The size of ski boots for a child is a table. How to choose the right ski boots? Ski boot stiffness index

Mining selection ski boots, probably the most important thing in preparation for the season. After all, this is not just some kind of consumable, like skis and. Boots are used most often for several years or more.

Comfort while riding and ease of arching on the descent - all this is 99% dependent on the right size of boots.

We understand how difficult it is for a beginner skier to understand the requirements for sports shoes- therefore, in the article we will analyze this issue in detail and carefully. We will learn how to choose sizes, the level of rigidity, last, get acquainted with others important nuances, find out which sports products are best for beginners.

The post is primarily for beginners and tries to solve main question- a summary of important characteristics that influence the choice of ski boots. This is not a guide to action, but advice and observations.

The Importance of Informed Choice

Properly chosen sports accessories are, without exaggeration, the basis for a safe and comfortable descent from the mountain. This is not the case when you can buy any copy, regardless of weight, gender of the skier, hope that cheap accessories will be of high quality, safe.

Incorrectly chosen equipment may not give a normal ride at all: ski control will be very difficult.

In previous publications, we wrote about complexity, and now an equally difficult topic is the choice of ski boots.

When visiting a store, you should pay attention, first of all, to the level of training, the degree of difficulty of the tracks where you prefer to ride. The more experienced the skier, and the harder, steeper the track, the more durable and reliable the shoes should be.

Remember that skis ski poles- this is a consumable item that often changes, but ski boots usually bought for a long time and used with different equipment, so take the selection process as responsibly as possible.

4 characteristics for the right choice of ski boots

The most important parameter in the selection is the correct size. In order not to be mistaken, it is recommended to accurately measure the length of your own foot. It is important that the selected copy sits tightly, does not hang out and does not sting: comfort during riding and safety depend on this.

The optimal boot size depends on two mandatory parameters: foot length and width.. As a rule, in stores selling ski equipment and clothes, there are special meters with which you can accurately find out the parameters of your feet. Foot size is always measured in centimeters.! If the store where you choose ski boots does not have a special “foot gauge” device, or at least did not offer to measure the size by tracing the foot on paper, go away from such a huckster!

As for the width, it is determined empirically directly during the fitting. Note that if the chosen option slightly squeezes the leg from the sides, in the process of wearing the shoes will “sit down”, it will become freer.

The ability to bend the boot in the metatarsus

This is the middle part of the human foot. Not all ski boots have the ability to flex the foot in this area.

And not all skiers need this opportunity. Most appreciated by experienced freeriders and lovers of dynamic carving riding.

Ski boot stiffness index

Keep in mind: the greater the weight of the athlete, the more you should choose the stiffness index. People with tall should aim for higher stiffness for a similar reason.

There are no boots for beginners. There are softer ones that are more comfortable, but do not give full control over the skis.

It is better to choose shoes empirically in the process of trying on- put on the shoe, fasten it completely. Bend the leg so that the shin presses on the inner tongue.

It should be borne in mind that in a warm store any boot will prove to be less rigid than on a mountainside. Therefore, it should bend slightly under the pressure of the leg - at low temperatures, during operation, the rigidity will be optimal.

Soft options are more comfortable, but will not be able to give full control over the ski. If you do not strive to achieve impressive success in skiing, and difficult high-speed slopes do not appeal to you, you can get by with more comfortable, softer options.

The degree of rigidity is classified as follows:

It is not necessary for amateur skiing to choose the most rigid ones - such a choice is irrational and unjustified.

The leg will be squeezed much more strongly, out of habit it can cause noticeable discomfort - this is the first.

Secondly, the price of hard professional boots is high; for rare skiing, this is an uneconomical choice. Hard shoes are difficult to remove and put on - this can be very annoying for a skier who has come to the mountains just to have a good rest and ride in comfort.

Optimal ski boot last width

In specialized stores, the buyer will find shoes that provide a last from 92 to 108 mm. is the distance from wall to wall in the widest section. If you choose boots on the Internet, then be aware that the width given in the catalogs is for size 27.5. As the size increases, this indicator automatically increases.

