How girls bring themselves to anorexia. How to become anorexic


To be thin as a chip, not to eat anything, to fit into the smallest size - many girls strive for this. For happiness, they lack only the guide "How to bring yourself to anorexia in twenty days." True, some benefits for weight loss are exactly like him. If you still consider anorexia a way to lose weight, then this article will radically change your mind.

The onset of the disease

Usually it all starts with a couple (or even a couple of tens) of extra centimeters. The girl, having tried all the known diets and not getting a stable result, decides to seriously take up her figure.

Start with fasting. If you do not eat anything, drink only water, coffee or juices, the weight will quickly go away. I like the reflection in the mirror more and more, it’s scary to start eating - suddenly the fat will return with weight gain.

Then the figure becomes almost perfect. Only an extra crease on the stomach interferes, most often already imaginary, too plump cheeks or disproportionately large ankles (thick, according to the victim of anorexia). There is very little left to perfection, so the hunger strike needs to be strengthened.

Sooner or later there will be a breakdown. One small candy, from which “nothing will happen if I work out later in the gym,” turns into a kilogram. Together with him, a dozen sandwiches, an apple, a liter of soda and various junk food that came to hand in the refrigerator are sent to the stomach.

Ashamed. Scary. The stomach, weaned from eating, hurts and bulges out, like a pregnant woman. There is severe nausea. As if by itself the thought of inducing vomiting comes to mind, everything works out. A miracle happened. I managed to eat enough and keep my figure. There will be no consequences of gluttony.

Attacks become more frequent, it is not always possible to induce vomiting the first time. You still need to get rid of food somehow. Laxative. Then more. As you get used to the drug, it stops working, higher and higher doses are required (just like in drug addicts). Bulimia sets in.

If initial scenario coincides with almost everyone, later life former anorexics different: for someone, the disease ends in death, disability, someone manages to "get rid" of gastritis or a stomach ulcer. If the disorder has not been treated for a long time, no one can return to a full life.

Types of anorexia and its manifestations

Anorexia is the acquired complete lack of appetite or prolonged conscious refusal of food. If you continue fasting, the stomach simply will not be able to digest food. Even a spoonful of soup will not be absorbed by the body. There are several types of disorder.

Primary anorexia

It begins with the fact that the girl ceases to feel hunger. The reasons for this condition may lie in hormonal disorders, and in neurological pathologies or malignant tumors. If you have been without appetite for a long time, urgently undergo a medical examination.

At the level of the psyche

There is a complete loss of hunger or a deliberate refusal of food. This happens due to a sharp drop in appetite due to mental illness: depressive, catatonic states, etc. Unfortunately, this is rarely paid attention to in time. A woman is simply not able to understand that she does not want to eat.

Because of the nerves

Stress, problems at work and in the family, a strong psycho-emotional load - all this can lead to anorexia. It requires the intervention of a psychologist who will help to understand the situation.

Because of the drugs

It is sometimes led to various anorexigenic substances that suppress hunger. Often lost appetite in girls who abuse antidepressants.

Symptoms of anorexia

The most obvious of these is a strong weight loss, which becomes noticeable when the patient is close to exhaustion. It is possible to detect pathology at an early stage, but this is not always possible. You should be alerted if a friend or relative often refuses food, referring to the fact that he recently ate or his stomach hurts. At the same time, he can talk a lot about diets, calorie foods. Often, after a heavy dinner, women specifically induce vomiting, do enemas to cleanse their body.

When the disease progresses, a person suffering from anorexia constantly feels unwell, gets tired quickly, even loses consciousness. Dull, brittle hair, a bluish tint to the skin on the arms and legs, sunken eyes - all these are also signs of the disease.

The patient is constantly cold, because the body does not have enough energy to warm up. Arms, back, stomach are covered with a layer of thin hair, with which the body tries to keep warm. Osteoporosis often develops, the digestive process is disturbed, and there may be malfunctions in the central nervous system.

Girls suffering from this disorder constantly experience a feeling of fear associated with weight gain. Panic completely covers all feelings and emotions, and does not let a person go, even when he is one step away from death due to exhaustion.

