse named Ashes is an equally famous traken. At the World Championships, which took place in 1970, Elena Tereshkova, thanks to the horse, achieved the highest award. Some time later on Olympic competition, which took place in Munich, took second place.
  5. In 1965, an English royal exhibition was organized, and the Arithmometer in the gunter class was awarded the title of champion. By the way, Pepel and Arithmometer came from the same stud farm.

On a significant date (the 200th anniversary of the Trakenen), the famous monument to Tempelhüter was made by the sculptor R. Kuebart. Of all the representatives of the Trakehner horses, this horse is considered the standard. The sculpture was created according to realistic parameters and installed on the square in front of the Trakehner castle.

Curious fact! Due to personal donations by horse lovers, a slightly smaller copy was made in 2013, the monument was installed on a pedestal.

Only at the end of 1940, on the orders of Marshal Budyonny, the sculpture was reinstalled in Moscow, or rather, in the Timiryazev Academy (horse breeding museum). Until 1990, many locals and tourists came to look at the created masterpiece, but later the memorial sculpture was significantly damaged by some intruders. Then the museum organized an event for the restoration of the monument and its reinstallation into the premises.

Attention, only TODAY!

The Trakehner horse breed is very popular among horse breeders around the world. Such horses participate with great success in various equestrian competitions, and only representatives of a single breed are used to obtain these horses.

Today we will talk about the history of the origin of this beautiful breed, talk about the appearance and character of the Trakehner horses, discuss the features of caring for them and the rules for keeping them.

For the first time, such horses appeared in the small village of Trakena, where horse breeding was founded. A huge number of horses of different breeds were brought there. The main task was to cross the most viable, strong animals among themselves.

When crossing, the following breeds were used:

  • Persian;
  • Spanish;
  • Arabic;
  • Barbary.

The breeders wanted to create the most maneuverable horses that would be suitable for moving troops. Mainly used fast horses. As a result, a breed was created that met all the requirements. Animals began to be used not only for military purposes, but also in various tournaments that took place on the territory of Prussia. Trakens after a while became the wearing favorites of the races. They were purchased only by influential people.

With the process of rapid development of technological progress, the need to move on horseback has disappeared. Horse breeding is no longer funded by the state, and such an industry has completely passed into private ownership. Riding horses began to be perceived as entertainment.

During the Second World War, the breed, once considered the property of the country, practically disappeared. The authorities completely stopped financing stud farms, and the Trakehner horses could only survive thanks to the efforts of horse breeding enthusiasts. In the early 60s, Trakens began to be actively bred for sports competitions. Horses have shown impressive results in world tournaments. Now they are bred in Germany and other European countries.

Description of the breed

Traken horses are still used in equestrian sports. Horses have endurance, courage, make truly impressive jumps. Trakens are highly trainable.

The most common colors of such horses are:

  • crow
  • bay;
  • ginger;
  • grey.

The horses are quite tall, about 167 cm, the body has smooth curves. The head is correct, even in shape, the forehead is massive, the eyes are expressive. The horse has an elongated neck. The croup is oval. The legs are strong, the hooves are large. Thanks to these qualities, trakens look like real aristocratic horses.

Purebred animals at German stud farms have long been branded on the left thigh - it depicts the antlers of an elk. The most serious requirements are imposed on stallions, which are used for further breeding. At the same time, the suit of the horse does not matter, the character is more important.

The nature of the Trakehner horses

Trakens are noble and patient horses. Their character goes well with impeccable appearance. There are several other characteristic features of the breed:

  • calm, but characterized by good mobility;
  • hardy and able-bodied;
  • show courage;
  • respond to human commands.

It is not difficult to train Trakehner horses, they are quite smart, they quickly learn new skills. For its owner, such a horse can become a true friend. Trakens are able to catch even changes in a person's mood.

For such animals, it is necessary to create special living conditions. They will need to be shod, bathed, combed.

Table 2. Horse cleaning process

It is important to position the animal comfortably.
If the horse is constantly in the case, then it will need to be removed. Next, with a brush, gently comb the mane.
Then you need to treat the tail with conditioner and comb it.
After that, it is necessary to comb the entire body of the horse with a brush with frequent teeth.
Remaining dirt should be removed with a brush with long bristles.