Different brands and manufacturers of the same width feel differently. Therefore, it is best to buy ski models by measuring several pairs one after another.

If the shoe is noticeably narrow, try a wider size. However, when the compression is uncritical, barely perceptible, and all other parameters suit you, you can make a purchase, during operation the shoe will “sit down” perfectly.

Many manufacturers produce products with an adjustable shoe, which is very convenient. These brands include Head Adaptive Fit, whose products can change the width in problem areas, as well as Atomic - the parameter is regulated by a special soft insert.

In addition, you can change the characteristics of the ski boot last through the thermoforming procedure.


This accessory is attached with outside and, as a rule, happens on a rigid flypaper. Sometimes there are models with a metal buckle. It is better if the fixation belt is wide - this design can much more reliably protect the skier from injury and provide better maneuverability on the slope.

On sale you can find models with a belt width from 25 mm to 65 mm, and there are even two of them in sports ski boots.

The choice of ski boots for beginners

Undoubtedly, professional athletes and experienced skiers, when buying special equipment, are guided by higher standards than beginners.

For inexperienced skiers, it is important to choose a more comfortable option that will make skiing easy and enjoyable. And speed, technique and other details will be perfected over time.

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It requires certain knowledge and careful choice. Like boots, a jacket with trousers must be chosen correctly so that it is warm and cozy!

It is important for a beginner to choose high-quality shoes so that there is no rubbing, squeezing, discomfort while riding. In addition, the wrong boots can prevent the skier from mastering correct technique ride.

It makes no sense to choose hard models: such a choice, on the contrary, can lead to injury to an inexperienced mountain climber.

For beginners, options are available with a wide last so that the foot is not too pinched. The more professional the model, the narrower it is.

A beginner skier is advised to buy soft boots that he can take off and put on without outside help: quickly and easily.
Such equipment, as a rule, is warmer and more comfortable, it is pleasant and comfortable to ride in it. In addition, some beginner-specific options are equipped with slow/fast speed switchable modes, which is very convenient.

Selection for women and children

If ski boots are selected for a lady with a small foot, you should not buy a children's model: it is important to choose an adult, but small pair. The fact is that in any case, an adult will have more weight than a child - children's ski equipment is not designed for such a load. A bad choice can lead to injury.

Keep in mind that women's models in most cases are equipped with a "hidden heel", which allows ladies to maneuver around corners more easily.

It is not recommended to choose a "unisex" series, since, although such models are considered universal, in fact they are not suitable for both men and women. Representatives of this particular series most often live up to sales.

You should not choose shoes based on external characteristics, design: women often sin with this approach. Much more important is comfort, safety, convenience, and only then fashionable details.

Options up to 22-23 cm long are considered children's. Such models have a lower sole and a narrower block, they are made of softer material. The cost of children's bots is usually significantly lower.

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If you are into cross-country skiing, then a detailed review is for you: and do not burn out. Many tips are universal and suitable for any shoe.

If you decide on the size of shoes for a child, you should not buy more than you need, in the expectation that your son or daughter will soon grow up. If the kid has to go down from the mountains now, the shoes should fit him, and not hang out: this is not only inconvenient, but also traumatic.

When choosing, be sure to try on the shoes. Carefully fasten all existing fasteners, belts and clips - as if you were going out on a mountain slope in a few minutes.

Important: do not tighten the belt too much, as it can pinch the veins, causing the legs to freeze faster.

Get up and walk around the room. Walk for 15 minutes - during this time you can understand exactly whether it is convenient for you or not. Jump in the air, try to bend your leg, tighten the strap with varying degrees of intensity, sit down, stand up - do these movements several times.

It's quite normal when thumb feels the toe of the shoe - this does not mean that the latter is small (of course, if the toe is not bent). Approached in length, but wide or narrow in the block - does not fit.

If the foot is wide, the choice will be the most difficult. In this case, you can feel discomfort only after about 20 minutes of wearing: you will have to endure this time in order to guarantee the optimal copy.

15 minutes!