Mainly, the causes of the disease are low self-esteem, which also acts as one of the main symptoms of this serious illness. The victim of anorexia believes that her body weight and figure parameters are closely related to self-awareness and personal status. They often deny the danger of their own condition and cannot realistically assess their weight.

A striking sign of an eating disorder is a persistent violation of the menstrual cycle, the absence of three or more periods in a row. A gynecologist diagnoses amenorrhea if it is possible to induce menstruation only by administering hormonal preparations containing estrogen.

Types of behavior in anorexia nervosa

In many ways, the behavior of women with anorexia is very similar. There are two vectors for the development of the disease.

Restrictive tactics

Women voluntarily and consciously limit themselves in the amount of food eaten. They will never eat a single gram more than planned, they will not allow themselves to eat their fill, they are always in extreme starvation mode. They can come up with different mono-diets: only a lettuce leaf, only cabbage or green apples are allowed.

Cleansing Tactics

The patient eats his fill, not limiting himself either in the amount of food or in its quality - dishes can be fatty, sweet, smoked, salty. Immediately after eating, a woman induces vomiting, drinks a laxative, or puts an enema. Sometimes all three cleansing measures are used. “I'm afraid of getting anorexic,” the person explains his actions, not realizing that he is already sick.


The treatment of advanced forms sometimes takes more than one year. On average, the recovery period takes 5 years. In this case, the patient himself must strive to get rid of the disease. Otherwise, after leaving the hospital, the girl will begin to starve again. Approximately 60% of the total number of patients who begin therapy for anorexia return to their former full-fledged life. More than 20% recover completely. However, in order to avoid possible complications, they need to undergo regular examinations and additional treatment.

The first stage of therapy - recovery physical health sick. In some cases, patients are hospitalized in serious condition. They need not only parenteral nutrition, which involves the installation of a system (dropper), but also the treatment of the consequences of anorexia, often very dangerous. After the patient's condition is stabilized, he is helped to return to normal weight, gradually accustoming to food.

Then psychotherapeutic treatment begins, during which the psychologist looks for the causes of the disorder and ways to solve it. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is used to rid the patient of a distorted idea of ​​his body. For example, in one clinic, girls were forced to constantly look in the mirror so that they could get used to their figure. At the same time, all fashion magazines in this institution were banned.

Sometimes antidepressants may be prescribed to help overcome fear and constant dissatisfaction with one's appearance. However, their long-term use is undesirable. This is done in extreme cases, when a woman flatly refuses to admit that she has problems.

The same applies to tranquilizers. If the doctor deems it necessary, he will prescribe them to the woman. Such drugs help a sick woman overcome the oppressive feeling of anxiety and anxiety. However, it must be borne in mind that tranquilizers are very addictive, so they should not be used for a long time. Tranquilizers are not prescribed to patients who have suffered from drug or alcohol addiction in the past.

Women who have lost a lot of weight with an eating disorder need to take drugs containing the hormone estrogen. Its absence leads to the development of complications, for example:

  1. Osteoporosis. The absence or significant deficiency of estrogen increases a woman's risk of developing osteoporosis, regardless of age.
  2. Early menopause. Anorexia leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle - menstruation almost completely disappears.

Replacement therapy with an artificially synthesized hormone helps to significantly reduce the risk of complications. The sooner treatment is started, the more effective it will be.

They also prescribe tonics that stimulate the immune system. If the malnutrition is extremely strong, the woman cannot eat herself, she will be prescribed intravenous glucose drips necessary to maintain her life. Without them, life will be in jeopardy.

Consequences: the dangers of fasting

Today, anorexia has become something of an epidemic. It usually affects young girls between the ages of 14 and 18. They deliberately "torture" themselves to look just like their idols. Many do not consider anorexia a disease. For them, refusing food is one way to lose weight.

With anorexia, a person decreases blood pressure and the pulse slows down. There is a weakening of the myocardium - the heart muscle, which leads to the development of cardiovascular insufficiency. Very often, the disease is accompanied by a decrease in the level of potassium, magnesium and sodium - minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of our body. Heart disease is the main cause lethal outcome with anorexia.

