Flat butt, what to do? How to train for an elastic chest and priests Flat butt and chest.

Breasts and buttocks are the two most attractive parts of the female body, so it is important to maintain them in at its best! If you want to keep your chest and butt in good shape with simple exercises, you have landed on the right page!


Part 1

Exercises for elastic priests

Squats. Squats should be your go-to exercise if you're looking to tone your thighs and glutes. For correct execution this exercise:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms straight out in front of you.
  • Begin to lower yourself down as if you are going to sit on a chair. Try to lower yourself so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, but keep your knees in line with your feet.
  • Keep your back straight, look forward and try to distribute the weight evenly on both legs.
  • Slowly return to the starting position, and then repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times.

Lunges. This is another great exercise for the buttocks. To complete this exercise:

Leg lift. The leg lift is carried out from a lying position on the side. This exercise is very effective, as it allows you to work on the muscles of the priests and lower back at the same time. For execution:

  • Lie on your right side, resting your head on your right elbow. Bend your right knee to a right angle, but keep your left leg straight and in line with your back.
  • Keeping your foot parallel to the floor, lift your left leg as far as you can without moving hip joint. You can support the hip joint with your left hand to make sure it doesn't roll back.
  • As you lift your leg, tighten your buttocks and abdominal muscles. Slowly lower your leg to the starting position. Repeat the lift 8 to 10 times, then switch legs.
  • Pulling the leg back. This exercise will allow you to tone the muscles of the priests and lower back. For correct execution:

    • Get on all fours so that your hands are in the same vertical line with your shoulders, and your knees are in the same vertical line with your hip joints.
    • Keeping a 90-degree bend in your leg, lift your right leg behind you as high as you can. Tighten your buttock muscles as you lift.
    • Keep your neck in line with your spine and don't try to lift your head. Do not arch your spine as you lift your leg.
    • Lower your leg to the starting position and repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise on the left leg.
    • To make this exercise more difficult, you can raise your straight leg instead of bent.
  • Bridge. Being pretty light exercise, the bridge is nevertheless very effective and is an essential part of any workout for maintaining the elasticity of the buttocks. For execution:

    • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet shoulder-width apart. You should almost touch your butt with your heels, and your hands should be on the floor parallel to your torso.
    • Raise the pelvis up, tensing the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen. Continue lifting until your body is in a straight diagonal line from knees to shoulders.
    • Keep your chin close to your chest and remember to lift with your glutes, not your hamstrings. Slowly lower yourself to the floor, and then repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times.
  • Lateral steps on the steppe. This is another simple exercise for an elastic buttocks. To perform, you will need a step platform and a set of two-kilogram dumbbells (optional).

    Deadlift. This exercise is great for a full body workout, but is especially effective for tightening the buttocks and thighs. For the deadlift you will need dumbbells; As a general rule, 2kg dumbbells will be fine for regular exercise, but you can also use 4-7kg dumbbells if you want a more intense workout. To complete this exercise:

    Pilates or yoga. If you're looking to tone up your butt - and the rest of your body - start doing Pilates or yoga.

    Aerobics. To achieve elastic and toned buttocks, it is not necessary to lift dumbbells and stretch in the pigeon position - you can train the buttocks during aerobic exercises too!

    • Light running and walking uphill will provide best workouts for the buttocks and thighs, so boldly go outside! If you prefer not to exercise outside, you can work out on a step machine at your fitness center or set up an incline on a treadmill.
    • You can also train on an elliptical or bicycle simulator which are great for aerobic training and at the same time tone your legs and buttocks.
    • remember, that short workouts at high resistance develop muscles, and long workouts with less resistance, tighten the muscles.

    Part 2

    Exercises for an elastic chest
    1. Push ups. Push-ups are one of the most effective types exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles. For correct execution:

    2. Reversal in plank position. This exercise will help you stretch and develop pectoral muscles, as well as give tone to your hands. For this exercise, you will need two dumbbells weighing 2 - 4 kg. For correct execution:

      • Take one dumbbell in your hand and stand in a plank position (resting your hands on the dumbbells lying on the floor). Stand with your feet hip-width apart for more stability.
      • Raise right hand up, turning so that your body forms the shape of a "T" from your raised arm to the palm of your left dumbbell.
      • Return to the starting position, then repeat the exercise with your left hand. Keep doing the exercise until you reach 10 repetitions on each side.
  • Believe me, a woman should not have a body without a gram of fat and without a single hair, and the guys who think so are just fetishists. Despite numerous studies describing that “symmetry” and “harmony” in appearance are the key to attractiveness, men continue to fall in love with “not attractive enough” women by scientific standards all the time - every day of the week. In fact, it is often the “flaws” of a woman that make her attractive. These are just a few examples of what I'm talking about, and I guarantee it's not just my opinion.