That is how much time you need to be in fully buttoned shoes to understand something.

Trying on different sizes of ski boots, experienced skiers advise wearing two different sizes on legs and look like 15. After that, less comfortable will be immediately determined. The first clip on the boot fastens the second from the bottom, and then fastens in turn from the top and bottom.

The sequence of fastening clips. The first step in a ski boot is to fix the heel!

Important facts:

  • Any ski boot will create discomfort at the first fitting. After 15-20 minutes, the right size should leave all the uncomfortable sensations.
  • Pay attention to whether there is a heated liner: this feature is indispensable for those athletes who are used to riding often and for a long time.
  • When trying on, take thin elastic socks with you: it is in such socks that you are supposed to go down from the mountains. Just don’t take socks knitted by your grandmother!
  • In the right size, the toes should move, and the heel should not move.

Popular questions

What about used boots, can you ride them?

I wouldn't even take "used" ski boots for free. During the skiing, the inner boot completely took the form of the former owner’s foot, and if he is left-handed, and I, for example, am right-handed, then his left boot will be more voluminous and sagging, since it was with this naked that he made more intense repulsions. There are many more undesirable qualities of used ski boots, but in order not to enlarge the article, there is nothing good in used ski boots.

If the feet are different, or we can’t find the right size at all. How to be?

In this case, you need boot fitting - a technology for individual fitting of boots to the anatomical features of the feet. Pleasure is not cheap, but when there is no way to pick up ski boots from the general assortment - the only way out.

This also includes the manufacture of individual insoles for ski boots. CUSTOM technology from SIDAS is popular. For those who are interested in this question, search for "boot fitting for ski boots" and "individual insoles".

Video showing the process of making insoles using CUSTOM technology:

A ski boot is a link between skis and a person, so shoes should not fail under any circumstances. We learned how to choose the right type of footwear, which is necessary for downhill skiing: as you can see, there are some nuances, and in this case there are a lot of them.

We will help you decide on the choice of model of skis and boots for them. Give us a call or send a request through the website

How to choose skiing

If you are buying your first alpine skis, then you are probably faced with the question - what kind of skis do you need? Indeed, making your choice in such a variety of models and prices is not easy at first. Skiers with experience already understand what style of skiing is closer to them and in what places they are more interested in skiing. If we are talking about St. Petersburg and its regional ski resorts, then you need to keep in mind prepared slopes, on which, most likely, carving, slalom or universal skis are suitable for you.

There is a general trend of manufacturers towards the versatility of skis in last years, the waist of the ski becomes wider in order to increase the possibility of comfortable skiing, regardless of the quality of the slope.

So, skiing can be divided into several categories, according to the style of skiing. Consider the options relevant for St. Petersburg:

Alpine skis for carving

This technique is the most popular on prepared slopes. These skis are skied in "arcs" short or long. A feature of the ski design is the difference in the width of the toe and middle (waist). The waist of the ski is narrower. The waist ball of such skis is approximately from 63 to 70 cm. This shape makes it easy to enter turns on the slope. It distributes the load on both skis. Another important parameter is the radius. By the radius, you can determine the stiffness and level of the ski. The radius is from 10 to 18, respectively, from beginner to pro. The smaller the radius, the easier it is to turn. Ideal Conditions for skiing on these skis, this is a well-prepared slope, without a layer of new snow. The choice of size depends on your height, the skis should preferably be 10-12 cm lower than your height.

Universal skis

Universal alpine skis provide the opportunity to ski on slopes of different quality and level of preparedness. On such skis it will be possible to ride in the resorts of the Leningrad region, and go to the mountains on large tracks, with a looser layer of snow. The width of the waist of universal skis is from 68 to 80 mm, and the length is selected based on the height of the skier or 10 cm shorter for the beginner level and the height of the skier for the experts.

Alpine slalom skis SL are selected on average -10 cm from height.
Alpine skiing giant slalom GS are selected on average +10 cm from height.
Children's skis are selected on average -5 ... -20 cm from height.