Over time, persistent and severe dehydration occurs, and anemia develops. The disorder of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in the level of hormones in the blood begins. If this anomaly is not detected in time and appropriate treatment is not carried out, the patient will reach an extreme degree of exhaustion - cachexia, which very often leads to death.

Hormonal imbalance causes infertility or early menopause. The menstrual cycle can not always be restored.

The lack of estrogen and calcium, along with increased levels of the stress hormone, affects the bones, they become loose and brittle. Over time, the condition of the teeth worsens up to complete adentia.

Anorexia does not mean a perfect figure

Not all the women we see on the covers of many magazines have anorexia. In order to become slim, you need to follow much more acceptable rules.

We must not forget that a varied diet is essential in the fight for beautiful figure. Replace high-calorie sweets with healthy fruits and vegetables, fried potatoes with cereals, mayonnaise with sour cream. Give up coffee in favor of juices, and carbonated drinks in favor of clean drinking water.

For the full functioning of the body and proper metabolism, it is important to get enough physical activity. Of course, not everyone has the willpower to get up an hour earlier and go to the nearest stadium, others do not have time to visit sports hall. However, you can always get off public transport a few stops earlier and walk or go for an hour-long walk in the evening.

For many, such a way to get a good figure may seem too complicated, they will prefer to take the easier path - get sick with anorexia. However, this ease is deceptive, and the price for success will be too high: your health, and perhaps life.

And when you come to your senses, you will face quite difficult tasks:

  • restoration of normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • mental health recovery.

All this takes a lot of time, patience and effort. And there is not the slightest guarantee that doctors will be able to restore a woman to her health in full. Unfortunately, in most cases it happens that a woman fails to fully recover from anorexia. As a result, instead of beauty and general admiration, she gets health problems and sympathetic looks from people around her. But surely a woman, saying “I want me to have anorexia”, did not mean this at all.

How much to weigh

Find out your ideal weight can be done with a simple formula.

  • Your normal weight= your height is 100 cm.
  • Your ideal weight = your normal weight - 10%.

For example, your height is 175 cm. Let's calculate:

  • Your normal weight = 175 cm - 100 cm = 75 kg.
  • Your ideal weight = 75 kg. - 10% = 67.5 kg.

Talk 47

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In any pharmacy, you can safely buy the drug "Reduxin-light" - this is not a medicine, but a food supplement (BAA), the main active component of which is linoleic acid. Quite another matter is the drug "Reduxin". This is a prescription drug. The active substance is sibutramine, an anorexigenic drug. The drug artificially causes a feeling of fullness, due to which the patient, suffering from obesity, ceases to exceed the daily calorie intake. True, sibutramine can only be used in complex therapy, under the constant supervision of a doctor, and if other methods of combating obesity have not worked, and the patient has a high risk of developing diseases associated with overweight. Anorexics, of course, do not have obesity, but there is a lack of body weight. And this body, already weakened, is forced to fight with side effects sibutramine.

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Community motivator 40 kg

Laxatives and diuretics

The principle of action of these drugs is clear: the former help to empty the intestines, the latter have a diuretic effect - due to this, the illusion of weight loss is created. Naturally, neither volume muscle mass, nor the amount of fat from taking these drugs do not change. But problems start with gastrointestinal tract from the constant use of laxatives. Diuretics, on the other hand, cannot be used at all without a doctor's prescription: they remove potassium, calcium and magnesium ions from the body. It is very difficult to restore their balance without medical supervision and subject to a half-starved diet.


The most popular two week diet anorexic women practically do not contain food at all: 6 apples and 2 cucumbers - this is the only solid food that is allowed to be eaten in 2 weeks!

1 day - green tea;
Day 2 - 4 cups of kefir;
Day 3 - 1 bottle of mineral water;
Day 4 - 1 apple;
Day 5 - 4 glasses of milk;
Day 6 - green tea;
Day 7 - 4 glasses of milk;
Day 8 - 2 apples;
Day 9 - a liter of kefir;
Day 10 - 2 cucumbers;
Day 11 - green tea;
Day 12 - a liter of milk;
Day 13 - 3 apples;
Day 14 - mineral water.