During the summer, it is important for horses to ensure frequent bathing. Such procedures can be carried out even on the street. However, after bathing, the horse is wiped dry. It is necessary to clean the animal before each walk. Every month, horses need to be examined by a veterinarian. Sick animals are isolated in a separate stable.

It is also necessary to examine the animal yourself. Horses will need to brush their teeth, cut down their sharp parts if necessary. For the purpose of prevention, they are given antihelminthic drugs several times a year. It is important to watch for any uncharacteristic changes in the horse's behavior.


  1. Although such horses have impressive growth, they have a rather miniature stomach. Therefore, they are fed in small portions, but often.
  2. The horse has a constant need to chew something. Therefore, plant foods must be included in their diet. This diet will help you avoid digestive problems.
  3. It is important to ensure constant access to water. It is recommended to give animals settled or filtered water. It needs to be changed once a day. In the summer you will need to do this more often. Drinkers should be washed and disinfected periodically.
  4. New feeds are introduced into the menu gradually. This is done so that the stomach gets used to such food.
  5. Only high quality food should be chosen. It is strictly forbidden to give animals rotten food with mold. Food should only be stored in clean, dry rooms.
  6. The amount of food depends on the load of the horse. After a long workout, he needs enhanced nutrition.
  7. After eating, the horse should rest for about 2 hours. And only after it can be taken to training or racing.

When feeding horses, grain mixtures, dry grass, and special compound feed are used. For the full development of horses, it is required to add supplements based on vitamins and minerals to food. Protein Supplements necessary for horses only during preparation for competitions. The amount of complementary foods is calculated depending on the size of the animal.

Breeding and lifespan of horses

The average life expectancy of horses is just over 30 years. They are ready for breeding at 2 years old. However, breeders recommend breeding them only at 3-4 years. Because the body of the animal must normally get stronger in order to reproduce healthy offspring.

Usually mares are artificially inseminated. The total duration of pregnancy is 325-365 days. During this period, the horse is especially calm, it needs occasional walks. The duration of labor activity is 15-20 minutes.

Already on the 2nd day after birth, the foal goes for a walk on its own. He feeds on mother's milk. But, after a month, green food is included in his diet. By the age of 6 months, he is moved to a separate stall.

Trakehner breed in Russia

Horses were first brought to Russia in the 1920s. They immediately began to be used to move troops. After that, Russian horse breeders began to make attempts to breed such a breed. However, they were unsuccessful. All mares had spontaneous abortions. The reason for this disease was the wrong conditions of detention.

However, after the end of the Second World War, Rostov breeders again started breeding the breed. This time everything was successful. The stud farm is still functioning, producing animals with high pedigree qualities.

Video - A detailed description of the Trakehner horse

Cost of Trakehner horses

Since such horses are used in equestrian sports, their cost is quite high. Purebred animals have a higher price.

Too low a price for a horse of this breed should alert. There is a high probability of acquiring an old and sick animal. When selling a horse, a health certificate must be attached to each horse.

Summing up

Even true connoisseurs of various breeds of horses appreciate the qualities of trakens. Horses to this day participate in equestrian competitions, they have perfectly taken root in Russia.

One of the most ancient breeds of horses is the Trakehner. The first mention of its representatives dates back to the beginning of the 13th century. At that time, the horse was the only fast means of transportation. In addition, these animals were actively used in military campaigns, as they were distinguished by amazing endurance and courage, but at the same time they could develop quite a lot of speed.

The Trakehner breed of horses is very in demand in modern world. In this article, we will consider the history of the development of the breed, the features of the appearance and character of horses, as well as the main features of their maintenance and feeding.

Trakehner breed of horses: origin

The formation of the Trakehner breed to its modern form took several centuries. Prussia (modern Germany) is considered the birthplace of these beautiful noble animals.

According to historical facts, the knights of the Teutonic Order, who conquered East Prussia in the 13th century, were engaged in breeding the breed. It was they who began to cross mares and stallions of various breeds in order to get a fast, hardy and unpretentious horse intended for military campaigns. As a result of the mating of noble eastern stallions with hardy Zhmud mares, the Trakehner breed was obtained, which only developed and improved in the future.

Note: By the end of the 13th century, the Teutonic Order had about 30 specialized stud farms, which contained about 14 thousand animals. They were used for breeding purposes.