    1. Glasses

    Girls often consider glasses a real disaster. But many men just love girls with glasses. In fact, women look smarter and more confident with glasses. If you think glasses hide your beauty, use makeup to emphasize your eyes.

    2. Wide hips

    Curvy hips simply radiate femininity and attract men who like curves. Be proud of your silhouette and use it to highlight your sexiness.

    Numerous studies show that men are unconsciously attracted to girls with wide hips: this is a sign of good fertility.

    3. Hump nose

    Your profile looks chic and regal, like the profile of a Greek goddess ... and a man has a question: is it possible to gently bite this nose?

    4. Small tummy

    If at least once in your life you were in bed with a man, then you probably noticed that the representatives of the stronger sex really like to grab and feel all the soft and rounded parts of your body. In this regard, a small chubby tummy is a big plus.

    5. Small breasts

    I'm not saying that men don't like big breasts (there's no point in denying that), but men just love... breasts. The little one is gorgeous, because she looks great in a low-cut blouse, and in warm weather you don’t have to wear a bra at all.

    The nipples that show through the fabric look breathtaking.

    6. Some unkempt

    Of course, women with styled hair and manicures are good, but, believe me, from women without makeup, with loose hair without styling and in big baggy shorts, many men simply lose their heads.

    7. Gap between teeth

    For God's sake, keep the orthodontist away from those teeth! There is nothing sexier than the smile of a girl with a gap between her teeth.

    8. Insufficiently tightened arms

    Pumped up hands do not attract men at all. In order to remain feminine, try not to pump up bulky muscles, especially in the arms. Guys are often scared away by girls with a perfect and athletically pumped up body.

    9. Fat butt

    "Asses can never be too much!" - one of my acquaintances, a fan of fat asses, expresses himself directly.

    There is a lot of misunderstanding between men and women. We honestly don't understand why women try to make their bulges smaller. It's like trying to make something flat out of a chic third size bust.

    Very well presented Trinny and Suzanne's weight gain trends . They also have recommendations for each figure. Perhaps I will add them to our main types of shapes too. In the meantime, they will help us a little to decide what kind of figure we have. In practice, 12 figures of Trinny and Suzanne all come down to the same 5 , which usually differ in the classifications of figures by weight gain. (X - hourglass (hourglass), cello (cello), vase (vase) A - skittle (skittle), pear (pear), bell (bell) O - apple (apple) H - column (column), briquette (" brick "Brick) V - lollipop (Lollypop), glass (goblet), cone (cornet).

    Sometimes a vertical line - proportions - is also added to the definition of a figure.
    This is just the case. It is believed that in figures V and H the legs are slightly longer than average, in X figures the legs and body are approximately equal, in figure A the legs are often short.
    The position and presence of the waist is also important. The waist is considered pronounced in X and A types, while in X it is either an overestimated or "short" waist, in A it is most often an underestimated or "long" waist. Although Trinny and Suzanne have exceptions - the Vase is an X-figure with a long waist, while the bell is an A-figure with a short waist.

    The ratio of proportions can be an auxiliary criterion, but exceptions are common. For example, Keira Knightley is a rectangle with short legs.
    Proportions of figures according to Trinny and Susanna

    To determine your type of figure according to Trinny and Suzanne, you can take a test, or you can compare yourself with pictures and descriptions.


    AND descriptions .

    X figures:


    Large breasts, proportional shoulders, thin and short or high waist, voluminous buttocks, full top part legs.
    Weight is gained evenly.


    Slightly "elongated", "elongated" hourglass. Fairly large chest and hips, pronounced but long waist, thinner hips and legs than an hourglass.
    The weight is distributed evenly.


    Big chest, short waist, full hips. voluminous buttocks, relatively thin shins. From an hourglass, in principle, it differs only in width - either in weight gain or in broad-boned.

    And the figures

    Small chest, long waist, weight gain in the outer part of the thighs (sitary bags, "riding breeches"), relatively short full legs, narrow shoulders, fragile top, low and long waist.