Community motivator 40 kg

On the so-called “drinking” diet, you can’t eat solid food at all. Only liquid. 10 days. For the most persistent - 14.

Between diets, girls switch to " healthy eating»: thin slices of whole grain bread, 20 grams of dark chocolate (99% cocoa), a pinch of oatmeal, seasoned with grated for sweetness green apple- the usual menu for the day.


Naturally, the body is still trying to fight hunger, and girls, despite taking drugs, have “breakdowns”. What they call "gluttony", but which in essence is an attempt to eat a normal portion of ordinary food - after all, after a long fast, eating more than a normal portion is problematic. It hurts.

Motivator from the 40 kg community

And after failures always comes punishment. That is, self-torture. Posting photos of yourself with the caption "I'm fat" in a sit down is the mildest possible punishment. You can also put a photo in an album for criticism and get a dose of insults. You can punish yourself with a dry fast. Dry means you can't even drink. No food, no water.

When obsessive thoughts about food arise, anorexics are advised to imagine something terrible instead of food: worms, rotting corpses, or excrement. Do unpleasant things. Punish yourself with hard physical work.

And the last way - cuts. Anorexics cut themselves (mostly legs, many then post photos of cuts on their thighs on the net). In fact, the problem of self-harm is not the problem of anorexia. Self-harm is an unhealthy attempt to eliminate emotional pain, intense anger, and frustration. It can bring short-term relief both emotionally and mentally. physical level: on the one hand, there is a feeling of control over one's own body, on the other hand, the cut provides a surge of adrenaline, which, in turn, makes past experiences irrelevant. But not for long. Then again comes the feeling of guilt, shame and the return of previously experienced emotions.


Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


In nutrition, there are many options for losing weight, but not all of them can be called safe. A popular anorexic diet includes low-fat yogurt, two liters of mineral water and one apple per day. This number of calories is not enough for the normal functioning of the body, so a girl can easily undermine her own health.

What is the anorexic diet

Dubious weight loss plan promoted around the world under the guise of effective program weight loss. Diet Anorexic nymph allows you to quickly achieve results, but complications often arise after it. However, with morbid obesity, due to fasting, the body is cleansed of toxins. Diet experts advise sticking to an anorexic diet only as a last resort, with caution. Some recommend that you completely abandon the tormenting of the body by starvation, choosing a more nutritious diet.

What is this program? The anorexic diet is a low-calorie diet that includes partial fasting. If you stick to a meager menu wisely, you can lose up to 7 kg in one week. However, you can not refuse to eat for a long time, because this will lead to loss of muscle mass, brittle hair, nails, fatigue, irritability and even depression. To avoid complications, it is better not to diet for more than one week.

The principle of the anorexic diet

Some girls suffering overweight, think about how to become anorexic. To begin with, it is worth understanding what lies under this term. Anorexia nervosa is a disease associated with significant weight loss due to the use of a meager amount of calories. A dangerous state contributes to the emergence of psychological disorders, depression. Often it affects teenage girls, but the disease can occur in adults of any gender and lead to death.

The basic principle of the anorexic diet is to take 5 bites of a permitted product at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Due to this, the body receives a small amount of calories and consumes its own resources. The process leads to fast weight loss but there are pitfalls here. A sudden change in diet sometimes has the opposite effect: the body will begin to accumulate fat, experiencing shock. Metabolic processes may be disturbed, psychological illnesses may occur. To protect your body, it is better to consult a general practitioner before agreeing to fasting.

Sample diet menu for anorexics

The diet for weight loss is not rich in choice. What do anorexics eat? One of the menu options: kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs and 2 liters of water per day. Some nutritionists advise adding white meat, fish, and fruits, adhering to the 5 bites principle. It is better to eat more vegetable salads, which should be seasoned with olive oil. You also need to drink plenty of mineral water - this will help the body maintain metabolic processes and receive vitamins. The main thing is not to exceed the threshold of 500-650 kcal per day. What foods and dishes are allowed to be consumed:

  • boiled carrots;
  • lemon, grapefruit;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • green vegetables (cabbage, celery, broccoli, herbs);
  • lean fish, meat.