Despite these historical facts, 1732 is considered the official date of creation of the breed. It was at this time that the Prussian king Frederick I organized a separate stud farm, and a hundred years later his follower placed a similar enterprise on drained swamps near the Gross Trakenen estate (modern Kaliningrad region). Such a decision can be safely called fateful, because earlier horses for military needs were purchased outside the state, but after the formation of the stud farm, they began to breed a hardy and fast breed in its modern form. However, financial problems, and later military operations, did not allow the plan to be completed. Only under the rule of Frederick II the Great, the stud farm received colossal support from the state.

It is worth noting that the Prussian king set himself a very ambitious goal: to create the most beautiful, hardy and fast breed in the country. For this, the stud farm purchased Arabian stallions, which were used in breeding work.

Note: As a result, horses were obtained, which were distinguished by an amazing speed for those times: one individual could run a distance of 40 km in just 2 hours, which is 30 minutes faster than representatives of other breeds.

A slight decline in breeding work began in 1806, when Napoleon's troops captured Prussia. A few years later, all the animals were evacuated to Russia, and only after the defeat of the troops of the French commander did the real flowering of the breed come. Its representatives participated in prestigious royal races, and almost every Prussian horse had at least a minimal admixture of the Trakehner breed.

Picture 1. External features modern representatives of the breed

During the Second World War, Trakehner horses almost completely disappeared, as most of the livestock died during the bombing. But, after the end of the war, breeding work resumed in West Germany.

It should be noted that the final formation of the breed was completed only in the middle of the 20th century. The development of technology, the emergence of modern vehicles and agricultural machinery, horses have become unclaimed. Therefore, all breeding work was aimed at turning representatives of the breed into beautiful and fast sports horses. IN this moment breeding is carried out in Russia, the USA and many European countries (Figure 1).

Trakehner horses: exterior and photo

Trakehner horses are considered quite tall. The height of an adult individual can be from 162 to 168 cm. At the same time, according to external data, the animals are most similar to a thoroughbred riding breed (Figure 2).

Note: The color of animals does not play a key role in purebred selection, since the characteristic representatives of the species can be bay, black, caracal or red. Occasionally come across animals of gray color.

True connoisseurs of horses recognize that its noble appearance is largely due to the shape and location of the head. It is very graceful, dry, with a straight, rarely concave profile. In addition, the animals have a wide forehead and large intelligent eyes.

There are other exterior features that are typical for trakenents:

  1. The neck is long and has a conical shape, while the chest is quite wide, and the body is powerful, albeit somewhat elongated.
  2. The withers are strongly muscled, the croup has an oval shape, and the shoulders are set obliquely.
  3. Representatives of the breed are characterized by the correct setting of the legs with pronounced joints and well-developed muscles.

In addition, a characteristic feature of the breed is in large hooves with a dense hoof horn.

Despite the fact that the above characteristics indicate the strength and endurance of animals, it is impossible to call these horses clumsy. With all their strength and endurance, they are able to develop high speed, they look very beautiful and noble when performing jumps and various tricks, and when moving at a step or trot, they are distinguished by ease of movement and a wide step.

Figure 2. Features of the exterior of animals

Separately, one should dwell on the nature of animals. Since the Trakehner breed belongs to warm-blooded species, its representatives combine in their character absolutely opposite, at first glance, qualities. In particular, they are very bold and determined, but at the same time they have softness and complaisance in training.

These amazing animals have many positive qualities. They are extremely active, distinguished by high performance and endurance, but at the same time they are extremely obedient, noble and easily make contact with a person.

Sports characteristics of the Trakehner breed of horses

In the previous sections, we have already mentioned that the breed was originally bred for military needs, but in the middle of the last century, their use in this area became irrelevant. Fortunately, the breed has not disappeared, but rather has been adapted to new needs.

Note: The breed was under the greatest threat during the years of World War II. At that time, most of the livestock died, but the remaining animals, thanks to their strength and endurance, nevertheless survived the terrible years.

Since the Trakehner horses were originally bred for the needs of the cavalry, in the modern world they are used in various sports competitions (Figure 3). Very often prizes go to these animals. Connoisseurs of equestrian sports note that only Trakehner horses are characterized by a light and rhythmic gait with wide, but at the same time graceful steps. In addition, animals can make beautiful jumps to a fairly large height.