Selection of ski boots for adults

Each manufacturer has in its assortment shoes of different levels and purposes. If we talk about the amateur level of employment skiing, the main attention should be paid to the rigidity of the boot and its comfort.

The rigidity of the boot directly affects its cost, but you should not think that the more expensive the better for you. It all depends on your personal experience and riding level. Rigidity is in the range from 40 to 140 units.

Amateur-level men's boots, vary in stiffness from 70 to 100. Women's from 50 to 80. Harder boots, from 100 to 140 are designed for sports skiing nicknames.

The shoe should sit comfortably on the leg, not press anywhere and not cause discomfort. More or less wide pads are produced in different models, for those who have a wider or narrower foot. For example, the last width is 98, 100 or 102. From the selection presented, you can confidently purchase what is right for you.

How to find out the size of ski shoes?

It's simple, shoes are measured, meaning the length of the foot in centimeters. You can measure the length of your foot yourself and clearly understand what size you need. If this is not possible, then use the shoe size matching table.

Ski boot size is the length of your foot

*Salomon X Pro - Wider Last
*Salomon X Max - the last is narrower
Atomic HAWX - for a narrower leg
Atomic HAWX 2.0 - higher lift

The choice of ski boots for children

Children's shoes are selected +0.5 sizes to the length of the foot. If the leg length is 19, then it is appropriate to choose a size 19.5.
The allowable discrepancy in size for children's ski boots is +1.5 sizes. Taking into account “for growth” and “with a thick toe”.

Leg length = ski boot size

Selection of ski poles by height

Ski pole size chart

Rossignol ski helmet sizes

Atomic ski helmet sizes

Giro children's masks

Salomon clothing size chart

Women's sizes (USA)

European size

Russian size

Breast volume



Men's sizes (USA)

European size

Russian size

Breast volume




Size Chart for Phenix Kids Costumes

Installation of ski bindings

If you require installation of fasteners, write about it in the comments to the order. Specify the shoe last size in mm, it is always written on the bottom of the shoe itself. (For example 315mm)

Alpine skis are always sold without installed fasteners. Fasteners are included separately in the box. We make installation of fasteners on specialized equipment. 3 options are possible:

Mounting rail mounts
On amateur alpine skiing, the manufacturer pre-installed a plate with "rails" on which bindings are put on. In this case, we install them for free.
Drilling into plate/ski through holes
When there is already a plate on the skis and there are holes for the mounts in it. On children's skis, most often the plate is not installed, there are holes directly on the ski.
600 rub. adults
400 rub. children's
Direct drilling into the ski
For sports skis, freestyle skis and some children's skis. In this case, the plate is not installed or there are no special holes on the ski.
600 rub. children's
1000 rub. adults

The store operator will clarify this issue with you by phone.

Ski boots are the most important piece of ski equipment, so getting to know skiing starts with them. It is better to approach the choice of skis, being already shod. The process of choosing ski boots is very interesting and complicated, but it is a necessary part of the quest. Properly selected ski boots are comfort even after many hours of skiing.

Ski boot size

How to choose ski boots? The choice of ski boots should begin with determining the length of the foot in millimeters. Ski boots should fit like skates or roller skates, tight and secure. To control skis in loose boots, you will have to put in more effort.

The width of the ski boot is determined individually by experience. If, after putting on the boots, you feel some tightness of the leg, this is not a problem. All shoes to one degree or another are pressed under the foot, and after a while they become freer. After you have chosen ski boots, you need to stay in them for a while, walk around, try to repeat the movements during the descent (press your lower leg on the tongue of the inner boot).

Ski boot stiffness

The more you weigh, the more rigid your boot will be. The ski boot should hold you. If the fully buttoned boot folds under you when you press your shin against the tongue of the liner, then it is advisable to pay attention to the higher level. But you must also understand that when trying on a boot in a warm store, its stiffness will be felt significantly lower than what the boot will have at low temperatures. During the fitting, it should bend a little under your pressure. The higher the height, the higher the rigidity. Simple physics - in tall people more leverage strength.