During the process of losing weight, you can additionally take bio-supplements and vitamins, this will support the body during fasting. sample menu anorexic diet looks like this:

  1. Every morning you need to start with 2 glasses of still mineral water with lemon juice. This will speed up the fat burning process.
  2. You can eat only 30 minutes after drinking.
  3. On Monday, it is allowed to drink several cups of tea without sugar. The drink should be warm, but not hot. You can add skim milk. It is recommended to drink plenty of non-carbonated water (at least 2.5 liters per day).
  4. On other days, except for weekends, the menu should consist of low-fat cottage cheese, boiled meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits. For lunch, you can eat a bowl of soup. For dinner - a glass of kefir.
  5. According to the diet, Saturday is a fasting day. Breakfast includes one large apple, lunch - grapefruit. For dinner, you can only drink water.
  6. On Sunday, it is allowed to add a slice of whole grain bread and hard cheese to the established diet. White bread is not allowed. For lunch, it is better to eat some fruit.

Pros and cons of the anorexic diet

Following a strict weight loss program leads to quick loss overweight. However, this diet belongs to the category of the most harmful, so you should not rely on it entirely. First you need to understand what are the pros and cons of the anorexic diet. Main advantages:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • cleansing the body (if you follow the advice of a nutritionist);
  • strengthening willpower.

An anorexic diet does more harm than good. No wonder it is considered one of the most dangerous. If you torture the body daily for 2 weeks, the following negative consequences may occur.

Reading 4 min. Views 1.4k. Posted August 30, 2013

In modern society, ideas about how a person should look are constantly dictated. The media sometimes imposes on people what is the norm and what is its deviation. Based on this, certain stereotypes are formed in people. Many young girls begin to strive for thinness. Many want to be not just thin, they want to be anorexic. Anyone can become one. But the question is, is it necessary? This should be decided by the girl herself, weighing all the pros and cons. But in an effort to become an anorexic, the main thing is not to overdo it, as this can lead to terrible consequences. Girls who have become anorexic are usually very proud of the result they have achieved. They post their photos on the Internet and share their impressions with others. Becoming anorexic is dangerous!

How to become anorexic in a month

You need to start by getting yourself a diary that describes the reasons why you want to become an anorexic, and it should also contain sentences that will change or be supplemented over time.

For example, “I refuse food because it makes me fat”, “I weigh ... kg, but I want to weigh ...”, “If I learn how to become anorexic in a month, I can ...” and the like. This diary should be read every day, as well as supplement it with your actions and results.

Then you can do auto-training. You need to slowly convince yourself that food in large quantities is not needed at all. Food should stop making you want to eat. Aversion to various sweets and fast food should be developed gradually. To increase motivation, you can hang photos in the apartment. It can be either a photo of those who could become anorexic and whose example is worth emulating. Or vice versa, hang pictures of full and fat people. This will be a good incentive. Your diet should be thought out in advance. You need to choose foods that you can eat. It can be fruits, vegetables, coffee. And, of course, water. You should try to consume calories as little as possible. There should not be more than 500 in one day. To achieve the result, you need to break them into several meals. And the main thing is not to eat before you need to go to bed. Everything should be written down in a diary. From calories to foods. You need to drink a lot of water, it quenches thirst and gives strength. You can also drink coffee more often, but without sugar. At the beginning of the diary, you need to write down your weight and height, and then, over time, supplement how your body weight has changed.

How to become anorexic quickly

To learn how to become anorexic quickly, you should follow the following rules.

