Protein bar Iso Best Enjoy Protein Bar “Chocolate. Protein Bar - protein bar: composition and reviews

If you follow your figure and go in for sports, then you have probably already heard about protein bars. If your diet is constantly present sports supplements, you can make a nice variety. For example, you are going to a tea party and it is very difficult to refuse a cake or a bun. If you have a Quest Bar, then you don't have to feel disadvantaged. Judging by the reviews, it is very sweet and tasty, it can be enough not even for one, but for several cups. An additional plus is the abundance of flavors, among which you are sure to find your favorite.

There are plenty to choose from

Protein bar is the collective name for everything big family. Just the word "protein" today has become a household name for sports nutrition. Sometimes it seems that all of it consists solely of protein. In fact, there are several types of sports desserts:

  • Cereal bars. Great for those who want to lose weight.
  • Low-calorie, with L-carnitine. In addition to food - a snack - it is also fat burner assistants.
  • High protein. It's just the proverbial protein bar. It is used for gaining dry mass or when drying. If a person adheres to a strict diet, then he will allow him to endure it to the end.
  • High carbohydrate. If the course is for mass, then you can use these tasty supplements, each of which gives the body about 200 kcal. And some contain up to 500 kcal, which is a colossal load, unless you are specifically engaged in building mass.


The Quest Bar differs from most of its relatives with a minimal amount of fat and a low carbohydrate content. But the body receives a huge amount of protein. The advantage is the variety of flavors, because not everyone wants to drink tea with the same cookie every day. It's the same here.

Who is the Quest Bar ideal for? For those who want to increase their protein intake and decrease their carb percentage. It is very important to add that even if you do not play sports, eating with such a guideline can significantly increase the chances of maintaining a slim figure.

Why the Quest Bar?

Do not forget that if you want to lose weight, then you need to observe the measure in everything. Despite the fact that this product is recommended for athletes and those who want to lose weight, you can’t eat it as much as you like. Below we will analyze the composition, and you will see that it can only be considered dietary in comparison with traditional pastries and cakes, which also contain a huge amount of fat.

  • So, choosing sports bars, you greatly save your time. It can be eaten anywhere, be it an office or a gym.
  • If you're away from home or don't have time to cook dinner, then the Quest Bar sports bar will help out perfectly. Compared to going to a cafe, this is healthier and more economical.
  • Delicious snacking is a weakness of many people. Now you have the opportunity to eat sweets that will not hurt your figure.
  • Once again, I want to emphasize convenience. Such a bar can be eaten, even riding a bicycle or in public transport, on the go.
  • The minimum amount of sugar and fat.

Eating bars won't get rid of excess weight. This is just a tool by which you can optimize your diet and avoid overeating, hunger pangs and subsequent relapse.

Great taste and great benefits

The description of Quest Bar bars begins with an analysis of the composition. This is the most important thing for an athlete. Although many buy them only for the sake of great taste. According to the inhabitants, he greatly wins over other analogues. A rather large and sweet tile will allow you to stop feeling sad about harmful products, which in this moment contraindicated.

The manufacturer of Quest Bars is Quest Nutrition, a company known worldwide for the quality of its products. It belongs to the fitness category, it is used both before and after training. This delicious bar is light and filling, containing 20g of protein and only 1g of sugar. What is very important, it does not contain a single gram of trans fats and lactose. Now let's take a closer look at the production technology.

Whey Protein Isolate

It takes first place in the composition of the Quest Bar bar. Recognized, affordable and the best source of protein. It provides the body with the essential amino acids that we get from protein. Highly digestible protein is essential for building lean muscle mass and getting rid of subcutaneous fat, to strengthen immunity and general benefits for the body. Its presence in the composition does not affect the most in the best way on the price. This is one of the most expensive proteins, it is several times more expensive than soy.

Milk protein isolate

It is a concentrate of 100% milk proteins with a natural amino acid composition. The basis of any nutrition for a real bodybuilder. The most expensive sports product, because a special technology allows you to split it almost to amino acids. In addition, it is also slowly absorbed. Many manufacturers use gelatin to increase their protein content, but Quest Nutrition offers only the best quality products for you.


This is what makes the composition of the Quest Bar complete. Athletes are well aware that it is fiber that ensures good bowel function and satiety for long hours. To use bars as an alternative to a full meal, it must contain a good amount of plant fiber. Each gram of carbohydrates in the composition is not sugar, but fiber, which guarantees high level insulin. Along with this, the stomach will be full and satisfied, because dietary fiber is saturated with moisture and increases in size.

Fiber has long been established as an appetite control and health aid. digestive system. However, you need to know that it is different. Alimentary fiber There are soluble and insoluble. At the same time, one person absorbs them well, while in another, an excessive amount of coarse fibers in the body causes bloating. This product uses IMO fiber, which is sourced from certain plants. It does not cause digestive problems even in people with the most sensitive gastrointestinal tract. That is why it is used in bars that you can eat at any time.

Additional additives

All these are important components that provide those properties of the product for which it is known and loved. But there is another advantage - it's attractive tastes. Quest Bars contain various additives that make them even healthier and a snack more enjoyable. It can be almond, walnut or cashew. This is an excellent source of proteins and vitamins, antioxidants, which is very important for a person who, in addition to everything, goes in for sports.

Erythritol is used as a sweetener. This is the only sweetener today that is completely natural, but at the same time it has a good taste, without impurities. It is close to ordinary sugar, but the calorie content is almost zero, as is the glycemic index. That is perfect option for anyone on a diet, no matter how strict it is.