    Less pronounced pear. Medium chest, not so fragile top, but still compared to the bottom, the waist is low and long, fat is collected in the inner thighs, there are no butt bags and buttocks. The legs are short and full - both above and below.


    Pear with a short waist and relatively long legs. Narrow shoulders, short waist wide hips, well-defined buttocks, long legs.

    H - figures

    A slender rectangle, aka I - figure. Hips and shoulders of the same width, unexpressed waist, long legs, slender physique.


    Rectangle. Shoulders and hips of the same width, unexpressed waist, long legs, medium belly, flat buttocks.

    Oh figure

    medium chest and buttocks, belly wider and chest and hips, relatively slender legs, long or medium.

    V - shapes

    broad shoulders, large breasts, lack of a pronounced waist, narrow hips, average or full build.


    broad shoulders, small breasts, unexpressed waist, narrow hips, long legs.


    big breasts, narrow hips, already shoulders, unexpressed waist, long legs, slender physique.

    The attacks of critics are as much an integral part of the stellar profession as the adoration of millions, notes Gossip. Gigi Hadid regularly goes to the fact that her form is far from the "zero". Users of social networks wrote frank nasty things to her, calling her fat.

    More curvaceous than the rest of the world's runways, the 20-year-old model responded to her detractors via Instagram:

    “No, I don’t have the same body type as most catwalk models. No, I don't consider myself better than them. Yes, I want to have my own unique signature approach, but I know well what I still need to work on. No, I am not the first and not the last model of this type of figure in the industry. You can keep looking for reasons why I am where I am, but in reality, I just work very hard and I was lucky to enter the profession at a time when the fashion industry was ready for change….

    I'm just doing my job. I have a body type that haute couture hasn't accepted before, and I'm very lucky to have the support of designers, stylists, and editors who accept me for who I am.

    There are those who understand that fashion is an art, which means that it never stands still. The year 2015 is on the calendar. If you are not one of them, do not pour out your anger on me. Yes, I have breasts, buttocks and hips, but I fit into the size of catwalk outfits.

    Your comments won't make me hate my body. If designers want to see me on their show, I take part in it. If they don't want to, I won't accept it. It only works that way. If you don't like me, just don't subscribe to my account.

    I like that I can be sexy. I am proud of this".

    It is noteworthy that this is not the first time in recent times when the models successfully fend off the claims of critics. Recently .

    Many women around the world have disproportionately shaped hips and buttocks, either too big or flat. It is known that a body with symmetrical hips, chest and a thin waist is considered ideal. This type of figure is called an hourglass.

    What to do if you don't? With breasts everything is more difficult, but the hips and buttocks beautiful shape you can try to create. If you try, of course.

    Lush hips: degree of sexuality

    A vivid criterion of a woman's sexuality is the hips. The standards of female beauty change periodically, but beautiful buttocks and thighs always attract attention and arouse interest or envy. World fashion dictates to us that tall and thin girls with long legs are the standard of beauty.

    However, the male half of humanity has their own opinions on this issue. Small, toned buttocks are of interest to some, but not to others, although they look attractive. Girls with a small booty should have a very thin waist and small breasts. to be considered beautiful. But, as statistics show, the owners of narrow hips do not have a designated thin waist. And judging by the results of studies of male opinion, ladies with a pronounced waist and moderately wide hips are considered more sexy.

    Psychology and facts

    Psychology explains the interest of men in women with wide hips by the fact that such a woman is perceived as mature in a sexual sense. Girls with a flat body are more like a child and therefore not very attractive to men. At least, they do not cause a sharp attraction or excitement.

    Of course, you shouldn't generalize. Opinions, like situations, are different and it is impossible to judge unambiguously. However, despite the fact that a man does not think about children when he is excited, subconsciously when choosing a lady, instinct is triggered: a woman with wide hips is more capable of bearing and giving birth to children than a girl with narrow hips. In addition, rounded hips and buttocks are associated in men with femininity and sexuality.

    Assessing a woman, a man takes a look at the whole silhouette: how harmoniously wide hips look with a waist and chest. The expressiveness and harmony of forms attract the eye. However, in the office, it is easier for men to work with thin women, since they do not cause a sharp attraction and, accordingly, do not distract from the work process.

    The instinctive choice of men is also confirmed by statistical facts. Numerous studies among the male population of different countries, professions and ages show that 75% of all respondents prefer ladies with big hips and booty, but without cellulite or excess fat. 11% of men like long-legged skinny women. Exactly the same percentage of men believe that the splendor of the hips and buttocks is not the main thing, they just have to be in harmony with the whole figure as a whole, and it is desirable to be without "ears". 3% of the male population does not consider the hips as sexual stimuli at all and declare that female sexuality depends on looseness and character.