1. Sleep should be at least eight hours a day. Thanks to this, the metabolism will be maintained.

2. Everything needs to be written down in a diary or notebook. Everything that was eaten should be recorded there.

3. In order not to harm your health, you need to take various vitamins.

4. If you need something to fill your stomach, but without calories, you need to drink a lot of Diet Coke.

5. Water should be drunk cooler, not hot. The body will use calories to keep warm.

6. There should be coffee in the diet. It will help speed up the metabolism.

7. So that the skin does not sag, you need to do physical exercises. It will also burn extra calories.

8. The right routine should help you achieve good result. Being constantly on the move will also help you not to think about food once again.

9. If you still want to eat something with calories, then only in the morning. Then it will be possible to get rid of the accumulated calories in a day.

10. Food should be consumed in front of a mirror and at least dressed. Then there is, just most cease to want.

How to become anorexic in two weeks

To do this, follow the following diet. It is scheduled by day. In total, the diet lasts two weeks (14 days). For each day, it is written what foods you can eat and in what quantities to become anorexic in just two weeks.

1. You only need to start with green tea

2. You can drink 4 glasses of kefir

3. Drink one bottle of mineral water

4. It is worth eating one apple

5. Drink four glasses of milk

6. Green tea again

7. Drink four glasses of milk

8. You can eat two apples

9. You need to drink a liter of kefir

10. Eat two cucumbers

11. Drink green tea

12. You need to use a liter of milk

13. You can already eat as many as three apples.

14. Drink mineral water

You decided to become anorexic. It's commendable, it's high time - otherwise I've eaten some stern, it doesn't fit in any jeans ... Surprised? Thought I'd talk you out? But I won’t, because you really need to do something with your form. You look like a chubby, cheerful piglet - but are piglets filmed for glossy magazines? No, languid divas from the covers are always thin and aristocratically pale. If you want to become even a little like them, you have a long and thorny path ahead of you. Yes, it won't be easy - but what did you want?.. It's easy to become vanilla: you fell in love with New York, climbed onto the windowsill, lit a cigarette - you're done. To turn into a real anorexic, you need not only to lose weight up to forty kilos, but also completely change your thinking.

So where to start? From starvation? No, this is not the main thing at the first stages. First of all, register on a dozen thematic weight loss forums. Communication with like-minded people is what you need now. Only there they will explain to you who anorexics really are. Only there you will be understood and supported. They will convince you to continue the triumphant march to the cherished forty kilograms, if at some point you doubt and lose your determination to stop eating forever. There you can post your "before and after" photo, showing off your success to the anorexic community. Most importantly, do not go to the forums: people also discuss how to lose weight on them - but they lose weight in some strange way ... they go to gyms, build muscle ... and why does a decent girl need developed muscles? It's not feminine at all!

Having decided to become an anorexic, you must have been mentally prepared for severe dietary restrictions. I can assure you that not all products should be persona non grata in your kitchen. For example, water can still be drunk almost without restriction. It is even useful to drink water: if the stomach is cramping from hunger, just pour three glasses of mineral water into it, and you will feel relief for a while. You can also drink. Black. Strong. Sugarless. After three or four days of fasting, you will notice a breakdown - it will become difficult to get out of bed in the morning, stay on your feet for a long time, walk, and even flip through the pages of your favorite magazines. However, after a cup or two of coffee for breakfast, you can not only more or less easily leave the bed, but even put on makeup. And the third and fourth cups will help you get to work or a place of study ... yes, most likely you will still fall asleep there with your nose on the table, but what can you do - girls are not made for such tedious activities as work and study. A real woman should be beautiful - and she owes nothing to anyone else!

Hate all the girls who are fatter than you. Ugh, fat pigs! Probably, they only do what they eat all day! .. Hate all the girls that are slimmer than you. Here are the bitches, they probably take expensive fat-burning drugs ... Hate yourself. Yes. It is important. Get undressed, go to the mirror sideways. Do you see that disgusting fold of fat hanging over the panties? Your stomach is truly disgusting. He became like this because you loved yourself and indulged in sweets. You yourself - main enemy own beauty, and therefore, humiliate, despise this enemy in yourself! .. Never feel sorry for yourself. Never indulge your desires. I want to eat ... so what? beautiful girls don't eat!