For some flavors, 100% natural sweetener arhat, of plant origin, is taken. It is produced from a gourd vine. In addition to them, the well-known vegetable sweetener stevia is used for super-bars. The only non-natural component in some products is sucralose. But its safety has been confirmed by numerous studies.

In the specialized online store SPORTSUPPORT, you can purchase effective supplements for the nutrition of an athlete. You can order protein bars from us, which have a different composition for active people who are always trying to be in shape. Due to the incredible pace of life, there is not always time for a balanced diet. In order not to snack on various high-calorie foods, a protein bar is the best solution. It contains a minimum amount of fat, is rich in useful substances, and is easily absorbed by the body.

How to choose protein bars?

A unique sports nutrition product will provide the body with the necessary substances. To choose the right protein bars that will bring the greatest benefit, you need to decide on the goals that are set for you:

  • For those who want to lose weight, a low-calorie, low-fat, low-carb option is suitable. Often such a protein bar contains fat-burning substances. It tastes great and will keep you feeling full for a long time.
  • If you need to build muscle mass, choose a protein bar with a high protein content. It will satisfy hunger, will become indispensable in any situation where you need a quick bite to eat;
  • To provide your body with energy during physical or mental stress, choose a product with a high content of carbohydrates.

This product is an ideal choice if you need a quick snack with health benefits.

Where to buy protein bars?

Get the best sports nutrition in the SPORTSUPPORT store, where there is a wide variety of products that an athlete needs for daily nutrition. Sports bars can be used as a snack, as a tasty, nutritious and healthy dessert for a special diet, etc. The product is convenient to use, does not require special preparation. It will help replenish wasted energy and will stimulate the growth of muscle mass. This balanced product takes up little space, it will always be at hand at the right time, allowing you to have a snack at home, at work or school.

They will not be able to replace a full meal, but will provide good support to the body. To choose the right product and buy protein bars, call us. You can make a choice using a convenient web-catalog, which is available on the company's resource, making a purchase simple and convenient. We offer our customers products of the best brands that athletes trust.

As soon as the training ends, the athlete does not feel hungry, and this is known to many, but after 10-15 minutes the strongest appetite “wakes up”, as the body needs to replenish the reserves spent during the session. This situation is not accidental, since when training for strength, the muscles need to replenish energy and protein in order to start the recovery process and good growth. Then the actual question arises: how to satisfy the needs of your own body?

There will be no hunger - there will be energy

To suppress hunger, an athlete can simply eat a protein-fortified chocolate bar called a High protein bar. In addition, it will saturate the body with all necessary components. Proteins and carbohydrates will fill the body with energy, and the muscles, thanks to the amino acids included in the bar, will receive everything they need to start the recovery and increase process.

High Protein Bar is a bar that helps the athlete satisfy his hunger immediately after training

Important! In no case after training for 2-3 hours you can not starve. This is due to the fact that at this time there is an opening of the protein-carbohydrate window, which needs to be filled urgently. Just during this period, there is an improved absorption of all the elements that have entered it and their direction to the “destinations” .

Athletes during a period of severe starvation throw themselves on a variety of sweets, such as: cookies, chocolate, cakes and others, but this is a big mistake, since from such food the body receives only fast carbohydrates that it does not need and extra fat. But the specialized High Protein Bar works differently. It fills the human body with extremely useful elements that it needs.

Success in bodybuilding is related not only to the applied forces of the athlete, but also to the correctness of his nutrition. The body under heavy loads must receive nutrients for a full recovery. The Ironman Protein Bar helps the body replenish its energy reserves.

What are the benefits of the High Protein Bar?

The predominant substances included in this product are:

  • protein. It nourishes the muscle fibers;
  • slow carbs. They fill the body with the energy required for the growth of muscle mass and provide improved absorption of amino acids.

A huge advantage is that the replenishment of energy reserves is carried out from 2 to 3 hours.

Taking the bar does not provoke the release of insulin or a sharp increase in blood sugar, which reduces the risk of deposition of adipose tissue in the most problem areas(for an athlete this is unacceptable). This makes it possible to use the High Protein Bar before participating in a competition or during the period of drying and gaining muscle mass without fear of spoiling the figure.

How does he work?

High Protein Bar is a good helper for an athlete, which is very easy to use

The functioning of the bar begins 20-30 minutes after consumption, and it has the following effect:

  • replenishes muscle cells with the required amount of energy. This effect acquires the greatest relevance after the exhaustion of the body under the influence of high loads on it;
  • accelerates the increase in "dry" muscle mass and provides a "drawing" of body reliefs after several weeks of use;
  • increases the endurance of the athlete, and, accordingly, the time of training, and also increases the intensity of the training;
  • saturates human body the required amount of protein, the action of which is aimed at accelerated muscle growth.

The composition of the bar

High Protein Bar is a pure product that combines only healthy ingredients in its composition. The main elements are carbohydrates, as well as proteins with different degrees of absorption. For example:

The balanced composition of the High Protein Bar is an excellent nourishment for the athlete's body after a grueling workout

  • a component such as soy protein is rich in amino acids. It assists in the formation of new muscle cells and fat burning. Also, this element reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood and leads it to normal;
  • milk protein is the purest component that is absorbed by the body slowly. Its splitting occurs for a long time and saturates the muscles for several hours;
  • The bar contains both slow and fast carbohydrates. The splitting of the first occurs only within 20-30 minutes and compensate for the insufficient amount of energy. The latter, in turn, prevent the occurrence of catabolic processes and prevent the depletion of glycogen stores.

Important! If the body does not receive the necessary supply of energy, then the breakdown of proteins from the muscles will begin, and the previously obtained increase in muscle mass will come to naught. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish stocks in time. .