    As mentioned above, life situations are different, like men, so your big hips or narrow ones, in general, are not so important. The main thing is that they are taut and elastic. And this alone makes them attractive and sexy.

    We make the hips and buttocks beautiful

    To begin with, let's define this. If you have a flat butt and narrow hips, and want to round them out, you only need exercise and nutrition. A if you are the owner of big hips and priests and want to tighten them, get rid of excess weight and cellulite, then a little different. Although, as practice shows, this is quite problem area and don't expect quick results.

    But again, situations are different. The main thing is to act correctly and not give up training. For some, the results appear after a month of classes, for others after three, and for someone only after six months. And one moment. It is impossible to completely change the figure with the help of exercises.. Only adjust to certain limits. Therefore, you should not harbor illusions, it is better to accept yourself as you are and take a sober approach to what can be corrected.


    As is known, excess weight in women, it is deposited primarily on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Therefore, if you decide to improve this area, start with nutrition. This is a hackneyed topic, but the fact remains. If you eat fast food, fatty, fried foods, convenience foods, canned food, sooner or later it will all “come out” on your buttocks. So just give it up. Or don't abuse it.

    Exercises for the thighs and buttocks

    On the contrary, eat nuts, cheese, fish, eggs, fruits and fresh vegetables, salads from them without mayonnaise. Plenty of recipes on the web. You feed your body with minerals, vitamins and speed up your metabolism. From sweets, you can dark chocolate in small quantities, honey, pollen.

    Remember about the diet: at the same time, little by little, chewing food well. Don't eat before bed and don't skip breakfast.

    Cosmetic care

    If we want to have beautiful buttocks and thighs, they must definitely be without cellulite. Therefore, if this problem exists, urgent action must be taken. Do an anti-cellulite massage yourself or visit a specialist. Let's not forget that this type of massage has limitations and must be carried out according to the rules. Otherwise, you can harm or get the opposite result. If you decide to do it yourself, choose effective remedy for this.

    In addition to massage, they effectively affect cellulite and wraps with special products: mud, creams, masks, clay. This also allows you to have a beneficial effect on the skin, restoring its tone.

    And, of course, special anti-cellulite lotions, scrubs, creams, zone massage during water procedures.

    Physical exercise

    This is the main item in the list of products that form a beautiful butt and hips. Without exercise result is impossible. It would be best sign up for a gym and work out experienced coach . Which would suggest you a diet, and exercises would be selected for your problem, and would control the process. But it's up to you to decide. It is worth knowing that exercises for this zone are also useful in that you strengthen the pelvic floor, affect your pelvic organs, maintaining their tone and health.

    As already mentioned, some exercises will help to round off, pump up the ass. But if you need to reduce volumes, then slightly different loads should be chosen. Below are general strengthening exercises that are suitable in both cases for practicing at home.

    • Start with a warm up

    Before the main exercises, it is always worth doing a warm-up. Running in place, swinging legs, jumping rope are best suited for this.

    • Doing squats

    This is the foundation of the basics. To begin with, you should squat with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head, back straight. The knees do not protrude beyond the toes. Squat down slowly until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Start with 10 times. A more complex version includes legs wide apart and turned in different sides socks. We do the rest as in the first version 10 times. We do both squat options one after the other. This trains the inner and outer surface hips and pelvic floor.

    • Do lunges and swing legs to the side

    Lunges alternately train the back of the thighs. We do it slowly, we change legs. Do 20 reps in total. To, while swinging your legs do not lose your balance stand against the wall. Raise your left leg to the side so that it is parallel to the floor, lower it, but do not touch the floor. Repeat 10 times. The same for the other leg.

    • Lying exercises

    To quickly strengthen the inner thigh, lie down on the floor on your back. Bend your knees, feet on the floor, hold a tight ball between your knees. Squeeze the ball as hard as possible, hold, then release. Repeat 20 times.

    Following enough difficult exercise but effective. Lie on your stomach, chin rests on the floor. Place your arms along your body, palms down, legs straight. Raise your legs a little and spread them in different directions as much as possible, without touching the floor, keeping them on weight. Also, without touching the floor, bring them back together. Repeat 10 times.

    And remember, if you put in the effort, you will get results.