Soft ski boots provide comfort, hard ones give better control over the ski. If you don't chase speed and don't strive to perfect your technique, if you prefer calm descents on blue pistes and regular photo sessions with all the local attractions, then, of course, it makes sense to take soft, comfort-oriented boots. However, don't expect them to accurately transfer power to the skis.

ski boot last

The width of the block in ski boots ranges from 92 to 108 mm - this is the distance between the walls of the boot in the widest zone. If you decide to choose ski boots from the catalog, keep in mind that the parameter indicated there is given based on boot size 27.5. With a decrease in the size of the boot, it also decreases. In addition, different brands and even different models of the same brand will feel differently on shoes with the same last width. So get ready to measure, measure and measure again. If the boots seem narrow to you, you don’t need to try a larger size, this model probably just doesn’t suit you. If you experience very little discomfort, keep in mind that the liner will sit on your leg after rolling out, and in addition, its molding will also help expand it somewhat in problem areas.

Trying to create the perfect boot for everyone, some manufacturers make models in which the width of the plastic boot can be changed mechanically in problem areas ( Head Adaptive Fit) or through a soft insert - this technology is found, for example, in boots Atomic(technology live fit). You can also change the last width by thermoforming the outer plastic boot. True, not all manufacturers of ski boots have this opportunity. The thermoforming of the liner also allows you to adapt the ski boot to your foot. The width of the last can be directly related to the stiffness of the boot. The higher the level of the boots, the narrower, as a rule, the block. IN sports models ski boots created the smallest width for maximum foot fixation.

Ski boot strap

The strap of the outer boot is a strap, usually Velcro, or a booster with a metal buckle. Straps and boosters can have different widths, the wider they are, the better the fixation of the lower leg, which provides a better transfer of effort to the ski. A wide strap is most commonly found in freeride and park models with three clips (or even two), as well as sports boots. Width from 25mm to 65mm.

ski boot sole

Ski boot sole standards:

  • DIN(ISO 5355) is the standard for all-round ski boots. Sports shoes are made according to the same standard - a plastic straight sole, on top models there is an increased height for further adjustment to a particular athlete. Not suitable for use without milling;
  • Touring(ISO 9523) is the standard for ski touring boots. Ski touring boots have their own special sole, higher, most often rubberized, deep protectors. It happens that ski touring boots come with interchangeable pads that allow you to use these boots with standard bindings. In many standard boots Touring additional mounting holes available TLT (Dynafit);
  • WTR technology (Walk to ride)- the standard for backcountry boots. WTR in fact, it is the standard for bindings that allow you to change the position of the mounting jaws as for standard soles DIN as well as for the standard Touring. In ski boots sharpened for backcountry and freeride, you can often find lining Vibram besides the Salomon boots, these guys use their own technology Contagrip.

ski boot liner

The liner can be fully thermoformable or partially. In addition, the materials themselves have varying degrees of susceptibility to molding. One of the leaders in the production of molded liner boots is the company Intuition. The first difference between the interiors Intuition from other molded boots is the higher density foam used. The second distinguishing point is the design of the boot. Overlap used in most models of this manufacturer. This design allows you to fill a large volume between the foot and the outer boot.

Initially the main target audience when developing such liners, there were freeriders and freestylers for whom the classic hard grip of the ankle is not acceptable, since there is a fatal risk of injury after landing from a jump. The Intuition liner provides good cushioning and a flexible fit that is not welcome on the piste as it dulls the feel of the ski.

ski boot insulation

The molded foam material itself is directly responsible for maintaining heat - the basis of the liner. The thicker the liner, the warmer it is. That is why, for example, shoes Intuition much warmer than others. And vice versa, sports ski boots (competitive) have an extremely thin base in the shin and foot area, 2-3 times thinner than an ordinary one, and therefore are considered absolutely cold. In the competition for the buyer, manufacturers began to additionally insulate models of ski boots. Traditional wool and down are used as insulation, as well as synthetic material. 3M Thinsulate. However, often shoe manufacturers use their own designs.