The Trakehner breed can be called truly universal. It is used not only for riding, but also for triathlon and carriage racing, as its character and exterior are perfectly combined athletic qualities, endurance and flexibility.

Figure 3. Use of animals in sports

It is worth noting that in some countries Trakehner horses continue to be used for agricultural purposes, especially for work that requires high endurance and concentration.

Such versatility and numerous sporting achievements have made the Trakehner one of the most expensive horses on the market. At the same time, animals that were bred at stud farms in Germany and Russia are considered especially valuable.

Maintenance and feeding of Trakehner horses

Despite the endurance and unpretentiousness of the Trakehner horses, this breed is too valuable, therefore it is not worth it to treat its maintenance and feeding lightly.

In general, there are three ways to keep any horse, regardless of breed: constant herd keeping on pasture, stall keeping in a stable with periodic walking, and an integrated approach in which animals are both in the stable and on pasture throughout the year.

Note: Trakehner horses are suitable for any type of maintenance described above. But, when growing a large livestock in order to save money, most breeders prefer the herd method. The fact is that Trakehner horses have a well-developed herd instinct, so they fully develop even in large groups.

At the same time, in order to preserve the health of representatives of this breed, they should still be provided with some care (Figure 4).

The main nuances that should be considered when raising Trakehner horses are as follows:

  1. Hygiene: In order for horses to always look beautiful, they need to be bathed regularly in a special shampoo and cleaned. The mane and tail are washed every week, using special shampoos or ordinary laundry soap to make the hair shine. It is important that the water for washing should be warm or at least room temperature.
  2. Physical exercise: horses that take part in sporting events must exercise daily to maintain physical form. But other animals also need physical activity, in particular, a long walk in the pasture.
  3. Hoof care: An obligatory step in keeping the Trakehner breed is hoof care. Horses need to be shod regularly and the procedure repeated periodically.

Figure 4. Key care steps

Otherwise, the cultivation of representatives of this breed is no different from the maintenance of other species. For them, you need to equip a stable with spacious separate stalls and individual feeders and drinkers.

However, when planning to raise Trakehner horses, it should be borne in mind that in order to maintain health, productivity and high results in sports competitions, animals must be properly fed.

Among the main nuances of feeding Trakehner horses are:

  1. For the proper functioning of the intestines, forage must be included in the diet, which satisfies the chewing needs of animals and contributes to the full development.
  2. Representatives of the breed have a small stomach, so the distribution of feed should be done often, but in small portions. Overeating can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. A sudden change in food can cause intoxication. Therefore, the transition to a new mode of feeding or food should be carried out gradually. In addition, feed containers should be cleaned and disinfected regularly.
  4. For the full functioning of the body, Trakehner horses require a lot of clean drinking water. In the summer, the drinkers are filled daily, and on especially hot days, the water is changed in the morning and evening. In winter, the liquid in the drinkers should not be allowed to be too cold.

It should also be borne in mind that immediately after the issuance of feed, the animal should not be subjected to physical exertion. You need to wait a little for the horse to rest, its body has time to digest food.

In addition, you need to take care of the quality of feed (Figure 5). All products should be stored in a dark, dry place to eliminate the risk of mold and mildew. At the same time, feed must be in the troughs at all times so that the horses have access to food at any time. However, on hot days, you need to be careful not to spoil the food.

Figure 5. The main components of the diet

In addition to the regular distribution of high-quality feed, it is necessary to develop an individual diet, since the food base for each animal depends on its age, sex and physical activity to which it is subjected. Oral hygiene also plays an important role. Horse teeth should be cleaned regularly, and sharp sections should be filed down so that the animal does not accidentally get hurt while eating.

You can learn more about the amazing Trakehner horse breed from the video.

The Trakehner horse, whose homeland is East Prussia, combines many positive features that are characteristic of these animals: endurance, grace, the ability to walk both on horseback and in harness. For not a single century, the breeding of such a breed has been carried out in purity, although due to the fact that there are not so many individuals, it has become “deficient” today.

Description of the breed

The breed was so named in honor of Trakenen - the stud farm in which it was first bred. She is the only one that has not been mixed with any other breed. Previously, the horse could often be found in the cavalry. At the moment, its main application is equestrian sport. Those for whom grace in movement is important will definitely appreciate the traken gait. The jumping ability and beauty of the horses evoke something aristocratic.