After losing the first ten kilos, you may notice that your relatives began to pay more attention to you. They constantly ask if you are sick. Noticing that you stopped eating, how evil they buy chocolates every day ... Oh, this philistine custom of reducing all care to a constant desire to feed your fill! Look at your mother: does she look like a model? No, most likely she is an ordinary middle-aged woman with far from perfect figure. And if so, she has no moral right to tell you how to live! Just do not swear with your family, defending your right. Suddenly, they will persuade you to eat a bowl of buckwheat with meatballs ... with hated meatballs ... so fatty and fragrant ... such delicious fried meatballs! No, better get up early and drink coffee without sugar. And when your parents wake up, tell them you've already had breakfast.

In the life of every anorexic, sooner or later there comes a moment when she hears from her young man sacramental question: "Where are the boobs?!" Yes, having lost ten to fifteen kilos, you yourself will notice that the chest has slightly decreased in volume. Twenty kilos later, the bust can become like that of a thirteen-year-old girl, and after twenty-five ... But who said that magnificent forms are beautiful ?! Every man staring at fat boobs is simply a chauvinist who sees only a sexual object in a woman! It is necessary to love a woman not for beauty, but ... stop, after all, for beauty, but the beauty is correct. Anorexic. What could be more attractive than an adult young lady with the figure of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl? Or a schoolboy... When there are no boobs, no priests, you can't tell right away... In other words, if your boyfriend is unhappy, let him go to hell, you fool! Now you will have a hundred pieces like him. And even better. Because you are beautiful!

You don't get your period. No, this delay is not a reason to buy a pregnancy test. Congratulations, you can no longer get pregnant, as your body is depleted. You don't want to eat anymore. Weight has long dropped to forty kilos, and even lower. You finally got that very aristocratic pallor that you once dreamed of! You see, one had only to seriously set a goal ... True, the hair falls out and the skin peels off - but with the help of cosmetics, you can still mask these shortcomings. And the new guy never showed up ... don't be upset: this is because men are mostly chauvinistic pigs, who are given only strong, cheerful women with magnificent forms. There are so few connoisseurs of true femininity in the world ...

Your parents signed you up for a psychologist. Anxiety symptom. In no case do not go to an appointment - these soul-destroyers may well give a referral to some closed clinic, where they will force-feed you, immediately ruining all the results achieved. Meat will grow on your bones again and ... oh horror, fat ?! Yes, real fat! The hateful fat you've been fighting for so long!!!

Get out of the house. Kuri. Drink lots of coffee. Become a fashion blogger. Post your photos on the blog and bask in the adoration of fans. Most of them will turn out to be girls - the same as you once were: fat women who dream of losing weight. Of course you despise them. You long ago learned to despise and hate the entire female sex in bulk - but still tell grateful readers how to become an anorexic. Share your experience. Try to do it dryly and arrogantly, emphasizing with every phrase that only the elite are able to achieve forty kilos.

And then a whole new generation of bone women will be born ... but you will hardly have time to rejoice at their success. Because one day, not at all perfect, you will die of exhaustion. However, a real woman should be beautiful under any circumstances - even if she suddenly died. Believe me, you will be the most beautiful dead woman in the world! The day of your funeral will be a day of dizzying triumph, and the regulars of your blog will cry, like, repost, and cry again ... Hey, are you ready for success? Then throw everything edible that is in the house out the window. It's time to become anorexic! Get started today!..

As many have already guessed, this article is a joke. Shameless banter over female complexes. I hope I didn't hurt the feelings of any of the readers. I love you all, really! No matter how much you weigh and what kind of cockroaches live in your lovely heads. Many of you are sure that in order to get something, you have to sacrifice something. And the more difficult it is to achieve something, the more valuable the victory. After all, this is a victory over yourself, over your weaknesses and vices! .. But in life - in real life! – very often it happens that these sacrifices are in vain. And the hard-won result sometimes does not bring any satisfaction ... Therefore, do not be ideal - be real. Live easily, and just enjoy every day!.. If you learn not to get upset over trifles, this is quite real.

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