We remind you that a ski boot and pure woolen or cotton socks are two incompatible things. They do not wick moisture away too well, which can cause your feet to freeze quickly. Low socks are also unacceptable. Buy ski socks along with ski boots right away, they provide moisture removal, and being high, they will prevent chafing in the shin area.

If your feet are cold in the boot

There may be several reasons. Perhaps you just overdid it with a puff. Try to tighten the clips more evenly. Clamped vessels do not provide proper blood circulation, which leads to freezing. Perhaps you spend a lot of time in the wrong stance: in a straight stance, the pressure on the calf muscles increases, respectively, the vessels in this area are strongly pinched. It is important to remember that with the help of boots you will control alpine skiing, so they should sit very tightly on your foot, but you should not experience discomfort.

When choosing ski boots, you do not need to pay attention to the manufacturer. In a world of fierce competition, there are simply no bad shoes. If you already have skis of some manufacturer, then there is no need to select the same boots. All ski boots are suitable for any ski binding, with the exception of ski touring boots.

We wish you happy shopping and great riding!

adult sizes.

Children's sizes

Note: Boot size tables are approximate and may not take into account the characteristics of all manufacturers.

Top tips for choosing ski boots

Basic requirements for boots:

1. Correct size.
2. Convenience.
3. The level of skiing or the required stiffness of the boots.

Start picking the right way ski equipment with a choice of boots. But if you want to first decide on the model of skis, you can go to the boots in the second place.
It is impossible to say which of the ski boot companies is the best. There is no such thing, all firms compete with each other in a variety of models and technologies. The most best couple boot the one that is most comfortable with suitable stiffness.

Each company makes shoes with a different shape of the last. Therefore, it is necessary to try on several models of different companies in order to choose a more suitable block.
Before you start trying on shoes, you need to determine the size of your feet using a special ruler. As a rule, few people know exactly their foot size, especially women with a foot size over forty :).

It is necessary to determine whether the boot fits in size when the boot is buttoned up. An open shoe always seems small.

The general feeling in the boots should be:

BY LENGHT: in a buttoned boot, the toes do not touch the toe of the boot with the leg bent at the knee, and touch or even rest against the straight leg.
BY WIDTH, BY BLOCK: the absence of obvious pain from the design of the boot.
-- The heel of the foot does not come off strongly from the insole when BENDING THE FOOT IN THE KNEE.

The model is good for a particular person, if after a few minutes of being in a tightly buttoned boot there is no pain or numbness.
It is permissible to buy shoes for children 1.5 - 2 sizes larger. Then, perhaps, they will be enough for more than one season.

If everything is quite simple about the first skis - they should be up to the chin of their little owner, then choosing children's ski boots is difficult.

The most difficult thing to pick up the first ski boots at all little child. Accustomed to regular large-sized shoes bought “for growth”, he may complain that he “presses” even if the shoe is two sizes larger, and begins to feel comfortable in a boot almost 3-4 sizes larger. You need to understand that it is impossible to learn or ride in boots of this size.

The smallest, the first boots for babies - simple, comfortable and warm, with just one clip. Sizes are approximately 15 to 18. They are quite soft, with a stiffness of 10. What does this mean? In order to be able to compare different models of different manufacturers in terms of stiffness, the so-called Flex Index is used - the stiffness index. The softest boots have a hardness index of 10, in adult sports, the hardest models, it can exceed 150.

If single clips are too small, then you can take as the first ski boots models that have two clips, but the performance of which is still aimed mainly at comfort and warmth. Sizes from 18 to 22.5, stiffness of about 20. However, you need to keep in mind that different manufacturers of pads may vary slightly, this will be especially noticeable in the instep area. The advice is simple: on one foot we put on a boot from one manufacturer, on the other foot - from another. And we ask: “which one do you like more” or “which one is more convenient”, “in which leg does not hang out ...”