Courage, endurance, success in training - all this can be said about the Trakehner breed. For the most part, the suit of trakens is red, gray, bay, black. In more rare cases, you can meet carac and roan.

The breed is quite different tall- up to 168 centimeters, strict lines and exquisite dryness. The shape of the horse's head is even, the forehead is wide, the eyes are expressive. In most cases, the profile is slightly concave, but can be straight. The neck of the horse is graceful, long, slightly resembling a cone, passing into the withers, which is distinguished by muscularity. The croup is oval. The legs are distinguished by beauty and strength, large hooves are covered with a hard horn. It is difficult to find words that would be exactly suitable to describe all the attractiveness of trakens.

For the first time, selective breeding of the Trakehner breed occurred in 1732. Since that time, it has been customary to stigmatize a true thoroughbred animal. Elk antlers are depicted on his left thigh.

During the Second World War, the breed, which is considered perhaps the most beautiful, almost completely disappeared. Didn't let that happen, Germany. To this day, it occupies a leading position among countries that breed trakens. It is assisted in this by Russia, France, Poland, and Denmark. However, mares, in order to get into the studbook, must pass the strictest selection, in which some characteristics are evaluated.

Fact! The requirements for stallions are stricter. Because of this, only 3% of the total number that exists become producers. The suit of the Trakens is not so important.

Character features

Trakehner horses are distinguished by intelligence and good nature. Their disposition is in absolute accordance with their appearance. The following can be said about the nature of the tracks:

  • They are noble, as evidenced by their calmness in reactions, refined manners, ease of movement.
  • Hardy and patient.
  • Educated and smart.
  • able-bodied.
  • Active and mobile.
  • Bold, courageous, not afraid to take risks if necessary.
  • Able to hear a person, communicating with him as an equal.

They are accommodating, gentle and obedient, which makes such horses successful learners, as they lend themselves well to training.

The Trakehner horse is not an ordinary animal that is ideal for riding and participating in equestrian sports. They may well be a friend of a person, capture his mood and respond to it correctly.

Since the breeding of such horses was carried out specifically for the cavalry, their temper combined the ability to bravely take risks, activity, tirelessness, humility, which made them an ideal horse for cavalry.

This breed requires only very high-quality care, it is necessary to create appropriate living conditions for horses. Trakens should be regularly shod, combed and bathed.

During the warm season water procedures can be carried out on the street, but this should be done twice a week during this period. Do not use ordinary soap products that are not intended for horses. This can cause the development of various skin diseases. After bathing, the horse must be wiped dry.

Fact! Equestrian professionals regard Traken as representatives of best breed, for this reason, thoroughbred horses on the market have a fairly high cost.

You can pick up and not so expensive, more economical version of the breed. It is preferable to purchase trakens at stud farms. The cost for horses varies and can range from 50 to 500 thousand rubles. Prices are affected by things like:

  • the age of the animal;
  • pedigree;
  • achievements in sports, etc.

It should be borne in mind that if the seller asks for a lower price, then there is a high risk of acquiring a sick or not young horse. However, the seller must provide medical certificate animal.

Nutrition Features

Separately, it is necessary to talk about the nutrition of trakens. It is recommended to observe the following rules:

  1. Although trakens are rather large horses, they have a small stomach. Therefore, you need to feed them often and fractionally, in small portions.
  2. It is important that drinking and eating utensils are clean at all times. It should be washed every time after the horse has eaten.
  3. So that the chewing needs of the horse are satisfied, and gastrointestinal tract functioned correctly, forage is included in the animal's diet without fail.
  4. It is essential that the Traken has no restrictions on access to drinking water. It is desirable that the horse use purified or settled water. It must be changed once a day, and in the warm season - twice.
  5. It is necessary to introduce each new product into the animal's diet gradually so that the stomach gets used to the new food.
  6. It is necessary that the feed that the horse consumes is only of high quality. Do not allow fungus and mold to form in it.
  7. The formation of the horse's diet is carried out taking into account its physical activity.
  8. After the animal has eaten, it must rest in order to digest the food. You can not immediately subject him to physical exertion.

Today, we can say with confidence that the Trakehn horse has taken root in Russia and has become one of the favorites in traditional types of equestrian competitions. In addition, such an animal is a friend, a partner, confirmation of which can be heard from the true healers of this breed.

Video: Trakehner horse breed