The boots of these two groups can be bought a size larger so that a small person can ride for a couple of years. Although, of course, it can grow faster. Well, then you have to hand over the shoes to a thrift store - children's equipment is always in demand. Pay attention, we write: "Boots of these two groups ..." and this is true. Of course, you often want to buy more expensive equipment for three years at once, because the child is growing rapidly. But judge for yourself: can you personally ride comfortably in boots that are a couple of sizes larger? It is unlikely: the boot will hang on the leg, and the skis will be hard to obey. But for a small foot, each “extra” size is like two for you at once. The boot dangles, the ski dangles with it, it is impossible to control the skis. The child will get tired faster, and will not receive pleasure. So try to buy shoes of the most appropriate size.

3 sizes in one...

If you still really want to save money - look aside Elan. This company produces shoes that have a tricky insole in advance. If you just turn it upside down, the boot will become more spacious by one size, and if you take it out at all, then the size of the boot will increase again.

However, you can buy any boot a little "for growth" and add an insole to it. The additional insole is not inserted into the inner soft boot, but between the hard plastic shell and the inner boot.

The following sizes are 22-26.5. Three clips. The boots are still as comfortable as possible, the stiffness is about 30. Again: do not try to buy boots "with a large margin" - nothing good will come of it. note: full boots with four clips and a power belt at the top of the cuff are also available in the same sizes. The stiffness of such boots is 60-70 units. It makes sense to choose such boots only if this is not the first boot for your child and he already has skiing experience. If he only gets up on skis, it is better to take a three-clip boot - it will be more comfortable in it.

But there are even tougher children's ski boots with the same sizes - sports, maybe it's better to take them - such statements can often be heard from parents. And this is also a mistake. Let's take a break from the shoes. For example, take such a thing as a car. No one in their right mind would buy a powerful fast car with responsive steering and a brutal grip on the brakes in order to learn to drive. So it is with boots: powerful and rigid models (we won’t even say that a beginner will feel uncomfortable in them) are designed for those who already know how to ride well, and not at all for those who take their first steps on the slope. Such models are much less forgiving of errors in ski control technique.

There is another argument "against" stiffer boots for beginners. It's about the width of the pad. As a rule, more rigid models are distinguished by a narrower last. And so that the leg is not squeezed from the sides (which is necessary for a clear fixation of the leg, for example, in a sports boot), the child will ask for a larger boot. In this case, the widest zone of the larger boot will be shifted forward, that is, even a boot of a noticeably larger size can still compress the leg from the sides ...

Another one possible error when choosing teenage ski boots - purchase adult models of the same size. Keep in mind that the shape of the foot, its volume, the instep area, the proportions of the various parts of the foot - all this is taken into account when manufacturing shoes. Accordingly, a block of adult shoes is most likely not suitable for a child, even if the size is the one that is required.

Determining the size of a children's ski boot

The simplest option is a ruler. We measure the length of the foot in centimeters and get a reference point - numbers that approximately correspond to the size of the foot and boot. But it is better to do this with the help of a special "nogomerka", which is in every specialized store. If you still don’t want to drag your child to the store, put him on a piece of paper with his heel against the wall (or against the door / closet if there is a plinth along the wall), mark the mark with a pencil and determine its length. This method is better than a simple ruler in that the given lengths will be more accurate, and in addition, the consultant will also be able to see the width of the foot.

Recall that you need to measure a children's ski boot on a thin toe to feel better problem areas and areas. And please, you don’t need to wear thick woolen socks over ordinary socks: not only will the leg dangle, it can also be rubbed, and if the sock is very thick and the leg is very small, then you can even slip out of the boot, especially from the one-clip. In addition, putting on a warm sock for a "frosty" child, you only make it worse for him. Having absorbed moisture, classic wool keeps it for an extremely long time, thus, being in a wet sock, the child's foot will freeze much faster than if it were in a thin synthetic sock.

There are a few various ways check how the shoe is matched to the leg, even if the child claims that everything is fine. For example, we take out the inner soft boot, put it on the child's leg and try to determine the free space in the heel and toe, pressing the slack in these areas with our fingers. On each side should be approximately a centimeter with a margin. Usually this method is good if the child is naughty and complains that he is “pressing everywhere”. It helps to understand how true his feelings are.